The Overseer's Desire

Story by dark end on SoFurry

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#22 of Hypnosis

Some of Tanraak's comments on my most recent piece inspired me to write another one, of a society built around a psycho-sexual control of its citizenry. Some cyberpunk elements and good times ensued.

Citizen Antul woke early from his daily devotions. The bat blinked his eyes and squinted through the blue-tinted visor, which lifted off his face with a hiss as he began to stand. Another hiss signaled the suction device around his engorged shaft pulling away as well, taking with it the remains of what felt like two strong orgasms. Antul shakily got to his feet as the door of the devotional pod popped open, and he stumbled out, flapping his wings once for balance. His mind was still hazy but he remembered that this devotion had been led by Overseer Jeront, a handsome black wolf who had been reciting the Litany of Obedience in Antul's ears while his virtual phallus had penetrated the bat over and over again.

Antul's ears perked and turned as his roommate gave a loud moan. The tall otter was still in the midst of his own devotions, eyes staring unseeing into the blue visor, his hips mindlessly thrusting into the warm hole provided for his shaft. The otter, Maki, gave another louder moan and thrust forward hard as he orgasmed. Idly, Antul rubbed his own still half-hard erection: Maki may have been straight, but that didn't mean he couldn't admire the otter, or fantasize about him, or jerk off thinking about him (like he had five times in the last month).

A moment later, Maki's own pod was opening and the otter was waking up and clambering free. He gave a blissful sigh.

"Who'd you get?" Antul asked.

"Overseer Martine," the otter said, and the image of the seductive vulpine flashed into Antul's mind, making his shaft twitch. The bat may have been gay, but, well, it's not like sexuality mattered before the Overseers. He wasn't attracted to her gender. He was attracted to her, to all the overseers, to their raw sensual charisma. "She went down on me, with her muzzle. Can you believe it? She was reading off the Litany in between bobbing her head."

Antul shivered in delight at the thought.

"Who'd you get?"

"Oh, I had Overseer Jeront."

The otter stared off into space for a moment as he thought and then his eyes widened and his hips gave an involuntary shudder. "Him! I haven't had him in months. Man, he rode my tail so hard last time." The otter squeezed his thighs together at the flickering memory of the wolf. "You must have loved him."

The bat's cock bobbed in the air as if nodding in agreement. He traced over it with a finger. "I love to obey," he whispered.

"I love to obey," the otter repeated, a glassy look appearing in his eyes as he said a line from the Litany.

They both continued to mumble a bit as they teased their needy shafts. Maki was the first to recover, coughing a little and suggesting they should both get ready for the day. Antul nodded and gathered his clothes. Although Maki's erection slowly subsided, Antul kept sneaking glances at his roommate's naked body and stayed hard as a rock. The showers were thankfully individualized, so that Antul could work out his frustrations (and the third orgasm of his morning) in some amount of privacy. There wasn't any hope for his affections for the slim otter. Not unless the overseer's decreed, and they rarely intervened so in the relationships of citizens.

* * *

Antul and Maki had plenty of time before their first class of the day and wandered out onto the main city promenade after a hearty breakfast. The city was overflowing with life, Citizens of all shapes and sizes, ages and species, were mingling and laughing and sharing stories, all wearing the same form of dark blue jumpsuit that marked their place in society. Here and there a golden shoulder insignia marked a specialized job: a chief engineer or a master architect or a prime guardian. And then, far more rarely, Antul would spy the white cloak that signified the position of Overseer.

"Citizen Antul, over here!"

The bat turned on his heels, expecting to see one of his classmates, or perhaps a professor. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of Overseer Ellery, waving at him. She was a wolverine, a full head and shoulders above most in the crowd, and--since overseers could choose their own clothes, unlike citizens--she wore an intimidating leather harness and nothing else, beside her cloak of station. Everyone around her was staring at her in silent adoration, most of all the naked badger Servant who stood next to her. Each overseer had their own retinue of Servants completely devoted to them, so filled with the Litany of Obedience that they thought of nothing but it, or so the Citizens believed.

Antul realized he was staring at the overseer just as adoringly as the rest.

