Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 9

Story by NotSarahK on SoFurry

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#9 of Tao

In a magical paradise of peace and light Tao, a land unknown to man, live five special kangaroo-like creatures. Each warrior represents one of five virtues--benevolence, righteousness, order, wisdom, loyalty. However, the Warriors of Virtue's heroic journeys have not yet ended. An over shadow of evil is still in the land and darker forces are slowly making their move. The evil warlord Komodo might have forgotten who he was from previous events, but there seemed to be something else ratting about. Something that no ones else would have guessed and one new comer to Tao will save them this time. Will the new comer save all of Tao or will their world come to an end? You find out.

Disclaimer:** **I do not own in any shape or form of any "Warriors of Virtue" franchise. I will not be profiting from this story in any way. However, every character not mentioned in either the movies or the books (yes there are books) is mine.

I do not have any rights to the music that is used.

I do not have the rights to the movie I borrowed from.

Chapter 9

Lagoon Lifespring:

Meeting the Sea Serpent

A/N: I really am so sorry about the wait and double sorry for this very long ass chapter. I could not help it. There was just so much to put in for this moment. I promise the rest will be broken up more with cliffhangers and breathers. Thanks for putting up with me.

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(Sarah's iPod: Buddha Zen Spa - Chandelier-musique d'ambiance)

Still being close to the cave, but not in it this time Sarah awoke to a beautiful twilight scenery with long shadows stretching the horizon across the cloud-shrouded mountains that she could see through the trees. The light began to touch the rocks and pouring into the cave's mouth illuminating its many marvels. Yun was still nearby putting on the finishing touches to the raft. She saw piles of logs and vines tied tightly together floating down at the stream she was at previously yesterday. A moment later, she heard Yun's big feet shuffling through the forest. She waited patiently, wondering which direction he was coming from.

"Good morning, dove!"

She heard from the side of her as he also hopped into the clearing. His soft brown eyes looked down at Sarah. He extended a paw to her to help her up. She gratefully took it and pulled to get up. He was strong enough to easily get her up without him moving to much. Light as a feather, he thought. The moment she was fully upright, Yun noticed her appearance. Her eyes changed with memorizing aquatic colors that seemed to slightly glow a little being at lighter colors. As for her hair, it would seem to have gotten longer and filled with soft ocean wave curls. Sarah looked up to notice he was staring and thought something else had changed and began feeling her face and hair. Her hair seemed softer, but she did not feel any different.

"What is it?"

"You just..." he was speechless.

He just reached subconsciously out to gently glide his big paws through her hair and felt the softness it contained. She watched him a little and saw how in awe he was with her which made her blush. She looked down as her heart began to raise ones again. He then jumped out of his senses after noticing her wings seemed to rise a little tucking in. He cleared his throat.

"Let us eat some rice cakes before continuing our travels. Today the stream will help carry us out to the ocean. Because of the rain the waters are high and the flow is well."

They sat, ate and rested a bit by their little camp. Yun had already checked the raft and it was quite sturdy enough to last to China.

"Ready?" Yun asked with a gentle smile.

"As much as I can be."

They began making their way down to the stream again. Sarah noticed how noisy she was with those long wings. Why couldn't they be smaller or at least middle sized? No, they were long, clumsy, and dragging because she didn't know how to focus on them to function properly. Yun had tied the raft to the edge on a strong root, so it did not float away. The raft was well built enough for them to stretch out and lay down. But, she thought with her wings the raft was cut in half sideways.

"I tried to design enough space for the two of us. The water will help carry us both. If you do not mind...."

As Yun lowered the raft back into the moving current he gestured for her to step onto the raft first. The moment she tried to step one foot on the rafts surface she was already felt unbalanced because all of a sudden the wings began flapping awkwardly. Something so easy she had done dozens of times as a kid, now she faces falling overboard into the water like a baby. She tried to do it patiently, but it was beginning to get on her nerves. She turned around looking at Yun. It would seem to Sarah as if Yun was trying not to smile. It wasn't funny to her because of the amount of frustration that it was causing building up.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say, anything." He held up his hands in defense.

