No Longer Alone

Story by Ciriaxis Draconis on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: You've had enough of these I suppose =).

Constructive criticism and comments are always welcome. Enjoy!

No Longer Alone

Running through the alleys, a young dragon scampered through the claustrophobic walls, breathing heavily as angry, hostile beasts lingered seconds behind. In panic, the young dragon tripped over a pile of trash, and landed face first onto the dirt ground. The dragon felt warm liquid trickling down the side of his head as he turned around and slowly stood up, wings spread.

"Ya can't fly away ya shit brick!" one of the rascals bellowed.

About 6 dragons stood a few meters away from the younger one, all wearing cloth headbands around their head and tattered clothing.

"You owe us something, Djimak. We ain't dumb, ya? So save us the hassle in turning you into dog meat and give us what you have" the bigger one snarled.

The young dragon hesitated and slowly backed into a barbed fence behind him.

"N'where to go ya? I guess we beat tha shit outta this bitch." Another rascal said.

Ariph sauntered dejectedly on the dirt road towards his home. His enormous, muscular stature stood him out like a sore thumb in his village of anthropomorphic dragons. The sunlight beamed down upon Ariph's shiny jet scales as he strolled topless through the crowd. Previously being a Tsutemi warrior during the Elemental War, Ariph still had bright, silver markings across his muscular pecs, arms, and wings, as well as across the side of his face, towards his dragon beard under maw. His emerald eyes stared dolefully in the air, with two ivory horns pointed behind his head. The tall, well-built black dragon only wore his loin garb through the summer days, decorated with his war medals from his past and a serrated bastard sword attached to his hip.

Ariph's thick tail swayed slowly as he ambled through the village. His thoughts seemed lost in the ocean of memories, too large to search what he was looking for. Ayria, his previous mate, had admitted to loving another dragon and painfully said goodbye to her boyfriend. Ariph was appreciated the fact that she had admitted to love another dragon and did not hide it. As long as she was happy, he was as well. However, the large dragon still felt deeply empty inside as he was prepared to court with his mate in marriage.

Once pushing his emotions aside, Ariph snapped awake and noticed he had accidentally strolled into a secluded alley. Turning around, he heard some growling and foul language deep within the alley. Curious, Ariph jogged deeper into the alley to find 7 dragons, one of them younger than the rest. The younger one was cornered, using his blue-scaled arms to shield from the attacking rascals.

"Hey!" Ariph yelled, his voice deep and intimindating, "leave him alone. Don't you have productive things to do with your filthy lives?"

The rascal dragons turned around and stared at the huge spectacle ahead of them.

"What are you going to do huh? Eat us?" one of them said.

Ariph drew his blade swiftly, slashing from left to right then holding the sword firmly with his right paw horizontally in the air. The quick slash sent a gust of wind and dust upon the rascals, their clothes blowing in the direction of the wind. A second later, the sharp sound of the breeze echoed across the alley as the stunned dragons stared in horror.

"Leave now, or you will surely return to your homes in more pieces than one." Ariph growled.

The rascals quickly dashed in fear out of the alley, passing the stern-looking Ariph along the way. The black dragon sheathed his sword and slowly approached the younger, shivering dragon on the ground.

The young dragon looked malnutrition and mistreated, even though his body was mostly covered in mesmerizing sapphire scales. Blood trickled down the sides of his head, dripping down his lower jaw. Djimak's saffron eyes sparkled in tears as he gazed deeply at his savior. Living on the streets for years, the young dragon was forced to manage for himself, and developed well-toned muscles all over his body, but nothing compared to the buff dragon that stood above him. Djimak's wings were still fully spread in defence, as the sunlight brightened the violet color of the leathery organ. His chest and stomach scales were of a lighter shade of blue compared to the rest of his body. Djimak slowly stood up, his tattered loin garb hanging below his waist.

"Th...thank you kind sir for saving my life," he whispered.

Ariph smiled. "It is my duty as an ex-warrior. Please be careful next time." Ariph turned around and folding his silver-lined wings behind his back.

"Wa...wait! Please...don't go."

Ariph turned around. He frowned as he saw small tears running down the young dragon's cheeks. It was then when Ariph realized that the poor dragon was homeless and could face even more danger if he left him in the streets.

The black dragon stood three heads taller than the younger one, held his paw, and started leading him out of the alley.

"You look tired and hungry. Come with me and I'll feed you." Ariph smiled. He watched Djimak eyes lighten in happiness, though tears still ran across his blue scaled cheeks.

"Thank you sir. I'm Djimak, son of Ytterb and Yameri," he paused, "...who had died when I was born 15 summers ago. I was being cared for by a foster family, but they kicked me out in hate, and I have lived on the streets ever since."

