Snow Daze

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While this uses the same character from my other story "A Day at the Doctors" these stories aren't connected.

*Warning: Contains consensual sex acts between minors, if you're offended by this please go no further. *


A near silent noise echoed through the barrier of sleep, slowly and steadily getting louder and louder. "Gooood Mooring!" The too happy announcer said through the speakers of the clock radio "But it won't be too good for long. Traffic is backed up on the 25, expect delays for construction, alternate routes are advised. In weather, it's looking like it's going to end up being a cold day, it's 35 right now but steadily cooling by noon expect to be in the mid 20's. Chance of snow is looking like 80%." the 13-year-old fox rolled over looking at the clock, the radio station noisily bouncing around the room, the numbers blinked 6:20. A slow moving paw fumbled over the buttons and switches until the droning noise of the announcer stopped. Morning comes too early especially when your finally having a good dream, he thought. Closing his dreary eyes once again, slowing fading back into the sweet unconsciousness of sleep.

The door burst open and the bright overhead light turned on, "Jordan! You had a four day weekend since you were sick on Thursday and Friday, you should be well rested by now, hurry up and take a shower. I'll have breakfast ready in 15 minutes" Her loud voice knocking him into the world of the waking, missing most of what she said.

"Right mom..." The weak response barely left his dry muzzle, pulling himself out of bed, blankets falling to a heap around aching footpaws, the evidence of the nights blissful sleep evident on his body as he walked down the hall, weight unsteadily shifting to and fro. The fan in the bathroom kicked on with a groan as the light switched was flicked. Jordan dabbled a line of toothpaste on the brush, quickly brushing his teeth as he looked into the mirror. Light powder blue fur traced his body up and down only a light covering of white encircled his belly. The night of tossing and turning caused the odd patch of fur to stick up in random places, sleep traced the corner of his dark green eyes. He reached over toggling the shower handle, steam slowly filled the cool room as he relived himself in the tub, the hot water washing it quickly down the drain. The little fox climbed over the high tub, hot water instantly washing over his fur, heat filling every sense every pore, spitting the foaming paste into the tub and washing out his mouth with the spraying water. After rubbing the bubbling shampoo all over his wet fur and washing it out, he slowly increased the temperature until it was almost to hot to stand, closing sleepy eyes, only having one thing pass though his mind, the nights dream, having that wonderful ghostly image touching, making his body feel as though it was an oven. His heart beat back and forth as his little willy stood at full attention.

"Jordan hurry up, breakfast is ready!" The matron yelled up the stairs.

The fox sighed turning off the water and quickly drying himself off, walking back to his room stark naked leaving the dirty clothes on the floor. Opening the closet Jordan pulled on a simple set of jeans and a t-shirt with a slogan "'Aint nobody's business but my own" on it and pulling on a thin black hoody. The smell of pan cooked bacon filled the air, on the wooden table sat a plate full of pancakes, bacon and a copious amount of syrup. "Mom this looks amazing! why are you cooking so much today?" A paw scratching the underside of his damp chin.

"Thank you" she blushed a little "well it is your first day back and I want you to go back with a full stomach and a clear head." she smiled, the plain brown furred fox pulled on a big jacket. "Now it's going to be cold, I set you out a jacket and gloves, wear it, I don't want you getting sick again. They say it's going to snow a lot"

"Alright mom, I'll be sure just to do that" he said between mouthfuls of pancake.

"And.... don't make a mess, I'll be home around 8pm" she said, closing the door behind her.

Finishing off the plate and rising in the sink, he walked over to the living room looking at the big puffy jacket, dissatisfaction crossed his face, "Nah, it won't be that bad" He ignored the jacket just putting on the beanie, pulling it tightly down around his head and walking out of the door.

Rolling dark gray clouds filled the sky, light on the bottom but as the clouds shifted up the gray darkened, blotting out the sun. Every breath Jordan took, a hazy mist left his mouth, the sub-freezing temperatures didn't bother him, he'd grown up in Colorado his entire life and was used to the cold and snow. The walk to the bus stop was short as he cut through a narrow alleyway, where high school kids hung out amidst the debris of trash and old discarded appliances. Amass of kids waited on the empty street corner all bundled up in their warmest clothes that their worried mothers probably made them wear.

