an unexpected night

Story by zioken on SoFurry

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Michael entered the dark dank room and began searching the wall for a light switch. He clumsily stepped forward and tripped on a loose stone. He landed in a pair of strong, fuzzy, soft arms. He felt at the stranger in front of him. After confirming who he thought it was he swiftly turned and hit the lights. A light flickered to life unmasking the stranger.

"Difero! It's you... what are you doing down here?" Difero looked Michael up and down briefly to admire the jet black coat of fur that covered his body. The large horse Difero glared Michael in his baby blue wolf eyes and said, "I could ask you the same question." Michael stepped back uncomfortably. "Well I was just... I mean I was just looking for the circuit breaker. What are you doing down here now that you know my reason for being in this dark creepy place?" Difero looked back into Michael's eyes with a sinful glare, "I was here playing a little game of hide and seek." Difero shifted his weight so as to conceal the bulge that was fast becoming larger inside his pants.

Michael looked around cautiously and began to back out of the basement trusting his instinct to get the hell out of there. As he moved back Difero asked him, "where are you going the circuit breaker is this way..." he backed away and turned walking to the back of the basement. Michael really wanted to get out of there but needed the electricity in his apartment to be turned back on so he calmed his nerves and took a step in Difero's direction. "Come on right this way." Difero said with amusement filling each syllable of his voice.

Difero slid behind a heavy dark curtain that was pure black dissolving from Michael's line of sight. "Right this way." Difero's voice came from behind the curtain very quietly. Michael stepped toward the curtain and pulled it back thinking to himself, "He must have made this... I have never seen it here before..."

Inside was blood red and most of the walls were just curtain drapes that were hung thickly around this area of Difero's. in the far back corner on a king sized bed sat Difero waiting patiently for Michael to say something, but not taking his eyes off of him.

"Do you like my sanctuary that I made?" Difero asked. "What is all this???" Michael inquired. "Oh... it's nothing; just something that I did in my spare time." Was Difero's reply. "And you did all this in hopes of what?!" Michael said his voice trembling.

Difero stood and walked over the Michael and whispered, "I did all this in hopes of us my love." At that Michael jumped back and attempted to get away; but Difero had already grabbed at the scruff of his neck and pulled him back. Grabbing his arm Difero pulled him towards the bed fallowing close behind.

Michael pulled himself out of the hurtle towards the bed and tried to veer towards the curtain to escape but was cut off by Difero. He was pushed back onto the bed and pinned.

In a last ditch effort Michael summoned all his strength into one hit and tried to knock Difero out, but he was to slow. Difero dodged his blow and had pulled out a pair of hand cuffs. He quickly snapped it onto Michael wrist and pulled it to the bed frame and cuffed him down. Difero backed away from Michael and watched as he struggled to free himself. "It's no use. U will not be getting out of those any time soon. And the curtains block all sound from getting out. There is no escape for you." Difero said coolly.

"Let me out you sick FUCK!" Michael demanded. "No way I am going to sit here and watch you until you calm down..." was Difero's reply. "RRRAAAWWW!!!" Was the sound of Michael attempting to break the cuffs that constricted him to the bed. He struggled with the restraints and bit at them trying anything to break away. But the cuffs held. He struggled in this manner for hours before he finally gave out.

Michael had completely exhausted himself and was beginning to pass out. He had fought as hard as he could to break free and now he had to fight just to stay awake. Every time his eye lids began to close he forced them to open and be aware of what was around him. There still sitting in his chair was Difero silently watching and waiting for Michael to pass out. He knew that once he was asleep he was at the mercy of Difero and whatever sick pleasures that he was thinking of doing to him. Darkness began to creep into his vision as exhaustion took its toll. He could no longer fight it he had to surrender to it. His muscles stopped tensing and relaxed. He lay limp on the bed as his eye lids closed and a deep slumber took him.

The next morning...

Michael awoke slowly hoping that last night was a dream and that when he opened his eyes he would be in his room with nothing to worry about... before he opened his eyes he felt someone pressed next to him, not to much larger than himself and radiating heat. He noticed that his cloths had been removed and that he was still unharmed in any sense of the word. He had not been harmed, but there was still something holding him down. He slowly opened his eyes to see a large brown furred arm covering him along with some blankets. He lifted his arms to find that they were no longer shackled but there were no longer razor sharp claws there either. They had been filed down while he slept. He lifted his legs to see if they were trimmed to. They were not only trimmed but his left leg had a metal clamp and a chain on it that connected to the wall. He had about fifteen feet of length just within the curtain walls so that he couldn't get out or yell for help. He looked over to see Difero starring at him intently.

"I see that you are finally awake my sweet." Difero said as those luscious blue eyes fell upon him. "What is this, why are you doing this and why didn't you do what you wanted with me while I was asleep?!" Michael demanded for answers. "This isn't about pleasure pain or otherwise this is all about me getting to know you... or the other way around in your case." "BUT WHY!!!" was Michael's statement to Difero's statement of getting to know each other. "Isn't that obvious Michael? I like you and I want to get to know you... and I knew that you would never take the time out of your life to get to know me." Difero said softly. "You are one twisted FUCK Difero you know that!" Michael stated blatantly. "You are going to get me fired my bills will..." Michael began and was quickly stopped by Difero, "don't worry about any of that. I am taking good care of you and all that is taken care of." Difero said confidently.

Michael stared blankly... "What did you do with my job you psycho stalker?!" "I took two weeks' vacation time off for you. I am very good friends with your boss and he was more than willing to help me out. He thinks you are enjoying a nice drive to Alaska with me right now; and he also knows that you have no social life and needed a break and wouldn't ask for it so... I took the liberty of asking for you and he had no problems with that." Difero said with a proud look on his face. Michael was unsure how to continue this conversation... all of the people that he thought would be looking for him think that he is on vacation. And he had no family to speak of... he was trapped with Difero for two whole weeks and he had no choice in the mater. Difero looked over at Michael warmly, "Don't worry I will take good care of you, all I want is for you to sit back and enjoy this."

