Standing Out: Aiden's Story - Chapter 1

Story by Aerak on SoFurry

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A brief note from the author: Hey there everyone. It's been along time since I've posted anything at all. For the people who emailed me asking for more, sorry it took so long. Also sorry that this doesn't really classify as ''more'', seeing how this is a new story series. My bad. I'll actually finish this one.

I've had the worst case of writers block these past six months which I've finally been able to break out of today with this story. This first chapter is only roughly 4 pages long. Sorry 'bout that. Next chapter will be longer I promise.

Anywho, enjoy!

I was all alone. This apartment on the fringes of what might be called civilization by some, this crooked neighborhood full of the worst kind of tyrants... and me with no money and no idea how I'm going to change things. This apartment I live in is an ancient relic from the old world, a world of discrimination, of crushed hopes and the people who try to pick up the pieces. In other words the same type of world that exists today.

This place is my home *hah*... if you could call it that; full of dust and mold. The colors are all faded, hell, even my fur is beginning to lack color... a sign of the harsh times that I'm having to endure. The only food in this entire place, which by the way is a one bedroom unit (there all one bedroom units), is a stack of frozen pizzas, quite obviously in the freezer.

I looked over to the window from where I was sitting at the kitchen table; looked through the darkness, both in my apartment and outside. Shots rang out, gun shots, and the wind almost symbolic in it's timing seemed to howl suddenly. I got up and looked from my balcony. The night air was hot and humid. I looked down towards the street light, the only one that's viewable from where I am. Below it was a pool of blood and a man frantically searching for the victims wallet.

I thought to myself, ''it's pretty bad when you can shoot a man in plain site and get away with it... no... to show no fear of being caught. As I stood there I cried for that man who had to die for a few bucks... atleast that's what I was doing at first, but then the tears of sadness for that man's plight turned inward to my own despair. I slumped over and put my hand against my forehead, looking at the 2x4s on which I stood. I had seen enough.

''What am I going to do?'' I'm not a religious wolf, but I prayed... I prayed because I had nothing else. I knew in my heart that it wouldn't matter, but I had to do something. This world was tearing itself apart... the human's couldn't even get along with their own kind. What did I do to deserve this life, especially when things were going so well for me until a few years ago. With nothing left to do, I cried myself to sleep.



By M. Hibbard (aka Aerak Wolfwood)

Chapter One - The Beginning

A man taught me something once, and before you bother asking who he was, he was a lot of things... the human who decided to look after me in my early teens. Yes, it's definitely not the usually for a furry, but this man was different.

When I was 12 I think, I was with my parents at a mall.. I don't remember which one and it isn't important to the story anyway. But what is important is that we were at a videogame store getting me a gameboy game. As we walked out the exit of the story, the invisible line that separated it from the rest of the mall, the security system sounded. The people turned into a mob, automatically assuming that my parents had stolen something, and they decided to take the situation into their own hands. I got pushed away from them, and I remember the shear terror of the moment and feeling like everyone suddenly became a monster. Even the woman were acting out, something which surprises me looking back, given that woman are usually less prone to anger than men. My parents were knocked off their feet and slammed against the tile floor. A young man in his early twenties saw what was going on as he was walking by the store and decided to act. He darted out infront of my parents, forming a divider between them and the mob.

''What the hell are you all doing... have you lost your minds? Is this how you'd treat a human? And what of this little one'', he said as he pointed to me, ''can't you see how frightened he is... he didn't do anything to deserve this''.

His name was Peter McKellen. He was 19 at the time. After the incident we all became very close... he ended up becoming part of our family. My parents would sometimes be gone for weeks at a time with their jobs. My father was an engineer for IBM. My mother was a fashion designer. They were very lucky as far as most furry's go... yes, they were quite priviledged to have been given so many opportunities in their lives. While they were gone they charged Peter with looking after me. Growing up he was like an older brother to me; the kind who you get along with and have fun with ofcourse. He taught me to be tolerant of others, no matter what their beliefs or views on the world were. And as I found out from him when I was 17, it was okay if you were of another sexual orientation.

We were camping that night at a state park that wasn't too far away from where my parents lived. It was just the two of us there that night. As we sat pressed up against a giant rock, in the field looking up at the stars, I began to get a little chilled. Peter must've noticed this because he inched towards me and put his arm around me.

I chuckled and said to him, ''this is pretty gay''... I was only being silly. Peter smiled at me and with his other hand began to rub my chest through my shirt.

''Well, it's a good thing I am then'', he said calmly. My breathing began to speed up as the hand against my chest went down and under my shirt, pressed up against my slender stomach. His fingers pressed into my fur... they were cold, afterall, he was only wearing a t-shirt and kackis. He closed his eyes and his smile grew wider. ''Your fur's so warm'', he said to me softly. What he said next surprised me: ''I know the feelings you have for me deep inside, Aiden. You don't have to be afraid, for I also share them towards you''. My eyes began to tear up and I looked away from him, biting my lower lip for a moment and then turning back where my eyes met his.

''How did you know'', I asked with a sniffle. He embraced me softly... it was the first time that anyone had held me like that. I slowly and timidly reached my arms around him and returned the embrace, resting my cheek against his shoulder. He spoke softly, his voice full of emotion.

''Hey, I've known you since you were 17, remember?''

As the night went on the air began increasingly chilly. But we were both okay. Peter had a few blankets in the back of his car which he decided to get out, and then we snuggled together and he told me stories about the constellations that he'd been taught as a child. That night the stars shined for us, or atleast it appeared that way to me. For the first time in my life, and quite unexpectedly aswell, I felt complete. I couldn't believe what I had been missing. And as the night went on, after the stories were through, I rolled onto my side and rested my head against Peter's shoulder. I remember him putting his arm around me... his other arm reached over so that he could softly run his fingers through my headfur.

