Friends who stay together, change together

Story by Bahamut Dragons on SoFurry

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This is entirely a work of fiction. None of the characters exist (well, I don't think so). Revlis and Pyron are copyrighted to their players. You must be [insert legal age to view pornographic material in your country here] to view this. This work is coded as follows: m/m. You may reproduce and distribute this lemon anywhere, as long as you follow these guidelines:

1) You must keep it intact

2) You must mention me, Bahamut Dragons, as the author.

3) The viewer must not have needed to pay in anyway to access this file.


Author's Comments:

This one has been sitting for a while and was actually completed months ago. It was a paid commission by Revlis and as such, I couldn't publish it until the full of the payment was made. There were some complications sadly, but they are finally resolved and so, here it is.

This is my first paid commission and as such, I wanted to do good. Usually, I just decide on details on the fly as they occur to me and obviously, there was a bit of that in this story, but at the same time, this wasn't my story and I made sure to ask a ton of questions about what he expected from this, what directions I should take and so forth. Mainly, it was to be the story of two guys camping out and finding a something which transformed them. Wacky details, such as the Magic Bag of Tricks, were also asked and so inserted. Not my usual thing, but the customer is always right.

In the end, I am pretty satisfied with the result. It was one of those stories where I didn't quite know where I'd end up, which is weird since usually when I write, I have points I want to make so the conclusion is oft written, if only in my mind. What's more important however is that my client was satisfied with what I did. And I hope you will do.

If you wish to contact me, be it for a paid commission or just to comment, you may find me by e-mail at [email protected], ICQ: 11722319, Y!: bahamutdragons, MSN: [email protected] (don't use as e-mail) or AIM: BahamutSDragons.


Friends who stay together, change together

"Alright, all packed and ready to go! Yellow River Forest, here we come," shouted Revlis as he threw his empty looking backpack, the only luggage he would ever need, on the back seat of the car, next to his friend's own baggage. Pyron nodded as he looked to the blue skies above once more. Not a cloud in the sky, just as forecast. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the early morning sun on his face. Revlis and him had been planning the camping trip for weeks and even had to delay it from the previous weekend due to bad weather, but now the moment had finally arrived and promised to be perfect in every sense of the word: great weather but especially great company.

The friends had especially taken their time choosing the right location for their first camping trip. It was an experience they expected to be memorable and sharing it with each other would only make it that much more sweet. After a long research online, they had finally settled on a spot in Yellow River Forest. They could have chosen a closer camping ground but they had been assured that it was a very comfortable area and particularly private. As for the troubling name, it was a translation of the original Indian name and was named such because of the reflection of the sun upon it.

"People are missing out on one of the most serene locations I've ever been to," an Internet comment had said, one of the few available but since they were all positive, the young men had finally decided to go with it. After all, serene was exactly what they were after for such a trip, away from civilisation and responsibilities. Somewhere they could just be themselves without being judged. And so they stood at the dawn of the day and the cusp of a new adventure. Cranking out the car radio to 11, they were ready to hit the road.

Revlis had double checked their itinerary before they left and knew that it would take several hours before they even reached the forest, let alone their camping grounds, but it mattered not. This weekend was like a vacation for both of them and they intended to enjoy it to the fullest. Already they were planning on hiking around and exploring the flora, but both knew that much of their time would probably just be spent with a beer, relaxing. Besides, if they enjoyed it, returning would be easy.

Five hours and almost a full tank of gas later, they finally reached the entrance to the forest and not a moment too soon. They had made no stops since they had left and both were ready to get out and stretch their limbs. Pyron brought out the map they had printed, just in case, but the path was still burned in his friend's mind and so after navigating the crude dirt roads for some minutes, following some arrows and ignoring others, they found themselves at a dead end.

"Looks like this is our stop," Pyron said as he looked up from the map. As promised, the area was completely devoid of people and save for a small path, leaving the boys free to settle as they wished. They first got out of the car however, Revlis taking his backpack while his friend stretched heavily, before they both decided to follow a small trail.

