Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 113

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#113 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 113 - Wake-Up-Call

After having coaxed Chris into settling back down and making himself comfortable between them, the girls slept soundly by his side, most of them relaxed and snug despite the heat having been turned down to save on energy. One of them however found herself growing restless in the late hours of the night, stuck in an uncomfortable and anxious state and feeling as though the carriage was too stuffy despite being cooler. Laying next to Chris, it was Rose that had continued feeling bothered by her changes going on within, her itch from before growing all the more irritating now that she had no means of distraction. Trying to roll on her sides and reposition herself in a way that was comfortable, the rabbit had no luck sleeping as soundly as the others appeared to be, and was left laying in a bothered and frustrated state. Letting out a quiet groan, she had been rubbing her legs together, trying to control and ease back the feeling that had been nagging her since late in the day, feeling herself growing warm and irritatingly sticky leaving the bunny feeling as though she were trapped in a musky sauna under the sheets. Looking down, she eventually gave in with a raspy "ugh" from the relentless sensations and rolled onto her back before cautiously looking at the others. Biting her lip, she had a look of guilt on her face as she slowly reached down, her hand trailing between her legs as she quietly spread them and felt for her clit, jolting when the tip of her finger made contact before slowly rubbing it. Tensing up for a moment, she slowly spread her legs further until her knee touched Chris's side, causing her to freeze as he stirred lightly making her yank her hand away from between her legs and close them.

Remaining still, she watched as he yawned, Serenity on the other side of him extending her arm to hold him against her more with her face pressed into his neck. Her leg could be seen moving over him under the sheets, further linking them together as they slept soundly once more making Rose sigh in relief. Once more she tried to settle down and rest the same as the others, but now that she had already touched her clit, the itch she felt was now more unbearable than ever, forcing her to give in once more as she rolled onto her side and looked at Chris's face, reaching down between her legs and slipping her fingers between her lips. Biting her lip, she slowly and carefully pressed herself against his side as she slipped her fingers inside of herself. Unfortunately hers were incredibly small compared to the size of his, so she quickly realized her own fingers wouldn't give her nearly the amount of stimulation his could. Nonetheless, frustrated as she was, she did her best to satisfy her drive, working her small fingers as best she could and trying to copy Chris's movements during their foreplay together. Spreading herself open, she even tried pulling her lips, putting force into stretching them to satisfy her masochistic side as she whimpered quietly with a flush on her face. However, this only made the bunny think of and want the same pain she felt when Chris was shoving himself balls deep into her tiny body making her decide inducing pain wasn't the best idea, releasing her lips and going back to soothingly rubbing them and putting her fingers inside as deep as she could. With her tiny claw-like fingers reaching only an inch or two inside, she groaned at the realization she couldn't do to herself what someone else could, not out of lack of skill, but because of her physical limitations.

Comparing her tiny fingers to Chris's, all she could do was stimulate what part of her insides she could reach, trying to thrash her fingers as much as possible without waking the others only to yearn for a deeper touch, rolling onto her back and using both hands to pleasure herself as she whimpered and continued biting her lip in frustration. In her mind, the bunny was screaming at herself, wondering why she couldn't get off the way Chris made her, as the more she tried touching herself, the more hot and distressed she became, wanting to shove her fingers in deeper as she spread herself and reached further hoping for just the slightest bit of added depth. Eventually, she tossed the covers off and got on her knees, bending over with her face down in her pillow as she rapidly fingered herself in frustration, biting the pillow with a dazed and insatiable look on her face as she felt herself reaching the point of dripping on the sheets due to her ever increasing lust. Asking herself "why can't I?!" repeatedly in her mind, she tried her best to copy the things Chris did to her whenever they were intimate. But no matter how much she played with herself, no matter what pain she inflicted, she found herself at a loss of the same responses her body gave to Chris, leaving the bunny stuck in a state of frustration and disappointment as she sat up and looked down at herself, continuing to toy with her lips and finger herself as best she could, remaining unable to satisfy herself despite having the knowledge of how to do so. Agitated and confused by this, Rose gave Chris a sudden look of anger before pulling out her fingers with a groan and sitting back, brushing her ears behind her head while trying to relax her breathing and think.

Unfortunately for her, Chris had given her a type of human styled intimacy most Pokemon don't get to experience, the same as he had with Serenity and Alicia, and as she looked at the slumbering snake, Rose recalled how Alicia was in the same state as her when they were in the inn, unable to satisfy herself the way Chris had despite being on the verge of climax, remembering how Alicia helplessly thrust herself against the bed. Unfortunately, this also made Rose realize Alicia had the means of reaching as deep into herself as she wanted, and the snake was still unable to satisfy herself until Chris did the job, making Rose look at her hands again and sigh in both, frustration and depression over the reliance on and need for him to get the satisfaction she needed. He had given them all a taste of the stimulation humans give one another. He engraved the concept of foreplay into their minds, a step between sex's most Pokemon are oblivious to, and taught them a sex life filled with the forceful and animalistic approach Pokemon were familiar with, mixed with the sensuality and closeness of human love during the act. And without his interaction, without the method he'd trained them to respond to, that he'd trained them to climax to, Rose was left with a means of building herself up, but no way to quite reach the edge without him to coax her along. His touch was absent, his voice was missing. The scent of his body in the heat of the moment was nonexistent and Rose was stuck in a position where she could only scowl at him for what he had done to her. No longer could she find satisfaction the Pokemon way she and the others knew of so well. She couldn't be a mere animal with an itch to scratch and simply get off and call it a night. She'd tasted the evolved intimacy shared between humans, and Pokemon or not, she was hooked on that style of love, and without it her body was left starved for such stimulation.

