Alpha Bitch - Ch 04

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#17 of Commissioned Stories

Justine Munster is a lady wolf who runs a prostitution ring and escort service out of her beauty parlor, the Glamizon Salon. Her slave, Laurie Putman, gets trained for bestiality with a wolf/husky feral dog. Justine's daughter Lila attempts to blackmail a stranger in a park, to get the guy to fuck her. And we find that Laurie's daughter Alice isn't as innocent as her mom thinks she is.

Commissioned story for dilbertdog, featuring several of his characters and some guest cameos. All characters except noted cameos belong to dilbertdog, or were created by doggystyle57 for this story series.

Guest cameos in this chapter for Karl Bernerholdt (and minor mention of his kids, Hans Bernerholdt and Ryan Kelley, and his girlfriend, Melanie Kelley), who all belong to the author, doggystyle57.

Author's note: A picture of Laurie getting fucked for the first time by Pacer, while Justine watches them going at it, can be found here:

Alpha Bitch

A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for dilbertdog

Written October 2016

CH 4:

Tera rode her bike to Justine and Lila's home on Sunday, with the adult toys that she had purchased the previous evening all unwrapped and ready to use, but hidden in the bottom of her pack, rolled up in her sweater. On the way, the 16 year old dachshund girl stopped behind a convenience store and tossed the boxes, tags and wrappers from the adult stuff into their dumpster.

Lila was waiting for Tera on the front porch steps, and before the older girl could even lock up her bike, the nine year old wolf eagerly asked, "Well? Well? How did it go? Did you get our goodies?"

"I almost got caught_by your _mom, but I did get some of it, Mistress," Tera replied quietly. "Those Feeldoe things are expensive! But I got one, and I got us a few other things, too. I'll tell you what happened and show you what I got as soon as your mom is gone."

When they went inside, Justine said, "Good morning Tera! Right on time, I see. Very good. There's everything you need to make sandwiches for lunch in the kitchen, or you could make up a pot of soup, if you two would prefer a hot lunch. Now, I really must go." As she headed out the door, she paused in the doorway and added, "I don't _think_I'll be late again tonight, but I'm not sure. If anything seems likely to delay me, I'll call. Have fun, girls!"

"No problem, Ma'am," Tera said with a grin. "My folks won't mind me being late for dinner like I was last night, as long as I call to let them know to eat without me. And I'm sure not gonna complain if I get paid for a few extra hours."


As soon as they were alone, Lila nearly dragged her babysitter by the hand to the living room couch, and asked, "So? What do you mean my mom almost caught you? We _did_go downtown, but she was with me after you left last night!"

"Well, your mom walked into that adult boutique you sent me to, while I was there, and she bought something and left again! I saw her! Sheesh! I was _sure_she was at home with you, so I just about died when I heard her walk into the store! What was she doing downtown again, so soon?"

"We went back to the salon right after you left, and she did my hair and then took me to dinner. When did she show up in the store? What did she buy?" Lila asked.

Tera gave a rough estimate of the time, and then added, "Not sure what she bought, but I think it was a vibrator or a dildo, 'cause that's where she went in the store. She said she was buying a gift."

"Hummm, yeah, come to think of it, mom _did_run an errand while Betty was drying my hair. Guess she had enough time then to walk to the boutique and back. I wonder who she bought something for? Not me, for sure! She thinks I'm still an innocent virgin, and I sure don't plan on letting her know I'm not until I'm more like your age. Musta been something small enough to fit in her purse, 'cause she wasn't carrying anything else when she got back. You sure she didn't see you?"

"Pretty sure. I mean, if she _did_see me, you'd think she woulda said something to me about it today, wouldn't you? I had a really close call, though. When I was crawling through the displays, trying to hide from her, she almost kicked me in the nose! Geeze, I almost pissed myself when I realized how close I came to crawling out into the aisle right in front of her! Now that we know she shops there, maybe I should avoid that place, unless we're both _certain_she's somewhere else. There's a local company with a website that seems to have everything else you wanted me to get, so I'll order as much as I can of the rest on-line tonight, after your mom pays me."

"Do you have a credit card? The adult shops I've found on the Internet don't take cash. And where would you have the stuff sent?" Lila asked.

"I can get a prepaid card at the pharmacy on my way home. I saw them yesterday, when I bought some lipstick before I went into that adult shop. I'll use that to do the on-line order from my laptop in my bedroom. My parents both work, and I'll always stop at home after school to get my bike before coming to babysit you on weekdays, so I can get the mail or any delivered packages before either of my parents would see it. The only hang-up would be if a parcel arrived on a Saturday, when I'll be here with you. But I'm pretty sure that adult stuff gets mailed in plain packaging, so hopefully my parents won't suspect any parcels I get might contain anything unusual. I'll make a point of also ordering some clothes or jewelry too, so I can show them some normal stuff that I'm ordering with my babysitting money."

"Sounds like a plan," Lila said. "So, how much were you able to buy? Show me our new toys!"

"Well, I got lube, and a simple collar with a matching leash. But most of what I earned yesterday went to buying a Feeldoe," Tera replied, as she got out each item, removing the Feeldoe last. "Why is it shaped like this, and what makes it worth a hundred bucks?"

"Wow! I saw one of these used in some porn films, but I didn't realize they cost so much!" Lila replied, fondling the new toy. "See this shorter, bulb-shaped part? A girl stuffs that end into her cunt, and the cock-shaped part sticks out in front, like she has a real cock, with no straps of harness needed. And 'cause it's stuffed inside her, when she fucks someone with it, she gets off with every thrust too."