''You're so warm Aiden'', he paused and smiled lightly, rubbing his cheek against the top of my head. ''I wish I had fur like yours''.

I closed my eyes and yawned, ''Don't worry...hon'', the word felt very strange as I used it for the first time, and yet that word alone made me giggle slightly. ''You don't need fur. Whenever you're cold, just let me know and I'll keep you warm'' I could feel him grin against the top of my head.

''Thank you wuffy, though that's not entirely what I meant''.

I lifted my head and looked at him. ''What is it then?'' He sat up and sighed lightly and for some reason I felt compelled to wrap my arm around him.

''It's just... naw... you'll just think I'm crazy''.

The paw on his shoulder migrated to the back of his head, and I slowly leaned my head in and kissed him softly, breaking the kiss I looked into his eyes and rested my paw against his cheek. ''No I won't'', I said softly and in as caring a tone as I could. He leaned in and I wrapped my arms around him, letting his cheek rest against my shoulder as he had done for me earlier. I could tell that whatever he was about to tell me was very important to him, something that he probably hadn't told anyone. And after a moment of peaceful silence, he spoke.

''Ever since I can remember I've felt out of place with other's like me. Humanity is like a tree with it's many different people being like different branches. I see so much violence and fighting between them'', he paused, ''can't they see that they're all parts of the same thing?''. Once again he paused, yet only briefly, ''And yet I feel disconnected from them. When I'm with you and your family, with furries, everything seems so familiar, and when I touch your fur I can almost faintly remember what it feels like to be covered in it. I wish I was furry, that is my strongest desire... no... my second strongest.

He leaned back a bit and looked into my eyes. I could now see that his eyes were quite watery. He pressed his palms softly against my cheeks. ''My biggest desire is to be with you''. Those words made my eyes instantly begin to tear, and he leaned his head forward and our lips met, and stayed together for a long time.

I could feel his hands shift position now, where one was pressed against the back of my head, and the other was firmly traveling down my back. I could feel his tongue begin to invade my mouth and I gasped slightly out of surprise, especially since at the very same time I felt his hand travel under my pants where his gripped my butt tightly. The feeling was very new to me, myself being a virgin at that point. I pushed forward, pushing him onto his back, where I lifted up his shirt and pulled it over his head and then slowly licked from his bellybutton to his chest, up along the side of his neck, which gave him goosebumps.

I began to suck and nibble on his neck, causing him to moan loudly. As I was doing this I slowly lowered myself so that I was sitting on his crouch. My butt pressed against his rock hard member that was hiding within his pants. I grinned, also noticing that I had slipped out of my sheath; all the pre from my pertruding member beginning to make my boxers damp. I pulled my head away from his neck, sitting straight up, enjoying the feel of my rump grinding against that large bulge in his pants.

His hands quickly began undoing my pants. He undid the button and then quickly pulled them and my boxers down around my ankles, eager to get at my wolfhood that was only half erect but was already almost 5 inches long. I moved back slightly so that I was now over his thighs were I undid the fly of his pants. Bringing my muzzle down I slowly enhaled his musk, the smell arousing me even more. I pressed the tip of my muzzle against the slit of his pants, and let my tongue invade and move past the slit in his boxers, finding his member waiting for me, I licked along it's length, causing Peter to tilt his head back and moan loudly.

I then pulled away and tugged his pants down. By this time my wolfhood was fully erect and I pressed it against his member, firmly gripping them both in my paw. His cock was only a few inches shorter than mine, a pretty good size considering he was human.

Peter chuckled looking at our members pressed against one another. ''We're pretty different from eachother''.

I giggled, ''But I'm guessing they work pretty much the same''.

And with that I began stroking both of our members together. My other paw pressed against Peter's chest where I pinched his nipple inbetween my claws; his hand gripping the wrist of that paw tightly. My wolfhood was continually leaking which served as a natural lubricant; the access dripping onto Peter's stomach. He was very close to going over the edge, and so was I.

My knot began to grow where it pressed firmly against Pete's balls. His breathing began to quicken, and I gripped our members even tighter as my orgasm neared. Finally Peter climaxed, panting and moaning deeply as he through his head back. Cum shot out and onto his chest, and it was then that I hit my own climax. I howled loudly and spilled my seed all over him. About thirty seconds later, after I had regained myself, I smiled at him and licked his forehead, then I collapsed beside him and rubbed his cheek with the back of my paw.

''Sorry for the mess''.

He laughed and then kissed me softly. ''It's okay. You won't find me complaining''.

He shivered as a cold breeze caught him offguard. I picked up my shirt and quickly wiped him off so he wouldn't be as cold.

''Hey, don't you need that'', he asked.

''I'm covered in fur, remember? I'll be fine..'', I paused for a minute as I looked into my lover's eyes ''.. I have you afterall''.

With that we smiled at eachother and I snuggled up against Peter once again. He pulled the blanket back over us and very soon he fell asleep. I stayed awake a little while longer though, looking up at the full moon and contemplating how much had changed in such a short period of time. I looked rubbed my cheek against Peter, and for the first time I didn't second guess or try to hide my feelings.

''Sweet dreams, hon'', I said in a soft voice. ''I love you''

End of Chapter 1

What will become of Peter and Aiden? What happened to screw Aiden's life up so much and will he be able to break free? These are all good questions. Find out whenever I get around to writing the next chapter!