Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 7

Story by NotSarahK on SoFurry

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#7 of Tao

In a magical paradise of peace and light Tao, a land unknown to man, live five special kangaroo-like creatures. Each warrior represents one of five virtues--benevolence, righteousness, order, wisdom, loyalty. However, the Warriors of Virtue's heroic journeys have not yet ended. An over shadow of evil is still in the land and darker forces are slowly making their move. The evil warlord Komodo might have forgotten who he was from previous events, but there seemed to be something else ratting about. Something that no ones else would have guessed and one new comer to Tao will save them this time. Will the new comer save all of Tao or will their world come to an end? You find out.

Disclaimer: I do not own in any shape or form of any "Warriors of Virtue" franchise. I will not be profiting from this story in any way. However, every character not mentioned in either the movies or the books (yes there are books) is mine.

I do not have any rights to the music that is used.

I do not have the rights to the movie I borrowed from.

A/N: This will just help the development of the book and a little of Lai's promise to Sarah. Hope you enjoy. We will go to Lai's woods, but it is not yet time to getting to know the area, yet.

WARNING: If you have blood image issues, do not read this chapter. A little violence is within this chapter. I repeat do not read this chapter if you feel like you are not up to imagining blood.

Chapter 7

Lai's Story & Visions

(Sarah's iPod: Tai Chi And Qigong - Yin Yan Guitar Beat)

It was almost in the afternoon when all the Roo's were gathered together. They either stood or sat on the same deck looking over the Training grounds. However, Yun was a little late. Coming into view of the group walking down the planked floors he looked a little-tired entering into the group.

"Glad you could join." Chi

"How is she?" Tsun

"She has been looking to long into the Manuscript. I believe she has exerted herself." Yun

"She works hard. While we are here I will have Mosely check up on her." Tsun

"Alright, let him know, thank you." He waited a little bit so she could get back. "Now first thing in order. These Rats."

Everyone was quiet and seemed tense. For a few seconds, no one talked but soaked in as much as they could at the events that have happened.

"We need more information to collect." Chi

"Understand. That is why I think it will be a good idea for us to take turns visiting our home villages and collecting as much information, to bring it back, as soon as possible." Yun

"But, what about the Green here?" Tsun

"That is why only one or two of us at a time will be going." Yun

"We may not know what we are actually facing," answered Lai. "We must always be prepared. We live with our virtues, so we are prepared."

Everyone seemed to understand that statement with head nods and hummed words of agreements.

"The moment one of us gets back the next will take their turn. I will take the first mission out. Let us all get some rest."

All the Roo's agreed at once nodding their heads. Because they all knew what was going one everything either jumped off or walked down the walkways ending their meeting. Lai, on the other hand, was not tired so he pulled out a plain stick from his sleeve and slowly it became morphing into something else. Ones it was complete he began to play.


Slowly arising from her nap she needed to get up and out. Her body ached and didn't feel like laying down any longer. Daylight was falling, but that would not stop her from seeing the beauty in the landscapes to calm her nerves to rest again.


In an area where the Roo's train to better their skills, Lai sits on a trees roots that climb so thickly outward. It's been a quiet Twilight moment as he plays his flute to certain songs in particular.

(Sarah's iPod: Dean Evenson - Cedar Flute Love Song)

Pass the stream, straight across from Lai, Sarah hears the flute's melody. The sounds echoed throughout the village whispering of the past and the present times. It was soothing yet sad because of the way the tunes staying low then energetic.

Sarah looks off of the edge of a big deck that looks upon the training grounds to observe the playing for awhile. She then walks down to Lai's area.

"That was beautiful."

She said in between the songs break. Lai looks up

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing."

Lai stayed quiet.

"Do you mind if I sit down to listen."

He shakes his head grunting a little and signals for her to sit. For a while, he does not play and she does not talk. Until he finally breaks his silence.

"Newcomer, I still do not agree with my companions, I do trust them however, but that does not mean I do not believe in Tao's choices."

"And you have every right to do so because everyone has their bases of comparison and belief to prejudge."

"You do not favor a certain way?"

"I believe that trust is to be earned."

"But, what you have been doing for us is very virtuous and for that I trust you."

Sarah looked over at Lai with surprise and excitement in her eyes. A smile starts to creep.

"I guess I found the right key, now it's just the matter of finding the right door."

With that, he became to play some more.

