The Haunting at Falusay Manor

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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It's the spooky time of year again, the time best suited for telling spooky stories. OoooOOOoooo~ This is a spooky adult story I wrote up and posted to Patreon last year, and I've decided to put it out publicly this year.

Holly and Richard have to spend an evening in the creepy abandoned house of Falusay Manor on a dare, and the two are determined to prove their bravery. After all, the legends that old Falusay still haunts the place can't be real, right?

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"Everyone knows the story of the old house on Mam Hill. The old abandoned manor sitting at the end of the lane, with its peeling paint and creaking shutters. No one's lived there for years, and the town's been unable to sell it, despite many interested buyers. No one knows why, though the more level headed say the town is just asking too much for the rundown dump. Others say the place may be cursed, in hushed tones of course. Cursed so that none will ever buy the place, and it remain empty forever. But the truth is much more horrifying than voodoo and cockroaches combined. The truth, that the old manor isn't as abandoned as people think.

"We've all heard the rumors. Strange sounds coming from the end of the lane. Flickering lights in the bedroom windows. A shiver down the spine of every person who steps foot beyond the threshold. A lingering presence remains in those dusty halls, claiming ownership to a family property with no living heir. No one can buy the home because it does not want to be sold. Because the previous owner still remains, unable to leave the luxury he knew in life. Beware, those who enter the manor house on Mam Hill, especially if you seek to buy it, for you will gain the wrath of the man who still calls it home. The late, great Baron Falusay! Dead twenty years yet still clinging to his manor and wealth!"

"I keep telling you, he wasn't a baron."

"Shut up and let me tell the story, Trent!" The young ermine, Megan, shined her flashlight straight into the eyes of her interrupting friend. "You don't know that he wasn't a baron."

"There were no barons in the US." The white furred arctic fox replied. "At least I'm pretty sure there weren't. That's like, medieval England stuff, right?"

"And America was colonized by England! They coulda brought the baron stuff here when they did!"

"Kinda killing the mood here, guys." A calico named Holly called out, interrupting their dispute with a roll of her eyes. "Not that the story was all that scary."

"It would have been if someone hadn't interrupting me with semantics."

"Everyone knows this story, Megan." Richard, a lean deer with trimmed antlers said with clear disinterest. "The ghost of Lord Falafel still haunts that old house, and anyone who tries to buy it gets cursed and dies. Oh no, it's so spooky I'm gonna shit my pants in fear."

"It's Baron Falusay!"

"Not a baron."

"And you guys are just no fun." Megan pouted. "It's almost Halloween. Can't you at least just pretend to be spooked by my ghost stories."

"Tell a good story, and we'll think about it." Holly teased. "Besides, everyone knows ghosts aren't real. Especially not in that old house."

"They are too real." Megan insisted. "I've seen the weird lights in Falusay Manor. I can see the whole place from my bedroom window, and I've seen the freaky shit that happens up there all my life. Baron Falusay is still there, haunting the place for the last twenty years and making sure it stays his."

"You can't be serious." Richard rolled his eyes. "Give it up Megan, we're not scared. There's nothing going on in that house."

"Well, I wouldn't say nothing." Trent chimed in. "Falusay wasn't a baron, and I don't know if the place is haunted, per say. But there is some weird shit that happens in that place. My older brother and his friend snuck into the house once, a couple years ago. It was Halloween and they thought it would be fun to spend the night there. They went in around eight, and my brother was back home in his bed before one. He wouldn't say exactly what happened, but that there was something weird going on up there. Now he and his friends won't even look at the place."

"You're brother's a pussy." Holly teased. "Probably got spooked by some creaky floorboards, or one of his friends messing with him. There's no such thing as ghosts and hauntings. It's all fake."

"Maybe you'd like to prove it, then?" Megan smirked, under lighting her face with the flashlight once more. "Since you two are so sure ghosts aren't real. How about you both spend a night in Falusay Manor. Prove to us that there's nothing there, and ghosts aren't real."

"No way." Richard quickly declined. "No way am I spending a night in that place."

"So you are scared then?"

"Yeah. Scared the roof will collapse on my head! That place has been abandoned for a good twenty years. Who knows how much rot and damage is going on in there. One wrong step and the whole place could come down."

"The town wouldn't let it get that bad." Trent countered. "They are still trying to sell the place. It'd be pretty hard to sell a pile of rubble. Plus, whatever's in there won't let it collapse."

"Well, I'm not spending a night in a gross, dusty old house." Holly said, crossing her arms indignantly. "Not when I can spend it in my warm bed with the tv on and some Halloween candy."

"Fifty bucks." Megan smirked. "We'll pay you each fifty bucks if you can spend the entire night, Halloween night no less, in Falusay Manor."

"What do you mean, we?"

"But if you leave before, say, eight o'clock, then you get nothing."

Holly and Richard both glanced at each other, mentally weighing the pros and cons of this deal. With a nod they came to an unspoken agreement, a smile forming on both their faces.

"Deal." Holly agreed. "But you both better have your fifty bucks waiting for us when we calmly stroll out of that place in the morning."

"Also, we get to bring out own sleeping bags and other supplies." Richard added. "You know there's not going to be any electricity, heat, or running water in that place. And I am not sleeping directly on any of those beds, or the floor."

