Start of Summer

Story by Annela on SoFurry

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#2 of The Spring is Done

Eh, decided to continue it.

Still on bedrest, so I've got nothing better to do with my time.


*Why was she so cold? *

Blinking wearily, the young blue and mauve mare-dragoness rubbed her eyes and shivered, looking around in confusion for a bit. This wasn't the bed. This was the living room couch. But why was she here and not snuggled up in bed with dad?

*A sudden pain ripped through her gut and she burped, her hand flying to her mouth as she winced. *

Right... morning sickness.

Without another thought she raced to the bathroom around the corner.

Hooves quietly thudded down the stairs, followed by a deep yawn. Tousling his thick black mane, her father blinked against the bathroom light and leaned around the corner. "You okay sweetie?" he grunted.

"N-noooo..." she groaned, feeling her gut churning and clenching. Several dry heaves wracked her. "It hurts..."

Giving another yawn he sighed, then stepped into the bathroom and knelt behind her, resting his huge hands on her back just under her wings. "Here..."

"Dad please you're gonna make it worse!" she protested.

"Maybe only for a few minutes." With that he pressed his palms against her and dug his fingertips into her hide, working her muscles slowly but firmly. She winced and gritted her teeth, feeling that tightness in her belly only get worse. Gradually, though, the pain started to wither away, just leaving her sore and tensed in apprehension of another wave of sickness. He continued to rub across and up and down her back, seeking out several sweet spots and centering his attention on those. "Just like your mother it seems," he said at length with a light chuckle. "Backrubs usually helped her."

She burped again and winced. "I'm sorry dad...did I wake you up?"

Holding her hips he pulled her back onto his lap, snuggling her on the bathroom floor. "Nothing to be sorry for, sweetie. I've been through this already. Your body is gonna be hell for a bit. It's part of the process, nothing you can do about it but bear it, and I'm here to help. I did put them there after all," he added with a grin, nibbling her ear.

Her hands rubbed her belly and she sighed. It had only been a month so far and already she was experiencing morning sickness. "It...gets better though, right? I didn't know being pregnant would be like this..."

*"It should, yeah. You're a strong girl." The jet-black stallion snuggled his daughter, rocking her gently back and forth. His hand roamed over her blur fur, her violet scales and her black fetlocks on her wrists, nose nuzzling her full silver hair. "Do you want an equine breakfast or dragon?" *

"Definitely dragon please...I'm super hungry."

Giving her a kiss on each of her equine ears he nodded and slid her off his lap. "If you're up to it, go back to bed and rest this off for the day, I'll bring breakfast to you."

"Equine" and "dragon" in terms of meals were code for which side of their bodies they felt more inclined to at the time, just as humans often have cravings for hamburgers or salads in preference depending on activities and such. For them, being dragon-horse hybrids, they tended to lean day to day from desiring greens and light vegetables to craving meats and protein. The only dragon expression to be found outwards on him was his full mouth of teeth within his stallion maw, flat teeth up front like regular horses but with incisors and molars towards the back for protein and harder foods. His daughter, however, had scales on her arms and legs, and broad, beautiful feathery wings, and a full head of silver hair, a stark contrast to his single strip of black mane. Her mother had been much like himself, but white, blue and purple fur with gorgeous, thick and silky sky-blue fetlocks on her wrists and ankles. All these thoughts were racing through his head and he sighed as he reached for the fridge, pausing. He missed his wife dearly...damn cancer...

*Upstairs, similar thoughts were racing through his daughter's head as she climbed into bed and reclined against the headboard. The sheets were fresh, he must've changed them after last night's little romp. Now that she was pregnant, she couldn't take his full length, so the passionate sex had been...a bit tricky with the added need of constant watch over how deep he went into her. The scent of wind-dried bedsheets laced slightly with flowery scents made her relax, but it also reminded her of her mother. A few tears rolled down her cheeks. Why? With so many medical advances...why had cancer just sprung up and taken her mother so quickly? Without warning she suddenly shivered and sobbed, burying her face in her hands. *

Her father found her trying to dry off her face and calm herself down. He carefully set down the tray of bacon-egg potato boats and crawled into bed with her, hugging her close. "Hey...what's wrong?"

"Mom..." she whispered, her voice a bit shaky. "I miss her so much dad..."

His chest clenched and he hugged her tight to himself. "I know baby...I do too..." Not knowing what else to say to each other, they sat there in silence for a while, until finally he sighed through his nose and kissed her forehead. "Let's eat. Sitting here depressed isn't going to change anything."

