Chapter 1: Watching

Story by DarkeZenith on SoFurry

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Okay here's the deal, this is a short intro paragraph styled thing just to test the waters since I've never written anything like this before. If you like it, say so and I'll work on the next chapter.

If you don't like it, go away. Lol.

~Darke Z.


It was well past midnight when Darke finally hauled himself up the flight of stairs leading to the loft he inhabited. Every fiber of the zebra's being was thoroughly exhausted from the grueling day he had just endured; he'd been on his feet for over twenty-six hours now. Every lean sinew of muscle in his well-toned form cried out in protest as he plodded heavily up each stair, finally coming to his apartment door after what seemed a endless climb up the two dozen steps. Shuffling his briefcase from one hand to the other, he shoved the door open with the toe of one hoof, bringing the flickering halogen lights to life and casually dropping the valise as he pulled the door shut behind him with a click as the lock tumbled closed.

A sense of unhurried urgency took the young zebra's movements as he dropped the long trenchcoat from his form and followed after it with the rest of his business suit, kicking the pants aside last. He walked out onto the balcony, tempting fate in his nudity, but unable to resist the kiss of the cool air over his bare fur, caressing away some of the stresses of his daily grind. He groaned softly as he stretched his lean body skyward, hands clenching over his head, as his lean, seven-foot tall form grew a bit taller in a series of pops and groans of relief as he rolled his shoulders this way and that. Resting against the balcony railing for a moment longer, he let his eyes wander across the stars, wondering in the back of his mind, as the tightness in his groin often prompted him to, just why in the hell he was still single. His body was fully in it's sexual prime and demanded the release mating gave. But much to his disdain no one really showed any interest in him and, except on occasion, he was too painfully shy to be the aggressor, no matter how much his body screamed for it to be otherwise.

His gaze wandered down from the stars to the mostly darkened apartment building across the street from his own. Any sane fur would be deep asleep by now, and he silently reminded himself that yes, he had to get a job that didn't suck. There was only one light still ablaze in the thirty or so windows adorning that face of the large building. Engaging in what might be considered a little harmless voyeurism, Darke decided to watch for a moment to see if he could find out who the night owl was who dared to brighten the otherwise lifeless face of the building. Settling back on his haunches, his eyes suddenly went wide as a flicker of movement in the lighted apartment caught his eye, and a chestnut mare strode almost casually into the bedroom into which he was looking. A light of recognition went off in his head as he realized her name was Marie, and he'd met her only a week or two before when she was moving in, but he had been hurried and hadn't stopped to get to know his new neighbor. Looking over her form now as she lay back across her bed, he cursed his damned bad luck as he observed with more than a little interest the way her silky negligée clung to her lean body in just the right places, accentuating her curves and sending Darke's sex drive into high gear, the pink flare of his cock head slipping unnoticed from it's sheath as he could not help but stare at the beautiful mare. Even concealed as it was in the flimsy negligee, he could easily see the many sexual charms nature had gifted the young mare with. Her rounded curves were nothing short of breathtaking, her buxom breasts, fallen lightly over by her platinum blonde mane, were completely perfect in size and shape, neither too small nor too large for her lean six-foot frame, as they nearly spilt out of the flimsy night shirt. The delicate swell of her backside and the look of her tail as it flicked almost nervously from side to side sent tendrils of electric delight through the zebra's sex, and he longed deeply to feel the tail lashing lightly against him as his body took natures course and went to work just beneath it.