The woods were all they had hoped it to be, long lush trees letting only the barest of sun rays filter, forming moving patterns on the soil. The slight hint of a breeze provided ample cooling from the ambient heat. The only sound they heard was the whisper of the moving leaves above them as if an answer, perhaps even a welcome, to each of their steps amidst the trees.

Minutes later, they stumbled upon a small flat hill from which they could still vaguely see the car, yet still feel surrounded by nature. They agreed that it was the perfect location to set up camp.

"So I guess we have to go back to get the tent," Pyron said as he took a few steps back towards the car, but looking to his friend, he stopped. Revlis was now kneeling and had his arm deep into his backpack, apparently searching for something. Pyron first thought he was messing around since the bag wasn't so deep, but then to his surprise, he started pulling out a long plastic pole.

"What is that bag?" he asked, bewildered.

"Remember when I said I had camping gear? Well this is where I carry it all. I think you'll find the Magic Bag of Tricks quite accommodating," Revlis added with a smile.

The bag looked ordinary enough from the outside, even quite small. Yet it hid magical properties which enabled it to contain an infinite amount of objects, no matter the size, while remaining as small and light as if it were empty. Additionally, the Bag of Tricks had the power to duplicate anything it had once stored, as long as it wasn't organic in nature.

And so still under the shock, Pyron helped his friend remove the camping gear from the bag. It wasn't long before the equipment was ready, leaving only the duo to set up their home for the following nights. Under their care, their shelter rose, large enough to house five or six people, making the accommodation that much more comfortable for two people.

"Now if only we had some chairs," Pyron said, glancing at his friend who was already ahead of him and pulling out two long folding chairs from storage. Since he only needed to buy one of each and had infinite storage space, Revlis always made sure to keep the most practical and comfortable items for every situation.

With a sigh of satisfaction, both of them took position in the lounge chairs, closing their eyes as they did. With all the work out of the way, all they had to do now was enjoy the fresh air and delicate breeze on their skin. If ever there had been any doubt whether camping was a good idea, it had long evaporated. There was no doubt, the experience had been worth the wait. Their procrastination did not last long however as only fifteen minutes later, both, they were ready for more.

"Alright, enough of that," Revlis said as he got back up. "Time to go exploring!"

Since neither of them had much experience being in nature like this, they both discovered together what the forest had to offer. Once they got away from their settlement, they found themselves walking down trails, idly following small rivers and simply taking things slow, acting on the spur of the moment.

They had been walking about for over half an hour and were climbing up a small slant when Pyron, walking near the edge, waved to his friend.

"Hey, come take a look at this," Pyron said and as Revlis joined him, he found that the ground had slid during the last storm. The hill was step but at first glance, the damage seemed superficial, some trees now curved awkwardly but none had been uprooted. As they looked closer however, they found that the sliding dirt had given way to stone, in which there seemed to be an entrance. Approaching carefully, they concluded that they stood at the opening of a cave, its entry too tight for either of them to pass. Thankfully, dirt was all that kept them from this new adventure and so bringing out two shovels from the magical backpack, the two men started digging their way in.

It didn't take long before the aperture was widened enough to let light through, though the details were less interesting than they had hoped. The cavern seemed naturally formed over time, its walls rugged. Although they couldn't see very far, it seemed to burrow deep into the hill, promising some mystery. Moments later, they were both inside, their shovels now traded for flashlights.

The visitors soon discovered that the cavern was a tad slippery, which would have been less annoying if it had not also been slanted downwards. Trying not to fall, the explorers advanced with caution, making initial progression slow. After a few minutes however, the texture finally changed, enabling them to proceed with more ease. Still, they were somewhat disappointed by what the cavern had to offer. Although had no real expectations for it, both of them would have hoped to find more than damp walls and musky air. But since they had nothing better to do, they pushed on and about half a mile later, were rewarded by a marvellous discovery.

