Blue Moon

Story by FallenArchangel on SoFurry

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#1 of Blue looks good on You

A story of sideways love, where even opposites attract. After-all the world of Zootopia is a big place, and someone has to keep it safe.

"Blue moon, you saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own..."

Heavy panted breath, thudding heartbeat, the drops of sweat, the determination to outlast the other... the adrenaline... this... was a proper chase. She sprinted down alleyways, bouncing over objects, but he was close behind, flowing around things like water, she was surprised at him, a fox of all things able to keep up. But she thought she was smarter, and cut a corner, and she watched him run past, as she felt home free, she ran right into his trap. A rough tackle brought the chase to an end, the out of breath rabbit pinned beneath the panting fox. A briefcase spilled stolen jewelry onto the ground. The fox was speaking, but the bunny was too far off, she'd caught a glimpse of him and her heart leapt... and she was still trying to figure out why.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you--"

"What's your name?" She asked, interrupting him, as his face turned into confusion, he wasn't expecting her to ask anything remotely near to that question

"It's... Vulpes, Officer Vulpes. Now, with that out of the way, i'm dragging you back to ZPD headquarters." He said, but she heard nothing past his name... she was already staring at his eyes. Soft violet eyes, such a sharp contrast to her nearly crimson ones. She prided herself on her eyes, but she could stare at his all day.

"Hey... bunny, fluffball, booplesnoot, carrot-head, hey, HEY!" His yell was enough to finally snap her back to reality. "Did you catch all that?" He asked, and received the blank look on her face. She snapped back to reality all at once at the concerned look, she looked at the blue uniform, the badge, the handcuffs...


The bunny kicked with all her might, and the fox let out a surprised "oof" and dropped her. She looked at the jewels, then at him, and that crippling sensation came back, his perfectly toned body, those deep violet eyes, she was stunned. Trapped by her heat, drawn to even a predator. She snapped out of it as he stood, the look of excitement was gone, now it was one of anger. The near feral look on his face made her spine tingle in all the wrong ways. So, she ran... he followed, weaving through houses, jumping fences, but this time he was a little bit behind, just enough... she thought she was free until she ran smack dab into the leg of an elephant. The elephant looked down with a smile at the rabbit

"Look what we have here... a lost bunny. Don't worry bunny we take real good care of our small friends in the Blue Suns." The elephant laughed as he talked, grabbing her with his trunk. His grip was iron against her, and as she struggled, she forgot about the fox she left behind, the one who was currently coming into the alley, and as he noticed her, then the elephant, things went from bad to worse. The elephant saw the cop and snarled, he threw the rabbit against the wall, and she cried out as all the air rushed out of her lungs. She watched through bleary eyes as the elephant charged the fox. She closed her eyes, expecting him to be dead... but the staccato pings of a tranquilizer pistol filled her ears. She cautiously opened an eye, and there sat the fox, on top of the slumped elephant, his pistol held confidently, but with enough of an action movie pose, that it clicked. He wasn't a grizzled veteran... she got caught by the rookie. He hopped down and rushed over to her.

"You okay lady?" He asked, actual concern replacing the anger from before. The look melted her heart as she cursed her heat... but at that point it was something more, he saved her even though she was a criminal. Their moment didn't last long though.

"This predator asshole took out Harold. Get him boys!" Yelled a large rhino, behind him were several other angry looking prey. The fox spun around with his pistol raised, and his face took on a stony grim look, he knew the odds were terrible just as well as she did. All it took was a momentary decision, she grabbed the collar of his uniform and yelled


They took off together, an unspoken bond formed over the knowledge that they were both up the creek without a paddle. She whipped through alleys, hoping the fox was right behind her. All she caught was a glimpse of orange fur, a flash of violet eyes, and a reassurance that the fox was there. Then it came crashing down, there was a sickening smash as he tripped and hit a box, he struggled up and she skidded to a stop. They had lost most of the followers, except the Rhino. He stared at the cop with murder in his eyes.

