New World, New Family Part 2

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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This story is a sequel to my exploration of the tiger world through the eyes of a young male rabbit. Paul, the young rabbit, wakes up the morning after his first night on the planet, shocked at how much he did with his cousins (tiger twins) and by how much they did with each other, without shame. Anyway I hope you enjoy

Paul awoke with a yawn and stretch, the room felt warm and smelled slightly musty. The sunlight was filtering strongly through the open windows, the air outside seemed still and the house was quiet. Giving his eyes a quick rub the young rabbit sat up, his body slightly sore. What a night it had been, his new cousins, Tyler and Rye tiger twins, had given him the sort of welcome you could only ever expect on Felious. Even after weeks of his step-father warning him of what might happen, he hadn't been prepared.

He cast an eye around the room to see the other beds were empty and he was alone. With a grunt he pulled himself to his feet, his cock still tingling a little, a gentle thank you from his body for giving into temptation the night before. Before pulling on any clothes he walked to the open window, taking a moment to look outside. The world before him was green and growing, he could smell the morning dew and the subtle hints of various floral perfumes. All wafted in on the gentlest of breezes, as far as first days on a new world could go it wasn't a bad start.

The sound of softly clapping paws broke him from his enjoyment of the scene. His eyes caught sight of an elderly tiger kneeling down and tending the flower beds in the garden of the house next door. The old man was looking up at the naked youth, without a hint of shame or reluctance. He had enjoyed the naked, nubile body of the chocolate brown lapine and he was letting the young man know by giving him a round of applause.

With a squeak of embarrassment the young rabbit leapt back from the window, much to the chagrin of the old observer. The heat of his blush burning his cheeks the young rabbit opened his case and removed some clothes. Pulling them on, he wandered downstairs to see where everyone was. The living room was empty, as was the dining room and study.

In the kitchen he found evidence of a family breakfast; bowls in the sink, some cereal spilled on the bench. He also found a living witness in the form of his new cousin Rye. The tiger was built like a pure Adonis, his muscles all perfectly formed, much like his father. It was hard to believe the night before he had sucked on that cock and at , Rye's, brother's insistence he had fucked the large male. If he told any of his friends back on Lapros they would be both jealous and disgusted. The idea of watching two brothers going at it was not a socially accepted one on most worlds. Though it was considered the norm on Felious.

It was hard for Paul to know how to react and the tiger wasn't helping. The large feline had noticed him, his green eyes flicking to the rabbit. However, he had just continued to eat his breakfast, one spoonful at a time, chewing slowly and deliberately. Paul knew Rye had a mental illness, patrach's syndrome. It meant he processed information differently, though the rabbit had already learned the tiger was anything but dumb.

"Morning," the rabbit announced giving his cousin as warm a smile as he could, looking around the strange kitchen. Paul couldn't help but wonder where the alien's kept their food and utensils, what do tigers eat for breakfast... or was it just cereal?

"Morning," Rye replied pausing between spoonfuls before continuing.

"I don't suppose you know what I can have for breakfast?" The rabbit asked, with what he hoped was a friendly smile.

Rye slowly finished chewing his mouthful and swallowed before replying, "the Lapine people aren't recorded as being intolerant of the food on Felious. So I assume you could eat whatever you wished for breakfast."

"Ah" Paul muttered, while he glanced around the kitchen again. " Is there anything you could recommend and could you show me where it is?"

The tiger paused in his breakfast, as if considering the request mulling over the words. His eyes dipping back to his half finished bowl. Paul remembered how important routine was to the young tiger, he didn't like changes. That had been demonstrated clearly the night before, nine-thirty shower and nine forty-five sex with brother. Rye had announced it all as if it was set in stone. It was clear to the rabbit the tiger lived his life in a well oiled groove and he did not like to be pulled out of it, lest things go less smoothly.