"Hey Jordan!" A young hyper little fox ran up, looking comically big in an overly puffy jacket and scarf that made his head look two sizes to big."Glad to see you back, hopefully you had fun over your long weekend." Kyle lightly slugged him on the shoulder, the tightly wrapped scarf made his voice seem distant. Kyle had been Jordan's best friend ever since the first grade.

"Ohhh, it was amazing and you'll never believe what happened." he coyly smiled

"Tell me, Tell me" The big bundle of clothes pleaded.

"After school, we can meet up at my house and play some games, mom won't be home 'till 7."

"Sounds like a plan, but you're gonna make me wait for the news?"

A short female fox bounded up, Sara was a head shorter than Jordan but he always liked to talk to her and her beauty could never be matched. Of course he could never tell her that or how much he really liked her. He always bottled up his feelings and cast them aside afraid because his stomach always jumped into his throat whenever she talked to him.

"Hey Jordan" she smiled, wearing a light pink ski jacket with matching gloves and a hello kitty beanie. Jordan zoned out remembering the time he'd seen her during swimming class, while running some errands for Mr. Bandon the science teacher. Her fur shimmering red, damp from the water, tracing down her sleek frame while she had white streaks running up her thighs to who knows where.

"Jordan" She snapped "good to see you back, did you finish all the homework I gave to your mother?" Sara put open palms against her hips with a inquisitive look.

"Of...of...of..course" He bumbled out, caught off guard in his day dream.

"Smooth" Kyle whispered in his ear, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Good because I went through all that extra work of going to your house, just so you won't be left behind in class." She smiled returning to the gaggle of girls all huddling around each other.

"Thanks..." his weak voice trailed off.

"Aren't you cold by the way Jordan? It's freezing today." Kyle exaggerated the shiver, moving his whole body.

"Nah, I'd have to be much colder, unlike you I love the cold and the snow more than any other weather."

"Of course you do..."

The yellow bus pulled up to the curb as all the children hastily jumped inside, the heater filled the bus with hot musty air. The guys sat in the back, while all the girls congregated near the front, the mumbling of children filled the bus as it bounced, bound for the school. The ride was dull as usual, besides the little argument over who was better at some game or something like that was the only excitement. Jordan sat with his head against the cold glass, hot breath fogging it up whenever he exhaled, just watching as cars passed back and forth, the ground moving in a rhythmic pattern. As the bus pulled into the school parking lot, little frozen pieces of rain started to fall slowly at first but by the time the kids started to pile off a blinding white curtain covered the morning sky, powdering the ground in a light white.

"Hmm, maybe we can get out early if this keeps up" Kyle smiled, jumping up and down from the thought.

"Maybe" Jordan dug cold paws deep into the hoody pockets, with the wind starting to blow the cool air cut right to the bone.

The common hall of the school served as both the cafeteria and a locker room, with bright red lockers dotting the outer rim. Jordan fought through the sea of kids all bumping and running into one another, stopping at 302 the locker he shared with Kyle, it was always a mess with papers and trash covering the bottom. Jordan pulled out a thick black backpack filled with books, weighing it down, hoisting it over his shoulder.

"HA!" A loud feminine voice shouted behind him "I knew it"

Kyle turned to see who it was startled, but from the sound of her voice it was Sara.

"Didn't even have your bag or books?" Raising an eyebrow "So how could you do that work I brought over?" The tone of her voice could have scared even an adult into doing what she said.

"" His voice refused to come out caught in the bottom of his throat.

"Well it doesn't matter to me either way but ....." She trailed off with concern in her eyes. "If you need some help with tutoring or something..." She held her left elbow with her right hand behind her back, footpaws shifting back and forth. "You know, you can always ask me."

"Like I'd ever need help from a girl" He snorted defensively.

"mmmph" She walked away perturbed.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid" Jordan tapped his forehead in time with the mantra.

