Sunsets,Ch1-A evening alone

Story by Benji Kun on SoFurry

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#1 of Sunsets

Hey, everyone,decided to write a little again,so sorry if it's kinda short and whatnot, but I'm very busy and I would love to write more,but I'll try to make it good....

Disclaimer: Blah blah, no under 18 people unless you're being naughty and would like to be punished....*oh my!*Enjoy.<3

Isu was a happy young wolf with bright amber eyes and golden fur that made him stand out in crowds,he was easy to spot,and he had a smile that could charm any guy he wanted. There were several guys Isu had his eyes on,and he wanted a particular white wolf who he had taken interest in.

His name was blane, and he luckly for Isu was gay and looking for someone cute and cuddly..However, Isu was shy and wasn't sure if he could get Blane to like him.Isu was a closet gay,hiding it from his Father,who wasn't the nicest person when it came to the gay folk.

Thankfully for him,His mother,who was a lawyer for Gays who married in the state where he lived,so even though his parents disagreed on certain things,he knew his mother would take his side,should he be found out.

This gave him some comfort, so he smiled as he walked through his front door.

"Hello? Anyone? I'm home!" Isu called into the empty house.Shutting the door behind him,Isu walked into the kitchen and found a note on the fridge.

Dear Isu,

Your Father is going to be working late,so he won't be home until tommorrow. Mommy has got another case,and Hoo,it's a big one! I won't be home until later tonight,Maybe even tommorrow...There's food in the fridge,and you can make yourself something to eat if you need to,I'm sorry I couldn't be there to ask how your day was...I love you sweetie, Hve a good evening,and Be sure to lock the doors before you go to bed,okay sweetie? Mommy loves you soooo Much! Hugs and kisses!xoxo....

Isu read the note and gave a small grimace at how affectionate his mom was.But he smiled as he read the last part. He adored his mom, and the fact he helped gay folk stay together made him happy.

Sometimes he could hear his parents arguing and he'd be scared how his father would yell about how his mom supported "A bunch of god forsaken fags who'd die of AIDS sonner or later, but his mom would always say that It was A legitimate field of work, and she would support whoever needed her help.

He would sometimes listen to her stories about her case, and he would always say, "Way to go mom!" when she would win a case...He was beginning to think his mom knew his secret, but if she only knew and no this dad, he didn't care....

Reaching into the fridge,He pulled out a pack of hot dogs and set some water to boil. He liked them cooked in the microwave, but he preferred them to be boiled and severed on a bun with all the fixing,ketchup,mustard,sometimes relish or sauerkraut,but it was the taste of the hot dog itself he savored so much...

He blushed as he thought about it for a second,and then went to the living room.He turned on the television and flipped through the channels to see what was on..

"Damn.nothing good on...Guess I'll watch Fearless.. It was one of his favorite movies,and he wanted to get into martial arts,but since he was alone, he decided to pratice the moves he saw on the movie until finally,he checked on his meal and found them to be done.

Taking them out of the pot and placing them on buns, he put what he wanted on each one util the last one...He stared at it and began to blush.Picking it up off the bun, he dragged his tounge up the lenght of the hot dog,and placing it into his mouth,began to suckle on it.

He murred slightly, thinking of Blane, How the hot dog was really his hard cock pusling inside his mouth, and Isu blushed harder when he woke up from his daydream to find himself licking and getting off to a hot dog.Trying to keep his thoughts under control, he took his plate of hot dogs and his movie to his room,where he locked the door behind him.

As he watched Jet Li fight his opponent high above a crowd of peopel, he munched down the hot dogs, enjoying the movie until he got down th the last one again...Thinking of earlier, he wondered to himself,

"Am I a furvert?!" He blushed at he thought of having Blane's cock in his mouth..Whimpering, Isu couldn't take it anymore.He was alone for the entire evening, so he went over his computer and turned it on.

After logging on, he loaded his media player and began watching several gay yiff movies he downloaded offline. Getting hot, he stripped down to find his 10 inch member already sliding out of his sheath.He was proud to be so long,and he was also happy his ball were huge as well.

Making himself comfortable and grabbing the hot dog,he began to paw himself off at the two huskies who were enjoying each other's company in a 69 on the computer screen. He moaned as he slid the hot dog down his throat,pretending to suck off his imaginary boyfriend as he watched the huskies deepthroat one another.

Then, the scene on the screen changed. One husky had the other bent over double as he pundd his ass with his hard throbbing cock,and he was pushing eh other husky's hips into his mouth, forcing the other husky to suck himself.