*She just nodded and let him feed her. Much as it seemed he was just avoiding the topic of their lost loved one, she knew it hurt him much more deeply than he let on. He was right too, reminiscing and crying wouldn't bring her back. And it probably wasn't good either for however many of her eggs were now latched onto her uterus and developing. Her mother probably would've scolded them for crying over her, anyway. *

When she'd recovered enough to take the fork for herself, her father dug in to his own portion, gazing out the window over their expansive land. Unlike his daughter, he still clung to his wife, but in a different way than expected. She had wanted to buy this farm, fix it up, and do all sorts of things with it. One hundred fifty acres... with this land they could probably grow their own food, get some solar cell areas set up, get a small breeding service started up, maybe even a little "home away from home" area set up in the very back of the property near the edge of the woods. His wife had been a dreamer, his inspiration for much of his employment. Architectural design and investments had gotten him a nice sum saved up and once they got the internet connected out here, he was lined up for consultation. He planned to make full use of that connection. There was only so much repair work he and his daughter could do here. The barn roof had collapsed only a few days before they'd found she was pregnant with his foals...on closer inspection, he'd found much more core damage than the first few times he'd looked over the barn. Perhaps they'd been hasty in refurnishing and sealing the loft. He'd have to bite the financial bullet and get a team out here to repair the damn thing around the work they'd already done. Turning to watch his daughter, he sighed softly. Maybe there was something she'd like to see on the property too. His wife had wanted their "home away from home" to be less like a house and more like some big fantasy place full of hidden doorways, secret passages, non-standard room shapes, slides, ladders, all kinds of adventurous, fun stuff. Maybe even a few rope swings or zip lines. Hell, why not just build a small castle back there? His imagination was racing again and he shook his head.

"Something wrong, dad?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking to myself again. Mind's going everywhere."

"Your eyes aren't." She smirked and dropped the blanket a bit, exposing her perky young breasts to him, evening blue capped with mauve teats. Her father licked his lips and murred.

"Well now there's only one thing on my mind."

"I can tell," she joked, motioning her fork at his swiftly growing erection. Glancing down at her empty tray, she licked her lips just like him. "I'm still a little hungry though..."

With a smirk he shook his head, finishing the last few bites of his breakfast. "Alright you naughty cutie, I guess I'll indulge you in a 'smoothie' if that's what you want."

"Mmmm..." she purred, eyes locked on his throbbing tower of maleness. Moving her tray aside to the bedstand, she spread her legs under the covers. Her father carefully moved over her and then sat between her legs, hooves resting on the bed by her shapely butt, leaning back to let his penis jut up proudly between them. With a happy purr she leaned in and kissed and suckled on his tip, feeling it already starting to throb and flare with anticipation. Her hands cupped and cradled and massaged his heavy testicles, his black sac like soft velvet. He nickered to her softly and smiled, enjoying the sight of his little girl happily doting on his cock. He was quite glad he got to share this intimacy with his daughter, his new mate. She smiled up at him around his cock, tongue working his urethral entrance while she nursed on him, eager for his "milk". Her fingers danced over his perineum, stroking his sensitive spots on his scrotum while her thumbs catered to the hefty jewels within, making him throb in her mouth. She loved her father and she always enjoyed his parts. The firm yet spongy feeling of his pulsing shaft was a delight to the touch, the heavy spicy scent of his balls set her sense of smell ablaze with lust, and the flavor of his penis and cum tickled her tongue like an addiction. But more than that, it always made her core blaze with passion watching his reactions and knowing she could bring him such pleasure, her strong gruff father reduced to moaning and nickering with mere touches. If it were possible for him to be erect all day every day, she'd have no qualms constantly sucking him off or letting him fuck her to his heart's content. Though, they pretty much already did that anyway lately, when she wasn't sick. Just yesterday, he'd fucked her no less than five times in a row while they were working on the last of the fence repairs after another storm. Every time his penis stiffened he would come up behind her and rock her world, then they'd continue working until his next erection interrupted them. The memories of yesterday's fun made her purr even more, her tongue vibrating against his tip.

*"Oh gosh your purring drives me nuts..." he grunted, fighting back his urge to buck his hips and bury his shaft in her mouth. He didn't try to hold back on his climax though, letting it rise up as she tended to him. She moved one hand slowly up along his sac, teasing and stroking his sheath for a few sucks before coming up to slowly but firmly stroke along his length. Her fingers teased over his girth, just barely able to meet tip to tip around it, masturbating him while she nursed on the spongy flared head and lapped up his gushes of pre. With a giggle she leaned back against the headboard and brought his cock to rest against her chest, then she pressed her breasts around it as best she could. Her purr reverberated in her chest and vibrated against the urethral bulge running underneath his mast, making him groan again and grind his hips against her. Leaning her neck back she took his penis into her muzzle again, letting him grind against her front and thrust into her mouth at the same time. Watching her nurse on his shaft and staring at her breasts, he couldn't wait until those young mammaries were swollen and sensitive with plenty of milk for their babies growing in her womb. He'd enjoyed watching his wife nurse and cradle his daughter as a baby, and found himself longing for the same sight with her now. *

*It wasn't much longer until his fists balled up, gripping the bedsheets, teeth clenched and tail flagging as he ejaculated. Purring even louder, the younger mare eagerly gulped down his load, swallowing quickly with large gulps. She didn't want to spill a single drop. With how much he'd emptied into her yesterday, his volume was significantly less than usual, but still enough to give her a good finisher for her meal. Her hands reached down to sensually stroke his throbbing length, coaxing as much as she could from him. *

"Mmmm..." she murred in delight, finally pulling off and licking up the slow drool of cum still leaking from his tip. "Your cum is always so delicious dad..." She kept slowly stroking him, gently squeezing up the last few dregs and swallowing them. Her hands moved lower to rub his balls again as she watched his penis recede into his sheath again.

