What a Fun Night for a Curse

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#12 of Commissions

Joseph was not feeling well at all. He'd been stumbling around the woods for a while, feeling like it would be a good idea to stay away from people for the time being. Eventually though, he couldn't keep away from civilization. The big, ill-feeling stallion dragged his hooves over to a barn he happened across and sealed himself inside.

Luke meanwhile was having trouble sleeping. The urge had taken him and it wouldn't let go. There was only one thing for it, and that was to go pay the horses in the stables a visit. In secret. Little did he realize someone was already there, and was 'tending' to the horses in quite the interesting way.

This was a commission for PleasureBot, a sort of were-transformation story, but instead of becoming a big hairy version of himself, Joseph turned into a huge feral stallion with an insatiable lust. Who could guess what would come of that, considering the author?

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Heavy hoof-falls passed through the trees of the forest, muffled by the loam of fall. They were irregular, suggesting that whoever was making them was stumbling. They could be hurt, tired, or sick. As it turned out, sick was closest to the truth. The tall Arabian groaned as he shuffled through the woods, wrapping his arms around his stomach as if he were nauseous. But that wasn't the case. He felt a strange and powerful discomfort spreading through his abdomen and chest. He didn't feel sick, but he knew something wasn't right. He had been feeling like this, growing progressively worse, ever since nightfall. And now, so late that likely everyone within twenty miles was probably asleep, he was all alone. The stallion was scared, facing whatever this was all by himself.

Joseph grunted as he stopped, leaning against a tree at the edge of a clearing. His vision was blurring from whatever was affecting him. He needed someplace he could rest. Luckily, he had stumbled across the edge of a farm. Within a short distance by hoof stood a barn. Relief filled him immediately. The powerful stallion stumbled forward as he approached, desperate for somewhere to conceal himself while he was unwell. His shirt and trousers had grown tight on him. He'd been getting bigger, and that worried him. If this kept up, soon he'd be too big to get them off, and they would likely shred.

The barn door swung open just far enough for him to slip in and he closed it behind him. Joseph leaned against the wooden barrier, feeling a little more at ease, but his relief was short-lived.

Almost immediately, new scents filled his flaring nostrils. The scent of other horses, feral ones. He wheeled around and pressed his back against the door to find he'd made his way into a stable full of them, stallions and mares alike. As his gaze passed over them one at a time, his breath grew faster, becoming a strong pant. His frame grew larger. His clothes pulled tight.

Joseph couldn't stand it anymore.

The stallion nickered loudly as he began practically tearing his clothes off. He snorted and huffed as his eyes turned red. He threw his shirt aside then fell onto his hands and knees. The equine's form tensed and flexed. The already chiseled figure swelled, growing thicker, stronger, larger in every respect. Joseph's mane, already rather long and luxurious, grew thicker and fuller. His pants strained against his legs and rump before they finally gave way, ripping open in several places. Joseph nickered again as his hands hardened, solidifying into hooves and he stamped on the ground. His trousers now shredded, his uncovered lower half continued to grow. His groin, already impressive before, swelled and stretched. Soon, his shaft dangled low enough that the head dragged on the floor. His scrotum sagged between his flanks, each orb large enough to easily be bigger than his head before the change.

In but a few precious moments, the stallion was no longer able to walk upright. He stood at the closed entrance of the stable, casting his crimson gaze across the various other horses. The dark, cursed equine snorted loudly and began to practically prance his way over to the nearest mare. His shaft throbbed and thickened as he came to arousal. The Night-Stallion had found its prey. And a lot of them.

Luke tossed and turned in his bed, unable to get comfortable. The slim but fit equine fellow just couldn't fall asleep. He'd been in bed for an hour already, but he just couldn't find peace. Finally, he sat up with a groggy frown. He knew what this was. The itch was getting to him again. Much as he wanted to sleep, he had to go take care of business before his body would let him. With a yawn, he climbed out of bed and clopped over to the door. He didn't even bother getting dressed. There wasn't any point. He lived alone in the little cottage, one of several meant for the ranch hands. It was late, so everyone would be asleep. And for what he had in mind, clothes would just get in the way.

