Magi: Outside Help

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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The story of a feline mage with forbidden magic just passing by.

A small merchant town by the name of Caen in the middle of a snowy region found themselves at a loss without the protection of the barrier that normally safeguarded the town and a greater portion of their area. The cornerstone of their town had been shattered and broken; an old obelisk that had protected them with sacred magic that kept creatures from other realms with ill intent from crossing over. Old and decaying from the passage of time, it could not withstand the strike of lightning that rendered it useless, and as they were on the fringes of the influence of the court, they had very little choice other than to hope that nothing would happen, that they would be able to repair the obelisk in time and reconstruct the spell themselves before a demon or other dangerous creature visited them, unfortunately it was not to be. The northern portions of the town were covered in vine and fungus, the buildings mired in the stuff and the streets overtaken by a strange glowing root covered in bright runes that some creature had left in its wake. Glowing bulbs littered the stone streets jutting off of the ground, sacks that contained the demon's victims, no struggling from inside, either the people within blissfully asleep, or dead. The surviving folk of the town had fled to the middle of the town where their broken obelisk lie shattered upon the ground, and sent what messages they could through the ether to anywhere and everywhere they could think where help would come from, the sky fluttering with various colors of the energy used to summon those avian messengers. They crowded around the center with what few mages they had to hold a makeshift barrier around the town square, hands upheld from townsfolk of all species as they awaited their demise, or their unlikely salvation. Meanwhile from a snow covered hill overlooking the town, a grey furred feline garbed in a black cloak and grey cowl that covered her ears and kept her neck nice and warm stood there with her paw outstretched, a digit catching one of the many magic messenger birds, a small smile upon her lips as she read the message and then allowed the magic creation to fade away in a flash of purple and square pieces falling apart, her violet eyes staring down at the town in need.

Olea watched there upon the hill, her eyes scanning the town as she saw the great lumbering demon moving towards the makeshift barrier the simple folk had made to shield themselves against the creature. Staring at the demon she took in the details; a stone and wooden mask covering its face with one great glowing blue orb as an eye, arms long and covered in vine ending with powers wooden fists with long stretched out digits, a powerful torso with earthy brown fur, and legs covered in blackened bark that left trails of roots wherever it stepped. She also noted the mushrooms covering its body here and there, a small little feature, but she had to be wary. Every little bit of knowledge could be useful against such a creature, then again she should have been hurrying. With those massive arms and that weak shield, the townsfolk perhaps had three or so heavy swings of those powerful fists before their shield would crack.

A bittersweet quirk of the lips touched her expression as she began trotting down the hill, carefully sliding through the snow every so often as she sighed and pulled back her cowl. Places like this underneath the court's brittle wax wings typically shunned her kind for simply using something that the court deemed a bit too dangerous, and as such they treated her like a creature rather than a person, but perhaps they would be overjoyed to see her now that she promised them her aid, or perhaps they would be annoyed and irritated that the foul feline demon mage had come to corrupt their little town with her tricks and take advantage of their troublesome times. Such a thought brought a heat throughout her that saw the snow at her feet melting, her balance nearly sent reeling from those thoughts. Wincing she paused to take a deep breath before returning her focus to the task at hand and running head long through and around the town's buildings towards the center. She could be bitter and foolish later when the demon was subjugated and the people were safe.

Even before Olea arrived at the town square, she could hear the thunder crack of those massive arms hitting the barrier, and the sound of frightened folk yelling and the pained grunts of those holding up the shield. She urged herself into a desperate run, those yells sending a certain chill up her spine as she heard children mixed among the crowd. She arrived just as the third swing was crashing against the shield, one last mage standing there with his arms held up, a Lupin standing there with deep blue fur with a red crest puffing from his cloak, and narrowed yellow eyes, his body shaking but he remained there to keep the barrier up while the rest of his fellow magi had fallen to the ground, collapsed and spent.

From beneath that mask she heard a loud bellow as the beast raised its arms to slam down against the barrier, but paused as Olea yelled aloud and brought a claw up to send a bolt of fire out towards the creature, the flames fizzling against its mask as it turned to stare at her with that giant blue eye, that orb which turned red and focused upon her as it turned and lowered its arms to begin walking towards her. The wolf like Lupin magi left standing looked to her, but his arms did not fall, his gaze did not waver, he only gave her a quick nod. She wouldn't have any help in this fight, but she would not need it. Smiling she dusted her cloak aside and brought up the sleeves of her dress to reveal runes etched upon her arms in vibrant colors of purple, her symbols appearing above her paws as she prepared herself for a fun little romp with the demon of earth.