*Huffing from his orgasm, he just lazily smiled, relishing in the warmth of his afterglow. "How do you feel about homeschooling?" he asked, rolling to the side and propping his head on his arm to gaze at her. *

"For our kids?" He nodded in reply. "I'm all for it, school didn't exactly treat me well and honestly, I learned more from reading in the library than sitting in a rowdy classroom. But...I do want our kids to make friends too. And as much as I enjoy our openness together...I don't feel it right to have sex in front of them either. At least, not until they're old enough to understand it."

"Mhm. Your mother and I were of the same opinion. When you were really little we were naked all the time, I don't know if you remember that far back, but when you were 4 we had to start wearing clothes at home because we couldn't risk little innocent you babbling about mommy's boobs or daddy's huge thingy."

Laughter erupted from her and he snickered. "Wow, dad..."

"Hey, it's true though. Those were your words, not mine." He scooted over to rest his head on her belly, wrapping his arms around her back. His daughter sighed and smiled, stroking his mane while he pressed his ear to her middle. "It's so strange...starting a family anew with my daughter..."

"Because of incest?"

"Nah. Just...feels like de ja vu. You're so much like your mother, yet you're not her. It feels...disconnected, in a way." He kissed her belly and nosed at her. "But first and foremost I want you to be happy, sweetie."

"I'm happier than I ever thought I could be, with you as my mate." She scritched his ears and he rumbled softly to her. "I just...really wish we could get married and make it official."

"'s all this 'equal treatment' bullshit," he grunted, sitting up. "For equines, dragons, and several other species, incest isn't an issue because we have a genetic makeup that naturally compensates for it. But for the humans and most other species, it's detrimental to the children. The humans go on and on about how we need to be making allowances for personal difference and taste and view, and how 'I'm born this way, you can't judge me', yet at the same time they demand that because 80% of the population is species that can't inbreed, no one should, because that's not fair to the 80% that can't."

"They're so stupid..." she huffed, hugging her knees. "If they're such special snowflakes that they have to have safe spaces and same-sex this and that just because they 'feel' like it, what gives them the right to ban us marrying? We were literally born like this, unlike them and their fragile emotions."

"That's just it sweetie...they run off emotion, not logic, but they insist on equating their emotional knee-jerking to logic because they can't handle reality like we animal-bases do just by genetics. They're a minority, but they're the loudest mouth and the most belligerent."

"I'm so tired of them..." she whispered, resting her chin on her knees. "It was always the human kids that started shit against me in school. I don't want our kids being subjected to that."

"They're still bitter about a great many things...history's still unclear on how we rose up above our animal bases, but humans are all about control. I've known a few good humans, but the majority I've had to deal with are arrogant pricks who think they're put on Earth to micromanage everything and everyone around them. Even now, the ones standing against me starting a dragon breeding service are primarily humans. It's their tech capacity that's gotten us this far, but on the flip side of that coin their ego and emotional drive are dangerous factors."

"Mmmm...yeah, I think we should homeschool them."

"Hopefully the humans and their sympathizers don't outlaw homeschooling as well..."

Moving to the edge of the bed, the mare-dragoness stretched her fluffy wings and flapped them a few times. "Ech, ow...I keep forgetting to preen." Several feathers were stuck together and frayed, rubbing each other uncomfortably. "Kinda wish I had skinned wings instead of feathered."

Her feather rolled over and sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close so he could rub his sensitive muzzle around in her soft down on her wings. "Mmmm...naaaah...membranes wouldn't be nearly this soft or cuddly."

"Daaaaad that tickles!"

*"Mmmmmm..." he murred back, burying his face against her silky feathers. *

"Why do I have wings though? I mean, I haven't seen wings on anyone else in our family."

"Your great-grandparents on both sides were winged half-horse, half-dragon hybrids mated to full dragons. Their kids were more horse-expressed and they ended up marrying other horses, though your mom and I are half-and-half still. You just happened to be more dragon-expressed, and because of that there's a good chance our kids will look more like dragons than horses."

"That doesn't really help explain..."

"I dunno. It's the best I can do. Genetics are a weird thing. I mean, for humans, the gene for six fingers is dominant, so why are so many born with only five? Genes are weird like that." He rubbed her belly, one hand moving up to stroke and grope her breasts. She sat on his lap and swayed her wings, then folded them, hugging his arms with them while her hands held his over her front. She could feel his sheath firming up against her anus, making her blush.



"Do you...wanna try anal later?" she whispered uneasily. Aaaand there it went, his cock answering for him as it practically shot up from his sheath and pushed against her tailhole, then slid up and nudged her tail aside to throb against her back. "I guess that's a yes."

"Well, I would love to, but are you okay with it? I know I keep hinting at it but...honestly, as much as I want to experience it with you, I want you to be comfortable with it."

Grinding back against him, she sighed softly, thinking it over. "I do wanna try it at least, but...I'm scared of it at the same time. And it's kinda gross."

"The first time is always daunting, I know."

"Doesn't help that your penis is so huge."

"That would be the first time I've heard a complaint about it," he joked, nibbling her ear affectionately. "We'll do it tonight in the shower, alright?"


Kissing her neck, he hugged her again, then set her on the bedside and stood up to stretch his back. "Oof...the closer I get to forty the harder it is to get out of bed."