"Sounds fair." Megan smirked. "And we'll have your money, don't you doubt it."

"There's that we again..."

"But we won't need it." She continued, flashing Trent a smirk. "Because there's no way Baron Falusay is gonna let you spend the entire night there. He'll chase you out long before eight a.m."

"We'll see about that." Holly smirked right back at her friend. "We'll meet in front of the manor at eight at night on Halloween. Spend a full twelve hours there."

"See you then."

Falusay Manor loomed over the neighborhood like a literal sore thumb. While the rest of the houses all had fresh paint, neatly trimmed yards, and festive Halloween decorations, the abandoned house was decorated only in peeling paint and broken windows. If the town didn't pay for regular lawn maintenance, the place would have truly looked perfect in any old horror movie. Most of the town's residence simply accepted its existence, barely pausing to glance at the old home or treating it like some odd novelty that set their block apart from the others. A few neighbors did occasionally complain about it being an eyesore, but no one wanted to pay the extra taxes to let the town spruce it up. And a noisy demolition crew was just out of the question. And so Falusay Manor remained, staring down eerily at the four older teens as they gather on the sidewalk.

"God, the place gives me chills even from here." Megan muttered, her eyes darting from window to window. "It's as if Baron Falusay is up there, watching us with his cold, lifeless eyes as we speak."

"Oh god, Megan, give it a rest." Holly said, not wanting to hear anymore ghost nonsense. "We're not gonna get spooked by your dumb ghost stories. We're not seven anymore."

"It's not a story." Megan insisted. "I know he's still in there. But you're more than welcome to prove me wrong."

"I intend to."

"So long as the place doesn't fall on our heads." Richard muttered once again. "Though, I guess it doesn't look in as bad a shape as I remembered."

"Not getting cold feet, are we?" Trent teased. "Please, feel free to back out now. I'd rather not loose this fifty. I got video games to buy."

"Don't worry, you won't lose it." Megan said, grinning confidently. "No way they're lasting the full night."

"Only thing gonna scare me outta that place is an army of spiders." Holly insisted, head held high in her own confidence. "That fifty bucks is as good as mine. Like Trent said, there are games that need buying."

"Might as well get this over with." Richard sighed, adjusting his nearly overfilled backpack. "You ready?"

"I was born ready." Holly winked at her friend. "See you two tomorrow morning. Eight a.m. sharp."

"Or sooner." Megan sang out, waving as the two walked passed the rusted gate and up the overgrown walk to the front door.

The inside of the manor was just as dark and dusty as they had expected. Luckily they both came prepared, Richard pulling out an electric lantern while Holly relied on her trusty flashlight. The entrance hall, though covered in a thick layer of dust, was still rather impressive. Doors led off in all directions around them, leading to many rooms deeper in the house. A staircase ascended to a second floor balcony directly in front of them, with more doors leading to the east and west wings. The whole room was clearly once lit by a massive chandelier hanging from the vaulted ceiling, though now it simply acted as a home for twenty years of cobwebs.

"God damn." Holly let out a whistle as her flashlight slowly panned over the impressive room. "This guy knew how to live. I bet he threw some wild parties here once upon a time."

"Not throwing them anymore." Richard said, examining an old grand piano on one side of the room. "It's too bad, too. I could see this place looking pretty nice if someone actually bothered to clean it up."

"Doesn't look like anyone's been here in years." Holly muttered, shining her light on the floor. "Not a single footprint in any of this dust. So glad I wore thick shoes for this."

"Same." Richard laughed. "Though, If Trent's brother had been in here, wouldn't there be some sign the he and his friends were around?"

"Depends on how long ago, I guess." Holly was slowly making her way to the stairs, taking in everything she could shine her flashlight on. "Dust can build up pretty fast. Hey, check this out."

Richard turned to see Holly climbing the stairs, her light fixed on a large painting at the top. He joined her to get a better look at the painting, which featured a middle aged, very well dressed badger posing before a fireplace. It looked very regal, typical of a place of this opulence.

The deer's eyes eventually noticed the small, bronze tag on the bottom of the frame. One swipe of his thumb revealed the inscription beneath the dust, and what he saw brought a chuckle to his face.


"I think this is the guy who used to own this place." Richard chuckled. "And it looks like Trent was right."

Curious, Holly shined her light on the tag. "Byron Falusay? So, this is the Falusay who lived here?"

"Yeah. Megan kept called him Baron Falusay, but his name is Byron. Guess she got it messed up."

"Oh I bet she'll love to hear that." Holly smirked, her light once again on the painting of the well dressed badger. "Not a bad looking guy, once upon a time."

"Maybe." Richard shrugged. "Assuming the painter didn't take a few liberties. Come on; I want to find a place to set up camp, or at least put these packs down. We can look around more later."

"Alright." As Richard headed towards the upper east door, Holly gave one last look around the room. Content she'd seen all there was to see, she turned to follow her friend, only to stop suddenly, a shiver running up her spine. The calico quickly turned her light back to the painting of Byron Falusay, eyeing it with unease.

"Hey, come on." Richard called from the door. "Are you coming or what?"

