Dragonslayer Reparations: Jeyarr Mellik

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragonslayer Reparations

Dragonslayer Reparations: Jeyarr Mellik

by Von Krieger

Mellik murred softly, sunning hirself on a rock. Shi had missed the sun during hir long time spent in Mistress' care, though the warmth on hir skin and scales did little to make up for the feelings of loneliness, betrayal, and emptiness shi felt. Hir handpaws went involuntarily to hir belly as shi thought this. The flat firmness of an eggless womb. Shi hadn't mated in weeks and, as a result, had to pleasure hirself several times a day to rid hirself of the building desire within hir draconic body.

Shi thought of hirself as a dragon. Mellik knew shi used to be something else, though shi couldn't recall what exactly. There were signs of what shi had once been over hir form: soft white skin where hir scales didn't cover, the fact that shi could walk on two legs and four just as easily, the mane of long, soft fur atop hir head. But those were all features of many different races.

The defining features of whatever species shi had been had all faded under hir draconic gifts. Ears that would have identified hir as an elf had long since been replaced with the brightly colored fins that indicated hir mood. The protruding tusks that might have been a sign of Orcish blood would no longer stand out, accompanied by other sharp pointed teeth in a slight muzzle. The size of any of the shorter races would have been long since obliterated as shi grew to a size that not even one in a million humanoid females could reach.

Hir markings might have held a clue, if shi could remember what they were for. Shi knew they meant something important, something to which shi had dedicated hir entire life. But memories of that life had been washed away. Almost everything had been buried under ages of pleasure. All shi had known for the longest time had been the pleasures of mating and the laying of eggs. Wonderful, beautiful, perfect dragon eggs.

Mellik had been a Jeyarr - a special kind of dragoness. Shi had been altered to breed true with any breed of dragon or dragon-blood. The Slayer Wars had long since muddied the mindsets and bloodlines of dragons of all types, survival had brought races of dragon that had once been hated enemies to share hiding places in the name of survival.

So many beautiful, sensual, sexy species of dragon. So many that existed now from cross breeding that would never have been possible before. All of them joined together to help strike out at those who hunted them.

The dragoness's forked tongue slid from hir lips, tracing the deep black lines of tattoo work on hir skin and scales. As more and more of hir had become draconic, hir man-made coloration had become true markings. The deep silver-black was of no ink that any creature used. Mellik could faintly remember the dull black-green they had once been. The pointed pattern marked hir all over - arms and legs, torso and back, hands and feet, face, breasts, tail, and even hir male sex.

Shi could recall the day shi had been given that gift by Mistress, a sign that Mellik had won hir favor. Shi mated with the new Jeyarrs, able to produce the seed of the race of dragons shi carried inside hir womb. Shi had been granted the privilege of letting wyrmlings suckle at hir breasts, not just being milked by machines. It had been so wonderful - a happy, perfect, content life. Shi harmed no one with hir existence; shi brought life into the world and raised it. Shi did not destroy it recklessly, like the hated Slayers.

Though in the past sinister dragons had killed for pleasure, dragons of this day and age only killed to feed themselves, and then only when they were unable to use magic power to feed themselves. Though some granted others the ability, like Mistress had done for Mellik. The tiny black gemstone that sparkled on hir forehead gave Mellik a few small abilities. It kept hir body at just the right temperature - not feeling the heat or chill of hir environment. It kept hir wonderfully well fed - shi had not felt the pangs of hunger at any time that shi could remember. It kept small insects away, so that they would not nip hir skin, nor infest hir scales or hair.

Mellik rolled onto hir back, hir tail swishing from side to side. Though shi was lonely and without eggs, those emotions were always muted. Fear, anger, sorrow, all the negative feelings were dulled in Jeyarr while happiness, affection, love, and pleasure all were enhanced. The warm caress of the sun's rays on hir body made Mellik happy - and horny. Shi curled hir tail so that the tip slid easily into hir always wet sex. Hir handpaws cupped hir breasts, hir long tongue curling around a teat-like nipple and pulling it to hir lips.

