Girls' Zone 9

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#9 of Girls' Zone

News arrives for Melody that her sister is going to be released from jail soon, allowing for her to finally see her after so many years, but how will it all go when Ocarina tags along to meet her "sister-in-law"?

This story is connected to actual lore.

Allegretto, Sonata and Viola Harmony © Me and

Melody © (Co-author/Editor)

Ocarina and Story © Me

Length: 3,104 words. 16,997 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hour and 45 minutes (with corrections and cleaning)

Girls' Zone 9: Bloody Moonlight of Love

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

The sound of yawns could be heard in one of the club's bedrooms as the black bunny girl sat up in the bed she shared with the larger bunny girl that she had taken a liking to. The black bunny smiled before getting out of the bed and over to the drawer that she had asked to have moved into the room. Given how adorable she was, it had been no problems at all with convincing them, but she was not using the adorableness for everything she wanted, just what she considered to be important. Opening the first drawer, she retrieved a pair of panties and, even if she did not require it, a bra which she quickly slipped on and then grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants, made by a generous soul, which she quickly pulled on.

When the shirt was letting her ears through, she squeaked in surprise as someone gently grabbed the tips of her ears and rubbed, making her happily churr in satisfaction from how sensitive they were, managing to pull the shirt down before the rubbing ended and two arms wrapped around her waistline as she was lifted up a bit into the air. She looked back at the light-blue bunny girl holding her up and smiled with a blush, "Can you continue with that?" The larger bunny smiled and nodded before she put her down and reached up to continue the rubbing of those ears, the smaller bunny's eyes shutting tightly as she happily churred and leaned closely to the other.

The bunny girls were Ocarina and Melody. Ocarina was the taller one of them due to her status as the daughter of the realm's queen, while Melody was the smaller one. The reason for her smaller size was apparent with the fangs she proudly had in her maw. At a young age of barely 9 years, she had been part of a tradition in which the younger sibling of two bats had to bite and drink the blood of their older sibling, killing them and allowing them to ascend to the title of vampire, which had been broken in her case as Melody's older adoptive sister had bitten her instead, allowing her to ascend to become a vampire. This violation of the tradition had not only exiled Melody from the planet, but also had her older sister sentenced to ten years in prison with the pardon of the queen herself, or at least lowered from the normal twenty years that you got sentenced to for the crime.

Ocarina squeaked as Melody softly pinned her down and nibbled along her neck, something they both had found to be a common start of the morning during which Ocarina gave Melody her breakfast before carrying her in the arms to the breakfast table. No one had really paid it a mind as they knew how much it meant for them to do. The breakfast usually remained the same for Ocarina, something with carrots and some lettuce, preferably in a smoothie so she could easily just drink it all up to make more time to give Melody the last few drops she needed to sate her hunger for the morning. This morning would prove to be slightly different than the others however.

The sound of someone knocking on the window to the club broke the silence of the breakfast. Looking up from their meals, they all noticed someone standing with a letter in the right hand while knocking with the left, two very familiar wings sticking out of the back of the robe they were wearing. The wings made Ocarina stand up while still holding Melody close as she walked over and undid the lock to the door before sticking out her head, "Hello, can I help you?" The robed figure spoke with a feminine voice before handing over the letter, "A letter for a Miss Melody Harmony from Her Bloody Highness, queen Violetta of Q'Sta'Ei." Melody heard her name and grabbed the letter before letting Ocarina free from her fangs as she licked them clean and looked at the woman, "That would be me. Thank you for delivering it." The woman simply bowed deeply, "No need to thank. I am just doing my job. May the moon be red and the night your friend."

Shutting the door behind them, Ocarina put Melody down onto the floor before she noticed how the fangs bit into the top of the envelope and tore it right open before she retrieved the letter inside. Taking a seat in Ocarina's lap when the one had sat down near the table, she opened up the letter and began to read it, "Dear Melody Harmony. I am writing to you from the castle of Grobuz to tell you that your sister, Sonata Harmony, is almost done serving her time in jail. You are welcome to pick her up from jail any day you wish. I will personally arrange so when you do, you will also get to meet your parents again. Just tell the queen of the dead when you wanna go and I will know when. Until then, may the moon be red and the night your friend. From Violetta Redfeather."

Melody began to happily bounce in Ocarina's lap like a kid on Christmas morning, making poor Ocarina grab her by the waistline again before she smiled, "I am happy for you, but can you avoid bouncing like that? Some of us have additional stuff you know." Melody looked down and blushed softly, "Oops. My bad." Melody squealed suddenly in joy, "My sister is finally going to be let free!" Ocarina softly kissed one of the ears, "Glad to hear that, Mellie. So you planning to pick her up today, aren't you?" Melody smiled, "Of course, I cannot wait to see her again!" Ocarina softly shook her head, "In that case, I tag along. Both to avoid anyone pulling you away, but also because I wanna meet your sister." Melody looked at Ocarina before jumping up to hug her as Ocarina took out her cellphone and dialed the number to a certain monarch, "Hey mom! Can you leave a message to Violetta Redfeather that she should expect two arriving in Q'Sta'Ei today?"

