Customer Service - A Para-Imperium RP

Story by Zarpaulus on SoFurry

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#14 of Para-Imperium

The log of an RP I did with Rip-tore on FA earlier this year.

It also showcases some of the services that Free Traders from the Federation can provide to Outworlders.

The arrival of a starship is always a big event outside the Stargate network. Federal Guard ships evoke fear among the population as governments worry that the Praetor's peacekeepers have determined that they require direct intervention. But Free Traders are usually welcomed. They carry with them news of the outside universe, strange and fantastic cultures and artifacts, sometimes even some exotic new technology. On Federation worlds they simply sell the blueprints on the planetary network, while on Quarantine worlds they have to be more creative. For most goods they can simply nano-fabricate them in orbit using resources extracted from nearby asteroids and drop them down the gravity well. But some technology requires the customer to come to them.

Naturally, the price is much higher in the latter case, something that typically only governments or the elite can afford.

It's certainly quite the ride to get all the way up onto the starship, with Keyllan taking the nearest shuttle. The trip will be at least a few hours, not counting delays, and the frequent outages on his network connection means that he's practically asleep from boredom by the time the shuttle reaches the starship. He was hoping, of course, that it'd be worth the wait, since the only way to get things like these was to take the distance. Moving his way out with the other passengers, he merged into the crowd on his way to the ship itself, looking at any nearby signage that might tell him which way to head.

Once he steps upon the starship Keyllan's VersaEye pings with an indicator of a local Augmented Reality Mesh formatted for compatibility with the planet's tech. Upon access to the Mesh a number of multi-colored icons appear tagging the different corridors from the docking bay. Most are blue, some are yellow, one, labeled "Surgery" is bright green.

He sighs gently to himself, pulling his jacket to cover himself a little more, trying to stop a shiver. He can't help but feel a little nervous as he follows the sign, gut clenched tightly with each step. It isn't that he isn't used to being in and out of rooms like these, to be sure. It's more a matter of the procedure, the ritual of it all... especially when it comes to the removal of clothes. He knew there was no logical reson to be so nervous about it, it was a sort of thing that was just expected for that sort of work. Maybe he still had some issues regarding self-issues to work out. Maybe that was something he could get fixed one day. He'd have to ask.

In any case, following the signs, he'd poke his head into the waiting room, glancing around to see how many other people were around, taking a nearby seat, his bulk sinking deeply into the chair, the hybrid pulling his jacket over himself in a poor attempt to hide.

There are three other people in the waiting room, simply a room with opaque doors at opposite ends of the room and a holoscreen in one corner playing a galactic news network in Anglic, the AR providing translations if necessary. Eventually the door opens and a bored-sounding voice calls out "Redclaw, Keyllan". Going through the door the big lizard finds a corridor with a half-dozen other doors. Stepping out of one is a large male tiger with legs shaped like a kangaroo's wearing a lab coat. Behind him, Keyllan can just barely see a gleaming white robotic armature tracing a red line up the shaved back of a parahuman of indeterminate species. He could almost swear the line looks like blood.

"You Keyllan then?" The doctor, you presume, closes the door behind him and addresses the reptile. "You can call me Dr. Morris Taouchev. Ready for your Fed-Tech implant?"

He's seen waiting rooms like this plenty of times before, so as somewhat ominous as the place looks, it's something that doesn't faze him particularly much. Not even the blood really bothered him... he certainly wouldn't tell anybody this, but he tended to find biology fascinating, even if he was certainly no expert in the field. He even kept some of the X-Rays of that old war injury of his by personal request, taking an interest in seeing how everything was fused together. And yet, looking at the man ahead of him, he could feel his knees shaking once more, his throat going dry. He just had to get through the embarassment without feeling sick, and then he could get right out of here. He was certainly expecting somebody older, that was for sure.

"Right, yeah... ah. Just to ask, though, could you go over the details on this implant?" He scratches his snout, giving a sigh. "I'm... I'm really sorry, I haven't had much time to read over things. I was running late here, and I had work before that, and... I mean, you can just give me the quick rundown."