At an alarming speed the creature leapt at her both arms raised to slam down like hammers. Her paws came up immediately as the symbols burned themselves into the air in a circle to create a massive violet aura that not only blocked the demon's massive arms, but brought it reeling back, sliding against the snow touched stone of the town square. The demon let out another bellow with a strange hiss intermingled with that noise, the creature rushing in again, but this time Olea was prepared for something else. With a single claw she sketched in the air a great circle of runes and symbols that flashed and grew large before bands of light flew free of the circle to lash and grip upon the demon's limbs. She tensed the digits of her paw holding the spell as she suddenly felt the beast's strength rocket through her arm, the spell holding for just a moment before the energy shattered and she recoiled with a gasp, her arm vibrating from the breaking of the spell. The demon then bashed the ground with both of those mighty arms, vines breaking through the stone to reach for her. Before she could be grabbed by those writhing vines, she brought her arm not shaking from the impact of the broken spell up to defend herself, the glyphs upon her arm glowing as flames were brought up to swallow the vines that approached her. Binding this one would be harder than she thought.

There she stared at the creature, her shaking arm finally recovering as she steadied herself. Again she drew a symbol in the air quickly with her claws just as the creature again charged her. Whispering to herself she felt the circle upon her back burn as she pushed her paw through the center of the symbol, bracing herself for the pain, a great pillar of black ooze firing from the circle and crashing into the creature bringing it to a stop as it struggled against the ichor that began to swarm and cover it. On closer inspection the mass of ooze seemed to twitch and writhe as it coated the demon, her own paw coated in the abyss like spell as well, her eyes narrowed as she focused on the creature rather than the pain from summoning such a thing. When she pulled her paw away from the symbol the creature was entirely stuck, thrashing about and trying to free itself from the strange ichor that covered the beast.

Olea felt her paw shudder from reaching into the void to summon such a spell, but she shook off the pain and moved quickly to step before the demon, shutting her eyes with full confidence that it would remain their thrashing about without use in that ooze as she called forth the shard. A sharp triangle formed around the creature, cut in the ground from her own glowing purple energy, light flashing as the ooze suddenly disappeared and the demon suddenly grew very still, its eye glowing blue as it fell upon its hands and knees as if a sudden weight were pressed upon its back. The demon looked straight at her just as she opened her eyes, their gazes meeting and reflecting one another's for just one moment as she stepped into the triangle to touch the creature's cheek with one paw to touch the creature's mask lightly. For a moment that eye turned red, but she remained composed, purring as her clothes seemed to fade into nothingness. Upon her back a circle glowed as she embraced the demon's head, its spiritual power suddenly hitting her as she melded her mind for just a moment with it, their collective presence combining as she took control of the creature, that blue eye slowly turning purple as it let out a groan. The black ichor that had surrounded the creature faded away, and the creature did nothing to fight against it, the demon simply watching her with that curious eye as she planted a soft kiss atop its mask and stepped away, snapping two digits as the triangle closed, the demon turning into a small gem that faded away as she picked it up, a small smile on her face as a rune appeared within the circle on her back. With a sigh she turned her head to the people now staring at her with wide eyes, the wolf like Lupin staring at her with that same gaze, his eyes narrowed still, and again he nodded.

Olea expected them to immediately throw stones at her, or perhaps try to take her to the court themselves, but instead that Lupin magi moved to her to remove his own heavy cloak, offering it to her as he reached her, "We owe you." He said simply as was the nature of the Lupin.

Warily she took the fur lined cloak, wrapping it around herself, glad for the warmth even though it was a bit large on her, while at the same time wondering if there was a way she could conduct that spell without looking like some sort of strange exhibitionist. It was true that she had taken some demons through sexual means, but that wasn't always the case, and it wasn't a good look, especially within the public eye. It seemed that the Lupin was the only one who was going to approach her, though she assumed he had some authority if he suddenly spoke for them. She'd rather not stay to find out if the other town's folk felt the same gratitude that the Lupin felt, but before she could speak her goodbyes the Lupin interrupted her, "My name is Garret," he rolled the R in his name as he introduced himself, his head bowing as he continued on, "I would be honored if you would stay with us, at least long enough to rest and eat..."

