Family Bear 2: Daddy Dominated

Story by Torakuma on SoFurry

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#2 of Family Bear

Family Bear 2 (Daddy Dominated)

By: ToKu

He eased up out of sleep like never before, soft and gentle, easy and slow. The restraints of slumber loosening their bonds as the bear floated up into the white light of awareness. His body came to him, his fur, his paws, all becoming real as he awoke. His head, he realized was buried in a fluffy down pillow, paws clutching around it like a child would clutch a teddy bear, but this bear was already grinning before he even knew where he was. The white light flooding the room nearly blinding him, but he didn't flinch away. He let himself soak in his surroundings, the smooth white/lavender walls, high ceilings and wide bay window; permitting a cool breeze in though the thrown open windows. A single bed sheet, he noticed, covered him from his foot-paws to his waist, or maybe a little below, he could feel his short, rounded tail wiggle free of the sheet so he knew his ass showed.

That made him grin wider, if possible, as he took in a deep breath, the air almost hurting his nose as cool air rushed into his lungs. He shifted his head so that his muzzle what buried in feather pillow, inhaling again, smelling the various scents that had come in contact with it. He could smell Nora the most; his wife had a very distinct smell, and it was also one of his favorites. He couldn't smell himself but he knew his mark was there was well, but what came through, even bellow the scent of Markus and Tai; his two boys, was the smell of bovine. The scent of Deslin the bull, his co worker, his best friend, his fuck buddy, filled his nose like an intoxicating fume. The aroma of his musk was still present even on the bear's fur, even after coming home to a fully aroused Nora and another hour or two of sex.

Dakota shifted, pressing his waist into the mattress of his bed, the memories of the night before getting him hard before morning wood could set in. Rolling on to his back, he felt the shifting slosh of cum in his ass, though not as smoothly as the night before; he figured it was time to clean himself out. He stretched, his large brown paws rising up into the air above him as he growled out a yawn loud enough to make the bed shake on its frame. He felt rested and the only remnants of excursions he could feel from last night were in his stiff knees where Deslin had had him on all fours for nearly an hour or so. It had been, by far, the best birthday present he had received in the past seven years. He grinned again thinking about the rough sex like a fond memory. Deslin wasn't the only one either. Nora was just as rough with him; second best birthday gift.

He just grinned to himself, placing his paws behind his head as he sprawled himself out more. He was hard and was making a tent in the sheet that barely covering him. He looked down and could even see the base of his cock, thick pubic fur acting like carpet. He had just enough time to chuckle to himself before a flash of brown and white came soaring up and on to him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!" the two cubs screamed, both clutching at his chest fur as they bounced up and down on their knees, one on either side of him. It surprised him, to have his children there so suddenly, and worried him as the sheet came down off his cock. But lucky they were too worked up in their eagerness to notice. Dakota sat up and quickly pulled the covers up to his belly and grinned at the look in the cub's eyes.

Markus and Tai both only wore a pair of white boxer briefs; the attire they usually slept in and wore until about noon on the weekends. Dakota could already see bits of food in the corner of his oldest son's mouth and Tai looked groomed, fur combed and fluffy, so he could tell they both have been awake for a while now.

"Are you happy you're older daddy?" Markus asked, a paw resting on his father's muscular arm.

"Happy?" Dakota repeated as he scratched his bed head fur between the ears. Thirty-seven isn't exactly old but he was already starting to feel his age. Unlike the power house of testosterone that Deslin was, he no longer felt thirty anymore. He didn't feel forty yet, thank god, but he definitely felt thirty-seven. "I don't know if happy is the right word." Markus looked confused but Tai simply smiled and chuckled like he somehow knew what his father meant.

"Hey y'all two, let you father get dressed. I don't think he wants to have breakfast in bed in nothing but his fur with two pestering cubs about him." Nora's voice rang out through the wide room like a song sung from an angel. Despite her words she smiled at the boys and shot an even wider smile at her husband. Her elongated A's and dropped G's making her sound cute, not unintelligent. She held a tray that made Dakota speechless. Eggs, grilled ham, sausage, hash browns topped with green onions and a biscuit the size of his own paw nearly filled the plate to the edge while a glass of orange juice sat precipitating, even in the cool air.

"No, it's alright." Dakota said as he looked from the meal in his wife's paws to his son's, who were both grinning like fools. He let his mouth fall open a bit in bewilderment but it soon after turned into a smile of his own. "They're not a bother," He said to his wife, then looking down at his two boys asked: "Are you

Markus and Tai shook their heads violently and giggled. Nora chimed one of her southern sayings and brought the tray to rest above his lap; officially hiding his erection that was already starting to die down. He looked over the food like it was a work of art, even on his birthday he almost felt too humble to accept such treatment.

"Are you justgonna stare at it?" Nora asked, putting her paws on her hips but never letting her smile waver. She had a way to make him see her way and her lavender and white checkered apron gave a nice view of her cleavage behind her favorite blue blouse. If it weren't for his two boys he probably would have gotten up to kiss her. "Or do I have to force feed you like child?"

"Do it mom, do it!" Markus chanted like they did at his little league games.

Dakota grinned at his son before picking up the silver fork beside the plate and poked at a piece of egg and quickly brought it to his lips. Nora's stern but loving stare working him over like she had done last night. Dakota picked up the biscuit and held it up to his open mouth but didn't bite down, waiting to see if he could get a reaction from her. She laughed and shook her head.

"You two make sure he eats." She said pointing to the two giggling boys. Markus and Tai nodded and held their paws to their muzzles, preventing themselves from laughing outright. She spun around and looked behind her as she walked away. Dakota grinned and laughed with his sons as she went. Immediately he handed the paw-sized biscuit to Markus who devoured it in one gulp. Tai however reached a paw across his father's plate to pick up a sausage before nibbling on it as he grinned.