(Sarah's iPod: Buedi Siebert - Temple On Green Mountain)

"So what do you want to know about me?" He spoke in between his melodies.

"Why Order? Why are you the Warrior of Stability?"

He stopped in mid-note. Paused for a second and slowly turned to Sarah to see how serious she was. He saw she was focused and listening with open ears.

"Well because I understand it the most."

"How so? Lai, when I asked for you to promise me to let me know about you I meant it."

"I understand." He paused for a bit before continuing. "In my village the Emerald LifeSpring, for a time I was unstable."

"Hard to imagine."

"I hear you are unaccepting about other things as well."

"Well, when you have experienced monsters in my world you wouldn't trust much either."

"I know you have monsters in your own world, even though they may not be all the same in our world, but you should never trust them especially as bad as a Hoggarth, maybe worse. Though that does not mean you should stop following your virtues."

"What is a Hoggarth?"

"A creature you better hope you do not meet staying here in Tao."

"That horrible?"

"If there was a way to keep the creature in order with virtues we would have done so already."


"Knowledge, helps you fight monsters off. If you know them, then know how to be aware, and how to look out for them. Fights sometimes can not be avoided, but being mentally prepared is very virtuous. If I were to enter your lands I would not be prepared for your monsters. But you know about them, and yet you seem to put both monsters and your allies in the same place. You don't trust them."

"It's not that I don't want to trust people it is more I gave too much trust into people that it was abused and thus ending my trust in anyone else."

"So you stubbornly make people earn your trust."

"I'm not stubborn!"

"Oh yes, you are. When somebody refuses to believe his own eyes, he is very stubborn. I know about being stubborn, because I'm stubborn too."

"If you have been to my world you would understand that people deceive others just to earn trust. Doesn't make it right, but it happens. So, I learned not to give trust so freely and have people take my trust for granted."

"You live in a weird place. I believe in order. With order, a place is not so weird. It sounds so disorderly and distrust worthy!"

"Now you know how I free. And stepping into a world like this pace is so different from what I am used to. Well, it's a place to good to be true."

"And yet here you are still not believing your eyes."

"However Lai, I do believe everyone needs a little bit of both chaos and order in their lives. If we didn't, one would take over the other and suffer."

"Oh? I am quite interested in your conclusion to this theory."

"Well, It's like a scale. Or like nature, with its harsh winds or too much sun, or the growth of plants and animals would be out of control right?"

"Alright, but this is still for order."

"But, without chaos order can become too much out of control."

"Or course."

"It's funny, I was born under the stars of a Libra constellation, which is a scale. And the astronomers say that people born under those set of stars try to keep the balance; whether it's in themselves or around them."

"But, from what I see your scale is off balance. Maybe this is your lesson to learn here."


(Sarah's iPod: Kelvin Mockingbird - A Call To Love)

They stayed quiet for a moment. But then Lai talked about how Mother Pearl took care of him and many other orphans in the Emerald Lifespring before Komodo's war started. Like Chi when Lai was younger he was very talkative and very unstable. Younger Lai was all of the place and into everyone's business. He told how disorderly his actions were and even the Mayor was beginning to have had enough of him. That was when Master Chung came to his village. Little Chi was tagging along with him so that was the first time they meet too, but Lai was about in his teenage years. Master Chung wanted Lai to come along on his journey for better enlightenment about his behavior and better ones self. Over the years, he did and has become the Roo he is today. He is cranky only because Chi never quit his pranks. Sarah listened carefully about his beliefs, and so the convocation became interesting about his past and so much wonderful memories. The world isn't so bad when you focus on keeping order. In his opinion. Chi seemed to be his chaos though.

"The most important thing about order is respect. Everyone has a place in the world, and everyone has different skills that can be used to help one another. If you follow the code of order, respect will guide your steps."

"You know after getting to know just a little more about you Lai I think you might like to have read Prince Machiavelli and Republic of Plato. The Prince maybe you and Yun should have read, but personally, Republic would be for you. But, that's just my opinion."

"And I would have liked to compare this opinions, but.."

"I don't have the books."


For a moment they enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of the village until her stomach became to grawl.

"Hey, are you hungry? I can go get us some food."

She pats Lai's leg...

"I will be right back."

So she jumps off the curved trunk to head through the tree's arch entrance she came from.

In the shadows, a human figure seemed to be waiting for something standing there. As Sarah was approaching his hands begin to shake violently. The moment she turned the corner she bumped right into him.