She felt tempted to say no immediately, but she saw that the other townsfolk had gathered around. An elderly feline woman offering her a colored black scarf which she took very gingerly, looking at it with a small smile before she spoke, "Hmm...I'll take your offer Garret, but first...May I help you tend to your people?"

"Yes," Garret said without hesitation much to her surprise. Most would rather not allow someone outside the court to sully their grounds, but then again perhaps it was something born out of desperation rather than any actual acceptance, or this town was wiser than any other she had been to.

Together Garret and herself checked the collapsed mages to make sure they were still breathing, Garret ordering the remaining townsfolk to carry them inside before just the two of them made their way through the empty streets still littered in roots, vines and mushrooms. Garret sighed as his eyes trailed towards several buildings that were cracking underneath the weight of vines digging into brick and mortar. Olea herself felt a bit odd walking in such silence among what she assumed was a court licensed mage. The cold wasn't a problem with the scarf and heavy cloak she had been provided, and though she wasn't shy, it felt strange to travel nude underneath the cloak and not receive any comment at all from a hot blooded male. Concentrating on the task at hand she moved quickly as she saw the glowing bulbs that the creature had left behind. Carefully she brought a paw up against it, Garret grunting as he approached from behind, "Would anyone be alive after being stuffed in that?"

Olea felt over the smooth surface, searching for some signs of life until she felt the barest of pulses from within, "Yes...But I'm not sure what is in here with the townsfolk. Could be these sacks decay whatever is inside, so we'd better make ha--"

She yelped and leapt to the side as Garret brought both claws into the bulb without any hesitation, wrenching open the surface. Olea herself recovered from the shock of his sudden action and moved to catch an avian man who coughed and sputtered as he was set free, his eyes shut and his clothing covered in a strange orange tint. Garret again moved quickly to place his paw upon the chest of the avian, leaning in close to whisper words of comfort as the rescued avian opened his eyes slowly, a smile upon his beak. A soft glow of green touched the avian from where Garret was touching, the avian breathing in deep before slowly standing on his own, "Can you make it on your own?" Asked the concerned Lupin.

The avian man simply nodded and rubbed at the back of his head with a feathered hand before making his way back to the other townsfolk. Though they had pulled someone from a possible death, Garret did not looked to pleased. As they continued on through the town, they soon found that the avian man that they had pulled from the bulb, had been the only one to survive. The rest had been found as lifeless corpses, or piles of liquid. Garret had winced at each and every fresh corpse, but he continued on and on with the process until they reached the final one. Olea didn't bother to suggest going back after the second corpse they discovered. She simply followed the solemn Lupin and helped him open each bulb as best she could. When their macabre work was finished they trotted back towards the center of the town with heavy steps. Olea was intent on keeping her mouth shut, unsure of what she could really say to this stranger in a strange land about his own people being harvested and turned into juice for a demon's enjoyment, that same demon that she now owned. He broke the silence easily and without pause, perhaps because he desired to forget what he had just seen, "Thank you for coming with me. You could have just left when you took what you desired. I don't expect you to care about our dead."

Olea shut her eyes as she continued on, their steps crunching in the snow side by side as she responded, "Well, I figured I could at least help clean up a little. I'm not heartless."

Garret snorted, "The court says otherwise. I've seen too many stray magi to believe them though. On the fringes we take care of ourselves well enough," For a moment again they walked in silence before the he continued on, "But, we do rely on them for help. I'm the only healer here, and most of our mages can't handle something like the obelisk...So how much would it cost to ask that you help rebuild it?"

Olea opened an eye to look to him before smiling just a bit. Wiser than most, and nice enough to offer a price before asking for help, and so rather than ask for any single price she said, "For free."

An ear raised on the Lupin as he turned to her, pausing in his steps, "Free?"

Olea nodded as she continued on, stopping just in front of him, her tail swishing from side to side as she spoke, "Why yes, free. You've paid me in respect. I couldn't really ask for much more, many would have shunned my help, or thrown stones, and though I don't trust all of your little town...You seem like a nice enough man. Nice enough to keep me warm with this cloak." As she spoke she spread her arms, her head turned to him, her front exposed but her back was to him, her eyes half lidded before she turned to him, revealing her front, hips wide for her size, her tail covering her exposed slit. She then closed the cloak around her snugly and turned to begin walking again, "Now come. We should tend to that obelisk. I think I can handle things myself, if not with a little help from yourself."