The dragoness knew shi was beautiful. A powerful, muscular body that both two- and four-legged dragons found exciting - and the single twelve-legged one that Mellik had mated, as well. Hir arms and legs were covered in shiny brown-black scales below the elbows and knees. Humanoid skin covering hir above there to hir shoulders and hips. Four small tooth-like horns grew nestled amongst the scales there, while twin rows of the same ran along the back of hir spine, all the way down hir sexy scaled tail. Between the rows grew a number of large, sharp, black spikes. They were flat against hir body when calm, rising up when shi needed to defend hirself. Which, thankfully, shi had never needed to do.

A pair of undersized wings grew from hir shoulder blades, large enough to let hir glide, but not enough for true flight. A Jeyarr was meant to stay on the ground, kept safe deep in a cavern where shi could birth clutch after clutch of offspring. Hir head and neck were longer and more flexible then that of any humanoid Mellik knew of, more like the wonderful, beautiful dragons then their horrid hunters. Hir face was scaled only in a mask like area around hir eyes, cheeks, and forehead, the pattern looking kind of like the silhouette of an opened mouthed viper, the 'fangs' tracing down the sides of hir face.

Mellik only had a slight, blunt muzzle, mouth and nose pressed slightly forward somewhat, mostly to house hir large, sharp teeth. Unlike most Jeyarr, Mellik had been gifted with fangs since almost the beginning. Very few Jeyarr had fangs, claws, or sharp horns. Mellik had all three. Shi was proudest of hir beautiful horns, twin smooth lengths of blackness tapering to points. They were just like those of hir sweet silver-scaled Mistress.

Shi had several other horns on hir head too, but they were tiny things, small bumps that were invisible under hir soft, thick, silvery mane. Mellik was proud of that as well, another thing that linked hir to Mistress. Mistress had loved to play with Mellik when the Jeyarr's duties of pleasuring others and mating with lesser Jeyarr were complete. The celestial silver dragon femme had pleasured Mellik as much as Mellik hirself was trying to do for her.

The silver had played with hir nipples; the hand-like paws of a three quarter dragon, or dragonkin, were much more dexterous then that of normal dragons. The dragonkin's tongue also retained the feline roughness of Mistress' non-draconic grandparent. Mmm.... Mellik sorely missed that tongue. So long and so big, able to curl around two nipples at once, or encircle an entire breast.

Mellik's breasts were hir least favorite part of hir body. Unlike most other Jeyarr, shi only had four instead of six or eight. Shi could have fed twice as many hatchlings, and shi could have felt twice the pleasure when shi was allowed to nurse them. But most of all shi missed the feeling of weight on hir tummy. Shi couldn't ever remember a time where shi wasn't pregnant. The Jeyarr were special in that they could carry eggs in different terms of gestation. A single mating with a Jeyarr produced an egg that grew individually, apart from all others inside its mother. The different rates of growth for different dragons meant that a Jeyarr would seldom birth all her eggs at once.

Every Jeyarr was constantly filled to her capacity with eggs, though how many depended on the size of both the Jeyarr and the fathering dragon. Mellik remembered hir largest clutch, so many tiny faerie dragon eggs. Shi had lost count. It had felt so good, lying on hir back, one handpaw caressing hir tummy and the other furiously jerking hirself off. So many tiny eggs, and so easy to push out. They slid from hir with a minimum of effort, all pleasure and no pain.

The Jeyarr also recalled all the times when shi had pushed a single egg from hir body with so much pain and effort. Most of the time mixing of bloods had led to larger clutches of smaller eggs being birthed by dragons, but occasionally there was a throwback to the days passed when dragons grew to the size of castles and laid eggs the size of Mellik hirself.

