Black Skies

Story by OtterLad on SoFurry

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"Noo Noo!!" The cat squirms trying to get loose from the crow that snatched her.

"Shut it, you're coming with me now!" His sharp talons grip tighter, blood dripping down the back of her neck. He flew high above the treeline, the sky filled with black clouds as a storm was on the horizon.

"Let me go you fiend!!"

"Are you so sure that's what you want?" Dangling the feline above a large open ravine, purposely loosening his grip now. "I wonder if you'll land on your feet...Haha..."

"Eh!!" Eating her own words as she uses paws to hold on to the bird's talons now. The kitty trembling in fear looking up at the crow. "D-don't!!"

He looked down with a scornful gaze, smirking "You brought this all on yourself. This is what you do with street trash. Throw it out." loosens his talons more, the cat slipping out of his grip.

She screamed and begged. "F-forgive me! I was stupid... I can make up for it!!! I Swear!!"

"You're right, it was stupid stealing from me." Flapping his wings above the ravine with the cat struggling to cling to his talons. All he had to do was kick, and she would be sent plundering down to her death. He looked below them, and then back to the cat, before doing just that, kicking her off and watch her fall. "Good bye."

"Meowwrr!!" She screamed again, her heartbeat racing as she fell. Half way down, she closed her eyes. She accepted it. She was going to die. But her feet suddenly hit a hard wooden plank with a hard thud. Ironically she did land on her her feet, on a wooden bridge that went across the ravine. Maybe this was her lucky chance to get away;however, the fall badly hurt her legs.

She weakly limps across the bridge. There was a loud boom of thunder, followed by a gust of wind. The old creaky wooden bridge violently rocked back and forth. The cat, unable to keep her balance, stumbled into the thin rope railing. "M-myaaa..." She groaned in pain. Her heart beat still racing. Another gust blew in the opposite direction this time. Her along with the bridge were knocked over, the cat rolling across the blanks to the edge. Her claws extended out trying to stop herself, but it was no use she was going to fall off. "N-noo!!!!" She yelped out, but seconds before she dropped off the bridge's boundary, her tail was yanked by a talon.

"Haha, Did you really think I'd let you go so easily? You're so pathetic." He pulled her back onto the bridge, then forcefully perched himself on top of her back so she couldn't squirm away. Both his talons grip at her legs, digging into her skin. With her firmly pinned, he started rubbing himself on her back. Her eyes widen with terror, this was a worse fate than death.

"What are you doing? If y-your going to kill me then j-just do it!!" Feeling disgusted with herself , she felt the hulking crow push himself against her. She couldn't even more, let alone kick her feet. She was helplessly beneath him.

"You wanted to make up for it, didn't you?" The crow laughed as he continue to torture the poor cat. He continued to grind his hips against her back to her dismay. Her fur felt so soft against his feathers. "Damn, you make a good slut..." Whispering in her ear as his avian cawk started to get aroused.

"Go to hell!!" Her eyes watering with tears. A shock of pain went through her legs as his talons digged into them more. They were already sore and injured from the fall. "meOOOWW!!"

"You need to learn your place. Little slut..." His avian cock protrudes out more, sliding against her smooth fur. He pushes his wing on the back of her head downward against the edge of the bridge, forcing her to look down at the ravine below, with a river filled of crocodiles down below. "Either this, or that. Pick you poison."

"P-please d-dont....." Now sobbing as she turned her head away from the ravine, her paws gripping at the rope railing as the heavy crow kept pinned on top of her back. She raised her tail up, reluctantly accepting his ultimatum.

"That's right... That's a good slut..." Scooting himself back a bit, his erect avian cock brushing against her tail as he positioned himself, wedging between her plushy ass cheeks. Her ears perked up with an immediate protest to the act.

"N-no! Anything b-but that!" Her body shivering, and heart beat racing. Not knowing what to do but lay there and take it. He grinded on her ass, rocking back and forth with the swaying bridge. His erection gets bigger as he slides along, slowly angling his tip on her cunt. Not hesitating, he prods his thick tip against her wet pussy.

"Nyaa!!" She gasps, feeling her tender area touched by his avian cock. "Like that, don't you?" He pushes his hips forward more, tightly holding her legs with his talons. She screamed and protested, biting her lips when the probing tip suddenly pop in. "NYAA!!!" There was another boom of thunder, rain drops pouring down on them.