When she didn't answer, the man made his way back to her, shaking her out of her stupor. "Come on. You can gaze at the sexy badger man later. Let's go set our stuff down."

"Sorry." Holly shook her head, trying to make sense of what she thought she saw. "It's just, I dunno. For a moment, it felt like this painting was... staring at me."

Raising an eyebrow, Richard took another look at the painting. He sidestepped a bit behind Holly, who was still trying to shake off the odd feeling. "I dunno, Hol. I think this thing just has those eyes that follow you around the room thing. Like the Mona Lisa. It's just an optical illusion."

"Maybe." Holly shivered, not quite sure herself. "Let's just go and find a sleep. This thing is starting to give me the creeps."

It didn't take much exploring for the pair to find what they could only assume to have been the guest rooms. Dark, dusty, and drafty as they were, the two settled for the best on offer. Two rooms, across the hall from each other and nearly identical in design, proved to be habitable enough for their needs. Thankfully their sleeping bags would protect them from the thick layer of dust permeating the old, faded bed covers.

With their gear down and neither one of them near tired enough to sleep, they decided to grab their lights and do a bit more exploring. Perhaps see what other stories about this place were more myth than fact.

Many of the rooms yielded little more than more dust, especially on the ground floor. An opulent dining room, massive kitchen, and musty library were some of the highlights they uncovered, disappointing as they were. Mostly they were simply able to confirm the lack of running water, which was going to make going to the bathroom an interesting adventure in and of itself. They could only hope stepping out back to squat in the bushes wouldn't be grounds for losing the bet.

After about an hour of fruitless, musty exploring, Holly and Richard came to what they could only assume to be the master bedroom. It was easily three times the size of the guest rooms they had found, with a massive four poster bed and the biggest bathroom any of them had ever seen.

"Dude knew how to live." Holly commented, eyeing the personal jacuzzi with some envy. "What's a girl like me gotta do to get hooked up like this?"

"Win the lottery?" Richard said with a laugh, his attention on a rather spacious closet. "Or be born into it. I'm gonna guess this guy was the latter. This whole place as the feel of old money, y'know?"

"Yeah." Holly sighed, returning to the master bedroom to gaze out the dirty windows. "You can see the whole block from here. I can even see right into Megan's bedroom. I bet if you had a telescope you could get quite the show from here."

"Looks like he had the same idea." Richard muttered, feeling a bit disgusted as he pulled an old telescope out of the closet. "And considering you can see almost every house on the block from here."

"Ewww." Holly stuck her tongue out in disgust. "You could even see into my room from here with that thing. So glad he died before I was born."

"Yeah. Who knows how long this guy was peeping in on all the girls in the neighborhood."

With that nauseating thought in mind, Holly continued exploring the room. Richard seemed invested with the closet, so the calico made her way to an ornate looking desk. There wasn't much to see there but some faded papers and dried out pens. After shuffling through some drawers she finally found something of interest: an old leather bound book.

"A diary maybe?" She blew some dust off the cover, but there were no markings to clue her in on the purpose of the book. Feeling curious and hoping to finally find something interesting, she dared to flip through some pages. But what she found truly surprised her.

"What's that?" Richard asked, finally coming out of the closet. "All his darkest secrets?"

"You're not far off." Holly said with a roll of her eyes. "It's a diary of all his... sexual conquests."


"Oh yeah." She laughed. "This guy was a real piece of work. Each page has the name, age, and all the details of every woman Falusay ever had sex with, going back a good forty years. And I do mean every, single, detail."

"You have got to be kidding me." Richard smirked, coming over to take a better look at the journal. "May twenty second, nineteen eighty eight. Had the pleasure of dining with Margaret again. We enjoyed a wonderful dish of freshly caught tuna. Afterwards, I dined on her tuna for nearly an hour. A heavier set woman, I could tell the dear hadn't cleaned since the morning. But the rich, intoxicating scent only drove me on."

"I think that's enough of story time." Holly closed the book, clearly disgusted by the following sentences. "What kind of perv keeps a diary like this?"

"A very rich one?" Richard shrugged. "Rich people have weird hobbies. Besides, that was back in the eighties. I'm sure the more recent stuff is tamer. Y'know, cause he was old."

Curious now, Holly flipped to the last few written pages, daring to read them aloud. "October sixth, nineteen ninety five. Still managing to keep up with the younger ladies. Thank god and science for these pills. Really showed her what an experienced man can do. Doubt young Vivian will be able to get the same thrill from a lesser man her age. Especially not after... yeah not reading the rest of this."

"But it was just getting to the good part." Richard laughed, earning him a middle finger.

"Let's see. This is the last entry. October twentieth, nineteen ninety five. Had to cut my time with Cadence short last night. I've been getting winded so much sooner these days. I suppose it had to happen eventually. The body can only put up with so much before it starts to wear down. I've had a good run, but I don't think I'm quite out of the game just yet. I know many ways to please a woman, after all. And I don't want to cancel on dear Emily. We're going to have quite the fun this Hallow's Eve after all. And her body is truly the finest of all my lovely courtesans."

"Lovely courtesans?"

"His words, not mine."

"Well, how was dear Emily?"

