END GAME(Chapter 34)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#33 of Highschool Days

Don't you just love my little lies? Read, and read. :)


Raymond woke up and rubbed his eyes groggily. He looked around and his eyes went wide. Why was he in the hospital? Where was Gideon? What had happened? He rubbed at his stomach and noticed one thing. His stomach wasn't bulging. He felt under the fur and his eyes widened further, there was no scar there.

He looked around the hospital room and found a mirror. His eyes widened as he scrambled out of the bed and touched his face as he looked in the mirror. His fur still had a slightly grayish tint to it, which had disappeared by his thirteenth birthday. He touched his shoulder and groaned slightly and lifted the hospital gown away from his body and his eyes widened as everything flooded back to him.

The fight at school. The knife going into his shoulder and him collapsing as he had the shit beaten out of him while bleeding from his shoulder. His mother walked into the room and gave a strangled yelp before throwing herself at her son. "Oh god, you're awake." she said, her eyes tearing up, "you're finally awake."

Raymond started to cry as well, for different reasons then she did, but he cried still. A moment later his father walked in and his eyes widened before joining in on the hug, both of his parents encasing his body and making him feel so warm. He cried in joy, about having his mother and father back, but sadness because he had lost the dream. That wonderful dream. He would give up both his parents again to have that life back.

"Thank god you're alright," his father said, crying into the top of his head.

"How long was I out?" Raymond asked.

"A month." His mother said, "An entire month of worrying about my baby boy. Never, ever fight again. Ever."

"I won't mom," Raymond said, tears rolling down his cheeks, "promise."


Gideon continued to cry into Carol's shoulder, his mother's shirt already soaked through. A moment later Ron and Clarice came in and Clarice blinked twice before rushing to hug Gideon. "My baby brother is alive." she said, blinking back tears as she hugged Gideon.

"Yeah," Gideon said, sniffing, "I'm alive."

He continued crying as he shifted arms yet again to his father, his father hugging him close. Ron obviously didn't feel Gideon relax when his arms wrapped around him. "My son is alive." Ron said, his eyes tearing up but the tears didn't flow.

Gideon kept on crying, even when he felt his father lift him up and the doctor saying that after some tests he could go home. He went through the tests in a haze, his mind fogged over. He kept doing everything that he was told to do and eventually the doctor said he could go him.

He got dressed and followed his parents down to their car, looking down at his feet the entire time. When he got in the car he leaned against his sister and closed his eyes, her paw idly stroking his arm as he quietly drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up, Ron was carrying him inside, his reassuring warmth against Gideon's side and Gideon shifted in his arms so that his head was pressed against his father's muscular chest. Ron chuckled quietly as he set Gideon down in his bed and tucked him in.

Gideon rolled onto his side and closed his eyes again and his father sat down next to him and started to stroke his hair. "What's bothering you Gid?" he said quietly.

"Nothing." Gideon replied, almost as quietly.

"You're my son," Ron said, "I know when something is bothering you."

"Nothings bothering me dad." Gideon said.

Ron sighed and stood up and said, "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

Gideon thought for a moment before sitting up and saying, "Hey dad, do we still have those weights in the basement?"

"Yeah," he said, "why?"

"I'm suddenly interested in working out," Gideon said.

"Alright, if you want someone to help you," Ron said, "I'd be glad to."

"Thanks dad." Gideon said.

"No problem, son." Ron said, smiling before turning out the lights and leaving.

Gideon fell asleep quickly after, his mind already setting out a work out schedule that would either fit his goal, or kill him.


One and a half years later...

Gideon stretched as he woke up, feeling along his sore muscles before getting dressed quickly and walking downstairs to eat a quick breakfast. Ron smiled at him from over a newspaper he was reading and said, "Since when do you get up early?"

"Dad," Gideon said, his voice cracking slightly, "I've been getting up early since the beginning of seventh grade."

"Yeah," Ron said, "but you're almost a freshmen now. Aren't teenagers supposed to be lazy?"

"Not this one," Gideon said, grinning at his father. In the past year and a half, since he had the coma dream about a wonderful life, he had worked himself basically to death to get like he was that first day of gym in his freshmen year.

He was getting there. Very close to it, in a matter of fact. He would have his task completed before his desired date.

He stretched and said, "Alright dad, I'm going to head out now."

"Alright," Ron said, looking at Gideon over the top of the paper, "I expect you to come straight home today, not to the gym."

"Fine dad," Gideon said, sighing as he did so.