The arrangements didn't take longer than a few minutes before a quick teleportation spell landed both of Ocarina and Melody in front of a big prison located on a mountainside. Melody looked at the impressive structure and soon whimpered when she heard a clear voice yelling out to them, "Hey! What are you doing here?" A male bat wearing a black robe with red cuffs walked over to them with a shortsword drawn, "Well?" Melody quickly hid behind Ocarina, who just sighed, "We are here on the behalf of her bloody highness herself to pick up Sonata Harmony." The guard laughed, "Yeah right, and I am the next high warden of the prison. Now get lost." Melody quickly held out the letter and the guard grabbed it and read before looking at them both, "Well, I guess I owe you an apology. Okay, you are here to pick up your sister, or perhaps it is adoptive sister. So I guess it means you are the runt that she turned." Melody gave off a very not so lapine-like hiss, showing her fangs before the guard nodded, "Indeed you are. At least she bit someone cute." He laughed and walked back to his post.

Ocarina looked at Melody and picked her up, "Awww, is the little vampire getting cranky?" Melody hissed again, but Ocarina knew how easy it was to calm her down by just poking her right on the nose, "Ding dong." Melody wiggled her nose and then giggled, "No one is home, try again later." Ocarina gave a warm smile just as she nearly jumped out of her skin from a voice speaking up behind her, "Melody, is that you?" Melody and Ocarina turned around before looking at two bats wearing what Ocarina would guess was a high society standard for them, but instead of asking, she put Melody down and watched her run over to the bats, "Mom! Dad!"

With a smile on her face, Ocarina witnessed how Melody was hugged tightly by the two bats, softly crying as the female bat spoke to her, "How have you been, girl? You look like you have not aged a bit." Melody's little cottontail wagged behind her, "I have been good. Missed you both and I missed Sonata too. I cannot wait to see her again." The bats looked up at Ocarina, who simply lifted a hand to wave, "Umm, hello there, mister and miss Harmony." The bat lady looked at Melody, "Who is the lady you came with? Is she a servant of yours?" Melody giggled, "She is my girlfriend, mom." The lady looked between Melody and Ocarina before her eyes focused completely on Melody, "I did not expect you to become a peach lover." Ocarina overheard it and began to giggle a bit as Melody blushed, "Mom!"

Soon the doors opened to the prison and a white bat girl with completely white hair walked out, wearing only a black shirt and black pants, all too small for her size. Her eyes looking around before she saw the sight she had wished to see for ten long years, "Mother! Father! And... can it be?!? Melody?!?" Melody rushed over to the white bat girl and jumped onto her, locking the legs and arms around her tightly, eyes filled with tears before she dug her face into the rather pleasant bosom of her older sister, squeaking in pure joy, "Sister Sonata! I missed you so much!" Sonata smiled warmly and held the happy bunny girl close to her, "I missed you so much too, kid. I cannot believe that it has been ten years. And you are not looking a year older than that day." Melody squeaked and kept on crying as Sonata held her closely, "There, there, little sister. Big sis is here for you now." The elderly male bat laughed, "How about we all go out for a celebratory meal? I am paying!" He looked over to Ocarina, "You are welcome to join to. If you are close to our little girl, then you are practically family already." Ocarina couldn't avoid but to smile at the kindness, "I wouldn't want to dishonor your daughter, so I am coming."

What Ocarina thought would be a normal meal at a regular cafe or even fast food joint was far from what she got when she found herself sitting in a chair at a fancy restaurant, listening to the older couple ordering in what she learned from Sonata to be a meal consisting fish and potatoes that has been deep-fried in a batter made from blood, while Sonata herself had taken the same dish. Melody looked through the menu and ordered some blood pudding. Ocarina, who was not even able to read the menu just lowered it and rubbed her forehead, "Is there some meal in this with carrot perhaps?" Sonata looked through it and shook her head, "I am afraid not." Ocarina gulped, "Any vegetables at all?" Sonata just shook her head, forcing Ocarina to swallow her honor as a herbivore to order blood pudding for herself.

While they were waiting for their meals, both the bat parents decided it would be polite to introduce themselves to Ocarina at least. The male bat began with offering out a hand, "The manners have been lost, so lets start now. I am Allegretto Harmony, the father of Sonata and Melody. And this is my lovely wife, Viola." Viola offered her hand too and Ocarina took them both to be polite and bowed, "A pleasure to meet the ones that raised such a wonderful little girl. I am Ocarina Angeria." Allegretto and Viola seemed rather impressed how well-mannered Ocarina was for dressing as what they would see as a middle-class civilian. Throwing aside any prejudice for the moment, Allegretto asked politely, "So, how long have you been knowing Melody, miss Angeria?" Ocarina smiled, "About one or two months, and please, mister Allegretto, just call me Ocarina." Maybe he had been too early to drop that prejudice about Ocarina's true class in society, but Viola was quick to the rescue, "So, what are you working with then, miss Ocarina?"