"Dad? Since we're dragon-horse hybrids, what would you say would be a mature age for our kids to learn about sex?"

He moved over to the window and huffed in thought, leaning on the sill. His daughter blushed behind him at the sight of his heavy testicles dangling between his legs. "That's a hard call, honestly," he replied. "I mean, we're still based on our feral counterparts. Most anthro colts start getting erections by the age of seven and fillies start having their heats at ten years old. Like our wild ones, we're made to breed young. Dragons age much more slowly, but they're still capable of having sex young. Of all the species, dragons are the weirdest for reproduction. Ferals are able to enjoy sex before reaching adulthood, but don't gain fertility for a good five to seven years after they experience their first arousals and readiness for sex. Anthros follow the same trait. I've heard of anthro dragons being ready for sex as young as five in some cases but unable to breed until their late teens. Anthros mature quickly, I've seen some seven-year-olds taller than you."

"Yeah...I remember that. The dragon kids were always huge."

"They grow fast and then stay relatively the same size the rest of their lives."

"This world is really weird."

"I know. And the humans want to call such young relations 'underage' or 'cub' even though for the species they're more than ready."

"But isn't that dependent on when you're mentally able to process the gravity of sex?"

"Yes, but again, humans don't compare to us. I mean hell, I was aware of sex most of my childhood but began to comprehend it fully when I was eight. Horses and dragons mature mentally and emotionally at a much more rapid pace than humans and many other species. But whatever happened that allowed us sentient standing alongside them, they're still clinging to their past when it was only humans." Turning around and leaning on the wall, he looked her over. "In answer to your question, I can't honestly say, given how our genetics are. I had my first erections when I was eight, and at nine my parents had me tested and they found my sperm were mature. Which is pretty standard. Your mother, though, didn't have her first heats until just after we started dating. We met when we were about thirteen, started dating at fifteen and she went into estrus once a month. Then her pregnant with you just after we finished school and we got married, and by the time you came along we'd just found a house. Our kids could be early bloomers like their equine side, or later bloomers like your dragon side. You weren't ready for sex until just before she died..."

They both sighed at that, the younger mare rubbing her belly absently. Presently she looked up at him. "So it depends on how they grow?"

"Pretty much. With hybrids, nothing's set in stone, it's pretty much all playing it by ear."

She stood up and joined him at the window, gazing out over the property. "No more lycan prints out there?"

"A few here and there, I guess they were inspecting our work on the fences." Wrapping an arm around her, he hugged her to his side. " there anything in particular you'd want to see on or property?"

"Other than feral dragons and horses?"


She pulled back from him. "I'll have to think on that one. I gotta go to the bathroom again."

"Alright. I'll need your help outside again, the shipment arrived this morning and I need you to go over the inventory on it while I get some other stuff squared away."

"'Kaaaay," she yawned, clopping off to the master bathroom and closing the door behind herself. Much as she wanted to shower after feeling so gross earlier that morning, it wouldn't do any good for her feathers if she showered now and then had to shower later. It looked to be a hot day.

Hot it definitely was, and it didn't help that she had to wear a shirt and shorts. She had nothing else on under them, but still, she hated clothes with a passion. With the stuff having been dropped off right at the roadside though, they couldn't help it. "Lazy asses," she grumbled, glaring at the company logo on the tarps around the lumber and cement bags and various other things her father had ordered. "Coulda just driven right up this obvious-ass driveway to that bay at the garage clearly marked 'Deliveries', but noooo, let's make the customer stand out in the sun at the beginning of summer and count your shit to make sure you did it right." Lifting a few tarps and mentally adding things up, she grunted, making a few x'es towards the end. "Shorted us a box of staples, two boxes of nails, and this hardware box is missing the staple gun. Aaaand..." She skirted around the side to double-check. "Yep, the nail gun's not here either. Damn fuckers."

She trotted back up to the house to hand her father the order form. He snorted and growled, a bit of his inner dragon coming forth from the unnatural grit in his sound. "Damn fuckers- ugh." He shook his head and crudely stuffed the form into his overalls pocket. "I can't use the stuff if I don't have the tools! This is the second time, I'm not using their service again."

"Need me to make the call again?" she asked, but he shook his head.

"I'll handle it this time."

*Oh fuck. Someone was about to get their ass handed to them. As he headed back to the house, she couldn't help a giggle despite her own anger. *

"Poor fools." Looking out over the pastures gently rolling with the landscape, she huffed, turning to look at the logs her father had been splitting. "Guess I'll go find him some more then."

*Splitting and tarring the logs was never fun, but they had to have a few on hand in the event of a power outage. Part of her job at their other house was helping split logs and tar them or soak them in oil for a longer burn, then selling them for side-cash. It was nothing new for her, but she still cringed at the prospect. Glancing at her wrists, she huffed and started to braid her fetlocks while she walked along the fenceline towards the edge of the woods. It was a tedious process, but if she didn't braid them and tie them closer to her hide she'd get them stuck in everything. And she hated the tickly, itchy feeling of having them shorn off or cut shorter. *

Grabbing the four-wheeled trolley they used for transporting heavier materials, she towed it behind herself and started picking up the heavier branches and such around the dead trees. They'd have to get a service in here sometime soon to properly fell these things, but for now that would have to wait. She grimaced at the trees standing right by the fence; several thick limbs had been in danger of falling recently, and they were all right over the new fencing. Dad was usually good at picking these things up, but it seemed balancing the sheer amount of repair work around this property was dulling his perception. Poor guy. He'd never been great at multitasking. The first thing they should've done before getting the fence up was trim off those dead branches threatening to undo their work. Oh well.