However, just like the previous night when he had accepted the rabbit, Rye put his spoon down and stepped out of his grove, just a little. The tiger stood up and Paul sighed happily to see the feline's naked body. He could have picked out every single one of his cousin's muscles from a feline anatomical chart. The tiger was perfectly formed, physically at least. With a plump sheath and balls dangling between his meaty thighs. "I would recommend parchat cereal flakes, they give energy throughout the day."

While he spoke the tiger stepped into the kitchen, and Paul had to suppress a whimper as Rye bent over in front of him. Two perfectly formed tiger buttocks waved just a few inches in front of him. The tiger's silky glossy fur shining in the sun, and the soft pink of his pucker drew the eye to where it rested in a sea of white fur. A throb from inside his pants let Paul know his body remembered that ass, it enjoyed that feline rump and wanted to feel it again, as soon and as often as possible.

A second later Rye stood up with a bowl in one paw and a box in the other. He placed them both carefully on the bench. Turning to return to his chair the tiger noticed the young rabbit staring open jawed at him. His eyes slowly tried to interpret what he was seeing, but it was difficult, body language was a mystery to him that he feared he would never unfold. "There." He said and resisted the urge to say more before returning to his own breakfast.

Paul poured himself a bowlful of the brown flakes. In the fridge he found some white liquid that smelled vaguely milk-like. He poured it over his cereal cautiously, most people would correct an offworlder doing something silly, like pouring the wrong fluid onto his cereal. However, he suspected Rye wouldn't, not for any malicious reason, the tiger simply would not understand what he was supposed to do.

Tasting the cereal cautiously Paul found it wasn't bad. He walked over to the table and sat down opposite Rye. "So where is everyone?"

The tiger finished chewing and swallowed, " Tyler is visiting friends, he wished to brag about his sexual activity with an offworlder. Uncle Kyle is off to work. My father is going to collect my mother from the train station and you father is accompanying him. Afterwards they said the three of them would go to see the sights."

Which left Paul alone on his first day on an alien world. The rabbit mused on this as he shovelled the cereal into his face quickly. Of course he wasn't exactly alone, " so what are you doing today?"

Once more the tiger finished his careful chewing and swallowed before answering, "it is five-to-ten, at ten I go for my after breakfast run, at ten forty-five I have my mid morning bath. By eleven Tyler will return and we will consider joint study on our college science modules. At approximately half-past-eleven Tyler will get bored and suggest sex. I will refuse unless our studies are complete. Then at five-to-one I will make my lunch sandwich. I will eat my sandwich at one and finish at ten-past. I will return to my studies until four-thirty. At that time I will start preparing lunch. I will eat lunch at five-thirty, if the family is home at that time they will join me. At six I will go for my evening run until six-thirty. I will then work out for thirty minutes. I will shower at seven and then at seven-ten I will lay on my bed and read. At nine-thirty I will take another shower and at nine forty-five Tyler and I will engage in sexual activity... " the tiger paused, his golden eyes actually looking at Paul for the first time. "I do not know if you will join in as we have not spent enough nights together for me to discern a pattern in your behaviour. At ten-fifteen I will go to sleep."

The spoon slipped from the rabbit's fingers, landing in his cereal with a slight splash of milk. Rye gave a mild look of disapproval, until the rabbit awoke from his shock to clean up the tiny drops of milk. "Wow, that was... exact." It certainly was a lot more information than he was expecting, right down to speculations on the rabbit joining in. It may have just been wishful thinking, but the rabbit though Rye had smiled, just a little, when mentioning the possibility of sex with the rabbit again.

The tiger however was looking a little confused and upset, "you did ask what I was doing today, I was just informing you." There was a definite defensive tone in his voice.

"Oh yes, I did and there was nothing wrong with you giving me all the details," Paul quickly replied, putting as much friendliness into his voice as he could. "It is just that I wasn't expecting you to be so... thorough."