She turned back around and took a deep breath trying one more time. But, instead of holding out her hands to keep balance she stretched her arms backwards and held her wings down. She could feel the things wanting to move as she stepped onto the raft. But, once she got on she planted her feet firmly to the boat's surface. Once she let go of the wings, they just spread out wide, but they were not flapping at least. Almost helping keep the balance this time. Now that they were stretched out Yun could see how massive they were. Some of the feathers looked like they retained a little golden highlights. He was beginning to think she more looked like something he heard a long time ago. But, that was impossible she was human. Her wings slowly began to fold back down, being calmed as her footing got use to standing on the raft. Once completely lowered again she gently sat down princess style. She hoped they were not going to open up again on the ride there. After Yun had noticed she was settled on he released the raft with his tail and got right in after her. He definitely made it long enough for Yun and herself to have space to relax on and just wide enough, but not to have their bodies hanging off the sides. Once they got into the raft safely Yun freed his crystalline sword which rippled a little like the stream, before hardening again like before when they were jumping through the rain. He placed it down on the raft and sat down as well. Then the streams current gently takes them. The current caught the raft, and they were off, which had some good speed to it.

For a while they both sat there quietly. Yun seemed to be meditating while steering with his long, blue blade in the waters and Sarah was wide eyed like a child looking at everything that was passing by. Being a teacher she loved the perks of school field trips, she just didn't like that sometimes she was told last minute not being prepared.

"Look out for Rapids," Yun asked.

"If there are I'm ready for them," she excitedly informed.

"An adventure as well I see."

"I went with my students during summer camps doing white water rafting."

"Well I do hope our adventures do not become that drastic. I have not ridden this stream before, either."

Another stream joined them which became much wider and faster. The mountains to the north of them slowly moved through the trees. A giant waterfall at a distances showered down onto, as the rocks making multiple rainbows in the light. A coral seemed to be underneath. The water was so clear and clean of any pollutions. There was a slight breeze keeping them cool. Still drifting lazily down the stream the forests sounds was all too relaxing. But, before they got to Yun's place she felt she needed to be introduced having a little knowledge of what to expect.

"Yun," she yelled back to him " what is your home LifeSpring like?"

"The Lagoon LifeSpring," he began witfully "Is an Island in the middle of the Jade Sea. After visiting it not to long ago, the Beauty that I remembered, is slowly returning to its fullest."

He looked down for a moment, "When Komodo conquered the Lagoon, we were forced to flee. Ones I came back to the LifeSpring after being reported that there was a Sea Serpent threatening it."

Sarah turned around a little and could see a little of Yun's face with her wings not acting up.

"Sea Serpent?"

He nodded his head with such serious expression on.

"The Jade Sea is a part of the Azure Chain, which are a series of small inland seas that were formed when an earthquake breached an underground ocean, flooding the surface world. The seas are very deep, and hold many secrets."

"So this Sea Serpent, was unearthed from the quakes?"

"Possibly. Here our seas usually have sea serpents, but most of the time we don't have any trouble with them."

"This is a really interesting world. So you do have mythical creatures here."

"A what?"

"Mythical, a legend or fable being that is sometimes used to in make up stories."

"Oh there is nothing made up here. But we do have legends of old."

"So what others are there then besides the sea serpents?"

"Well long ago there use to be the Faery Folk that lived with us, but no one has seen them as well for many many years."

"Faeries? Like with wings?"

"Not just with wings, others had very thin bodies to slip into the trees, some were very short that could hide in the grass, and others almost looked human, but closer look their eyes and ears were different, a changeling if you will. There were so many different types of Faeries that I am surprised they just vanished."

"What do you mean?"

"As the stories go, one day they were trading goods like most times, and then the next day they were gone. After hearing about some battle that took place none were seen. There was no trace of this battle and no traces of the Faeries either."

"Oh wow."

Yun and Sarah listened to the sounds around them for awhile.

"Sarah, your appearance actually reminds me of the Faery Folk."