The electronic bell rang and every student moved here and there, the wave of motion flowed down the halls as everyone went to their respective classes. Jordan moved down the west hall, the old brown carpet was stained and ripped in several places, the walls were cracked and the paint peeling, the old school didn't have the funds to repair and replace what was broken. His first class, silent reading followed by math, was held in the same room. The school couldn't afford desks for every room so they had 6 long tables set out, an old chalk stained blackboard hung on the wall, the ticking of the clock filled the quiet room as everyone read. Jordan stared across the room, as he pretended to read, at the table across sat Sara. Her eyes scrunched up and her left hand rested on her head as she read the book engrossed in the words. Jordan was lost in the endless thoughts as he just watched her from afar. I'm not good enough for her, those words traced through his head but was quickly pushed out as his own fears of asking her came to ahead. He was just scared of what she would say. Yes or no, one held confidence the other disappointment. The electronic bell chimed the 3 different tones, Jordan quickly looking away as Sara looked up noticing him. The teacher, a light red and white fox, stepped to the front of the classroom, writing the days lessons on the board. The teachers talking seemed distant as Jordan's mind was on other things, thinking about how he would bring his feelings to the front of a conversation with Sara but one after another they were scratched off the list as being too lame or stupid.

"Mr. Thompson"

Jordan snapped out of his day dream too late, the teacher was looking right at him pointing a large stick.

"Now if you were paying attention you'd know what we were talking about.. what was it?" Mr. Proctors cynical voice seemed to reverberate inside of Jordan's skull.

Jordan stood up quickly knocking his little plastic chair over, the class giggled quietly, a slight red could be seen under his cheekfur. " s.or..."

Sara stood up cutting him off "We were talking about adding fractions with the same denominator sir." She was looking down, her crossed fingers twitching.

"You are not Jordan, Miss Everett, but good job anyways. Jordan I want you paying attention, this will... be on the test."

"Sorry Mr." Jordan picked his chair up amidst snickers.

"Anyways..." The teacher continued.

Jordan felt like all eyes were on him for the entire class, that feeling of being the butt of jokes, the ones your not in on, but he felt relived that Sara would put herself out for him, taking the hit when it was clear he didn't know the answer.

The monotone teacher was interrupted by the tri-tones of the PA system, "Teachers and Students, due to the amounting snow the superintendent has decided that school will be let out early and will be canceled for the rest of the day..." It continued but was drowned out by the cheers coming from all of the classrooms as the whole school seemed to rock with the applause.

"Now, now, calm down everyone" Tapping his pointing stick on the blackboard as he waited for the students to calm. "OK, well you're free to go, but know that if you take the bus they'll be here in 20 minutes so just wait around, if you walk be careful it's getting dangerous out there." Mr. Proctor hugged the wall as the mass of students in the room bolted for the door.

Jordan waited behind not wanting to get suck in the mass, more or less waiting to talk to Sara as he noticed she remained sitting as well.

"Well Mr. Thompson seems you got quite a friend here, in that, she saved you from more embarrassment."

"Yes, sir." Jordan whispered almost inaudible.

"Now go on, get out of here, you don't want to be waiting around here when you could be out enjoying your day off. You know these don't come around much." Mr. Proctor smiled at Jordan as the two stood up and walked towards the door.

"Soo... Sara" Jordan nervously said as they stepped out of the classroom door. "I... I'm sor..rry about earlier." Rubbing that back of his head with and open paw. "Umm.. I think I..I would like it if we could han..g out sometime."

"I don't know Jordan you've been kind of a jerk..."

"Bu.." She cut him off with a finger.

"I do like you as a friend" She smiled "But you gotta work on the confidence."

"We..ll your a scary person to talk to, B..ut I will try to d.o better and thank you for he..lping me back there." He gulped mouth dry from nervousness.

"It's ok, you looked like you needed a little help. Now lets go put our stuff away and before the bus gets here."

They walked off together, joining the crowed as it moved through the narrow halls. Jordan stayed silent not knowing what to say, taking a glance over, he just saw her smiling.