The tiger thought about this for a moment, Paul could almost see him trying to analyse his words. In the end he nodded acceptance and continued his breakfast. The rabbit followed suit, while wondering about his new cousin. Tyler had shown no concerns about his brother's disability, he guessed the tiger had grown used to it as they grew.

While he was wondering Rye finished eating and stood up, he looked at the rabbit as if unsure what to do or say. "It is time for my run" he announced his voice holding just a hint of doubt, as if the rabbit might challenge his statement.

"Can I come too?" The question didn't only surprise Rye, Paul was stunned too. He hadn't planned on running that morning, or ever. However with his father, and everyone else, busy for the day he found that he really didn't want to be alone.

Once more the tiger paused, it was a question he had not expected. No-one in his family had ever asked if they could join him before. "Yes, you may," his words were heavy with doubt, as if the tiger was questioning himself when he spoke them.

Paul got to his feet, leaving his half-finished bowl of cereal on the table. "Are you going to get dressed?"

The naked tiger looked down in confusion, almost as if questioning if he was really naked, "no... then I would get my clothes sweaty." Paul wasn't ready for what he said next, it came with the blunt logic he was growing to expect from Rye. "Are you going to get undressed?"

From almost any other male on the planet the rabbit would have taken that as a joke, mixed with the hope of getting the rabbit naked. "I would not feel comfortable running naked." He replied, though he could feel the heat of a blush burning on his brown cheeks.

Once again any other male would have chuckled or maybe tried to encourage the rabbit to disrobe, for their own pleasure. Rye simply nodded, "it is important to be comfortable when exercising. I must do my stretches now." He didn't pause after speaking he just turned and began a well practice series of stretches.

With an open jaw the rabbit watched as the hunky feline bent and flexed, naked right before his eyes. He could feel his erect cock throbbing inside his pants, as his eyes followed the tiger's every graceful move. After a few seconds of pure heavily adulterated joy he began to echo the tiger's movements, stretching too.

After exactly five minutes of stretching Rye finished his routine and started to walk to the door. The rabbit followed, feeling a little giddy as the tiger strode out into the warm morning light, naked as the day he was born.

"Morning Rye," a loud voice announced from over the garden fence. Paul saw the old man from earlier leaning against it, licking his lips. "You passed your stage-three yet boy?"

"Morning Mr Artices, no I have not yet taken the exam," the tiger replied giving the old man a friendly nod.

The old tiger leaned over the fence to leer at Paul," what about your friend, he gave me quite the show this morning, sure would like to get a good feel of what was on display?"

"I didn't know you were there!" Paul didn't speak the words, they escaped as one long squeak.

"He has not passed his stage three either Mr Artices." Rye announced calmly.

"You know boys, rules were made to be broken," the old tiger chuckled winking at the young rabbit suggestively. Paul was dumbfounded, the old man's brazen offer bouncing around in his blushing head.

"But Mr Artices, this is a law and breaching of it would be the criminal offence of statutory rape of a minor, the minimum prison sentence would be five years," the tiger rattled the words off without batting an eyelid; he was utterly unphased by, what Paul was assuming, was a daily encounter.

"Well, that is only if the authorities find out," the old man replied, equally unfazed, his hungry eyes undressing the uncomfortable rabbit.

"As a good citizen it is my responsibility to report any crimes I am aware of to the authorities," retorted the tiger with conviction.

"You young guys are no fun," moaned the older tiger.

"Then maybe you should speak to more people your age, who have passed the appropriate tests," the young male replied his voice honest, without even the slightest trace of sarcasm or ire. "It is time for my run, good day Me Artices." With that the tiger broke into a sudden jog, Paul stood there for a moment watching him job. Any other person would have turned to look at the person who was supposed to be running with them, to check they were there and ok. Rye just assumed that Paul would follow, because he had said he would and he had no reason to doubt the rabbit.

Rye had a good head start before the rabbit realised he was supposed to be running too, with a polite nod to the leering older tiger he dashed off as quick as he could. He caught up to the tiger quickly and fell in beside him just, matching Rye's brisk jogging pace.

