Blood on the Snow

Story by ZapNap on SoFurry

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#1 of Blood on the Snow

A violent attack leaves a young trainer in peril on a mountain top, desperate to save his friends life. What fate awaits them as they struggle to survive the night?

Author's note: They say write what you know or what people want. As a large portion of the audience on this site are Pokemon fans I decided to loosely base this story on that world. Events and locations are in a fictional region for my own setting. This story has been marked as adult due to the violence of the content. I am writing this story as a test of my skills. I don't often write and even less often finish a story (read: never), so this is a unique endeavor for me. I have enough material in my mind for two chapters right now, and depending on reception I can always write more. Think of it like renewing the contract for a TV show in that way. Feedback is greatly appreciated as always, it puts the lotion in the basket.

Journal entry 10/24/2016:

_ It's funny how we never really think about it, tales of men with the bodies of bulls, women with the bodies of snakes, and both with the bodies of horses. Mythology is littered with such tales, but nobody really thinks of it as anything more than fantasy. How would one get such a being? If humans were like Pokemon we could just train long enough and evolve, homo erectus has evolved into homo superiorus! If it were that easy we'd have body builders changing into Machokes left and right. Change can't happen to everyone, but it does happen. Mostly to those who are least expecting it or desire it. My change took place on conceivably the worst night that anyone could experience..._

We had hiked all day after snowmobiling in from Shiningtown, the previous night having dumped another 12 inches of fresh powder onto the tops of the already laden Intuas. Mountain trekking was a normal training habit for me and Eevee. While some trainers went on long Pokemon journeys to see the world, I preferred to view it from on top with home and comfort only a days drive away. Nothing bad could possibly happen with civilization that close! We had settled down for the night, a small campfire, food, a tent, a stump for a stool, all the usual camping necessities. On afterthought cooking was probably the trigger for the whole event, the scent of the food on the air would be very attractive to carnivores in a hard winter.

Darkness had closed in and we were just preparing for a hot meal when the pack struck. They came silently from behind, before I knew it one Mightyena had grabbed me by the shoulder in its jaws, tumbling me to the ground from my makeshift camp seat. Another was on top of me just as quick, tearing savagely into my calf and gaining purchase on bone. About this point my nerves began registering the pain and I screamed in agony as a tug of war began with me for the prize! The knowledge of imminent death by painful vivisection was before me. Then suddenly Eevee was there, bounding into the fray head-first. She tackled the beast savaging my shoulder with a sharp crack of skull against skull, knocking it to the ground and freeing me from its grip. The sudden loss of its pack-mates supportive grip sent the Mightyena on my leg falling backwards, releasing its grip on me in temporary confusion as it tumbled into a tree. Freed from the binding jaws a second of brilliant clarity flew through my mind at the cessation of the immediate grinding pain. This was quickly lost as I hit the ground on my damaged shoulder, shooting fresh waves of pain into my mind. I managed to retain one thought though, "Get to the backpack!"

I immediately flipped over onto my good side and started a painfully slow crawl to where I had previously been sitting, expecting to feel the breath of death on my neck at any moment. The backpack had been knocked over in the initial rush, but was still lying on the ground next to my makeshift stool. I hadn't packed any weapons specifically but I did have some items that could be repurposed, my ice picks. Scrabbling one handedly at the straps while my left arm hung uselessly at my side was a nearly futile gesture so I fumbled into my pocket for the small utility knife I kept there. Once acquired it handily slashed the picks free, sending the pair of curved sickles tumbling into the snow. Gasping as pain and fear continued to assault me I grabbed the one I could handle and spun around to face my pursuers.

The pack of Mightyenas, four strong now, had changed focus from me and were circling Eevee like vultures. Wounded prey in their experience wouldn't get far. She had already inflicted several minor cuts to two of the pack and removed the ear from another, probably the one she had started head butting on. Focusing on the smaller fur bundle that was doggedly fighting despite the numerous wounds already pouring blood onto the snow was a more pressing matter.

Eevee was a strong fighter, we had been together for 12 years since I first received her on my 13th birthday. We hadn't participated in serious tournaments, but Eevee won more often than not at our local gym's casual days. We had trained like normal people exercise, to keep in shape so we could continue enjoying our activities but not as serious contenders. But no matter how strong Eevee was four against one odds were never good in a fight, especially against opponents several times larger than you. I could already see exhaustion playing in her trembling muscles.

I did the only thing I could at that point. Standing up I made as loud a cry as I could to distract the pack, and it worked as my war cry turned into one of agony. I had forgotten in my desperation the now bum leg and put more weight on it than it could stand, sending me keeling over into the snow. The two Mightyenas that had their backs to me turned to see what had created such a grotesque cry, giving Eevee an opening. She darted forward in a burst of instant speed, sending one of the beasts tumbling head over heels and the other jumping back further to gain attacking distance. But the ones that still had me in their sight kept their eyes on the smaller prize, which in turn had lost its focus on them. The Mightyena near Eevee's right haunch jumped forward striking and biting with the precision of an experienced buck hunter, distracting Eevee so the one on the left could move in for a crippling strike.