"Ohhhh! Okay, I guess that makes sense. I didn't really pay much attention to what was printed on the package. I wanted to hide everything before my parents found it," Lila said. "They, ummm, do make thicker and longer ones. I bought the thinnest one, 'cause I figured you're gonna use it on me, and my poor pussy is still sore from that really thick toy you crammed into me yesterday, when you popped my cherry."

Lila removed her panties and tried to push the shorter end of the Feeldoe into her cunt, but she wasn't wet enough for it to go in. "Lick me, so I can get this in without making it too slippery with lube, and I'll show you why these things are worth that much money."

That morning Lila fucked Tera with the Feeldoe, and then permitted her Pet to take a turn with he toy stuffed in her own cunt and using it to fuck Lila, so she could see what it felt like for her Mistress. Then in the afternoon they checked out the Shocked Skunk website and put together a shopping list of more sex toys that Tera was to purchase, as soon as possible. At the end of the day, Lila hid their stash of toys in her dresser, by removing one of the two bottom drawers and placing the items in the hollow pedestal below that drawer.


Each weekday, Justine would pick Lila up after school, and give her a ride home. Tera would always be waiting for them on the front porch when they got there, sometimes working on her homework assignments while sitting cross-legged beside the front door. By mid-week, Justine gave the girl a spare key to the house, so she could let herself in and wait inside.


Later that week, Laurie finished her shift at the reception desk in the Salon, and went to the basement bedroom for more 'training'. The first thing the bunny mom noticed was that a waist-high wire mesh cage had been placed in one corner of the room. The cage would only barely be big enough for Laurie to crawl into on all fours, and she might not even be able to turn around inside it without a great deal of difficulty.

"Did I do something wrong, Mistress? Am I to be punished tonight?" Laurie asked, eyeing the cage fearfully.

"Oh, that cage isn't for you," Justine replied. "At least, that isn't what I _intended,_when I had it set up here. I've noticed that you've had a lot of brothel customers lately who are dogs, and that you seem to enjoy getting knotted by a canine guy. So I thought I'd train you to be a really good bitch for a dog."

"Well, I _do_like getting knotted by the canine guys, yes. But you're gonna make the poor guy get in there? Mistress, I could hardly crawl in there myself! Am I to mate with a young boy? Is the cage for him?" Laurie asked, as she took off her clothes and knelt beside the door, wearing nothing but her pretty silver collar.

"You'll understand in a moment. Remain kneeling right there, and close your eyes. And no matter what happens, don't move until I order you to," her Mistress replied. She removed all her own clothing, and then she picked up a sturdy chain leash and left the room, crossing the hall to the room that contained the 'punishment cells'.


Justine closed the door behind herself and went to the farthest cage, where she spoke soothingly to the occupant. "Well, Pacer, are you ready to do some stud service? Be quiet and be a good boy, and soon you'll have a nice bitch to mount."

Pacer stood there and wordlessly stared back at her, panting and slightly drooling. His thick, pointed red cock was already starting to emerge from his sheath, and his tail began to wag at the promise of a new bitch.

Justine withdrew a large piece of beef jerky from a box fastened to the door of the cage, and she carefully slipped through the bars. "Have a treat, boy. And remember, your Mistress told you to obey me, when she loaned you to me."

Pacer savagely snatched the meat strip from Justine's fingers with his mouth, and bolted it down.

"SIT!" Justine commanded.

Pacer's rump immediately hit the floor, and he stared up at her, tail wagging slowly. He remained motionless while the lady wolf opened his cage and attached the leash to his collar.

"Come with me," Justine commanded, tugging the leash and walking out of the cage and toward the door, and grabbing another piece of jerky with her free hand.

Pacer was a muscular wolf/husky hybrid. His shaggy fur was dark brown, and he had big brown eyes that were almost black. But he was also a non-sentient four-legged animal, standing a good 30 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing more than Justine did. She had borrowed him from one of her dom friends who was into forced bestiality, and who had trained the creature to fuck people. The massive wolf-dog came around to her left side, then placed his nose against her crotch, wrapped his front right leg around Justine's left leg, and humped his rear end experimentally.

Justine kneed him in the jaw and commanded, "Off! _I'm_notthe bitch you get to fuck, stud. Not yet, at least. Now heel!"

Pacer whined apologetically, and padded along beside his temporary mistress, eyes locked on the meat strip in her other hand, and seeking the other aroused female that his keen nose could smell beyond the door.


Laurie heard the door to the punishment cage room open and close again in the hallway behind her, and soon after that she felt a hot breath on her neck, and a strong, canine head nuzzling her neck and the left side of her head from behind her. "Well, hello," she said, assuming a submissive, anthro canine guy had crawled into the room beside her Mistress. "Strong, silent type, eh? Mistress? May I open my eyes, move, and speak with him a moment, to get to know him first?"

"You may, but you'll find Pacer is not at all talkative," Justine said, still holding the creature's leash tightly. "Be good, Pacer. Get to know your new bitch."

Laurie opened her eyes and turned to face the guy that was nuzzling her, and Pacer licked her face. She sputtered and crawled away backwards when she realized he was an animal, and not a person! "Eeeek! W-what? Mistress? Oh my God! You want me to m-mate with that beast?"

Startled at the sudden movement, Pacer growled, barked, and strained at his leash, wanting to get closer to his promised bitch.

"Why not? You just admitted you _like_being fucked by dogs. This one is just more... enthusiastic about it," Justine said, as she strained to hold the animal back. "Don't worry. He won't bite. At least, he shouldn't, if you're docile and allow him to lick you and mount you. I'm told he also likes to give his people the doggie version of a French Kiss, before mounting them. Get on your hands and knees, and let him lick your cunt. NOW! Or I'll put _both_of you in that tiny cage!"