Looking down at herself once more, she continued thinking of her frustration of having her body trained to the point she couldn't make it climax on her own. Stuck in a rut where building herself up only caused her more trouble, she couldn't help but scowl at Chris and think of how annoyed she was at what he'd taken from her as she subconsciously reached between her legs and started rubbing along her slit, thinking "stupid" in her mind repeatedly as a blush spread across her face, watching him sleep so comfortably while she was left restless making her all the more agitated, her mind racing with thoughts of how he could look so peaceful while she was awake and struggling to satisfy her needs without him. Looking at Serenity and Alicia, she couldn't understand how they could be so comfortable and relaxed when they felt the same as her in many ways, this thought just made her feel weaker than the two by giving into her cravings making the rabbit scowl with a pouty look as she faced down and tried fingering herself again, biting her lip in frustration because of seemingly being the weak link out of the group. Eventually, despite her slit now practically oozing from her constant stimulation that resulted in no climax despite how close she thought she climbed, she rest herself against Chris's side once more, clinging to his sleeve as her legs rubbed together, now feeling uncomfortably sticky between them as her fur soaked itself in her arousal. Looking at Chris's face, she knew he'd normally be feasting on her when she was in such a state, but without his mouth sucking her dry, her arousal had nowhere to go but all over her inner thighs leaving her not only uncomfortable, but disappointed and depressed that he wasn't drinking from her slit as he always had, making Rose wonder if perhaps she'd become even dirtier than she thought as such things and more ran through her mind.

After several minutes passed, Rose found herself unable to remain still once more, and this time started focusing on Chris's body more-so than her own. Looking him over, she raised up and hovered her gaze toward where his crotch was, her eyes now slightly dazed due to her craving for his member while her mind continued racing with tainted thoughts. Looking at him, the rabbit also glanced at the girls, feeling a twinge of guilt over what her body was trying to push her to do before the others as he slept. Knowing full and well of Alicia's objection to things being done in front of her, and of Chris's promise not to do so again, these memories made her hesitate as she continued looking Chris over, watching as he stirred causing more of his scarred chest to expose itself from his robe while Serenity clung to him, nuzzling her face into his neck all the more and letting out a coo-like yawn. Meanwhile Alicia dozed with her head rested nearby, a bubble shown over her nose while having an awkward smile on her face, one that was perhaps a tad disturbing as she likely dreamed of things relating to sadism in her mind. After watching the three for a moment, Rose pushed herself to answer her body's demands, reaching for the blankets and nervously lifting them while lowering herself underneath. Cautiously watching Chris while doing so, she finally put the blanket over her head and made her way toward his crotch, the scent of her own arousal and the muskiness caused by her soaked crotch being under the sheets while she touched herself making her feel a sense of embarrassment as she crawled toward her goal. Once she was there, she slowly reached out and gave her target the softest touch she could to avoid waking Chris, only to also feel Serenity's leg over his as well putting her knee partly in the way.

Taking a moment to think things through, Rose nodded with a determined look as she carefully, and very slowly, moved Serenity's leg, pushing her knee away from where Chris's crotch was until it was out of the way and she had easy access to what she wanted. Warily climbing between his legs, the bunny started adjusting his robe, spreading it and moving it about so his boxers were exposed making Rose gulp as she reached out and felt for his currently soft bulge. With only the thin fabric between her hand and his member, she could feel how warm and inviting it was, gliding her hand down and softly rubbing his sack making her remember the intense feeling of having it ramming against her lips when he was shoving himself into her at the inn. For something so soft, it took her breath away when it was slapping against her womanhood as he was abusing it. Thinking about this, her mind was racing with a single though, "I want it" repeating endlessly in her mind as she bit her lip in anticipation. Leaning her face in closely, Rose sought out the scent of her male. The one who had claimed her and trained her to go to him when she needed pleasure. Carefully, she pressed her nose against his sack, taking a deep breath causing a flush to spread across her face as she rubbed her nose into it and reached between her legs, eagerly rubbing her slit as she enjoyed the scent of his now strong and musky pheromones after a long day of activity. Having gone to bed without bathing, he'd built up a masculine aroma between his legs that made an animal like Rose nearly drool, her heart fluttering excitedly while enjoying the pheromones of her male. Getting on her knees with her face remaining down between his legs, the bunny used both of her tiny hands to play with herself, shuddering beneath the sheets as his scent put her in a daze of sorts, continuing to rub her nose against his sack and bulge as her slit finally started oozing onto the sheets.