Ariph felt deep sympathy for the poor dragon, and responded. "You can call me Ariph. I was an admiral during the Elemental War. Don't worry; you'll be safe with me. I'll make sure you'll never be on the streets again.

Djimak heart leapt with joy, as he walked with his new friend out of the alley, and back into the crowd.

"Now then, what shall we eat?"

Djimak looked in awe at Ariph's modest home, as the black dragon clumsily fiddled through the kitchen. The one-floor home was spacious and looked like it had only 4 rooms: The kitchen, the main living room where he currently stood, and two rooms to his right that had closed doors. A fire burned warmly in a fireplace to his left, with leather couches surrounding the center wooden table upon a Siberian tiger-patterned carpet. Wall pieces of armor, swords, lances, and other weaponry were hung in display around the large room, with candles spread sparingly around the room. Djimak noticed a beautiful picture of a sapphire-colored dragoness on top of the fireplace, who looked much like himself except with female features.

"We're no longer together; she was to be my bride until she left with another dragon." Ariph walked out of the kitchen with a loaf of bread in each of his paws.

"I...I'm sorry to hear that" Djimak whispered sympathetically.

Ariph smiled. "It is alright. Here, have some bread to start off."

Djimak took the bread from Ariph's paw, and took a large bite. The food felt heavenly in the young dragon's mouth as he slowly chewed.

"Hmm, I should get you cleaned up before we eat our dinner." Ariph said, as he still noticed the blood on Djimak's face was slowly drying. "The shower is over in that room." Ariph pointed to one of the two unknown doors. However, Djimak looked confused.

"Shower? What's that?" he said.

Ariph frowned. 'He had been abused this badly?' he thought. "That's the room where you can use water to clean yourself."

Djimak gave the towering dragon a puzzled look. "Can you show me?"

Ariph could use a shower after a day at his temporary job, logging wood and lumber. "Ok, let's go."

As the two dragons entered the shower room, Djimak looked around in awe. There was a large Jacuzzi pool in the top right corner of the room, with showers along the left side of the wall. Marble dragon statues surrounded the Jacuzzi, each holding towels and bathing soaps.

To his surprise, Djimak turned to his friend only to find that he had already stripped down naked. The young dragon glared at the large muscular dragon, as he started fiddling with the shower taps. The black tailed wagged gleefully as Djimak admired the tall figure ahead of them. Silver markings lined all over Ariph's body, some markings neared his sheath. Djimak mouth almost opened completely as he glared at the large black sheath over Ariph's enormous hanging testicles.

"Well, to shower, you have to take of your garb, young one." Ariph said as he turned on the shower head. Steamy water poured on the ground near Ariph's gigantic feet. Djimak untied his tattered garb, exposing his own blue sheath and balls which began to swell in excitement. Trying to constrain himself, Djimak walked towards the black dragon, felling the warm water gently soaking his bright blue scales. Ariph positioned himself behind him; his silver-lined black wings spread open.

"Now Djimak, when you shower, you must rinse your whole body first."

The blue dragon turned around over the pouring water, and laughed when he was facing Ariph and the shower head when water trickled into his eyes.

"This is kinda fun!" Djimak said as he closed his eyes.

'Heh, showering fun? I have to teach this guy a lot of things as a father would to his son.' Ariph thought. "Ok Djimak, now you have to lather yourself up with soap to wash the scum out of your scales, like this."

Ariph rubbed his paws together, with soap bubbling in between. He gently rubbed the soap onto Djimak's chest and started scrubbing his scales throughouly.

Djimak looked with surprise as the black dragon innocently washed him, feeling more aroused as the sensations of the warm paws spread throughout his body like electricity. To Djimak's surprise, Ariph started lathering his blue sheath and balls, carefully scrubbing and rubbing the organs innocently. Djimak knew the dragon was teaching him, but he couldn't help becoming dangerously aroused in the process. His ebony cock began to emerge within his sheath as Ariph continued to lather his genitals.

Ariph noticed Djimak blush as he now held the blue dragon's erect shaft in his hands. He chuckled. "Don't worry young one, I guess it makes it easier to show you how to wash this."

Ariph wrapped his paw around Djimak's penis, and rubbed up and down to clean it. Djimak slightly squinted as he had never felt this type of pleasure run through his veins.

"Now it's your turn to wash the rest of your body. Here, take some of this soap and scrub yourself like I showed you."

Djimak grinned deviously as he lathered his paws. "Like this?"