"Citizen Antul," Ellery snapped. "Get here now."

An overseer! Commanding him! The Litany of Obedience surged forward in Antul's mind and his shaft surged outwards under his clothes. He rushed forward and knelt down.

Ellery smiled down at the bat, reaching down with a heavy hand to caress along his ears. The wolverine chuckled. "Stand, Citizen. I only wish to speak with you."

Antul got to his feet, slowly, his desire to be commanded and controlled pumping within him. He loved to obey. He existed to serve the will of the overseers. He was a proper Citizen. He recited the Litany without thought. He was almost disappointed at how Ellery seemed to have no commands for him. "How can I help you, Overseer?"

"I have some things for you." The wolverine flicked a hand to the side, and her badger Servant placed a note there, all without ever letting her gaze fall away from her overseer's face. "Yes, let's see. First, I have a gift for you."

"A-a gift?" Antul squeaked out. He could hardly believe it. He felt himself squirming under the attention and was almost embarrassed that Maki was there to watch it all.

"Yes, Citizen, a gift. I'm afraid I do not have it with me now. Next time we meet in that case." She gave a leering grin down at the bat. "The second thing, a piece of advice."

That made Antul's ears perk straight up. He stared into the Overseer's powerful gaze, rooted on the spot.

"Overseer Jeront has some plans for you today. I don't believe you have ever met him in person. He can be quite...intimidating. Do not worry though. You are strong, even if you are rather impetuous for a citizen at times."

Antul hoped dearly that Maki hadn't heard that. It wasn't uncommon for Citizens to be less devoted to the will of the overseers when they were younger, but he didn't want his roommate to think less of him. The bat had been much better in recent years.

"You are strong," Ellery repeated, handed the note back to her Servant, and lowered her voice almost to a whisper. "And why are you strong?"

Antul felt his mind slip easily into the Litany of Obedience. "We are strong because we obey. We are strong because we are bound by the will of the overseers. We are strong because we act as one. We are strong--"

"Enough!" Ellery's voice, although quiet, carried a strong command. "I don't want you to lose yourself too far into the Litany right now. Not unless you intend to start an orgy on the sidewalk. Thank you, Citizen Antul. I will see you soon."

With that, the wolverine turned and walked down the street, her Servant following silently in her wake.

* * *

A gift from an overseer? And Jeront had plans for him? Antul was turning over those things in his mind again and again all the way to class. It didn't help his train of thought that Maki was by his side the whole while, an echo of his own thoughts. "A gift?" he asked. "I mean, I know Jeront's tastes, and he's head of Citizen Sexual Wellness. You think it'll be some kind of sex toy?"

Antul was privately hoping it would be a dildo molded after the overseer's own shaft, but that seemed odd. Why would Ellery give that to him, instead of Jeront?

"Maybe some lube for your time with him," Maki said with a grin. "Oh man, this is going to be great!"

Antul blushed hotly, but he couldn't deny that his shaft was throbbing under his clothes at the thought of the hunky wolf having his way with him. The lingering arousal from Ellery's commands had never really quite gone away. "That can't be it. She made it sound like she'd see me again after I met Jeront."

"Maybe some ointment then, for your sore ass."

They both laughed at the thought. Their laughter was cut off by the chime echoing through the room that signaled the start of class. The professor brought up a display of the city's traffic system, gesturing to equations and diagrams sometimes with a flick of her fingers, and sometimes with a flick of one of her tufted lynx ears. Maki was pulling out his notes and drawing and typing away as fast as he could to keep up. Antul was following more lazily. He'd already seen this all before, and he was still trying to figure out what Ellery meant. A hand drifted between his thighs and kneaded along the fabric that held his straining shaft in place.

Jeront. It had to be Overseer Jeront. Big, muscly, masculine Jeront, with his knot so thick that thinking about it made Antul want to moan in the middle of class. He could still remember Jeront whispering the Litany into his ears during the morning's devotions. To be with him in the flesh, outside a virtual simacrula, that seemed impossible and yet Antul yearned for it regardless. Why would an overseer like Jeront even bother with noticing him? Ellery only did so because her specialty was in education, and so she developed the occasional attachment to excelling students like Antul.