She gasps "Oh so sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to be there." Saying in a chuckle.

The man didn't say anything but looked very nervous. So nervous his body seemed stiff and his muscles all tightened. His head was a little bowed down. He seemed to be muttering something. One of his arms seemed to be shaking more.

"It's all your fault." He spoke through clenched teeth.

It happened so quickly she didn't notice she got stabbed until he moved away from her and pulled out the knife.

"You shouldn't have come."

He looked at her with burning hatred before running off down the vines tunnel. Sarah stood there in shock. There was only a slight pinch just below her breast. She could not see over her chest, so her hand slowly raised to meet the spot. It was wet. Her mind went to one thing. The moment she lifted her hand to her eyes everything came all at once. The reality she was just stabbed, the pain spreading from the wound, blood was being drained fast making her weak. She began to feel very drowsy. She needed help before she got in a much worse condition to find anyone. Sarah tried to whisper for Lai, but his ear only twitched because she was too low. She needed to get to ears length. Every time she took a breath pain shot up and down her body. Trying to take short breaths wasn't helping much either. But, she still tried to get back to Lai. The dizziness just kept getting worse. She struggled to hold her wound and trail back, but her knees finally gave out.


She tried one more time to speak louder, but still not more than a whisper before dropping to her knees. She couldn't make it. She only hoped Lai would notice something was wrong in time.

In a short time, Lai did notice something wasn't right. It seemed to quiet the moment he stopped playing. He heard this slight sound of a whisper than a thump. He looked in the direction Sarah just left from and listened for other sounds. He got up from his root and walked near the corner. He eyed the area up and down and noticed a delicate hand on the floor. He runs over to find Sarah face down in the dirt. The left hand peeking out from her body all bloodied.

"Sarah" he sounded with deep concern.

He gently turned her over and examined the front. His eyes widen. Lai picks her up and screams for his comrade's assistance. When she was safely secured in his arms he rushes to the villagers medicine expert.

He reaches a hut that was close to the villages lifespring. An old man in a warm brown tunic with a long gray beard and a few white strips in it watches Lai lay Sarah down on the medical beds. Her front had a lot of blood dripping from her dress. Her color seemed to be fading fast. The old man rushed over to Lai for a closer look after seeing blood. He took his hands and ripped the dress a little more open to seeing the wound better.

"If we don't stop the bleeding fast she may not make it through the night."

She winced a little when he was poking around. She was breathing quite shallow.

"She is lucky the wound did not hurt any vital areas. But, it seems something else is affecting her. Could be poison which could explain why the bleeding has not stopped."

The medicine healer rushes over to his cabinets to pull a few herbs. Lai noticed these signs before and this wasn't good.

"What does this look like that gave her that wound, Healer?"

As the healer smooths an ointment around the area for the pain he tries to get a better look at the cut.

"It could have been a blade of some sort. I may be an expert, but possibly something small enough to wood carve."

Lai's theory was beginning to add up. This may have been a non-expert person for assassination, but the poison was sure to have come from one place only. His own village.

Sarah let out a little cry before slipping into a deep slumber.

"I have eased the pain, but Lai do you have any idea who could have poisoned her?"

He shook his head and stayed silent looking down at Sarah. But, he let the healer know of the possible poison it might be so he could get working on the right herbal mixture.

Lai walked out to let the healer do his job, but he was worried it was a poison from the Skull Spring which he thought they were not bothering anyone any longer. But, the poison was acting very much the same way when he got hit with it a while ago by an arrow when he was helping his home LifeSpring by defeating the headhunters. He was weakened greatly, however it looks like Sarah was given more than what he had gotten. He can't image what she is experiencing now. He just prays to Tao that they are not too late. Just as he was walking out to the rail he saw Yun and Chi arriving first. Tsun and Yee were not too far behind.


(Sarah's iPod: Aurah - The Calling)

Sarah begins to gently flutter her eyes open. She notices that she was in a doorless temple. The place looked like an ancient Chinese temple in the sacred mountains, but it was still in good shape. Outside the sky was full of blue riches and it's clouds moved in spirals so calmly. She sits up and her hand automatically lifts up to an area under her breast. Why did she need to do that? Did she need to check for something? Did something happen to her? And then memories started flooding back to her. She was stabbed and in so much pain, but there doesn't seem to be any open wounds on her body. She looks around for any clues as to where she might be. In a distance, she saw someone sitting outside on the ground. She got up from the cleaned floor and began the walking over to the person. The air smelled so fresh and clear of any toxins. Getting closer she notices this man with long white hair also wore a gray tunic like the Tao's villagers. Maybe she wasn't too far after all, but then how did she get here?