The snow was falling in a fury, the thick wet snow obscured vision to only a few feet. The wind was cool, cutting straight to the bone as it whipped the snow on the streets into large drifts, already a foot deep, this was looking like the storm of the year. Trees bowed to the force of the snow and power lines drooped as it looked like a malevolent force was pulling them down. The bus slowly moved through the icy streets bouncing over pot holes and sliding around turns. All was quiet as the children knew how dangerous it could be, letting the driver concentrate. The bus slid to a stop across the street from a run down convenience store, the white sign hung with faded red letters. One by one the students stepped off the bus into the cold air, the wind howling with anger through the narrow alleys.

Jordan stepped off the bus, his feet sinking to the knee in the deep snow, the heavy wet snow instantly soaking through the thin hoody. Sara jumped off with a shiver but her high boots and thick jacket kept her warm, pulling her hat down, taking one step after another in the deep snow.

"S..o Sara" Jordan said shivering, the wet snow slowly soaking into his jeans, creeping up the pant leg. "When did you want to get together and do a little work?"

"How about..." A little voice from the bus cut her off

"Hey Jordan, we going to your house or what" Kyle said, his soft voice nearly being drowned out by the wind.

"How about some other day Kyle? I just wanna get home and get warm OK?"

"Whatever.." He turned around going into an alley behind the store, disappearing from view.

"Soo... Sara when do you wanna get together?"

"Well you look cold and my house is quite a bit closer." She smiled at him "So how about we go hang out and do a little work and wait for the snow to die down a little?" She made a motion for him to follow, grabbing his paw "Come on, it's not getting any warmer and looks like you didn't wear enough"

Jordan thrusted his free paw into the thin pocket, shivering uncontrollably as they walked each step was excruciating, the cold snow going up the wide jean openings. The knee high snow filled his shoes, a wet and sloppy sound squeaked out on each step. step after step, they got closer and closer, the courage that Sara gave him by holding his cold paw pushed him forward. The modest white single story home, with a chain link fence surrounding the front yard, seemed to blend in with the snow, the whiteness building up on the roof hung over the gutters and large icicles hung where holes had formed, causing large spikes to dangle above. Sara fumbled with the keys in her oversized gloves, the key scratched the brass handle as it found it's place, a resounding click floating through the air. The door burst open as Jordan tried to run inside his wet shoes slipping on the icy stoop, tumbling inside, falling on top of Sara on the warm tile floor. Their bodies and limbs tangling in a heap, snowy wetness dripped onto Sara's face as he laid on her chest looking into those deep frosty blue eyes.

"Hey..." She whispered.

"Hi... I mean sorry, sorry" Pushing himself up on unsteady paws, trying not to slip on the tile floor.

"It's alright, but next time it snows you really need to not dress like it's the summer. Oh, and try not to drip on the carpet too much." She smiled motioning down the hall "Come on to my room and I'll grab you a towel."

"Ok." He followed unsure of himself, from the light silver carpet to the clean white walls, the house put his to shame. Pictures of the family hung all down the hallway, their happiness evident in all of them. It made Jordan a little sad knowing she had such a good family life, his father left when he was too young to remember and his mom had to work two sometimes three jobs just to make ends barely meet, so she was hardly home, sometimes it was hard to remember who she was. He stood nervously in the center of her room, rubbing cold paws back and forth against one another.

"Well you might wanna get dry otherwise you're going to be cold even in this warm house, I'll leave you alone." She closed the door to the little room.

Looking around as his mind slowly came back, all this happening so fast it was hard to compute. A red frame bunk-bed sat in one corner, the bottom was nicely made while on top there was a random assortment of stuff, from extra blankets to a guitar case. A solid white entertainment center was sitting opposite the bed, dolls and other small stuff was spread out nicely across it.

Jordan pulled off the wet hoody as it dripped all over the clean carpet, the water leaving spots. The shirt stuck to his fur and as he pulled it off random clumps stuck straight up, the powder blue fur looked darker this wet, and the hairs stuck to one another forming a carpet of hair rather than a soft velvet blanket. The door opened and Sara averted her eyes looking at his bare chest. "Ohh sorry, h.heres a towel." She tossed it in the room quickly closing the door. Undoing the buckle, Jordan slipped the sopping wet jeans off throwing it on top of the hoody, the wet pile dripped onto the carpet.