A soft bell rang in the room as the door to the classroom slid open. A rippling gasp went through the room, and beside him, Maki whispered under his breath. "It's him!"

Antul was jolted from his reverie and looked up to see Overseer Jeront striding into the room, his white mantle of station flowing down to within an inch of the ground, proudly parted in the front to reveal the rolling fur and tight muscles of his naked chest. He strode right into the middle of the room and looked around. "My apologies, everyone, for interrupting your class. I'm afraid it's official overseer business," The tall wolf spoke with a knowing smirk.

With one hand placed on his hips in a seductive manner, Overseer Jeront's eyes scanned the room. He alighted on a cheetah squirming in the front row. Even from three rows back, Antul could see that the cheetah had a fully engorged erection forced against his belly by his clothes (not unlike what Antul himself was experiencing). Jeront took a step towards the cheetah, tongue flicking over a fang hungrily. "I take it I was your latest devotion, Citizen?"

The cheetah let out a husky breath, squirming in his seat as the wolf approached. "Y-yes, O-oversee--"

"Cum," the wolf ordered with a snap of his fingers.

The cheetah let out a moan of pleasure that reverberated through the room. His hips rocked forward and a wet mark formed on the front of his blue suit.

Jeront's hand cradled the cheetah's chin for a moment, and when he let go, the feline collapsed over the front of his seat in a quivering mass of pleasure. "Very good, Citizen. You are excused from class. Go and clean yourself up." Jeront then turned to the front of the class, seeing the professor was squirming almost as much as the cheetah had been. "You too, Citizen Professor?" he asked.

She gave a slight nod, not trusting herself to speaking in anything more than a whisper that Antul couldn't hear.

"I'd love to reward you for your obedience as I did your student, but alas you still must teach." He took another step towards her and ran a hand softly over the curves of her side. "Wait until after class," he said in a voice that sounded like a whisper but could clearly be heard throughout the whole room, "then, when you're back in your office, you may relieve yourself of your tensions. And...think of me as you do so."

Jeront slid in and delivered a soft kiss to the neck of the lynx, whose eyes fluttered and whose voice could only manage the softest of words to thank the Overseer for his command.

Then Jeront turned. His eyes met Antul.

The bat felt frozen in place, arousal coursing through his body like molten iron flowing towards his shaft. A part of him wanted to strip down in the middle of the room and jerk off until he had the greatest orgasm of his life, but Jeront's gaze fixed him in place. Antul knew he would cum, just like the cheetah, if Jeront commanded it. A single word would set him off. It probably wouldn't even take that much. If Jeront smiled at him in the right way, he'd cum. If Jeront just looked down and saw that raging erection under the bat's suit, he'd cum. And silently, the bat wanted the wolf to look at him, to see how eager he was to serve and obey.

"Ah yes," Jeront said slowly after a long moment between the two had passed in relative silence. "I forgot the reason for my visit. Citizen Antul, I need to speak with you. Follow me."

And like that, the wolf had turned and begun to walk out of the room. Antul, his head ringing with the overseer's direct command, hastily packed his bag and fled after him, without the presence of mind to even say goodbye to Maki.

Antul had to walk at a fast pace to keep up with the tall wolf. They went through the halls of the university's 20th floor, up a flight of stairs, and onto a tramway that was reserved for official use only. Antul had never been on one, as he, like most citizens, had to stay on the general purpose pathways of the lower city, constantly clogged with people even during off hours. This not only had few people on it, it had chairs one could sit in as the moving platform zipped through the city. Antul was fascinated by the luxury of it, but Jeront almost appeared bored.

It took Antul a long time to pluck up any amount of courage. He had to wait for the Litany to clear itself out of his mind after the overseer's direct command, and then he had to wait until his erection died down and he could look at Jeront without squirming (at least without squirming as much as before). "Uh, O-Overseer?"

Jeront turned to look at him and Antul withered under that gaze. "What is it, Citizen?"

"I was wondering where we are going?"

Jeront pointed to a cluster of towers at the nexus of the city, all twice as tall as the surrounding buildings and topped with magnificent suites that housed the overseers. "My office. It's much more comfortable there."