Dr. Taouchev's eyes flick to the side for a moment as if trying to remember something. "It seems you're scheduled for two implants. First is a standard BCI, similar to those possessed by 95% of the Federation's population. Electrodes laced over the surface of your brain will both feed data in and accept input from your central nervous system. Similar to some of your current implants but I must say the interface will be smoother and offer far higher resolution. Given time and practice you should be able to use it while immobile." He pauses for a second more. "The second is a visual augmentation. Normally we inject zoom lenses and filters that selectively convert infrared or ultraviolet to the visual spectrum into your corneas but it looks like you've already had one eye replaced with a prosthetic. Did you want that replaced with a clone?"

"You mean, like a natrual one?" He thinks for a moment, swaying his tail gently, thinking it over. "Um... actually, no, no thank you." He pauses for a moment, opening his mouth to continue speaking. "I mean, I guess, thinking about it, I kind of prefer having something like that to stand out. I have people tell me for how quiet I can get, I stand out a lot, because it's easy to see all the work I've done. And I mean, I guess they're right, I just... I don't know. I keep telling myself one day if I get tired of it, I could just change it..." He trails off there, chuckling somewhat nervously to himself. "But... yeah, everything other than would be fine." He takes a moment to glance over the doctor, trying to get a good feel for his body type, age... he can't resist a little boywatching, as much as he tries to hide it.

"Fine." The doctor replies curtly. "I can attempt to install the improved hardware in your current prosthetic or fab up a new one from scratch, your choice. It will take more time but fortunately you won't need to be present during most of the procedure. Just pop it out and come back in a few more hours." He considers something for a second. "I could probably set it up to run while your BCI is being installed, that will take several hours unfortunately and you need to be conscious for the testing and configuration."

"Sure, yeah, I can hang around here... next shuttle won't be coming around here for a good while, so I guess it'd be best to have something to do." He glances around the room, looking for a place to sit, trying to get a quick glance at the equipment around the room, wondering if anything's changed since the last time he's been in here. "Can you tell me more about the procedure?"

"You are aware that in the Federation most of our products are assembled via nanotechnology, yes?" At Keyllan's gesture he continues. "Most of the time an enclosed device vaguely similar to one of your 3-D printers extrudes the product, the heads depositing individual molecules layer by layer. Of course, that's not always feasible, so we developed a means of using small robots with nanoassembler heads to construct objects in the field, protecting the sensitive equipment from contamination by forming protective spheres of other microbots that can assemble and re-assemble in seconds. Both procedures will involve microbots injected directly into the affected region. With the ocular enhancement they will simply unpack the implant's components and place them in your cornea." The tiger hybrid lifts a handheld auto-injector with a vial of clear fluid with grey and red specks floating in suspension. "However, for the BCI," he gestures to a armature terminating in a set of long needles connected to plastic hoses that are slowly filling with a gold-speckled liquid, "the microbots will set up a nanofabrication plant at the base of your cranium producing wiring that other bots will trail out to selected sites in your brain while the injectors continually feed raw material into the site while drawing off excess fluid." He calls up a bed to rise out of the floor next to the overcomplicated IV, with the head next to the hypodermics. "Naturally, you won't be allowed to move during all this."

Well, that was certainly new. And very large, and quite pointy. He wasn't entirely sure how to take the appearance of that particular device, until he reminded himself of the time he was shot several times in the face. Certainly, ending up on the other end of that didn't seem like it would be fun, but if he could get through that, anything was an improvement... at least, that's what he told himself. "Right... I understand." With that, he slowly moved over to the bed, feeling it sink ever so slightly from his weight, laying flat on his back with a long exhale. "All right, Keyllan, no problem," he thought to himself, taking a deep breath. "This just involves your head, he can't make you take your clothes off for that. Right?" He didn't want to tempt fate by asking aloud, of course.

"It would, of course, be preferable for you to remove your clothes first so that they don't interfere with my scans." Morris comments as he stares at the bed and it adjusts itself for the reptile's body.