Thankfully hir body wouldn't let an egg grow to that size, but shi had carried huge eggs on occasion that could have housed a full grown halfling inside. Mistress was so proud of hir for each of those shi birthed, giving her pet time to rest and recover that the lesser Jeyarr never got.

With a soft sigh Mellik pulled hir tail from hir sex, once shi started thinking more and more of Mistress, the lonelier shi became, and the less pleasure shi felt. The Jeyarr didn't understand why shi was being punished like this. Shi hadn't misbehaved like the new Jeyarr did. Shi couldn't even imagine why they cried and fought and struggled to keep from being mated. Shi always pleased Mistress, did as shi was told, pleasured all the dragons that came to hir as best shi could.

Mellik knew Mistress had not wanted to let hir go. She had let Mellik sleep in her bed from the moment shi had become a Sire Jeyarr onward, and for almost the entire period of Mellik's last pregnancy, Mistress had hugged hir tightly all night. The last few weeks before Mellik was transported to this bright and dragonless place Mistress had cried herself to sleep.

Maybe Mistress' clan leader had wanted her to give Mellik up and train a new Jeyarr. But a dragon could own as many Jeyarr as they wanted, and training a new Jeyarr was easier with a Sire to aid in the training. New Jeyarr were too small and tight to take most dragons without harm, being mated repeatedly by a Sire would quickly loosen them up, as well as provide them with their first few eggs.

Shi knew it wasn't because shi was getting old. Jeyarr grew to live just as long as the dragons they mothered. Mellik wasn't anywhere near as old a Jeyarr as some. There were those that had been Jeyarr for so long that they were indistinguishable from true dragons, save for the muddy browns and grays of their scales from a mix of so many bloodlines. That and the markings they all shared.

Older Jeyarr did tend to have more detailed and more beautiful markings, however. Mellik was curious as to why that was. Shi knew hir markings were very important, but shi couldn't remember why or how shi had gotten them. Had shi had them in hir old life? Were they put on hir when shi became a Jeyarr? Marks of ownership maybe? No, couldn't be. If they were, they would make sure that Mellik was returned to hir owner if another dragon found hir. Hmm, so what could they possibly be then?

Mellik's handpaws absentmindedly ran up and down hir flat, well-toned tummy. Hir underbelly region was all soft humanoid skin, which was becoming quite tanned since the Jeyarr didn't have a den to call home. Shi wondered if shi was out here to attract a feral type of dragon. Non-intelligent dragons tended to avoid other species of dragon, but the scent of a Jeyarr would bring one running. Mellik hoped that was the reason. Shi also hoped it would show up soon.

Gender didn't matter for Mellik any more, as a Sire shi was capable of taking genetic material from a male or a female dragon to father hir eggs. Though shi had never been called to do so, Mellik could also father the eggs of a female dragon, but the only females shi'd ever given eggs were other Jeyarr.

The Jeyarr wished that shi had another of hir kind to keep hir company. Someone to snuggle with and to pleasure. Shi had never gone so long without a mate before, and shi was getting worried that shi might forget the ways to properly please males and females alike. Sadly, shi wasn't so flexible as to be able to practice hir tonguework on hirself like some of the other Jeyarr could. Shi was somewhat lithe and serpentine, thinner and longer then most humanoids would be. Shi could reach the first few inches of hir cock with hir tongue, but shi couldn't get it all the way to hir mouth.

This brought another sad sigh. Mellik wished that shi knew what shi was supposed to be doing out here; that way shi could help get it done quickly. That was if shi was supposed to be doing something in particular. If shi was being punished, shi'd be out here until Mistress, or those who had made Mistress leave hir out here, decided that shi'd learned hir lesson. Though that would be difficult, as Mellik had no idea what shi had done wrong, if indeed that was the case.

Shi snorted and curled up into a ball, tail over hir nose. Odds were shi was going to sit and brood like this until shi fell asleep and had pleasant dreams filled with loving dragons, tiny hatchlings, and nice, warm, dry caverns. Shi found shi missed the scents that had filled the massive complex of tunnels that had been hir home for as long as shi could remember.