"Hmm" He sighed out, the warm house air seemed cool as it drifted against his fur, causing a shiver to ripple through his little body. Running the towel over his fur, drying off as best as possible, he looked around the room for something to cover his nakedness. On the top bunk a faded blue and white throw sat neatly folded like it had been place with the utmost care, placing it around his shoulders it hung down to the ground, the heat warmed his ice cold body.

"Hey Sara, you can come back in now.." his timid voice seemed small.

"Ok." echoed through the door as she opened it, her eyes glued on Jordan and the blanket with a small look of surprise on her face.

"Is everything ok?" he whispered

"..Yeah" she smiled "It's nothing, now lets take your wet clothes to the dryer" Gathering the wet heap, carrying it down the hallway "Just wait on the couch, we can watch a movie or something in a minute."

The living room was large, with a giant bay window behind sitting next to the front door, a single long couch curved with the corner of the wall, and a giant projection TV sat against the empty wall with all sorts of different boxes and receivers sitting on the entertainment stands shelves. Jordan sat down on the soft covering, sinking under his weight, leaning back resting his head on the pillows, footpaws dangling above the ground and the blanket pulled tightly around his body. Sara walked on the carpeted stairs, coming from the basement "So, want to watch a movie to pass the time while we wait for your clothes to dry?"

"Sure, what do you got?"

"How about Armageddon? Did you see that one at the movies?"

"Umm.... No I didn't, I.... don't get to go out much." He said, shifting paws back and forth under the blanket.

"Really?" She said sliding in the tape. "Why not?"

"It's ummm.." he said hesitating trying to think of something "Complicated"

"Ohh ok. Anyways lets have fun watching the movie" She sat down on the couch next to Jordan, she had changed into shorts and a t-shirt something that just registered in his distracted mind.

"Is the this movie any good?"

"I liked it." She smiled as the opening credits started to roll, both of the little ones eyes were transfixed on the movie playing before them. Jordan rolled to on his side with head resting on a pillow, the blanket stretched out over his body covering two cushions. As the movie played the little fox took peeks down the couch looking at Sara, her eyes watched the movie and had her arms crossed looking a little cold from the air around the window. Maybe I should share this blanket with her, the thought traveled to the forefront of his mind as he slid closer with naked fur easily moving along the cushions. "Here you look a little cold." Passing her half of the blanket.

"Thanks" She smiled sliding under the warmth.

Jordan tried to concentrate on the movie but only being inches away from her, his mind drifted back and forth, her hand would occasionally flick out, touching his arm and sending a spark of fire through his heart. The longing for her was starting to cloud his judgment, for years he had watched her, out of sight but now unable to express his feelings, she left the chance wide open. In the movie the spaceships were taking off, lifting into the heavens but Jordan's eyes were locked on the girl sitting next to him. Thoughts flooded through his mind as he slid his shoulder against hers, a paw reaching out to her thigh, a little claw running up her thin shorts.

An audible gasp left her lips, she kept looking at the movie trying not to notice the surprising touch.

Emboldened by her sound he lowered another finger against her shorts, running two pawpads up her thigh. Her head turned looking Jordan right in the eyes, a stern almost angry look across her face. "So you think that by me bringing you here and letting your dry off, means you can do anything you want?"

His heart stopped beating in his chest, the veins turning to ice but it was melted just fast by a change in her tone.

"But I can forgive you" She said placing a flat paw on his chest pushing him down flat on the couch. "You know I think you're the person I have liked the most since second grade, the times we talked or worked together in school were fun." She moved forward straddling his hips with the blanket stretched around them. "But out on the playground you never talked to me and it made me sad." Making a pouting face to follow the words. "I kept my eye on you though, throughout all these grades I had a special place in my heart for you. I tried to get you talk to me more now that it's the 6th but I still couldn't get more than a few words outta you and now I think I know why." She lowered her head, nose to nose with the young fox. "I think you were scared of me, a little." she giggled, her lips meeting his as she gently leaned into the long kiss.