"...Shit." Well, that came out out loud. He pauses for a moment, blushing a bright shade of green as he looked up at the doctor. "I mean. Of course, right, I completely understand. I'll... I'll get on that right now." He hesitated, to be sure, starting off with his jacket, working his vest off, and then his shirt, revealing that thick belly, the thin layer of fur that spread from his chest, down his belly, pointing straight towards his groin. With that, he sighed to himself, working his pants and underwear off down onto the floor. By now, he was completely bare, a thick, dangling pair of balls that swung beneath a slightly swollen maleslit. He hoped the fellow hybrid wouldn't notice, and he especially hoped he didn't ask about it.

The tiger hybrid notices the lizard hybrid's anatomical abnormalities. "Interesting combination of reptilian and mammalian traits. Natural, or bodysculpting?" He asks, drawing from his coat pocket a handheld medical sensor for a quick scan.

"N... natural? N... no, sorry. Synthetic skin with some nerve endings wired through out, the internal testes slipped through." He blushes lightly, coughing. "I... it's... I mean... oh, man, how do I put this..." He reaches down to rub those thick balls of his, making them bounce ever so slightly. "I... always thought that mammals looked... good, with things like these. Kind of more sensual, having a sexual organ that you can touch and feel blatantly on the outside... and I mean, on the other hand, internal testes are so... clinical, in a sexual sense." He stares up at the doctor, trying to squeeze his legs together to hide his malehood. "...Have you ever seen a natrual pair on a reptile?"

"I have over four hundred years of experience across the Federation and surrounding territories. I have seen many types of genitalia, both from birth and from somatic alteration." He calls up a hologram showing a wireframe of a small sac. "We could make that organic, you know." The wireframe is covered with a coating of virtual flesh. "And hereditary, even."

"W... well. To be honest, sometimes I..." He pauses for a moment, still doing the best he can to cover up his genitals, either by crossing his legs or covering them up with his hands. "I... have... kind of had an interest in... more sexual enhacements." He gulps lightly, face turning a practically jade shade of green. "I mean... to tell the truth, yeah, I would be interested in that... and making the rest... more mammalian. Maybe some other things, if... maybe you had any recommendations?"

"Define more mammalian?" The tigerroo doctor asks, sounding disinterested. He calls up something that looks like a 3D printer, only with a dish of pink fluid in the receiving tray. "It would take just under an hour to print out a new scrotum. But I wouldn't start until we have decided whether you're receiving gene therapy as well so as to limit the chances of rejection on your low-tech planet."

"W... well, I mean, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, I wouldn't mind... not having a slit, either..." He thinks for a moment, reaching over to stroke his malevent slowly. "I... asked at a local hospital, they said that was a lot... more difficult. Sealing the vent and bringing out the shaft itself, and all that..." He coughs to himself. "And... maybe... being somewhat more productive... less of a refractory period, if that's doable."

Morris snorts, "at least you've done some research. You'd be surprised how many people don't even know what a refractory period is. They just want bigger balls or a dick that would gouge out their partners' kidneys. When really what they want are larger seminal vesicles, something that doesn't even show externally."

"If... that's not something you really work with, I understand." He coughs gently. "I mean, I feel kind of terrible even asking." He sighs gently, sprawling out across that cot, glancing up at that particular device meant to go on his head. "It's just... kind of a vanity thing, really. I've just always admired how mammals look."

"It's no big deal." Morris replies. "In fact, I kind of prefer having patients who know what they're asking for. I get a lot of requests for sexual enhancements from bored aristocrats and trust-fund brats. Compared to the cost of bringing you up here the extra price is nothing. You could probably take it out of your own money instead of the account your government set up for this transaction."

"Y... yeah, that works." He sighs gently, closing his eyes and attempting to crane his head back. "Well... I guess, uh, if you're ready, I am, too. Just... tell me what I need to do, and everything, and where we need to start." He thinks for a moment, giving Morris a concerned glance. "I... know you want me concious and all that, and I don't mind... but... well, I assume you've got anasthetic and such, right?" He slaps his tail gently across the side of the bed. "I mean... unless you handle this sort of thing in a different way up here."