"I told you, that was the last entry." Holly said, placing the book back where she'd found it. "I guess he kicked the bucket before they could get it on."

"Or during."

"Oh god." The calico nearly heaved at the very idea. "Oh, that would be so gross. I mean, banging an old guy is kinda gross already. But to sleep with a dead guy. Yuck!"

"Well, it's not like she did it on purpose. Not her fault of the guy keeled over after sexing him up."

"Still, the thought it just so gro-EEK!"

Holly suddenly jumped, her arms tightly wrapping around her chest as she curled up a bit, her eyes wide and darting around the room.

"What the fuck, Holly?"

"I dunno." She explained, her voice shivering a bit. "I just felt a really cold chill across my... well... my boobs."

"Want me to warm them up for you?" Richard asked with a smirk.

"You wish." She replied unhappily. "I'm serious though. That was really not cool."

"I'm sure it was just a draft."

"A draft?" Holly looked at him skeptically.

"Well you are right next to a window."

"Maybe, but this almost felt like AHH!"

Again, Holly suddenly jumped, quickly turning to scan the empty air behind her. "Okay this is really not fucking okay."

"More groping drafts?"

"I'm serious, Richard." She swatted at his arm, not nearly as amused as the deer was. "It felt like someone ran their ice cold fingers right up my spine! And I don't fucking like it!"

"Well then get away from the damn window."

"I don't like it in here." Holly finally admitted, glancing around the dusty room nervously. "This house is definitely creepy."

"It's just old." Richard shrugged. "Although... if you puss out, does that mean I'll get a hundred bucks?"

"I am not pussing out." Holly stubbornly insisted. "And no you don't. I just don't want to be in this room anymore, okay? Can we just go back to our bags and camp out until morning? I mean, the deal was to stay in the house, not explore every fucking corner of it."

"Yeah, I am getting kinda hungry. Let's grab something to eat and just chill till we pass out."

"Sounds good to me." Holly said with a shiver, gladly leading the way out of the master bedroom and back to their bags.

Once back in the relative safety of their encampment, and with Holly's sleeping bag to protect their buts from the dust, the two calmed their nerves with whatever food they had managed to stash away. While the old house didn't make for the most ideal camping scenario, once they had settled in it wasn't as terrible as they had feared. And Holly was happy to learn she had good reception in the decrepit old building.

"This is so weird." The calico muttered as her eyes darted over her cell phone screen. "Some kind of freaky coincidence."

"Care to share with the class?" Richard nudge her, halfway through a bag of turkey jerky.

"Oh. I was just looking up some stuff about this Byron Falusay guy. Found a whole article about how he died and everything. It says here that Byron Falusay was found dead in his bed on November first, nineteen ninety five. That means he died on Halloween night twenty years ago."

"So this is the anniversary of his death? That is freaky."

"Yeah, well, it goes on to say that he was found by a woman named Emily Noosbaum, believed to be his mistress."

"One of them, anyway."

"Richard, this means Falusay really did die while getting it on with this Emily woman. Exactly twenty years ago!"

"Maybe." Richard shrugged. "Or that he died in his sleep after getting it on with her."

"Well, apparently Emily did eventually admit to sleeping with him that night, but she doesn't say whether he was alive or not when they finished. Still, that must have really freaked her out, waking up to a dead guy and all."

"Yeah, but it's not so bad for Falusay." Richard grinned. "He went out having amazing sex, or right after. We should all be so lucky."

"Doubt you'd say that if you were the one waking up next to a corpse." Holly stuck her tongue out at him. "It's still really crazy that this happened exactly twenty years ago. Really creeps me out."

"Don't puss out on me." Richard sternly told her. "As nice as it would be to make a full hundred, I admit I don't really wanna spend the night here alone."

"I'm not pussing out!" Holly reiterated. "It's just... kinda freaky. Glad we're staying in these rooms and not that creepy master bedroom."

"Want me to sleep in here with you?" Richard smirked, leaning closer to the calico. "Y'know, to keep you safe and warm?"

"Fuck you." She flipped him off before pushing him away. "You wish I'd let you."

Richard shrugged but didn't argue. After all, this was the last place he seriously wanted to pursue an avenue like that.

They stayed up a bit longer till the need for sleep became too strong. Holly had to playfully kick the deer out of her makeshift room in order to get changed and curl up in her sleeping bag, eager to sleep the rest of this night off and wake up in the morning fifty dollars richer. It took that bag and an extra blanket to keep out the chill, but eventually she was dozing off, doing her best to replace thoughts of the creepy manor with all the things she could frivolously buy once this was all over.

Holly's sleep was interrupted by a surprisingly icy chill just a few hours after she had closed her eyes. The calico let out a whimper as she curled up tighter, the cold feeling seeming to wrap around her despite the layers between her and the outside world. "Fuckin... draft..."

She was just about to get out and search for her jacket when that icy feeling seemed to squeeze her even tighter, a cold pressure tightening around her pert breasts. Holly's eyes shot open as she mewled, panic overcoming her senses. "Richard, is that you? This isn't funny, bastard."