The Lupin followed like a puppy, dumbfounded and silent as Olea could feel his eyes burning upon her back. It had been her turn to surprise him. Not only had she said she'd do it for free, in her own way she had propositioned him, she wondered if he picked up on it, or if he even really cared at all. Regardless, it was fun to be a shameless flirt at times, and she truthfully desired to fix that obelisk for the town. It was dangerous to be without protection out among places where demons found their way into their world, and as she had said before, she was not heartless.

At the town center, Olea knelt by the shattered pieces of the obelisk, a claw scratching at her chin as she looked at the pieces. She could rebuild it with a bit of magic, well, perhaps a bit more than just a bit, a lot more than just a bit actually. The thing had been broken into pieces and the spells upon it had been cast to the wind. With a sigh she began slowly etching a circle around the broken pieces of the obelisk, taking her time as she etched rune after rune upon the inside of the circle, her eyes shut as she began chanting. With the circle drawn in snow and stone she stepped back and shut her eyes, purple light filling the circle and lifting the pieces of the obelisk one by one, setting them atop of one another before fusing them together. Olea shuddered just a bit as she mentally etched the runes upon the obelisk that would serve as the spell erecting the barrier over the region to protect it, and to strengthen the obelisk. When she finished the circled cracked and shattered, the obelisk standing tall, brimming with glowing runes and renewed energy.

Olea let out a breath, her eyes opening as she found her world suddenly spinning, strong arms catching her. Her eyes looked up to see the concerned eyes of Garret looking down upon her. For a moment she stared up into his eyes, their gazes locking before she brought herself up from his touch slowly, closing her cloak as she let out a sigh, her head pounding just a bit as she spoke softly, "I'm fine. Just a little drained for the day, so, as I said, that was for free, so now I'll be on my way."

Olea prepared herself to walk away, but she felt a strong grip on her shoulder, Garret's voice coming from behind, "We're far from the court. Stay for a bit, eat, get some actual clothes under that cloak besides the scarf."

Olea thought of it for a moment, but then her head began pounding again and she simply sighed, her ears drawing back as she moved to pinch the bridge of her nose with two digits, "Perhaps...That would be a good idea. I have a pounding headache...And though I can clothe myself, I'd appreciate something warmer than what I usually have."

With that said the grip upon her shoulder vanished and she turned to follow the Lupin into the nearest building with an sign that simply read, "The Market Inn."

Once she stepped foot inside of the inn, she found herself being stared at from all around in a wooden tavern with a staircase to the right of the entrance. Lupin, felines of all sorts, avians and more simply just stared at her, some wide eyed and a few with narrowed eyes, some with digits grasping the pommels of swords and daggers. Before anyone could say a single thing, the elderly feline woman that had given her the scarf approached her excitedly, taking her arm gently to tug her upstairs bit by bit while speaking, "Come child, come come come...You can't be nude underneath that thing forever. Fur or not you'll catch death after spending so much mana, food can come later, oh and you have to tell me about yourself young lady. You look so very pretty too..." And on she babbled as Olea looked helplessly to Garret who simply stood at the entrance to the inn with crossed arms and a fat fang filled grin, her own ears pulling back as she found herself suddenly very annoyed, but she only sighed and turned to walk with the old woman up the stairs and to a room where she could get some privacy. At least she would be away from all of those stares.

After a seemingly never ending amount of time the old woman had her dressed in a long shirt with long sleeves and trousers all lined with fur, along with the cloak she had been given, and the scarf. Honestly, she could feel her head pounding even more with every word that the old woman uttered; question upon question asked again and again without stop, it was a little endearing at first, but now it just seemed a bit excessive. Still, she had to be grateful for the new clothing, and the fact that she had been given the room for the night. If only she could get herself something to eat rather than listening to the old woman standing there chattering away without pause.

The door to the room opened then, Garret stepping in with a wooden bowl of something steaming, her ears perking up as she heard him speak, "Leave us alone for a bit...She hasn't eaten all day after all."

The old woman's eyes widened and she looked to Olea before clasping her paws together, "Oh, I'm so sorry. Forgot all 'bout that. You eat little girl, we'll talk more later, just you wait. You saved these old bones so I want to remember you good."