Pulling herself back, Rose pant for air under the stuffy blankets while fidgeting with Chris's boxers, finding his fly and working it open before pulling his manhood out, his sack flopping out in the process making Rose gulp now that her target was exposed. Because of all the movement, Chris stirred once more, letting out a groan causing the rabbit to turn pale and freeze as he stretched and yawned before reaching under the sheets, making Rose scream inside as she watched his hand approach. However, instead of aiming for her, his hand stopped at his torso where he gave it a scratch, letting out a yawn and mumbling before his body lay still, the rabbit blinking in surprise before gradually relaxing with a sigh of relief. Once she was certain he'd fallen back into a deep sleep, Rose took a deep breath to reassure herself before reaching out and caressing his manhood and sack in her hands. However, while his sack was fairly large in her tiny grasp, she noticed how tiny his member was compared to when it was hard, painting an image of it being cute in her mind while also making her wonder if it was the size of her own kind in such a state. This in turn made her picture Chris as a Lopunny himself, just with a larger sack than most, and this image made her heart feel as though it could beat its way out of her chest. Giggling quietly, she leaned her face forward and nuzzled his flaccid manhood, giving the now small tip a loving kiss before she lowered her face toward his sack, thinking "big boy..." in her mind with another giggle before giving it too a kiss. Finding herself both aroused, and amused, by his limp state, her tail wagged happily as she smiled, poking his member and waving it as if it were a tail making her squeal in adoration within.

After a moment, she looked at his manhood with a sudden feeling of longing returning before leaning forward and giving his currently small length a lick up to the tip, kissing her way back down before taking his sack into her mouth, opening it as wide as she could and carefully sucking it within before rolling her tongue all over it. In doing so, a naughty thought of her being responsible for cleaning her mate came into her mind, making Rose push herself to lick his sack all over thoroughly before pulling her mouth away, his sack hanging now covered in the wetness from her mouth. In response to the stimulation, his manhood twitched ever so slightly, appearing to swell just a bit as Chris shift his position, growing restless from the sensations Rose was providing in his sleep. Leaning forward, she lift his sack and started licking beneath it, her tiny tongue lapping away as if he were somehow delicious to her in his ripened state, remembering how he gave her similar pleasure with his tongue when she hadn't had a chance to wash and now returning the favor, happily giving him a tender cleansing as she started licking all over his sack in an almost feline manner while doing so, an eager smile on her face as his member began twitching more and more in the process. Noticing this, she leaned forward and started lapping away at his shaft, licking along it again and again before lifting it. Still soft, it dangled limply in her grasp, making Rose giggle before opening her mouth and taking it inside. Pushing her face forward, she easily took his flaccid manhood to the base and started hungrily slurping on it, her tongue greedily licking every inch from every direction as if the bunny was starving.

Reaching between her legs, she started fingering herself once more as she continued her task of cleaning Chris, getting off to his musky and dominant scent as it mixed with her own under the stuffy blankets with an excited and dazed look on her face. After a moment, he finally started growing in her mouth, the constant stimulation driving his body to respond making Rose pause in surprise as she felt the length and thickness increasing in her mouth. Doing her best to keep the whole thing in, she pushed herself to keep her lips around the base of his member as she felt its length pushing his tip further and further toward the back of her throat, her mouth widening as it thickened making Rose blush excitedly as her tongue caressed his shaft and slid along it, welcoming him into her throat as Chris's breathing changed slightly. Shifting about, the bunny froze up as the tip of his member hit the back of her throat and pushed its way down, the thickness still increasing making Rose panic as her gag reflex started acting up. Forcing herself to endure, as Chris felt his manhood being clamped down on by the tight muscles in Rose's throat, he let out a sound resembling a moan and a sigh combined. Hearing this, her face reddened all the more as she let out a quiet "urk!" from his size in her throat, feeling her muscles struggling to accommodate him as his full length was now burrowed deep down within, the small bunny feeling a clear bulge running half way down her throat as he continued swelling, his thickness making the bulge all the larger as Chris shift again, biting his lip as he felt the tightness of Rose's already stressed throat as it was forced to widen until he finally stopped swelling up, making Rose show a look of relief as the lack of air made her feel light headed.

Feeling the now large bulge in her throat, she flushed with the thought of "I did it" running through her mind, still fighting against gagging on his now massive manhood as it throbbed in her throat. Without any air, Rose found herself extremely aroused by the sensation, making her finger herself excitedly as her lightheaded feeling increased. Wondering if it might make her pass out, she thought of it as a good way to force herself into falling asleep, the sensation of her lungs burning and begging for air making her already oozing slit drip all the more, leaving her small hands soaked as she toyed with herself. Keeping her lips pressed firmly against his base, Rose reached for her throat and squeezed it tightly with her paw before moving it up and down, jerking Chris off with her throat making it all the more intense inside for his manhood. Hearing him make more sounds, Rose's mind continued twisting the intense torture into the greatest pleasure, the thought of choking herself to satisfy him flipping surprising kinks in the bunny's mind as her lungs burned more and more. Squeezing her throat even tighter, her eyes rolled up slightly as sparks flew through her head, while the act made Chris stir all the more and let out another moan of sorts. Feeling herself growing closer and closer to passing out, Rose couldn't help but show a lustful and ecstatic smile on her face, happily tormenting her body to please the man she loved as she twisted the burning of her lungs and the dizziness in her head into satisfaction, attempting to swallow making her throat massage Chris's manhood as drool started dripping from her mouth and oozing onto his sack. Pinching her clit and pulling on her lips, Rose gave herself added pain that brought her closer and closer to the climax she yearned for, stretching her lips out as much as she could making her legs buckle and sparks fly up her spine.