Glancing over her shoulder revealed that no one was there, yet she could still feel that cold presence right behind her, and what felt like a pair of ice cold hands groping at her breasts. Her nipples stiffened against her shirt as the cold pressure teased them, moving with more coordination than any draft she'd felt before. "What the hell?"

Another shiver ran up her spine as that cold began to spread between her legs, pressing against her poor nether lips. The ice permeated her cotton panties and seemed to grind against her lower lips, making the poor girl shiver and moan, a blush starting to tint her cheeks. "No... stop..."

It almost felt like the icy draft was trying to have sex with her, grinding over her pussy while it teased her breasts and tickled her neck. In fact, it wouldn't have felt so bad, if it weren't for the icy chill it left on her skin. "So cold...EEK!"

Holly's eyes shot wide again as a feeling should could only describe as an icicle being shoved up her cooch overtook her senses. The freezing cold pressure filled her pussy, causing her to gasp in unwanted pleasure while shivering as the cold enveloped her. "Please... stop... It's too cold. Just stop!"

She shut her eyes against the strange feeling as the phantom icicle began to thrust into her pussy. If she had to imagine what getting fucked by a snowman felt like, it was likely very much like this. And Holly didn't like it one bit. But she was pinned in her sleeping bag, the cold embrace holding her close and freezing her to her very core as it had it's way with her. "Please be a dream... Please be a dream... Please be a Oh fuck!"

Her hands clasped over her muzzle as the thrusting intensified, her eyes rolling up in her head as her frozen nerves were pummeled. It was so cold, but it felt so good. Whether she wanted it or not, she could feel herself getting close to cumming. If only her pussy wasn't so numb all of a sudden. "I can't... I can't... Noooo!"

She wailed as the force holding her close suddenly thrust deep inside, bucking against her as if cumming deep inside her womb. But all she felt was that numbing cold. A cold which seemed to be permeating even deeper into her body. "What's happening to me?"

Her eyes fluttered shut as the cold washed over her entire body. For a moment she thought she really had dreamed it all, and was in some sort of weird semi sleep state. Eventually her eyes opened again, and everything seemed as it was before, except for a numb feeling over her body. "That was weird."

As Holly tried to piece it all together, she watched as her hands unzipped her sleeping bag, her body dragging itself out of the bed to stand on her paws. Slowly she turned and started to cross the room, her hand reaching out to open the old door. Only, it wasn't her doing it. "What the... Where am I going? I... I can't stop myself!"

As she opened the door, Holly got a sight of herself in a dusty mirror. Everything looked the same, except for a weird glow in her normally hazel eyes. As hard as she tried she couldn't stop her body as it crossed the hallway to Richard's room, opening the door and entering against her will.

The deer was sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag on the dusty bed, exactly as she would have expected. At the sight of him, her paws made their way to his side, Holly watching in horror as her hands unzipped his sleeping bag and opened it wide, exposing the man to the cold air and her unwavering gaze. Her eyes locked on his boxers, and try as she might to fight it, she could only watch in horror as her body crawled onto his bed, nestling between his legs as her hands tugged at his boxers. "What the hell? No! Stop that! What the hell is going on!?"

"Goodness you are a noisy one, aren't you?"

"Who the hell said that? Who's there?"

"Oh do quit yelling so much. It's quite unbecoming." The voice, a man's voice, echoed in her mind. "And you already seem to know my name, dear. You've been poking around my home for long enough."


"And I have been watching you and your friend here the whole time. And what a fine man he is." As the voice spoke, Holly's hands finally pulled Richard's boxers down, exposing his flaccid yet still impressive dick to her eyes. "Not quite as impressive as I was, but it'll do. Now, do be a dear and get him ready, would you?"

"No!" Try as she might, Holly couldn't stop herself as her lips descended on his shaft, kissing the soft skin gently as her hands began to massage his length, teasing it up to a full erection. "What the fuck! Stop this! I don't want to suck Richard's dick!"

"I don't really want to either." The voice replied. "In fact, I was hoping to simply have my way with you and be done with it. But it seems I can't do that properly in my current... condition. And I have been waiting a long time for some proper fun. Now just relax, and I promise it will be fun for all of us."

"Fuck you! Oh fuck!" Holly tried to wince as her lips wrapped around Richard's shaft, tasting his musky length as her body tried to swallow down as much as possible. "Stop this! You fucking pervert, get out of my body! Stop this before he wakes up!"

"Holly?" Richard muttered, Holly's fear become reality. "What the... what the hell are you doing?"

"Sorry." Holly's voice replied against her will. "But I just couldn't help myself. Despite what I said earlier, I really want you, Richard. Being here, in this spooky house all alone with you... I just got so excited that I can't stop myself."

"Richard! No! It's not me doing this! Don't you dare!"

"Come one, Richard." Holly's voice cooed as she pulled her shirt off. "Let's do it. Right here, right now."

"Here? You can't be serious." Richard propped himself up on his elbows, his eyes locked on her pert breasts as he tried to make sense of it all. "This place is filthy. And you were complaining about being creeped out earlier. You can't seriously want this know, of all times."

"You're right! I don't! Richard, stop me before I do something dumb!"

"But I do want you." Holly's hands slowly massaged the deer's dick, teasing him as she gave the most provocative look she could. "I don't care where we are, so long as I can have this big boy balls deep inside me."

