Knock First

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My first time trying to write a story. -3- Sorry if it's not written so well, but enjoy the porn!

WARNING: Story contains graphic depictions of the rape of a minor and watersports. Don't read if you aren't into that sort of thing.

The sound of muffled sobs filtered out of the gas station bathroom, though no one on the outside of the door heard over the bland piped in pop music. Or if they did they didn't seem to care - it wasn't their business after all if some kid was sniffling in there.

Earlier a little fox kit had opened the door without knocking, assuming that if someone were inside it would be locked - instead he'd stumbled upon a large bear standing over the toilet bowl attempting to relive himself. As soon as the door opened the man had snarled, ready to yell at whoever had barged in on him; but then he saw the fox kit standing there somewhat stunned in fear and had schooled his features into a gentle smile.

"S-sorry sir!" The young fox stammered, groping behind him for the door handle. The bear was over in a flash, pants still open with his flaccid uncut cock hanging out of the fly of his underwear; even soft is was thick and longer than any the fox kit had ever seen. The boy gaped a moment in embarrassment and that was all the time the bear needed to grab the fox's hand away from the door handle.

"Hey little man, it's alright just an accident." The bear smiled, kneeling down to be eye level with the fox. "Hey where are your parents?" He quickly added, a thousand thoughts running through his mind. It wasn't often prey just presented itself to him like this; but he wasn't stupid. You didn't get away with as much as he had by making too many mistakes.

"O-outside, but they don't know I'm in here." The fox's voice was soft with a stutter; from a speech impediment or nervousness the bear didn't know, but it was cute. The boy looked no more than eight, slim and soft; the urge to force that taut little belly to bulge out presented itself but the bear pushed it down for now, tilting his head to the side in a questioning gesture. "I woke up while they were in the store so I could go...mister can you let me go, I need to get back!" The kit said in a rush, the sudden realization that if he dallied too long he may be left behind dawning on him.

"Hey, no hurry little guy, I'm sure they won't leave without you." The older bear's voice was smooth and deep, reassuring. He was in his mid 30s at least, heavy set but with obvious muscle residing under the stores of fat filling out his form. Carefully, he turned the kit away from the door and backed him up against the wall next to the toilet, squatting in front of him with his hands holding the boy's forearms. His cock was already starting to chub up and once the kit noticed he began to squirm, uncomfortable as the warm blunt dick bumped against his belly.

"S-stop it, let me go!" The fox shouted, trying to wrench his hands free and lashing out with his legs, clawing uselessly with trimmed nails at the bear's shins. He remembered what his mother and father had said, that if anyone strange tried to hold him then he should scream for help. Before he could get another word out a huge paw clamped his muzzle shut and the bear leaned in close, warm humid breath puffing over the fox's nose with every word and smelling faintly of cigars and alcohol.

"I'm gonna do what I want with you, and you're gonna let me and you're not gonna scream or else you won't be leaving this gas station in one piece. You understand me boy?" The warm tone the bear had been using hardened and was undercut by a current of excited lust. The boy whimpered, struggling for another minute or so while the bear held him, he eventually sagged and nodded miserably. "Now I'm gonna take my hand off your muzzle and you're gonna be nice and quiet now, aren't you?" The bear spoke again, waiting for the fox to nod before removing his paw. Silence filled the room.

"Good kit." The bear smiled, though it wasn't kind as before and showed far too many large sharp teeth for comfort. He slipped his hand under the fox's shirt, rubbing over his soft white belly fur and moving up, rucking the fabric up over the boy's chest while the fox softly began to whimper and tear up. "Now, now, no need to cry you little baby it ain't even that bad yet." The bear clicked his tongue once he found what he was looking for, his paw pad brushing over the soft pink nipple hidden under dense fur. Not so gently he pinched the nub between his thumb and pointer finger, rolling the bit of flesh between them and leering as the kit whimpered and tried to pull away. He tightened his grip then, watching with glee as pain flashed through the kit's eye before the boy stopped trying to yank his chest back.

The bear removed the boy's shirt, turning him around and using the cloth to tie his wrists up behind his back. He moved the boy to face him again and continued to abuse both of the kit's nipples until they were hard and sore before soon growing bored and moving on to the button of the child's shorts. They were slightly big, and slid down the boy's hips easily to reveal cartoon print briefs. The bear's hand reached over and fondled the kit's small soft cock through the fabric enjoying how uncomfortable the kit looked, then he hooked his claws in the waistband and yanked them down exposing the fox's bits to the chilly air.

The boy's cock was only a few inches long and uncut, hanging limply over his tiny useless balls. With a lewd grin the bear rolled the little orbs in his palm, delighting in the wet sniffling noises the fox was now making. "What's wrong little boy, you don't like me touching you here?" The bear spoke with mock sympathy, reaching up to gently tug at the kit's foreskin as he leaned in close to the boy's chest, brushing his wide wet tongue over the perky little nipple now poking through the fur. There was a yelp from the cub then a whimper and a hiccup as he tried to hold back ernest tears. "Ok, I'll stop." The sniffling quieted and the fox looked up at the older fur, hoping he'd be let go.