A flood of emotions rushed through Jordan's mind as he wrapped his paws around her not wanting this embrace to end, his heart increased, only thinking about the girl in his arms, showing on his lower extremity.

She pulled back, red showing in her cheeks as she brought a paw up over her mouth. "I'm sorry."

He reached up pulling her back down, hugging her close, paws rubbing up and down her back. "It's ok, after all this time I should have told you how I really felt, but I didn't have the strength in me." Returning the kiss, all the fear and tension built up over the years left his body. He shifted all his weight rolling her over all the while holding the kiss, the blanket draped over his back as he held his weight over her. Breaking the kiss he looked deep into her eyes,"If you don't feel comfortable we can sto..."

She put a finger to his lips, slightly shaking her head smiling.

Jordan rubbed the fur on her cheek planting another light kiss on her lips, his fingers ran down the side of her face trailing down her arm, his claws slightly cutting through the fur and tingling the skin beneath. Time seemed to move in slow motion as his hand moved lower, slowly moving from the arm to stomach encircling the little bellybutton. The new sensation of touching this prize sent waves of pleasure through his little body, his brain reaching sensory overload. Slowly weaving his paw he moved it up, the claw tip leaving a small line, the paw went up her loose shirt tracing an outline of her budding breast. Her body shivered under his touches, shifting a paw over the nipple, it stiffened getting harder and harder the more he fondled it.

"Hold on." She said in all but a whisper moving her hands down pulling the shirt over her head, throwing it on the ground.

"Mmmm, that's better but I think we have one more thing to do." A large grin stretched across his muzzle, grabbing the edge of her shorts and pulling them down slowly slipping them down her dainty legs, a small string of wetness stretched in a line leading to her womanly parts, throwing them down on top of the shirt. Jordan looked in awe at her body exposed to him, the light coming from the TV flicked back and forth playing across her fiery red fur, from her deep eyes to were white fur met the red, her beauty glowed from every pore as she smiled up at him, a grin crossed his muzzle. "I think it's time for you..." His voice trailed off as he lowered his head down in between her legs, where the fur thinned out meeting skin, a small line of wetness trailed down the back of her leg. His tongue gently flicked across the opening, the sticky wetness tasting better than any juice, licking up and down the puffy lips drew gasps and a slight moan from the quivering girl. Sara took deeper and deeper breaths as his tongue licked around the fur line ending in her little nub as she shuttered, a gasp caught in her constricting throat. The movie flashed in the background as it was all but ignored, Jordan ran a digit over the nub, his tongue piercing the veil, darting slowly in and out of her opening, the wetness of her pleasure flowed free. His mind was locked onto what he was doing all else just passed through, forgotten. He gently worked back and forth, his tongue parting those soft gentle lips, a palm running up and down her thin stomach caressing the soft fur, a thumb gently flicking the over sensitive nub. Her body racked as heat emanated from her inner most depths, limbs stretching out across the cool couch. A loud moan left her lips echoing out in the small room, drowning out the movie. Jordan suckled on her small opening as a torrent of juice flowed out, gently kissing her outer lips as he slurped and swallowed all she gave him.

"Mhmm" She moaned out "That was... amazing" She looked up into his eyes, sitting up on her elbows enjoying the feeling running through her body. "I had fun" Breathing in little light gasps. "But I think it's time you had some too." Giving a toothy smile as she pushed him onto his back staring at his little member giving a full salute. "And I think this friend of yours wants some attention too."

"Maybe, but just looking at you is enough for me." She crawled up his body, light touches sent shivers through his body, kissing him on the lips and her tongue flicking over his.

"I think I can taste a little of myself." She locked lips again.

The feeling of the hot, wet tongue rolling around his mouth caused a little pre to spurt out the tip moving down the rock hard shaft.

"And I think I like it."

He watched intently enjoying the sensation of her paws running down his chest to the tender stomach, his belly almost aching from the excitement. The little female worked slowly, only causing his body to shiver, licking the fur around the base slowly, her other hand cupping the balls in her warmth, slowly moving her paw pads up and around it.