The many different fragrances that each type of dragon carried with them. The smells of pleasure and sex in the air near the Sire Jeyarr kennels. The sweet, enticing, arousing aroma of new Jeyarr, those who had yet to learn to accept their duty to breed, to replace the dragons the monstrous Slayers had slaughtered. That scent was the one Mellik missed most of all. It spoke volumes to hir keen draconic snout, a mixture of fear and terror competing with pleasure and desire.

The new Jeyarr hated what they were made to do, but deep down inside each one felt a strange rightness to it. Mellik knew that shi had once been a frightened soft-skin, just like all the other Jeyarr. But shi couldn't remember the soft-skin version of hirself, nor could shi remember if Mellik had been hir name before, or what Mistress had decided to call hir.

Mmm... new Jeyarr smell. Such a pleasant scent, heightened the senses, filled a dragon with the desire to mate, to show the Jeyarr her true purpose in life. A scent that would bring any with dragon blood, even an older Jeyarr, to almost aching arousal. Just like now.

Like now? Mellik hopped to hir feet, hir long, forked tongue tasting the air. Yes! Another Jeyarr! Mmm... she smelled perfect, never mated by a dragon. Maybe this was what Mellik had been put here for, to catch this rogue Jeyarr. She even had a dragon with her! Though not a big one, tiny, one of the pseudodragon types probably. They were too small to mate properly with all but the smallest of halfling and gnome Jeyarr.

Mellik crept forward, slowly slinking through the bushes, moving in a manner that shi instinctively knew was incredibly quiet and wouldn't startle hir intended prey. After a few minutes, shi could see hir target. She had set up a camp fire in the clearing below the hill that Mellik had decided to sun hirself atop of.

It was a nice, cozy, den-like place. It was a gap in the stone of the hills, offering only a single way in or out. Easy to set up so that you knew when somebody was coming. At least somebody without wings. The tree canopy, however, kept the place out of view from anything airborne, though the smoke of the fire would alert anyone with a keen nose that someone was in the area.

Mellik found hirself positioned perfectly to spy on the other Jeyarr. The thick bushes would make it hard for someone who simply went around and climbed the hill to find the gap unless they were almost on top of it, and then odds were they would make a lot of noise coming over to the edge. Unless you were a sneaky, slinky dragoness like Mellik was.

The new Jeyarr was clothed - not only clothed, but wearing armor! She carried a shield and a sword as well! That wasn't very good. She might be dangerous. But then again, she wasn't very big, at least not compared to Mellik. Though at five and a half feet, she was absolutely huge for her race. Mmm... a pretty elven girl with blonde hair, blue-green eyes and pretty, white skin.

In the elf's arms was a tiny purple dragon. It purred contentedly as the elf scratched its belly. It was indeed one of the lesser dragon races, of the kind commonly found as familiars. The elf was talking to it, but it took a few moments for Mellik to understand what she was saying. The Sire Jeyarr hadn't heard anything but Draconic for a long time; shi even thought in the language now rather then common.

"Now Davari," the elf said to her familiar, "You and I both know that there was a dragon around here recently. So we both have to be on our guard. It's not like the old days: they've got all sorts of magic to hide their trails. But I can tell that there was one no less then a mile from here within the past month. But we have to do our job. We hunt big, mean dragons so that little cute ones like you and people like me don't get munched on. So I'm going to need you to stay awake tonight and make sure the dragon doesn't sneak up on me. Just think - our first real dragon. That means we finally get to use our special abilities. Well, I do. You just get to watch. Just think, after so much training, and so much time fighting silly little things like goblins and kobolds, I finally get to fight a REAL dragon."