Getting closer and closer to the edge as her consciousness started slipping, it felt as though her lungs were ready to collapse as she tried desperately to swallow, creating a tight and relentless massaging sensation all over Chris's manhood as more of her drool oozed out all over his base and sack, creating a sticky and sloppy mess as the bunny continued rubbing and pinching her clit in anticipation, repeatedly pulling and rubbing her lips in the hopes of climaxing from her self induced torment right with her throat stuffed by the man she loved. However, just as she thought she was finally ready to release all the pent up lust within, Rose was caught off guard when Serenity began to stir next to Chris. Having heard his moans and felt his body growing hot, Serenity started to respond, her body gradually aroused by his voice as she rest and his heat causing her body to warm up as well. Letting out a groggy sound, Serenity opened her eyes and raised up slightly, rubbing them before smiling at Chris with a dazed look. With her now awake, Rose froze in terror and quickly pulled herself away from his manhood, nearly going into a choking fit as she covered her mouth and struggled to take in air as quietly as she could. "You in mood...?" Serenity said quietly. Continuing to look at his face, she realized he was still asleep, making her think it was a dream he'd been having that made his body warm and his voice slip out. "What dreaming of? Maybe me?" she asked, holding his cheek and giggling. "You sleep. I make you feel good so dream even better." she added before reaching under the sheets. Still between Chris's legs, Rose watched with sweat on her face as Serenity's hand hovered toward his manhood, her eyes widening the closer her hand got before Serenity instead shifted her position against him and raised her leg back over his.

Fidgeting with her skirt, Serenity moved it out of the way so her womanhood was directly touching his thigh, Rose sighing quietly in relief before watching as Serenity started slowly grinding her slit against him, holding Chris close as she cooed her love for him into his ear and nuzzled her face into his neck, kissing it lovingly as her horn rubbed against his arm. Seemingly trying to melt her body into his, Serenity slowly rubbed his chest and torso, further exposing his body as his robe slipped open more and more. Watching this without Serenity knowing, Rose began showing a bright flush on her face, seeing Serenity giving into her cravings the same as her making the bunny feel like she wasn't a weak link after all. Smelling a new scent, she glanced toward Serenity's crotch as it grew wetter and wetter, leaving a large sticky area on the leg of Chris's boxers causing her own aroused pheromones to mix in with Chris's and Rose's under the sheets, creating an all the more exciting scent that Rose was forced to endure. Continuing to watch, it wasn't long before sticky and clingy trails appeared between Serenity's slit and Chris's leg each time she pulled her hips away, showing how eager and excited Serenity was becoming while showing Chris her sensual side as he slept. Watching his face, the peaceful expression he showed made Serenity's heart race as he cooed and moaned, his head suddenly turning making him face her causing Serenity's eyes to widen while screaming inside, his innocent and defenseless expression as he slumbered, combined with clear arousal shown in his blush, made an evil side click in Serenity, wanting to take advantage of his clueless state as she nuzzled her face into his neck and kissed it.

Feeling along his chest, the Pokemon touched his nipple and started playing with it, pinching and twirling it making Chris shudder and let out a surprising whimper of sorts, causing the Pokemon to flush brightly while blinking at him before showing a naughty grin. "Master... Sensitive here...?" she asked before lowering her face and further spreading his robe open. Opening her mouth, the mischievous Pokemon took advantage of this discovery and started licking him, continuing to excitedly grind her slit into his hip as she tenderly suckled and nibbled on his nipple making Chris shift and show an oddly submissive look on his face. Smirking slyly, Serenity caught his nipple in her teeth and gave it a tug making Chris tense up and arch slightly before releasing it and pulling her head away as he relaxed, showing an aroused yet tormented look on his face making Serenity smile from ear to ear. "Naughty... You naughty." she giggled teasingly. Seeing this under the sheets, Rose was surprised herself at his reaction, slowly touching her own nipple and blushing slightly. "You naughty... Make me feel naughty." Serenity added before reaching down, making Rose tense up thinking Serenity's hand was headed toward her, only to watch as Serenity guided her hand toward her womanhood and started rubbing her slit. "Mmm. Master... Make me SO naughty." she giggled into his hear, letting her breath waft against it causing Chris to stir and moan. Hearing this, Serenity spread herself open before sliding her middle finger deep inside of herself, pressing her body against Chris's side and biting her lip. "So wet... So wet for master." she moaned quietly, raising her head to get a better look at his face as she fingered herself.