"Oh God! Oh God! I can't believe this!" Laurie complained, yet she obediently positioned herself on all fours, and fearfully looked back over her shoulder at the animal. "Don't let him hurt me, Mistress! Please!"

"Of course not! You're one of my favorite slaves, and you'd be no good to me if he damaged you," Justine said, easing forward until the dog could start lapping at the bunny's cunt. "I want you to get used to fucking him, so we can put on live bestiality shows in the brothel. I may even set up a pay-per-view streaming feed for the shows on the Internet. But I'll allow you to be masked if we do a show that can be seen by anyone who is not actually in the brothel, never fear. I promised not to ruin your public reputation, after all."

Pacer eagerly licked at the bunny woman's cunt, and his long, rough tongue soon had Laurie getting very wet, despite her protests. She remained fearfully in position, as Justine gave the leash more slack and he came around to her right side and licked at her mouth, forcing his tongue into her muzzle and 'kissing' her in a way that was utterly different than her sentient partners did, and yet surprisingly arousing. Laurie moaned into the strange kiss and lifted her fluffy tail, then yelped in surprise as the heavy creature quickly stepped back a pace, threw a foreleg over her waist, got up on her back, and thrust his cock deep into her. The sudden weight of his forepaws on her upper back drove her face to the floor, and she felt his claws digging into the soft gray fur of her shoulders.

Laurie moaned as her cunt was pounded by the rutting animal. She had to admit that his cock was the same shape and no larger than the anthro dogs she had happily fucked in the brothel, as was his knot, which rapidly tied him in position atop her. But the speed and ferocity of his assault was amazing. It was like being fucked by a jackhammer! This was a rougher fuck than she had ever before experienced, with no hope of pleading for her partner to go slower or be more gentle. And... she was loving it!

"F-fuck me, doggie! OH! Fuck me harder, you w-wonderful animal!" she cried out, as she had her first orgasm and started to build to her second.

"Good boy!" Justine said to the wolf-dog, as she sat cross legged beside them holding his leash. She smiled as she saw her slave tentatively seeking the creature's leash chain with her own hand, and pulling the animal closer to her as he savagely fucked her. "That's a good dog! Fuck that little bunny bitch and make her beg for more!"

Laurie came two more times before the wolf-dog got off her back and yanked his knot free of her gaping, cum-sloppy cunt. She rolled over on her back and the animal bent his head down and lapped at her cunt until she was clean, then licked his own slowly subsiding cock and curled up on the floor beside her to nap.

"Good doggie," the bunny said, draping an arm affectionately around the creature's neck. She looked over the animal's back at her Mistress, and said, "Thank you, Mistress. That was much more fun than I dreamed it could be."

"It certainly looked like you were enjoying it, yes," Justine said, fingering her own soaking wet slit. She had quite enjoyed the 'show'. "I'm _almost_tempted to let him do _me_next. But not today, I think. Rest a while, my dear. He should be ready to fuck you again in less than an hour. With luck, he can fuck you two or three more times before I have to return him to his owner tonight, on my way home."


It only took three business days for the sex toys that Tera ordered from Shocked Skunk to arrive, and as she had hoped, they came in very plain brown paper packaging. In fact, the wrapping paper was cut up paper grocery bags from a local supermarket! The hand-written return address on the parcel was a post office box in town, with no company name.

Now Lila and Tera had several vibrating eggs and butt plugs with wireless controllers, as well as other vibrators in several sizes and shapes. Lila started ordering her pet to keep a vibrating egg in her cunt or a butt plug stuffed up her ass all day while in class. It made it rather difficult for the poor dachshund girl to concentrate on her studies, but she complied with her orders, and even rode her bike back to Lila's home with the butt plug still in place!


The next two months flew by, with Tera and Laurie each adapting well to their new training routines. By mid March, despite the money she had been spending on sexy stuff, Tera finally had enough money to buy her car. It was a cute little four-door economy model which was pale blue, except for a light green front left fender, which the previous owner had never bothered to re-paint after a minor fender bender, and which the salesman at the used car lot claimed had been the only accident the car had ever been in. Justine had a mechanic friend of hers check it out before Tera bought it, and he assured them that it was a solid and reliable vehicle, with a good safety record and reasonable gas mileage.

Each day after school, Tera proudly drove her new car from her high school directly to Lila's elementary school to pick up the little wolf girl, and would make a stop at her own home only if she needed to check the mail for expected parcels. Once their routine was established, Justine remained at the salon on weeknights, and didn't come home until seven PM.


On one Friday afternoon, Tera had been required by Lila to wear a short skirt and no panties all day, with a vibrating egg in her cunt. When she picked up her young Mistress after school, she found out that Lila had some new mischief in mind.

"I think your car is really nice, Tera," Lila said, as they left the school. "Now that you've bought it, I want you to set aside 10% of what my mom pays you, and use it to buy prepaid credit cards for me, so I can occasionally buy nice treats and surprises for you."

"I will, Mistress. That is very kind of you," her babysitter replied. "And what would you like to do today?"

"It's a beautiful sunny day," Lila observed. "Can we stop at the park on the way home? I want to have some fun there today."

"If... that is what you wish, Mistress," the dachshund girl replied, squirming because of the vibrator and acutely aware of how short her skirt was and her lack of panties. "I.. don't suppose you will allow me to change before we get there?"

"Nope! But I'd like you to wear your leash and collar. I wanna take you for a walk in the park! And I wanna see if I can find a grown-up guy in the park that will fuck me!" Lila replied. She got out a hairbrush and two hair ties, and pulled her hair up into childish twin tails, just behind each of her ears.

"Oh dear! Are you sure that's a good idea, Mistress? What if we get caught? Your mom will be furious!" Tera replied, yet she continued driving to the park.