They had stumbled into a large circular room, seemingly self-illuminated as although they could see no light source, the room was lit enough to see without the flashlights. On the walls were various carvings of symbols neither of them could even remotely understand, yet the mystery of the writings could not equal that which stood in the middle of the room.

They took a few steps towards an altar made of green stone, perhaps marble or even some dark emerald, upon which two very distinctive statues were set, the first representing a werewolf, legs stretched and ready to pounce and the other a dragon taking flight. Both statues seemed made of wood at first glance, but as they got closer, they saw linings of metallic shine upon the werewolf and of a duller brownish color on the other.

The men were voiceless before the wooden craft, mesmerised by them unlike any art piece they had ever seen. In fact, they couldn't conceive how the two statuettes had remained hidden for so long. It felt like a privilege even to be allowed to lay eyes open them.

"Wow, these look pretty awesome," Revlis said as he approached his hand to one of the statues. He felt drawn by an invisible force to it, voices whispering in his mind that the statuette had been waiting for him for so long, yet as he was about to touch its surface, a force overcame him and stilled his hand, inserting doubt into his mind.

"What's wrong?" his friend asked, but Revlis couldn't answer. It was a feeling he did not understand, not quite evil in nature, but rather a warning of things to change. Perhaps the statue was making a promise, with which came both good and ill.

As it were, Pyron felt the same compelling force as his friend, and yet the same overwhelming feeling stopped him inches from his goal. They looked at each other and knew what the other felt, yet could not understand why the warning for simple statues, all beautiful as they were. Neither of them wanted to give in to such a warning either, But although they felt the energy flowing from the statues, neither of them wanted to give in to a warning that felt, in fact, imaginary.

"On the count of three?" Revlis proposed and his friend nodded. They counted together and on three, both extended their hands to the wooden carvings. And upon touching the smooth surface of their respective statues, both were blinded, one by a silver hue and the other by bronze. Pyron and Revlis cried out in surprise and their bodies were first enveloped in the light and then lifted like balloons. But they could see none of it and in fact no longer felt their bodies, their souls now roaming the room freely. They could see nothing but there was a definite feeling of purity and freedom, as if a whole new plethora of possibilities had opened.

Yet the moment was short lasting as they heard the siren calls of their physical envelopes, to which they caved and reintegrated. But even as they became whole again, their bodies now only felt like a presence around them upon which they had no control. They knew that there was no reason to be alarmed, but were entranced and curious at the feeling. In a way, this lack of control over their bodies enabled them to see and feel themselves like never before.

This new state of mind kept them unaware of their surroundings and even each other. Revlis felt fascinated by the body he could not see as he was still afflicted by silver blindness. Yet gradually, he felt his arms once more, his legs, chest and finally his head. Once again the man was whole, even if he still had no control over himself. All he did feel was a relaxing warmth which pushed all of his troubles away. He felt at peace, as if nothing could trouble him ever again.

His mind swiftly regained reality however when suddenly, he felt his left arm shatter, as if one of the muscles inside of it had simply exploded. The pain was unimaginable and Revlis would have cried out in agony if he could, but alas no sound could sprout from his lips. He could feel part of his long sleeved shirt simply rip from the transformation, leaving only shreds to cover his arm. The pain would thankfully only last for an ephemeral moment, leaving behind an arm no longer human, considerably larger and more powerful. The event had left him exhausted yet he still remained conscious of himself and his new found shape.

The respite would only last a few moments however as another muscle popped, this time in his right thigh. It was immediately followed by a third and a fourth, all spread across his limbs, torturing him briefly and tearing his clothes off to reveal a new found strength. He was still unsure of what was happening and wished dearly he could see himself, but he knew that this was the change he had been warned against and that even if the transformation was painful at first, the resulting form would be like nothing anyone had ever seen.

Muscles continued to change all over his body but thankfully, the pain was gradually subsiding as if he was building a tolerance to it. In fact, the pops even were starting to feel almost good, as if his body could feel the beauty of fireworks. It was a sensation he had never encountered before and he was able to give himself to the sensation and the new found feeling of power growing inside of him.