"Unfortunately, this is not Tao nor a place for people to travel to so freely."

The man spoke so calmly with an Asian accent. She walked to his front to see who he was speaking to.

"I'm sorry?" She said stood facing him.

"This place, as one would call it, limbo or a state beyond dreaming."

"Am I dead?"

"No, but you must not stay here Sarah." Said opening his eyes at her.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Forgive me, I am Master Chung. However my work isn't done yet."

"The Master Chung? The Roo Warriors Sensei that I have been hearing so much about?"

He smiles sweetly.

"But, Master Chung why am I here?"

He looked a little worried to answer.

"A successor needs to arise in my place for Tao."

"How am I supposed to find this person?"

"Do you have the Manuscript?"

"Not on me currently, but yes the Roo's still have it."

"The book will help guide you along the way."

"But, where should I start? Who am I looking for?"

Master Chung smiles, "You will know how. Follow your heart Sarah."

"Hmm, Chung that's too cliche."

He sighs, "Please, you must find my successor."

"Alright. Alright, I will try." She tried to reassure him.

With that, she all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain. At first, it just startled her and confused where that came from, but then the pain started to grow.

"What's happening."

She stumbles to her knees holding her stomach in pain. Chung tries to explain to her what is going to happen but she was fading fast from limbo. He gets up with a giant leaf in hand with some kind of yellow paste on top. He helps Sarah lay back down on the ground.

"This will help for now."

He takes a little of the paste on his finger and brings it close to her lips.

"Try to swallow."

Just as she took the paste from his finger and placed it in her mouth Chung had also placed the giant leaf on her stomach. She wanted to throw up so badly. The taste was overpowering like fresh pink ginger. But the moment the leaf was laid on her and she swallowed the sharp pain cooled down, but she still felt herself continuing to fade.

"Can I ask one more question before this all disappears?"

He bows his head.

"Why me? Why am I here in this world?"

"Because Tao needs your help this time. Now rest, your body needs it. You have a long journey ahead of you."

Just as she was exhaling and relaxing all of her muscles, everything began to fade into whiteness again.


(Sarah's iPod: Namaste - Embracing the Oak Tree)

Slowly Sarah's body wakes up. Her body ached all over, but Tsun was right there with an herbal tea to calm the pain.

"Here drinks this. It will help."

She tried to sit up the best she can. Tsun helped her lift her head just enough. And then let her rest again.

Lai and Yun were outside pacing back and forth worrying about her condition. She had been at the healer's hut for 3 days almost barely making it. Tsun steps out of the hut.

"Sarah is awake, but still very weak."

"Is she able to talk to us what happened?" Lai asked.

The healer then walks out with a bowl and some kind of liquid in it.

"She needs her rest. We just...."

But before he could continue he got intruded by the same person he is trying to heal.

"Yes. I can tell you."

The Roo's looked at each other, but before they walked in they were stopped by the healer putting up a hand.

"I have to tell you before you go in. The wound is clean and Lai was correct on the poison, but it was excessive and if she was brought a moment too late she would not have made it. There was also this little piece that was left inside her."

He showed the bowl to Yun and Lai. It was definitely a part of a small blade, but it was made from a specific area. Lai's village based on the color and material it was made out of. Lai had informed Yun that there was a follower when Chi and himself after traveling back. They thought he was lost, but it looks like he found where they were. But, if he followed them again it maybe possible these events have a purpose and Sarah is caught in the middle of it all. They needed to know what happened to mark off possibilities. Tsun was already back inside offering more tea for Sarah to drink when Yun and Lai walked in behind. Both ears on the Roo's seemed to have lowered immediately. She looked awful. She had lost lots blood and the poisoned entered all at once.

"How are you..." Lai began.

"Chaotic and orderly." She simply replied back in tired breaths.

She tried to smile a little. He seemed to understand and his mood was a little lightened. Even though his ears raised a little his face was still filled with concerned.

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to."

"Yun, I'm stubborn and will fight until I die. If I say I'm going to tell you I will," she said with a raspy voice.

