A Warm Welcome

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#22 of Kinktober 2016

Nikoli finds some shelter after days out in the cold, but the Inn in which he finds himself, nor those within it, are quite what they seem. :3

This story contains M/M sex between consenting adults, and is day #22's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Goo, and comes to you thanks to Frysco! :3

A Warm Welcome

Nikoli had been walking for days, lost, hungry, scared, when he found the inn. In the midst of this seemingly barren tundra-ridden landscape, seemingly endless reaches of pock-marked limestone karst clad in lichen, offering no shelter from the biting winds, a wooden framed in from which warm light emerged. An inn which, as Nikoli slipped through the front doors, he found to be filled not only with patrons, but with warmth. Fires crackling in multiple hearths, hot mugs of rich, sweet cocoa, and friendly smiles, greetings, and embraces to wipe away not just the chill of the wind, but the loneliness of the snow leopard's trek, too.

No-one seemed entirely able to help the feline figure out how he had gotten so lost on his hike, or offer any meaningful directions to get him back on his way, but honestly Nikoli didn't try all that hard to find out. Once there was a drink in his hands and his shivering body was bathed in the heat of one of the fires, he was content just to sit and be spoken to. To smile. To sigh in contentment as his body was warmed and his eyes grew heavy with pleasant fatigue.

Many people spoke to him that evening, but one in particular seemed drawn to him, staying by his side almost constantly. First sitting. Then shuffling closer, and resting against him in a mixture of protective tenderness and open affection. Then cuddling him in one arm, not a word spoken by either of them about it, nor a single eyebrow raised by anyone else. It was only when the evening wore on to night, and the various patrons began to disappear off to their rooms or wherever else they had come from, that Nikoli's conversation with the eastern dragon within whose arms he was resting turned to more personal matters. Although, even then, the amount of words they spoke to convey their meaning only dropped. Indeed not another question was spoken as Hikido pressed his fur-tufted, scaled snout to the snow leopard's own muzzle, and with a soft and welcoming murmur the cat began to allow the dragon to undress him, even as the bartenders and the few remaining patrons murmured and laughed and went about their business across the open space of that very same room.

Somehow, by some sweet miracle, Nikoli only felt warmer as his clothes were stripped away and his body laid bare before the fire's crackling heat. He leaned back on his arms, knees bent, legs spread, and groaned happily as the dragon finished slipping off his boxer briefs. They passed over his toes and left his body wholly nude, a fact that Hikido took advantage of immediately. The dragon's long, lithe form slid forth between the feline's legs, and a warm kiss landed upon the already swelling flesh of Nikoli's cock. His head rolled back upon his shoulders as the dragon's tongue languidly slid forth and coiled itself like hot liquid rope around his shaft, once, twice, encircling it fully three times before finally the dragon's lips moved in to join the party. His eyes widened, only to fall heavy and half-lidded mere moments later as a long, breathy moan rattled from deep in his throat.

"O-ohhhhhh... god..."

Warm hands, scaled yet soft as the most plump and tender flesh spread his thighs wider apart to grant Hikido's head better access. Pleasurable warmth engulfed him, beginning to build with such speed and intensity that Nikoli could only lay himself down flat upon his back and place his hands over his muzzle to keep from roaring and letting the whole inn know what was happening. He found himself doing so before long nonetheless under the thrall of the dragon's lips and tongue, writhing and wriggling and wailing in pure ecstasy. But if anyone heard them, they didn't pay his pleasure any heed. They didn't care... or at least, if they did, they were more than happy to let it happen. Just like Nikoli himself in fact, who was more than willing to just let the dragon do whatever the hell he wanted to him, so long as it continued to feel this incredibly good.


Later, whole hours of trembling, roaring, intimate ecstasy later, Nikoli mewled happily as his ankles tightened their grip around the back of the lithe reptilian form lying over his own body. He cried out again, and again as with gentle but relentless passion Hikido's own erection slipped in and out of his ass, straining and dragging itself over his prostate with each stroke. Through eyes that were glazed with pleasure, fatigue and craven desire the snow leopard stared up at the dragon as Hikido hissed and moaned in his very own delight, peering down at his lover's expressions of bliss with apparent glee at every quiver and twitch of Nikoli's features. Three times already the eastern dragon had brought Nikoli over the edge, but while he too seemed overcome by immense pleasure still Hikido showed no signs of his own fatigue, not a trace of a suggestion that he too was about to cum, even as Nikoki felt himself approaching orgasm number four rather urgently.

"Please... m-mhhh-haahh..."

The snow leopard's whimpering pleas were fragmented by tender kisses from the dragon, but he fought to get each word out without once compromising or cutting short one of those delicate yet deeply warming smooches.

"Please, I... Hikido, I want you. You're... y-you're holding back. You have to be. But, please... all I want is... a-ah... to be closer to you."

Growling back at the feline beneath him, Hikido pressed his body more forcefully against Nikoli without hesitation. It was like he had been waiting for those words. For permission. Spoken. Demanded from the very bottom of Nikoli's heart. Absolute confirmation that he didn't have to hold back any more. And thus, he didn't.

Nikoli gave a strangled cry as suddenly the firm, rhythmic thrusting he had become accustomed to became a barrage of powerful, pounding strokes in mere seconds flat. He felt liquids flooding his ass, as though the dragon had somehow been purposefully holding back this whole time, and roared in ecstasy of his very own as not only did the sound of thick, wet slapping of thighs against his ass began to ring out from their fireside location, but but he felt the scaled torso resting over him seeming to flare and swell with fresh, somehow wet heat of its own even before he could cum once again, and begin to paint the scales of the eastern dragon's belly with hot ribbons of his own essence.