Fanning herself with her wings she continued to pile on more wood pieces she deemed ready for firewood, leaving the rest for burning due to being too rotted or brittle. Tugging on a huge branch still anchored to a dead tree, she started cracking it off. "Is this firewood or just crap?" she asked no one in particular, huffing and swinging her weight on it. Pulling back to catch her breath, she looked out at the forest and then froze.

Right at the edge of the woods stood a tall wolf figure, nearly as tall as her father, covered in brown, gray and black fur. He was staring right at her, similarly frozen with a load of small logs and large branches bundled up in a coarse rope on his back. Quite obviously a "he", too, with his furry sheath nearly hidden against his belly fluff, his balls much more visible beneath. She was suddenly grateful she was clothed.

They stood there staring at each other uneasily for some time before she nervously waved with a little grin and turned back to the branch, hoping he'd disappear while she worked on it. Yanking on the limb as hard as she could, she finally snapped it off with a spray of wood chips, nearly falling back from the sudden loss of support against her straining pull. Picking it up, she frowned. It was too rotted and bug-eaten to use for sealed firewood.

With another glance around she found the wolf still staring at her, but his eyes were also focused on the branch she had just torn off. "Uh...hi?" she said, but he made no reply. Instead, his ears flicked up at her voice. After a few more moments of awkward silence and watching each other, he pointed at the branch she held, then at the twigs and branches he was carrying under his arm. "Do you...want this?" she asked, huffing a bit and lifting the heavy limb up, holding it out slightly towards him. He glanced at the woods quickly, then at her, then set the load under his arm down and strode over to the fence. It took some doing but they maneuvered it over the top of the wires. She was pretty amazed at his strength as he carried that branch plus everything else and vanished into the woods. "Okay then..." she whispered to herself, then started the long trek to carry the trolley and the wood back up to the house.

"I was wondering where you went to."

"Yeah, figured I'd go get some more and clean up a bit. Whoo, I'm beat...this is a long walk to get anywhere here." She fanned herself with her wings again, smirking at him going nude while cutting the logs. "Are you sure it's a good idea to be splitting wood without clothes, dad? I mean, if something hits you in the testicles..."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, I know. Too hot to work with clothes. I'm gonna take a break anyway."

"I saw one of them, dad. Lycans."

He paused and glanced up at her. "Where?"

"Out back down there by that cluster of dead trees by the fence. He was gathering wood, was watching me tear down a few of the dead branches."

"Did he do anything?"

"No, just...watched. I dunno if he speaks our language. But I gave him one of the branches since he was eyeing it."

"I see. Just be careful and friendly and you'll be fine. I'm surprised you saw one at all, they're not usually out at this time of day."

"He had a huge load of wood though."

"Hm...hope everything's alright then." Shrugging, he hefted the axe onto his shoulder. "C'mon, let's get this finished today and we can spend the evening in the hot spring."

*It was pretty grueling work. Easy enough when it was cooler, but with summer settling in, the heat and humidity made the work so much heavier. Against her better judgement, the young dragoness decided to shed her clothes as well. While her father took a drink break in the shade she took her turn at the axe. She wasn't nearly as strong, but she could do the work. Just not as long as he could. When he finally stood back up, she was panting heavily and her arm was starting to stitch. *

Strong arms around her pulled her back, a hand around hers. "Hey. Rest. Don't push yourself."

"O...kay..." she panted, wiping her forehead with her braided fetlock. He moved back with her and settled her on his lap in the shade, guiding her down onto his thick shaft. Moaning sweetly, she wiggled her hips as she inched down onto his cock, then bit her lip when his flared head touched her cervix. Yep, she was definitely pregnant. Her cervix had never posed much of a problem, but now that she was carrying his foals, there was a dull painful ache when he pressed against the entrance to her womb. "Mmmph..."

"Careful, hun..." he whispered, holding her steady. Leaning over as she sat on his knees, she rolled her hips against him, brushing her tail over the length of his cock not buried inside her. "Sure you're okay for sex?"

"You're the one who put me on your penis. Besides, think about yesterday." Giving him a little smirk over her shoulder, she humped lightly on him and moaned again. "Mmmm...always feels so good..."

He stroked her tail and then lifted it up to watch his shaft sink into her pouty equine nethers as she ground back against him. It still felt surreal in a way, being mates with his daughter and watching her enjoy the penis that had given her life. His fingers kneaded her hips and thighs, pressing into her sensitive spots. A soft, happy nicker bubbled up from her as she clenched on his member, earning some hot spurts of pre on her cervix. "Is it wrong of me to want to see you beneath a feral?" he asked with a smirk. A shiver raced down her back at the thought and she moaned as her arousal spiked.