"So wet for you, wet for only you." she added, leaning her face close to his. "Love you... Love you..." she started repeating, whispering the words using her own voice. "Only you go inside, only you take. All you... All masters." she cooed excitedly, Rose watching in surprise as Serenity started to rapidly finger herself, her arousal beginning to ooze out the same as the rabbits and making sticky noises the more into the moment Serenity became. Suddenly, Chris subconsciously moaned Serenity's name in response, making her freeze as her eyes widened and a flush to spread across her face. Looking down at him, Serenity showed a tear in her eye before smiling lovingly and leaning down, giving Chris the softest kiss on the lips as she pushed her finger inside of herself further, twirling it excitedly as she pulled her lips away with a quiet yet juicy sound before kissing him again. Watching this, Rose quietly reached down and started fingering herself as well, her own heart hammering as much as Serenity's as the Pokemon pulled her lips away from Chris's once more, giggling happily. "Love you." she affirmed once more. After a moment of quietly fingering herself, Serenity finally pulled her finger out before rubbing the palm of it against her slit, making her whole hand wet and slippery before pulling it away and hovering it toward Chris's manhood with a smirk on her face. "You make me wet, so I make you wet..." she teased. While watching Serenity's hand moving closer, the rabbit carefully pulled herself back, making sure she was out of the way so Serenity wouldn't touch her before watching Serenity's arousal drip off her hand onto Chris's member.

Placing her hand down, Serenity paused in surprise when she felt his manhood had already been taken out of his fly. Flushing brightly, she blinked in surprise as she felt along his thick shaft, gulping when she felt how hard he already was. "Wh-What you been doing while I sleep?" she asked, looking down at Chris before smiling slyly. "Naughty master... You play with self while I sleep? You do things while thinking about me...? That why you say my name in sleep?" she asked, thinking Chris had been getting off with her in his mind making Serenity all the more excited as she rubbed against his side. "Master not resist me... Always think of me. Get in mood because of me..." she whispered, further exciting herself as she started rubbing her hand through her slit before reaching back between Chris's legs and caressing his sack, rubbing her arousal all over it as if smearing her scent to mark him as her own. "Feel like you already wet... You cum and not clean up while I sleep? That so dirty..." she giggled, thinking the feeling of Rose's drool was instead his cum from an earlier session of masturbating. Hearing this, the bunny showed a look of relief before biting her lip as she continued touching herself. "Poor master... I not mind if want to mate. Can wake up anytime. You not have to take care of alone. That what I here for..." Serenity assured as she lovingly rubbed his sack, enjoying the feeling of it rolling around in her palm before returning her focus to his member and possessively grabbing it before moving her hand up and down. "Already cum, but you still get so hard. Get so big... Master's amazing." she giggled. "Still, I not mind if master dirty. I be happy to clean up." she smiled with a blush across her face.

Leaning her face down toward his chest, Serenity started kissing along his body, dragging her tongue softly across his nipples getting a quiet moan out of Chris as he shift. "Is master male or female?" she asked teasingly before sucking on one of his nipples, doing so carefully and tenderly as she reached between her legs and rubbed her hand along her slit once more. Slowly pulling her mouth away, she held her tongue out and started letting her drool ooze out on his nipples and along the center of his chest, letting it build up in the center before catching it with her tongue as it started trailing down his torso and sliding her tongue up his body, licking up the trail before soothingly licking all over his chest and kissing it. "Master taste so good..." she whispered with a blush while pulling her hand away from her womanhood, now covered in her sticky arousal once more and smearing it all over his manhood and sack. "Like that? I rub it all over, make it all mine..." she giggled possessively. Licking his nipples one more time, Serenity then made her way toward his torso and started gently licking along it as well, Rose growing more and more nervous as Serenity came closer and inching her way further and further back toward the end of the sheets. After a moment, Serenity finally lift the blanket and looked at his manhood, now covered in her wetness making the Pokemon smile evilly. "Mmm, look good all wet. I make master all messy... I bad Pokemon aren't I?" she asked before looking at Chris. "I gonna make bigger mess. Being bad fun." she added before heading under the sheets. As Serenity did this, Rose quickly pulled herself out from the foot of the sheets, sitting up frozen while looking at Serenity's butt sticking out from the opposite end, waving as if it were a tail as she giggled beneath the blanket.

Taking the opportunity, Rose rushed back to Chris's side, quickly laying down and freezing with her eyes shut causing Serenity to jolt with a gasp before quickly pulling herself out of the sheets, quickly looking around nervously before facing Rose and tilting her head. "She... Always been there?" Serenity muttered, having been so distracted with her behavior toward Chris she hadn't bothered to notice whether the rabbit had been next to him the whole time or not. Watching her for a moment, Serenity then faced Alicia, watching as the snake rolled over and scratched her torso with a vine while letting out a snort before grumbling as another bubble appeared from her nose, returning to a deep state of slumber. Looking back at Rose, she watched as the rabbit remained still as stone. Feeling suspicious, she leaned toward the bunny and gave her cheek a poke, making Rose jolt and tense up nervously before acting as though she'd been sleeping by letting out a grumble and swatting Serenity's hand away before nuzzling her face into Chris's side. Raising an eyebrow, Serenity was wary at first until finally relaxing, looking at the two girls and thinking they'd been stirring too much causing the movement she felt before shrugging and returning her attention to Chris with a grin. Looking at Rose and Alicia one more time, as well as checking on Chris's state, she nodded before lifting the sheets and crawling beneath. Taking his manhood in hand, she felt it starting to soften, making her scowl before grinning slyly. "Not allow that..." she giggled before slowly taking it in her mouth. Not realizing his manhood was actually covered in Rose's drool along with her own sticky wetness she'd rubbed all over him, she hungrily took it all the way in still thinking he'd cum on himself beforehand and eagerly started twirling her tongue around his tip.