"Yes! Don't... ah, don't stop..."

Nikoli's body suddenly felt like it was drenched in perspiration, as though the heat of the fire and the now violently passionate love-making of which he was on the receiving end was finally beginning to get to the snow leopard. Where his hands and feet were wrapped around the lithe body of the dragon humping at him, he felt like he was barely able to keep a hold of the scales they were so slippery with what had to be his sweat, and though his eyes were shut he could feel his whole body enraptured by that same sensation of thick wet heat, clammy and yet somehow desperately erotic.

"Harder. Harder, Hikido... a-ahh, aaahhh god, yes... oh fuck, you feel... i-incredible. So hot. It's like... mhmh-aahhh... like... yes. Oh god. More. Please."

He couldn't explain it, lying there grunting and begging in mindless bliss between breathless cries and deep, sloppy kisses from the dragon still continuing to fuck him. Hikido was still flooding his ass with what had to be the most potent and protracted orgasm the snow leopard had ever known. He could feel the thick substance gushing out of his ass almost as fast as the dragon's cock could pump it deep into him, slurping loudly as the scaled male continued to fuck him hard all the while. That was only the beginning though. He could feel the dragon's warmth, the dragon's tender embrace all over him. All around him. Not just pressing down and quivering over his prone and pleasure stricken body with each thrust, but even around those parts of him that he had wrapped around the dragon.

His arms, his legs, where they had once been encircling the dragon's back, he now found them immobile, trapped deliciously within the heat and tenderness of Hikido's touch. Even his cock, which should have been spent and in recovery, was throbbing and aching hungrily for new release. It was not just pinned between his body and that of the male lying astride him, but felt like it was pressing up and into the soft scales of the dragon, deeper into the softness, the squeezing embrace of the heat within.

It took minutes for Nikoli to open his eyes, perhaps because he'd been so lost in pleasure or perhaps because a part of him suspected what he might see when he did so, and wanted to hold off as long as possible, until the illusion was no longer required to keep him from panicking.

Sure enough, as soon as the snow leopard's eyes fluttered open he knew that the wetness dripping down onto his face wasn't the dragon's own sweat, for dragon's didn't sweat, nor was it the saliva drooling from the open, panting maw of the man fucking him. Instead, he saw hot, thick droplets of oozing black, gold, amber and red lazily running down the trembling and rippling form of what remained of Hikido's face. The dragon was melting away, little by little his arousal forcing him to abandon this form. But... the more Nikoli looked, the more he stared into what was left of Hikido's eyes and saw the true passion and desire burning within them, the more he realised this was about so much more than just a deception to allow them to fuck.

It wasn't just the dragon's body that was trembling, squirming, dripping as it fought to hold the gooey liquid that comprised its true form in some semblance of a solid shape. It was the walls of the wooden inn around them. The chairs. The tables. The bar. The other patrons. The very floor beneath upon which he lay, and even the flickering fire that had so warmed and soothed him.

"Y-you... saved me..."

Groaning in not just pleasure as the rippling ooze of the dragon's form massaged his spent cock to yet greater heights once again, but in admiration and awe, Nikoli wrenched one arm free from the slick interior of the dragon's torso into which it had been tenderly drawn. He pressed it gently to the side of the dripping, trembling reptile's face, and moaned loudly as it passed clean through, the gooey remains of Hikido's tongue half wrapping, half slopping itself all over his fingers in what was as much of a kiss as his mostly maw-less features could now accomplish.

A voice rang out, but not from the dragon's muzzle. From the rippling form of the inn itself, one single entity speaking with one single voice directly into Nikoli's mind.

'We will shelter you from cold. From pain. From harm. You will nourish us. With life. With joy. With seed.'

As the snow leopard cried out in joyous ecstasy, feeling the goo spreading his cheeks apart and pouring yet more of itself inside of him, feeling the slimey, hot touch of the substance all over his cock, milking, squeezing, masturbating him towards yet another eager release, he nodded. How could he do anything else? He watched as the walls of the inn began to cave in on themselves. As the ceiling collapsed not with creaking and crashing of heavy wooden beams, but running like thick floods of paint, splashing, gushing, pouring down around and over where he and the barely recognisable shape of Hikido's body lay united in their intimate lust. He felt himself being engulfed on all sides, and drawing in one last, frantic breath as the surging goo began to roll over the sides of his body and up, over what remained of his exposed flesh, the snow leopard moaned his gleeful answer to the formless entity of his lover.

"With.... a-ahh... with every drop I have. Please, just... o-ohh god. God, I'm... ah yes _... d-don't stop. Don't ever... _ever... oh! Oh god! Yes!"

Nikoli's orgasmic howl turned to a bubbling, muffled gurgle as the thick, quivering goo engulfed him emtirely. The last of the dragon's solid form was swept away as its form returned to its natural, amorphous state, but still he was held tenderly. Still he was embraced, and cradled, and touched with all the passion and affection and hunger he craved.

He could breath though there was no air. He could scream though his lungs were full of thick, rippling slime. He could feel Hikido fucking him, the oozing substance not just slipping between every strand of fur and fold of flesh, but continuing to spread his ass wide open and pound his prostate senseless. And all the while, alongside the physical heat of the goo's thick, quivering embrace, he could hear its voice, its very spirit crying out to him in return. Thanking him for every orgasm. For every drop of cum and shudder of pleasure he set loose to feed and nourish the being's form, and the many, many more loads yet to come.

By Jeeves

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