Isu blushed hard, his cock throbbed in his paw, a small trickle of pre began to leak from the tip as he pawed himself a little faster and continued to suck on the Hot dog in his mouth,bobbing his head aong the length and dragging his tounge across the surface, taking care not to bite or accidentally scrape it with his teeth.

The huskies on the screen were now Yiffing like crazy,and the doubled over husky began to whine loudly as his knot was shoved past his lips, his legs rocking in mid air as he was pounded hard by his mate, who howled with pleasure as he thrust deeper and deeper until his knot was begging to be forced into the other husky's tight hole.

Isu was turning red,and he began to whimper with pleasure as he pulled the hot dog from his mouth and placed it next to his mouse.He threw one of his legs over the arm of his chair in his room,and began to paw even faster, jets of pre lubing his cock and splashing his soft furry sac as he panted, his tounge lolling out of his mouth,His cock pulsating in his paw.

Rather suddenly, the huskies on screen howled in triumph as they came,the husky thrust his knot into his partner, coating his insides as the other one gagged as he fired nine strands of hot husky cum into his own mouth,getting a strong taste of himself.

As if this wasn't enough for Isu to blow,He watched as the other husky leaned in and shoved his tounge into his mates mouth for a compassionate snowball,and he let out a small howl as he watched them swish their tounges together,the sticky white cum and saliva mixed together,and as they pulled apart, it dripped onto the bottom husky's chest,where his mate smeared it into his chest fur.

Isu couldn't take it anymore,he wanted to know what he tasted like as well.Leaning down,he managed to wrap his muzzle around his cock,and started to suck himself to the brink of cumming.He was shocked to find himself that flexible at all, and he liked the taste of his own pre on his tounge as he continued to suck himself off,deep throating himself and moaning loudly,giving himself a rippling feeling as he did so...

Rather suddenly,Isu felt that familiar tingle in his sac,and he sucked himself even faster, pawing himself and ggripping his knot tightly as he felt that familiar rush inside his groin,his balls tightened up and pressed against the bottom of his paw,the pulsating cock in his mouth then erupted,spraying his own hot wolf cum down his throat as he shoved it as deep as he could get it into his throat.

He gagged from how much filled his mouth,he counted exactly fifteen spurts of cum,and it overflowed out of his muzzle and trickled down past his now cum covered lips, coating his cock and paw as it trickled down and covered his golden balls,turning them white.

He murred with delight and ecstacy,he couldn't beleive how good he tasted,it was perfectly salty with a sweet tang to it,and he swallowed as much of his own wolf cum as he could. He pulled off his member,and he then closed his eyes and continued to paw himself a little while longer,enjoying himself a little while longer as he felt his slick and still rock hard member in his paw.

He reached out with his other paw and turned off the moniter,and looked at his reflection in the mirrored screen.

He was strangely turned on by the sight of himself covered in his own cum, his golden muzzle soaked white with his own cum,A puddle of cum on his chest from where he pulled off and let some drip from his tounge,which was hanging out to the side, His legs spread wide,with one over his chair leg, his cock still hard,His paw gripping his hard cock.

Smiling, he reached for the digital camera on his desk and decided to start a small photo collection of himself like this.Flipping the screen, he positioned it perfectly to match the Image he say earlier, and he liked the way he looked,covered in his own white wolfy cum,enjoying his evening alone,he set the timer on the camera,closed his eyes,let his tounge loll out of his mouth, and whispered to himself and the camera clicked and captured the perfect image of himself,

"Say cheese..."

After he relaxed and his cock softened,Isu looked at the picture of himself. He blushed hard,noticing how pleasured and satisfied with himself he looked.Still,though, he thought it was kinda cute...Saving the picture of himself on the camera, he then slipped it into his backpack.

Tommorrow, he was gonna get a picture of Blane.They were in the same gym class together,so he hoped he could get a picture of Blane naked in the shower,and if he was lucky, maybe even tape him with the video option,He blushed and giggled to himself as he climbed under the covers, snuggling with the wolf doll he had on his bed.The doll was white furred and pretty big,and its muzzle was open in a wide grin.

Isu blushed and giggled to himself...He had a strap on dildo hidden in a box inside his closet,along with some gay yiff comics he had ,and some DVDs. His Friend Andrew had given him the box filled with all of DVDs and the dildo, the comics,and a extra box of condoms and lube if he needed it

Isu snuggled the doll close and decided since tommorrow was Friday,he might as well get some sleep before he set his plan into action.He smiled one last time before he fell asleep,warm and happy in his dream state.