Once his arms and legs reached their new sizes, his hands did the same, becoming larger with longer and stronger fingers, his nails turning to claws. His feet would also grow to more proportionate sizes, first piercing the boots he wore before tearing them right off as they became too large to contain.

He then felt his body arc and spasm. He realised that his spinal cord was stretching to accommodate his limbs and his chest and abdomen followed and enlarged as well, ripping what remained of his shirt and pants right off. As his pectorals developed, he felt something covering him like a silky veil covering his bare skin, yet without eyes could not understand what it was. He knew that it was growing at a furious pace all over his body however, wrapping him completely.

His body transformation complete, Revlis remained still in the air, breathless and confused, but one step still remained. He felt a shock cross him whole, making him arc backwards and as he did, his face deformed and started stretching. His mouth became longer and his teeth sharper. Almost instantly, his senses were no longer closed to him and he knew his surroundings. Although the light still blinded him, he could smell the air and with his elongated ears, hear the cracking of bone and sinew becoming something more. He was floating yet remained aware of the soil under him.

And then suddenly, the light vanished, dropping Revlis to the ground. Newly found acute reflexes prevented him from any harm, yet for a brief moment, he remained blinded by the darkness. Ears and nose would not betray him however and he knew that Pyron was still at his side, the same and yet so different.

The moment Revlis had felt his first limb transform, Pyron had also started changing into something different. Unlike his friend however, his body had been the first thing to change. He remained removed but aware of himself not only on the outside, but of his internal organs as well. He could feel each one of them, heart, lungs, kidneys, all grow in size and collide, causing him unspeakable pain. His body became too small for what it contained, but thankfully adapted almost immediately and bloated as well. Pushed by skin which was becoming stronger by the minute, his shirt ripped right off, which it was the least of his worries.

The pain quickly subsided and Pyron was offered a respite, just long enough to understand how different he had become, despite not being able to see it. He kept aware of everything in his body and knew that not only were his organs becoming larger, but new ones he did not know were also appearing. Fear might have gripped him, the worry of what he was turning into, but the metamorphosis was only beginning.

To follow with his body, Pyron's arms became longer, each muscle then bursting sequentially to a more suitable size. Pyron no longer felt any pain, each pop bringing a tingle down his spine, like the surprise drop of a roller-coaster. Somehow he knew the sensations to expect, almost as if he had undergone this change before, yet living them unlike anything he could imagine.

Scraps of his shirt lay under him as his legs also grew to match his arms' length. Not to be undone, his hands and feet burst in side as well, fingers and toes merging to four and three digits respectively, each ended by a claw. For a brief moment, he felt the tightness of his leather boots, but they were soon torn as well, leaving him completely nude, floating in the light.

The man beast then felt his neck pulled by an invisible force and stretching longer and longer to relieve the ethereal pressure. He felt his skull changing, turning his mouth and nose into a muzzle. And then, he felt a horn grow from his skull and pierce his leathery skin from behind, just above the left eye. It was soon followed by a second, this time closer to the right side of his jaw but still arching towards the back. Four more horns appeared consecutively and Pyron was thankful to no longer feel any pain. In fact, he was feeling surprisingly well, as if he had been wearing a body unsuited for him all this time and now, he could feel the bliss of becoming himself once more.

If at first he had been frightened and pained, now Pyron was confused. He knew that he was turning into something else, not only because of what he felt his limbs becoming, but also the development of a sixth sense he couldn't quite explain. It wasn't quite sight and smell, just the feeling of presence, his own as well as the world which surrounded him, despite the bronze blindness hiding it from sight.

But the transformation was not over and something new now grew from his shoulder blades. Through his sixth sense, he could "see" that they were wings which spread on each side of their own accord. They were soon followed by a tail growing from the end of his spinal column, changing his buttocks to a more suitable form for the creature.

And like his friend before him, the light suddenly vanished from his eyes the moment the changes were over, yet he did not drop, a new found instinct taking over and flapping his wings, albeit clumsily, making for a more delicate landing.