An overseer's office? Antul couldn't believe his luck. "Thank you, sir, for this opportunity," he quickly babbled out before shutting his lips tightly. As they got closer and closer, he let a hand drift down between his thighs to tease himself. The longer he watched Jeront, the more his mind became occupied with fantasies of getting down on all fours, burying his muzzle into the fur of the overseer's hips, and worshipping him as he deserved.

The tramway paused at a deserted floor of a large office building. Again, Antul presumed, it was used only for official purposes. They got onto a different platform, this one going up.

As they got higher and higher into the tower, the surrounding floors gave way to clear walls, the wondrous landscape of the city spreading itself around and beneath the bat and wolf. Antul found himself unconsciously pressing in against Overseer Jeront's side, unable to take it all in and needing the reassuring presence of the overseer.

And then, just as quickly as they appeared, the vistas vanished, replaced by a massive and cozy room that seemed to blend several different functions together in one large space. The walls were made of some dark-stained wood unlike the cool metal and glass that was used in most of the city. A stone-lined fireplace even flickered happily away in a makeshift den. Much of the lighting came from replica electric candles, casting flickering shadows into the deep recesses of the room. It reminded Antul of the resorts he had visited on holidays, only Jeront lived here all the time and this was about ten times larger.

As the wolf took off his white cloak and hung it on a hook, Antul's ears perked at the sound of running water and then a dryer running. He watched as a red squirrel Servant woman step out from a bathroom hidden behind a bookcase. She bowed to the overseer. "Welcome home, Overseer Jeront," she said in an almost monotone voice. "Should I prepare a lunch for you and your guest?"

"Yes, that would be good," he responded, and then glanced at Antul. "What is the matter, Citizen?"

Antul realized that he had been staring again. "Nothing important, Overseer. It's embarrassing."

The overseer gave a knowing chuckle. "I may be gay but I do enjoy having female Servants for domestic tasks."

"That's not it, Overseer."

"Out with it."

Antul's erection throbbed at the command. "I realized I'd never known a Servant to use the bathroom before, or do anything else on their own."

The wolf gave a hearty laugh at that. "Oh yes. You know, we hear the stories and rumors from citizens about what Servants are really like. We've tried many education campaigns to teach them, but they never seem to take." He shook his head and started taking off his boots and pants as well, leaving Antul to stare at the naked wolf. "The common belief is that Servants are mindless, but actual mindlessness is not useful for us. We just give them a stronger version of the Litany of Obedience that suppresses their personal wants and desires until they are almost nonexistent. Their needs, however, still exist. Left on their own, Servants will sleep, feed, and clean themselves quite regularly, and then spend the rest of the time in a trance, thinking of obeying their overseer."

Antul paid only half attention to the overseer's words, his eyes fixed on the wolf's hips and the shaft that was peeking out of the sheath there. He'd seen it so many times in his devotions, he already knew exactly how it would look, but to see it in the flesh was another thing entirely. And here, he could smell the wolf too, a scent of wonderful masculine intensity. His fantasies had developed from one into many, colliding with each other in his brain and short-circuiting any rational thought.

"Take for instance these two." Jeront gave a short whistle and from the shadows of the den area, two figures emerged. Two more Servants, both black panthers, of equal size and shape, with matching erections jutting from their hips. Twins, if Antul guessed correctly. Jeront wrapped an arm around their shoulders, pulling the now purring beasts in closer to him. Both Servants, unbidden, started grinding their hips against their overseer. "See? I didn't tell them to do that, but their own overriding lusts demand to be sated. Now, I'll be honest, I did up their libidos (by rather a lot actually), but the effect is that sometimes I'll come home and find one or both of them have been fucking for an hour without my ever giving an order." He reached down and fondled along their chest, their bellies, and then took the twin shafts in his hands, pumping slowly. The purring only increased.

Antul tried to find his voice again. Jeront had deliberately paused. He was expecting Antul to say something. "But if you were to command them to not fuck, they wouldn't, right?"