Darke at first assumed the light would flicker and go out soon as she was laying in her bed, albeit atop the covers not between them, and he quietly lamented the impending moment that would steal the sight of this equine goddess from him. But that moment never came. Rather, to his surprise and joy, the young mare began to remove the lacy number she had put on moments before, revealing to his hungry eyes the swell of her perfect breasts and her barely covered pubic region, still concealed for the moment by a thin sheet of silken panties. Darke may have cursed his luck that she had been wearing panties, but he was too distracted to notice. The young mare, having freed her breasts from the bondage imposed by the shirt, had gone to work on them in, what seemed to Darke, a remarkably needy manner. She had each breast clasped firmly in a hand and was kneading them almost roughly, arching her back to press them into her palms as she began to roll them in slow circles, pressing them firmly into her chest and squeezing her eyes shut. The sight of this eroticism was far too much for Darke to turn away from, even had he wanted to and in no time at all he found his hand creeping up and down the length of his rapidly extending member in a slow steady pump as he watched the young mare work her breasts over thoroughly. He imagined he could see her nipples perk and tower proudly as Marie stopped her slow knead to pinch at her nipples with thumb and forefinger, rolling them gently and parting her lips. He knew she was moaning... thought for a moment he could hear the lusty tone of her voice... but waved it off as wistful thinking as she tugged teasingly at her nubs, relishing the attention she was giving herself. Darke's hand was slick with pre by now and rubbing furiously up and down his hardened length, quivers of pleasure washing away the last bit of soreness from his body as the intense lust he shared with the unknowing mare cascaded over him. Helplessly, he began to thrust his cock, now bobbing at nearly two feet of fully extended meat, into both hands, using the pre oozing from the tip to bring himself as close to mating as he could synthesize as he watched the mare.

Suprisingly, and to his further pleasure, the young mare began to do the same thing, rolling onto her belly and lifting onto hands and knees, her tail rising slightly as she unknowingly provided the zebra with one hell of a view. Marie tore desperately at the thin silk panties and in less than a moment Darke was looking on her glistening velvet mound, thinly covered with a wispy layer of blonde hair and already moistened by the feel of erotic pleasures she had lavished on her plentiful chestnut-colored mounds. Desperately she flicked her tail up so the cool air coming in through the open window could caress her sex as she let a hand wander back to her folds and slowly pressed a pair of fingers deep inside her, wriggling them about for a moment before pulling them out, slickened with her juices and placing them between her lips to suckle clean. Darke groaned loudly and imagined, as he pumped his meat in the tight grip of both hands, that he was plunging into the your mare's folds instead... filling her completely and making her his mate. As her hand returned its attention to her wet mound, Darke knew it wasn't his imagination when he heard a long wavering moan carried very softly on the air. He inhaled deeply, imagining he could smell her excitement carried with the soft moan somehow and, for only a moment, he was almost in the room with her. Watching her as her fingers worked harder and harder in and out of her sex, driving tendrils of ecstatic pleasure through her body, brushing against the hooded bud of her clit, each time moaning softly as her fleshy bud twitched in response. Focusing her attention more and more on the fleshy pleasure bud, she buried her face in a pillow to stifle the screams of ecstasy as she grinded it rhythmically with the edge of a trio of fingers as they pump into her velvet folds deeply, slickened with her fluids as she did her very best to create the feel of mating within her.

Watching this display was too much for Darke to take the sight of without giving into his lust completely, pumping madly up and down his throbbing cock with one hand, he clenched the base tightly and thrust hard into the grip, electric shivers of pleasure pouring over his body as, with a helpless whinny and a lurch forward his load was released. Strong undulations pressing his cock forward into his grip as spasms of cum spurt from his member, glistening through the air in a wane light of the moon before splattering to the sidewalk some four floors below. Gallons of his pent up essence pour from his cock in what seems a endless torrent, and about midway through his orgasm he hears the soft still cry of the mare as she joins him. Furiously rubbing her clit her body tenses and releases a few times in a nervous spasm before becoming impossibly still as her back arches and she collapses forward, crying out loudly, heedless of wakening her neighbors. Most of them anyway.

As their respective climaxes convulse their forms for a final few spasms, Darke looked to the mare, grateful for the show and leaning heavily on the railing as he panted heavily after the much needed release. Marie, still wobbling from the climax she endured, slid from the bed and moved towards the window to close it. Their eyes met across the street, and both of them knew they had been seen...

... to be continued... maybe...