Still confused, Richard glanced around the room, before his eyes fell back on Holly. "Holly, are you okay? This isn't like you at all. If this is some kind of joke..."

"It's not a joke. I want you Richard. I want you bad. Give it to me, please."

The man hesitated for a moment, Holly watching as the man debated it in his mind. "Richard, if you do this, I will murder you. I swear it."

With a sigh the man reached out, grabbing Holly's wrists and pulling them away from his shaft. "Look, I don't know what's gotten into you, but this isn't like you at all. If you're playing some kind of game, I don't like it. But I'm not having sex with you, not here anyway. If you still want to tomorrow we can go back to my place and get it on. But not here."

"Yes! Oh Richard I knew you wouldn't do it! I will so pay you back for this!"

"How unfortunate." Holly's voice hummed. "Guess I have to do this the hard way."

Holly's body suddenly lunged forward, her lips pressing against Richard's in a tight kiss. The deer tried to push her away at first, until a cold sensation began to flow through his body. His arms started to go numb, followed by his body. The icy chill moved through him till he collapsed on the bed, unable to do more than shiver at the odd sensation.

"What the hell?" Richard gasp as Holly sat on top of him. "I... I can't move. What's going on?"

"I gave you the chance to play along." Holly's voice hummed. "But you refused. Now you'll just have to sit and endure it while I have my fun."

"What did you do to him?" Holly screamed in her mind, watching with ever growing panic as her hands removed her panties. "What are you going to do to us!?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The voice replied. "You two are going to make sweet love to each other, and I'm going to enjoy it through your bodies. I haven't had my own for so long, and the sensation just isn't the same without flesh and blood to experience it in. Plus, I get to see what it feels like from the woman's perspective! Isn't it exciting?"

"No!" Holly tried to fight it, but she could only watch as her body, positioned itself over Richard's spire, lining it up with her pussy as it prepared to take the plunge. "But I don't want this! Not like this! No!"

"Yes!" Holly's back arched as she slid down on Richard's shaft, his dick disappearing into her moist folds. "It's so hot. So this is what it feels like; a woman's pleasure. It's magnificent."

"What the hell... are you talking about?" Richard grunted, trying to fight against the paralysis and losing. Especially now that Holly's hot, dripping snatch was wrapped around his shaft. "You're not Holly, are you? What the fuck is going on."

"You're right. I'm not Holly. I'm just borrowing her body for a bit. But don't worry, she is here. In fact, why don't I let you two converse while I get things going?"

A shiver ran through Holly's mind, and with a blink of her eyes she found herself in control again. At least, in control of everything above her neck. "Richard? Oh god, Richard, help me!"

"Holly? What's going on? Oh god! Fuck!" Richard grunted as Holly's hips started rocking, riding him slowly, but with an ever increasing pace. "Holly! Knock this off already."

"I can't!" She whimpered. Despite the numbness, she could feel his dick moving inside her, teasing her nerves as her body moved on it's own. "Something... something's making me do this. I think it might be Falusay."

"Falusay? But he's fucking dead!"

"I know!" Holly shouted, before moaning lewdly. "Fuck, you're big. I mean, I think it's Falusay? Or his ghost? I don't know! He said this was his house, and now this is happening and I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Oh god no, don't move faster!"

Try as she might, Holly couldn't stop herself. Her body was riding Richard like his dick was a wild stallion, and the cold was being replaced by a burning heat in her loins. His dick just felt so good, and there was little she could do to stop her body from enjoying it. "Oh god, Richard! You feel so good!"

"So do you!" Richard grunted, gritted his teeth as he tried to stop his body. "Fuck! I can't... can't move. Holly! If you keep this up, I'll... I'll cum!"

"No! Don't cum inside!" Holly tried to argue against it, but her pleas turned to whimpers of pleasure as her body instinctively tensed up, tightening around his shaft as she milked his dick. "No! Gonna... I'm gonna cum!"

"Fuck!" Richard's hips suddenly bucked into her's, his dick burying itself deep inside her pussy as he fired several thick ropes of cum in her pussy. "Sorry! I couldn't... help it!"

"Oh fuck!" Holly's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt Richard cum, his dick throbbing against her spasming walls as she emptied his balls. Her entire body shook as she came, the pleasure overwhelming her senses for just a moment.

Their worlds went numb as their climaxes subsided. Unable to move, Holly collapsed onto her friend, gasping for breath as she fought to stay awake. The calico could feel the cold presence shifting in her body, seeming to flow out of her as she recovered. She still couldn't move just yet, but at least she didn't feel that other presence, Byron Falusay she assumed, inside her anymore. "Thank god it's over."

"Not yet." Richard's hands grabbed her shoulders suddenly, and with a cry Holly found herself on her back, the larger deer pinning her to the bed beneath his own body. "While it was fun, and very informative to feel a woman's orgasm, I'm not satisfied just yet."


The deer grinned, and Holly looked up to see an odd glow in his eyes, much like she saw in her own eyes earlier. "Falusay?"