That didn't seem to be the case; the short lived hope for freedom was crushed as the bear began to strip. First came his dingy work shirt which he pulled off over his heavy belly and tossed aside, then he stepped out of his jeans and underwear smoothly his now fully hard cock twitching and leaking pre onto the ground. "I won't touch your little bits no more, but you gotta touch mine now, ok?"

The fox shook his head from side to side, eyes wide as the bear stood in front of him and boxed him in against the wall. One of those massive hands grabbed the back of his head, fisting in the fur and hauled the kit closer to the bear's thick throbbing cock. It smelled strongly of sweat and musk, and the bear tapped the dripping head against the boy's nose rubbing the slimy pre over the kit's muzzle. "C'mon open up already." He said impatiently, jolting his hips forward to thrust against the boy's closed lips. With a growl he tightened his grip in the fox's fur until the boy gasped out in pain, taking the opportunity to shove forwards and fill the boy's mouth up with cock. "Attaboy, now just suckle on it like a candy - do it or I'll hurt you much worse."

The fox was stunned a moment, the disgusting salty taste hitting his tongue as the bear gently thrust in and out of the boy's mouth, only ever pushing it in halfway for now. After another loud growl from the bear the fox began to suckle, screwing his eyes shut against the tears threatening to fall and praying for this to be over soon. It tasted so bad, and it was so wrong - even without knowing much about sex he could tell this was something he shouldn't be doing.

The bear groaned above him, eyes closing in bliss as he face fucked the poor cub. Without warning he thrust forward, pushing his entire cock into the kit's muzzle and forcing it down his throat looking down to enjoy the stricken panic on the fox's face as the boy choked and struggled now that his air source was cut off. Before the cub could pass out he yanked his cock back and let the fox sit there coughing. His dick was dripping spit and pre, and he was harder than he'd ever been in his life. The fox was still pathetically flaccid, and cowering against the wall."You better hope you got it good and wet because that's all I'm using."

With that statement the bear hauled the boy up and pinned him facing the wall. It was easy to hold him aloft and the bear's large stomach pushed against the boy serving to help hold him still while the older man got himself lined up. "Bet you're fuckin tight as hell, huh?" He whispered into the kit's ear while he dragged the head of his cock over the tight puckered hole smearing it with pre, a small mercy.

The fox jolted at the feeling of that warm, blunt head brushing against him. He had no idea what was going to happen; he'd heard schoolyard insults about this sort of thing sure, but he didn't understand it. When the bear grunted and pressed forwards the fox whimpered, confused as he felt the pressure on his hole. It was just that for a moment, pressure, until his muscles gave way and the thick head of the bear's cock popped into him all at once and all of a sudden there was pain and the fox's scream was cut short by a hand over his muzzle again. "Shut up kid, it ain't even all the way in yet." The bear grunted, shoving against the boy again and slipping a few more inches in as the fox hiccuped and whined in a panic.

It felt like nothing the kit had ever experienced, like someone was trying to split him in two. The bear was huge, his cock would have been hard to take even for a prepared adult but he just kept shoving it forwards and forcing it into the small eight year old until he felt his balls resting against the kit's ass. At that point the fox was openly weeping with big tears streaming down his cheeks while the bear moaned against his ears. "Fuck you're like a vice kid, bet it hurts like hell too." He gave an experimental thrust, dribbling pre into the boy as the fox's voice hitched up into a hiccuping sob. The bear knew he wouldn't last long inside the tight hole, but with the kid's parent's probably noticing his absence right about now it was a good thing.

With a growl the bear began thrusting hard and fast, pulling almost completely out before ramming back in to the hilt, balls slapping against the kit's ass. He reached a hand down, to feel the fox's stomach, noting that he could feel himself thrusting into the boy by the way his belly bulged outwards. The kit made a wheezing crying noise on every thrust, trying to shake his head and free himself, feet scrabbling against the tiles as the bear raped him without a care. "You better not fuckin' scream or I'll make this much worse." The fat fur growled, removing his paw from the fox's muzzle. Even if he'd wanted to the boy couldn't have called for help, all he could do as that wide cock speared him open was gasp and sob, what words he managed were weak and simple pleas.

"P-please, s-stop, it hurts, it hurts." He repeated in that vein, his body wracked with shivering as the bear's rhythm faltered and he began to pound harder into the boy's tight hole.

"F-fuck, hope you're ready for this kid." The begging went ignored as the bear felt himself getting close, the tension in his balls coiling as he gave a few more hard thrusts and then stopped and groaned right in the fox's ear as his cock began to throb and pump out come. It had been weeks since he'd had a proper fuck, and he could feel the fox's lower abdomen tightening up as his bowels were flooded with seed. "Hope you like the present, been holding that in for a while." They stayed like that for a moment until the bear finished jizzing inside the boy and pulled away from the wall, taking the fox with him and holding him aloft by his leg and an arm around his chest. A glance down at the fox's bits showed that his little cock had stiffened up, not out of pleasure but just from reflex at having his ass pounded.