Neither could see, yet in their own way, they knew about each other. Revlis had never tasted so many fragrances at once yet he easily knew what to make of them. There was no man remaining in the room, neither Pyron nor him, skin now replaced by fur, leather and scales.

Pyron was the first to regain sight. At first, all he saw was the pedestal now standing empty in the darkened room, though he did not wonder where the statues had gone. At once he brought a hand to his eyes, admiring the changes. It was now of a shiny bronze color with large golden plaques aligned on his forearm like armor. The change should have made him afraid, but he knew what to expect. He was no longer human, a very exciting thought. In fact, he didn't feel like he had became something else, but rather that he had shed a costume to reveal who he had been all along, a tall standing bronze dragon.

His friend was looking at him but his eyes were vacant, his sight taken by the same blindness as him. It was only a few moments later that Revlis, now a silver werewolf, finally saw the world. It had never looked so different, as if colors and light no longer held the same meanings. He could see his metallic friend but rather than a pure draconic sight, what he perceived was strength and friend, descriptives made tangible. It was unlike anything he had seen until then and he knew that he would never be able to explain it to others, because he couldn't quite explain it to himself. Regardless, he could admire his friend's new body as well as his own.

"Are you alright?" the dragon asked as he got up. Even in this alien form, he remained in control of himself, knowing instinctively how to keep his balance using his leg, body, tail and wings.

"Yeah, I'm... fine," Revlis answered as he toppled forward, his full strength not completely returned. He soon realised that the four legged position was now quite natural and even though he knew he could walk on two legs, this more beastly stance was not only comfortable, but also closer to the earth, keeping his senses acute and aware of his surroundings. Still, perhaps because he had been a human just moments before, he accepted his friend's hand and returned to a two legged stance.

"I'll bet your bag of tricks didn't have anything that could have done this," the dragon said with a grin, looking once more at his claws.

The werewolf nodded silently. In fact, both now stood silent. It wasn't that they were dazed by the changes, quite the opposite in fact. Revlis and Pyron were almost surprised at how natural their new shapes felt, like a hidden aspect of themselves taken physical form. But after such a change, what was there to be said?

"You're naked," Pyron finally acknowledged with a smile, to which Revlis laughed. Both their clothes lay in shreds around them, no longer of any use. Not that it mattered, neither of them had an ounce of shyness about it. They were too proud of their new bodies to care.

"Oh yeah? Well at least I don't have my balls hanging out," Revlis snapped back with a wink. It was true, although his fur covered any hint of sexuality, Pyron's new shape let his scrotum hang free and even revealed his tail hole a tad, although it did keep his penis hidden from sight. Pyron couldn't deny that he felt liberated, no matter how revealing his new form was and Revlis even found it a little attractive.

"So now what?" the dragon asked.

"We get back to the tent I guess. It's getting late." Even underground, he could smell day turning to night. The transformation had seemed to only take a few minutes, yet he realised that several hours had passed and that the sun was already starting to set. Revlis grabbed his magic backpack and they both trekked back through the cave. Neither required light anymore as they each clearly saw the world, in their own ways.

The journey through the stone corridor was short and soon they found the exit. Revlis managed to slip into the hole they had dug easily, but they still enlarged it as bit to let the larger form of the dragon exit. And as soon as they turned to the forest, they were astonished at how different it looked. If before they had felt out of place in nature, being used to the commodities of the city and enjoying the adventure for what it offered, they now instead felt right at home and knew that if they got back to the city, the towers of steel, glass and concrete would now be their new challenge.

"This way," the wolf man said as he slid down the hill.

"I think you're mistaking. The camp is this way."

"I know," he answered with a mysterious grin. The dragon just shrugged and followed his friend.