"You have no idea how much I'd love to try it..." she replied, churring and wiggling on his lap. "I hear feral dragons cum even more than us equines..."

*"Mmmm...that they do." He leaned over a bit to rub her back, making her arch against him and moan louder. Gritting his teeth he fought back his urge to drive his shaft into her, huffing as his insides tensed repeatedly and his loins pulsed, ropes of cum spraying into her passage. The younger mare groaned in delight, wings flaring and shaking as she joined him in climax and milked his shaft with tight ripples and spasms of her tight tunnel. Her crotch was a waterfall of their mixed fluids, streaming over his calves and hooves, but they didn't care. Huffing and panting in afterglow, she pulled off his cock and sat on his lap properly, watching his penis twitch powerfully and jet the last few streams of his seed over the grass before them. He hugged her close while they rested, just blanking out together in the heavy, hazy warmth of sexual bliss. He loved moments like this. Just being able to spend time with his lovely little girl, his mate, and show her just how much he loved her through their intimacy. *

"Thanks dad," she whispered, nibbling his neck. They both stood up, ignoring the wet mess all over themselves. It was kind of exhilarating, really, not just having sex out in the open but also moving around still messy from their orgasms. His cum continued to drip from her snatch and run down her thighs, great globs of white cream staining her blue and purple fur and scales and rolling randomly down his lower legs. Just like yesterday, they went about their business, not bothering to clean up. Here and there her father would mount her again and she'd eagerly accept him into her body, he'd fill her with his love and they'd continue working while still dripping cum everywhere. It took some doing in the end but they scrubbed it all off at the shower, then took a long soak in the hot spring.

Evening was starting to roll in by the time someone came by with the rest of the supplies and an apologetic rebate. Thumbing over the check thoughtfully, the black stallion plodded up to the house and sighed at the front door, rubbing his fingers over the peeling paint. It would be a few more months at the very least until he knew just what he was up against with his daughter. She'd been an only child, but he'd been a fraternal triplet, he and his sisters. In their family it was actually rather uncommon for a child to be single. He should also make an announcement about her pregnancy and their mateship to their relatives, but for now he was relishing in just being alone with her. It was time they both needed together. In spite of his words about his late wife, he was in a lot of internal pain. Perhaps that was why he and his daughter had bonded so quickly, they were both in terrible pain at the loss. In a way he felt a little guilty. Had his attempts to comfort his precious daughter accidentally gotten her smitten with him? Could she have found better happiness with someone closer to her age? There was that one colt he'd noticed her eyeing at the soccer game...

His fist clenched against the doorframe. No...she'd confessed to having a crush on her father ever since she was ten. But still. He just couldn't shake the feeling he was clinging to her and she to him out of pain, just as he couldn't shake the feeling of losing the mare that had stolen his heart. Was he just over-thinking?

The kitchen smelled wonderful, the scent of chicken, onions, rice, and bacon wafting to meet him, along with the sweet smells of a salad. His stomach grumbled in protest over missing lunch earlier. "Hey dad," the blue-mauve dragoness called over her shoulder. "D'you want some dressing on your salad?"

"What's the occasion for this?" he asked as he came up behind her and lightly hugged her, watching her stir around some fried rice.

"Iunno. You missed lunch, thought you'd be super-hungry." She turned around in his arms and buried her face in his chest. "Dad...I've never wanted anyone but you."

"Where's this coming from?" he whispered, half-wondering if she'd read his mind.

"I just..." She pulled away and leaned over the counter, her hand rubbing her belly. "I guess it's the random hormone rushes but while you were out there with the guy, I felt...jealous, for no reason. It scared me, but it made me think of why I wanted to be mates with you and not some other guy at school." She turned to face him, arms crossed under her bare breasts. "I mean..sure...some of the boys were cute, and Johnathan was real sweet, but...I dunno. You're strong and handsome and all that and attractive, but...there's more to it than that that I can't put into words I guess. I wanna spend my life with you, dad. I've never felt this way about anyone else."

Leaning against the fridge across from her he too crossed his arms in thought. "Truth be told, honey...I was starting to wonder myself about our motives. You didn't tell me you had a crush on me until we were...grieving over mom. I thought...I thought maybe we rushed into this because we were clinging to each other for comfort."

"That kinda crossed my mind too..." Her tail flicked behind her, wings folded so tight against her back he could barely see them behind her. "But...I's more than just that. Sure it was mom's death that brought us together, and...I really really miss her..." She rubbed her eyes with a hand. "I thought for a second maybe you were replacing her with me because I'm so much like her."

"No!" he blurted out, then caught himself. "No, sweetie, it's nothing like that. I miss her dearly but I wouldn't be that desperate or shallow. All I want is to see my daughter live happily and achieve her dreams before my own happiness."

She smirked. "Yeah, that right there is why I think this is all more than just pain-clinging, dad. I've never been happier than I am with you, as your mate. And every day you're going out of your way to check up on me and all that." Pushing off the counter, she plodded over and hugged him, burying her face in his chest again. "I love you much...and I really do want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The stallion blinked back tears of relief as he wrapped his strong arms around her and picked her up, hugging her tightly. "Same here, hun...I want to fill your days as best I can, more than as a father..." They kissed passionately, but then flinched as a loud pop and sizzle broke the moment.