"I have a local painkiller, yes." Dr. Taouchev pulls out a hypospray and shows it to the big lizard. "I simply spray this on the site and the pain receptors are deactivated for up to ten hours." He lifts Keyllan's head and holds the spray up against the back of his neck. A cool mist is laid down on the surface of his skin and in seconds any trace of pain disappears from his nape, it's not numb per say but there's no pain. The sensation is quite bizarre really.

"Ah, I remember this..." He feels more than a little numb from whatever he was sprayed him with, making it difficult for him to crane his neck more than a few inches in either direction. "I admit I haven't really been... you know, awake for this sort of thing before, so anything beyond what happens here... well, that's new to me." He smiles softly, waiting to see just where else the doctor plans on spraying him. It's not a feeling he particularly enjoys, but given the alternative, he won't complain too much. "I guess it's going to be... is educational the right word? I'm not sure."

"I suppose that might be one word for it." The tiger hybrid pries open Keyllan's eyelids on his organic eye and sprays over the socket. He goes to the cyber eye and pauses. "You never did tell me whether you wanted this eye replaced with a better prosthetic or upgraded?" He sprays and picks up a set of pliers with spoon-like tips.

Even with a prosthetic eye, he couldn't help but wince, ever so slightly. He just decided that he just wouldn't think about whatever he was planning on doing that... he'd just have to focus on something more pleasant. Like, say, the hybrid without his pants. As the thought occured to him, Keyllan immediately felt himself regretting it as his slit started to swell. Shit, hopefully he wouldn't notice that. What if he did? Now the doctor was going to think he was turned on by this sort of thing... well, he certainly didn't mind it, to be sure, but... shit. "Uh... keep the eye as it is, please, an upgrade will be fine. I kind of like the look of it. Truthfully, I think people are kind of too quick to dismiss unobscured cybernetics as a fashion choice. I think if you have somebody professional, they can look pretty nice... but that's just me."

"Very well then." Dr. Morris Taouchev deftly plunges the pliers into Keyllan's eye socket, lifting the prosthetic eye out. With a quick touch he disconnects the optic feed and sets it in a tray on the counter, which immediately withdraws into the wall, an integral nanofab that will augment the cybernetic eye from the molecules up. "Are you ready for the needles yet?"

Keyllan twitches for a moment, sighing softly, thinking even harder than what might be underneath Dr. Taouchev's pants, damn the consequences. It's either that or thinking about the more obvious thing in front of him, that being his own body part, so he can deal with the embarassment. "Y... yeah, sure. Whenever you're ready." He thinks for a moment, using his good eye to stare up towards the tiger. "I... I've been meaning to ask. I hope this isn't too inappropriate, but when you said you've been dealing with lots of genitals, well... what kinds are there, besides male and female?"

"Reptile, mammal, male, female, neuter, hermaphrodite... You would be surprised at the variety that parahumanity has come up with." Almost soundlessly, the injector armature plunges its needles into the back of Keyllan's neck. He feels the pressure, but no pain. He knows he should feel pain, but there is nothing to feel there. It is bizarre.

"Neuters, yeah... I'm never sure how to feel about people like that. I mean, I guess on one hand, I can kind of see the appeal of not letting your libido get in the way of what you might be thinking... I mean, I guess everybody's had a time like that. At least, I have..." He chuckles nervously at his own joke. "But... well, I guess it seems kind of... not entirely fair to take away a biological function like that without somebody's consent. I have to wonder hw many of them are bitter about that kind of thing." He grunts gently as he feels those needles prodding into him, blinking with his one good eye. "So, you handle that kind of thing a lot, I take it? Well. Maybe handle is the wrong word, sorry..."

"During the first generation some parahumans were bioprinted as neuters, most notably the Founder Argentum. Though since they obviously couldn't reproduce without cloning the modification did not persist into later generations, but some people chose to forsake their reproductive organs, while some backworlds cultures did indeed inflict that condition on certain people for whatever reason."

"So... what's next, then?" The dragoncroc stretched out slowly with a yawn, gently rubbing the spot where his eye used to be. Sometimes he wondered if it was odd that he didn't seem to ract to these sorts of things like most people would. He most certainly wasn't enjoying having to squint to keep the doctor in his focus, to be sure, but still.