"Well, we'll hafta be careful, sure," the wolf girl said. "But I think I know how we can do this."


They parked near the playground, and Tera followed closely behind her young Mistress, trying not to make the leash connecting her collar to the young girl's hand too obvious to passers by. The playground itself wasn't very busy yet, but there were already a few kids playing on or near the playground equipment, and three adult women and one guy, probably the kids' moms or dad, watching the kids play.

The three moms had their hands full with their young kids on the playground equipment, and none of them seemed to be paying much attention to anyone outside of the sand-covered circle that encompassed the playground area. Lila and Tera walked right by them, and no one appeared to notice that the older girl was wearing a leash and collar.

The only adult _male_near the playground was a handsome Bernese Mountain Dog who looked to be in his early 30's, and who was dressed up in a stuffy-looking business suit, like he was a banker or something. He sat alone on a park bench on the far side of the restrooms, watching a ten year old tri-color collie girl in jeans and a t-shirt, with her hair in two pigtail braids, playing tag with an eight or nine year old Bernese Mountain Dog girl who had her hair in un-braided pigtails, and who was wearing a cute red play dress.

Lila got just close enough to the guy to see that despite his relaxed position on the bench, the big dog was sporting a pretty impressive boner! She grinned and led her Pet to the side of the nearby public restrooms that was closest to the guy who was watching the two kids play. The playground was on the far side of the building, and the entrances to the men's and women's sides of the restrooms were on the ends, around the corner from this side. But right in the middle of the wall on this side of the building was a door for a unisex, 'family' restroom.

"This will be perfect! You wait right here," Lila said. Then she whispered some further instructions to her Pet, which made Tera blush quite prettily.

Lila walked over to the bench the man was sitting on, and set her backpack on the end of the bench, right near the front edge. With her back to the man and facing the restrooms, she looked back at Tera and confirmed that, as she had suspected, the small cinder block building hid them completely from the moms and kids on the playground side. She pretended to be looking for something in her pack, and then she knocked it to the ground, spilling some of the contents onto the walkway.

"OOPS!" she said, as she got on all fours with her butt facing the pervy guy, and started to slowly collect the spilled things. But she made a point of raising her tail so her skirt lifted up and gave the guy a perfect upskirt view at her panties!

She heard the guy move and make a startled grunt, and when she peeked back over her shoulder, she saw he was looking right at her crotch! "See something you like?" she asked innocently.

The guy quickly looked away, back at the two girls playing ten yards or so in front of him, while mumbling an apology.

As soon as he diverted his gaze, Lila nodded, as if answering something he had said, and she slipped off her panties, and raised her tail higher.

When the man glanced back at Lila again, he saw she was still on her hands and knees offering him an upskirt peek, while staring right at him, over her shoulder. But now her panties were off and bunched up in one hand, and her cute little snatch was in plain view! "Ahhh, sorry miss," he began, quickly looking away again.

"No you're not," Lila said, zipping her pack shut, putting it in a more secure position on the bench, and then climbing up to sit right beside the guy. She boldly reached over to fondle the big lump in his pants as she said, "You're not one bit sorry that you got to see under my skirt, or that I took off my panties. That boner that's making a tent in your pants tells me that! But you had a hard-on before you spotted me, didn't you? What have you been doing over here? Perving out on a fantasy of watching those two little girls over there playing without any clothes on?"

"I'm... That's not how it is! Those are _my_kids!" the guy insisted. "Well, the younger... girl is mine. The older one will be my step-daughter, once I marry her mom."

"And watching _your own_little girls gave you that big boner? Wow! I think I like you, mister! You're a pretty kinky guy!" Lila said. She sidled even closer, so her leg was touching his, tucked her panties in his jacket pocket, and pushed her skirt up to show him her pussy. "I'm Lila. What's your name? Would you like to do naughty things with me?"

The guy looked down at her, and said, "I'm... Karl. And you _really_shouldn't be doing that, little girl. You'll get in a lot of trouble."

"Oh, the only person who will get in trouble is you, if I scream really loud right now," Lila said, taking Karl's hand and placing it right on her pussy. "See that teen aged dachshund girl over by the bathroom? The one holding her cell phone up? She's my babysitter, and she's been filming you looking under my skirt and touching my naughty place. If I holler, those mommies at the playground will come running, and I'll tell 'em you said you'd pay me to take off my panties, and touch your boner and let you feel me up! And my friend will swear that's what she saw."

He yanked his hand away from her crotch as if he had been burned, and said," I did no such thing! What do you want?"

"I want you to _fuck_me, stud," Lila replied calmly. "My babysitter only recorded us to make sure you won't touch her, or hurt me, while we play. I'm not a virgin any more, but I've never had a real cock inside me, either. Just some dildos. If you'll go into the family restroom over there with us, you can be the first guy to ever fuck me, and you can even cum inside me, and watch my babysitter lick your cum out of my pussy! Come on, you perv! You _know_you wanna do it!"

"You'll get _pregnant_if I cum inside you like that! Or are you one of those poor girls who found out she's been sterilized by the toxic chemicals in the city's water?" he asked.

"Dunno anything about that, but I'm only nine, and I haven't had my first period yet, so you can cum inside me as much as you want, and not knock me up." She pointed to Tera and said, "My babysitter and me just wanna play. You can look at her and watch me making out with her, but you can't touch her, okay? Look over there! See? She wants you to play with us too!"

Karl looked, and saw the dachshund girl put her phone back in her purse and then raise her skirt to show him that she also had no panties on. She licked one finger and slowly started stroking her slit, while looking right at him and blushing.

"So, are ya gonna fuck me? Or should I start hollering like you're molesting me?" Lila asked sweetly.