She laughed. Being an art teacher she well immersed herself in mythology from all over the world. Each one had their stories to tell, good or bad. But, just like Yun was explaining the event, she did wonder if that's how their myths started. Her world faeries just stopped showing up in myths and Tao's Faeries just stopped appearing. But, her folklore dates were centuries old, so it's possible it didn't happen at the same time. However, things maybe not run parallel compared to here and there, because she did hear about time possibly stopping until the deeds are done. If that's true then maybe she really doesn't need to worry so much and hoped things didn't take to long to change back to get back.

"If you would like to know more I am sure the elders at the Lagoon LifeSpring might have a bit of information for you, if you are interested."

"Actually, I am very interested. I would like to know the comparison between our two worlds."

For a while they stayed quiet again. Sarah was sitting upright for too long and needed to change position. So, she tried turning around gently facing Yun, sitting Indian style. Grabbing the wings made it easier to rotate as well.

"So," she interrupted his meditation. "Does the LifeSpring look anything like Master Chung's?"

"Each LifeSpring takes on its own shape, and with my home village they live within the tall coral walls. It is a beautiful place to live and there is still so much to see."

"Sounds like a place I would not mind living at." Sarah said sounding dreaming.

"We have traveled quite far, what do think about stopping soon to eat?" The Roo smiled.

"I wouldn't mind that," she answered. "I could use a good stretch."

Yun noticed a few areas beginning to look familiar flowing down the stream. Some rugged canyons with rosey rock walls appeared in a distance. Erosions were visible in the grooves showing amounts of history for maybe more than millions of years. The forest around them that was a darker shade of green started transforming into groups of yellow trees as the forest thinned out, dipping their branches into the waters. Some left trails of pink and white flower petals that reminded Sarah of romantic rides. Small terraces of waterfalls were scattered across the canyon creating magical steps. Looking out Sarah noticed shallow pools that seemed to sparkle with green lights at the bottom creating beautiful turquoise colors to the waters.

"That is Zubrium." Yun said. "Collecting in the pools is the corals. I know of an area near here where we can rest at. It is just on the other side."

With his sword, he guided the raft towards a sandy bank. Yun jumped out first to hold the raft still as Sarah carefully walked onto the shores. Once she got on to the sands she stretched her arms a little and her wings seemed to do the same. However, the wings were stretching at different angles like her arms. Then for a moment they seemed to flap a little, Yun noticed.

"You should try to see if you can fly," he laughed a little.

"Hmm, maybe later. Right now I don't think I can control them."

Yun thought about it for a moment.

"Try seeing if concentrating about the movements helps," he tried to explain.

She gave it some thought, "Alright."

So she stood back and gave a little extra room as Yun watched after pulling the raft back up with his tail. That is one strong tail, she thought. She got back into concentrating on the wings. She closed her eyes and imagined the wings spreading out slowly together. As she was doing so, the wings did begin to open, but they were not properly opening together. Both seemed to be struggling and switching a little. Just when she was imagining them all the way stretched out they seemed to just want to flap a little again and then go back down giving up. She looked like she gave up too.

"Don't worry, time and patience is all you need. You seem to be learning quite quickly," Yun amused.

"Yeah, but they are still clumsy," Sarah said dejectedly.

They walked over to a clear patch to sit down. Yun opened up his pouch and took out more rice cakes which were wrapped in oil leaves which kept them dry from the waters and still moist enough from the sun.

(Sarah's iPod: David & Steve Gordon - Still Waters)

They ate in silence for a while, just watching the stream flowing its path and into other pools. A few small wild animals would come up on the other side to drink or bathe at the pools. A few scarlet birds flew by, and Sarah wondered why was there Warmbloods and animals still. Maybe it was like Chimps and Humans in her world. Similar, yet they were still not the same. Also like butter and plastic. There is just that one small piece that makes them so different.

"I have seen this place once," Yun started.


"I am glad to see it again, growing fruitfully after the pollution. During Komodo's reign this land was dead."

"That's hard to believe."

Yun looked like he had something on his mind for awhile. "Do you mind if I ask you something personal?"

She looked up at Yun, "What?"

"Why is it so hard for you to belief in the world around you?"

She looked down with a sigh.

"As I told Chi this, in my world, when your instincts tells you it's too good to be true it usually is."