"You're mother would kill me." Dakota said as he brought a chunk of ham to his maw. He meant it as a figure of speech but it made the two cubs laugh, Markus had to pound on his chest when he choked on biscuit and Tai had to pat him on his back. "Careful Markus, you don't enjoy food if you try to swallow it whole."

They shared the food and laughed, joking amongst themselves. For a shy little eight year old, Tai knew how to take a joke, even when Markus, being almost eleven made a joke about the sausage he was chewing on, Tai just blushed and laughed at himself; deciding to finish off the pork link. Dakota laughed at this and reached across his tray to place a paw on both his boy's heads, ruffling their ears. They were truly turning into the boys he had wanted.

"Dad!" Markus said in fake complaint, trying to get away from his father's affection while Tai sort of liked it, pressing up into his father's paws.

"You guys are silly, you know that?" Dakota said taking back his paws; he noticed that Tai followed them back to where he placed them in his lap beneath the tray. It made Dakota think back to what Delsin had said to him about his son a month ago. He had meant what he had said about loving him regardless of his orientation, what kind of self-hating fool would he be if he didn't? But since that night with Deslin, Dakota had started to notice his son's actions. Like hugging his father back for too long, even the thing with liking his father's paw on him. Dakota just figured that he was just discovering he liked the touch of males.

"Are you going to take a bath daddy?" Tai spoke out suddenly, cutting his brother off in the middle of a sentence about how he liked to be silly. The cub grew red in the face after realizing just how loudly he had asked the question. Markus kind of gave him a weird look; even though Tai was good at taking jokes he seemed to be taking the embarrassment badly. Dakota didn't want Tai to feel in the wrong and a solution came to mind.

"You two want to take a bath with me?" Dakota asked the two cubs, but paying closer attention to Tai, his ears flicked up when the words reached them, his face lighting up instantly.

"Isn't that weird?" Markus asked. Dakota expected that out of him, he was already at that age to question what would be wrong or right sexually. But this was far from sexual in Dakota's mind; he simply wanted to prove to Tai that he loved him. Not that he had to, but he wanted the cub to be comfortable with him.

"Only if we make it weird, can you go start the taps?" Dakota said to his oldest son, grinning as he lifted the empty tray out of the way, his erection now dead and gone. Markus still wore a slightly confused expression but he scooted off the edge of the bed and made his way through the door leading to his parent's master bath, head turning to double check if he was doing the right thing. Dakota grinned and looked to Tai. His youngest sat cross-legged with his paws in his lap. The older bear could tell that he still felt embarrassed from the question and he figured he should continue to lessen his son's uneasiness.

"Come on," Dakota stood, letting the sheet fall from its covering position, leaving his sheath and heavy balls in full view of his son. Dakota noticed his son's eyes dive to them, but the older bear was quicker. He scooped up the cub in one arm and threw him over his shoulder. Tai began to giggle and scream as his father swung him about the room like a rocket ship, using his lips to make spaceship sounds. "Captain Tai where to? What part of the galaxy are we off to today?"

Tai screamed in laughter as his father held him above his shoulder, sending him whooshing through the air like a spacecraft. The boy tried to say words but Dakota's paws on his sides, tickling him prevented that. He soared through the room, dipping and diving, rising and rocketing. He held out his arms like wings and felt the wind through his fine fur, pretending he was a super hero space astronaut. Only after his father made him crash land onto the warm bed did the words to head for the bathroom come.

"Right away sir." The naked bear said, holding his paw to his temple as a salute as he stood straight at attention. Tai giggled as he sat up on his knees, he only had enough time to take in his father's whole figure before those large paws were under his arms, lifting and swinging him through the bathroom door. Markus already had removed his underwear but was obviously shy as he sat on the edge of the bath while his paw was held under the running water. When he saw the two rush through the door he pulled his paw away from the faucet and placed both over his privates. Dakota barely paid this any mind as he brought his youngest son to rest a few feet from the tub. It was already half full, but with all three of them, they'd only need about that much otherwise they'd over flow it and flood the bathroom.

"And you're mother would truly kill me then." Dakota said after he had told the cub to shut off the water then. Tai was still in his underwear but was not shy when it came to looking back and forth from his naked father to his brother. "I'll get the towels, Markus test the water."

Dakota strode to a white wicker cabinet that matched the white tile of the bathroom and retrieved three large, snowy white towels and placed them by the sink nearest the tub. When he turned to see his son Tai still standing there with his underwear on he put on a mock angry face and stomped to his son, paws raised in the air.

"Come little dirty bear, even astronauts have to get clean; they can't stay in their spacesuits all day." Again he lifted the cub, getting more squeaks of laughter. Dakota thought for only a second and at least figured he'd humor his son for the moment. With a paw he quickly reached inside his son's waist band and slipped the white boxer briefs off in one smooth motion. He felt the cub shiver but ignored it as he all but dropped the cub into the soapy water.

It was a large tub, half sunk into the tile that surrounded it. It was made for bigger furs, like bears, and easily fit all three. Dakota could remember the countless times he had taken his wife in this very tub, the romantic, candle lit nights, rose pedals in the water, champagne in their bellies and his cock buried deep inside her velvety pinks. But now was hardly a time to be thinking about that, though he did suddenly remember the large amount of cum he still had inside him.

Markus followed his brother, suddenly losing his shyness and nearly came crashing down on top of him, water threatening to splash over the sides. Dakota stepped over the edge, taking use of the time his sons were distracted to swing his large foot-paw into the water, his balls swinging madly with their weight. He had already started to talk to his oldest son about sex and puberty, hence his shyness, but he didn't want to have to explain to an eight-year-old why his father had larger testicles then he did. He wanted to enjoy the two or three years he had left before he had to do that again.