"This is insane," the guy said, as he slowly stood, signaled to the two kids as if he had to use the toilet, and after making sure no one else was looking this way, he followed the willful young alpha bitch and her babysitter into the unisex restroom.

As soon as they were inside, Tera locked the door and leaned her back against it, and then got her phone out again and started to record more video.

Her young Mistress pulled down the baby changing table, climbed onto it on all fours, and said to Karl, "Come here and fuck me, Mister! Fuck my little nine year old cunt and cum inside me!"

Karl unzipped his pants and hauled out his cock. He was a really big guy - 6' 3" tall, 220 pounds, and very muscular - and his cock was 11" long and 2" thick - easily as big as the largest of Justine's dildos at home. "You _sure_you really want to get fucked by me, kid?" he asked. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Oh,_hell_yeah!" the wolf child replied, grinning happily. "Stuff that monster right inside me, stud! Fuck me really hard!"

"All right then, but I'm only doing this because you're blackmailing me into it," he said, as he stepped forward and took aim, thrusting his cock deep into the child and grabbing her hips with both hands. "Unghhhh! Ohhh yeah! _Damn_you're tight, kid!" he said, amazed that he was able to sink every inch of his massive cock into the child so easily.

"Yeah, I blackmailed you, but you're loving getting to fuck my little girl pussy, aren't you? Oh yeah! Your cock's so fucking big! Fuck me, Mister! Fuck me hard and cum in my little cunt, so my Pet can lick it outa me!" Lila cried, trying to keep her voice from becoming so loud that they could be heard in the other parts of the public restroom building. "Do you wish you could fuck those two girls of yours, like this? Or have you already been fucking them, you dirty daddy?"

"I... won't answer that. Not with her recording what I say," Karl replied, as he humped the wolf girl hard and fast.

"But you aren't denying it, so I bet you do, don't you?" Lila said. "I bet those girls really love their daddy's cock, don't they?"

Karl's only answer was to pound her cunt for a few more minutes and then groan as he came inside the child. His 3" thick knot formed inside the little girl, and tied with her, while he was still humping her hard and fast. Then he surprised the child by rolling her over on her back while she was still impaled on his knot, and picking her up off the table, so she was held tightly against his chest by his strong arms, with her legs straddling his waist as he continued fucking her.

"OH! Oh shit!" Lila gasped as having his huge knot twist inside her tight little cunt made her cum with a force that almost made her black out. "Ohhhh, you've definitely fucked a small girl before, haven't you? You'd never try that move with a grown-up lady. Was she younger than me? Or am I the youngest girl you've ever fucked?"

Karl whispered into the little wolf girl's ear, "You're the youngest_girl_I've ever fucked, but not the youngest kid. That 'girl' out there in the red dress is my eight year old son, and I've been buggering _him_for three months now, as well as fucking his ten year old future step sister. Her mom, my girlfriend, encouraged me to fuck both of them, and for them to fuck each other."

"Wow, you really _are_a huge perv, aren't you?" Lila said with a laugh. "Fuck your kids hard tonight, while you remember fucking me!"

"I will, but what will _your_mom and dad think if they find out you're doing things like this?", Karl whispered.

"I don't have a daddy," Lila replied. Her tail wagged in circles as she bounced on his cock, with her feet dangling in the air. "Dunno what mom would say. Probably have a fit, 'cause I'm too young. Why're you wearin' a suit at the park? You a banker or a lawyer or something?"

"Investment broker. Sort of like a banker," Karl whispered. His knot finally began to subside, so he took her back to he changing table and laid her on her back, before pulling his cock out of her now gaping cunt.

"Give him your phone and eat me out, my Pet! And you, stud, keep filming while I suck your cock and she eats me out," Lila commanded, as she grabbed his cock and pulled it to her mouth.

Tera handed the phone to Karl, and he held it up and recorded the hot girl on girl action as the older girl handed her leash to her Mistress, and knelt beside the changing table to lap a the cream that was dripping from the kid's gaping, well-fucked hole.

Lila hung her head over the far end of the changing table and as soon as he realized the kid had no gag reflex, Karl fucked his cock deep into the kid's throat. He watched her slender throat bulge each time his shaft crammed into her muzzle, and he groaned and unloaded a second creamy offering right into her mouth, while shakily filming the hot action on the teenager's phone. When she was done swallowing and she allowed his cock to slip out of her mouth, he stopped filming, and quickly sent all the video clips that were made today to his own phone, before erasing the evidence from this one.

Tera heard Karl finishing in Lila's throat, and after taking a few more licks to get her Mistress off, she got up and held her hand out for the phone. "Zip up and get out of here, or we'll show those videos to the cops, you perv," Tera said.

"No, you won't. I just erased them," Karl said with a grin, as he handed the phone to her, fastened his pants and straightened up his clothing. "But I sent copies to myself first, and it shows her admitting to blackmailing me and begging me to fuck her, and both of you acting like horny sluts. Don't worry, though. I won't show it to your parents or post it on the Internet, as long as you don't cause me any trouble. Well, thanks for giving me a really good time, girls. Now I'm going to leave, by myself, and I want you both to sit quietly in here, and slowly count to 100 before you come back out."


Karl's kids were waiting outside the restroom when he came back out.

"What just happened? I saw you go in there with two other kids, and you were in there a pretty long time, daddy," the older girl said.

"I'll tell both of you, and your mother as well, but not until after we get home, Ryan. Head for the car. We need to leave right away," Karl said. He led both kids to the nearby parking lot and they all got into a very nice looking luxury car.

"That wolf girl showed you her privates, didn't she daddy?" asked the young Bernese child, as she fastened her seat belt in the back seat. The 'girl', who Karl had admitted to Lila was actually his cross-dressed son, sounded quite convincingly like a girl. "Did you fuck both of those girls in there?"