A Slayer! This Jeyarr was a killer of dragons! As the elf sent her familiar up to the trees to take a nap so he'd be rested for guard duty, Mellik spied a tattoo on the inside of the elf's arm, it was tiny, but shi recognized the color and style. Oh. Oh my. So that's what they were. The tattoos were... a way of keeping score. How many dragons a Slayer killed.

A shiver went through Mellik's body. Shi had... been a Slayer? Oh her markings, so many points, all over hir body! So many draconic lives ended by a fearful, ignorant creature. No, hir markings hadn't been so extensive before. They had changed shape and grown, changing with each egg shi laid, each new life shi brought into the world. Hir markings were a score of a different kind. That's why they were important! The Slayer's marks faded with each egg a Jeyarr laid, each hatchling born offsetting a dragon she had murdered. Once the marks faded entirely, Jeyarr markings began to appear, telling any who looked upon her how much she had contributed above and beyond what she had destroyed.

Jeyarr were captured Slayers, brought to justice for their crimes against dragons. Killing them didn't bring the fallen back, but it did bring new dragons into being and prevented the Slayer from harming any other dragons. This elf wasn't going to hurt any dragon as long as Mellik was around!

With a growl Mellik pounced, wings spread to allow hir to glide down and tackle the elf. The girl's eyes widened in horror and she reached for her sword, which Mellik simply swatted away with a powerful handpaw. The Slayer's leather armor might as well have been paper for the ease that Mellik's claws went through it. Within a few seconds the elf was pinned beneath hir, naked, wriggling, and terrified.

"Davari! Help!" the elven Slayer cried. The little purple psuedodragon dove down from his perch in a tree branch, only to alight on a rock nearby. He curled his tail around his legs, seemingly more interested in watching. The elf's eyes went from her traitorous familiar to her attacker. Her struggles ceased for a moment as she realized what was atop her, then began with renewed force.

"Oh no! No! You're... you're a Jeyarr! Get off of me! I'm not going to spread my legs for a dragon and spend the rest of my life laying eggs like some reptilian whore! Stop it! You used to be one of us! You used to be just like... mmmmph!" the elf's cries are immediately silenced as Mellik's tongue enters her mouth. Soon her struggling ceased entirely, a dazed look coming over her face.

Mellik's cock slid free of hir internal sheath, already fully erect. Sire Jeyarr kept their male aspects inside their body unless they were cleaning them or using them for mating or pleasure. A speck of dust or dirt inside the sheath would cause tremendous itching and irritation, and as they climaxed from male and females sexes simultaneously, there was seldom any reason to climax outside the sheath.

The Jeyarr's cock was long and thin, a little over a foot long, but extremely narrow. The spade-shaped tip slid easily into the tiny elf, each ovoid segment sliding into her with greater and greater resistance until she was stretched to her limit. Mellik scooted forward, letting the unused portion of hir member slip back into hir sheath, bringing the two body to body.

Despite her placid, almost drugged state, the elf howled around Mellik's tongue as the tip of hir cock pushed open the elf's cervix. The pain brought her to her senses for a moment, and she tried to pull away, and found her howl becoming a pleasured moan. The spread tip functioned much like an arrowhead, exceedingly difficult to pull out, and pulling made it rub on something inside of her, something that made the elf feel so good.

The Jeyarr rolled onto hir side, allowing the elf room to wriggle and struggle. Until Mellik's cock softened, the elf would be quite unable to get free, all she would manage would enhance the pleasure for both of them. Shi drew hir tongue from hir prey's mouth as well, wanting to hear the Slayer's pleasured moans as she was mated by one of the creatures she so eagerly sought to destroy.

"You like this, don't you my little toy?" Mellik purred, bringing up a scaled handpaw to stroke the elf's small breasts. The girl looked torn between horror, disgust, wonder, and pleasure. She brought her hands up grabbing for Mellik's wrist, but the dragoness caught them and clicked hir tongue.

"Naughty, naughty. My plaything mustn't try to ruin Mistress' fun." shi said, speaking just as hir owner had with hir.