That brought a smirk to Lai's face now.

"She will be just fine Yun," Lai said now leaning against the wall.

"About the attacker..." she began.

Everyone's attention was carefully listening.

"I had a good look at him. But please listen when I say it is not his fault."

Yun nodded and understood.

"His voice was full of hurt, he kept saying it was my fault, and that I shouldn't have come here. He wore emerald and brown colors like he would blend in with the trees."

She took a deep breath and started to slowly close her eyes, and she continued to talking.

"His face looked like a farmers because it was all covered with dirt on his forehead and shadow chin. But, what I noticed the most was of his eyes. They had a solid gray hue to them. Like he was blind even though he was looking right at me with tears. He seemed to see just fine, and yet at the same time not quite seeing what is really there."

At this same time when she was just finishing up her description, Chi and Yee seemed to have just jumped to the door with a loud thump.

"Yun," Chi called for him softly.

He walked out and over to the two to hear what they found.

"There was a trail that we followed, but it appears as if something else found him before we could. The trail ended right before the Desert."

"Something does not seem right."

"Hey, guys I'm not done."

They heard Sarah yelling back out to them. All the Roo's outside had their ears perk up.

"How is she?" Chi asked

Yun's ears lowered a little, but still answered: "I'm sure she will tell you, but she is better than she looks."

Yee signs "What do you mean?"

Yun sighs. "Because she has lost blood, and has been unconscious for 3 days she looks frail yet she acts strong."

They took a few moments to process that information. Yun turns back around and starts heading inside, and the other Roo's followed as well. As they were walking in Chi and Yee finally saw Sarah and understood what Yun meant. Her face lost some of her colors. Her eyes held dark circles and seemed droopy. Even though a blanket was on top they could see she lost weight too quickly.

"Well hello, there strangers. Do you visit here often?"

Chi tried to smile a little a joke with her. Sarah just saw way too many depressing faces and it was making her feel comfortable.

"Well no, little lady. But, we do try to visit the newcomers here in our village."

She genuinely smiles. She takes a moment before she continued, and huffed and breath.

"Like I was saying there is still more. And...I'm glad to see everyone is here because you might like this part."

No one moved, only Tsun was with changing her cloth on her forehead.

"I think I met Master Chung."

Now they all were very surprised. Some moved closer.

"What" Lai unfolded his arms.

"Are you sure?" Chi.

"How?" Tsun.

"Please everyone." Yun tried to calm everyone including himself. "Sarah, how do you know if this was Master Chung."

She sighed heavily, "Hmm long white hair, long white beard, and a gray tunic. And he speaks with such wisdom that it sounds like riddles!"

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Chi said smirking a little.

"Did he speak with you about anything?" Yun

"Of course. And he told me there is someone I must look for. Someone that will take his place here in Tao, and that the Manuscript will help."

"Did he say who?" Tsun

"Unfortunately, no. But, that I must find this person not knowing other clues how."

"Sounds like Master Chung alright." Chi smirked."So, this replacement could be anyone, and anywhere!"

"That is correct. But, even though he did not have a limit it sounded urgent."

"Yun, it would seem that checking our villages is more crucial than before." Lai

"You are visiting your home villages?"

"Yes, we thought it would be wise to find any more leads about the Rats and making sure everyone is safe." Chi

"Then tomorrow I will go with you guys to the first village."

"Out of the question." Yun roared.

"That would be very unwise, Sarah." Chi

Her eyes open with a fierce look at them. "While you guys are gathering information I can try to find Master Chung's successor. He said all I need is the book. I don't need to put myself in harms way. If I need to rest I will rest, but no one else can read it anyway."

She tried to set up, and look at all of the Roo's in the room.

"Look. I am not here to just sit around twiddling my thumbs. I'm here to help and help I will do in any way I can."

"You are in no condition to..." Yun

"My condition will improve, as long as I take it easy and not be foolish."

"Without time to recover is foolish." Chi

"Look everyone."

She begins to pull away the blankets to left up her light shirt they put her in instead of the heavy dress. She pulls down the bandages to reveal she was healed.

"I will be fine. As long as I get some rest for tonight, tomorrow will be a piece of cake."

Everyone, including the healer that popped back in to check on the patient, was amazed that there was no wound, not even a mark left. She put the shirt back down and the blanket back over her.

"How?" Healer

"Amazing!" Chi walking up wanting to know more.