Gideon shouldered his backpack then jogged out the door and towards the middle school. When he got there he sighed and sank down into a chair. He didn't pant for breath, after his working out the jog to his school was like a walk from his room to his bathroom.

His friends slowly started to gather around him and they chatted absentmindedly as they waited for the bell to ring. One of his friends started talking about him and he listened in on the conversation, "I still can't believe how big Gideon has gotten." the small, plump wolf said quietly.

"I know, he's like, triple his old size." A rabbit said, flicking at his ear with his finger.

One of them laughed and said, "Yeah, triple his old size times two. He spent all of last summer inside his house or jogging."

"Yeah, we all know, he didn't hang out with any of us." a tiger said, sighing and shaking his head as he did so, "I can't believe him. We could've completely ignored him in sixth grade and left him alone and he'd be completely friendless right now."

"You know," Gideon spoke up, "I can hear everything you say."

The tiger blushed and said, "Woops."

"No problem," Gideon said, "it's most likely true."

The bell rang before anyone could reply and Gideon was out the door and on his way to P.E. He sighed as he walked in and sat down, waiting for class to start. They went through the easy workouts once class had started and then the coach lead them to the weight room where they had to take a turn on every machine.

Gideon sighed and walked to the first machine, setting it to the max he could rep, which was currently 220 pounds, and did his reps. When they were told to switch he walked to the next one and did the same. He sighed as he did every machine effortlessly, and when the bell rang he walked out of the weight room and to his locker to get his English stuff.

The day basically went the same. Gideon staring off into space, only slightly focusing on his teacher's voice. At least, it did until lunch. Gideon got his food and was walking towards his table when he saw a crowd forming around some kids. Six kids pushing around a familiar looking tiger.

Gideon put his food down then walked towards the group, forcing his way through the crowd and stopping the tiger, who whimpered and tried to get away but Gideon held him tightly and said, "I ain't gonna hurt you."

"What the hell do you think you're doing." one of the larger furs, a stallion, said.

"Stopping you from beating him up," Gideon said, smiling at the stallion.

"And one person will stop six from beating up a faggot little tiger?" the stallion said.

Gideon pushed the tiger behind him and stepped towards the stallion and said, "One, that is not a nice word."

"What the hell do I care?" the stallion said.

Gideon slammed his fist into the stallion's face and said, "You should care."

The stallion stood up and glared at Gideon then looked at the tiger and spat into Gideon's face and said, "He ain't worth my time." the stallion walked away and Gideon went to follow but the tiger grabbed his arm. Gideon ended up pulling him with him and a few more recognizable furs grabbed his arms. Two wolves that could be twins, a lioness that obviously played sports, and a golden dragon.

They all managed to stop him, if just barely. Gideon sighed and relaxed and turned to the tiger and said, "You ok?"

"Yeah," the tiger said, looking down at his feet and blushing before holding out his paw and saying, "I'm Xatrin."

"I'm Gideon," he said smiling at the fur.

He went around the small group as everyone cleared out. The two wolves were Dean and Kevin, the lioness was Paulie, and the dragon was Trevor. Gideon almost laughed to himself, so much for that wonderful dream being just that. A dream.


Two years later...(or something like that)

Gideon smiled as he watch Raymond walk down the aisle with his mother. Everything had happened just like the coma dream, except for one little detail where he had managed to get Raymond's mother out of the house the night that it burned down.

He hadn't been able to figure out a way to stop Troy's death, unfortunately, and Wyatt's kidnapping was, if painful for him, partially good for the family as it had gained Horen out of the whole thing. It had just been cut down a few weeks.

He smiled even wider as Raymond stepped up next to him and the preacher started to talk. He looked into Raymond's eyes and saw Raymond's lips stretch into an even wider smile, if that was possible. The words suddenly snapped into Gideon's hearing. "Do you, Gideon Restin, take Raymond Zasturfinztin as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Gideon said, his voice ringing out strongly over the crowd. He could hear a soft sniffling in the crowd and looked to see Raymond's mother crying and wiping tears out of her eyes as she cradled Zakai against her chest. She had absolutely loved her grandchildren.

"And do you, Raymond Zasturfinztin, take Gideon Restin, as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Raymond said, smiling at Gideon.

"I now pronounce you man and wif..." the preacher blushed and said, "I now pronounce you man and husband. You may now kiss the bri... uh, husband."

Everyone laughed as Gideon bent his head to Raymond's and smiled and said, "Finally." Before pushing his lips to Raymond's and sharing the most passionate kiss they had shared in weeks.

