Race Day

Story by sinevli on SoFurry

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#3 of Sasha and Alex

Alex opened his eyes at the first sound of the alarm clock and felt his ass aching already from the previous night's entertainment. He reached to stroke the smooth scaled arm draped across his chest and felt the dragon's warm breath on the back of his neck.

He reached out at hit the off button on the clock, seeing it blinking 5:30am. He rolled out of bed, nudging Sasha as he did, trying to rouse him.

A muffled "mmurrfgh" was the response from the dragon lying on the bed. "Remind me why I decided to run this race today?" asked Sasha sleepily, his face still buried in a pillow.

"Well I thought you were just using this as an excuse to hook up with me for the first time" replied the fox, sitting back down on the bed and massaging Sasha's thighs and smiling.

"You saw right through me" said Sasha, sitting up, stretching and yawning. "We should get a move on if we need to be at the start line by 8:00 and if want to get something in our bellies"

Grinning Alex came around the bed and knelt in front of Sasha and placed his muzzle in between Sasha's sculpted thighs. He slipped his tongue out and began to lick lightly at the dragon's sheath.

"Mmm"murred Sasha, letting his head fall back and placing a hand on the fox's head; his cock beginning to get hard already from the fox's talented muzzle.

Alex continued for a while then as Sasha started gasping and moaning Alex stood up with a grin, licking his lips. "I think I'll go hop in the shower now" said the fox, prancing into the hotel room's bathroom, tail swishing back and forth.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that!" said Sasha, glaring at the fox's backside. "You can't just get a guy all worked up like that!" he grumbled.

"Oh, just making sure you have a reason to keep up with me today" Alex said. "I always run faster when I know I'm being chased" he said as he closed the door to the bathroom and turned the shower on. Minutes later Alex stepped out, rubbing his fur down with a towel and Sasha stepped past him into the steamy room.

Sasha turned the shower back on and let his boxers fall to the floor, stepping into the warm water and feeling it flow against his wings and scales.

Standing beneath the stream of hot water Sasha reflected on the previous night's events, and the bold actions that Alex took, acting so submissively towards him. 'Alex seemed pretty spirited this morning though' though Sasha as he stepped out of the shower. 'I suppose he's just anxious about the race'

The pair was just about to partake in the Roilermaker, one of the largest 15k races in the country. Normally the Roilermaker drew well over 10,000 runners, including elites from all over the world. Alex had run this one before, but this was Sasha's first time running it.

After stepping out of the bathroom Sasha saw Alex already dressed in his running gear; a pair of black running shorts and a tight white running singlet; his shoes were still on the floor. He was bent over by the door, stretching his legs, his tail swishing back and forth excitedly. Alex didn't notice as Sasha walked behind him quietly, giving him a pinch on his ass and then wrapping his arms around the startled fox's waist.

"Gods you startled me" he said, panting, standing up and reaching up to stretch his sides.

Sasha didn't say anything as he was staring at the fox's slim physique. Alex had obviously been training a lot longer than Sasha had been. And even though Sasha had acquainted himself very well with Alex's body the previous day, he still couldn't help but admire the fox's firm, toned body beneath his singlet and shorts.

"You'd better get dressed too cutey" said Alex, blushing as he saw Sasha admiring him, tapping the watch on his wrist.

"We should grab some breakfast before we leave" said Sasha. 'Alex is positively bouncing with excitement this morning' thought Sasha as he turned to dress himself.

"You know Alex, since you seem to be anxious to do something, a good pet should make himself useful and put the toys away" said Sasha, seeing the pile of leather cuffs and collar still lying by the side of the bed. He smiled, thinking of how submissive Alex was last night when he had been collared.

Alex giggled. "Of course Master" he said as he walked around the bed to collect the toys. As he picked up the collar he placed it around his neck while he finished straightening up the room.

Sasha continued to dress, pulling on a pair of blue shorts and a black singlet. "Oh that does look good on you, you'll be wearing that later" said Sasha, eyeing the collar the fox had placed around his own neck.

"I look forward to it" said Alex grinning, and from the slight bulge in his shorts, obviously excited as well. He unbuckled the collar and placed it in the bag with the other toys. "But let's go eat; it's already ten after six"

The couple left the hotel room and proceeded to the lobby where a special breakfast buffet was set up for the runners staying at the hotel. They lined themselves up and proceeded to gather various items. There was the usual assortment of bagels, bananas, and juice. Sasha grabbed a bagel and loaded it with peanut butter and an orange juice. Alex took a similar meal and began to mingle with the other runners there.