"That is a very harsh world you and Ryan live in."

"It is," she sighed again, "because not everyone in my world lives with virtue, as you Roo's do."

"We all have good and evil inside of us, however some of us give into the evil side, our Negative Kung, and that is what makes us who we are."

"That's very true."

The Roo then began packing up the food.

"Let us continue our journey."

Sarah then jumped up from her spot only to fall right back down. Yun turned around to offer his hand once again.

"I have just become the most clumsiest person with these wings."

"With virtue of practice you can do anything, and you can become better."

Yun seemed to look up at the sky checking for something, but it all looked clear. Moments later, they were back on the raft, floating down the middle of the stream. Quietly moving along they pass by some colorful meadows of tall, purple grains. Other Warmbloods and humans looked like they were just getting started on harvesting the grass. It was another village.

"They are gathering a type of wild rice," Yun explained. "It looks like it is a lot richer this year."

She wanted to watch them, but hide her wings so she did not attract too much attention. Yun noticed the wings try to pull in again. It was as if her wings showed what she was feeling without saying a word.

"Sarah, I noticed you seem quite at peace around the waters."

"Oh, yeah I grew up by waters. Always swam when I could. But, growing up and getting a job, my life shortened the water enjoyment."

"So you know how to swim?"

"Of course. My family mostly called me a Mermaid when I was little."

"We use to have Mermaids here as well, but it has been awhile because of the destruction of Komodo's pollution in a lot of places."

"The more I discover about Komodo's history, the more I am impressed with you and the Warriors taking care of him in your village. How awful it seemed, but how beautiful it is now."

"Well as I have informed you before we have been monitoring him, but we are giving him a second chance."

"Yun, you are a saint."

"I. Am. A Roo of Benevolence," he smiled all smudged at her.

Yun is kind to all creatures great or small. He tries not to judge too harshly to anyone, especially people not from Tao.

"Well I am not as virtuous as you are Yun."

She smirked back at him and then just splashed him a little. He was not looking so it caught him off guard, and she giggled. He then slashed her right back using his tail. They laughed.

"How long do we have until we reach your island LifeSpring?"

"Hmm, I would say from this area most of the day, and lasting until tomorrow. If we moved fast enough we can get there by morning break."

By the time they were getting closer, drifting along, the sun was fading fast and the stars shined brightly. It was nice to see the darkness on their journey then the daylight because she got to focus on the peaceful wonders above and also not feeling so hot. Gazing into the sky of Tao, she noticed a strange similarity in constellations as they twinkled.

Would that mean Tao and the Earth were actually were one and the same just different dimensions?

Like Yin and Yang.


"We seem to be getting closer. The waters are telling me the ocean is not to far." He announced. "We will need to break at that the shore bank again, over there, to collect some fresh water, and then we can continue."

He put his sword in the waters to help guide the raft over. Yun pulled the rafter over the shore half way, but Sarah just remained on it. He just needed to get the fresh water that was needed and head back out. She thought it would be easier to stay put. Yun walked over to a small pool to collect some clear water in a renaissance like bladder pouch. Getting close to a small fountain he just watched the reflections in the water. He wasn't looking to hard, but Sarah's white wings in the moonlight put on this light glow that caught his attention. As the waters vibrated falling over its small cliffs he could still see Sarah with clarity. Her head was watching the stars as she waited, and Yun just could not stop staring. She catches his attention without trying to.

Could this be possible?

This feeling was excitement, but did not want to scare her.

But how? Maybe he will just think about it when they get to his village.

He began walking back with a full bag for the journey. He pushed the raft back in and the stream takes them again.

The river began picking up speed again, however, it was nearing its end.

"We are getting close, but there does not seem to be any wind for the currents."

"How will we be able to move then?"

Yun grins at Sarah as the raft continued to drift through the darkness. They were closing in on the wide opening. Even though it was still dark Sarah could see the ocean appearing with nothing else behind it. It was very calm and the dark waters made everything so mysterious. The raft began to almost come to a halt the moment some of the land was behind them and out of the moving currents. Yun lifted his sword once more from his hilt and lowered it into the water behind him. The moment it touched the waters as if he was about to steer again they were taking off instead like a powerboat. Sarah fell a little backwards because she wasn't prepared for that kind of take off.