"Please..." the elf begged in a soft whisper, trying her best not to moan at the wonderful sensations that being filled by a dragoncock gave her. "Stop."

Mellik chuckled, "No dear, I don't think so. You have the opportunity to begin a journey to restore life to the world, not take it away."

"But you..." the elf managed before a low moan escaped her throat.

"But your Mistress says no. Now be a good girl and pleasure your new owner." the Sire Jeyarr commanded, sitting up and pulling the elf with hir. Shi brought the maiden's hands to hir lower breasts and the girl's head to one of hir teats. It seemed to be an instinctual action. Mellik could see that the elf wanted to resist, wanted to bite, and twist, and pull, but could only suckle and caress.

Both Mellik and the elf gasped softly as a gentle climax washed over their bodies, the first of many. The bonding process between a Jeyarr and her trainer was a slow, peaceful stream of pleasure. Soft, smooth climaxes, rather then the powerful, jagged explosions that accompanied more rapid, frenzied couplings.

The Sire felt a warm wetness trickling down hir breast, the elf was crying. "Shh, dear, shh. Don't resist, just let yourself go. It feels right, and you know in your heart that this is right. It felt wrong to harm those eggs, didn't it? It felt like a piece of your heart broke with each of their shells, didn't it?"

The elf nods softly, crying even more, continuing to suckle from her new mistress. "The bond process was corrupted long ago by your people. You are the ones that started all this, not the dragons, dear one." The knowledge came to Mellik so easily now, shi knew the history behind the Slayers, the rites they underwent that tied them forever to the race of dragons. But few of them knew what those rituals truly did.

"You can't hurt me, not because I've enchanted you, but because I complete the ritual that you began when you became a Slayer. You can sense dragons, because you are meant to seek one out and defend him, guard him, serve him. Be your master's eyes and ears in the world of soft-skins. You serve as his mate when he is filled with desire, and there is none of his kind around. You carry his eggs in your womb if he wishes hatchlings without a female."

"You would do the same for a female. Be her friend, her guardian, and her servant. You pleasure her when she wishes it. You help ease her through her body's needs when she comes into heat and is without a male. If, after several heats, she is still without a male, you will become her male - become like me. You will sire her eggs if it is her wish to do so."

"You are no longer entirely your own creature; you are forever bound to the first dragon that completes the ritual. The first who fills your sex with their own male or female essence. But every dragon that you couple with leaves a tiny bit of draconic essence within you. The more you couple with dragons, the more like a dragon you become. The process goes faster the more you mate with the same dragon. I'm always in heat, pet, you'll become part male within a month. You'll be just like me in less then a year. We'll become dragons together, pet."

"You and I mating with one another, distilling the draconic essence in each of us. Oh I wish you could feel what I've been through, Krissa. That's your name now, Krissa...." Mellik continued, letting the newly bound Jeyarr nurse, feeling herself slipping more and more into the control of her partially draconic mistress.

After naming hir new pet, Mellik was silent. Krissa's caresses ceased, though her suckling continued. The elven girl was asleep. The Sire smiled, shi now knew why shi had been released. Shi could be trusted to capture Slayers and alter them into meek, dragon-loving Jeyarr. Shi remembered nothing of hir past, nor did shi want to. Who shi had been before wasn't important; there was nothing from that life that shi needed. All that shi needed now was nothing more than the time and patience to train hir new pet to hir liking, and that would begin in the morning.

Mellik smiled as shi looked from hir pet to the tiny purple dragon. "And to think, they don't know what they have you for either. But she'll find out tomorrow, won't she, little one?" the Sire cooed at the tiny dragon. Davari chirped happily, fluttering over to snuggle between the elf and her mistress.

The dragoness murred softly as another climax flowed through hir body. Shi closed her eyes and settled off to sleep as well, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to begin training hir sweet little Krissa in the arts of pleasuring a dragon.