Paul would be the first to tell you he was no athlete, but he was a rabbit and evolution had blessed his species with strong legs and a good turn of speed. However, he struggled to keep up with the tiger, Rye just ran effortlessly his muscles rolling gracefully, fur shimmering in the orange, early morning, sunshine. The world about him was quite stunning, the tiger's appreciated their planet, buildings were blended with the landscape wherever possible; trees were planted everywhere and buildings well spaced. It was hard for the rabbit to believe he was running in a city, yet it did seem to sprawl on forever, a tableaux of greens, browns and yellows. There were no flowerbeds along the streets, for the felines believed in letting the plants chose, yet they passed many different trees in full bloom, others clearly in fruit.

They passed many a tiger on the street, Rye gave a polite nod to each but did not speak. Paul noticed many winking at him, more than one tried to wave him down, but the rabbit kept running chasing behind the tiger. Still, if he thought the place was beautiful to look at it was nothing when compared to the hypnotic sway of the tiger's hips. His taut buttocks rolling, glistening with a healthy sweat, the musk of the feline blowing back into his face. Paul blushed when he noticed a pair of female tiger's giggling at them as they ran, he realised he was semi erect, his arousal showing through his shorts.

A thin line of blue in the distance grew larger and wider, Paul's aching muscles noted they were running downhill and were grateful to gravity for taking some of their load of them. Of course his mind warned him that what ran down a hill must run back up it, especially if they want to get home.

The tiger just kept on running, until they reached the edge of a cliff the huge ocean stretching out in front of them. A rolling blue field, sparkling in the sun. Rye stopped at the cliff edge and looked out across the sea, smiling as a cool breeze wafted in his face.

The rabbit stopped a meter or two back enjoying the beautiful vista. Of a naked tiger, framed against the sunlight, his orange fur almost burning and a health glow around him. Once more the rabbit felt his cock straining inside his shorts. While his lungs and muscles burned, he panted heavily and eventually bent over, grateful for the pause but dreading the run back uphill. "You... you do... this... everyday?"

"Yes, running is good exercise and it is important to be healthy." Rye replied and then added. "Eighty-six percent of tiger's who run more than four hours a week, in their prime, live five years past the average life expectancy of one-hundred and twenty-seven."

"Ah, but in running that extra four hours a week they have lost four hours extra in bed," the rabbit replied playfully.

"I ensure I get at least seven and a half hours sleep a night, any more would not provide any benefit," the tiger replied a little confused

"I dunno, I am sure I could think of something fun to do in those four hours," the rabbit replied his eyes wandering over the naked tiger hungrily.

However Rye was oblivious, his tail thrashed a little in agitation while he tried to process signals he wasn't able to, "I think we should return now, I do not usually stop on my run." With that the tiger took off back up the hill.

Paul pondered on that last statement, Rye clearly did not like breaking his routine, yet he had done so, most likely to give Paul a chance to catch his breath. Not that he was able to think on it or anything for long. The return run was so painfully exhausting, he fell a good twenty or thirty meters behind the tiger. All he could think of was getting back to the house, his muscles ached and each step became more and more painful.

With painful gasps the rabbit dragged himself over the doorstep into the house, like a dying animal crawling back to its den. He collapsed into a chair, panting heavily as the room spun around him.

A shadow passed across his vision and he heard Rye say, "you shouldn't sit down, your muscles will cramp." A strong paw took his and he found two strong arms supporting him. "I must shower now."

The rabbit was far too busy trying to breath to resist or even think. He was aware of the warm arms around him and he rested his head on the strong shoulder, his nose excited by the heavy scent of feline musk. His eyes just looked at the tiger's face, he sensed nothing but slight concern from the feline. He walked where he was directed, it wasn't until Rye was helping him take off his shirt and his shorts were pulled down that he realised that the tiger wasn't planning on showering alone. There was no thought of resisting, strangely he wasn't feeling aroused like before. He just enjoyed the feeling of someone taking care of him. They stepped into the tiled shower and he sighed as cool water cascaded down onto his burning muscles. Waking him up a little, he close his eyes and then moaned softly, when two strong paws began to rub soapy lather into the fur on his back.