The bubbles disintegrated by the time the water rose to his chest, their fur sending them popping with a fizzing sound like when you place a dry wash cloth over suds. Dakota hung a single arm over the edge while the other swam down and under his backside and found the tightly closed hole. He took a breath, coming to the conclusion that it was better late than never, and pressed a retracted claw into himself. He tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help but sigh as he did. The cubs stopped their water wars and steeled down, assuming their father sighed with the warmth of the water. They leaned back and pretended to close their eyes but continued to try and splash the other while peeking through squinted eyes.

Dakota smiled at his sons and at the feeling as the cum began to seep out and mingle with the bath water. He pulled his finger out only to press it back in and slowly began to finger fuck himself. Deslin came into his mind and soon he was reliving in the previous night, the hours of fucking, or should he say; being fucked, before coming home to his wife, full of cum to be pulled into bed again where he became the dominate one. When he heard his wife at the door calling his name he fell back to earth and turned around. She held his cell phone to her ear. The boys were still playing and Markus even yelled out "Hi mom." But Dakota watched her. There was only one reason Nora would answer his phone, and that reason told him that two hundred and twenty pounds of bull muscle was on the other end of the line.

"I somehow knew the roses where you're idea." Nora spoke almost in song, or at least her accent made her sound like she was singing. She smiled and eyed Dakota lovingly, even though her free paw was on her hip. That never meant anger with her; it usually meant mischievousness more than anger. "I know, and I put them up in the kitchen winda."

The way she said that last word made him smile and thrust his finger inside himself one last time before removing it. He spun the knob for the warm water and squirted some shampoo into his paws before first running some through his boys' fur before his own. He lathered up before holding his head under the waterfall of warm water spilling out through the bear head shaped spigot. He scrubbed the soap from his fur and rose up out of the stream before his sons each took a turn.

Dakota rose up out of the water while his son's were busy playing under the stream and grabbed a towel from the sink. He wrapped it around himself after running it through his face fur. He stepped over the ledge and rose up onto the tile, his foot-paws dripping water onto the floor. He didn't really care right now as he made his way to his wife, drying off as he went. He embraced her and her eyes went wide as she felt the stiff member between his legs. She stared at him and shook her head slowly, smile, her expression saying; "You naughty brown bear you."

"Here's you buddy." She said and handed him the phone. Dakota semi wrapped the towel around himself and kissed his wife deeply before taking the phone in paw.

"What do you want, bull?" Dakota spoke into the phone as he embraced Nora with his free arm and kissed her again. His paws began to run through the fur on his back.

"Damn Kota, not even a good morning Des?" The bull spoke, his voice sounding small and digital through the phone. Dakota could hear the sarcasm in his voice; the only emotion the bull ever seemed to show outwardly. The bear just rolled his eyes as he leaned into Nora, his boys were still busy washing their fur so he didn't feel bad as he bumped and grinded his wife.

"Not for you my friend, today they only belong to Nora." Dakota said but he shuddered when her paw took hold of his cock through the towel. He shivered a bit but it only made him grin. He felt the towel start to come lose around his waist and tried to position his hips so it would stay wrapped as he continued to talk a bit more politely. "What'cha want Deslin?"

"Havin' a good birthday?" Deslin asked. Nora grabbed at Dakota again and caused the cotton towel to slip to the ground. Despite this she still continued to stare at him and smile as he spoke, her persistence making him grin and think wild things.

"I was until you called." Dakota said, using a bit of code in his sentence. He knew the bull got the point and responded with a laugh.

"Glad to hear it." Deslin spoke, the faint trace of a silent laugh behind his electronic words. Dakota couldn't help but laugh at the joke as his wife continued to molest him, he let her but now for some reason his attention was all on the bull's voice, miles away and on the other side of town in his fancy house. "I'm down at the site right now; I got another gift for you papa bear."

The words almost made Dakota freeze, it took all his resolve to keep his muzzle grinning and his phone to his ear. He felt that particular feeling overflow him, rising like a surge from his groin to a choking lump in his throat. The feeling he got when his body wanted that forbidden desire. The bull was waiting for him to reply but it was all he could do to stop himself from screaming into the phone for the bull to fuck him right then and there, though that would have been impossible. He wished he could get sucked through the phone at that very moment, but he knew his huge bear body couldn't be digitalized into analog noise, so he opted for the rational choice.

"I can meet you in ten minutes." Dakota said, the words just drifting from his mouth like silk. But he knew that it was silk wrapped around deceit, it almost made him cum then. He looked up at his wife who had stopped groping him and searched her eyes, remarkably she smiled and nodded. She didn't have the slightest idea what they were going to do, but she gave him permission to do it regardless. He smiled at her; half because it meant his afternoon with the bull, but half, and most importantly, because he loved her and thanked her in his mind for being so wonderful. "I'll see ya in a bit."

"I'm sure you will." Deslin said and chuckled, his voice carrying that same eagerness Dakota now felt. "Give my best to Nora again, and tell you kids hey."

"Yeah," he said and before he flipped his phone shut he was already rummaging through his dresser drawer for a pair of boxers.

"Hey you two, stop messin' around and get your hides out of the tub. Markus put a darn towel on, you're getting water everywhere." Nora pretended to shout from the bathroom, it made Dakota smile and almost trip and he stepped into his red and black plaid boxers. By the time he found a pair of pants and a suitable button up shirt with the same black and plaid design, Nora was towel drying Tai and Markus was stepping into his own pair of white briefs.

"Daddy, are you leaving?" Tai asked when the edge of towel came away from his eyes. A worried look came over his face, but Nora wouldn't let him leave her arms till he was dry and fluffy. Markus however, now dry and at least somewhat decent, came up to him as hugged him around his waist as he was snapping his last button into place. He watched the cub rush across the tile floor, skidding on his pads and disappear around the corner, no doubt heading to the Television. "Daddy...?"