"Now, Now little chomper lets see what happens when Foxes go where they don't belong." The rhino said, all but spitting when he said chomper. The fox stared back with confidence, but she could see the tension in him, the nervous jitters. The Rhino charged, and the cop leapt out of the way, running for his fallen pistol. However the Rhino was quicker than the fox expected, and he swung his head in a deadly arc. The fox caught the hit and flew backwards, the gun flying from his hand and clattering to the ground beside the rabbit. The fox was down now, and she watched the Rhino approach. She ran everything over in her mind... arguing with herself

"He's a predator"

"He saved your life"

"He's a cop you're a criminal."

"He's... in trouble..." and something clicked. She sprang forwards, and then the pistol leapt and kicked in her hand, the colorful tranquilizer dart sticking out of the Rhino had found it's mark. He stumbled back, and fell as she fired again, and again, making sure he wouldn't get up for a while. She stood panting, her entire body shaking, the fox lay crumpled on the ground. A trickle of blood coming from his head... she had to help, and she didn't know why...

He woke several hours later. The last light of the day filtering through a dirty window. He looked around and groaned at the pain in his head, four small walls greeted him, and a door he couldn't see out of. He tried to move and groaned in pain as his head throbbed. The fox unsteadily got up and put his feet on the ground as the rabbit came back in.

"HEY, don't move yet, you got thrown around by that rhino pretty good." She yelled, pressing an ice pack to his head.

"W... where am I?" He asked. Gratefully accepting the ice pack.

"My apartment... I called a friend and they dragged you here... after asking why I had an unconscious cop and rhino in an alley." She said, her posture slumping.

"You... you brought me to your house?" he asked. She slouched more as she expected yelling. "Th...thank you...." He said, completely incredulously.

"You're not mad?" She asked, her ears perking.

"No... you saved my life... last remember that rhino was about to trample me... Wait! My cruiser... they'll find it empty, and the trail... oh no... do you get the news here?" He asked, his eyes taking that worried look that made the rabbit blush. She flipped the small TV on and the conveniently timed broadcast had the chief of police addressing a crowd.

"We are working around the clock to find our officer and bring him home safely." The chief told the reporters.

"Is it true you sent a predator to patrol one of the Blue Suns neighborhoods? The infamous anti-predator gang?" The chief looked stumped for a moment.

"No. His patrol route was not to pass through such a dangerous area... he was on speeding duty... he radioed in about a thief robbing a jewelry store, and then his radio went out, and we found his cruiser abandoned and heavily damaged by the Blue Suns. There was signs of a chase, leading to the stolen jewels, and several unconscious Blue Suns members. Officer Vulpes' sidearm was found on the site, but he was unaccounted for." The chief said, his face twisting through emotions. The fox turned the TV off with a sigh.

"That's the most emotion I've ever seen him show..." he said, "I have to get back." He said trying to stand. All that ended up happening was he gave the floor a lovely high five... with his entire body.

"You need to rest... you probably have a concussion." The rabbit replied, her heart hammering as he fell. She couldn't tell what it was about this fox... but at this point she thought it was more than her heat. She knew she had to take him back before the ZPD declared war on the entire neighborhood, but she didn't want him to go.

"Hey... bunny.... What... what's your name?" He asked, and she blushed, realizing she had asked his but never gave hers.

"It's Luna." She said timidly. He smiled and looked at her, and she saw her own reflection in his violet eyes.

"Well, Luna, thank you for saving my life." He said, nodding his head with a sort of humbleness she wasn't expecting... he did a lot of things that she wasn't expecting. She looked out the window as the last of the sun set behind the skyline of the city.

"I'll get you to ZPD tomorrow morning... " she said with a heavy sigh, and he perked an ear. That's when things started to click into his head. The smell that had been playing with his head since he woke up. Something he couldn't quite place, he figured it out. He blushed and she cocked her head.

"You... want me to stay the night?" He asked, his blush growing. She followed, turning red at the apparent joke, and she noticed the way his nose sampled the air. Her blush quickly turned to embarrassment and she buried her face in her ears.

"Y... you can smell it can't you?" She asked as she peeked from behind her ear to see him nod.

"Don't worry, I'll be out of your hair tomorrow, you can deal with it then." He said with a smug grin.

"I... uh... well... you see... why put off to tomorrow... when there's a male in your bed?" she began, before trailing off. His ears shot straight up as his eyes widened

"Wait... I'm a fox... and you're a bunny" He said, but the wavering in his tone told her something else.