Without a word, Luke left the cottage behind and walked across the grass to the stables. As he approached, his sleepy demeanor melted into a goofy, giddy grin. No one knew that he did this. It was considered taboo after all. That's why he usually waited until night to sneak off to do it. Just thinking about it sent a shiver up his spine. His sheath throbbed as flesh began to slide free. The itch was powerful tonight. And he was thinking he needed to visit one of the boys rather than one of the girls.

As the brown and white gypsy stallion drew closer, he slowed his pace. There was noise coming from inside. And Luke was familiar with that kind of noise. He frowned and hurried once he had some idea of what was going on. The barn door was prone to squeaking if it was opened too far. That might catch someone's attention. Luke knew just how far he could open it before it made noise. Carefully, he pulled on the latch and opened the barn. Immediately, his nose was awash in a sea of male hormone. It was so powerful it almost made his knees buckle. Luke gasped and leaned against the closed half of the door for support to steady himself. Whatever was in there causing all of this, it was strong.

Luke slipped in through the narrow gap and closed it back up. The sound of a stallion rutting, almost as if it was angry, filled the stable. The newcomer looked throughout the stables, astonished to find that every single one of the horses was heavily swollen. Even the males. Luke approached one of the stallions and ran his palm gently up along its muzzle.

"Hey there, are you okay? What did this to you?" He asked, not expecting an answer. The question was for him to voice his concern more than anything.

The deep russet male grunted quietly, seeming quite calm and content. Luke stepped further along the stallion's side and pressed his palms against the ridiculously bloated gut. It bowed out on either side so wide he was going to have trouble getting out of his stall. And the barrel sagged so low that it would be impossible to get a saddle around it. It was extremely warm to the touch and yielded as Luke pressed gently against it. It was as if the big brown boy had drunk a small lake. It was then that Luke noticed something else. The floor was sticky. He looked down to see a great deal of white staining the hay under him. The gypsy horse dropped into a crouch to have a better look, and as he did so, he noticed that this particular stallion was stiff, or more specifically, it looked like he had been completely stiff until recently. And he was still drooling quite heavily.

Luke stood back up and moved to walk all the way around the bloated horse, wanting to complete his examination. As he reached the stallion's rump, he noticed a heavy white smear trailing down from under his tail along the inside of his flanks. Something had mounted and filled him. And apparently this boy had liked it. The stallion swung his head about to look back at the smaller horse, then began trying to back up into him, spreading his flanks. Did he actually want more!?

"Easy there, big guy. Let's not get carried away," Luke said as he quickly tried to shuffle out from behind the apparently needy stallion, "Let's just see what's causing all the commotion before we get too distracted."

Luke left the stallion behind, who tried to follow but just didn't have the heart. He was weighed down and didn't want to have to try and wedge himself through the stall door. The young farm-hand continued down the row of stalls, unable to believe what he saw. And he had to admit, it was enticing. Part of him wished he could produce so much. As he reached the end, he discovered the source of all the trouble. There, rutting away against the last male in the stables was a large stallion, black as the night, eyes glowing red, flanks flexing powerfully, nostrils flaring. The scent was strongest here. It was coming from him as he rutted the male under him. The grey mustang nickered and whinnied as his belly swelled and sagged. He even left a sizable stain of white on the ground under him.

And still the dark stallion continued on. He didn't stop until the male he was filling was just as swollen as all the other horses. When it was clear he couldn't dump anymore into this one without it gushing back out around him, the nightmarish horse withdrew and shook his big head. It was then that those crimson eyes fell upon Luke. Luke who was almost painfully hard at this point.

"H-hello there big guy." The brown and white fellow stammered. It wasn't fear that had claimed him. It was dizziness brought on by the powerful scent of masculine release.

The dark stallion brayed and trotted forward towards him. Luke backpedaled with his hands out to stop the large fellow.

It didn't work terribly well.

"Woah woah woah! Easy there big guy! Just ease down! Ease down." Luke tried his best to calm the clearly excited stud.

He looked past the mysterious beast to see the grey mustang whining as it tried to turn around and follow, clearly wanting more. Luke looked back at the big, dark creature before him, more intrigued than ever. What could this monster possess or do that could leave even males wanting to be rutted, even after being filled to the point where they could take no more?

Luke was interested in finding out.

"You're pretty popular." He said.

The dark stallion bobbed his head and brayed again, nosing forward at the brown and white figure in front of him. He was getting antsy.