After a short distance, they reached the lake for which the open park was named. As soon was the werewolf saw it, he dropped his backpack, got on all fours and dashed towards the clear water, leaping high in the air before diving in a cannonball. Before his friend even surfaced, Pyron decided to do it a bit differently, leaping as well but flapping his wings to more than thirty feet in the air before letting himself drop, wings held against his body and arms outstretched. There was barely a splash as he hit the water at the same time the silver werewolf was resurfacing.

Revlis looked around but saw, smelled and heard nothing. Or rather, he couldn't detect any presence, yet he still could perceive the path his friend had taken, flying in the air and diving near him. It was then that he felt himself lifted and thrown a bit further in the water, Pyron laughing as he reappeared.

"Oh you're going to pay for that!" the werewolf said with a grin before diving back down.

The two played in the water for half an hour, each getting used to the new things their bodies enabled them to do. The dragon found himself to be very mobile in the water, using his tail to turn and even managing to jump in the air like a dolphin and fly up before dropping again. On the other hand, Revlis could use his brute strength to swim very fast. He felt more mobile than a regular canine and much faster than his human form. Every instant spent in this new body brought a new amazing discovery to both of them.

Satisfied with their swim and a little more hungry for it, dragon and wolf finally decided to return to the camp site and prepare supper. The skies were red and purple colored as they reached it. Even though the magic bag of tricks couldn't replicate food, it could pack as much as one could put into it and Revlis had prepared for far more than needed. He brought out enough food for five, with an assortment of fruit, cheeses, beer and especially meat. Even though he now was a dragon, Pyron knew that fire breathing still remained out of his grasp and so as his friend brought out supper, he gathered wood and started a fire using matches.

Meals were cooked and eaten with glee. Even the taste of food had changed with this new body, for Revlis in particular who seemed to start tasting before it even hit his mouth. Whether it was the good food or because they were larger than before, both ate the meals of two or three people and only chose to stop by themselves, preferring to keep what food they had left for later. After all, they knew that once there was no more, going to a supermarket to get more would be impossible in these new forms. Still, the issues felt trivial and instead of worrying, they just laid back and enjoyed the warmth of the blaze.

The fire reflected on the dragon's armoured scales and deep within his eyes, mesmerising the werewolf who looked at him intently. He had already admired his friend back in the cave, but now that they were settled and fed, he saw things a little differently. Even if his mind kept telling him how unnatural it was, he couldn't help but be a little infatuated by his friend.

"You know, I think I'm going to sleep under the stars tonight," Pyron said pensively. "I don't think I'd sleep as well in the sleeping bags and in the tent as right here."

"I know what you mean," Revlis answered, his mind still distracted. "I think I'm going to do the same. Besides, I'm not sure we'd fit in them anymore."

They fell silent for a few more moments. It was an uncomfortable silence for Revlis who had so much on his mind.

"By the way, you look nice," the werewolf finally added, turning his head slightly as he did. If he could have blushed, he would have.

Unknown to Revlis however, Pyron had been observing him as well, using his sixth sense to stay discreet. The silver fur looked slightly crimson by the glow of the fire and although he had become a potentially dangerous beast, the dragon knew him for what he was, a tender being to which he was surprised to feel attracted to.

"We're going to need more firewood," the werewolf said after a while as he got up, breaking the uncomfortable silence. As he searched the vicinity, he tried to still his furiously beating heart. He did not understand the sudden attraction he felt for his friend. It was as if the final missing piece of a puzzle had just been up into place, a piece he didn't even know existed. Yet he felt afraid and did not want to ruin the friendship they had built.

Still, as he gathered the wood, the werewolf realised that perhaps this was a time of changes, challenges and risks. One did not need a sixth sense to know that things had changed on far more than a physical level.

"This should be enough for the evening," he said as he returned to the blaze, adding a few more branches before sitting right next to his friend. He had purposefully circled the camp to do so but now that they were side by side, his nervousness shot up like an arrow and he simply sat, looking at the fire.

Suddenly, the dragon turned to face him, but his eyes looked beyond the werewolf, into the deep forest, his eyes surprised and worried. Revlis had heard nor smelled nothing, but turned to face what Pyron had seen. But there was nothing and as he turned back to his friend, the dragon moved in and placed his lips against his.