Eevee cried out in pain as the muscles in her leg were ripped lose, causing her to fall to the thick snow like me, unable to move further. The pack then moved in for the kill, the one which had torn her limb gulping down a mouthful of muscle, as I tried to move forward through my own pain to defend her. Then Eevee began to glow with a bright light in an attack I had never seen her use before, but had read about. I immediately threw myself to the snow and hugged earth. The energy rolled out from her fur, blasting the area around her with a heatless ball of light, energy, and solid force before extinguishing like it had never been, then a thunderclap as displaced air rushed back to fill the void. This flung the attacking Mightyenas in all directions away from her, and even managed to thump me soundly in the head, causing a ringing in my ears and further pain. The two closest of the pack were thrown furthest, hitting trees with the crunch of broken ribs. The two further ones were sent sprawling, one landing into a snow bank and escaping relatively unharmed, and the last to beside me, stunned. I didn't hesitate, I rose and with as much force as I could muster buried the ice pick into the beasts head, killing it. A brief bark-whimper escaped its prone form, and it was still.

Animals attack for food, there's no such thing as dying for a cause like a soldier. When the going gets tough the tough get going has another meaning for them. With two badly injured mates and one dead one, the survivors of the pack left the area to find easier prey. With luck they could come back later to scavenge our corpses if we should succumb to our wounds. For now they needed to lick their own cuts. A calm fell over the area as the sound of retreating paws in the snow faded into the distance. It was just me and my Eevee in a circle of destruction.

The tent had caught fire from flying fireplace debris and was merrily lighting the surrounding devastation with a greasy light. At this point several new problems presented themselves. I started to feel light headed from blood loss as the adrenal rush of the events started to leave me and soon fell into the cushioning snow as stars whirled overhead. It took several minutes which felt like hours for my world to stop spinning and the panicky shaky post-adrenal weakness to pass. Once I gathered enough strength I pulled myself towards the backpack to grab my medical kit, a good mountaineer always keeps one handy. The pain in my shoulder exploded once again as I tried forcing my limp arm to hold onto one of the zippers with no result, a red stickiness coated my palm, preventing any purchase. I grabbed the second of the pair of fallen ice picks, the other still buried in its new fur holder, and used it to slash into the pack, spilling the weekends rations into the snow. I hadn't a clue where to start on injuries like this, my kit wasn't meant to handle a crushed shoulder and leg, just the general scrapes and bruises associated with trails and camping. Gingerly I pulled back my ruined shirt and coat from the rapidly freezing blood, revealing the lacerated flesh from sharp fangs underneath. A fresh spout of blood began and I quickly placed the largest bandage I could get my hand on over the wound to stop it. The next few minutes were a blur of agony as I applied the best medical attention I could to the two major wounds, but despite my efforts the bleeding wouldn't stop in my shoulder. My leg fared better and wrapping it in layers of gauze seemed to work, though I still couldn't place much weight on it.

With me tended to as best I could, I turned to where Eevee still lay after that final blast of energy. From where I was I could see her still breathing, but it was fitful and so much blood had stained the ground I couldn't fathom how she could still be hanging on. I grabbed the rest of the medical supplies and several shirts from the backpack and went to her prone form, hobble-hopping through the snow till I reached the clear area around her. The wounds were bad, worse than mine by far. Cuts, bites, and slashes all over her body, and that leg... I couldn't think about it, I had to do my best and hope. The rest of the bandages and medications were applied and the shirts ripped and used as well, but it was a hopeless task. I was bleeding continuously and Eevee even more so. We needed outside help immediately, but were at least eight hours away from the nearest hospital under normal circumstances! Eevee wouldn't survive a few hours, let alone the whole trip. I picked her up in one arm as best I could, she was so light yet at the same time the heaviest burden in my life.

I stumbled back to my backpack and rummaged through it for anything else that could help, packaged food, lighter, more clothes, anything. My hand closed around my phone, mostly a glorified music player and game station out here in the wilderness, but maybe if I got high enough I could get a signal. I was near the top of the peak and I knew there were clear skies up there, maybe a rescue helicopter could fly in. Picking up a nearby fallen branch, I made the best crutch of it I could and made a sling from the remains of the pack, carefully storing Eevee inside as I made the start to my ascent.

It was an agony reminiscent of Sisyphus, rolling my own boulder of pain up that mountain in the night sky. I would occasionally stop to see if anything had changed on my phone, but never to rest because if I did I didn't know if I could start again. It took me two hours to complete a half-hour trip and Eevee was nearly done for, my shirt wet with her blood seeping through the sling, but eventually the crest came into view. Triumphantly I set Eevee onto a nearby rock ledge and dug out my phone. Holding it in my hands as high as I could manage... and nothing, no bars, no roaming, no signal at all, just dead air. No help was coming, it was just me, slowly bleeding through my insufficient bandages along with my friend.

The despair hit like a ton of bricks, sending me falling into the snow by where I had lain her, sending a fresh wave of pain through my wounds. She was going to die, and me possibly with her. We had been together for so long the thought of life without her nearby was nearly impossible. If she was going to go the least I could give her was whatever comfort I could. I gathered Eevee from the sling into my arm and curled around her, my blood and hers soaking together in the snow as a slow warmth began to fill us...