Sasha was sitting and munching on his bagel when Alex came over to him, looking agitated.

"Hey, can you stay near me for a bit" he said, gripping at Sasha's arm, his ears laid back.

"Sure" said Sasha, looking concerned and standing up. "What's wrong?"

"See that coyote in the orange over there, that's James? "said Alex, pointing towards a tawny coyote standing with another group across the lobby.

"We were dating for a bit last year, but he didn't take the breakup well. He threatened to 'out' me to my parents." he said, trying to hide behind Sasha, his ears still laid flat against his head.

"Oh no, he didn't did he?" asked Sasha, concern evident in his voice.

Alex shook his head. "No, but he almost broke my jaw" said Alex, looking down. "Bastard stalked me for a while afterwards too; wouldn't leave me alone." He mumbled, trembling. "I almost had to get a restraining order" he said, still clinging to the dragon and trying to hide behind him.

Sasha had still not delved much into Alex's past, but knew his relationship with his parents was already rocky. He knew even less about who else the fox had dated in the past. He wasn't sure if Alex's parents knew that Alex was gay, but from the sounds of things, Alex hid a lot from them.

Sasha decided not to press the matter and wrapped his arm around Alex and led him out of the lobby to where the shuttles were going back and forth, ferrying racers to the start line.

Alex seemed to become more composed as the shuttle trundled down the street. He finally let go of Sasha's arm.

"I'm sorry" Alex said. "He still makes me nervous when I see him, luckily he never told my parents"

"Umm, you seem pretty open about it now, I mean you were practically clinging to me all last night and during breakfast after you saw him" said Sasha, a bit confusedly.

"I don't really care about strangers seeing me. Most of my friends know but I don't think I could ever tell my family. I'm terrified of what they'd say." he said, hanging his head.

"They've never really said one way or the other about how they feel about gays, but I always got the distinct feeling that they never felt that something like that would ever affect them."

"I'm sorry" said Sasha, stroking the back of Alex's neck, unsure of where to lead the conversation from here. A silence fell in the shuttle; the other passengers were purposely keeping their eyes anywhere but on the couple talking in the middle of the shuttle.

A few minutes later the shuttle pulled up near a mass of furs, all milling around wherever they could find a piece of grass to sit and stretch. Alex and Sasha disembarked and wove their way through the throng, and found a small patch of grass near one of the many tables laden with water and sports drinks.

"So you feel ready for this?" asked Sasha, patting Alex's bottom with a knowing grin.

"Hmmph" said Alex, flicking his tail over Sasha's face before sitting down and stretching his quads. "I'm fine; I just wasn't expecting such a vigorous workout the day before a big run" he said, giggling. "Not that I'm complaining mind you" he whispered in Sasha's ear.

Sasha reached over and swiftly rubbed the fox's crotch "Well we'll see what kind of shape we're in after we finish today, and if you're up to it I promise you another night of fun"

Alex gasped and reached down, trying to pull the dragon's paw from his crotch, "When I said I didn't mind about strangers watching I didn't mean like this" said Alex, the words tumbling out of his mouth as he looked around frantically.

Sasha barked a laugh, his wings unfurling slightly, as his tail began to twitch with pleasure.

"Alright, but I think tonight the collar will be locked on, what do you say to that?" said Sasha, not making it a question.

"Ooh, yes Master" said Alex, closing his eyes and envisioning himself at Sasha's beck and call. Alex had never had any experience with bondage before, but he had thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of the stiff leather wrapped around his neck. "And I still haven't felt what's it's like to be gagged yet either" he said mischievously.

"I see my pet likes being bound; well I shall certainly oblige him tonight" he said, stroking the fox's firm belly.

With that Sasha and Alex began stretching in earnest; taking a brisk walk up and down the sidewalk to loosen up. Halfway back to their spot Sasha saw an old acquaintance of his and brought Alex over to meet him.

"Hey Benny!" Sasha called out and waving to him, leading Alex over to a short, brown river otter. Benny was dressed only in a pair of green running shorts, his bib number pinned to the waistband at his side. His well muscled chest rippling as he stretched his sides.

"Sasha my friend, how have you been?" cried the otter, spotting Sasha and making his way towards him. "I haven't seen you in months, not since I whooped you during that last 10k!"