"Mostly," Jeront said, as his own shaft started to grow to match those of his Servants. "I could also order them to not eat, and they'd do their best to obey that too, but they couldn't resist completely. And, did you know, if I ever tried harming one of them, they'd actually have the will to file a complaint to the council, just as you would?"

"On their own?" Antul tried to stand his ground, as part of his brain, silently repeating the Litany, wanted to press in against Jeront just as the two panthers were.

"All on their own. It's not mindlessness at all. It is pure devotion, just as you feel during your daily devotions, but enhanced throughout the whole day." He nuzzled the panthers, kissing them in turn. "Ah, I would enjoy their attentions right now, but alas, I have duties to attend to. Pleasure each other, boys." He patted their shafts and walked away. The two panthers immediately slid into a 69 position on the ground and the room was filled with the sound of their noisy sucking.

"One more thing I'd like to show you," Jeront said, and walked up to a door hidden discreetly in the wall. Opening it, he showed a small, very black room, with a number of holo-recorders set about the perimeter.

Antul tried to think about what it meant. He tried to think at all, which was hard with the naked wolf just inches away and the Litany singing in his mind. "Is this...?"

"Where we record the devotions, yes. I was here just last night preparing the one you felt this morning." He gestured to a set of wires and pads that Antul distantly recognized as a neural interface.

"D-do you wear that, Overseer?"

"Oh no," the wolf said with a chuckle. "If I wore that you'd feel the devotions as if they were happening from my perspective. It would be interesting, but not good for your obedience. No, I get one of my lovely kittens to wear it. Not only do you get to feel all the sensations he felt, you also get some echo of his own thoughts impressing onto yours, reinforcing the Litany."

Antul's paws were in front of his crotch. He didn't care about hiding himself. He was grinding needfully into the paws, wishing that Jeront would bend him over and take him the same way he did during the devotions.

The wolf continued, disinterested in the bat's masturbation. "By the way, if you've noticed some feeling of dysmorphia during the devotionals, feeling bigger or more muscly than you ought, that's because my kittens are so much larger than you. Afraid it can't be fixed." Jeront looked around the room once more, then closed the door and lead the squirming citizen to a large, ornate desk that marked off a section of the room as an office. He gestured for Antul to take the seat across from him. "Now, let's see. Oh, thank you, Servant." The red squirrel woman had returned with a mug of coffee for Jeront and one for Antul as well, which he accepted with thanks. "You see again. I never ordered her to do these things, but she knows what I like and took the initiative all the same."

Antul's hand had trouble holding the cup steady. His hips were constantly in motion. If only Jeront would take him right then and there.

"Do you know why I've been putting off telling you about why you are here?"

The bat looked up, saw that Jeront was staring right at him, and shivered. He shook his head.

"I once gave a lecture at your University on sexual anticipation. I had a lovely female assistant, naked and on the desk, from the start of the talk. And I told everyone, including her, what I was going to do and how it would feel. For forty minutes I did that, so that by the time I entered her, she was dripping wet and her mind was consumed by lust. I hadn't needed to lay a single finger on her before that." He grinned and leaned forward, a predatory growl in his throat. "Just like I haven't needed to lay a single finger on you."

Then Jeront leaned back and tapped the desk. A display popped up, showing a document of some kind. Slowly, as if waking from a dream, Antul recognized it as the previous year's end-of-semester project. "This is what I wanted to discuss with you: 'Overseer Arcanus's theories on traffic flow restricted to a three-block grid.'" He read the title of the paper aloud without showing much as a hint of understanding its meaning. He shuffled a bit in his seat, which brought the wolf's bobbing erection to Antul's attention.

"Arcanus herself spent days pouring over this report," Jeront said.

That cut through the haze of lust. "The Overseer? She read it?" Antul squeaked out. He couldn't believe it. If Jeront was Antul's sexual ideal, then Arcanus was his intellectual ideal: he read everything she wrote with relish.

"Intently. She was impressed, and speaking as someone who knows Arcanus well, she is very rarely impressed with anyone or anything."

Antul couldn't hide the blush that flowed into his long ears.

Jeront spun a finger in the air and a second display came up, written beneath official overseer letterhead. "Yes, her own thoughts were quite interesting to read. Many students at your level have studied her work, very few have comprehended it fully, and none, save you, have improved upon it."