"Damn you're a tight bitch, aren't ya?" Smirking as she howled out, pushing more of his thick cock in, nice and slowly. Savoring every moment of his pleasure and her suffering. Warm fleshy walls of her womb greeted his cock welcomely, Clenching around his thick throbbing member as he hilted her.

"Meeooowww MEEOOWWW!!!" She moaned out as he rotted her roughly. Pounding in and out of her tight canal. Bucking his hips without mercy, ravaging her little cunt till it adjusted to his size, and then fucked her some more.

"Should've called ya pussy cat... Damn...." Putting his wing over her mouth as she muffled moans. She bites at his wing, but he continues to thrust, and thrust any way, her ass cheeks turning red from his deep fucking. His cock spews pre in her cunt as he lays on her, forceful hammering his cock in now.

"Sssh It'll be over real soooon" "MmmBBBFFF!!!" Side of her cheeks running river of tears as he roughly continued his monstrous act. He lets out a crow as he barbarically hilts in her womb's wall, filling her insides with goopy bird cream. He lets out a sigh of relief, letting his thick cock pulsate and pump in the cat some more. She wheezed out weakly, her whole body trembling from her insides being filled by cum from this horrible crow.

He slowly pulled out of her, slapping his cock on her ass, marking it with his cum. He released her legs, she was too weak to move any way. He stood above her now, cleaning his feathers.

"God damn I've been wanting to do that for some time now. Now was that so bad? You look like you enjoyed it more than I did. How about this slut, you come back home with me, and I forgive and forget you ever stole from me? Kapeesh?"

"G-go... burn in hell...." Curling up into a ball under him, putting her paw on her sore cunt. goopy cream spewing out of her stuffed pussy. He frowned at the comment, surprised she had any courage leftover to still talk shit.

"Well that's a shame then." His talons grabbing the back of her neck. "EH!?!" She gasped, as he opened his wide wingspan and flapped his wings, lifting up off the bridge and then hanging her once more above the ravine.

"You P-promised!" He laughed, "Haha... I'd hate to see a fine ass like yours go to waste. But now that I had my fun, You aren't needed any more. Farewell, street trash."

She looked up at the crow with a scornful look, hatred, disgust,and complete humiliation all filled her heart. With little hesitation he released his talons from her neck, wanting to watch her plummet. The kitten quickly gripped her paw on his talons, then pulled herself up, using her other paw to grip his still dangling cock, digging her sharp claws into it in the process.

"FUCKING WHORE!!!" He cried out,sporadically flapping his wings and angrily kicking with his talons. She hissed, squeezing his cock making him crow in pain again as she climbed up the crow, digging her claws into his chest and feathers till she was eye to eye with him.

"ROGUE!!" She yelled, her heart pumping with adrenaline, Jabbing her claw into his eye and ripping it out his sucket. "GAAAHHH!!!!" He crowed again in pain, Spinning around in circles trying to knock her off. She flicked his eye ball away and then climbed over his head, clinging to his back with her claws. "YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG KITTY!" Digging her claws into his back like a scratching post, scrapping his feathers off. She struggled to keep her grip, getting dizzy from him spiraling around, flapping his wings. She noticed the bridge was still close by. Quickly she clawed at his wing while he was still disoriented by pain of his cock and eye. Then make a leap for the bridge, just barely catching onto the railing as she looked back, watching the horrible crow spiral downward with a wounded wing.

"PEPPER!! YOU'LL REGRET THISS!!!" Screaming out as he fell into the ravine.

"Eh.... Eh...." She groaned, struggling to lift herself up on the bridge. She safely makes onto the wooden planks, The storm having already pass by, with a glimmer of sunlight shine above head. She panted and sat there, trembling from the events that just unfolded. She spreaded her legs and looked down at her messy cunt with gooey cum still dripping out. "At least we're not in the same egg group...." she laid her head back,using her paws to clean herself. Quietly she cried... wanting to forget everything that just happen.

Special Training

Tonight was a full moon lighting up the sky with the stars . I was walking up the trail along the the mountain path. Master poe had told me we would have special training session, or something. I was hoping to learn some new moves. He didn't exactly...

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