"Thank you for reminding me" he said with a mock smile on his face and turning to Alex. "I'd like you to meet my friend Alex" he said.

"Nice to meet you" said Alex, taking the otter's paw.

"Same here, wait, haven't I seen you before someplace?" asked Benny, looking intently at the fox's face. "Oh, now I remember, you medaled at that 5k race last month is Absal! You ran a great race, almost took that other fox too, all you needed to do was just push a little more that last quarter mile." he declared forcefully, slapping Alex on the back.

"Thanks for the advice Benny" said Sasha, trying to help Alex extricate his paw from the otter's grip.

"Have a good race you two, I'm still looking for the rest of my crew, haven't seen them have you?" said the otter looking around. "Well I suppose I'll keep looking" he said, strolling away before either could answer.

Alex looked at Sasha quizzically "Is he always that abrupt?" he asked, shaking his paw out.

"Kinda" said Sasha, shrugging. "He's a lot more into the competitiveness of things than I am, but he's a good guy"

All of a sudden the crowd around them started making its way to the main road and the start line. Sasha and Alex moved with the crowd and took position near the middle of the pack. In front of them and behind them some thousands of runners were making their final preparations.

"Just let me hit the woods over there before we get started" said Sasha, trotting off towards a copse of trees.

"Alright, but hurry, I want to get a good place in the crowd" Alex yelled to Sasha.

As Alex was standing there trying to get rid of his last minute jitters he heard a voice behind him.

"Well if it isn't my favorite fag."

Alex's stomach went cold, as he turned around, and standing there was the coyote with a sneer across his muzzle.

"Get away from me James" snapped Alex, turning to face him and backing away. "I told you I don't want to see you again, you're lucky I didn't go to the police after what you did."

"Oh, like you would have reported it anyway, you wouldn't have dared to say anything to the police" said the coyote, still with a smirk on his face. "You always were so spineless and ashamed of us."

"So who's the lizard I saw you clinging too this morning?" said James. "He your new fuck toy?" he said, stepping towards Alex, leering at him.

"Shut up James, I'm not talking to you about it, you put me in the hospital and I didn't report you, so the least you can do is leave me ALONE!" cried Alex, panic erupting in his belly.

"Oh don't worry; I don't need some whiney little bitch telling me what to do. I just thought I'd come over and give you a friendly pre-race hello" said James, still smirking.

"Fuck You; I want you to leave me alone now!"

Alex was starting to tremble, both in fear and in anger. His tail was bristling and his teeth were bared.

"Get away from me James"

"What are you going to do? Call the little lizard over to protect you?" said James, with a mirthless laugh, but still taking a sidelong look towards the patch of trees Sasha had disappeared into.

"Tell your new fuck toy hi for me" he said as he brushed roughly past him, laughing.

Alex stood there, his stomach still in knots as the coyote walked away. He tried to calm himself but still felt on the verge of tears. He didn't hear Sasha as he returned from the trees.

"Ah relief, let's get lined up and..." he paused, seeing the expression on the fox's face. "Hey, what happened?" said Sasha, pulling Alex into his arms. "Are you ok?"

"You know that coyote I pointed out at the hotel? James?" said Alex, burying himself in the dragon's chest. "He came over and talked to me, I'm fine I just don't want to talk about it" he sobbed into Sasha's chest.

"What did he say to you?" asked Sasha, brushing Alex's fur gently, trying to comfort him.

"Nothing really, but it just got me upset seeing him again" said Alex, regaining some of his composure.

Sasha started to walk with Alex, leading him to the start line.

"You'll be alright, its ok" said Sasha, rubbing Alex's back soothingly. "Let's get your head back in the game; I'll go with you for the first few miles alright?"

"Yeah, that'll be good, I'm not looking for a personal best today anyway" he said, cracking a smile and placing his paw on Sasha's crotch and squeezing.

"Mmm, don't forget your place Pet" said Sasha, helping Alex to push his way through the throng into a position near the middle of the road, halfway down the pack.

"Of course Master" smiled Alex, his stomach butterflies and James almost forgotten, and his spirit picking up once again. "I'll try not to get too far ahead of you"

'Thank you for being here with me Sasha' thought Alex, as Sasha readied his watch

A minute later a horse wielding a bullhorn appeared on a podium at the start line. After the standard pre-race rhetoric, and the familiar call of "Racers take your mark, set..." the gun fired, and the crowd began to move forward.

Continued in part IV...