Antul felt the urge to downplay his accomplishment. He was only a citizen; he lived to obey and serve the overseers, nothing more. "It was a tiny improvement. Surely my professors have done better."

"And they have. She makes note of that too. But," Jeront's finger swung in the air and the display zoomed in to some of Arcanus's words, "she emphasizes that the professors have only refined her work. You did something entirely new. It expressed a level of creativity and imagination she has not seen in some time."

"But it was so small," Antul said, his voice almost a whine, pleading with the overseer to not focus on his accomplishments so much. The stress was enough to cause his erection to begin to wilt.

"Imagination sometimes comes in small amounts. But she noticed it, and said you deserved praise for it and a possible promotion, which is why you are here."

Antul's heart leapt into his throat. He'd heard of students being selected right out of their classes and given jobs. But he hadn't imagined he would be one of those. "To a system engineer, Overseer?"

Jeront chuckled and leaned back, interlacing his fingers as he regarded the bat. "Higher, Citizen."

Antul swallowed. "T-to chief system engineer?"

"Higher still."

Antul was agog. What could possibly be higher than chief system engineer?

Jeront tilted his head and stared at one of the reports. "Yes, Arcanus thought you might be appropriate, but wanted confirmation. I asked Ellery for her thoughts. She mentioned you are an extremely devoted citizen, but you were given to occasional circumstances of independence, unusual curiosity, impulsivity, and rare bouts of impudence in your younger days."

Antul shrank into the chair he sat in. He felt terrible. "I'm so sorry, sir. I used to be very bad. I've learned the importance of being a good citizen. The devotions have been so helpful."

"No need to apologize. These were exactly the sorts of traits we were hoping to find. And, after all, it has been so long since we've had a bat for an overseer."

"AN OVERSEER?" Antul had leapt to his feet, his shocked voice so loud it even disturbed the two panther Servants who were still busily sucking each other off.

"Well," Jeront paused and let the smile spread slowly across his entire face as he regarded Antul, "yes."

"But I'm just a citizen. I can't be an overseer."

"Where do you think overseers come from, my dear boy? We were all citizens once. So were all the servants behind you. I was selected to become an overseer by Overseer Katran. I then selected all of them to become my Servants."

Antul felt his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't know. He didn't understand. His head felt stuffy. His groin felt needy. "The Litany..."

Jeront leaned forward. "You will forget it and learn a new one. The Litany of Command."

The name of it sent a shudder through Antul.

"All litanies serve to chain down certain parts of the mind. The Litany of Obedience chains the part of you responsible for independent thought and some amount of free will. The Litany of Command, on the other hand, serves to chain down the part that makes you doubt or question yourself. You will no longer have to defer to others. You will expect to be deferred to. Rest assured, it does not matter what your thoughts are now: once the Litany of Command is in place, you will be an overseer in thought and in deed."

"But I can't," he protested. "I'm just a citizen."

"For now," the wolf said with a low growl in his throat. "Citizen Antul, strip naked."

The direct command shook Antul from his doubts. He had received an order from an overseer. He had to obey. He lived to obey and serve the will of the overseers. "Yes, Overseer," he responded automatically, undoing the long zipper on his suit, letting it fall to the down and then kicking it to the side. The stress of his past transgressions fell away into nothingness: he was here now, serving an overseer. He was once again reminded that it was Jeront--heavenly, manly, sexy Jeront--who was here with him.

"At full arousal, Citizen Antul," the wolf commanded again.

It was as if the last few minutes had never happened. He was here with Jeront, being commanded, and that was all that mattered. He would be a good citizen and not worry about what his promotion meant. Antul wrapped a thumb around his sheath and stroked down, letting the membrane of his wings caress his legs as he did so. Within seconds he was hard and dripping onto Jeront's floors.

Jeront stood up from his chair, and Antul watched enraptured as the wolf's own arousal bobbed in the air, pointing right at himself. "Go and prepare yourself, Citizen."