"I'm afraid your neck has to remain immobilized for the next several hours." He gets a white hemisphere out of a drawer and sets it on the table next to him. A hologram appears above the dracocroc displaying a menu of entertainment options. "Normally this is enough for most people. But it's starting to look like you might want something a little more "hands-on"." Morris gestures at the bulging slit.

He pauses for a moment, glancing quickly over the options on display. As he notices the tigerroo glancing down between his legs, there's a sudden rush of green across his snout as Keyllan attempts to scoot himself back. "Oh... oh, no. I'm... s... sorry," he sputters, biting down onto his lip. "I hadn't even noticed, I swear, and it's... I mean, this usually doesn't happen, it's just that... it must be because I'm nervous or something... I'm really, really sorry." Despite his embarassment, it didn't seem to be killing his arousal at all, the tapered tip of his cock already slipping out from its slit. Perhaps he even liked the embarassment, even if he'd never admit it.

"You know." Morris states. "Sex would feel much different after you change the configuration down there." He remembers something. "You never did say whether you wanted that kind of thing hereditary or not. It would delay the surgery for a few more hours."

"Um... yeah... sure, I guess that would be good." He thinks for a moment. "I... I mean, I don't know if I'd ever have kids... I guess I can't say I wouldn't for sure, but... might... might as well, so I don't have to... make another trip."

"Especially given the odds of another trade ship arriving here in your lifetime." Morris notes. "Unless you emigrated to the Federation or your planet was annexed of course." A syringe fills up from an autofab in the wall. "Fortunately gene therapy in this millennium is a pretty simple procedure. Don't even need immunosuppressants now." Once it's filled to capacity he detached the vial and starts to press it against Keyllan's thigh. "Priorities you know."

"Are you from the Federation? Is it... worth looking into, you think?" He grunts, clenching his claws into the bed beneath him tightly, hoping whatever the doctor's doing won't hurt too much... especially since he never sprayed over around that general area. "I guess I'd go wherever the work is good, I guess... I'm more freelance, than anything, not sure if they need... people like me." He pauses for a moment, not wanting to give the wrong impression. "I'm... a security consultant by trade. Watching monitors, making sure security systems are up to date, sometimes working with security forces..." He trails off, not wanting to bore the tiger. "So, um. When you said 'hands-on'... um, what did you mean? I... I mean, if you need a DNA sample, I can just... um, go into the bathroom...."

Morris plucks some hairs/scales off Keyllan's leg. "That's all the DNA I'd need. And in any case the nanites in that injection I gave you have already read your genome. Not to mention that you can't move from this bed. If you need to go to the bathroom there's the hose. No, what I was talking about was that this could be your last chance to feel that slit. You might want the contrast once the procedure is done." He waves at the hologram and a virtual pamphlet opens up. "That's some basic information on the Federation. The tech is a bit more advanced than you're used to but some companies prefer to hire outworlders, they think the upbringing makes them sharper or something. I would suggest talking to our resident member of the royal family, but he, she, whatever Jarlin Fairhold de Argentum is this time of year, isn't really known for their people skills."

There was a pause so long that anybody might actually be able to hear the gears turning in the hybrid's head for a couple of seconds. "...Oh. Oh. We... well. Oh... I - I mean, I'm... I... kind of assumed that's what you meant, I just... didn't want to seem... weird about it." That blush of his grows ever wider, toeclaws curling as he tries to not lo look too closely in the doctor's direction, not entirely certain how far he should be going with this. "I... I mean... did... did you mean, like... you and me? I mean.... if... if that's what you want, I don't mind at all, but..."

"I may not have First Mate Korba's empathic enhancers, but I can tell when someone is attracted to me." Dr. Taouchev states simply. "It's not like I have much else to do." He fingers Keyllan's slit idly as he talks.

Feeling that finger slip inside him makes the crocdragon hiss out slowly, his slit squeezing tight around that digit as it presses in further. "Mmmf... we... well, I really appreciate it... I mean that." He smiles up warmly at the doctor, his slit warm, with a nice soft musk slipping from it, almost somewhat sweet in its scent. "Um... I'm sorry if I'm getting too personal, here, but is ithis... something you do with a lot of your patients? Not that... that's a bad thing at all... I'd say it's actually a very nice thing to do for somebody... nnf... deeper, please..."