"So were the other two cops who retired a couple years ago... it was all over the news, how they moved off to some little house... a fox and a rabbit." she said, remembering the days when she looked up to that rabbit.

"You mean... them?" He asked, his look of surprise returning "I can't think of them doing that! Hell, Officer Wilde is the reason I became a police officer... that guy is my hero... and... I guess... now that I think of it. He probably knows his way around... a rabbit." He said, staring at her, she blushed and looked away.

"What do you say fox? You can't handle one poor little bunny?" She asked before pouncing on him like she was the predator. He fell back with a soft thud, and he couldn't help but notice her scent fill the room.

"Sorry Vulpes... I... I can't help it..." she said, her eyes burning with need.

"Ahahaha, that's cute of you to say--" he said laughing until she grabbed his shirt.

"Call me cute again, and you won't be walking tomorrow when we get to ZPD." She said, and the gravity of his situation set in.

"Oh god... I'm trapped with a bunny in heat... I'm fucked." He muttered. And she all but ripped his uniform open, unbuttoning it so fast

"You have no idea foxy." she managed to get halfway through his shirt when he stopped her.

"Hey, come on... you're not thinking right. You don't actually want this." He said, a hint of fear in his voice.

"Oh come on. It can't be any worse than any other time you've done it." She snapped at him. He blushed and her rationality came back. As he looked away and rubbed a hand along his neck.

"Wait... oh no... oh I'm so sorry" she said, scrambling back off of him. "just having a male in the house... and you smell so g--"

"Hey fluffhead. It's not hard to notice. Your apartment screams your condition... it's been really hard not to be... well... really hard." he blushed even harder, his fur turning crimson. "Maybe I wouldn't mind... if my first was with a lady who saved my life... even if she is just a cute bunny." He said with a sly smile. The rabbit looked at him in shock for a moment. Before understanding crossed her face his smile reassured her.

"You... you really mean that?" She asked. Moderation now her foremost concern.

"Hey... I was waiting for the right girl... saving my life despite the fact I tried to arrest you... seems pretty right to me. Despite the speed... If it helps you out, what's the worst that could happen?" He said, cautiously pushing himself up, regardless of the throbbing in his head. He expected to be tackled, smothered. Or maybe even slapped for playing with her emotions... but she surprised him by hugging him, the barest hint of a tear in her eye.

"I... I've never really had anyone save my life before, and I've certainly never been in a situation with a fox like you... but if you're willing to let me go that far... to have that much trust in me... It means a lot more than you think." She said, rubbing her head into his chest. They sat this way for a while, safe in each other's arms, until he spoke.

"Hey... fluffbutt." He said

"Yeah?" She asked, her voice wavered.

"You've been humping my stomach for the past minute and a half." He said, grinning. Her mortified look made him laugh as she helped him off the floor and guided him to the bed. The tension in the room only built as they simply sat next to each other.

"So... you're into pred prey stuff huh?" He asked, staring ahead.

"I guess I am now." She replied, also avoiding looking at anything besides the peeling paint. Her foot tapping the bedframe quickly

"I'm gonna be sore tomorrow aren't I?" He asked


"Still sure you want a predator?" He asked, blushing once more, and a pair of lips silenced him. He took that as a yes.

"And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold!"

She pressed into him so hard he slowly fell back onto the bed, and she sat on his stomach, grinding against him. The moon had begun to rise in the night sky, and the room filled with soft moonlight, reflecting off everything in the room, outlining the fox and the rabbit as their tongues furiously explored each others mouths. Her paws grabbed at his uniform, undoing the remaining buttons as the shirt slipped off of him, he did his best to return the favor, tugging her shirt over her head. Her hands roamed his chest, and his hands groped her ass. The sounds of breath filled the room as their scents grew stronger, unable to smell anything but each other. She moved first, her heat pressing her need farther than normal. Her hands tugged at his belt, and he helped drag it off, followed by everything else. The bunny stared down at the naked fox with a mixture of predatory need, and amusement, he seemed so passive in this moment. Her hand found his chest, and she felt the flutter of his heartbeat, when she looked up there were two violet eyes burning with need looking back. Those eyes alone had her jump out of her pants faster than she had ever before. She wanted to do so many things for the fox for his first time, but instinct screamed in her head and she skipped the fun. His breath caught as she grabbed him and pressed his tip to her entrance. She gasped as well, thinking about how large the predator really was... in more ways than one. She looked him in the eye one last time, then she pressed down.