"Steady now. Steady. You still want more, huh? A whole stable full of holes to fill and it's still not enough?" Luke reached up with a hand cautiously.

The stallion permitted him to rest his fingers on his muzzle and stroke gently. He even allowed Luke to bring his other hand up as well and run along his chin.

For a brief moment, the two seemed at ease with one another, just staring each other eye to eye.

"You're a big, handsome boy. Where'd you come from?" Luke asked. Again, he didn't expect an answer.

What he got was a renewed interest from the stallion to continue his efforts. He stepped forward willfully and Luke had to stop him again.

"Woah now! Easy! Alright, alright. I'd planned on spending a little quality time with Ghost over there," he pointed at the grey mustang still huffing for breath, "But it looks like you got to him before I could. So, why don't you come with me, and we'll see if I can't take care of you myself?"

Luke grinned, moving to the side and backing away to try and guide the stallion down along the stalls again. The dark beast nickered softly and followed, stamping his hooves a little too eagerly as he pursued. The painted equine continued his backwards walk until he reached the nearest empty stall. Thankfully, none of the other horses they passed were willing to force themselves out of their stalls for another round. Their sides were just too wide to fit comfortably through. And thankfully, the nightmarish creature, so darkly handsome, had eyes only for the only unused horse in the barn.

The farm-hand guided the big black stallion into the empty stall and made a wide circle. It brought the intrusive beast completely into the stall and Luke back around to the entrance. Deftly, the brown and white fellow tugged on the stall door, closing it behind him. He slipped an arm through an opening just large enough for him to reach and latched the door so it would stay closed. Now he was trapped with the mysterious beast.

"There. Now it's just us. Let's see what you're working with, hmm?" Luke said.

He stepped to the side and crouched a bit to look down under the big beast. What he saw made his breath catch in his throat. The stallion's rod was so large, it was bigger around than one of Luke's thighs. Suddenly, he wasn't sure if he could fit around something like that. But he was certainly interested in trying. The upright horse moved along the large beast's side, reaching down to grip at the giant rod below, giving it a gentle squeeze and stroke.

The black stallion rumbled and bobbed his head. He approved, clearly. He even began to stamp one of his hooves a little as Luke kept up his work.

"I know, big guy. I know. Don't you worry. We'll get you there." The eager farm-hand said.

He wasn't moving fast enough for the stallion though.

Before Luke could react, the black beast had changed position and pushed on his back with his muzzle, tipping the farm-hand forward. Luke yelped in surprise, then began to tremble as he felt the broad chest of the creature over him. The impossibly huge shaft he'd felt over just moments ago was now pressing against him from behind. The gypsy horse was not prepared. He knew it. He looked around quickly for something he could use to brace himself, but nothing proved useful. So he did the only thing he could. Luke lifted his hands to press against the two powerful forelegs now framing his vision. That was enough for the moment. The dark monster stepped forward, taking away Luke's support for the moment, as he began to rudely force his way in. If only the gypsy had remembered to grab his stand, the wooden support he'd built for just this activity and kept hidden in the barn.

The smaller equine cried out as his rump was parted and stretched so tremendously wide. How he had managed to accept something so big was beyond him. It must have been all the practice he'd gotten with Ghost and the other males in the barn. Whatever the case, he couldn't be bothered to ponder it. Not when he had a tree trunk of a shaft pushing into him. His jaw fell slack and his eyes glazed over. There wasn't nearly as much discomfort as he assumed there would be. Instead, it was merely the most intense experience he'd ever been a part of. And that was just the start.

The frightening stallion bobbed his head and snorted, already beginning to hump. It was odd for him, not having something to mount, but he didn't seem to mind that much. He'd found another hole to fill and he was going to do just that. The beast flexed his flanks and pressed forward with incredible strength. It stool Luke's breath away as a solid foot of rigid, pulsing equine flesh found its way into him. The gypsy moved a hand to his stomach, feeling a profound tightness there. He knew what it was. The other horses always stretched him enough to feel it from outside. This, however, was in a league all its own. He looked down at the swell in his abdomen, twitching under his short fur. Never had anything so big been shoved in him, and Luke was loving it. He even began to rock back into the titan stuffing him.

"Oh god yes... I... I don't know... where you came from... but I'm glad you're here!" Luke managed to spit out.