"Occasionally." Morris notes. "Most of the time the clinical environment turns them off, but if their arousal is that obvious they obviously, in my professional opinion, need some pressure relieved." He digs his finger in a bit deeper, slightly extending a claw even.

"...I, um. Tend to... you know, get up pretty easily, compared to most guys... it just means I have to wear looser pants a lot of time," he mutters, leaning back, pressing his hips further into that wandering claw, gasping out as he feels that claw gently rubbing up across his walls, feeling it sink further and further across his shaft. As it digs deeper, his cock starts to slip out into the open, about five inches of a thick, pink shaft with a noticable ridge, already drooling preseed from the tip down to his groinscales. "...Would you... maybe... want to... meet up sometime after this, by the way? I... kind of like doctors a lot, actually... pretty much any guy I can really talk to. I used to hang out around soldiers a lot... th... they kind of don't tend to stick around when they're done with you."

Morris rubs the protruding dick between two fingers. "Figures, it's always the ones with a doctor fetish." As it grows he shifts to grasping it with his full hand and tugs up and down, slowly and surely. "We will be here for another month or two. But I must warn you that it is much more affordable to go back down than it is to get up here. You could stay on this ship a few more days, a week, see what it's like to live in the Federation."

"It's... it's not a fetish!" That came out a little more indingantly than he intended, for sure, but with the way that hand was so expertly working around his shaft, it was hard to keep a handle on his self control. "I just... appreciate being around smarter people. People I can philosphize with... like... I dunno.. what it means to have a body of flesh, and... nnnf... tighter..." He trails off in the middle of that statement, spurting another thin jet of pre out across the bed, starting to fill the room with his scent. "...H... hey. You've got... lubricant around here, right?"

"Of course I do." Morris says as he draws a tube from under his coat, somewhere down by his crotch actually. "Did you want to top or me? I think this bed can configure to allow for either position." He squeezes out a blob of clear gel and spreads it over his fingers.

"Um... I don't... actually top all that much. to be honest," he mutters. If he wasn't so numb, he'd try to cover his face in his hands. He didn't know how he ended admitting all of this, let alone ending up in his situation, with a complete stranger, but, at the very least, hopefully he could end up having a good week out of it. Hopefully more people in the Federation were this open... he could really learn to enjoy it. "So, um. You on top... please." He whines softly, watching the way the hybrid spread all that lube all over his fingers. "And, um. Don't... um. Don't worry about being rough. Seriously."

Morris sweeps opens the front of his lab coat and drops his pants, as they were. His equipment is standard humanoid male, apparently not many people were interested in feline or kangaroo dick for the obvious reasons. If one looks closely they can spot an indentation in the fur a few inches above his crotch, it may be something not normally found on male mammals. Slowly he draws his hands apart in a widening arc, presumably for the benefit of outside observers as his implant commands the table to split under Keyllan's legs and separate them, giving easy access to his groin. The doctor spreads the gel on his steadily rising package and dabs a little on the dracodile's tight pucker almost as an afterthought.

"Oh, wow... I... I get the feeling this doesn't come standard, does it?" He jokes, as he feels his legs being spread. He spends a moment staring straight into that new shaft about to enter him, whimpering slightly.. "Um... you... you know, I haven't been with a doctor in a while. If you want, maybe after... maybe you could... help me pick out some more enhacements that, might, um... you know... make things more fun for us? Like... say... I dunno, flavor enhacements? I've always wanted one of those.." As he feels that cool liquid pressing tight against his pucker, the doctor would feel the reptile clenching tightly, his hole somewhat loose, but still more than comfortably tight. "Um... are these walls soundproofed? I get... kind of loud, sometimes..."

"Oh right, almost forgot to seal the room." He glances in the door's direction and it slides closed with a *thunk" of pressure locks. Then the vents switch on circulating air into the now hermetically sealed room. "That should prevent any sound from escaping. The walls are pretty thick." He brings his lubed up cock closer to the reptile's hole then pauses. "Do you mean flavor enhancements by an increased sense of taste? Or do you want to secrete a chemical that tastes like something in particular?"