"It's been twenty years." Falusay continued, still using Richard's voice. "That's a long time for a sensual man like myself to stay chaste. And I cannot bare it any longer. Forgive me my dear, but I am going to take out my twenty years of sexual frustration on you. I do hope you enjoy it."

"Please..." Holly whimpered, trying to move but finding her body to be paralyzed from the neck down. "I don't know if I can go again."

"Oh, you will." She yelped as she felt his still hard dick pressing into her cum soaked pussy once more. "Again, and again, until I am satisfied."

"Noooo..." Holly mewled as her friend's body began thrusting into her, setting her still sensitive nerves into overdrive as their love making resumed. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

"I died making love twenty year ago." Richard's voice explained for the late badger. "It was an intense session of love making, and I was so close to reaching my climax. Just as I was getting close, my heart gave out. I died before I could finish! And for the last twenty years I've felt on the very edge of orgasm, unable to relieve myself. Can you imagine? Twenty years! Though others have come to my home, you are the first woman I could truly get my hands on, so to speak. So forgive me, my dear, but I cannot hold back any longer. I will make it as enjoyable as possible."

Holly could only whimper as Richard's arms wrapped around her body, hugging her close as he fucked her. She wasn't sure if it was her, or the spirit controlling them, but her arms and legs wrapped around his body in return, the two holding each other tightly. As much as Holly didn't want this, she couldn't deny how good it felt. Richard's young, fit, and well endowed body was being controlled by a mind with many more years of experience. He was making love to her in a way no man had ever done before, setting her loins on fire with lust and her mind reeling with ecstasy.

"Oh fuck!" She mewled again, clinging all the tighter to her friend's body. "Richard! I'm gonna cum again! Oh, fuck!"

"So tight!" Richard, Falusay, grunted as Holly did indeed climax, her walls once again squeezing around his dick as he thrust in deeper. His balls wetly slapped against her ass as she milked him, and it wasn't long before he thrust in deeply, unloading even more of his cum deep inside her. "Oh yes. This is what I've been longing for."

"So... we're done... right?" Holly panted, collapsing onto the opened sleeping bag. "You got off... so we can stop... right?"

"I'm afraid not, my dear." Falusay replied, leaning down to kiss her softly. "Twenty years is such a long time. I am afraid just once won't be enough to satisfy this desire in me. So, just relax, and enjoy, as I take you on a journey of sexual bliss."

"Oh fuck..."

Richard's strong hands hefted her off the bed and into his lap, instantly impaling her on his shaft once more. "How are you still hard?"

"I can keep him hard for as long as I like." Falusay grunted, holding her up in the deer's lap as he began thrusting. "And he will stay hard until I'm fully satisfied."

"But... I'm going... numb!" Holly squealed as Richard's big hands firmly gripped her ass, hefting her body up and down on his shaft as his own hips bucked into her. "I'm going to go crazy!"

"Yes! Go crazy my dear! Sex is about letting all your inhibitions out! Let them run free, and fuck! Fuck like a mad woman!"

"Oh f-f-fuck!" Holly's eyes rolled up in her head as another orgasm rocked her body. Her mind truly was going numb now, that hard cock thrusting deep inside her even as she came. Even if this perverted ghost hadn't paralyzed her, she wouldn't have been able to move any more. All she could feel was the pleasure of her continuing orgasm, and the deep thrusting of Richard's cock as he pummeled her cervix.

The deer was grunting heavily now, his fingers digging into her ass as they fucked. with a heavy snort he joined her in orgasm, thick seed overflowing from her pussy now, coating his balls and staining the sleeping bag beneath them.

With a yelp Holly was tossed from his lap, her body convulsing as it tried to recover from the ordeal. She was panting heavily, her eyes having trouble focusing as Richard rose to his feet, moving closer to her.

"Holly?" Richard's voice reached her ears, and the calico knew it was the real Richard this time. "I'm sorry... I can't stop him..."

"It's... okay..." Holly tried to gasp, barely aware of the cum soaked dick hovering over her face, or the hand gripping the back of her head. "Not your... fault.... Mmph!"

"I'm sorry!" Richard said again, his hand now forcibly rubbing Holly's face against the underside of his throbbing member. Fresh cum smeared into her fur, the thick scent of their sex overpowering her senses. "He wants you to... clean it... I can't stop him."

"Clean it? But I MMPH!" Holly's eyes went wide Richard took advantage of her open mouth, thrusting into her lips without warning. The strong taste of his cum and her pussy filled her senses, the smooth texture of his dick rubbing against her rough tongue as he slowly thrust into and out of her maw, giving her a chance to taste every inch of his shaft.

"Make sure you get him nice and clean, dear." Falusay's voice echoed in her mind. "Take your time, and use that tongue of yours. And don't forget his balls."

"Fuck you." Holly wanted to strangle the badger for this humiliation, but all she could do was continue sucking him off. Her body was moving against her will once more, her tongue lapping up every stray drop of cum along his shaft and heavy balls. Soon she was sucking him off, moaning around his shaft as her hands massaged those dangling orbs.

"Holly... Please stop." Richard grunted, straining against the pleasure of her mouth but unable to pull away. "Don't make her do this, you bastard!"

"But she must learn the proper way." Falusay's voice seemed to come from everywhere. "Here, my girl, let me show you."