Antul found himself moving without thinking. Into the bathroom. Into the autoshower that cleaned him inside and out in a single minute. Into the cabinets to find a bottle of lubricant. And then the lube went into himself, under his tail, and then along his shaft. He returned with wide eyes, thinking only of the shaft that he was hopefully about to ride to blissful orgasm.

Sure enough, Jeront was sitting there in the den, his erection pointing straight up into the air, and he was beckoning Antul to climb into his lap. (The two panthers were still there, although had finished up their bout of sex. They regarded the bat with passive faces: Antul didn't regard them at all.) The bat scrambled up and wrapped his wings around the wolf lovingly. The warm tip of Jeront's shaft pressed against him and then eased steadily and slowly up into him. "Oh yes," Jeront said, "you're just perfect."

Antul bit his lip, trying to hold back from spraying his spunk all over the wolf already. He was only an inch down onto the wolf's shaft. By the time he'd reached two inches, a moan had started. By the time he was at three, he had started to mindlessly and silently quote the Litany of Obedience. By the time he reached the knot, his first orgasm had been pushed out of him in a rush of bliss.

"Now," Jeront said, "it is time to start forgetting." He lifted a visor, the same kind that Antul wore every day during his devotions, and slid it over the bat's face. The blue lights came on, the colors started to swirl, and Antul's mind shut down.

* * *

Jeront chuckled as the bat went limp in his lap. This was why he had been selected for this job after all. The bat had a natural fondness for him, and that would make his conversion so much easier. He was tempted to just fuck the bat senseless, maybe even turn him into a Servant, but no, he had a job to do. He lifted the rather light-weight bat up and then plunged his shaft once more deep inside. "Can you hear me, Citizen Antul?"

"I can hear you, Overseer," the bat responded, not quite in monotone, but in a dreamlike voice that was near to it.

"What is the first line of the Litany of Obedience?"

"I am a Citizen," the bat quietly intoned.

"Very good. Keep repeating it," the wolf commanded, "and as you do feel the words starting to drain out of you, sinking out of your mind."

"I am a Citizen," the bat repeated, but there was a hint of hesitation in his voice this time.

"The words fall from your mind, dripping out, leaking out." The wolf hand wrapped gently around the bat's shaft, and his thumb teased over the cockhead. "Each drop from your shaft takes with it another word."

"I am a Citizen. I am a...Citizen. a...Citizen."

Jeront thrust his hips, impaling the bat deeply and pushing out a bit more pre from Antul's tip.

"I am a... I am a..."

Several more thrusts later and much more drooling from the bat's shaft, the line was gone. Antul couldn't even remember the first words to it anymore.

It was an odd feeling for Jeront. He was so used to using the daily devotions to fuck the Litany into citizens' minds, and here he was fucking it out of Antul. He chuckled at the irony and went on, glad that the squirrel Servant was there with a damp towel to help keep him clean. "Do you know the first line of the Litany of Obedience?"

"No, Overseer," Antul said quietly.

"Do you remember even a single word of it?"

"No, Overseer."

"What is the second line?"

"I obey the will of the overseers."

"Repeat it and start to forget again."

Jeront slowly pumped the bat's shaft and thrust in, pulling each word out one at a time with another drip of fluid onto his belly.

"I obey the...will of the overseers. I obey the...will of the... I obey the...will... I obey...will...the... I...will..."

Several minutes and three more forgotten lines later, the bat came a second time over Jeront's chest. By then, the wolf's own arousal wouldn't take any more and he paused the forgetting to ram his shaft into the bat over and over again until he climaxed too. It would take several more days, and untold many more orgasms, to remove the Litany of Obedience completely from Antul's mind, and several more to teach him the Litany of Control (although it wouldn't take full hold for months).

Of course, they'd be fucking constantly, and Jeront could only think of how lucky he was to have this job.

* * *

Maki sighed and rubbed at his temple as he returned to the dorm after a long, long day at school. His head was so full of figures it was about ready to burst. He waited for the door to open and was about to fling his bag onto the bed, but stopped when he realized the room wasn't empty. "Antul!"

The otter dropped the bag to the side and flung himself onto the slightly smaller bat, wrapping him in a tight hug. "I was so worried about you. I haven't heard anything from you in--what has it been?--a week?"