The night-stallion remained indifferent to the smaller male's words. He just pumped as best he could given such a small partner. He wouldn't be denied the chance to properly slake his lust. And so far, this little creature was doing a pretty good job of it. Luke was jostled about roughly as much as Ghost had been while this mysterious stallion had mounted him. It would have been more if there had been something for Luke to lean against underneath. As it was, he'd been forced to lean forward until his hands were on the straw-covered floor.

Things were going well for Luke at this point. His own shaft bobbed about, aching for release, as he rocked back and forth, his rump flexing and squeezing the thing inside him. But it was about then that he noticed something. His stomach was swelling. This wasn't just from the withdraw and return dive into his bowels with each stroke. This was something else completely, and he was getting bigger. It was as if something was simply pouring into him at a steady rate.

The stallion was already cumming? That couldn't be right, could it?

The harder they pushed against one another, the more Luke's belly sloshed and swayed. He was desperate for breath, even as he felt his belly grow so far that the black stallion's shaft could no longer be seen bulging his gut. There was enough in him now that each withdrawal resulted in a slightly larger coating of whatever it was on the member currently plugged in him. The scent he'd almost been knocked over by as he entered the barn filled his nostrils again, clearing away any semblance of good sense. He needed this monster to ride him until he was raw and fill him until he was leaking from both ends. Maybe that was why all the other horses were so eager and needy. This creature's scent was pushing him into a lust-driven fever.

And then a mighty and terrible whinny filled the stall. The black stallion had hit his peak. Again. No one had been present to actually count the number of times he'd climaxed, but it had to be better than twenty. That was how many horses they kept in the stables. This made twenty-one.

If Luke felt full before, he was definitely going to now. It was as if someone had tamed a waterfall and concentrated it to pour right into him. His stomach surged outward, forcing his legs apart. The brown and white equine couldn't even properly cry out under the incredible strain of holding so much seed. Gallons of the stuff poured in, and somehow he managed to accept every drop without bursting. In but moments, Luke's belly was large enough for him to be able to pass for a lady about to give birth. To a litter of six.

The big stallion on top of him huffed as his climax waned. Clearly he must have managed to get most of it out of his system by the time Luke reached him. There was no way he'd taken what the other horses had. Saying anything about it would be pointless. For now, the farm-hand just stood there, bent over, his legs aching from use, a hand on his belly.

And then the stallion started up again.

Luke whined and moaned as his anus was so thoroughly abused. But he didn't whine out of pain or displeasure. He whined because he couldn't find a decent posture to support himself. Maybe that was part of why his current lover didn't contribute nearly as much. Maybe he wasn't as good as a big, strong mustang or mare from one of the other stalls. It didn't really matter much. In only a precious few moments, he could feel the stallion already cumming again, flooding his belly with another torrent, this one inexplicably bigger than the first.

Support quickly became a non-issue. Luke's stomach stretched so far that it touched the ground finally, giving the brown and white fellow something to lean on. And because of that, the dark creature filling him suddenly had something to push against. His rutting became more forceful, if that were possible, and he continued to bray and nicker on top of the bloated male. And he just kept filling the farm-hand.

Luke was in for one hell of a night, and he was soaking up every second of it.

The night passed much like that. The dark stallion rutted away at Luke. Luke managed to pull himself off the huge beast only to offer him another means of stimulation. That never went well. The huge, black-maned interloper would eventually get frustrated and fed up and just mount the growing equine ball. Finally, though, the black stallion had gotten his fill. He withdrew from Luke's grasp and dropped into a relaxed, laying posture.

Luke let himself collapse against the beast, still panting ferociously for air. His stomach was so huge by now, he couldn't stand up straight and walk without dragging it on the ground. And that was if he could even move. The farm-hand sighed happily, completely unaware of the sticky mess he'd made on his own stomach. That wasn't really the point now. He leaned back into his supposed lover and found it very comfortable and relaxed. Even the warmth of being so full left him positively glowing.

Sleep would need to be had, Luke knew. Maybe he could get up early enough to take care of a few things and smuggle this big creature out somewhere safe and sound. In Luke's mind, the fertile stallion was no one's but his.

"Ooo, thanks big guy. You keep that up and I may have to just build you a stable of your very own," The gypsy horse chuckled, finding it difficult to fight off fatigue now. Before he fall asleep completely, he managed to say, "See you in the morning, honey."