"You're simply oozing." She said between licks "I think you're a little excited."

Pleasure filled his every vein, every impulse shooting around in his skull was on fire in the heat of the moment. His core erupted in seething heat as she slowly suckled. "Ahh." He grunted gripping the discarded blanket in one paw and the couch cushion in the other, teeth clenching as she worked up the shaft, licking over the tip. As he looked down at her head she dropped down, encasing his member in heat and wetness moving up and down. The cave of pleasure totally surrounded his senses, cutting them off, a paw messaging the sack, slowly fondling the jewels back and forth only hinted in his subconscious. She brought her head up, a small string of pre hanging from her lips.

"... And you taste great too." As her hand continued stroking up and down, tightening around the tip and loosening at the base, repeating up and down.

Jordan's body stretched out, toes curling and muscles tightening as her mouth moved down. Her tongue licking tenderly across the sack, working on one than the other as the edge of pleasure slowly crept up. His breathing strained, coming out in gasps, the heat surrounding his most tender part, constantly attacking his senses. "Ahh, I think I might burst." Heat encased his throbbing shaft going all the way down the base, her cool wet nose embedding in the fur, pressing deep into the skin. "Ahh." Gasping out through his throat, a stream slowly leaking from the shaft as pleasure coursed down his stomach and out the tip, that full feeling slowly dripped out. Waves and waves of euphoria shut out his senses, washing up and down his body shivering from the pleasure, his spine trembling. Every ounce tightened then relaxed at the same time, a thick stream of cum oozed out of his shaft as Sara sat suckling, enjoying every drop of cream that she could coax out with sucking and stroking. His consciousness fleeted in and out, falling into the abyss of sleep and coming back out as her mouth poped off his penis leaving it cool and limp in the air. She crawled up his body again giving him a deep longing kiss, cringing at his own taste but enjoying her.

"Well..." She ran a hand down his bare chest "I think this has been the most enjoyable afternoon I've ever had." The climax of the movie started with a bang drawing her attention.

Jordan smiled, quickly grabbing her distracted body and flipping her back onto the couch. "There's plenty more...."

Big bright lights filled the inside of the room as a truck pulled up, the loud diesel engine drowning out the TV. Sara's eyes went wide with horror as she looked up at the clock ticking above the TV. "Only four 'o clock, he shouldn't be home yet" She jumped up leaving Jordan sitting there in shock. "Hurry run down stairs and get your stuff out of the dryer.." She paused throwing on her t-shirt and shorts. "Then sneak out he can't find you here." She nearly pushed him down the stairs. "I'll distract him cya at school." Blowing a kiss to him as the door opened.

Jordan flew around the corner trying to get out of sight, breathing heavy as his back rested against the cool wall.

"Hey baby, how was school today." Loud thumping echoed off the wooden boards only dimmed by the carpeting.

"Ohh, we got out early today."

Jordan sidestepped slowly down the cool linoleum floor, reaching the washing room, the washer and dryer sat next to each other on the wall, the dryer nosily spun around and around. He opened the door as a loud buzzing sound echoed out.

"You doing laundry hun? I'll go get it for you."

"NO! I can do it." She pleaded.

"Your watching the movie I can do it for you."

The boots echoed down the stairs as Jordan grabbed his clothes out, jumping across the hall into the next room, hiding in the closet as the large male walked into the room his head nearly hitting the top of the frame.

Jordan quietly put his warm dry clothes on in the closet, buttoning up the pants and putting on the hoody in the dark.

A voice echoed throughout the house, "You don't have much, just the clothes you walked home in?."

"Yup that's was all their was daddy!"

The man's boots walked down the hall, Jordan slowly opened the closet as the light in the hall turned off. Slowly and quietly opening the window and crawling out into the cool air, closing it behind. "What a finish to a good day I guess." He whispered out jumping the small fence, walking on shaky legs heading towards his house. The snow had only increased in the time he had been with Sara, and the blinding curtain gave no visibility as he trudge slowly and painfully back to his house.