"Only the younger one, Hans," Karl said, as he started his car and drove away. "They tried to blackmail me so I would go with them, but in the end they were kind enough to record it for us. We'll have fun watching it together, after I explain to Melanie why I had sex with a stranger without clearing it with her first. Let's go home."


"...98, 99, 100!" Lila counted. "Time to go home!"

"Well,_that_didn't turn out quite the way you expected, Mistress," Tera said. "You shouldn't have let him touch my phone."

"Oh, I woulda erased everything anyway, after we watched it once at home," Lila said with a grin. "I don't care about the videos. I got what I _really_wanted - a good hard fucking from a grown-up guy!"


Meanwhile, downtown, eight special guests gathered in the living room of one of Justine's two brothel apartments for a special 'live sex show'. Everything in the living room, dinette and kitchen areas had been tidied up and made to look like a normal apartment, while the guests sat on eight folding chairs on the side of the living room farthest from the apartment's front door. Each guest was masked, and Justine's friends the mayor, the police chief and the district attorney were seated right in the middle. Two of the other guests were middle-aged women.

"I want to caution all of you to remain in your seats until the end of he performance, and to remain relatively silent," Justine said, as she adjusted three different video cameras to capture the action in the rest of the room, while not showing any of the live audience. "If you make a loud enough noise or if you get up and interact with the performers, you will be recorded on the video of the event that we are making, and there is a small possibility that you might be hurt. But you will be perfectly safe as long as you remain where you are. Feel free to unfasten your trousers or raise your skirts to pleasure yourselves during the performance. Both of our performers are sufficiently well trained not to be distracted by such activities. At the end of the performance, both of them will be available to pleasure you as well, should you wish to hire their services, and if you wish, you may purchase a copy of the video of the show. Of course our usual brothel staff will also be happy to serve you after the show. Would any of you like a girl or a boy to serve you with oral sex _during_the performance? No? Very well, then. Give me a moment to get our performers in position, and we shall begin!"

Justine went to the door, and stepped out of the apartment for a moment to talk to Laurie, who was waiting there.

"All right slave, it's show time! Wait for my text message on your phone, and then do it just like we've been rehearsing," Justine said, kissing the bunny mom on the mouth. "You may cum at will during the performance. I know you won't disappoint me, my dear!"

Laurie was dressed in the same clothes that she used to wear as a secretary, but without any panties or stockings on, and she was wearing her slave collar. Her low cut blouse and wrap-around skirt could both easily be removed, as could her shoes. "I'll do my best for you, Mistress. H-how many people will be watching us?"

"Only eight, and they are all regular brothel customers. I think you've already mated with at least half of them, and the others know you work in the brothel for me, so you won't need a mask for this performance," Justine said. "I'm recording it primarily as a test of the camera gear for later streaming shows, but this recording will only be used privately. Our live guests may purchase a copy after the show, and you and I shall use it to review and critique your performance. It won't be posted on the Internet, streamed out live, or sold elsewhere... this time." She have her slave one last reassuring hug, and went back into the apartment to prepare the other 'performer'.

When she brought Pacer out of the bedroom on leash, several of the guests gasped in amazement. They had been told the girl in today's show would be mating with a feral dog, but none had been forewarned that he was half wolf, and so huge!

"Look at the _size_of that beast!" one of the female guests whispered to the other. "Can you _imagine_how big his cock must be?" She was a fairly small cocker spaniel lady in her late 30's, who Justine knew was a 'happily married' member of the city council. Few people, not even her husband, knew that she was bisexual, or that she frequently came to the brothel to have sex with other women, and even with underage girls. The woman with her was one of her lovers. But as far as Justine could recall, the cocker lady hadn't ever requested the services of a male from the brothel.

The other lady fanned herself excitedly, and whispered back, "Oh my! I was going to give him a try myself, but... I don't know if I can handle it!" She was a perfectly groomed poodle lady in her mid 40's, and the gently aging 'trophy wife' of one of the most successful bankers in town. As her youth and beauty faded, she had managed to keep her position by becoming more and more deliciously perverted for her husband's amusement. In addition to enjoying an occasional lesbian dalliance with the city councilwoman beside her, she and her husband would occasionally come to the brothel or have an escort or two sent to their home, for kinky threesomes or foursomes. Her husband was not with her tonight, because she wanted to surprise him with this new kink of bestiality... provided she could get up the courage to try it herself.

"Oh, you _must_do it, Donna!" The first lady insisted. "I really want to see you fucking him. If... if you do, then I will too! Deal?"

"I guess," Donna said. "We'll see if I have the courage to try it after the show."

"Down! Stay!" Justine commanded the wolf-dog, as she placed him in the middle of the living room, facing the doorway. She patted the beast on the head and fed him a strip of beef jerky, and said, "Good boy! Time for your stud service with your favorite bitch, Pacer. Have fun!"

As soon as she was out of the way and had all three cameras rolling. Justine sent the Text to Laurie, telling her to begin the show. She manned the primary camera herself, keeping a close lock on the front door, and intending to track Laurie's actions with her camera, while the other two showed fixed views of the kitchen and of the place on the living room floor where Pacer waited for his cue.


The bunny mom opened the door and entered the apartment, with a small grocery bag clutched in one arm. She tossed her purse on the hall table as she shut the door, kicked off her shoes, and said, "Honey? I'm home!"

Pacer got up and loped over to her, immediately slipping his nose under her skirt and giving her pubic mound an affectionate lick.