Dakota looked up and saw his youngest son, now a puff of fur, scamper over to him, still naked, but dryer then his brother. Dakota crouched and scooped him up in his arms and held the cub. The boy's recent attachment to him; while a sign of dependency wasn't a trouble to Dakota, he actually enjoyed being close to his son. He held him gingerly and rocked him back and forth through the air, one paw under his butt, while the other rubbed his fluffy back soothingly. He glanced back at Nora and returned her smile before she went about picking up the discarded towels and dirty briefs.

"I'll be back in a few hours. There's no need to be so upset, okay?" Dakota said reassuringly as he rocked Tai back and forth, the cub's arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Tai sniffed loudly and nodded, his face buried in the nook of his neck. It was all Dakota could do at the moment; the feeling in the pit of his stomach was dragging him towards his keys, to his truck, to Deslin, but he held on to his son, and soothed away his worries. "Think you'll be okay if I set you down?"

"Uh-huh," Tai mumbled, his voice muffled by fur. But when Dakota lowered him to the floor he looked up at his father and smiled slightly. Dakota smiled back and it was enough to send the cub trotting off after his brother, bare behind and all. It made the older bear chuckle and when he came to realization that the feeling in his stomach was still very much there he blew a kiss to Nora who returned it with just as much vigor as he pulled on his bomber coat.

His stomach almost began to feel better as he pulled out of his drive way. His anxiousness began to die away however and was replaced by the calming thought that he would soon have a thick bull cock up his ass in less than ten minutes. He smiled and began to take his daily route to a work sight where his company was building a series of new homes in a small coltasack just off the main downtown strip. He turned on to the street called Devon's Circle and he spotted Deslin's Dodge Ram right away but noticed a silver Nissan Titan parked beside it. He almost paid it no mind but he wondered why anyone would be here on the weekend. Deslin and Dakota had an excuse; they were gonna fuck, but while he parked his own truck he started to get a strange feeling that settled in next to his longing for cock.

He made sure he had his phone with him and locked up his Dakota, slipping his keys inside his coat pocket. He didn't see anyone standing out in front of the homes so he figured Deslin was inside one of them. He dialed the number at the top of his contacts and waited for two rings.

"You here yet?" Deslin's voice answered, it made the bear feel stupid inside but he almost felt like he could melt under his heavy words.

"Yeah, where are you," Dakota said grabbing at his crotch in the safety of the empty coltasack. He peered around at the different half built houses around him, white with insulations but lacking the finishing. He watched for a sign of life, but found none.

"Look to your right." Deslin's voice came.

Dakota spun around and saw the large bull waving out of the front window of the house the three cars were parked in front of. He was wearing a green flannel and a large grin; his phone pressed to a black pierced ear. Dakota nodded to the bull and hug up his phone; a small part of him wanted to scream 'fuck me' but he was never that irrational of a fur, he never let that side of him take control. Only during sex did he let himself go, but they weren't fucking just yet.

He made his way across the uneven ground; yards yet to be toiled and prepared. He stepped over a few rocks and managed to trip over a large piece of PVC pipe sticking up out of the dirt. He caught himself thanked the gods that Deslin wasn't there in the window to see his humiliated expression. Dakota sighed and continued up to the porch of the unfinished four bedroom four bath and opened the door. The smell of dry wall and fiberglass filled his nose. The scents of construction surrounded him; wood, steel, plaster, even down to the fresh grout in the floor tiles. But below those smells was something else, Deslin's familiar Bovine musk filled the living room where he had spotted him from the window, but he could smell faint traces of other furs in the house. They were scents that would have faded is they were from the previous day.

All the houses on the block were different, but had the same basic floor plan. The living room, the kitchen behind that, the hallway, followed by bathroom, bedroom, family room, bathroom, more bedrooms, and the master bedroom in that order as you went along. Dakota couldn't help but peak into each one as he crept down the long winding hall. His cum longing gut pulled him onward, the strange new scents of furs told him something was up, someone else was here; he realized now that it was odd that Deslin would call him on a day off, and if his gift to him was what he thought it was then he wanted to run from the building right then and there. But he walked, making his way past doors and closets until he came to the last one, the master bedroom.

The door was cracked, letting the warm glow of lamp light spill out into the hallway. Dakota took a deep breath and pushed the door open. There was Deslin, and only Deslin. The bull turned to him and Dakota all but ran to his arms, his mouth covering the bovine's in an instant. He had never kissed another male before this, but it just felt right; the taste of male saliva, of male musk, of male breath intoxicated him. He felt weak but he couldn't let himself collapse. He needed it; the taste and scent of a male, of Deslin. The bulls hoof like paws running up his back, along his arms and up to his face sent chills through the big bear's body. Dakota tried to breathe through his nose but would have to take large gulps of air as his mouth tried to swallow the bulls tongue. He couldn't control himself, we wanted more and more. He wanted to gulp down the bull's saliva like cum, but couldn't get enough between breaths.

His shaky paws worked on the buttons of his own flannel and were soon pulling his coat and shirt off in one quick motion. Deslin ran his paws down the bear's furry chest, scooping up clumps of extra thick fur in his hooves as they kissed and pulling. Dakota just grunted and tried to keep from moaning.

"Sure is eager isn't he?" The voice filled Dakota's ears and brought his eyes open wide. Delsin's mouth left his as the bull stepped away, leaving Dakota's arms holding nothing but the air around him. He trembled as he finally smelled the source of the other scents; they came from behind him but he didn't know if he had the will power to turn around. Deslin just stared at him, half smirking and half frowning; his eyes darting away and then back to the bear. Dakota felt the unfamiliar feeling of betrayal sinking in as he slowly craned his neck around, spotting the fur, no, the furs. There were three, all with the same construction worker build that he and Delsin had. The same build because they 'were' construction workers, and the very same ones who worked alongside him at this very site.