The initial surprise turned to passion as Revlis wrapped his arms around the dragon's neck, muffled moans of desire escaping him. Pyron smiled as he played his own hand behind his friend's head, enjoying the fury of the moment. Like Revlis, he had felt the change between them, as if they were now destined to bond together.

The wolf broke the kiss and instead went down the neck, sucking gently on the rugged bronze skin. His hands kept active as well, feeling the dragon's back, his long strong arms and the tough scales of his chest. There was no denying that Pyron was imposing, his very being the embodiment of composed power, the perfect complement to his own raw flame.

As he descended, Revlis' breathing became faster. He felt consumed by lust for the dragon and loved every part of his body. His lips tasted his chest, his stomach but as he reached the crotch, he decided to ignore it for now. Instead he proceeded downwards, kissed and moved past the thighs until he reached his feet.

The werewolf kneeled, taking his friend's left foot in hand, rubbing his thumbs on the sole of it and feeling its length before doing the same with the other. They were beautiful to him, perhaps because they kept the connection with the earth he loved so much. Revlis approached his face and took a good sniff of them, before running them on his face.

At that moment, nothing else existed for him. He ran his tongue along them, between the toes and the sole. He wanted to own those feet whole as they were driving him wild. His cock, already out of its shaft, was leaking freely at the thought of the pressure they could provide.

Revlis ran the feet along his body and down to his groin, rubbing along his manhood, enjoying the feel of fresh along him. He squeezed them tightly along pole and pumped his hips into them. His mind was a blur of sensations as he was lost in the feeling only his friend could provide.

And then as he approached climax, he stopped. His eyes met with Pyron's who was still laying back comfortably, a delicious smile on his face, enjoying the moment just as much as he was. Once more, the wolf kneeled as he moved back up to the dragon's own shaft. As he reached it, a deep sexual aroma filled his nostrils and drove him wild. He needed no approval from the dragon, the erect shiny cock dripping with juices enough of an answer.

In one swift move, he dropped his head, engulfing the shaft entirely. It slid neatly into his elongated muzzle and he sucked it gently before bobbing his head back, careful to not let it touch his teeth. Pyron let himself fall back, legs spread and hands on the soft soil. He almost looked goofy, but did not really care. Revlis' expert care had made him forget about everything, his mind focused on the pleasure he was being given.

Smiling at his friend's reaction, the werewolf licked the shaft once more, letting his rough tongue slide along the length of the shiny member and wrap around it. If at first it had looked made of metal, the lover soon discovered it to be soft and even tasty. Not that he gave much thought to the act, instead abandoning himself to it and letting his instincts rule his body, which Pyron seemed to enjoy thoroughly.

"Stop, Revlis," the dragon whispered in his deep voice. "If you continue, I'm going to..." but his words were swallowed as his friend and mate instead increased his pace, seeking only to give his friend release. His hands moved with more strength, stroking the beast's body and thighs, until finally the dragon roared to the skies and let his juices flow freely.

Revlis had never been with a male before, but as a man himself, knew what he would have wanted and so he keep his bobbing motion, playing with the warm ball sack as Pyron came strongly into his mouth. The werewolf drank it all, letting nothing overflow, enjoying all the subtleties of the surprisingly sweet taste.

The moment was eternal for Pyron who had never had such a powerful orgasm in his life. Even with the blinding pleasure overcoming him, he knew that what he felt was more than just sexual release, it was a deep bond with his mate which ran deeper than the body. It was as if their souls had touched each other and increased the pleasure of the moment tenfold.

Even when the orgasm subsided, the dragon felt the connection. Revlis gave the reptilian cock a few additional licks, smiling as felt the shivers it gave his draconian friend, before, climbing directly on his body and into his welcoming arms.

"Did you feel that?" Pyron asked.

"Well, I know you felt it," the silver man wolf replied with a chuckle.