Saying nothing the rabbit just soaked up Rye's tender attentions, gasping a little as the tiger's paws slipped lower. His cock slipped free of his sheath as soapy fingers slipped between his buttocks, a fingertip caressing his pucker, making him moan with desire. However, the tiger didn't push any further, just cleaned him.

Soap was placed into Paul's unresisting paw, then Rye turned around. The feline was clearly used to showering with others, the rabbit could imagine the tiger's more amorous twin sneaking into the shower with him, when the need hit him. Thinking of the two twins caressing each other's soapy bodies did nothing to reduce his erection, in fact it throbbed painfully between his legs. Reaching out he began to clean the tiger, loving the feel of his firm muscles, and the tickle occur as it ran through his fingers.

A soft vibration drummed a beat up through his fingertips, as Rye began to purr. The purr got louder as his paws worked lower down Rye's back. Mirroring the cleaning he had received the rabbit slid a soapy paw into the furnace between the tiger's two tight mounds. The purring grew louder as his finger stroked over the feline's pucker. "Ninety-eight percent of tiger's would initiate sex when showering with a potential partner."

Thinking back to the previous night the rabbit replied, "it is ok if you want to be part of the two percent."

The tiger turned around and Paul found himself gazing into two shining emerald green eyes. He could see a hint of doubt there, but more than a hint of desire. Rye's disability stopped him reading body language, he knew the tiger had isolated himself from a lot of social contact for that reason. The young tiger had gotten things wrong so often he had stopped trying with anyone but his brother, who had learned long ago to communicate his wants and needs to Rye. The rabbit's arms slipped around Rye's powerful neck, pressing himself forward just a little.

Leaning down Rye whispered softly, "for once I wish to be part of the majority." That was all Paul needed to hear, he pressed forward; his lips meeting Rye's, their union was soft and tender, like a first kiss should be. They felt the warmth of each other's breath, a slight taste of tongue. While the tiger's paws began to wander over the rabbit. Paul just held on, enjoying the moment. Rye's touch was so soft and gently, his caresses so sweet they were like a soft breeze on a hot day; his body welcomed them and burned with the need for more. Their hearts were beating rapidly, Paul pulled back from the kiss, his fingers reaching up to stroke the tiger's cheeks. The feline nuzzled back against the stroking.

They both pushed forward again, their lips reuniting, hungry this time and desperate. Tongues danced and fenced, battling for supremacy. Their bodies ground up against the other until a striped paw reached down and grasped a throbbing pink rabbit maleness.

Paul matched him, with a paw straining to close around the feline's thick shaft. He had tasted it just an evening ago, felt it cum in his mouth. However, no matter how full he was, he knew he could never have his appetite for this delicacy quenched. His fingers stroking up and down the huge length made his whole body ache with need. Breaking the kiss he whispered,"I want you... inside me." He gulped as he spoke, he had never taken someone as well hung as Rye, yet as he felt that cock throb between his fingers he knew he needed it.

Rye nodded his response, and his paws turned the rabbit around. Paul found himself pushed against the tiled walls, his legs spreading and tail lifting on instinct alone. A wall of pure warm muscle pressed up behind him. The large tiger dwarfing the lithe bunny, but Paul didn't feel any fear. Rye was too gentle a person, he knew he would be a gentle lover. With his powerful body around him Paul felt safe, protected and loved.

A warm firm tip pushed to his pucker gently, almost like a nervous lover giving his date a soft peck on the cheek. Strong paws caressed down his sides and the lapine gasped as they took a powerful grip. No lover had ever held him so tightly, the power of the feline behind him was amazing, intoxicating, and as exotic as he could ever desire. He moaned with willing submission, lifting his hips a little and pushing back wantonly.

