Execution tag: Gaius's Padded Garrote

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Just some more quicky smut for a friend. His colt character doing a wriggly little squirm in a garrote wearing a diaper.

Yup, about it, enjoy >.>

Execution Tag: Gaius' Padded Garrote (9/21/16) (final 10/27/16)

"So, um, what could I wear for the, erm, event..." the colt trailed off awkwardly, fidgeting with the little tag clamped onto his ear. Gaius was a lean and muscular teen who knew this day was coming up. He wanted to be ready, but his preparation choice left him a little embarrassed. Especially at soft crinkly sounds with his nervous shuffling.

"Pretty much as long as it doesn't get in the way, you can wear as much or as little as you wish. It won't matter by the end of the day." The raven attendant casually replied, probably a common question given how flatly she stated it. The casualness of what was insinuated by his choices not mattering by the end of the day made the colt's ears flatten nervously.

"If you're ready though, we can start the process."

The chair awaited, looking almost like a dentist chair, although it had more padding on the legs and armrests. And most dentist chairs didn't have binding straps on those either. As well as a winch that could be seen half concealed in the back. A coil of rope just under the pillow hinted to the chair's usage.

"Oh, OK, um, I guess I'll strip down," the colt fidgeted a little while he peeked up at the windows. While his room was out of the way, the facility was designed so a bit of voyeurism could occur. A few people walked along the sidewalk, but no one was really looking into his room. He started stripping his shirt off first to reveal more of his lean, teen body. Though he had a bigger blush when he started to slide his pants down.

The colt was wearing a thick padded diaper, the origin of his faint crinkling. The pony's lap bulged the cottony material with an obvious arousal to the fate that was awaiting him as he nervously shuffled his outer clothes free. Thankfully the raven paid no notice as she had likely seen it all. If anything she seemed a little more relieved he had decided to wear something. Although she still put a plastic liner over the chair, making the colt blush further.

Gaius fidgeted as he shimmied over to sit on the seat. Crinkling the plastic as well as his padding as he squirmed into place. It felt quite like a dentist chair, with that same twinge of anxiety. Though the dentist wouldn't usually be putting you down. He pondered if perhaps a snuff option would be useful for getting over dental anxiety. Listening to the crinkles of the liner under him as he fidgeted, feeling that clinging plastic against his hide.

The raven attendant was punctual and quiet, professionally tying his feet down first. The feel of padded straps around his ankles made his arousal bulge against the diaper more. He was glad he got one with a bit of extra room to hold his equine maleness when at full arousal.

There was a bit of a smirk from the raven girl when she worked the belt strap around his waist. All but having to touch his obvious erection under the cushy padding to get the belt fit. Even just near touch made his arousal leap and heart race to the lady's amusement.

The next strap is tugged over his chest when Gaius realizes this life is soon to be at an end. Hopefully no one will get any pictures of his padded body this time at least while his tail lashes at his legs. Once his arms are tied down there will be just one final loop to get placed. The one to choke him out, Gaius already taking deep breaths while he still can.

"Now please tug on each binding, we need to ensure each one is secure." The raven calmly asked, watching intently as the bound colt jerked and wriggled unsuccessfully. Obviously enjoying the show of writhing pony before her as she smiled more. It helped when it was a handsome teen doing the flexing too. She reached under Gaius's pillow to get that final loop of rope and open it wide for him. Taking her time in sliding it around his neck as the colt stared wide eyed at the rope going around his head.

He could feel the cool ring of steel the end of the loop press to the side of his neck, making him moan in response. A soft pad was nudged and pressed in against the firm ring as he gave a little whimper. His arousal ached against the diaper's grip as he rocked his hips. Knowing soon he would be a corpse well before the hour of being strapped airless to this chair was over.

He whined more as he felt the sleek material pull snug around his throat. Gripping his neck under chin and holding his head down. His breathing quick now with his execution at hand. All he can see is the ceiling as the back of the chair is lowered a little. Feeling the bulge of padding against the steel ring, ready to pinch down with the rope and strangle him out.

The moments tick by agonizingly slow as the chair back is slowly lowered, his view moving from window towards the ceiling. Then suddenly that gentle pressure pinches down with unyielding pressure. Hrrr~! His gasp cut off as the slim fabric digs into his neck. A sharp, painful pinch that makes his head pound. The rope tightens quick and then locks in place with a loud click. The pressure set to his weight as his muscles jerk in response. Unable to look at anything but the ceiling as he drools, tossing his head uselessly to the sensation of choking.

His arousal seems to savor the sensation of being strangled, feeling a spurt of pre soak into his diaper. His eyes rolled back in exasperation at his arousal to the airless grasp of rope about his neck, but it's a good distraction from the pain. Gaius flexed his wrists and ankles painfully as his head shook, trying to escape the full feeling in his throat. He can feel his tongue poking out past his lips as drool dribbled down his chin. He really hopes no one is watching him get strangled and his helpless squirms, he couldn't even lift his head enough to peek at the window.

His view of the ceiling grew more faded as his vision sparkled with bright spots. He felt that heated tenseness in his loins of climax bubbling up and shook his hips against the restraints. The pain in his lungs and pounding in his head was giving way to a shaky blissful feeling. His arousal as tense as it could be as he shuddered, feeling that sharp tremble of climax building even as his consciousness faded.

His struggles relaxed as he gave in to the growing blackness, feeling the heat of his orgasm spill into his diaper. Hot spasms pulsing with his climax as his tail lashed. Gaius's head tossing weakly in response as the throbbing darkness of asphyxia overtook him. Just a final dizzying pleasure as he watched the lights literally fade. He tensed up one last clench to cling to consciousness before he felt his final sleep overtake him. Struggling to cling to a final orgasm's blissful pleasures.

The raven smirked to herself at the teen's dramatic climax and thrashing humps at the bindings. The girls were at least more discreet about their airless pleasures. She watched as the boy's head slumped. His eyes slightly open still, flicking about as his body twitched and flicked reflexively. He'd be still safe if the rope was untied now, but of course, he had a good chunk of that hour left to be strapped down in front of the window.

Sure enough he also had a few watchers, probably friends, one was even recording him. He was sure to get some teasing about the sticky spot on the front of his padding. Of course also the diaper itself that he wore. At least he was considerate about the mess to come for her too.

The colt seemed to stir, but they were just weak little thrashes, head tossing about blindly for a moment. Then those struggles relaxed into tense tugs against his straps. Stiff and blindly arching against his ropes. His pupils were mismatched, hinting the young teen's brain was far too gone to be saved now. Body blindly following the dying signals his airless brain gave in the final throes of death.

And of course those will lead to the final moments of life. His body relaxed, a faint twitch of his chest for a brief moment as his lungs stopped trying to breathe. A big damp spot of yellow wetness soaked onto the front of his diaper. That padding sagging along the bottom as the fabric bulged subtly. Just enough to show the mess he was considerate enough to save his attendant from cleaning up. The raven stepping away to leave him for the rest of his time in the chair. Exposed in front of the window, advertising his expired state from that heavy bit of stained fabric cinched about his waist.

She was sure of course these moments would get the best pictures to tease him with once he was back. She may even have to see if they post them publicly.

For, er, research, of course.