A ticklish situation

Story by Wolfy soft paws on SoFurry

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Crash Bandicoot is captured by Cortex and tickled mercilessly. Enjoy!

Crash struggled but he could not escape. He was lying on a table with his arms and legs strapped down. Another strap went across his waist ensuring he could not get free. His arms were tied above his head leaving his armpits exposed.

"I hope you are comfortable bandicoot. You will be here for a while."

Crash immediately recognised the voice. It was Cortex.

"You have been a thorn in my side for too long. Now you and your friends will pay."

"You won't get away with this! My friends will rescue me!"

Cortex chuckled at Crash's words. "Your friends are all safely locked away bandicoot! Nobody is coming for you."

Cortex stood over Crash and grinned down at him. Crash gulped. He had been on another mission to defeat Cortex but he was ready for him this time. Crash and his friends were taken by surprise and locked up. Cortex had ordered his henchmen to strap him down so he could deal with him personally. He wanted the marsupial to suffer and he had a different kind of torture in mind for him.

"Are you ticklish bandicoot? Why don't we find out."

Without warning he began to lightly tickle Crash's exposed pits. Crash giggled softly as the fingers lightly brushed the sensitive flesh under his arms.

"He he, that tickles, stop it!"

Cortex had no intention of stopping. He continued to wiggle his fingers under Crash's arms. He then poked at his sides and scratched his belly. Crash laughed out loud and begged for mercy. Cortex enjoyed hearing him laugh and watching him squirm. It made him feel good. After half an hour of tickling his pits, sides and belly Cortex decided to start on his feet. He sat next to Crash's feet and began to unlace his boots.

"No please, not my feet! Anywhere but there!"

Cortex pulled off his boots revealing his large furry feet. Crash gulped. He was extremely sensitive and hated having his feet touched. His sister Coco would tickle him sometimes but he didn't mind as he could easily get away. Being strapped down to a table like this meant he would have no choice but to endure the tickling.

Cortex couldn't wait to start on his feet. He reached into a bag and pulled out a feather. With an evil grin he slowly and lightly dragged the feather up his left sole. Crash giggled. He curled his toes and wiggled his foot around. Cortex tickled various spots on Crash's foot to find his most sensitive spots. He tickled the heel and circled the feather over the ball of his foot. He tickled the flesh beneath his toes and swept the feather over them. Brushing the feather over his toes got the biggest reaction from him. He laughed hard and begged Cortex to stop. Cortex then started on his right foot, exploring it and finding all of his ticklish spots. Crash continued to giggle and squirm as his most sensitive areas were teased.

Cortex decided he would need some assistance. He left the room and returned with another of Crash's enemies. A familiar face grinned down at him. Dingodile. He had been humiliated by the marsupial on more than one occasion. He was looking forward to some payback. Dingodile began to scrape and claw at Crash's underarms making him giggle. Cortex watched with a smile.

"Don't just focus on his pits. His sides and belly need attention too."

Cortex started on his feet. He stroked the feather up and down his sole. He then tickled the ball of his foot and brushed the feather over his toes. Crash giggled helplessly. He pulled hard at his restraints but they would not budge. He then tickled the other foot. Dingodile alternated between tickling his pits and poking and scratching his sides and belly. He was amused at Crash's reaction to the tickling.

"He really is a ticklish one isn't he? I'm barely touching him."

Cortex nodded in agreement. He grabbed crash's foot, holding it in place and tickled his toes. Crash screamed and tugged at his restraints as the feather teased the sensitive flesh of his toes. Cortex gripped his foot tighter and continued to feather his toes. He wiggled his toes and splayed them allowing the feather to tickle between them. Crash squealed as the feather tickled the flesh between his toes. Cortex then started on his other foot.

Dingodile continued to scrape and claw at Crash's pits and belly. His chest ached from laughing so much. He tried begging but he could not get the words out. They would stop occasionally to allow him to catch his breath and recover a little. Cortex wanted him to endure this for as long as possible.

"Swap places with me. Those claws of yours will be perfect on such ticklish soles. Oh, and give his toes special attention."

Crash shuddered. The claws were bad enough on his upper body. How would they feel on his feet? Cortex grinned down at Crash and asked if he was having fun. Crash didn't reply. He knew it would be pointless. He squealed as he felt something scraping along his soles. Dingodile began to run his sharp claws over his soles. Crash wiggled his feet but there was no escaping the tickling. Dingodile enjoyed the sight of his wiggling feet and toes. He held his toes back and scraped his claws over his soles. He held his foot in place and clawed at the tips of his toes. He did this with all of his toes. He then spread Crash's toes apart and scraped the sensitive flesh between them. Tears ran down his face as he laughed and begged for mercy.

Dingodile leaned down and sniffed at Crash's toes. They were warm and sweaty. The smell was something that appealed to him. He pressed his snout against them and sniffed deeply. Crash giggled as the reptile sniffed at his feet. Cortex watched with interest. He had no idea of Dingodile's interest in feet until now. Dingodile extended his tongue and slurped at Crash's sweaty sole. He found the taste quite pleasant. He lapped repeatedly at his sole and licked between his toes. He then began licking Crash's other foot. He slid his tongue between his toes and sucked on his toes. He then began to lightly nibble on his toes. Crash laughed hysterically as the tongue explored his soft sensitive soles.

"Mmm your toes taste good bandicoot! I could suck on them all day."

Crash could no longer speak. Between bursts of hysterical laughter he babbled sentences they could not understand. Saliva drooled from the corners of his mouth as he laughed. Cortex started on his pits again. Seeing Crash in such agony pleased him. He considered it payback for all the times Crash had humiliated him. Crash was close to passing out. They ceased the tickling to allow Crash time to recover. After a minute or so they started again. Dingodile resumed licking his feet and Cortex continued on his upper body. The tickling finally became too much for him. They had spent nearly two hours torturing him. After one last breath he passed out. Cortex was pleased with the situation. He noticed a dark spot on the crotch area of Crash's jeans. He had lost control of his bladder during the intense tickling.

He ordered Dingodile to untie him and lock him away. He would be strapped to the table every day and tortured for hours. Some of the henchmen felt sorry for Crash after a while but Cortex did not. He enjoyed watching him suffer and planned on keeping him prisoner for a very long time.

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