Those Who Soar. Chapter 4

Chapter Four: Shattered memories Rain pounded the forest as the sound of concussive railgun blasts echoed through the air. My pack was chosen to assault an abandoned complex that was taken over by the Florans. Drones were useless in the thick foliage,...

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Its a Funny Story

Its a Funny story //A little something to keep your hands occupied// Bzzzt....bzzzzt....bzzzzt. I slowly slipped my hand down to my pocket and pulled out my phone, all the while watching the teacher grading papers at his desk. I slipped the slim...

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Those who soar. Ch3

Chapter Three: The Cold Rain of the Coming Storm "For the love of the Oracle how are you so good at this?!" I shouted as Felix beat me in another round of Te'aquen. "Its similar to an old human game called chess... You use spaceships, and drones...

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Those Who Soar On Broken Wings

Those Who Soar on Broken Wings Chapter One: The Escape "The definition of insanity... It's doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result... " it was a quote by an old world genius, someone from a history long forgotten....

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Those Who Soar. Chapter 2

Chapter Two: Waking Dreams -critical body damage received- -shutdown enacted- -72 hours 43 minutes 25 seconds- -26- -27- It was always the same... inside the processor, an endless expanse of black... With those white letters in my vision. The...

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Beating Summer Heat

Beating Summer Heat "Cannonball!" Leon barely had time to react as the neon blue streak that was Lux shattered the calm of the pool that Leon was lying next to. "Dammit Lux! What did I tell you? One more time and I swear, I will lock you in a box...

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Rainy Days

Rain beat a steady drum against the windowpane setting the grey mood of the day. Leon sat on his bed absentmindedly flipping through a book, the small apartment was dark from the clouds obscuring the afternoon sun. Leon perked a leaf shaped ear at the...

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Beep beep beep beep Evan rolled over and blindly grasped for his phone. He whacked it with a paw and the alarm snoozed, he opened his bleary eyes at the ceiling... and pain came rushing in. He felt terrible, the events of last night came back to him...

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Drunken Lullabies

"And I seldom feel, the bright relief... it's been the worst day, since yesterday." "Evan, my main mammal what's up!" The cheetah yelled as Evan skulked into the bar. However the cheetah quickly noticed his friend's disheveled nature "wow... you...

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'Fair' play

"VULPES! My office NOW!" Evan flattened his ears against his skull and walked away from the group he chatted with in the mornings. "Yes chief?" He asked once he was securely locked in the small room. "I now owe Wolford coffee every day for a month....

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Blue Moon

"Blue moon, you saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own..." Heavy panted breath, thudding heartbeat, the drops of sweat, the determination to outlast the other... the adrenaline... this... was a proper chase. She...

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