The question made Ocarina a little uncomfortable and she swallowed lightly, "I am working as a representative of the royal family back in Gac'Ea'Ax." Allegretto's face lowered itself, "Gac'Ea'Ax, you say? As in the realm where the dead live? I never expected to hear someone bringing one from there to our realm. So, what you represent for the royal family then?" Ocarina swallowed again, sighing as their food finally came and Ocarina dug right in, fighting her instinct to chew the food down. Allegretto seemed to enjoy his little interrogation of the poor bunny as he soon asked, "Well?" Ocarina lifted her head and swallowed a big slice of the pudding, "I represent the legal part about same-gender relationships and treatment of individuals that are mistreated in society."

Ocarina felt as if her metaphorical wings were losing the air under them as Allegretto pushed it a bit, "The dead need that? All they ever do is walk around and live with the sins of when they were alive. They have no claim as to what is right or wrong. They are just dea..." Ocarina slammed both fists into the table and looked at Allegretto with a glare that could kill with the right intensity, "Don't you dare speak of my people in that way! I might be a guest here. I might be your daughter's chosen one that she believes in, but no one. And I mean no one, speaks ill of my people!" Allegretto stood up and grabbed Ocarina's shirt with a hiss, "How dare you raise your voice against me? Who do you think you are?" Ocarina grabbed the arm and looked at him, "I know exactly who I am. I am Ocarina Angeria, the 9th heir to the throne of Morgova. A princess!"

The restaurant got quiet after Ocarina got done speaking, her eyes narrowing as Allegretto let her go and the color had slowly drained from his face, "Y-Y-You are a princess?!?" Ocarina grabbed the pudding and pushed it all into her maw, chewing it all down before looking at the bat again, "Yes, I am. And I am having connection to your queen. I could just say one word and she will have you stripped of all your honor." Allegretto bowed deeply, "Please, your highness. I am sorry for dishonoring your people." Ocarina just took her seat again and pulled Melody closer to her, Viola looking at them both, "So not only did you find a girl to love, but a princess too? You are really a true Harmony." Ocarina hugged Melody closely, "And if we decide to ever get married, then you will get the goddess of justice as your daughter-in-law."

The whole realization made Allegretto faint on the spot, together with Viola, leaving Melody to snuggle up to Ocarina as Sonata smiled, "Hey sister. Since you are looking a bit too young, why not do like we used to do with her?" Ocarina looked confused, but Melody soon put her nose against Ocarina's and soon both smiled as they gave each other an Eskimo kiss.

Soon the restaurant was back to normal again as the family left and once again as usual, Ocarina was carrying Melody in her arms while Sonata walked next to them, both Allegretto and Viola still looking as if they were unable to imagine that Melody had gotten herself a princess to live with, but as they arrived at a three-way crossing, Allegretto and Viola looked at Melody and Ocarina, "It was a pleasure to meet you, miss Ocarina. And it was good to see you again, Melody. Remember to visit us often." Melody smiled, "I promise, mom!" Sonata stood in between the two couples, looking between them as if trying to make a decision, before she was looking at her parents, "Mom. Dad. I will come and visit with sister too. I saw you both often when you visited me in jail, but I wanna give sister some time now."

Allegretto and Viola smiled and nodded before they saw that Melody walked closer to her sister and hugged her, "Thank you, Sonata. I owe you for giving me this life." Sonata just smiled, "All for you, sister." Melody nodded before Sonata noticed that Ocarina had quickly drawn something around them and it was not long before she realized the symbol and the blood red eyes of Melody that were looking up at her, "Now, allow me grant you a new life." Allegretto and Viola watched in shock as Sonata fell to the ground and soon Melody leaned down to sink the fangs into her older sister's neck, taking all of those practice bites on Ocarina's neck into action before locking herself into place when Sonata's life was snuffed out and soon the energy from the blood ritual was binding itself into her very being, pulling her soul back into the body as Melody let go of the bite and stepped back a bit to watch what had once been her own ritual, now turning her older sister into a creature of the night like her (minus the obvious weakness to sunlight).

As the final inch of the symbol disappeared, Sonata opened her eyes, her red eyes now glowing even more red and her body had been given more filling to add to her already impressive measurements. Slowly standing up and looking at Melody, she flashed her a toothy grin and Ocarina smiled, "Congratulations on becoming an actual vampire, miss Sonata." Looking at Ocarina and then back at Melody, they both grinned before catching Ocarina between them and for the second and third time that day, Ocarina stood in complete bliss as her blood was the drink not only for the vampire she had saved, but also the vampire she had witnessed the creation of. "What could possibly be better than this?" she asked herself as she closed her eyes and answered to herself, "Right now, nothing."

The End.