"I do apologize I should have warned you."

She wanted to say something back, but was more concentrating on getting back up.

"I would take this time to get some rest if you like."

She looks back at Yun who seemed to be mediating while still steering. It was an amazing skill how his sword was propelling them at high speeds. They were going to get there in no time. It was still dark so possibly just breaking day maybe. Even though Yun said to get rest she still was not tired. Watching the stars just seemed to keep her awake. The feeling of the ocean winds was not too bad. The air was fresh and salty, and it was still comforting like memories past. Clouds above moved slowly passing the millions of stars.

Yun, after awhile of mediating was getting too distracted by Sarah's quietness. He knew she was not resting because her head looked upward and kept moving from side to side as if following something. The night was beautiful in the open ocean, but seeing someone take delight on the world around them brought a smile to his lips. She was almost acting like a little child taking in all the wonders of the land that it could offer. He did not realize how long he was watching her until gleams of the sun rays began to show on the horizon. They were now able to see dark shapes turn into schools of reds and purples in the waters.

Sarah's focus was not on anything for the moment looking in a daze, but then the visible movement caught her attention. So many odd creatures of long, short, basketball sizes, and even trailing tentacles of a jellyfish like creatures all swimming about.

Just as the rays of the sun were shining through the outline of his land was becoming

Yun grinned as he lifted his sword from the waters for a much lighter speed.

"Wait till you see how beautiful it is, Sarah!" he whispered.

(Sarah's iPod: Gary Stroutsos - Water Mystery)

They finally made it. As they were getting closer this gigantic tree of coral surrounded the Lagoon LifeSpring. It was sculpted in a peculiar plume with hundreds of delicate fingers of icy opal colors that danced from inside. Going in deeper a phosphorescent glow that took place flowed from pools and terraces from the LifeSpring. Yun had slowed down greatly when entering his village, but he wanted Sarah to fully see the Lagoon from deep within. In the middle was this fountain which shoot water high into the air, bathing the village in shimmering falling stars. And just like the little pools from hours ago the falling rain also had Zubrium in every drop.

Everything was so beautiful. Yun was right.

Almost in every branch of the coral homes were made of palm fronds. Some were simple, but others got creative. On balconies people and Warmbloods began to slowly arise. Some dove right into the ocean for that morning dip. Yun and Sarah needed a place to settle at, then find the person to talk to about sleeping arrangements, and then ask someone if any weird situations were happening. They were nearing a cave with a dock and a bar to tie at. Just as Yun grabbed some rope to tie the raft down and was helping Sarah carefully get out, a scraggly bearded man yelled out to them with his arms up for a moment.

"Yun? We were not expecting a surprise visit especially from the Warriors of Virtue!"

The man walked up casually to them looking like he was about to start some days work and firmly gripping Yun's forearm.

"What brings you here my dear old friend?"

"Master Witfar, I would like you to meet my companion for this journey, Sarah."

He stretched out his arm to exchange shakes with her. She grabs a hold of his hand to find a strong grip and almost hurting her hand. Her eyes widen a little at the surprised pained grip.

"Oh sorry. I sometimes forget my own strength."

She tries to shake her hand to get the blood flowing again. It wasn't that bad. She just overreacted.

"Master Witfar, would it it possible to rest awhile before we see the Mayor? We have been traveling and I'm sure my companion could use a break."

"Not at all. You can use my place while my niece and myself are doing our duties for the day."

"I thank you greatly."

Witfar pointed towards his small red hut stuck between two branches of coral. So, Yun and Sarah made their way up a few stairways. They have been traveling all day and night and Yun was so exhausted that by the time they got to his Master's place he just sighed and laid himself down. One moment he was up and the next she turned around to find Yun already asleep. All Sarah heard was his soft breathing. She had to smile a little. This was the first time she had seen Yun drop his guard around her so quickly. He looked so at peace. It was nice. The moment she saw Yun relax she finally realized how tired she was as well and just took the mat next to him and she was out when her eyes closed.

A/N: More to come!