Laurie giggled and pushed him back, saying, "I'm happy to see you too, stud! But give me a moment to put away my groceries and take care of your other needs, before we start doing that!" She went into the kitchen, set the bag on the counter, added more water to the dog's water dish, and poured a generous portion of dry dog food into his food bowl.

Pacer looked at the contents of his bowl, lapped up some water, and then came up behind Laurie as she was bent over to put some food onto a lower shelf of the refrigerator, and gave her a cold wet nose and a hot, rough and wet tongue licking her right under her tail.

"Eeek! Oh! You naughty, horny boy!" Laurie said with a laugh, "You almost made me drop the milk! Patience, stud! You'll get what you want soon!" She pushed him aside again and put the other groceries away, and then walked back into the living room, where she peeled off her top and unfastened her skirt, before kneeling on the floor where Pacer had been waiting earlier, just eight feet in front of her live audience.

The beast padded over to her and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth and licking at her open mouth tasting her tongue.

She grabbed it around the neck, opened her mouth and passionately accepted his animistic French kiss, panting heavily and using her own tongue in return. "Ohhh, I missed you too, big boy! I've been looking forward to this all day at work!" She rolled over on all fours, and raised her fluffy tail, and said, "Okay boy! Fuck your bunny bitch!"

Pacer pushed his left shoulder against her ribs, placed his left foreleg over the small of her back, and heaved himself up into position atop her, moving his hind legs around to line up with her upraised ass. Then with a savage growl he thrust forward, impaling her with his cock and hammering away at her in an act of bestial frenzy.

"OH! Good dog! That's it! Ohhhh, fuck me harder, you brute!" Laurie gasped, looking back over the shoulder closest to her audience and encouraging her non-sentient mate. "Ohhhh, fuck yes! Knot me, baby! Fill my bunny cunny with your puppy juice!"

Justine knelt down for a good closeup of the animal's cock hammering in and out of Laurie's cunt, and she glanced to one side and smiled as she saw the entire live audience appeared to be masturbating. Obviously they were enjoying the show!

Pacer tied with the bunny MILF and howled as he claimed her, wrapping his forelegs tightly around her slender waist and humping her even faster.

Laurie fought to keep her head and shoulders off the floor, as the huge beast pounded into her from behind, and she smiled at the masturbating people who were watching her and said, "Ohhhh, I love how his cock feels in my cunt! So hard and powerful! Oh yeah, fuck me, stud! Fuck your bitch!"

When the show was over, the men all went to the other side of the brothel to fuck whores, but the cocker spaniel lady and poodle lady remained, and removed their masks.

"Well, would one or both of you like some one-on-one time with our performers? They're both available until 6:30 or so tonight. No other guests will be sent to this apartment until I tell the girls next door that we're open again for regular trade," Justine said. "Also, if it's the dog that interests you, and you'd like his services again later, he will also be available here by reservation only, on at least 48 hours advance notice. I don't own him, so I have to pick him up from his owner and return him after any assignments here."

"May I... lick that dog's cum out of her cunt?" the cocker girl asked. "And if Donna fucks the dog, I guess I will too."

"Sure. And no charge, this time, if I can keep the cameras turned on and record it," Justine offered. "And what about you, Donna? You've had your eyes locked on Pacer for the whole show. Want to give him a try? Same offer. You can have a romp with him tonight for free, as long as I can record it. No one will see the video who wasn't in this room for the live show."

"I've... never done it with an animal before. But yes, I'm curious, and horny as all hell from watching him fuck that bunny, so I'd like to try, if you'll show me what to do. How soon could he be up for it?" Donna asked, staring at the wolf-dog as he licked his deflating cock.

"He should be ready by the time those two are done," Justine said, nodding in the direction of the living room couch, where Laurie was already straddling the cocker lady's muzzle and getting licked. "Faster, if you allow him to start licking you now. Tasting and smelling an aroused lady turns him on."

"I... want him to fuck me. As soon as he can," the poodle said. She carefully undressed, removing everything but her jewelry. Then she sat on the floor and nervously spread her legs for the animal. Pacer ambled right over, flopped down on his belly and laid his head between her thighs, and got to work on her.

Justine grinned and aimed the main camera for a close up of the dog going down on the naked poodle lady, then adjusted another camera for a better angle on the councilwoman eating out Laurie. This was going much better than she could have hoped for.


Once the two female customers had been sated, Justine called Pacer's owner and asked her to come and pick up the well-fucked dog, and collect his stud fees for the night. Then Justine and Laurie retired to the basement bedroom to relax a bit before going home.

"You did well tonight, slave," Justine said, once they were alone. "You look so _cute_when you're being fucked by that beast. And you both certainly seem to enjoy mating with each other. Should I buy him for you, so you can keep him at your home as a pet, and fuck him as often as you like? It would make it easier for him to be available for other customers if you owned him, rather than my friend across town. I'd save on his stud fees, too. My friend charges me as much per hour to have him here as I charge to whore _you_out to customers! Though what we made on tonight's show alone more than paid for his weekly training sessions with you the last few months."

"OH! I wouldn't _dare_do that, Mistress!" Laurie said, blushing prettily. "Every time he sees me now, he expects to fuck me as often as he can! He'd never give me a moment's rest if I shared my home with him. And how could I keep my little girl from seeing his sexual interest in me? And what might he do to my daughter? _Please_don't make me keep him for you, Mistress! I'll gladly fuck him here, as often as you want me to. But don't make me take him to my home!"

"Very well. It was just a suggestion," Justine said. "If his services become popular here, I may try to find another of my girls here who is alpha enough to keep him at her home, and keep control of him. How is your daughter doing lately, anyway? She's eight now, right? You hardly ever talk to me about her. Does she have any clue yet what you do for me?"