"No, I mean how our souls touched. I felt... no, I feel different with you, right now, different than when I was just human and with you. I think that statue changed me more than I thought."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," the werewolf finally admitted. "Maybe it only increased something that was already there before. Well, whatever it is," he added, wrapping his arms around his lover, "I don't want it to go. Nor you."

"I'm not going anywhere," Pyron replied, wrapping his own around his friend.

They remained tightly together for a few minutes before the dragon whispered his mate's ear: "I want you inside of me."

Revlis was surprised but as he looked up and into his friend's eyes, his heart filled with glee. So he got off the dragon who simply rolled over onto his stomach, rump in the air thanks to the log under him. Pyron than lifted his tail, exposing his hole which awaited nothing more than to be taken.

Once more, instinct took over, this time his lupine attributes making him kneel and smell the hole presented to him. It wasn't smelly, although it did have a peculiar scent. Slowly, he approached closer and closer to the orifice until his wet nose touched it, surprising Pyron. But what surprised him even more was the tongue that followed, licking around the hole and even getting inside of it. He could the moistness of it twitch inside of him and it was all the dragon could to not clench his hole shut and trap the tongue inside of him.

This went on for a short while until Revlis decided to go for more, inserting first one finger inside the drake, and then a second, all the while keeping his tongue active along the scrotum and ever hardening cock.

"Oh please, stop teasing me," Pyron finally pleaded and Revlis was more than happy to oblige. Getting back on two feet, he placed his rock solid erect cock at the entrance of the puckered hole and grabbing his friend's hips, rammed it deep inside of him in one swift and glorious thrust, making the dragon growl in pleasure.

Pyron had expected there to be pain but instead was amazed to discover that like the transformation before, what should have hurt instead brought him enhanced pleasure. In fact, it was more than a simple physical connection as he could feel himself becoming one with his soul mate on a deeper level as well. He took no time rocking his hips, wanting the cock shoved in and out of him, lusting for Revlis to take him hard. The dragon's wishes were the werewolf's command as he immediately started thrusting as hard as he could, pushing deeply into the dragon's bowels before retracting for a brief second, and pushing back into him.

Both had sex with women more than once, but this was more than sex, it was more than the lust of two savage beasts desiring more and shouting savagely for more, always more. This was passion made physical, a never ending craving for the other, to own their mate whole and becoming one. Werewolf and dragon had now lost their human minds, fully becoming the beasts their outer shells revealed to the world and loving each other with more passion than anyone had ever felt.

Revlis had felt his cock slide in right at home at first, but now that he was in the flow of things, felt the raw tightness of the anal ring around him, keeping him from escaping. Not that he would have wanted to, on the contrary, he wished for the moment to last forever.

Pressure build steadily for both lovers as the werewolf felt as if he was being milked for all he was worth, while the dragon was repeatedly stabbed in the prostate by thick wolf cock. Both kept strong however, not willing to cave, not wishing the moment of their union to end.

Yet the end was unavoidable and with a final cry to the moon, Revlis finally felt his final resistance shatter and his cum shoot into his friend's loins. Waves of thick goo flowed to his friend, who soon did the same on to the ground. And once more they felt the light of each other's soul, like a puzzle being complete only when they were together, in this state.

And then the moment past and the werewolf, his cock softening up, let himself fall on to his friend once more, who simply panted heavily. They needed no words towards each other, knowing instinctively that they both felt the same about how great the moment had been. In fact, no words could have explained what they felt. They simply knew, deep inside, that the other understood.

After two such powerful orgasms, regular men might have been exhausted and simply content to snuggle against their loved one, maybe even fall asleep. But Pyron and Revlis were more than men and after mere minutes, found themselves at each other's body once more, again and again then against all through the night. It would be hours before they would finally fell asleep, comfortably resting in tight hugs, before a dying fire and with the stars and moon as witnesses

It had been a memorable night and promised much more to come. The next day, they would discover their ability to change back to human, and to beast, at will. But that blessing only came second to the one important thing this trip had brought them: each other.