He said it as if he were talking to someone else.

"I'm gonna get some sleep." And that was the last thing Luke could will himself to say in the moment. He leaned his side against the comforting presence of the black stallion. The creature swung his large head around and nosed softly at the grand bloat he'd given the smaller horse. Sleep found the farm-hand, and then not long after, the beast as well.

Joseph woke just as the sun was beginning to creep up over the horizon to find himself naked, in a horse stall, and accompanied by an enormously swollen equine of brown and white. He shuddered as he remembered vague images of the night's events. It was like a strange dream, but the proof was threatening to pin him under the weight of a few hundred gallons of night-stallion spunk.

Terrified at the prospect of what he might have done, Joseph extricated himself from the weight of the snoozing gypsy horse, then proceeded to find a way out. He shoved his arm through the opening in the stall door to unlatch it. From there, it was a simple matter of swinging it open. The tall, dark, and handsome stallion raced through the barn, noticing the inhabitants and their enormous stomachs. He'd done that to all of them. He knew it. Joseph grabbed his shirt and shoved it on as quickly as he could manage, then kicked the barn door open and bolted out.

The loud bang of a large, heavy hoof on wood jerked the sleeping stallion back to wakefulness. By the time Luke woke, his belly had shrunk. But not by much. He yawned loudly and roused only to find he was laying in the straw without the beast he'd been used by so thoroughly the night before. It'd been at least four times the nightmarish monster had flooded his belly, eventually making him so big that the belly itself gave them both something to push against.

Luke whined a little as he saw the stall door was open. With great effort, he climbed to his hooves and began trying to waddle out. It was a bit of a squeeze, but he managed it.

"Damn. He's gone. How the hell did he get the stall door open without breaking it?" He asked aloud.

Just then, he realized he had bigger problems. The stallions he tended to were still pretty swollen, though a bit smaller of belly than fresh off the black beauty's rod. The mares, however, had gotten even bigger. Concerned, Luke squeezed his way into one of the stalls and tried to examine one of them. As he pressed his palms against the big girl's side, he realized he could feel movement inside her. He jumped back with a start, then noticed she had somehow developed a very large, very heavy, very leaky udder.

She was foaling.

After a single night and no doubt several good fillings, she was almost ready to drop. It had been less than eight hours and she was so far along she likely was ready to give birth that day. Luke tried to make sense of this, but there wasn't an easy way to explain it.


How was he going to explain this to the boss? Every single horse in the stable was bloated, and all of the females were about to foal. They hadn't been pregnant at all the night before, and now they were all about to be mothers. Quietly, Luke shuddered as he forced himself to ask the question 'Will that happen to me too?'. When he forced himself to answer yes, even purely hypothetically, a new shudder ran up his spine. He didn't actually hope he was going to foal, did he? Was the stallion's powerful scent strong enough to alter his mind to the point where he actually wanted it? Surely not. Of course, if that were the case, Luke couldn't really find a reason why he shouldn't enjoy it. He squeezed back out of the stall and sighed, trying to figure out what he was going to tell everyone. But he was distracted.

Whatever that creature was that came through last night, Luke had decided he wanted--no, needed-- to find it. He wouldn't get ridden that good ever again if he didn't. And he wanted it back so badly. Quickly, Luke caught himself and took a few slow, deep breaths, trying to get his mind out of the gutter.

To help take his mind off it, Luke waddled over and grabbed one of the brooms. As he set to work sweeping the barn floor, managing to do so in spite of his gut, he noticed the tattered scraps of what looked like a pair of trousers. That's when it hit him. Maybe that beast had been an ordinary person. How else would the door have been opened?

A slow, mischievous grin spread across the gypsy horse's muzzle. Maybe if he caught this guy, he could convince him to change again, perhaps give him another ride.

No! He had to focus on sweeping. He couldn't give any sign that he was affected by this other than his huge gut and his very sore backside.

"Wherever you are out there, mystery horse man, I hope I can find you. You've got me hooked." Luke said under his breath with a huge smile.

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"I'm tellin' you, another round and I'd have been fine." A purple fox said, sounding half complaining. "Maybe, but it's late, and I don't want to have to drag you back to your place. That and I'm already past when I wanted to be home tonight." Replied...

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