Giving him a soft suck, Serenity carefully bobbed her head while doing so, twisting it slightly so her lips twirled around his length. Hearing the sounds of Serenity quietly slurping on him, Rose opened an eye and looked at Serenity, who was on her knees with her rear still sticking out of the blankets. Underneath, she knew Serenity was unknowingly slurping off all the drool she'd left on his manhood, making the rabbit feel a slight sense of guilt as she raised up with a nervous smile. Under the sheets, Serenity was working his member back into a hard, thickened state once more, pulling her mouth away with a "puah!" noise of sorts and taking in air. "So thick, so good..." she moaned quietly, pressing her cheek against his length as she softly jerked him off with a lustful, albeit slightly dazed look in her eyes. "Bigger, bigger. Master keep getting bigger... Nice and warm." she giggled excitedly, his member throbbing and feeling hard as a rock in her grasp. Leaning forward, she started tending to his sack, licking it all over as she continued rubbing his member and taking one side into her mouth, coiling her tongue around as it rolled in her mouth before taking the other half in as well, rolling his pair along her tongue. Behind her, Chris was starting to breathe heavily once more, a slight blush on his face as drops of sweat finally began to show. Seeing this, Rose couldn't help but show an envious look, scowling as Chris responded so happily to Serenity's pleasure. Although he responded the same to her as well, Rose couldn't help but feel frustrated with Serenity taking over the fun. "Tasty..." Serenity pant under the sheets, her voice muffled with her mouth full of his sack as she gave it a slurp before pulling away with a juice sound making it hang and drip from her own sloppy oral.

"Should rub more on... Make sure it extra wet before get to main part." Serenity smirked before reaching toward her crotch while taking his member in her mouth once more. Wanting to lube up her hand again, Serenity started rubbing her slit with her fingers to work up a good drip, spreading her lips apart and sliding her finger inside. Letting out a muffled moan, she took Chris to the base as she pushed her finger inside of herself as deep as she could, trying to sync her oral with her masturbation so both followed the same rhythm. Watching as Serenity played with herself, Rose couldn't help but blush slightly at the show, still feeling happy over not being the only one to give into her desires, while at the same time intrigued over Serenity's similar sneaky behavior happening right in front of her. Next thing she knew, Rose found herself given a complete view of Serenity's womanhood through the slits in her skirt as she raised a leg over Chris and put herself on top of him, repositioning herself for easier accessibility and comfort as she continued sucking on Chris beneath the sheets in a face down, rear up position with her womanhood hovering over Chris's torso. With her eyes widened, Rose watched Serenity start masturbating again, reaching back and spreading her lips apart before inserting her finger once more. Raising up further, Rose clutched her chest as she watched Serenity's finger slipping in and out of her body, her muscles clinging to her finger and trying to suck it back in each time she pulled it out. Since she'd never had an interest in Serenity or Alicia before, Rose found herself surprised by the look of Serenity's womanhood, with longer lips than her own and a more accommodating looking size for Chris as she faced down and examined her own, feeling her lips and spreading herself realizing how tiny she was in comparison.

Facing the snake, she didn't want to compare herself to Alicia, knowing how huge in comparison to a small bunny like her Alicia would be. Thinking about the differences in their womanhood's, Rose wondered if maybe Chris did like them on the larger side, especially since he'd been with Alicia who in her mind would have massive lips and everything, and he'd mentioned making hers loose and messy when they were doing it at the inn. Pinching her lips, Rose gave them a slight pull, thinking he wanted hers to be more like Serenity's after all, and that she might be able to stretch them out so they weren't as tiny, at least compared to Serenity's before she looked at the Pokemon once more. Arousing herself by pulling on her lips, Rose watched as Serenity toyed with her own, sliding her fingers between them and spreading them repeatedly as she randomly fingered herself, her slit making wet and sticky sounds once more as she finally built up the wetness she'd wanted, rubbing her hand against her lips before pulling away back under the sheets to rub the stickiness all over Chris's manhood, giggling in a naughty tone as she marked him a second time. With her womanhood now exposed, Rose watched as it oozed onto Chris's torso, Serenity's pheromones wafting toward Rose making the bunny blush, blinking in surprise at her sudden attraction to the scent. With so many changes going on inside of her body she couldn't understand, Rose found herself being drawn to the scent of anyone in heat, and taking a moment to think it over, she started moving toward Serenity slowly and quietly. Hearing her continuing to slurp on Chris's manhood, the bunny thought of how Serenity was licking her drool off of Chris, and even if Serenity was doing it unknowingly, Rose found it somehow exciting as she drew closer and closer to Serenity.

