Relaxation: Chapters 1 and 2

Story by Xijque on SoFurry

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#1 of Relaxation First and second parts to "relaxation," an unfortunate story about a fox who just wants to have the night off. Currently not finished!

Relaxation: 1) Chapters 1 and 2 2) Chapter 3 3) Chapter 4 Chapters 1 and 2 posted as one story because they were too short separately... This story will (probably) have soft vore, eventually, so I don't suggest you start reading this unless you're cool with that. I see this being 2-4 "chapters" long... the others should be posted within a few days. * * * It had been a long day for the fox. It almost seemed like anything that could go wrong did just that. At some points, things he had thought couldn't go wrong ended up on his desk, needing to be fixed. But it was Friday, now, and he wouldn't allow such things to worry him for the next two days. He smiled at the bulletin board at the bottom of the stairs leading to his apartment. For some reason, he always liked the randomness of the colors and sizes of the paper; it was like a collage of life. He turned and walked up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He was just a few minutes away from a hot shower, left-over chicken, and whatever movie happened to be on TV. After getting to the top, he walked past his neighbors' doors before arriving at his. Making quick work of the lock, he practically ran inside and carelessly slammed the door behind him. He'd never been this excited about doing next to nothing in his entire life. * * * It had been a long day for the wolf, too. Unlike the fox, however, he hadn't been looking forward to getting home all day, as the fox had; his plans formed when he first laid his eyes to the fox's lithe body. He immediately decided that he'd rather follow the fox home than continue on to his own. His new plans were cemented when the vulpine, who was a few paces ahead of him, turned into one of the many apartment buildings in the area. Without hesitating, the lupine followed his target â€" no, his prey â€" into the complex. He had learned, thought experience, that people only remember you if you look unsure of yourself. With that in mind, he held his head high and didn't bother to look around. He did, however, catch the fox smiling at a mess of papers on the wall. He never understood why people bothered with that crap; as far as he was concerned, it was just litter stuck to the wall. On his way by, the wolf pulled one of the fliers down and stuffed it in his pocket. Having taken his time walking up the stairs, the lupine reached the top just as his quarry was turning the handle to his door. Just as calmly, the wolf strode up behind the fox and slipped the flier into the doorway, preventing it from latching. If the fox was as oblivious as the lupine thought he was, he wouldn't even realize. Since he now had a simple way to get to the fox, the wolf decided to wait until his prey was distracted before continuing the chase. After a few minutes of leaning against the wall, the canine lightly pressed against the door and silently sauntered into the fox's home. As soon as the door clicked closed behind him, he know that being quiet wasn't necessary. A mess of clothes thrown around the place and a very distinct noise led to only one conclusion: the fox was in the shower. Walking down the hallway, he peeked into the bathroom through the slightly ajar door. The fox-shaped silhouette on the shower curtain confirmed his suspicions. The wolf grinned to himself. He couldn't wait to make the fox dirty again. For now, though, he just walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

  • * * After what must have been a full half hour, the vulpine stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. The shower was a perfect start to the vulpine's weekend. It was as if the stress of the entire week went down the drain. However, for reasons as of yet unknown to the fox, this ideal relaxation was going to become something less than perfect. Sighing because of the sudden lack of warm air, the vulpine wondered into his kitchen, intending to make something to eat. Due to the how absentminded he was at the moment, he didn't notice the somewhat strong scent of male wolf in the air. * * * Ultimately, it wouldn't matter whether or not he knew the wolf was there. Having heard the shower turn off, the wolf turned to look in the general direction of the bathroom. Using his sensitive ears, it wasn't hard to follow the fox's path into the kitchen. Originally, he planned on waiting for the fox to come to him; however, the thrill of what he was going to do made him impatient. Silently, he got off the couch and stalked toward the rustling noises coming form the kitchen. The lupine smiled to himself. It wasn't often that his prey was this oblivious. He realized that the fox was probably tired, but he'd normally have caused at least some suspicion by now. At this point, though, whether or not the fox was aware of what was about to happen was inconsequential. On his way down the hall, the wolf stopped and pulled the belt out of the vulpine's discarded pants. The rushed motion caused the buckle to rattle, but the noise seemed to go unnoticed. He shrugged; the fox was making this too easy. Once he reached the doorway, he stopped and pulled his own belt out of his pants. The sound of a microwave on the other side of the wall masked the sound of his pants sliding down to the floor. With his makeshift ropes in paw, the lupine took a deep breath and walked into the the fox's kitchen.