"When I was talking with Master Chung he put this weird paste on me, and from there the pain got better."

"Healing from a nonphysical plain. Interesting." Healer

The Roo's wanted to discuss amongst themselves how they were going to safely bring Sarah with them on their journey, because it would seem no matter what was going to happen she was going with them. Lai knew this kind of stubbornness, and Tsun and Chi deal with Lai's. Tsun nods her head. Yee pounds his chest. Chi shrugs his shoulders, but nods in agreement. Lai nods his head as well. Yun wanted to roll his eyes for agreeing to this, but nods back to his comrades instead.

"Alright, then as of tomorrow Sarah and I will go to my village. The moment we get back and rest will be checking on Lai's village next."

They all nod their heads, but there was still one thing more to settle.

"Yun, there is something else I need to know to find out about."

Yun was listening carefully with a look of question on his brow.


The man that stabbed Sarah was back in the green of Master Chung's village being very paranoid. He seemed to be talking to himself of the job that wasn't completed yet. He was on the outer edges of the village sweating. He seemed to look up suddenly and straight down to the villages LifeSpring. It was late hours so not many people seemed to be walking around. He seemed to know exactly where he needed to go and used caution in order to reach his point. He found the hut near the bottom of the spring. As he approached closer he brought back out the poisoned chipped blade. He eyed through the windows to see if anyone was in. There she was lying down calmly breathing. He takes a deep breath and swallows. He finds his way in and approaches Sarah with the blade by his side. His breathing gets excited as the shaking hands hold the blade above Sarah.

"I know you don't want to do this," Sarah announced with her eyes still closed.

A shocked expression filled his form. He thought she was asleep and didn't need to look into her eyes again.

"If I don't do this they are going to kill my son."

The blade was beginning to slowly go down to his side again, but then his eyes were so much in pain of the thought of his son the blade raised high again and ready to strike once more. Sarah stopped the arm from coming down with the blade. She was just quick enough and had a good amount of strength to keep it away from her.

"They killed my wife and I blame you for it all."


The blade was shaking even greater with his nervousness and her strength just barely holding out.

"The Rats are looking for someone and you are the newcomer. You are the newcomer!" He seemed to be screaming at her.

Just in time Yee and Lai grab him from behind. He tries to struggle, but it is useless.

"I have to do this..." He tries to tell him.

"I have to..." He continues to say through tears.

Chi comes up to him with a cloth in hand and pulls the blade from the man's fingers without touching it. He looks at it and then shows Lai, who still held on to him.

"Yes, that's poisoned alright." Lai.

The blade had a fresh coat of liquid on top. Yun steps in, saw Sarah was ok and everything was under control. He looked at the man who had given up fighting and walked over to him.

"Villager, why are you attacking the newcomer?"

"They have my son and killed my wife. This won't have happened if the newcomer wasn't here."

"Villager, the newcomer wasn't here when the Rats started." Yun

"It's all her fault. She shouldn't be here." He continued to cry through tears.

Yun and the rest noticed he was in no condition to listen to reason.

"Lai, Yee, take him to a guest hut and tie him down until he cools off. Everyone should take turns watching over him while I am gone. Gather as much information as you can from him. It would seem he is one of the victims and may know a little to help. Ones he is well Tsun take care of him."

Yee and Lai started taking the villager to the hut.

"I will see what I can find about the blade," Chi said and then followed them from behind.


"Yun, please be safe. I'm glad no one got hurt." Tsun left as well to go rest for the night.

"Sarah, you did well tonight. Get your rest we will leave by first light."

She nods her head back to Yun and just as she was getting herself to lay back down Yun stops just before he was leaving to turn back at her.


She looks back at Yun standing by the doorway. He was not completely looking at her, but half turned. He was looking at the ground trying to not make eye contact. A few times he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but it never quite came out.


"I was worried about your safety. Rest well," he said and then sighs deeply before leaving.

She didn't get time to answer him back as he takes off without hesitation for a response. She kinda looked out wondering what he really wanted to say, but she was just too tired to think too much. In no time, she was out for the night getting the rest she needed.

Reference Notes:

  • Prince by Machiavelli
  • Republic by Plato

A/N: So by now can anyone find the easter eggs I am hiding all over the place? Ones I get on to a certain character's name later on in other chapters the hunt will be revealed. But, I would like to know if you can guess what I might have in store for everyone.