With that said the old woman left the room, shutting the door, leaving Garret and Olea alone, their gazes locking for just a moment before he moved to her. He sat next to her and offered her the bowl which she took gingerly, taking the spoon to carefully take meat and broth into her mouth, wincing as she burned her mouth, but nearly purring as she tasted the flavor, and felt the fact that she had simply gotten something warm in her stomach.

While she ate Garret sat by her, but said nothing, his eyes looking to her as if he were trying to find something. When she finally took notice of his gaze she set the spoon inside the bowl and raised a brow, "Is there something I can help you with?"

The Lupin spoke quietly, in an almost disappointed tone, "She really did clothe you huh...You looked good in only my cloak."

Olea smiled just a bit, paw reaching up to touch the top of his upon his thigh as she spoke, "A bit forward hm? Not even waiting until the bowl's off my lap before you start flirting."

Garret growled low, his ears pulled back as he looked away abashed, "...Not many interesting females out here. Besides, town could use a powerful mage like yourself," Olea pulled her paw away slowly, her eyes narrowing as she realized what this was really about. Settling wasn't an option for her, and being seduced wasn't going to change that. Seeing his mistake the Lupin put a paw up in defense, turning his head to her as he spoke quickly, "You aren't compelled to stay...I'd rather just have you here than not."

Olea took a breath and got up with bowl in paw to set it upon a nearby dresser, turning to the Lupin as she responded to him, "I am not something to be kept. Let's make that clear. I will never be a wife...And as for settling, I can't, you know that, I know that. You saw some looks that those people gave me, the court would cut me down, mute my magic, or worse, make me into one of their little experiments, so I'd rather keep wondering if you don't mind..." She could see the hurt in his eyes, in the way his ears were drawn back, but that the pain came from the fact that he had insulted her, and so she shut her eyes and stepped to him, her paws upon his cheeks as she spoke, "However, you've been sweet...And a night of fun would be nice, and I wouldn't mind visiting occasionally to make sure that obelisk stays."

Her eyes opened to see Garret gripping at her wrists lightly with his own paws, his eyes meeting her's as he leaned in to capture her mouth lightly. Purring into the kiss she leaned in, her eyes closing again as she brought her tongue out to touch his, their kiss deepening as she brought herself upon his lap. Immediately she felt his grip move to her clothing, casting aside the cloak before his paws worked upon her clothes. She could feel a certain desperation upon his lips as he dipped deeper down towards her, his paws working shakily to remove the clothing that had just been put upon her. Olea found the Lupin rather adorable, his touches seemed rather careful even though his mouth was working so desperately. She could feel the hunger as he pulled his mouth away to tug at her shirt. With a giggle she moved off of his lap, helping him slip her shirt off before stripping from her trousers carefully, her eyes watching him as he let out a pleased rumble, his own paws moving to strip out of his own clothes as he stood before her, his clothing landing in a pile just at his ankles.

Olea took every detail of the Lupin in, from the deep blue fur, to the red crest upon his chest, to the already throbbing red cock twitching and dripping pre. How long had it been since he had a female worth his time she wondered? And how long had he been wanting to do this to Olea herself. With a small smile she knelt before him, bringing her paw up to grip at his cock lightly by the knot, her digits feeling over the bulbous flesh lightly, her lips moving to kiss at the underside lightly, her eyes shut. At the same time she could feel his burning gaze upon her head as she teased that member, her tongue flicking against the tip inside of her warm maw, both of her paws moving to feel over his balls, each paw taking a fuzzy orb to squeeze and caress them. It was then that she suddenly felt his hips thrust, her mouth suddenly full of half of that massive thing, a growl sounding off from the horny male's lips as he brought a powerful hand to the back of her head. She didn't mind one bit.

For now she allowed him to thrust to her warm maw, that throbbing cock twitching violently as it pushed against her tongue and against her throat as he practically pounded into her maw. It seemed that he had been holding back quite a bit with allowing her to tease him, but again she didn't mind. She enjoyed feeling his hunger and desperation as he pushed into her maw. Even if it was just a one night thing, she was certain to remember the emotion flooding through her from the heat radiating off of his body, from the way that his knot touched her lips as Garret thrust again and again against her mouth, his cock dipping deep into her mouth and throat, his growls growing louder, the heat in her own body growing more intense as she felt her pussy begin to drip with anticipation of that thick thing fitting inside of her, but he wouldn't be the one driving it into her.