"Well, for... you know... ejaculation. Like... milk, or syrup, stuff like that... have you ever done anything like that before?" He closes his eyes, whining gently at the way that tip is grinding up against his pucker, but refuses to push in. "...M... maybe while you're fucking me, you could give some recommendations... might as well, while I'm here." He opens his eyes for a moment, giving a big, toothy grin towards the doctor. "Maybe I can help around the station ot help pay for it... I'm good at a lot of things, although I'm best with security stuff..."

"It would be easier to ask what I haven't done at this point." Morris sighs with the weight of centuries of catering to the whims of rich playboys all across the sector. "We might have need of some additional security while we're in system. There's always some incident or another with the locals, just a normal cost of business. The drones can handle most of it but some things might go a bit more easily with a brain behind the wheel." He sticks his dick up against Keyllan's hole and slowly begins to force it in.

He closes his eyes and pulls his head back, hissing out softly, clenching tight onto the quilt beneath him as he feels that cock sliding in, head tilting to the side as he feels himself being spread open onto the tigerroo's shaft, gut jiggling gently as he pushes down further, trying his best to take it all in. "Huff... I... j... just want you to know how much I appreciate this... I... really do owe you." Slowly, that tight pucker begins to squeeze tight around his length, pulsing gently, the reptile's own cock pulsing and twitching from anticipation.

"Just thought you could use a little extra special service." The tigerroo says as he slides in. "Wait, don't move your head! You're still connected!" He yells as the dracodile's head starts to tilt to the side. A cushioned panel extends from the bed to either side of Keyllan's head, inches from the sides of his face but not touching, unless he leans on them, within the margin of error. Relieved Morris pushes himself further in and begins to thrust in and out repeatedly now.

"S... sorry. It's hard to stay still like this, to be honest... just... feels too good, I guess," he mutters, slipping out a long, needy moan as he feels the other male pressing into him, panting and shivering. Given how numb he feels, it's like he's the tigerroo's own personal toy, laying there only for the doctor to get himself off. And to be completely honest, he's fine with that, long, soft pants slipping out from him, growing in volume the faster that shaft works inside of him. "H... hey... if you want to hook up more, do you... uh. Have any... fetishes that you'd... maybe want to try out? ...I... annnh... know that's a weird thing to ask, just... I... th... thought we'd be hooking up more often..."

"I like to be in control, like I am now actually come to think of it." He says as he thrusts ever deeper and deeper into the reptile. "Though perhaps we could try something where you're a bit more mobile later on. Like a straightjacket or rope binding." He taps the side of the injection armature with a claw, "once this is finished installing we might try some virtual reality things. You may find there are much fewer restrictions in VR than in real life."

"Oh... oh yeah? What'd you have in mind? I've.. d... done that a good bit... it's... I kind of wish I could do it more often, but private setups for that are so expensive, and the... adult setups for that around where I am... w... well, they're, y'know... dirty, and... sticky." He wiggles his hips gently as the other male pushes in further, doing his best to force more of his tight tunnel around Morris's cock. "Mmmf... can you go... just a little bit faster, please? I think you've... just abotu hit it..." While he's being worked over, he glances towards his arm, careful not to move his head too much. "What's going on with the injector, r... right now?"

Morris speeds up, hammering that reptilian ass with as much force as it can take. "What's going on now?" He replies. "The microbots should be laying down the first few electrodes in your brain now. In a couple hours testing can begin." He feels himself coming closer and closer to climax. "We should have finished by the time the microbots finish, for sure."

He's the first to go off, moaning out hard before he erupts with a thick stream of seed that splashes out across the hybrid's belly and groin, leaving the fur thick and matted with his juices, his entire body shivering as he goes off. As he warned, he's quite loud, leaving quite the warning that he's going off moments after it happens, shivering so hard that the tiggerroo will have to pin him down to keep him still.

Morris pins the dracodile down to the table as he himself ejaculates hard into the reptile's rectum. "Need a rest now?" He asks, wiping up some of the errant cum that sprayed onto his belly.