The voice belonged to Decker, a four hundred pound polar bear with only about twenty percent body fat. He was a monster, a real abominable snowfur if there ever was one. Funny that that was his nickname, he moved here for Alaska and the name just suited him. He stood up front sitting on a wooden crate and grinned, his blue eyes shining like lustful ice. He straightened out his thick black jacket and stepped forward. On either side of him were Lynk and Hyatt; the blue nose pit bull just raised his brow and grinned, while the larger hawk just stood with crossed arms.

Lynk was shirtless for some reason and had a thumb hooked inside the waist line of his dark denim jeans, his blue grey fur almost shimmering in the lamp light. He was young and a lot similar to Deslin in the fact that he was a hulking young fur who didn't care that he liked to take care of his appearance even for a construction worker, though Dakota was sure he would punch a fur if they called him a metrosexual. Hyatt on the other hand wore a single back shirt with their construction company's logo over the front in a white iron on design, along with similar denim pants like Lynk's. He was slightly older and bigger than Lynk, his feathers making him look chunkier but both were dwarfs compared to the white bear in front of them as least in size.

The trio came to a halt mere feet from his own foot-paws. The polar bear was only a bit bigger than Dakota but the three furs stood there, having seen him kissing Deslin. He felt smaller than he ever had in his entire life, and though he fought to keep his face as calm as it could be, his insides were screaming. For what he wasn't sure but he knew he wanted to be anywhere else in the world than here... Or did he?

"Sure seemed like it to me." The blue nose said, his paw running him his semi wash board abs. He glanced up at the polar bear and grinned. "Who's gonna start him off?"

Decker smiled spuriously at the pit bull then glanced over Dakota, though it seemed like he looked through him, and motioned to Deslin "it's all up to our bull buddy here."

Dakota turned back to Deslin, the sense of betrayal truly beginning to hang heavy in his chest. 'Was this all a plan, was this supposed to be his gift?' He thought furiously. He wasn't even sure what was happening. He looked into Deslin's eyes, his dark, piercing eyes that were warm, but now seemed to look past him in an icy glaze. The bull just nodded and before Dakota could turn around there were two claws on his shoulders that spun him around. The blue nose came into view, inches from his own face; he grinned.

"Get me hard." Lynk said to the bear. Dakota noticed the Hawk was behind him, holding him in place. He knew he could have taken both but Decker now stood in the way of the only exit out of the room. He tried to look around for Deslin, to plead for help. But he was out of sight. Instead, Hyatt was pushing him to his knees and he found that his body was complying. Lynk's chest and stomach rushed by until his bulging package was right before his face. "Take it out."

Dakota's mind didn't want to obey but his body acted on its own. His shaking paws came up to the button and undid it before sliding the zipper down; the grinding metal teeth sounding ten times louder to the brown bear's ears. He was scared, he could admit that, but the fearlessness he did have left inside him still pulled the pants down before him and instantly became intent on taking in the pit bull's swollen sheath.

"Go on," Lynk said, but before he could take hold of the sheath the claws on his shoulders came loose and single taloned paw pressed his face down into the dog's crotch. His mouth fell over the sheath and he was forced to suck the sheath whole, the short pit bull fur scratching at his lips. He brought up a paw and managed to coax out the shaft enough so he had something to suck properly, and when the first spurt of pre reached his tongue he was gone, lost in the sea of lust. He sucked on the forming tip, using his paw to stroke the still hidden knot. Lynk sighed a long approving 'yeah' and instinctively bucked his hips into the bears face. Dakota tried to keep steady, holding the dogs hip in one paw while the other worked over the hardening knot. It had been years since he had ever done anything with a canine and the knot on Lynk, he could tell, was a big one. "You were right Deslin. This big bear sure does love cock."

It was true, he couldn't deny it. The spurting pre, the forming knot, the scent of male, it was driving him crazy. He felt himself already coming out of his own sheath; the white pre seed soaking his boxers with every drip. He wanted to release himself from his pants but his paws were already busy, but when the grapefruit sized knot came free of the sheath before him, he knew he had to have it in his ass before this whole thing was over.

Lynk stopped bucking his hips and let Dakota fall into a nice even pace, his tongue working along the hard, pulsing shaft his paws taking hold of the dangling sac below like they belonged to him. "Ah fuck yeah, tug on those balls." The blue nose said and he pushed into the bear's mouth, knot pressing up against his lips. Dakota obeyed and pulled on the dogs hanging orbs. Lynk whined like a pup being punished, a high pitched noise that came from his chest, but the look on his face said he was in heaven.

"You said your boy likes to take it up the ass." Dakota heard the polar bear say somewhere from behind. He didn't hear a reply but all three furs begin to chuckle, even the hawk. Dakota didn't know Hyatt very well. He was a quiet bird, worked hard and never fucked around. He had always wondered what the hawk was really like. Hyatt was even one of the workers he had fantasized about, and now he figured one of his fantasies might come true, even if it was against his will. That thought made a sharp pain arise in his chest, he had always trusted Deslin, sure this was a hot situation he had gotten himself into but it wasn't fair that he was pulled into this so unknowingly.

"Aww fuck, I can't hold it in. I'm gonna cum all down this bears throat." Lynk sighed, almost sounding like he was singing. Dakota's eyes widened. 'So soon?' He thought eagerly, his need for cum pushing him further and further, sucking and licking and stroking the canine cock in his mouth like a siphon drawing oil up from the ground. He had been working his free paw around his own crotch and had managed to get his pants down just below his bulky waist. His cock stuck out through the hole in his boxers but he didn't touch it because somehow he knew that if he did, he'd be exploding just like the dog was.