Whether it was from the Lupin being pent up, or just the fact that he seemed to be pumping himself so furiously into her maw, his orgasm came on strong and suddenly. Olea's eyes opened wide as she felt a thick amount of his warm seed pour against her tongue and throat. Even as he filled her throat he continued to thrust against her mouth, her eyes shutting as she purred around that thick thing, swallowing every last drop of cum that he provided her with, enjoying the warmth filling her throat and moving down to her stomach. With a purr she pulled herself away slowly as his grip eased from the back of her head, her lips sliding off that still hard member with a wet pop as she looked up at him with a smile, her tail flicking from side to side as she rose to place a paw upon his cock, his hands moving to feel over her shoulders lightly.

For a moment his eyes seemed to focus in on her, his gaze narrowing as his claws moved to trace over the runes over her arms as if he had just noticed them. She couldn't help but smile just a bit at his curiosity, purring as he did so, turning in place, allowing him to trace the circle upon her back along with the runes upon and within it, before turning again, her gaze innocent as she looked to him and tilted her head, "Questions?"

For a moment he hesitated, which was all she needed. She brought her paws up to push him upon his rear on the bed, Olea climbing on to his lap to straddle his hips, her pussy against his shaft, sliding up it as she rose her hips to bring her entrance against the tip of his cock, her tail curling around his balls as she leaned up to kiss at the surprised Lupin's cheek. He seemed so surprised that she had taken control, that her pussy was kissing at his cock, ready to press that thick thing far into herself. Oh yes, she would have fun dominating this one.

It seemed as if the Lupin would try to regain control, but she leaned to give his lips a firm peck, her paws upon his sides, her claws ruffling through his fur to scratch against his sides and bring them down low where she held his hips, lowering her own as he grunted, her folds parting for that beautiful cock as she felt her insides suddenly stretch wide. Groaning out she shut her eyes and brought herself lower and lower, her legs quivering as she brought more of that cock inside of her, inch by inch fitting it in. Garret let out a rumble of pleasure as he settled down, his hands resting at her hips as he watched her lower herself upon his cock, the feline purring out and groaning as she did so. Olea loved the feeling of being stuffed, of forgetting what was happening in this moment of heat and passion, and the fact that it was with a man worthwhile. She would never let Garret know, but if he had pressed her she would have found it a little difficult to deny him a partnership. He had been respectful and trusting of her, and more than that he was sweet, something that not many were around her. She enjoyed his presence, his size, his warmth and more, but she knew she could not stay and so did he.

As she felt the knot kissing at her pussy, she breathed out and began to move, wondering if she should visit this town often simply for a chance at having this inside of her. It was difficult to think clearly and rationally when her hips were working, rocking back and forth to bring his cock in and out of her pussy, his own hips moving to slam that thick thing inside of her. As he started moving she gasped out and moaned, her body shaking as she laid her head upon his chest, her eyes shutting as she allowed him to pump his massive cock inside of her, each thrust and each movement of her hips sounding out a wet slap that echoed off the walls of the room, the bed creaking as both their hips began working with heavy intensity to pump that thick cock. She felt her insides tighten, her pussy practically milking that beautiful canine cock inside of her, that knot threatening to enter her with every single push of both of their hips, their bodies both dangerously hot from the action despite the snow falling outside. She could feel herself growing close from all of the attention her pussy received, her claws digging into Garret's sides as he held her tight against his body.

She let out a loud moan, Garret snarling as he drove himself deep inside of Olea, her pussy stretching wide as that knot pushed in her with a wet pop. Olea gasped out, her eyes opening wide as she felt her insides stuffed to the brim with that thick thing. Her body tensed and she felt her pussy tighten hard upon that knot, her insides spasming as she felt her orgasm hit, shaking her entire body, her pussy sore and wet as she mewled out her pleasure. At the same time Garret did not stop, his tongue lolling out as he panted and whined, bringing himself against her again and again with renewed vigor, his instincts taking over as he practically broke her with every single grind of those hips of his. At that moment her eyes grew wider and her lips parted to speak between moans, "Garret! Ah! Please wait! Pull out!"