With that statement Michael felt a strange scene of comfort and warmth coming from Difero. He wasn't as insecure as he was a few minutes ago. It was still a very bazaar and off the wall kind of feeling but there it was rolling around in his head. "Could he really care this much for me?" Michael asked himself in his head.

Difero nuzzled his face into Michael's neck and said, "I know this is still weird for you but I love you." Michael's heart twisted a little and his stomach fluttered some at those words but he held them back. "You do know that I am straight right..." "I know that you think your straight but I also know that you have never had a date in your whole three years of working for our company."

That statement was very true and burned into Michaels mind and it seeped into his ears. Silence took the room making Michael uneasy. Difero just cuddled next to Michael not doing anything to startle him. Michael reached over and touched Difero on his shoulder gently. "Why out of all the people that you could have done this to, why did you do this to me?" Michael said softly. "Because, whether you know it or not there is a connection between us; it's still weak and undeveloped but it is there and I want it to grow..." Difero replied with a hint of longing in his voice.

Difero reached over and brushed his thumb gently over Michael's cheek. Michael inhaled slow and deeply at Difero touch. "Are you alright?" Difero asked seeing Michaels reaction. "Yes I'm... I'm just fine it's just... no one has touched my face since I was a pup with my mother." "Are you still a virgin?" Difero inquired. "Well it isn't that I haven't been asked to... well you know... but I just never really..." "Felt a connection." Difero finished Michael's thought. "Well I guess u could say that." "Do you feel it now?" Difero asked teasingly. Michael bit his lip fighting the urge to scream out; "GOD YES I DO" but there was no need because his manhood had already spoken for him. Difero looked down to see the tent that Michael had made with his blankets.

"I see that your body has spoken for you..." Difero said comically. "Whimper..." Michael tried to muffle the sound that he was making with ought much success. "Oh it's alright Michael I won't do anything if you don't want me to I will respect you and leave if you want?" Difero began to move as if to get off the bed. Michael quickly and gently grabbed his arm and tugged a little. Without saying a word Difero laid back down his own large dick now beginning to swell.

Michael still not relinquishing Diferos' arm pulled himself closer to Difero. Their muzzles met and they began to kiss slowly... then deeper and more passionately. "Wait..." Michael said pulling back. "Don't worry so much just relax no one is here to bother us it's just you and me. If you don't want this than I can go." Difero said softly but smooth like. "No it's not that... it's just... I'm still new to this and it feels..." "Don't worry just relax. I will take care of everything." Difero said calmly. He bent down to give Michael another kiss. Their lips meet and another wave of passion took over Michael's body. He grabbed at Difero's body pulling him closer embracing him as Diferos tongue entered his lips. (Michael thinking) "Wow this is so intense I don't think I can hold on much longer this is so good I think I might lose myself in this..." Michael bit back another whimper as Diferos hand gently slid down his body teasingly. His cock now throbbed for attention just as Difero reached down to stroke it slow and gentle. "Ahhh..." "Sensitive to the touch... have you even had sex?" "Well... um... I have so much to do... and all my work is very demanding..." "Say no more." Difero nudged himself downwards and began to lick slowly at the cock that now lay naked in front of him. "Ahhh! Moan..." Michael let out at the contact...." Michael let out at the contact. Difero began shoving Michael's meat into his mouth. "Grunt. Ahhh! Too much too much too much too much!!!" Michael said panicking. Difero dug in and bit down the rest of it. He almost immediately came back up as Michael yelled into an orgasm. He shot hot cream several times all over Diferos' face. He began to lap at the cream that now covered his own face. "Taste great! And there is so much of it." Difero took some of it off of his own face with his finger and offered it to Michael. Michael swallowed Diferos finger and began to suck on it. "Dam are you sure you haven't done this before because it sure feels like you know what you're doing!" Michael pulled back a little and blushed wile smiling.

Difero was at his full peak now and was more than ready for some action. He began to move around to grab a bottle of glide from under the bed that he had hidden there for just such occasions. He pulled it out from its hiding place and showed it to Michael. He squirmed a little and had a weird look on his face and said, "Please be gentile..." he looked up at Michael as he got down low as if he was going to begin to suck Michael back off. "What are..." Michael bit his words back as Diferos' tongue began licking at his rectum. Difero lifted Michael up so that he could get a better angle. He pushed his tongue inside of Michael and began licking around feeling the pressure pushing his tongue back out. Difero pulled back thinking, "Dam just as tight as it looks... this might be painful for him... I wonder if he will be able to take all twelve inches of me..." he lapped at the naked hole a few more times then pulled Michael up onto his pre cum dripping dick that was now right under Michaels' ass waiting to be pushed inside. Difero grabbed the glide squirted some on his hand and began to stroke his shaft covering every inch with lube.

Michael began to descend upon Diferos' hard meat and yelled out as it began to enter him. "I don't think there is enough room in me to accommodate you!!! Ahhh!!!" "The thickest of it is in all you have to do is go slow." "Ok..." Michael said nervously. Difero gripped at the sheets as he was consumed whole slowly disappearing into his new lover. "You are so tight!!!" Difero yelled out. He was almost all the way in when Michael began to contract from the pressure that Diferos' dick was causing inside his ass. Michael yelled as another orgasm overtook him. Difero bit back a yell as he let go of the full unbridled furry of his orgasm go inside of Michael sweat succulent ass. Michael collapsed on top of Difero and he was exhausted as well. They both fell asleep in each other's arms warm and content.