Cum gushed, flowing from the tip of the red throbbing cock, splattering the insides of his mouth. The salty cum sent his head spinning as he drank, squeezing the nuts in his paws for all the seed they had. The canine yelped and shivered, taking the bears head in his paws as he swallowed every bit, not spilling a drop.

"Holy shit..." the pit bull sighed, grinning up at his comrades. "Fucker knows how to suck dick."

The three furs laughed, and to Dakota's mild dismay he thought he heard Deslin join in. He felt hurt somewhere in the depths of his chest but his stomach was now full of cum and it was already helping soothe away everything. He felt the inebriation coming on as he felt it shifting in his belly. He took one last lick of the rock hard dog cock and smiled to himself, there were two others furs, three if you counted Deslin...there was a lot more cum to come.

"Hey!" a deep voice came. Dakota looked around for the white bear but found him moving something out of the field of his vision. He thought that it had been Decker, his deep demanding voice, but when Dakota looked around he found himself looking down the slit of another rock hard cock.

Hyatt was a big guy, and quiet, shy even. Dakota had liked to watch him work, even though the guy never took his shirt off even during the summer, he was a magnificent looking bird of prey. His wings were folded tightly against his back to where they were hardly noticeable but his arms hanging to either side if his torso were huge. The feathers only added to his bulk and as Dakota ran his eyes over the hawk's body he noticed he was holding on to his eight inches of hawk cock with his claw while the free one rested in the air beside his thigh. He still had on that black shirt but his pants were on the ground a few feet away. He stared at the dick before him in awe, how it tapered and ended in a point at the end. He had never seen a bird dick before but he instantly loved it. He looked up at the hawk and locked gazes with his dark green eyes. He showed little to no emotion; he never really did, and simply lifted his cock in a way that said: 'Come and get it.'

Dakota didn't hesitate. He ran a single paw up the hawk's thigh and through his white pubic feathers before taking hold of the base of the cock. He squeezed and milked out a single drop of pre that he caught with his tongue. Dakota wanted to grin but the hawks gaze prevented it. Instead he took a breath and swallowed the cock whole.

It was definitely a different taste. Bird musk was different than that of a canine or bull. It was subtle, not missing, just very faint. It was like nothing that Dakota could ever remember tasting. He loved it. He took it into his mouth, his lips running over the thick veins like fingers over Braille and when his nose met milky white feathers he breathed in the minute scent of hawk. Dakota felt a thick glob of pre beginning to run down the underside of his own cock, but ignored it. He focused instead on pulling his head back from the hawk before falling back in, burying his muzzle into the forest of thick feathers. He sighed deeply, enjoying the strain in his throat and the taste of cock.

"How's he feel, Hy?" He heard a deep voice say and the bear realized it was Decker. He swiveled his eyes around without losing is steady pace of back and forth on the hawk's cock and found a mass of pure white fur lying on top of a futon mattress in the middle of the room. Naked and hard, the polar bear swung his cock through the air like an invitation. Dakota made a noise in his throat, he wanted both cocks at once, something he had never had before, but he waited, he didn't want to rush things. Even if Deslin had tricked him into this, his body wanted this, there was no doubt there.

"Good," The hawk grunted and placed a claw on the brown bear's head, leading him onto his cock as if he was a novice and the hawk had to show him the way. He didn't care, his submissive side wanted this, wanted everything. He didn't even care if all three fucked him at once. For god's sake he wanted this.

"Well I'm sure you want something a little better, so why don't you bring him over here." Decker said, his west coast/Alaskan accent making him sound pretentious. The hawk grunted and literally ripped his cock from Dakota's throat. Saliva came dribbling down his chin and he instantly felt weak; like the cock had been the only thing giving him the power to stay up on his knees. He harshly breathed in the taste of wood dust before letting it out, his eyes going a little wide as his mind swam. The claws on his shoulder were a surprise and as they pushed him the few feet towards the mattress he found himself crawling on all fours like a feral bear. He felt his pants be pulled from his legs and realized it had been Hyatt, and by the time he got to the polar bear's lap, he was naked.

"You do know we've seen the way you look at us?" Decker said, his arms stretched out behind him as they propped him up. Dakota felt a twinge of guilt but was sucking the bears cock before the words were out of his mouth. He growled a moan as Dakota went to work, sucking and slurping the long bear cock. Pre seemed to be flowing from the tip like a leaky faucet and every tenth or so suck he'd have to swallow the mouthful of cum he had to make room for more. "Ahh, fuck Dakota, who would have known that we had a cock sucker at work?"

Dakota felt his face go red; he took it as a compliment but he couldn't help but feel weird. He tried to ignore it by focusing on the cock in his mouth. He used a paw and stroked as he went down on the bear, his tongue doing circles around the thick shaft. He heard the bear chuckling above him and thought he heard the blue nose speak, wherever he was now he wasn't sure. It made him wonder where the hawk had gotten to when he suddenly felt those claws on his ass, though it didn't surprise him. He tried to look behind him but it was impossible with the dick in his mouth, so he decided to keep his attention on the cock. The tongue slipping into his ass however did, though only a little. Truth be told he had expected it, but didn't think it would happen so soon.

Hyatt spread his furry cheeks apart as his beak dug in, his long tongue slithering up into the bear's insides. Dakota shivered and groaned as he suckled on the tip of Decker's cock. The hawks beak, he was sure, would have been an unpleasant feeling against his tail hole, but he was gentle and slow, but firm, almost as if he was experienced at rimming.