It was as if the buffoon could not hear her, rather than pull out he seemed to only thrust faster, growling and snarling like a wild beast as he pounded into her which would normally be beautifully ravaging and seductive, but she knew what they were doing was a mistake! Still she could not help but moan out, her eyes shutting her body tensing and her toes curling as she felt a sudden rush of warmth fill her to the brim, her insides stuffed full of that heated seed that seemed to stain every bit of her insides. She gasped out and held on tight, her claws digging in deep as she mewled a moan before hissing, hitting her head lightly against his chest as she collapsed upon his lap, his arms holding her tight as she sighed, "I suppose...We were both lost in the moment," Garret only grunted in response and placed his chin upon her head, lying back in the bed while holding her, his eyes closed. With a sigh she shut her own eyes. She supposed she did promise to stay the night.

In the middle of the night when the full moon was pouring through the window she heard a knock, a bare thing, light as a feather touch wooden frame of the door. Her eyes cracked open and she raised her head. Again the knock came and Olea brought herself away from the Lupin just as he sat up with a grunt, rubbing at the back of his head. Getting dressed in at least her trousers and new shirt she answered the door slowly. Without a chance to speak the old woman who had given her the scarf leaned her head in to whisper quickly, her voice frightened, "Young miss. You need to leave. The folk around here are idiots. Can't show gratitude, they've sent messengers to the court about you...About your, 'corrupt' obelisk that will certainly doom them. They'll probably be here by morning if they think a forbidden mage is out here. They told me to keep my old mouth shut, but I can't...I just." The old woman was on the brink of tears and Olea quieted her, opening the door further to give the old feline a squeeze. That old woman had talked her ears nearly off, but she had been genuine and kind, more than she could have ever asked for.

With a sigh she stepped back from the old woman who was drying her tears now and she nodded, "I'll be gone before the night. I have a place to go when I'm being searched for...Just, take care of yourself."

After shutting the door quietly she turned to see that Garret stood there in full, nude, the moonlight illuminating his body. With a simple grunt he brought his paw up to offer the cloak he had given Olea to keep her warm when her clothes had been evaporated, "Isn't this yours dog boy?" She teased

Garret grunted and wrapped his arms around her, crushing her cheek to his stomach as he embraced her. His body was shivering a bit, but he said nothing, only held here there for a moment before fastening the cloak upon her and then offering her up the scarf that she had also had planned to leave behind. With a sigh, Olea took the scarf and placed it around her neck quietly, turning towards the window, her shoulders sunk, "I'll come back someday Garret. I definitely won't forget you, but if you end up knocking me up, I'll be back to knock you upside the head. Got it?"

The only sound Garret made was a creak as he sat back on the bed, but as she began drawing the circle for her spell in the air before her, Garret's voice sounded out softly, "It would be nice...To see you again someday. Maybe I can convince the other folk not to be ignorant, and you to stay here."

Olea shut her eyes and continued drawing the circle. Shuddering as the spell was complete, a mirror of light appearing before her with a crackle, "Maybe..." Was all she said before she stepped into the portal, the room left quiet and lonely after that, the Lupin falling back onto the bed with a huff, his eyes shut as he waited for the morning to come where he'd have plenty to explain, and plenty more to deny about the foreign magi that had helped their village and taken a demon for her own use.

Olea stepped through the other end at the bottom of a grassy hill with her eyes shut. Even though the weather here was warmer, it was still winter so the grass was frosted, as were the various plants. At the top of the hill her hideaway awaited, or at the very least the home of a good friend did. Hopefully she'd be awake at this hour, but then she remembered it was the night of the full moon, of course she'd be up. With a small somber smile she climbed the hill, step by step trying to forget about Garret, her paw testing the knob of the door, pulling to open the door as she felt it was unlocked. Stepping inside she saw various lights of blue glowing here and there, gathering towards back of the shop where the counter was, and behind it stood a short feline in black fur, her bushy tail flicking from side to side. Without hesitation she stepped inside and sighed, "Hello, I'd like your finest morning after potion, a place to sleep...And maybe a way to keep my clothes after using the shard to take a demon face to face."

Layne turned around, her eyes and wrists glowing that gentle shade of blue from the moon's life pouring through the shop, a big smile on her mug as she clapped her paws together and bowed politely, "I think I can manage something like that Olea...You're always welcome here." And thus she stepped to the counter with her paws folded at her lap, the great cloak around her keeping her shrouded as she recounted recent events to a good friend, her eyes shut as she leaned upon the counter top, as she allowed her guard to drop underneath the roof of a friend, underneath the roof of a place she knew the court would not be able to reach her. It was nice to have a home, even if it was for just a little bit.