When they finally pulled apart and looked around to see a few people crying. Gideon smiled and took Raymond's paw and started to walk with him down the aisle, towards the street where a limo was waiting to take them to the closest airport, which was a two hour drive. They would have plenty of time to do whatever they wanted on the drive there.

They climbed into the limo and the driver, one of Gideon's many cousins, started driving, rolling up the window that separated the front and back seats. Raymond smiled then asked, "Why did you say finally?"

Gideon blushed and reached an arm behind his back and rubbed his wing tip nervously and said, "You'll think I'm stupid."

"I could never think you're stupid." Raymond said, smiling.

Gideon chuckled and said, "Well, I guess I could tell you. When I was twelve," he started, "my parents were driving and someone crashed into our car. My seatbelt snapped and I flew through the windshield and hit my head. I went into a coma."

Raymond nodded and said, "Go on."

"I woke up from it a month later, and during the coma, I had had the most wonderful dream."

"What dream would that be?" Raymond asked.

"Basically," Gideon said, "everything up to right before our kiss."

Raymond smiled and said, "I had the exact same dream."

"That's weird. But cool." Gideon said, smiling. "Now, don't you want to know where we're going for our honey moon?"

"Where?" Raymond said, smiling.

"Paris." Gideon said smiling.

"Really?" Raymond said.

"Yep," Gideon said smiling, "we're going to Paris."

Raymond giggled excitedly and said, "I love you honey."

"I love you too, puppy." Gideon said, kissing his cheek.

"What did I say about calling me puppy, lizard?" Raymond said, grinning at him.

"I don't know," Gideon whispered into Raymond's ear, "but I'm gonna get you if you call me lizard again."

"Uh-huh," Raymond said, "sure ya will."

Gideon grinned and looked out his window and sighed, "Did I forget to mention we have a chaperone?"

"Yes, yes you did." Raymond said, smiling at him.

Gideon laughed and said, "Well, at least we still get our own room at the hotel."

"We do get that at least," Raymond said, smiling and rubbing a paw up and down Gideon's chest. "Which means that I get my wonderful dragon tonight."

"Yes you do," Gideon said, smiling, "Mr. Restin."

Raymond giggled and said, "Oh please, Mr. Restin is your father."

Gideon laughed and nuzzled his boyfriend's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." Raymond said,s miling at his love.


Later that night, Gideon moaned quietly as Raymond pushed him down on the bed and slowly started to unbutton his pants. "I love you baby," Gideon said, smiling as Raymond unrolled the lubricated condemn over his member.

"I love you too." Raymond said as he positioned himself over Gideon's member, his tail flicking back and forth, his clothes already on the floor.

Raymond slowly lowered himself onto Gideon's member and Gideon moaned as he penetrated Raymond's tail hole. "It all seems... so different... now that we're married." Raymond said as he pushed himself down onto Gideon's member.

"It does." Gideon said between moans. He turned Raymond over and put Raymond's legs on his shoulders and kissed him before pulling out slowly and then pushing back into him. Raymond moaned slightly and said, "I love you."

"I know you do honey," Gideon said as he moaned as his pace started to quicken as Raymond's tail hole stretched. Gideon kissed him again, his tongue running around Raymond's mouth eagerly as he drew closer and closer to his climax.

"You're so warm," Gideon moaned, "and tight."

"You're so big," Raymond said, as he draped his arms around Gideon's neck.

Gideon moaned louder and said, "I'm gonna cum honey."

"It doesn't really matter," Raymond said, moaning again as the condemn inflated inside him, Gideon's cum filling it to the brim.

Gideon panted as he turned onto his back, laying Raymond on his stomach before starting to slowly stroke Raymond's fully erect member. Raymond moaned loudly and started bucking his hips into Gideon's paw saying, "That feels so good hun."

"I know it does babe," Gideon said, smiling at him, "now, cover me with your seed."

Gideon squeezed Raymond's knot and he howled loudly and released his load, the white, hot, creamy seed flowing out of his member and covering Gideon's chest. Raymond panted for breath as he fell on top of Gideon and kissed him again.

"Love you honey." he said.

"And I love you," Gideon said, "and I will forever."



Ahh, a happy ending, happy now? I'm sorry to disappoint those who said I was a good writer because I could hurt my characters, I guess I'm not that good. Criticism is totally necessary. I know, my yiff scene was rushed. *Giggles* Hope you enjoyed my stories, be on the lookout for my next ones!