"She's still quite innocent, Mistress. She knows her mommy works as a receptionist at a beauty shop, is all. She thinks it's normal for me to be here every weekend too, in addition to doing my work at the salon," Laurie replied. "She seems to be doing all right at school. She's got several friends there, and sometimes they invite her to their homes for sleepovers. Her grades are, well, okay. Nothing to brag about, not like your girl, but nothing to be ashamed of, either. She really likes the after-school activities at the school daycare, and she stays there on school nights, at about the same cost or less than what I'd pay a babysitter. So I only have to pay for a regular babysitter on the weekends, or when you plan to keep me late on a weeknight. But I'm going to need to find a new weekend babysitter soon. The one I've been using has told me she's more interested in dating and doing things with her high school friends than babysitting. I was wondering if I could have a day or two off next week to search for someone suitable, and maybe interview a few girls?"

"Why don't you just bring your daughter here every day, after school and on the weekends, and we can train her to work in the brothel?" Justine asked. "You could make money with her, instead of paying for day care or babysitters."

"WHAT? Oh, Mistress! Don't even _joke_about that!" Laurie cried. "You can't _possibly_be serious! She's only eight! You... you _were_only joking, right? You... you wouldn't _really_order me to make my daughter become a whore... would you?"

"_Order_you to do it? No... Certainly not. But I _was_serious," Justine insisted. "I have four other mother-daughter teams who work in my brothel now, though none of their little girls have started at younger than ten, so far. You know most of them, and you've even served clients with a few of those little girls sharing your bed. So I can't for the life of me understand _why_my suggestion surprises you. The increase in child whores has been an interesting side effect of that toxic waste crisis last year. Quite a few of the girls who are now sterile have become much more sexually active, and at much younger ages than usual, since fear of pregnancy is not a risk for them. Some of my whore mothers have realized that if their little girls are already wanting to get fucked, and have zero risk of pregnancy, even when fucking bareback, they may as well let them work here, where their sexual encounters can be supervised. We both know _your_girl is sterile, though I didn't know if she was sexually active yet or not. But it was just a suggestion. I only hire fully willing whores, and you know it. If the girl and her mother aren't both eager to work here, I don't want the pair of them in my brothel, no matter how much I could get paid for whoring them out."

"I... I understand, Mistress. But I still don't want her working here, or knowing what I do here," Laurie said. "Eventually she will find out her mommy's been a whore and a sex slave for most of her life, and... I'll deal with that when she finds out. But I want her to remain innocent as long as she can. Please... I mean... You... You aren't planning on training your _own_daughter to work here, are you?"

"I honestly don't know," Justine said thoughtfully. "Unlike you, or most of my mother whores, I don't particularly need the additional income. My operations here are quite profitable. And so far, at least, my Lila has shown no interest in sex. We've talked about the things she's learned in health class, and I've offered to answer any questions she might have about feminine matters or sex. But she just hasn't seemed interested in the topic. She's as innocent in that regard as your Alice. When she's ready to become sexually active, I'll discuss it with her. If she wants to join me here, then yes, I'd train her like any other girl that works for me. But if that isn't what she wants, so be it. The same goes for Alice. I only expected you to consider if your girl might _like_working here, as much as you do. I never said you should force her to."

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Laurie said. "I... assumed the worst of you."

"Never mind. Don't bring her here to train. I really don't care," Justine conceded. She wasn't terribly put out by the refusal. It would have been fun to have such a young kid in her brothel, but there was no need to seduce the child... just yet. But she wouldn't rule out the possibility of asking again, when Alice was older, or after the child finds out what he mom really does for a living. She smiled sweetly at her slave and said, "You can take a day off next week on Wednesday, to find a new sitter. Or I'll make you another offer. My daughter really likes the babysitter that I hire to look after her every day. Tera is quite responsible, and she doesn't date anyone, or invite school friends over when she is babysitting. On the weekends, you could drop Alice off at my home, and Tera can watch the both of them. I'm sure the girl wouldn't mind watching another well-behaved girl in my home, for perhaps another $5 more per hour than I pay her now. Should I text her, and see if she will do that?"

"Yes please, Mistress," Laurie replied, with a sense of relief. "Having your daughter's sitter watch my girl too would save me money, and still keep her in a safe environment."


Lila was happily fucking Tera with their Feeldoe when Tera's phone buzzed to indicate an new text message had come in. Tera picked up the phone and looked at it, while her Mistress continued fucking her.

"What is it, my Pet?" Lila asked.

"Text from your mom. She wants to know if I'd mind watching a second little girl at the same time as watching you," Tera replied.

"But that would ruin all our fun!" Lila complained. "Why would she ask that? Who is this kid?"

"I'll ask," Tera said, pecking in a reply and ending it. A moment later, the phone buzzed again, and she read the message. "Daughter of one of the ladies that works for your mom. Kid's name is Alice Putman? Your mom says she goes to your school."

"Alice? OH! Oh yeah, I know who she is! Pink bunny, a year younger than me. That pink fur of her was pretty hard to miss! I used to see her all the time at the after care program at school, before you became my sitter. And most of the time when I saw her, she was under the gym bleachers, or in the back of a bathroom, or in the bushes beside the playground, or in some other out of the way place, getting fucked hard! Some times she was even tied up! She's not a slut, so much as a girl that just can't seem to say no if someone wants to have sex with her. She got away with it because she put out for the teachers too. I don't think she ever saw me when I saw her, though. I didn't want anyone at school to think I was interested in sex and have word get back to my mom, so any time I saw sex happening at school, I avoided what was going on. Go ahead and say yes! She should be an excellent addition to our sexy fun!"


Author's note: A picture of Laurie getting fucked for the first time by Pacer, while Justine watches them going at it, can be found here: