Tryst:A Meeting Of Lovers

Story by GeetarBoy on SoFurry

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This story is a gift to a good friend of mine, Obsidian Arcticglow. Here you go, Sidi, I hope you like it. ^_^ And that goes the same for the rest of you, enjoy. =)

"I'm telling you man, you'll like her, she's great." Dan said, his reptilian tongue slurring the "s" loudly, sticking out slightly from behind his teeth.

Creo looked at his friend with skeptical eyes, a smirk curled up on one side of his mouth. With a snort, he lifted another guitar onto the wall, setting it gingerly on its display hook and letting it down slowly, making sure it was secure before leaving it to hang aimlessly next to its brothers, then reaching a hand up to rub at his antlers. It was after closing, and the two of them had agreed to stay late to hang up the new merchandise. Creo hated staying late, seeing it as a waste of valuable time, which otherwise could be spent doing something a bit more fun than hanging up used guitars. But lately, money was tight, and rent didn't pay itself after all. Between that and his beat up old car deciding it would rather blow out its transmission than run smoothly, staying late wasn't much of a choice.

"Dan, come on man, the last time you hooked me up with someone she ended up putting a brick through my front window." Creo laughed at the last part, remembering it well, of course, how could he forget her. Andrea was her name. At the beginning of that night, she had seemed fine, laughing and joking at dinner, and some innocent play in the back seat of his car. But, as far as Creo supposed, first impressions do not always tell the most about someone. Especially when said someone turns out to be a psychopath, and have the arm to back it up. Although, Creo hadn't been out with anyone in awhile...and honestly, between that and his shattered front window, though he would never let Dan know, the thought of it appealed to him.

Dan rolled his eyes and picked up a very old, very scratched up electric guitar, moving to hang it up, but hesitating and putting it back down, the light from the fluorescent bulbs overhead gleaming off his green scales. "Listen man, if you don't want to meet her, then that's cool, I'll go." He placed his hands on his hips and gave Creo a blank stare, clearly dead serious. Creo smiled at him and shrugged playfully, checking his watch. It was 10 minutes after 9 o'clock, and the two had been alone in the empty

store for almost two hours. Creo looked around nervously and sighed a little. It was a strange feeling being in the store after hours, as if you weren't supposed to be there, as if it wasn't allowed. He gave Dan another innocent shrug.

"Sure man, I'll meet her. Give her a call when you get home. We need to get going anyway." With that, he turned towards the door, making sure to grab the keys off the front counter and flick off the lights before heading towards the door, opening it and heading outside. Dan grunted in annoyance behind him and hurried to the door, closing it behind him so Creo could lock it. Shutting both large black doors and latching the dead bolt, Creo threw the keys over to Dan. "I'm walking man, I'll see you tomorrow." Dan nodded and walked off towards his car. Creo figured he would regret turning down the ride, but he wanted to walk.

It was a very chilly night, and Creo shoved his hands into the front pockets of his brown leather jacket as the wind raked across his body, running along his uncovered tail. Creo shuddered a little as the hair on his white, spade-shaped cervid tail stood on end. Reaching back, he pulled down the small hood on the bottom of the jacket, made especially for tails like his. The hood covered his tail completely, sheltering it from the cold. Creo smiled, loving the feeling of having his tail and snug and warm against him.

As he walked, he took the pack of cigarettes from his front jacket pocket, bringing them up and tapping the back of the pack slightly with his other hand, allowing one small white and brown beauty to come sliding out. He brought it up to his mouth and took it in his teeth, replacing the pack in his pocket and reaching for the small green disposable lighter in his breast pocket. As he flicked the igniter, red-ish orange flame erupted from the top. Creo lit the cigarette carefully, taking the first drag in slowly, enjoying it. Letting it fill his lungs and run through his body, from his antlers to his toes. In a funny way, it warmed him, sending a tingly sensation down his spine. His muscles relaxed and his mind cleared, and he shut his eyes a little, as his smile grew form ear to ear. Such was the day's first cigarette.

"Sidi..." He muttered the name to himself, blowing smoke out from his nose, creating a hazy white cloud around his head. From a distance, in the dark, he was only a small, bobbing flicker of light as his cigarette glowed ominously in the darkness. He spoke her name again, louder this time, letting it ring in his ears. It was pretty, he thought, not the usual name for a girl, he found himself wondering where her family was from, if the name had some kind of profound meaning in a different language. As he walked, he noticed how eerily quiet it was. The few stores he passed where dark and shut up for the night, and there was not another person around that he could see. It was an ominously lonely feeling really, making him feel uneasy. Puffing on his cigarette quietly, he continued on, making his way home, his hands shoved in his pockets.

Sidi was asleep when she got the call, waking her up suddenly and making her jump, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a quick look around the room, unable to see anything in the darkness. Calming her nerves and rubbing her eyes, she heard the ringing again, remembering the cell phone on the night-stand next to her. Reaching over, she grabbed it off the stand, flipping it open and bringing it to her ear. "Hello?" She asked irately, angry about being woken up, having been in the middle of a wonderful dream she couldn't remember.

"Sidi, it's me." A familiar, slithery voice came through the receiver, hissing through as static. Sidi groaned and rolled over, lying with the phone between her head and pillow. Reaching up she gave her long, pointed panther ear and long slow scratch, calming her more and making her sigh. It had been a long day for her, and all she wanted was to try to get one night of perfect, uninterrupted sleep. However, apparently, that wasn't in the cards, at least not tonight.

"Dan, its almost midnight and I have work tomorrow, this better be so good." She said in a low tone, trying to sound as serious as possible. Dan just laughed and she heard him talking to someone else in the background. She couldn't make out who it was or what he way saying, but she could tell he was out, probably with his crazy friends, half drunk and driving around town. Sidi sighed again and shook her head, rubbing her eyes and wondering if she should just hang up.

"Listen, ya know how you said you would want to meet that friend of mine? That buck I work with? You said you thought he was cute right?" Yea, he was drunk. He slurred his words even more than usual.

"Umm...yea I think so. Why?" Her voice growing slowly more irritated. Dan seemed to notice, his voice got quieter and less vigorous.

"Well, he said he'd like to meet you to." He said with a sort "sorry I didn't mean to" tone in it, backed up by someone yelling loudly about "all the beer cans in my backseat."

Sidi groaned loudly and slapped her forehead. She had said that. Oh man, how could she be that dumb? To let Dan play matchmaker for her? She had to be crazy. But it was too late now, if she said no he would only bug her until she agreed. Not to mention it was past midnight, and she was too tired to argue anyway. "Dan, I was just...I dunno...well fine, whatever, tomorrow is Friday, talk to him and set something up okay?"

"Okay great!" Dan said, his voice finding new life in her reluctance. "You're gonna love him I swear! His name is Creo by the way, but I don't know where that comes fro..." With that, Sidi shut the phone hard, and tossed it non-chalantly across the room onto her couch, where it landed with a dull thud. Rolling over and pulling her blankets over her head, she curled up beneath them, bringing her legs up to her chest. Feeling the warmth grow around her, she closed her eyes and enjoyed her enclosure, feeling safe and warm.

As her mind slowly cleared and she drifted off to sleep, she found herself muttering... "Creo..." She spoke to herself softly. She liked it, it was...pretty, not the usual name for a guy. In the last moments before she slipped back into that great dream she couldn't remember, she wondered if she should have stayed on the phone longer and asked about him.

It was far after 10 o'clock when Sidi awoke the next morning, turning over groggily, wincing and draping an arm over her eyes, shielding them from the unfamiliar light coming through her window. Sitting up, stretched her arms and shoulders, yawning wide, her fangs protruding wide from her mouth. Giving the back of her neck a thorough scratch, she slid out of bed slowly. Walking out of her room, glancing at the clock on the way out, she chuckled to herself, glad she had the day off.

Sidi sat quietly in her kitchen, reading the newspaper and munching on a granola bar. A soft breeze came in slowly through the open window to her right, cooling the air around her, and causing the pink silk curtains to fly about like ghostly figures. Sidi read the paper half-heartedly, not really interested in what horrible happenings surrounded her little world today. It was her day off, and she planned to use it. Getting up out of the small stool she'd been sitting on, she made her way over to the window, leaning on the windowsill and smiling. It was a beautiful day out, sunny and warm, but not too hot, the perfect morning for a jog.

Slipping on her shoes, Sidi grabbed the little black walkman off the couch, she jogged out the door, leaving it unlocked behind her. She made her way down the stairs outside to the parking lot, her feet pounding methodically on the ground beneath her, sending that all-familiar shock up her calf muscles. Sidi loved to run, something about it made her feel free, made her feel good. When she ran, nothing else mattered, all she cared about was her, her legs, and the next 20 feet she had to conquer. It was her escape.

Sidi made her way around the block, her breath slowly increasing, feeling the fatigue build up in her legs, starting at her thighs and making its way down to her calves and ankles. When she arrived back at her apartment, she took the first few steps up two at a time, one last attempt to drain herself completely. Panting, sweat beading down her fur, soaking her neck and chest, she slipped her shoes off and made her way to the bathroom. She needed a shower, and reveled in one at this point.

Sliding her jogging shorts down, and slipping her tank top off over her head, she reached in and turned the water on. Listening to rhythmic sound of the water, she looked at herself in the mirror. So much had changed recently, so much about her. Her once vibrant green eyes had glazed a little, and small black circles made half moons under them. She sighed a little and looked away, stepping into the shower, wincing a bit as the hot water hit her fur.

She didn't know how long she was in there, but she didn't care. For a while, she just put her hands on the tile in front of her, leaned forward, and let the water slide down her back, relaxing her. As she let the water clean her, she rubbed the back of her neck, gave herself a good scratch behind her ears, and thought about what she would do that day. She didn't have much planned, but that could change, maybe go drinking with some friends, who knows?

When she finished, she stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack in front of her, wrapping it around her panther frame and tying it off under her arm. Walking out of the bathroom, she took the towel off, replacing it with a long green bathrobe, tied off at her waist. Laying down on her bed, she spread out and relaxed, looking at the clock on her bedside table. It was well after 1 o'clock, but she felt so tired after her shower, after a stressful week. She decided to take a small catnap. Aimlessly, she drifted off to sleep, her mind wandering, readying her for good dreams.

She awoke to the sound of a ringing phone, groggily turning over and grabbing it off her nightstand. Its dark. Sidi thought. Did I maybe leave the shades closed? Bringing the phone to her ear, she opened it and spoke softly, coughing to clear her throat. "Ugh...Hello?"

"Sidi, damn where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all day!" It was Dan again, Sidi thought with a groan. What did he want now?

"Dan....god....what do you want?"

"I've been trying to call you all day to tell you about your date tonight, Sidi. Remember? The one you told me to set up for you? With Creo?"

Sidi shot up in bed, slapping her forehead with her hand. She had completely forgotten, how could she have been so dumb? Sidi cursed herself under her breath for being so absent-minded. What was she going to do? She couldn't get out of it now, she supposed, she was stuck.

"Oh Dan....dammit...alright, what time is it?"

"About 6 o'clock, I told him to meet you at Pat's Pub at 7, so you should probably get ready now. What should I tell him?"

A pub? Is he serious? Sidi gritted her teeth, flopping back in bed and cursing again. "I dunno....tell him I'll be there."

"Awesome!" Dan said ecstatically, "I hope you two have a good time, he said that..." Sidi hung up before he could finish, she didn't want to hear any more about it.

With a sigh, Sidi got up and put on some clothes, a pair of jeans and a white tank top. Giving her teeth and fangs a quick brush, she slipped on her socks, then her shoes, and grabbed her jacket from the front closet, it was going to be chilly again that night. Making her way out the door, she groaned again that the thought of the night ahead of her. She was in no mood for a date, let alone with someone she'd never met before. With a deep breath, she stepped outside, wrapping her coat around her tightly.

Creo sat at the bar, fingering his drink idly. It wasn't crowded tonight, which was surprising. Only a few patrons lined Pat's bar and pool tables. The dim, smoky bar atmosphere was quiet, and soft music played over the speakers. Creo sipped his drink slowly, staring down at the deep brown wood of the bar. He was nervous, afraid she wouldn't show up. The bartender walked over, wiping the bar with a white rag. "So," Creo heard him say. "She runnin' late?"

Creo didn't look up, he just shrugged and gulped his drink again. He shifted nervously, he didn't like being in public places like this alone, it made him feel stupid. He sighed loudly and took a slow look around. The small pub had begun to fill up, with more people coming in every minute, shaking off the cold and calling for drinks, laughing. Creo looked back at his drink, which was almost gone by now. He looked over at the bartender to call for another, when he heard a sweet voice behind him.

"Hey now, your not gonna get plastered before I even get here are you?"

Creo jumped in his seat and turned around, coming almost face to face with a smiling, panther, her fangs out wide. Her green eyes shone brightly in the dim light, and glistened like diamonds. For a moment, but what felt like an eternity, Creo was speechless. All he could do was stare and stutter, try to find the words to conquer his shock. Sidi giggled again and called for two more drinks, which were brought over swiftly. She sipped hers slowly and smiled, making the most of the night she could.

"Mmmm...Kaluha? I think I like you already." Sidi said with a laugh. Creo finally regained himself and coughed loudly, sipping his own drink.

"Uh..Yea, yea I come here a lot, so I almost get these free." He laughed, but cursed himself inside for cracking such a corny joke. Way to break the ice, idiot. He thought to himself. She just smiled and nodded, obviously loving his awkwardness.

"I'm Obsidian by the way, but most people just call me Sidi." She said, holding out her hand. Sidi wasn't sure about this guy, but he sure was cute, in a funny sort of way. Creo shook her hand lightly, "I'm Creo Reed." He said. "I have to be honest, I was really worried you weren't going to show."

Sidi cocked her head a little and smirked, "What do you mean?" She said, trying not to sound a little irritated by that comment, but a little must have gotten through, because Creo's ears pirked up and his eyes went wide. "Oh no, no! I didn't mean it like that. Just that well...ya know, Dan said that you'd been kinda stressed lately, and I didn't think you were up for a date or anything..." He looked away a little at the end, a little embarrassed, his cheeks reddening a little.

Sidi laughed and put a hand on his shoulder. Strangely, she thought maybe she could learn to like this guy. He was cute and shy, and smiled a lot. "Don't worry, hun, I'm fine. To be honest, I needed to get out of the house, and I think maybe I can end up having some fun tonight."

Creo smiled back and nodded a little. "Yea, me too."

For a long time, the two sat together drinking, laughing, and simply enjoying each other's company. They joked about their jobs, about Dan, about everything. As the bar filled up with people and emptied out near the end of the night, spilling its drunken patrons all over the sidewalk outside, the two decided to go for a walk. Creo slapped a 20 down on the bar, and they strolled outside slowly, walking side by side in the chilly night air. For a few blocks, they walked in silence, before Creo turned and asked.

"Hey Sidi, would you maybe want to take a walk on the beach with me?"

Sidi smiled up at him and nudged closer, prompting Creo to put an arm around her. "Yea," she said, "I'd like that a lot."

The two made their way to the beach entrance and slipped under the gate, Creo putting his jacket down so Sidi wouldn't have to crawl in the mud, cringing a bit as his favorite jacket was scuffed and dirtied on the wet ground. Helping Sidi to her feet, they began to walk down the beach, again in silence. Yet, it wasn't awkward silence, it was comfortable, the kind of silence you get when you don't need to say anything, all you need is the other person's presence, the sound of their breathing.

As they made their way down the beach, the soft sound of the waves crashing on the shore, and the crunch of the sand under their feet was the only sound to be heard. The moon cast an ominous light off the water, making Sidi's eyes shine even brighter. A soft night breeze blew across the sand, and Sidi edged closer again. Creo put his arm around her, pulling her closer to him.

Sidi purred a little, catching herself and looking up, a little embarrassed. "Oops..." She said quietly. Creo giggled and smiled down at her. "Its okay, I kinda like it." Sidi smiled back and nuzzled his chest a little. She liked him, a lot more than she had expected to. Creo just smiled and looked ahead, down the beach, enjoying the feeling of having Sidi pressed against him. It was a warm feeling, being so close to someone.

After a few more minutes, Sidi looked up, seeing Creo walking with a very distant face, as if he was deep in thought. "Hey Creo, what are you thinking about?" She asked him. He looked down and smiled a little, but something was troubling him. Creo wasn't sure what to tell her, but at this point, he figured the truth would be best. "Well, I'm thinking about you, actually." Sidi cocked her head curiously. "What about me?"

Creo shifted a little nervously, not used to being asked that kind of question. "Well...just thinking about how lucky I am Dan hooked us up." Sidi giggled a little, surprised at the answer, but taking comfort in it nonetheless. "Me too," she said, stopping and turning to him. Creo looked down, a little concerned.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Sidi just shook her head and brought her face close to his, smelling his breath, smelling his scent. Creo's breath quickened. "Nothing," she said quietly, looking straight into his eyes, "Nothing is wrong." Before leaning forward more and planting her lips on his. Creo was obviously not ready for this, a made a little surprised yelp as she made contact, his eyes wide, but a second later he relaxed, wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her closer.

Locked in their embrace, the two stayed that way for a while, sharing their slow kiss. Sidi moaned as she felt herself floating away, lost in it. Creo's mind raced, almost unable to grip the moment. Finally breaking the kiss, Sidi took a deep breath and shook her head. "Wow..." she said. Creo laughed a little and nodded. "Yea, I think so too."

Smirking a little, Sidi nuzzled Creo's chest again, her voice muffled by his jacket. "Hey Creo...would you maybe like to go back to my place?"

Some time later, the two laid together underneath the blankets, cuddling softly. Holding in each other in their arms as they kissed and nuzzled one another quietly in the darkness, slowly dragging their hands up and down each other's naked bodies, running their hands through their fur. Creo nuzzled Sidi's neck, kissing and biting it gently. Sidi reached up, grabbing the fur on the back of his neck, her own arousal growing quickly, she felt herself getting wet. Creo's length was already fully-grown and bobbing excitedly, occasionally brushing against her thigh, causing him to jump a little.

Bringing one hand down, Sidi felt along the length of his member slowly, enjoying the feel of it. Creo moaned out at her touch, biting down harder on her neck. "Sidi...oh...oohh..." Brining his head down, he buried his face in her breasts, suckling and licking them, teasing her nipples with his tongue. Sidi purred loudly and closed her eyes. At the same time, Creo's hand found its way down to her wet opening, sliding his fingers along it, teasing her. Eventually slipping one finger in a bit, then back out, pumping it in and out of her. Sidi purred louder as her body tensed, her want for something bigger inside her getting larger.

Sliding over, Sidi got on top of him, and brought her face close to his, tasting his breath. They kissed again, Sidi bringing her tongue forcefully into his mouth, tasting him. Creo ran a hand down her back, eventually reaching her supple rump and squeezing it gently. Sidi breathed in quickly, and sat up, spinning around, and placing her wet opening right in front of Creo's nose, taking his member in both her hands.

Her scent overwhelmed his nostrils, and he brought his nose forward, nuzzling her vulva. Sidi jumped and sighed loudly, looking back at him. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She asked him, smiling devilishly, "Get to it." Slowly, Creo pushed his tongue inside of her, probing her walls. She tasted incredibly, and he hungered for more of her. Brining his hands up he gripped her buttocks tight and drove her tongue deeper, feeling her squirm and shake, her walls clenching and grabbing at his tongue.

Sidi cried out a little, shutting her eyes tight. Leaning her head down, she kissed and licked at the tip of his length gently, her rough feline tongue making him moan out loudly. Slowly, she took him into her mouth. He wasn't to big, but seven inches of buck meat still poked the back of her throat. She began to bob her head up and down slowly, occasionally raking his shaft with her teeth. Creo moaned loudly, muffled from inside her.

Eventually, Sidi leaned up and rolled off him, lying on her back. Creo nudged over and laid next to her on his side, and they smiled at each other. "Creo..." Sidi muttered, laying back and spreading her legs a little. Creo nodded and crawled over, getting on all fours over her, looking down into her eyes, those vibrant, glowing green eyes. Leaning down, he kissed her again, moving forward and positioning himself just outside her dripping sex. She put his arms around him and nodded. In one motion, he plunged into her, burying himself in her depths.

Sidi cried out, digging her claws into Creo's back. Creo gasped out and shut his eyes tight. Giving her a second to adjust to him, he began to thrust in and out of her methodically, slowly at first, but gradually speeding up, pounding into her with fast, hard thrusts, and nuzzling her neck. Sidi gasped each time, and dug her claws deeper into his back. Reaching up, she grabbed a hold of his antlers, pulling on them hard. As her orgasm neared, she began to cry out.

"Creo! Creo! Oh god!" he continued, speeding up and thrusting as hard as he could, knowing she was getting closer, loving the feeling of her walls grabbing and pulling on his shaft. Soon, he lost himself in her, his mind knew of nothing else as he mated with her. The outside world faded to nothing, all that mattered was their love. He could feel himself growing closer, the pressure building at the base of his member. He clenched his teeth, trying to hold back as long as he could. Suddenly, Sidi yelled out, and her back arched, she clenched down hard on him, spraying him with her juices as her orgasm rocked her body.

This drove Creo over the edge, and his cry joined hers as he spilled his cum into her, his body convulsing and spasming with each spurt that left him. Finally, as they both finished, Creo rolled off her, lying on his, his eyes closed and his chest heaving. Sidi edged over next to him, and laid her head on his chest, cuddling up to his warm fur. Creo, with his last bit of energy, brought his arm around her, and hugged her close to him. Gradually, they both drifted to sleep, dreaming of their newfound love.

Sidi awoke the next morning, still lying on top of Creo, who was sound asleep, his face blank and peaceful. Sidi giggled and nuzzled his chest a little, causing him to smile and mumble in his sleep. She wondered what he was dreaming about, if maybe it was her. She rubbed her eyes groggily and turned over, staring out her window. It was another beautiful day, and the sun shone lightly through the window, warming her. Sidi glanced at the clock, seeing it was already far past noon.

She smiled and turned over, snugging back up to Creo and thinking to herself, how glad she was to have the day off.