"Oh crap! Dinner!" she squeaked, shoving off him and darting to the stovetop. "Whew...just a tad singed. Alright, let's eat."

*He laughed a little and gathered up the plates and silverware while she set the food on the table. On a whim she settled on his lap and set her plate by his, father and daughter spending some more time together in quiet while they ate. She let his penis erect between her legs, but decided to let it be for now since she couldn't fit it all inside her vagina now. She blushed though at the other option and wondered how feasible that would be given the thick girth throbbing against her belly right now. With her free hand she idly stroked and petted the flared head, her father grunting in pleasure as she dipped a finger into his opening and tickled inside his cock. *

"Mmmm...this is delicious, thank you," he murmured, nuzzling the back of her head. "You're getting better every time."

"I guess."

"Something wrong?"

She shook her head and sighed. "Random-ass mood swing again. I thought that wasn't supposed to settle in for a few more months."

*"It's variable to the individual." *

"Is there a way to stop it?"

He chuckled and reached around to rub her belly. "Not for another nine months."


*"Oh not yet." He kissed her neck, making her smile a little in spite of her mood. *

After dinner they sat out on the porch again to watch the sun fully set. Another storm was boiling up in the distance, its crest a rusty red against the fading oranges and purples. Here and there its underside lit up in patches. "That should hit here by midnight," her father grunted. "More cleanup I suppose."

"What crops are we gonna grow?"

"Haven't decided yet. Soil's not right for corn, too much preparation needed. Tomatoes and cucumbers for sure, maybe some cabbage and kale. I'm thinking some lemons and apples. But before we decide on the garden you and I need to go over the plot and decide where we want things. This entire field used to be a large pasture land, but if we're gonna grow gardens and trees, we need to build some more fences to keep critters out."

"Eesh...yeah." Leaning back in her chair she folded her arms behind her head and spread her legs wide, practically showing the world her thick netherlips. "Isn't it gonna be a bit much though? I mean...raising ferals and kids all at once?"

"Mmm..." He sighed and leaned his head back, staring at the porch rafters. "Maybe. But realistically? We could easily get a mating pair of ferals first and just have those two. They take care of their infants quite well on their own, we don't need to interfere much other than giving them food routinely and all that maintenance. And besides, I'd rather our kids grow up around animals too. I feel our family's been straying a bit too far from their roots."

"Just as long as we don't go full-hick on the farmer deal," she chided. "Ah cain't see mahself in overahlls 'n skirts bakin' ahpple pahs," she added in her attempt at a thick southern drawl.

Her father laughed. "I can't see that at all, no."

They fell silent until the sun's light dimmed past the horizon, then at length she stood up and stretched her legs and wings. "Welp, time to get showered I guess."

*She headed inside first and set about un-braiding her fetlocks before getting the shower running. By the time the water was warm, he'd joined her and they stepped into the shower together. Scrubbing at each others' hides with shampoo, they quickly devolved into another passionate embrace, lips locked and fingers roaming each others' bodies in rising need. Finally she gasped for breath and pulled back from him, turning around and leaning over to hike her tail, arms resting on the shower walls. The jet-black stallion nickered in desire and licked his lips, stooping quickly to plunge his tongue into his little girl's luscious folds. She squealed and pressed back against his muzzle, panting with lust and shuddering as he lapped at her sensitive walls. Finally pulling back, he licked his lips again and rubbed her hips, pressing his shaft between her cheeks and grinding lightly. They kept a bottle of lube in the shower, which he grabbed and slathered all over his cock. He then ran his slick thumb over the bud of her anus, making her tail twitch. *

"You ready, hun?"

"Just...go slow..."

With that he guided his tip to her tailhole with his thumb, then thought otherwise and eased the lubed digit into her. She squeaked and clenched around him. "Don't squeeze. Relax." Turning his hand he quickly dove two thick fingers into her snatch while thumbing her rear. She gasped and moaned at the strange sensation, struggling not to clench on him but failing. "Shhh...just relax." Slowly, gently, he alternated his fingers in and out of her. When he felt her pussy was slick enough, he pulled his fingers out of her, then replaced his thumb with the two that had been dipping inside her cunny, spreading her more. A groan escaped her and she found herself pressing back against him. The stretch hurt a little and the fullness felt weird, also felt good, somehow, in a totally different way. He ground his fingers in and out of her ass slowly, working her, drizzling some lube here and there to keep her slick.

When she started to hump on his fingers, he knew she was ready. When his fingers were clear, he quickly pressed his tip to her anus and pressed in. She gritted her teeth, fingers curling against the wall as she stretched even more. The spongy flare didn't pose as much of a contest as she'd thought, and soon popped into her, making her squeal in surprise. With that out of the way, the rest of his penis slowly slid into her, his hands resting on her hips.

"Good so far?"

She nodded, glancing over her shoulder. "It feels so weird..."