The blue dragon grabbed Ariph's enormous ebony balls with his left paw, swirling them tenderly with soap. Ariph looked down in surprise as Djimak took his right paw and stroked his dark sheath up and down, definitely defeating the purpose of washing. Ariph never head anyone else touch his sheath in a long time, ever since he and Aryia had parted long ago. Feeling slightly guilty for taking advantage of his new friend, he teasingly picked up the blue dragon, and threw him into the Jacuzzi. Djimak giggled as Ariph slowly got in the Jacuzzi as well.

"Now we have to rinse of the soap, so just relax here and enjoy the warm water. I'll tell you some stories about my battles during the war, only if you tell me more about yourself as well." Ariph winked. "Then we'll have dinner. You look hungry."

Djimak stared seductively at Ariph, his mouth agape and tongue hanging out from the side. The black dragon casually leaned back with his elbows resting on the sides of the Jacuzzi. Leaning back, Djimak saw Ariph's sheath surfacing slightly out of the water. Djimak had never felt this way for another dragon, but curiosity overwhelmed the young dragon and tried experimenting with his love for Ariph. 'After all', Djimak thought, 'Ariph was kind enough to save and protect me from danger, so it was time I showed thanks for his help.'

Djimak purred seductively, "I am a little hungry, but I think I have my meal, right here."

Ariph looked puzzled, when suddenly Djimak lept swiftly onto the black dragon. In surprise, Ariph tried to evade his blue friend, but was rendered helpless as Djimak managed to pin him on the Jacuzzi wall as a blue head lowered itself to the scales of his stomach.

"D...Djimak! What are you doing?" Ariph exclaimed.

The blue dragon looked up with his saffron eyes. "It was time for me to thank you for all of your help."

"Saying thank you would be enou...ughhhhh...uhhhhhhhh"

Ariph was silenced as Djimak licked above his black sheath, and then thoroughly lapped his large sheath and balls with his thick tongue like a dog licking a dinner plate. Ariph couldn't believe his eyes as he looked down seeing a blue dragon half emerged from the Jacuzzi water, busy teasing his pelvic region. Being deprived from sex for years, Ariph savored the moment and stroked his partner's cheek, then reached his paw around his blue neck, stroking with his paw digits. Djimak smiled with delight as he had successfully awakened Ariph's dormant cock. The huge thick dragon meat throbbed painfully in the air, as Djimak licked up and down the red length. Ariph shivered in pleasure, as he felt his cock tip suddenly surrounded by the warm confines of Djimak's mouth. Djimak suckled at the cock tip, tasting his mate's pre for the first time; its sweet texture spewing from the tip. Then instinctively, Djimak forced his head down, shoving the thick meat deep in his throat, slightly gagging but nevertheless enjoying every moment of feeling a warm thick slab of dragonhood filling his mouth. Ariph yelped in surprise as he his whole cock disappeared completely within his new friend. The top half of his dick was completely deep down Djimak's throat, as the blue dragon's lips touched his swelling nutsack. Djimak pulled up, gasping for air, as he tightened his mouth grip around the shaft, and starting to bob his head down and up slowly, his tongue expertly massaging the cock head. Ariph moaned loudly as he felt searing pleasure erupt at his loins, as he released shots of pre deep down Djimak's throat. The dragon wrapped both his black paws around the back of his lover's head and horns, gently pushing the head down and up. Loud slurping noises echoed the shower room as Djimak hungrily mouthed the whole package up and down, drooling saliva all over Ariph's loins. The blue dragon traced his left paw to massage Ariph's stomach, while his other paw held one of the black legs wide open to make his access to Ariph's cock easier. Ariph almost cried in excessive pleasure as Djimak sucked up and down, faster and faster, his mate's mouth sliding thoroughly around his dragonhood. Ariph managed to wrap his own thick tail into the water, around Djimak's ebony cock, stroking it to the best to his abilities while as his euphoric state.

Djimak felt his loins tingle in hunger, but forcefully concentrated at making his mate scream with delight. Shoving his head down right into Ariph's pelvis, Djimak slobbered and made gagging noises as the thick meat was devoured halfway down his throat with his mate's paws pushing him down even further. At the same time, he stuck his pawdigit deep within Ariph's ass and finger-fucked it furiously. This blew Ariph completely off the edge as he roared in sheer ecstasy. His cock twitched violently within his lover's mouth, exploding pints and pints of hot dragon cum, firing continuous gobs of the thick, sticky liquid. As utter pleasure drugged Ariph into a euphoric state, Djimak slid his head up the now cum-lubricated cock, and suckled at the tip. Having never released his load ever since his last lovemaking with Ayria, Ariph continuously shot ropes of sweet white liquid around Djimak's mouth, coating his maw completely. Djimak's hunger enabled him to swallow a full gallon of the sweet dragon seed with only a trickle of overflow dripping out of his mouth. Finally, Djimak released his mouth grip from the throbbing red cock of his partner, his lips and lower jaw now fully coated with thick white semen which dripped slowly in the Jacuzzi water. The blue dragon rested his head playfully just about Ariph's meat, his paws exploring the black dragon's ass and smearing his lover's cum all over the black dragon's lower body. Djimak smiled as he looked up seductively. "Well I think I had my meal for today. That was a lot of cum to eat!"