He let out a sharp groan as she gritted her teeth, he felt massive to her, and to him she was a furnace with silky walls and a vice grip. The two sat, just holding each other as he was buried inside her, but once again her need pushed things forwards and she slowly pulled herself off of him, all the way to the tip. Then she slammed back down, causing both of them to gasp. She began to pick up speed, slamming herself down onto the moaning fox below, watching his face at the new sensations. She couldn't think of the last time she'd felt this good as she bounced along his length. She tightened up as she felt one of the many shortcomings of being a rabbit... short cumming. She tightened on his shaft, and slammed herself as far down as she could go, clenching at the fur on his chest. His hands found her hips, and pulled her down, they could both feel his knot starring to form, pressing at her entrance. When her orgasm passed she pulled him into a kiss, and started moving again, working her way up to an insane pace.

Heavy panting breath, trickles of sweat, thudding heartbeats, the glow of the moon... this was all there was to the two adversaries turned lovers. After she peaked twice more she began to feel him press her down harder with each thrust, grinding that bulb of flesh against her tight entrance. She knew he was close from the way his ears pinned back against his head. And his eyes screwed tightly shut. She wanted him, and she wanted all of him. She ground down against him as he pushed up, their combined gasp was followed by her moan as his knot popped in. She panted hard as she acclimated to the size before he began to gently rock back and forth, the insanely sensitive underside of his knot threw him headfirst into his orgasm. She couldn't help but orgasm as well as she felt his hot seed filling her, and the feeling of his knot keeping her full. The two exhausted animals collapsed back into a heap, and there they fell asleep, the fox happily tied to the rabbit. For the briefest moment the moon seemed to shift to blue, washing the newfound lovers in blue light as they slept in each other's arms.

"Blue moon... you knew just what I was there for. You heard me saying a prayer for. Someone I really could care for."

The rabbit groaned as she helped the fox hobble up the steps of the ZPD headquarters. She was holding a considerable portion of his weight, as his entire side was bandaged. How much of his limp was from the previous night was currently up to debate though. As soon as they made it halfway across the lobby several cops noticed and rushed over, surrounding the pair, the rabbit regretfully let them take their injured comrade away and she patiently waited to be questioned with grim determination... Across the building the fox sat with his back to a wall.

"So, explain the rabbit?" The chief said with his gruff tone, however the fox saw relief in his face. "She saved my life... and brought me back here when I woke up." The fox said, as he and the rabbit agreed their last night's transgressions should be kept secret. After they deemed him safe to wait for the ambulance in the lobby he shakily stood before an officer ran in.

"Sir, the rabbit just confessed to being the jewel thief that Vulpes was after." He said breathlessly. The chief raised an eyebrow and stared the fox in the face before looking at the officer who had just entered. He looked back at the fox and the forlorn expression on his face.

"I think she's mistaken is all officer." the chief said before looking at Vulpes and creasing his brow. "My office... now." He said and the fox smiled as he limped off to the chiefs interrogating. Outside the rabbit looked at the officer with confusion, then they asked her to wait to collect Officer Vulpes. She slowly realized what happened and she flattened her ears as she turned red. Back in the office, the chief sat down at his desk and stared the fox in the face.

"What is it with you foxes and bunny girls? Although the last time the situation seemed reversed... if she applies to academy I'm going to lose twenty bucks to Wolford... again." He said with a sigh. He grabbed a pen and looked up "story... now... yes, even the part about last night... your cologne isn't that strong Vulpes." He said with a smug expression

" I forgot you've been through this before" The fox muttered with a smile.

"Blue moon, now I am no longer alone. Without a love in my heart. Without a dream of my own."

The end?

A/N: The song referenced throughout the story is "Blue Moon" Sung by Frank Sinatra. I hope this is a fitting return to writing and as always...

~Happy Reading