*"I know. It takes some getting used to, but once your mother got used to it she often begged for it. I wouldn't know myself but I guess it feels really good." Before either of them knew it he was up to his medial ring in her and still going. Deciding to work it slowly, he started thrusting slowly, carefully dragging himself out of her and then easing back in. *

*" feels good..." she whispered, blushing. She couldn't believe she was doing this, or that it felt as good as it did. It still felt uncomfortable, but the pleasure of his motions was starting to override that discomfort. *

*Back and forth his hips swayed, gradually driving his shaft deeper and deeper into his daughter. "If you feel comfortable enough to do this more often...pretty soon we may even be able to do it without lube just like our regular sex." He leaned over her and reached around to thumb at her clit, making her quiver and gasp shakily and buck against his member. He was so deep inside her! With vaginal it was one thing, but this completely new sensation was starting to grow on her already and she wanted more. *


*Eyebrow cocked, he grinned and obliged, holding her hips and starting to thrust faster. She groaned to the ceiling, clenching around him and quivering in pleasure. Not knowing what to expect, her orgasm crept up on her faster than she anticipated and soon she was crying out in bliss and humping erratically on him, feeling her belly bulging as she took him repeatedly to the hilt. Behind her, the black stallion grunted and then whinnied louder, lunging up into her and quivering with each pulse in his loins as he came deep inside her. The rush of warmth was much more tangible than in her womb and it sent her over her edge again, her pussy quivering around his fingers and gushing her juices on the shower floor as her insides spasmed around his girth. Panting and moaning, they stood there trying to catch their breath. Finally her father pulled back and nuzzled into the nap of her neck, huffing against her wet fur, his hands coming up her front to fondle and grope her breasts while he lipped at her neck. His daughter nearly slumped against the wall, overcome with the new experience. His penis gradually softened and slipped out of her, his thick load gushing from her anus and splashing on the floor under them. *

"Wow..." he whispered, just holding her with her breasts in his hands.

"Dad...that was..." Her tail flagged against his belly. "We need to do that again later..."

*"We can do it whenever you feel up to it sweetie..." he replied, nibbling her neck and making her shiver with lust. Taking some more shampoo he quickly cleaned off his shaft and her nethers, making her moan and bite her lip as his fingers teased her again. *

After drying off, they settled on the bed, the younger mare lying on her front and reading a book, legs hooked around her father's waist, hips grinding lightly on his penis inside her cunny while he carefully stroked her feathers back into shape. She winced each time he plucked a broken one, struggling to keep her wings from flinching or smacking him in the face. "Ouch..."

"Sorry. You've gone too long without preening though, I can tell just from this." Patting her back, he sighed softly and tensed his cock, making it throb inside her. "You need to get back to flying too or you'll lose your muscle conditioning."

She shivered at that. "After last time..."

"Hey. You can do it. One or two bad landings shouldn't be keeping you from it."

Wiggling her hips, she moaned when his hands fell to her waist and he rubbed her thighs right where her nerve bundles were, making her arousal spike. "Meh...guess I should before I get too heavy to enjoy it."

"That would be wise." She pulled off him and rolled over, hooking her legs around his waist again while on her back. He grinned at the sight of her naked body in the evening bedroom light, taking his penis in his hands and stroking it all across her crotch to tease her. She giggled and squirmed, her hands moving up to grope and fondle her breasts, then she moaned sweetly as he pushed his tip into her and then grabbed her hips to pull her back onto his maleness until his flared head kissed her cervix. "You are gorgeous, hun."

Letting her arms splay over her head on the bed she closed her eyes and smiled, letting him roll his hips and stroke his length in and out of her. The rocking motions were also causing her breasts to roll around on her chest, a sight her father enjoyed very much. "Dad...let's just get married."


"We don't have to go through the human channels do we? There should be services by our own kind for this."

Leaning back against the headboard, he paused his motions, letting his member sit inside her tight wet warmth. "I suppose so. I'm just...concerned. We still will have to deal with humans in our business."

"What's it matter?" she asked, rubbing his sides with her ankles. "I'm pregnant with your foals. We've already crossed their special snowflake line. You and mom were born from incest too."

"Heh...yeah, you're right." His hand moved from her waist to lightly thumb at her clit, making her squirm and moan under her breath. "Alright. I'll look into it." A smirk crept across his muzzle. "And I think I know just who to go to...with a ceremony you'll definitely enjoy."

She tried to reply, but his thumb on her sensitive nub was overriding her brain. With a loud cry her back arched and she quaked as her passage rippled tightly around his cock, leaking some of her juices down its length. Panting, she flopped on the bed, her hands clenched in the sheets. Her father pulled out of her and rubbed her belly, then laid down beside her and scooted along the bed until his cock met her mouth. She purred and smiled hazily, reaching out to stroke his length fondly while she took his tip and suckled on it. His fingers rubbed through her hair and scritched at her ears while she nursed on him, purring happily. It didn't take much coaxing from her to get him to blow, her father clenching his teeth and groaning under his breath as he came for the last time for the day. He watched his little girl purr louder and gulp down each gush of his hot, thick seed, not missing a single drop. With a few tight, upward strokes, she milked the rest of his cum from his length and pulled back to swallow the spurts she'd let fill her mouth, savoring his delicious flavor. "Mmmmm..." she murred, smiling up at him with a sleepy look. He smiled back and turned around on the bed again, resting on the pillow. Crawling up over him, the mare-dragoness reclined atop him, the two falling into a loving embrace and passionate kiss until they fell asleep.