Holly whimpered as one of her hands dipped down between her own legs, a pair of fingers delving into her soaked loins, slathering the digits is slippery cum. That hand then made it's way back up to Richard's ass, giving his tailhole a few testing pokes before forcing their way in.

"Ah! Fuck! What the fuck!?" Richard winced as his virgin pucker was stretched, Holly's fingers easily sliding in knuckle deep. "You sick fuck! Let her go!"

"Oral sex is so much more pleasurable with a little prostate stimulation." Falusay explained, making Holly curl her fingers into the sensitive gland as she continued to suck him off. "Just relax, dear boy, and let the pleasure consume you."

"Fuck! Holly, I'm sorry!"

Holly could feel his muscles tightening around her probing fingers, his dick pulsing in her mouth as she swallowed him down to his balls. Having her fingers in his ass was so gross, but she couldn't stop herself. Even her tongue moved on its own, swirling around his shaft while she milked him eagerly.

Her eyes went wide as his hips suddenly bucked against her maw, and she felt his hot cum flooding the back of her throat. The poor calico gagged and sputtered around the thick seed, drooling more over his balls before he finally pulls out, one last shot spattering against her face.

"Holly... I'm so sorry..." Richard said yet again, his hands flipping the calico around and forcing her butt into the air. "I can't go again. Don't make me go again."

"Again?" Holly panted, sharing Richard's sentiment as the deer dick easily slid it's way into her snatch, cum running down her thighs in thick streams.

"Yes, again!" Falusay cried out, the room seeming to tremble with his voice. "We're not going to stop until my twenty years of lust have been satisfied!"

Both Holly and Richard let out an exhausted whimper as their body continued fucking each other, all to the seemingly endless pleasure of the spirit of Byron Falusay. The old badger was relentless, swapping from their bodies and working them from one position to the next. The last thing Holly remembered was feeling Richard's dick force it's way into her poor ass, before completely blacking out.

The first thing Holly felt was a cold shiver running over her body. It took a bit longer for her to come to her full senses, and a panic overcame her as her eyes shot opened. She expected to hear the dreaded voice of Byron Falusay in her ears, but instead heard only the heavy snoring of her friend, Richard. "Oh god, what happened?"

Slowly she rolled over, feeling the chill once again. Her hands roamed over her body to discover she was naked, and fully exposed to the cold air of the dusty guest room at Falusay Manor. And that her entire body hurt like she had run a marathon.

"Oh fuck. Richard? Hey, fucktard, wake up!"

"Huh? Wha happen... ow..." Richard groaned, rolling onto his side as he slowly woke up. "Feel like I got hit by a truck. What happened."

"You know what happened." Holly grunted, sitting up despite her aching muscles. She looked herself over to see her fur utterly disheveled, and reeking of sex. "I just can't believe it happened."

"That wasn't a dream?" Richard asked, similarly checking over his body. "I was hoping that was a dream. Oh god, my dick! Oh fuck I'm not having sex for a year after that."

"Same." Holly sighed. "Oh god what time is it. Oh who cares I am getting the fuck out of this house as fast as I can."

"Fuck, yes." Richard agreed. Without another word the two got dressed as quickly as their aching bodies would allow, grabbed their gear and left. An awkward silence hung between them, neither one quite sure of what to make of the night's events.

"Damn, you two really stayed the whole night?" Megan sighed, she and Trent waiting for them as promised. "You even stayed in late! I was just about to send Trent in to find you two."

"Like that woulda happened." The fox chuckled. "Guess I owe you guys fifty bucks. Fuck."

"So, how did it go?" Megan pressed, surprisingly chipper for so early in the morning. "See any ghosts?"

Both Holly and Richard blanched at the very mention of ghosts, the two glancing at each other before shaking their heads.


"No ghosts."

"Nothing happened."

Nothing at all?" Megan asked, looking a bit disappointed. "Not even any weird lights or moaning."

"There's no such thing as ghosts." Holly insisted, doing her best to sound sincere. "Now let's go. I really need to get a shower and a change of clothes. And you owe me fifty bucks."

"Alright fine. Still can't believe nothing happened. How boring."

As they made their ways back to their respective homes, Holly pulled Richard aside, whispering so the others wouldn't hear. "We can not tell them what happened. And we never speak of this again. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Richard nodded, just as eager to forget it ever happened. "Say... do you maybe want to go get a burger with me tonight?"

A soft blush crossed Holly's face, but she managed a nod all the same. "Yes. But just a burger. It's gonna be weeks before I even think about sex again."

As the sun's rays attempted to pierce the dirty windows of Falusay Manor, a gentle breeze caressed the open pages of an old, leather bound book resting open in the master bedroom. Fresh ink was scrawled over a page, a fine script filling out a new entry in the old diary

"October thirty first, two thousand and fifteen. It has been many years since I have lain with a woman, and I could not have asked for a better companion to break my chastity with than young Holly. No stranger to the ways of lovemaking, I like to think I taught the kitten a new trick or two, even if I had to borrow her friend's body. While I do regret the somewhat forceful hand used on my part, she seemed rather satisfied in the end. And oh, how her velvety folds clung to my borrowed shaft..."