"Heh, looks like you liked it you little faggot." The bear remembered his other victims having similar responses and knew that it wasn't anything like that, but he also knew that just implying the boy had enjoyed it would torment the fox for ages. "If you fuckin tell anyone I'll just tell them how hard you got." He added, wanting to make sure the kit wouldn't talk.

"I w-won't, please, let m-me go, I won't tell a-anyone." The boy was limp and weak in the bear's hold, his energy and spirit all drained out. The bear was holding him in front of the bathroom mirror, forcing him to see himself - the bump of his belly from the bear's hilted cock, the way his hole was stretched obscenely wide, his tear streaked face and red-rimmed eyes and the bear's lust filled leer.

"I ain't done yet, you interrupted me earlier. That was rude so you're gonna make up for it." This confused the kit, he could barely remember how he'd gotten there so he just shook his head weakly and screwed his eyes shut. "No you little fuck you'd better watch." The bear's snarled words made him look back into the mirror, the fox was unsure and worried about what to expect.

For a moment nothing happened, the bear was just standing there in seeming concentration, and then his cock throbbed in the boy's ass and the fox's eyes went wide. "N-no, no, don't!" His voice was hoarse but he still tried to call out as he felt the dick in him tense and then a hot jet of liquid poured out and into him. Pee. The bear was peeing in him because he'd walked in on him earlier. Shame and humiliation flooded the boy's mind, he felt nauseas and disgusted as the stream only seemed to strengthen. The sensation of hot liquid filling him was awful, it made his tummy cramp and hurt as his body told him something was wrong.

"Been holding it in all day, too, you'll be here a minute." The bear sighed, looking in the mirror and smiling as he saw the cub's flat little belly beginning to round out, filling like a perverted water balloon. The fox saw this too and wailed, his crying renewed as his stomach was pumped full of foul bear piss. He hated even getting a little on his hand when he dribbled at the toilet and now he was being used as a stranger's urinal. And the bear had a seemingly endless bladder, at least for the cub to whom a second felt like a minute. Soon his belly filled and the pressure became too much, piss leaked out around the dick plugging his ass dripping over the bear's balls and onto the floor.

"Fuck kid, can't even hold it all in, you little shit." The older fur cursed, forcing himself to stop. "Don't you dare fucking leak or I'll beat you senseless." He snarled as he popped his cock out and moved to where his work bag was sitting by the toilet. The fox kit writhed, squeezing his legs together in an attempt to hold all the liquid inside him as his body tensed and told him to let it out.

The bear came back with a thick butt plug and unceremoniously shoved it up the kit's hole - it was wider even than the bear's cock and stung as it went in. "That'll keep you from fuckin leaking all over the place now sit on the toilet. The fox complied, his body wracked with shuddering and his stomach gurgling as the piss in him sloshed around.

The bear wasted no time crammed his softening dick into the fox's mouth and pinching to boy's nose. "Drink." Was all the warning there was before he let go again, emptying out the remains of his bladder into the boy's mouth.

The fox's disgust was magnified as the horrible salty taste hit his senses, the acrid smell was worse and the cock was so far back in his mouth that he had to swallow or risk choking. The last of the bear's urine poured out into the boy's already overfull stomach and then the bear finally pulled away, surveying the damage he'd done.

The fox was slumped on the toilet, stomach bulging out and hole plugged up, his eyes were glassed over and there was a little piss drooling down the side of his muzzle. He'd stopped crying now, no more tears in him as he suffered through the humiliation of being used and raped. The bear thought for a moment, considering his options as he slowly re-dressed himself. He decided on a course of action after a moment and began to gently put the cub's clothes back on him, enjoying how the boy's shirt had to stretch over his tummy.

"Good news kid, you're gonna be comin home with me tonight." The bear cooed kindly; the gas station was old and he knew for a fact there were no security cameras. The staff knew him and would cover for him - he just had to give them a cut of the little fox's ass later. And the parent's were out of towners so there was even less chance of them finding their boy. The cops would do a half-assed investigation then chalk it up to the kit running away. The town's apathy made it easy for someone like the bear to get away with whatever he wanted. He grabbed the fox's hand and hauled him up as he boy shook his head dumbly. "Don't say anything or I'll leave you in the desert for the buzzards, y'hear?" A nod.

The fox walked with a distinct limp on the way out, the plug in his ass and the piss in his stomach making every step uncomfortable. The bear nodded to the gas station manager, exited the store and with a gentleness that belayed his earlier cruelty helped the kit into his old pick up. He'd have fun with this one for as long as he could before having to sell him off - the basement would need a few renovations but it was an easy fix. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your life kid."

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