Carefully climbing over Chris, Rose positioned herself behind Serenity on all fours, with her face toward Serenity's womanhood and her own hovering over Chris's face. Looking back, she started thinking of how hot it would be to let herself drip all over his face as he slept, letting Serenity mark his manhood while she marked his face, and with a blush, she reached between her legs and started fingering herself before facing forward. Hesitating for a moment, she leaned forward and started sniffing Serenity's slit, taking in her female scent and growing all the more aroused by it. Still unable to understand why her body was being drawn to such a thing, Rose leaned forward and suddenly gave Serenity's slit a long lick, making her gasp and shoot up under the sheets in surprise. "M-Mas?! Ch-Chris?!" she whispered loudly, thinking he'd woken up and was returning the favor. Remaining quiet, Rose dragged her tongue through Serenity's slit again before sucking on her lips, making Serenity moan in pleasure. "Ch-Chris..." she called out quietly. Under the sheets, Serenity was biting her lip, shuddering excitedly before arching back when Rose gave her clit a hard suck. "Ch-Chri---is...!!" she whimpered as Rose pulled her mouth away with a juicy sound. "I-It dirty Chris... I-I not wash..." Serenity point out. Hearing this, something clicked in Rose again, the same naughty kink of being responsible for cleaning up she'd felt when she was taking Chris into her mouth. In response, she pushed her tongue into Serenity's slit and dragged it through it, slurping on Serenity making her clutch she sheets underneath and bite her lip as the bunny pulled Serenity's fresh flavor into her mouth and savored it.

Trying to make her voice sound as deep as she could, Rose responded with a quiet "mmm" making Serenity moan again. "Y-You like it dirty?" she asked, Rose responding with a deep "mm-hmm" in response before sucking on Serenity's lips again, making her gasp beneath the sheets. "N-Naughty. You like it dirty..." Serenity giggled excitedly. "Th-That good... That mean you still like it when we go places. I not have to worry..." she cooed as Rose soothingly kissed along Serenity's slit. "A-Ah... I-I like it when y-you dirty too. T-Taste good too." Serenity shuddered, gritting her teeth as Rose slurped on her slit before lowering her head and sucking Chris back into her mouth. Bobbing her head once more, she wanted to give him the same pleasure she thought he was giving her, and getting herself so into it, she pushed her hips back and started smearing her womanhood against Rose's face, not even noticing the feeling of the bunny's fur and muzzle as she excitedly begged to be licked more. Excited by this herself, Rose shoved her face into Serenity's slit, shoving her tongue in as deep as she could getting moan after moan out of Serenity. "Y-Yes! L-Lick me, lick me---!" Serenity whimpered. After a moment, Rose surprised Serenity again by dragging her tongue over her butt hole, causing Serenity to arch again. "N-Not there...!" she panicked. About to pull out from the sheets, Rose pushed Serenity forward, making Serenity gasp as her face pressed against Chris's manhood. "P-Please not there..." she begged, only for Rose to drag her tongue over Serenity's hole once more making Serenity whimper while biting her lip under the sheets before the bunny pushed her tongue inside, getting a surprising sound of intense arousal out of Serenity.

"Th-That hole... H-Hole wrong." she pant, looking at Chris's member with a dazed glaze in her eyes. "T-Take out... T-Take out!" she pant, only for the rabbit to press her face into Serenity's crack allowing her to push her tongue in deeper making Serenity moan again with a flush on her face. "F-Feel funny..." Serenity pant as Rose pulled her tongue out and dragged it through Serenity's crack before tenderly suckling on her tail bone, making Serenity tense up before kissing her way back down, the soft pecks making Serenity's heart flutter before nearly pounding out of her chest when Rose started making out with her hole, kissing it and slurping on it making Serenity moan and coo Chris's name repeatedly until she finally pushed her butt into Rose's face, accepting anal as she resumed satisfying Chris's member, taking it in her mouth and sloppily slurping all over it while Rose shoved her tongue into Serenity's butt once more, twirling it around while pressing her face back into Serenity's crack for the best reach with her tongue. Behind Rose, her womanhood was oozing all over Chris's face as her fingers continued exploring herself, while Serenity's slit oozed all over Chris's torso, the two losing themselves in their own world of rapture. Pulling her tongue out and shoving it in repeatedly, Rose had Serenity's butt hole oozing with her drool, eagerly catching it with her tongue and shoving it back in while Serenity licked and kissed all over Chris's length, leaning her head forward and licking his sack as well, taking it into her mouth and rolling her tongue all over it, wanting to respond to what she thought was Chris's kinkiness with the same on her part.

Eventually, the two brought themselves closer and closer to a simultaneous climax, with Serenity unknowingly being savored and pleasured by Rose as the bunny excitedly fingered herself, the two in the same dazed state as their pheromones continued mixing and building around them. Beneath the two, Chris was stirring more and more, his body flushing and sweating as he remained oblivious to the intense scenario occurring right on top of his body. After a moment, Serenity could feel the obvious signs of Chris climbing to the edge himself, his member throbbing and thickening in her mouth as she continued slurping him and taking his length to the back of her throat, tears streaming from her eyes as she struggled to handle the intense pleasure Rose was giving her through anal. Behind her, Rose could feel Serenity's muscles squeezing and clamping around her tongue, letting her know Serenity was growing all the closer to the point of no return. Realizing she was getting Serenity into anal play the same as she was, Rose couldn't help but grow all the more excited over having someone by her side with the same fetish secretly tucked away, and as if to reward Serenity, the bunny went all out on her butt hole, suddenly latching her mouth onto it and sucking roughly with her tongue thrashing madly within, making Serenity's teeth grit and her eyes roll with a flush brighter than ever on her face. "G-Gaaaaah...!!" she groaned, her heart racing faster than ever. "G-G-G...!!" she stuttered before lowering her face. "G-Go... Go---od!!" she moaned, admitting having what she thought was Chris's tongue in her butt felt amazing before she excitedly started bobbing her head on his manhood in a final effort to make him climax with her.