He was surprised to feel soft kisses raining down on his neck and shoulders, the loving touch of his new cousin was far different to that of his twin. Then with a deep purr the tiger began to thrust, for a moment Paul's body resisted and then with a soft cry he felt himself opening and the thick maleness pressing inside him. He took deep breaths as he felt himself spreading wider than any lover had ever stretched him.

The thrusting stopped and the tiger above him licked his neck and shoulders. His paws stroking gently on the smaller male's thighs calming him. All the while the rumbling vibration of the tiger's purr ran up and down Paul's back, relaxing the rabbits tense muscle. Then Rye thrust again, strong paws clenching the tiny lapine firmly as his thick meat drove deeper and deeper.

Stopping once more the tiger leaned down to kiss the rabbit's cheek. Chocolate brown paws reached back to caress the huge head, his fingers running through the tiger's mane showing he was ok. Rye thrust again, burying his muzzle in Paul's neck and nibbling lovingly; like the rabbit was some fine, tasty, delicate morsel. The rabbit put all his weight on the tiger, trusting completely in the strength of his lover.

Before he knew it Paul felt two warm orbs resting on his own, he gasped to realise he had taken all of the feline's impressive length. A strong, striped arm curled around his chest, holding him with a grip so tight he knew he could never escape. Yet he also knew he would never want to. Then he gasped feeling a paw closing around his hard cock. The purring feline knew how to please a lover, he had been fully educated like the rest of his people.

Slow and gentle were his motions, Rye rocking his hips, the rabbit moaning as the thick cock inside him moved. There was no more discomfort, only a burning need for more. A need his body expressed fully, with loud moans, a firm clenching and the pushing back of his hips. Paul didn't notice any of this, his body was working on instinct alone as he basked in the gentle pleasure. The cock inside him so huge the male didn't need to aim, he caressed the rabbit's sweet spot with each thrust.

The rabbit squeaked each time his prostate was stroked, his cock throbbing in Rye's paw and jetting pre onto the shower wall where the downpour of water cleaned it away. His paw gripped the tiger tighter and he cried out,"harder!" His words were a begging whimper, his body trembling needing to be taken. Ever diligent the tiger responded, picking up the pace, his voice joining Paul's in pleasured moans. There are some languages all bodies speak. The thick cock reaming inside him sliding faster and faster, Rye using more and more of his full length.

The sound of water falling was punctuated with deep cries of pleasure, the quickening slap of wet ball sacks colliding, hips smacking to rump. While Rye leaned down desperately, Paul turned and the two lovers kissed. Their nubile bodies grinding against each other, lost in the carnal bliss of the moment.

Growling with burning desire Rye let his predatory nature out, his thrusting growing feral, his cock ramming home deep inside the bitch he was mating. For his part Paul squeaked and gasped, pushing back like a wanting rabbit in heat, desperate for his lover's cock and more. He knew it would only be moments before he was lost to the bliss of his orgasm. With the time he had he tried to memorise everything, the taste of Rye's lips, the sensation of his cock and paw. However, mostly he focussed on the tiger's green eyes. He saw something wonderful there, something beyond lust, beyond carnal need and he hoped it was what he thought it might be.

Such a precious moment, it lasted but a second or two and then Paul cried out, screaming Rye's name over and over as his cock throbbed and pearls of cum were washed down the drain. The tiger was only a moment behind him, his deep voice crying out in return calling his name the sound warmed the rabbit's heart. While his insides were warmed by the river of tiger spunk that Rye fucked desperately into his ass. Eventually he stopped thrusting and just held the rabbit to him, the two joined by his thick shaft.

After what felt like hours Rye pulled back, his softening cock slipping free of the rabbit's abused hole. The two didn't speak, Paul turned and kissed his cousin tenderly while they let the water rinse them both clean. Then Rye turned the stream off and the two helped each other towel off, no words were spoken, but they both felt comfortable in the silence.

