Dead in love part1

Story by Crazywolf69 on SoFurry

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This story does not affect any other of my other stories, this is just a story I made for  Halloween / part of my holiday series stories.This story contains sexual content between two males,  if you don't like that stuff then dont read any further.What do you wanna do for Halloween Sif asked? I heard of this place where you can stay the night at a cabin, plus they have a swimming pool and there's a cemetery not to far from the cabins, so we also have a place to walk around and talk. Where is it located?  665 river street, Nik replied.  We got in Nik's car and drove the the location, when we got there we were greeted by the owner. Welcome would you guys be interested in renting a cabin. Yes we would nik said, we would like a cabin for the weekend. he handed us a key with the cabin number 69 on it. by the way I'm Bob your cabin instructor, if you ever need anything let me know. Thank you we will keep that in mind. We got in our cabin we unpacked our stuff sat down and cuddled. Did you remember to pack the gun just incase someone attacks us. Yes I remembered to pack it Nik said. I love you so much. I love you too Nik. You are the best boyfriend ever Sif. So are you Nik. I wanna be with you forver.we will be together forever Til death do us part. Its getting late we better get to bed. We got to the bedroom and we got undressed till we were in our boxers then we got into bed and cuddled.  We shouldn't  waste our time on this planet , we could die tomorrow we need to live life and do what we love, we could die at anytime. Nicley said Sif. I love you so much, Sif started to rub Nik's cock through his boxers, that feels so good Sif, Nik's cock started to poke out the  side of his boxers. I started to lick Niks dick, please don't stop! Nik started leaking pre. I quickly licked the pre off Nik's dick, I'm Cummings!!! Nik shot his load all over my face and into my mouth. I swallowed eagerly. Nik started to lick his cum off his boyfriends face. That was good Nik said licking his chops. Get on all fours! I did as Nik told me. Nik pulled down my boxers, then started to lick my ass. Oh god!!! Nik slowly pushed his tounge into my ass,  fuck me!!!!! He pulled out his tounge from Sifs ass. Ohhh yess.!!  Nik positioned his cock to my hole then shoved it in.   Sif howled  Nik started thrusting faster, I'm cumming  I yelled. I shot my load deeply into Him. Sif then started to leak out of his ass and it formed a small puddle. Nik and I went over to the cum puddle and licked it up, Tasty nik said, Yeah cum is good. well we better get to bed, let's have a BBQ tomorrow Nik suggested, and we can invite Bob. Thats a good idea, we can go shopping tomorrow and get the supplies for the BBQ.  Now let's get to bed. Sif I don't ever wanna break up. We won't nik, we will be together til death do us part. Goodnight nik, goodnight sif

Dead in love part2

 This story contains sex between two males if it bothers you don't read and further. If you get offended by anything in this story then stop reading. (Si..f)  I yellped and sprung up from the bed! Whats wrong?, Nik asked. I heard a faint whisper next...


Times have changed Prologue part3

When I got to the hospital I seen Sif's parents sitting  down crying. *I walked up to Megan  and Dan* are you okay Megan?  H...I Nik, why would Marcus do this to him? Marcus had a tough life but that's still no excuse I replied.  The doctor said Sif...

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Times have changed Prologue part2

This story contains offensive content violence and namecalling If it bothers you don't read any furtherIn the morning I got ready then I got in my car and drove to school, when I got to school I met with Eric. Hi Nik Eric said crazy party yesterday....

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