"At a boy Hy, show Dakota here how a true gay fur does it." Decker said as he thrust his hips up into Dakotas maw. He swallowed at just the wrong time and caused a mouthful of cum to spill down the cock and into the white furry base. He wasn't sure if it was the particularly wonderful feeling of the tongue in him, or of the statement from Decker that had caused it, but both reasons were practical. Delsin always rimmed him pretty good, but as a straight bull he was never very good at it. Hyatt however seemed to know exactly what he was doing, his tongue almost acting like a cock as it fucked the bear. "What? Didn't know Hyatt here was queer? Maybe you should spend less time checking him out and more time talking with the fella."

Dakota would have rolled his eyes if they weren't shut. It was almost too much to bear, the warm tongue in him wouldn't even let him suck a cock correctly; it just felt too good. Decker just took hold of his cock and stroked it, rubbing pre on the brown bears lips and cheeks as he squinted in pleasure, trying his hardest not to moan. He was straight, straight guys don't moan. He told himself that over and over again, but soon it was becoming: Straight guys don't moan, unless...They're being tongue fucked by a homosexual.

"Fuck..." Dakota burst out suddenly. It sent the room into silence momentarily; the only sound was from Hyatt as he reduced a straight bear to moaning. "Fuck...Just fuck me already!"

There was another silence, this time even Hyatt stopped. There was a chuckle from somewhere and Dakota almost felt heartbroken when he realized it had been Deslin. He whimpered and shook, the polar bear cock resting up against the side of his face.

"Climb up here." The words made Dakota look up; his eyes almost blurred by what he feared were tears. Decker smiled down at him and motioned with a paw as he laid back. The words seemed to give him strength and he lifted himself up, climbing over the mound of bear belly until his brown face was above the white one. The polar bear just grinned up at him, all his fake arrogance gone and replaced by something else. A paw came up to his head and pulled him down and they kissed. Again it was strange, never really having kissed a male before, but the taste and feel of the saliva mixing with his own sent him wild and he didn't even notice the claws on his ass again until the hawk cock was pressing in on the spit soaked star of ass muscle.

He breathed in through his nose and relaxed as the cock filled him in one smooth motion. He moaned, flat out moaned into the other bears mouth. He didn't even care anymore. He was kissing males, sucking dick, taking cock up the ass, what the fuck was gonna happen if he fucking moaned?

And he did. Hyatt pulled out completely before diving back in like the hawk he was. For a full homosexual he sure was dominant, and Dakota's submissive straight side seemed to add to it beautifully. All thrusts, each hilt, every pull out was equal to a moan from the bear; he had given in and was in complete submission, he only hoped he could show his face at the work site after this.

"Fuck yeah, Hyatt, get him nice and loose for me. I want a chance to tie the big teddy bear." Dakota heard the blue nose say. He knew what that meant, and with each thrust from the bird he imagined that knot popping in and out of him. It made his insides scream for more. Hyatt sped up and he knew that maybe he was getting close to coming.

'These guys cum too quick.' The thought barely solidified in his brain before he gasped, pulling his mouth from Decker's. The cock was gone, ripped out taken away. He felt the cold air rush inside him and he instantly clenched his ass, still unsure of what happened. He stared at Decker; the bear licked his lips and grinned like he had truly loved the taste as well. His huge arms were up around his; white paws holding him, preventing Dakota from turning around. Before he had a chance to speak, he felt a new cock on his ass. He hoped for a second that it was Lynk and his knotted cock but by the way Decker was squirming beneath him, Dakota soon realized that it was the white bear's cock that was pressing into him now.

He wasn't as thick as Hyatt, but it was still enough to make him moan at the new presence. It shot up into him a few times as the bear bucked up from below and Dakota could imagine the pre already beginning to fill his ass. When the claws returned to his ass he became only slightly confused, but when the second cock came right up alongside the other and that confusion went from worry to craving. Decker eased his thrusts, slowing the fucking and gave Hyatt just enough momentum to squeeze in beside him.

Dakota growled; cringing as he took the two cocks at once. It was slow at first, Decker slipped out a few times, being at such an awkward angle, but each time Hyatt would stop and reposition himself after Decker slipped back in. Eventually there was enough pre to make it easy enough for both cocks to slide in and out, each one pressing up against two different spots on his prostate. He felt the burning in his own balls and wanted to cum but willed himself at bay. He wanted to wait for the doggie cock.

About five minutes into the repetitive fucking Dakota was able to open his eyes to slits. He could see Deslin for the first time since this began. He still felt that twinge of betrayal, but a part of him wanted to thank him for this, even if it meant humiliation at work because at the moment he was drunker then he ever had been off beer. Deslin just looked on, grabbing at the bulge in his pants like a spectator at an exhibition. Dakota realized he was exactly that, but the two cocks double stuffing him wouldn't let him think straight.

He rode the dicks in a daze, his mind flooded with thought that never really made any sense, at least not at the moment. He arched his back, his paws holding onto Decker's arms as those massive white paws held on to the brown bear's muscular biceps. Hyatt's claws dug into Dakota's hips as a he thrust in and out, the one cock doing the most damage to his tail hole. He grunted as the bear moaned with each stroke against his prostate, a few times he thought he would cum; shoot his load over Decker's chest, but his mind wouldn't even let him do that.

He felt Decker cum first, he could tell because his face tightened up before it softened and let out a long, grumbling sigh or release. He felt it too, the amount of cum that was flooding him now was equal if not more than Lynk's considerable load. Hyatt continued to pump away, his cock making sloshing sounds as it fucked in alongside the bear's already softening, wet cock. It didn't take long though before he felt it, slow at first, but a second rush of cum came gushing out of his tail hole, sending Decker's cock sliding out. Dakota heard a rustle of wings, a whoosh of air and that familiar pressure as Hyatt thrust into him, hilting and slamming into his prostate, sending the last sprays of his cum deep inside of him.