The rabbit didn't bother putting his sweat-soaked clothing back on. So they were both naked as they wandered through the house. Paul's ears warned him of something, a second before they opened the door to their shared bedroom. Their eyes were met with a thrusting feline ass and two legs spread wide, a distinctly female voice was moaning loudly. The rabbit looked away in embarrassment while Rye just walked into the room.

"Hello Darlene," the tiger muttered as he walked to his bed and grabbed his college bag.

"H.... Hi Rye," the female moaned as Tyler snorted, a little annoyed to see his partner engaging outside of their coupling. Paul watched the feline pick up the pace and it was then he noticed something else, far more shocking.

"That's my bed!" The accusation slipped out as he stood in the doorway, watching in slack jawed amazement.

"Mine was too far... couldn't wait!" Tyle gasped in reply as his thrusting hips started to speed up, the room filling with the soft squelching sound of their lust.

"It's about three meters away!" The rabbit squeaked, the female tiger suddenly roaring in passion, her legs locking around Tyler's waist.

"It was TOO far!" A female voice roared, her voice getting higher and higher as she spoke. The two showed no signs of shame or stopping, Paul couldn't imagine this ever happening on Lapros. If they'd walked in on friends having sex, especially something as kinky as straight sex, everyone would have freaked out. The felines barely even seemed to notice and certainly had zero intention of stopping.

Rye was suddenly beside him, "they will finish soon... then ask if you would like to join them. I am going to study, I am behind on my schedule." The rabbit heard something in those words, a hidden invitation maybe. It was so hard to tell with Rye, but either way he knew what he had to do.

"I'll come with you, and help." Paul was sure he saw a smile on the tiger's face as he replied. The rabbit reached out a paw and slipped it into Rye's. The warmth of the tiger's paw was welcome and it spread the the rabbit's heart as he felt the paw squeeze. Felious was going to take a lot of getting used to, but with the big strong tiger there it didn't seem so bad. He sat and watched as Rye worked his way through, studying the tiger's face.

After a while Tyler joined them, he was still naked but had at least washed. The smaller tiger smirking as he sat down opposite the two of them. Eventually Rye announced it was time to prepare his lunch and left, Paul was about to follow when a paw grabbed his wrist. "Rye... he doesn't have many friends. We felines, especially very young ones... we fuck... a lot. I mean I've had sex with literally half of my school, including two teachers. Rye... until yesterday he only did stuff with me."

The rabbit blushed a little, "he seems really nice."

"He's the best damn brother in the galaxy, have no doubt about that!" The thin tiger snapped a little, making Paul jump. "Sorry... look he might be the big twin, but I have spent most of my life looking out for him. Last night I was horny, you were there and I figured why not see what happens. Today... well... he is all misty-eyed over you."

"I... how can you..."

"I'm his brother, we shared a womb. I know what he's feeling, with most of my people that wouldn't be a problem. I'd say fuck away and join in, just like last night." The thin tiger locked eyes with his cousin. "Don't hurt him, please, he can't take it."

The rabbit gulped, he felt the tiger's fingers slipping off his wrist. On instinct he caught the hand in his squeezing gently. "I won't, I like him too, and his brother isn't bad either."

Tyler smiled and returned the squeeze, "apparently my uncle has excellent taste in guys and their sons. Rye... he is going to expect us all to play tonight. I am really going to look forward to it."

The rabbit couldn't stop a chuckle escaping his lips. A week ago the dea of meeting these two terrified him, after just one night and day with them he was only terrified that he would somehow screw things up. "Me too, just go easy on me. I'm a beginner, plus my heat is only a few months off."

"Your what?" Tyler asked a broad grin springing to his face, the awkwardness of the previous few seconds gone.

"Ah, well it'll take a little bit to explain." The rabbit replied blushing deeply. "However, I think you guys might like it."

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by avatar?user=166120&character=0&clevel=2 Edesk

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