"A little longer than that," the bat said with a grin. He wasn't demurely returning the hug as Maki had expected him to. Instead he had an arm around Maki's waist in a possessive sort of way. "It's good to see you again too."

"Where have you been? What did Overseer Jeront want?"

"I got a promotion," the bat said with unabashed and very non-Citizen-like pride. "I'm sorry, Maki. It looks like I will have to move out." He gestured to the large box at his side in which he was packing his belongings.

Maki tried to hide how that felt. "No, that's great. A promotion already. Systems engineer before you've even graduated?"

The bat chuckled deep in his throat. "Something like that."

Maki's brow suddenly furrowed. "It took Jeront a week to give you a promotion?"

"There was a very intensive training process." The bat spread his stance a little and groped at his hips lewdly. "Very intensive."

"You lucky bat! And with Jeront too?"

Antul gave a very pleased nod. There was something to his smile that Maki had never seen in it before. A confidence that flowed naturally from within him.

The otter glanced at the box at Antul's side. It was already almost full. "Does this mean I'm not likely to see you again?"

"I certainly hope not," the bat said. "You've always been a very good friend to me. I've enjoyed spending time with you, seeing you. I've always wanted to see a little more of you."

Maki hadn't realized it at first, but the bat was coming towards him, and Maki found himself receding back until he had bumped up against the wall. Then Antul was there chest to chest with him, his fingers spread and the membrane of his wings caressing over his suit. Maki shuddered. He'd never seen Antul be so forthright before. "I'm sorry, Antul," Maki said. "I know you've always liked me in that way. I'm sorry I haven't been able to feel the same way for you. I'm just not into men."

The bat laughed. "Well, it's a good thing I'm not just a man anymore."


Antul stepped away and picked up a package from the top of the box, handing it to Maki. "Here. This was Ellery's gift."

The otter regarded the package suspiciously. "Then, uh, shouldn't you open it?"

"I already know what it is. But it's still a surprise for you."

Maki glanced from the box to Antul, then back again. With a shrug, he pulled off the ribbons and peeled back the lid. White cloth lay inside.

Antul pulled down the zipper of his own jumpsuit and stepped naked out of it. He then retrieved the cloth from the box and draped the mantle over his shoulders, leaving it parted in the front to leave room for his erection.

Maki took several seconds to process it. "O-O-Overseer Antul?"

"That's right," the bat said as he pressed back in against the otter, pinning him firmly to the wall.

As the implications of the Litany and his friends new station met in the depths of his mind, the otter's erection grew and pressed out against the warmth of the bat. "I can't believe it," the otter said with a squirm. He tried to keep the image of doing his daily devotions to the sound and feel of his longtime dormmate out of his mind. He tried, but he was unsuccessful. Already he was glancing down at the bat's shaft, wondering how it would feel. "I didn't even know this was possible."

"Until a week ago, neither did I. Now disrobe, Citizen Maki."

Maki could barely move with how the bat was holding him in place, but he managed to wriggle out of his suit and let his erection brush up against the bat's own. Antul's lips met his a moment later, tongue probing into the otter's mouth. Maki reciprocated immediately. To be in the presence of an overseer was always a privilege, but to have them touch you and caress you in the most intimate of ways? It was not something Maki had ever before experienced, and it felt like bliss pouring into him through his mouth and straight down into his groin. Antul caught the otter's shaft between a thumb and one long wing-finger, caressing and grinding along it. Part of Maki's pleasure-addled mind was wanting to beg Antul for an orgasm.

Then Antul broke away, only a single finger remaining to trace over the otter's shaft and down to his sac. "I met some interesting people last week."

Maki squirmed in place, unable to look away from the new overseer. "Oh?"

As he spoke, the bat wrapped a finger around the otter's sac and gave gentle tugs to emphasize his words. "Oh yes. I met a lovely pair of twin panthers. I think you'd like to meet them. In fact, I know you'd like to be just like them."

Another tug and a small orgasm rocked through the otter's form, his seed dripping onto Antul's wing. "Yes, Overseer," the otter said with a gasp. "I love to serve and obey you."

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