His head spun, the room spun, he felt dizzy but a smug, lazy, drunken smile still made it to his face. He felt himself roll off Decker and lay sprawled out on the thin futon mattress, landing with a loud thump. He felt like he was on an amusement park ride, a ride for adults where the riders get fucked with cocks. He was too busy feeling all the things he felt that he didn't notice the paw at his waist. When he did notice the searching paw, he was actually more concerned about the fact that he had not yet cum. His cock stood up as it dripped pre into his thick pubic fur. He brought his own paws up to his chest and tried to use his elbows to prop himself up like Decker had. It was odd how he saw the bear first, sitting naked on the same wooden crate as before, smoking a cigarette. Hyatt was standing, waiting for his huge, dripping birdie cock to go down so he could slip on his pants and Lynk, Lynk was hard again and trying to roll Dakota over onto his stomach.

"Wha...?" Dakota said before the blue nose just looked up at him and grinned.

"You want my knot in that ass don't you?" Lynk asked. Dakota just stared at him a moment as that dog paw tried to roll him over again. He thought for a moment, but not for very long as he came up with his answer quite quickly. He looked down between the pit's legs and saw the long length of canine meat based with that enormous knot.

"Yea..." he mumbled, almost drooling and rolled over, bringing himself up onto his knees, his forehead resting in his own huge paws. Lynk just chuckled and took hold of his second raging hard-on, stroking it up and down, his paw pads making wet squishing noises each time it reached the knot. He held on to Dakota's hip while he rubbed the tip of his leaking cock against the already cum dripping hole. Dakota didn't even have to relax, the cock came rushing in, filling him with that familiar wholeness. Dakota buried his face in his paws and groaned as the knot began thumping against his tail hole, demanding entry.

"Fuck yeah, get in there." Lynk commanded of his own cock. If it weren't for the double fucking he had received Dakota thought it would have been impossible but each time Lynk thrust into him he felt his ass muscles taking more and more of it every time.

"Careful Lynk, this bear isn't young like us."

Dakota took a deep breath, whether it was from the knot almost breaching his ass or from the voice he wasn't sure, but he lifted his head to see Deslin. He was down on his knees and in front of him, his huge, magnificent bull cock pointing the bear directly in the face. Dakota didn't even look up; he didn't think he could have handled the gaze he would receive. He just reached out with a shaky paw and took the bull into his mouth, sucking over the velvety flesh with vigor. Lynk had slowed down but once he noticed the bear going to town on the bull's cock he grunted a laugh before picking up his pace.

The tip was already sending shock waves through his body, and Dakota knew he wouldn't last much longer. He had already been through submission hell, but his balls were boiling now, his own rock hard member swinging back and forth with each thrust, slapping up against his belly fur where it left trace amounts of pre behind. He figured Lynk would cum first, or himself, but Deslin pulled his cock from the bear's mouth so suddenly he tried to grab it back. The bull placed a hoof-paw on his forehead and pressed his head back, bringing his mouth open. Dakota looked up and was shocked to see the look on the bulls face. He gazed down at the bear and smiled a warm smile before letting his load loose. White shot across his face, Dakota was thankful for the bulls aim as none hit his eyes but every other inch of his face seemed to get plastered.

Dakota moaned as he received the facial and almost yelled as the knot plowed its way inside him, only, as soon as it was in it was ripped out, only to be forced back in. Lynk knot fucked him as his paw found its way to his own cock, though he only gripped it, it being too sensitive to stroke, and in two or three more knottings he shot. He felt like his very soul was leaking out through the slit in his cock and the moans turned to growls as he felt the load filling his ass.

After that everything became very hazy, he felt the knot being ripped from his ass and the gush of cum escape from the warm depths, but after his body completely sank into the mattress he seemed to lose all sense of time. Sound fled him as all he heard were inaudible murmurs. The last thought that fired off in his mind was how he was going to explain his scent to his wife, and with that the brown bear seemed to float off into sleep, exhaustion taking him with swiftness.


He awoke to darkness and movement, and then suddenly that movement stopped. He felt a hoof-paw wipe something from his face and mumble something about 'missing a spot'. There was a thud that sounded like a car door then a rush of cold air that met his face. He tried to look about but his eyes were too glazed over to make any sense of what he saw. He felt strong arms life him and somehow manage to walk him a short distance until a second voice reached his ears. It was Nora, his wife, then he realized he was in Deslin's arms, or wrapped around his broad shoulders at least.

He swayed a bit and landed his face against his chest when he realized this. He didn't care of Nora saw this, he figured that she thought that he must be drunk and wouldn't think anything of it. He breathed in, taking in that scent of bovine on last time before the bull steadied him. He wasn't bad about the bull tricking him anymore. He was a better bear for letting it go. Truth be told, it was his fault, he was the one who had told Delsin about wanting to be taken at the job site, so if anyone was to blame it was him. Dakota grinned and he let the bull walk him inside where he was deposited into his favorite arm chair. Instantly he felt one of his sons there, hugging him around his cum filled belly.

"Tai?" He asked and seconds later he heard a low "Uh-huh" that made the grin a full smile. He reached down and with all his strength pulled the cub up into his arms. He giggled as Dakota cuddled with the young bear but hugged back, clearly glad to see his father. He wasn't really drunk but he did feel sluggish, he could barely hear the conversation Deslin and Nora were having, though a few sentences made it through.

"Don't worry; he won't be drinking that hard for a while." He heard Deslin say.

"Well, I'm just glad he has a friend like you to look after him." Nora said.

They were just blurs to him, but he didn't care, he was fuller then he had ever been and he had his son with him now. He just rested his head and breathed in slowly with the warmth of his son there to lull him back to sleep. He felt something rising up from his chest before he finally crossed the line of wakening and sleeping. Words came up from his throat and in a horse whisper he brought his son close to him and spoke four words before drifting off. "I love you, Tai."