Feeling her first orgasm from anal rushing through her, Serenity felt Chris's member growing closer and closer to releasing his seed while Rose struggled to hold in her feminine moans, trying to keep her voice deep as she brought herself right to the tip of the edge while savoring Serenity's hole, passionately kissing and licking it until finally Serenity let out a muffled shout, her body tensing up stiff as a board as her muscles clamped so tightly Rose thought her tongue was going to be snatched off, quickly pulling it out as her own orgasm rushed over her making the bunny's body arch back. With the two now climaxing together, the two were oozing all the more all over Chris, struggling to hold in their voices as best they could only for Serenity's eyes to shoot open when she felt Chris's tip suddenly shoot out a large blast of his seed, the hot and sticky substance hitting the back of her throat before oozing down as another shot did the same, followed by another making Serenity shut her eyes tightly as she started submissively swallowing every bit he released into her throat, doing her best to focus as her orgasm continued rushing through her body. Eventually, right as her climax gradually came to its end, Chris finished unloading himself, Serenity taking her que to pull her mouth away and gasp for air with sticky trails of his cum and her drool trailing between his member and her lips. Behind her, Rose had a look of total ecstasy on her face, having finally obtained the relief she desperately longed for throughout the day as her body remained arched before she slightly came to and weakly crawled off Chris and returned to her place at his side, leaving his face covered in her wetness as Serenity pulled herself out from under the sheets.

Remaining on her knees, Serenity let out a quiet "w-wow..." of surprise, panting the words before looking back at Chris's face, noticing how covered it was thinking it was her own arousal that had smeared all over him as she believed he was eating her out. "N-Naughty. Do that to me, then pass out... That not fair." she cooed as a shudder ran through her body, reaching behind herself and touching her butt. "Y-You good. You very good." she giggled before getting off as well and laying against his opposite side. "Wanted to do more... But think that enough for tonight." she whispered, patting his chest with a smile while feeling too weak to continue their session. Having been given the satisfaction she too longed for, Serenity rest her head and closed her eyes, letting out a sigh of relief before Rose did the same, the two seemingly glowing with wide smiles on their faces while Chris lay between them sweating and worn out. After a few minutes passed, he let out a groan and opened his eyes slightly, feeling as though he'd been drained of the energy he should've been gathering from his slumber as he raised up. Rubbing his head, he paused when he felt how wet it was, pulling his hand away with an "eh?" before looking down and realizing his torso was just as wet. Still in a dazed and half conscious state, Chris thought he'd been sweating profoundly in his sleep, that being the reason he felt so uncomfortable and weak as he looked at Serenity and Rose by his sides, the two now dozing peacefully and appearing as though they couldn't be more comfortable. Wishing he was the same, Chris let out a groan as he wiped his face with his sleeve, letting out a "whew" as he crawled out from the sheets and went toward the door.

Looking at Alicia, the snake looked just as comfortable as the others, still on her back with her mouth agape as random snores escaped her lips. Figuring she'd be the one uncomfortable, Chris sighed and shook his head before slipping on his shoes and quietly opening the door, thinking he was too hot and needed some of the crisp night air. Quietly stepping out, he showed a relieved look as he took in a deep breath of the fresh air, stretching his arms up before noticing Rapidash staring at him wide eyed, having paused in the middle of walking past. Tilting his head, Chris responded with a "Hey..." while raising his hand, the horse remaining frozen with its eyes focused toward Chris's bottom half. "...Sup?" he added, raising an eyebrow before looking down as well, noticing his member dangling out. For a moment, Chris merely stood looking down at himself, letting out an "...ah" before casually tucking it back in his fly and adjusting his robe around himself better. However, as he faced Rapidash again, Chris's mind finally snapped out of its dazed state, causing his eyes to shoot open and his color to fade. "A-Ah!! S-Sorry!!" he apologized, waving his hand nervously as the horse's eye began to twitch. "W-We're good, right? N-No harm done?" Chris smiled. Watching the horses eye continue to twitch in a disturbed state, Chris warily turned back toward the still open entrance to the carriage. "I-I'll just go back inside... Yeah?" he laughed nervously. However, as his back faced Rapidash and he started climbing back in, the horse showed a sudden furious look before turning around and backing up toward Chris, and next thing he knew he felt the rear hooves of the horse make painful impact with his own rear end, sending Chris abruptly flying back into the carriage with a loud "E--OUCH!!!" and slamming into the opposite side, making the carriage lean on two wheels causing the door to shut before it slammed back down on all four making the girls within bounce in the air, causing them to let out a collective scream as they were shocked out of their sleep.

Within, all three were having a panic attack, each looking around in terror before noticing Chris in an upside down state atop part of Alicia's body, knocked unconscious from the impact causing the girls to blink and tilt their heads bewildered. About to reach out and pull him off the snake, Serenity and Rose froze wide eyed when his robe slipped down, exposing his legs and boxers before his now flaccid member flopped out of his fly and dangled before them. Seeing this, all three flushed brightly and merely looked at his crotch, bewildered over what had occurred and stopped dead in their tracks by the view that resulted from their puzzling awakening...