Ariph finally opened his eyes, panting heavily as he looked down to see Djimak resting his head on his stomach, his mouth and lower jaw drenched in white cum, and curious paws grasping his muscular ass. Then, Ariph snapped back into reality, and noticed what he has done.

"Djimak, I don't think this is right; I'm sure you can express your thanks another way, but for now I'll help you find a dragoness to fulfill your needs. Let's eat some food shall we?"

The blue dragon stood up at a ready stance, and was ready to pounce on Ariph. "I've had my meal here already. Don't worry; I'll feed you in a sec. For now, I would like to see if you can take my ass!"

Sensing his lustful needs, Ariph leapt out of the water and into the living room, trying to get something to contain the horny blue dragon. Unfortunately, Djimak burst through the door and knocked Ariph flat on his back on the floor, obliterating the table beneath him. Ariph threw the pieces of the shattered table away as Djimak straddled himself on top of the black dragon, his arms pinning his mate's arms and wings to the ground. Ariph looked up and smelled the strong musk emitting from the blue dragon. Helpless and held tightly by the surprisingly strong dragon above him, Ariph was forced to sniff in large amount of male musk emitting from Djimak, and immediately became aroused again.

'Mmmm..soo good...much better than a female's pheromones.' He thought

Djimak lowered his rump slowly over Ariph's throbbing tool, his sphincters loosening as he felt the tip circle his ass.

"Prepare to accept my gratitude" Djimak said, as he slid down on his lover's cock hard and fast.

Ariph roared in absolute pleasure as he felt his thick dragon meat being devoured by the walls of Djimak's ass. His cock was completely burrowed within the blue dragon, the tightness of its walls milking amazing amounts of pre and semen still within his penis from his previous orgasm. Djimak threw his head up, fully spread his azure wings, and howled in pleasurous pain as he felt his own virgin tailhole suddenly violated by his mate's large dragonhood. The feeling of Ariph's large meat deep within his ass overwhelmed the pain, as both dragons moaned quietly at their own pleasures. The blue dragon felt Ariph's nuts rubbing against his lower ass, as he started to pull him self up then back down slowly on Ariph's dragon meat. Djimak slowly slid up and down the lubricated cock, clenching his sphincters as tightly as possible while watching Ariph's face clench up in pure pleasure. The black dragon groaned louder as Djimak quicked his pace, his paws on both sides of Ariph, supporting his movements as he rocked his pelvis back and forth. Djimak could feel Ariph's thick shaft sliding messily in and out of his ass, as gobs of pre and semen leaked out of his ass onto Ariph's now cum-covered balls which resulted in slurping sounds that echoed around the candlelit room. Ariph held Djimak by his waist, guiding his movements in and out of his malehood as he watched the blue dragon determinately riding his cock.

Djimak whimpered in surprise when he felt a warm, no-longer-innocent paw stroking his black dragonhood rhythmically as the loud slapping noises of his ass slamming onto his lover's meat became faster and faster. The pleasure brewing within his loins forced Djimak to lean forward and pant heavily close to Ariph's gleeful face. Ariph purred at Djimak's loss of control, and kissed the blue dragon deep in his lips.

" are tight" Ariph groaned loudly. With Djimak now leaning forward, Ariph now had to do the work. Spreading the blue dragon's ass cheeks far apart, Ariph began thrusting his pelvis up and down at an exceptionally fast rate, ramming his penis deep up Djimak's tailhole then almost all out again and again. The slapping noise never left the air, as Ariph's collision with Djimak's ass pushed the blue dragon forward and back forcefully. That being done, all Ariph had to do was to solidly grasp Djimak's dragon meat with his paw, as his thrusting force made Djimak seem to fuck his paw simultaneously.


Ariph sensed his rider's imminent pleasure, and leaned up to his best of his abilities and began so suckle Djimak's pre-soaked tip. Djimak was flooded with ecstasy as he howled loudly, shaking the room around them. His lengthy orgasm drove his cock to shoot streams of his own dragon seen right into Ariph's mouth. Djimak semen explosion sent Ariph back on the ground, as the blue dragon shot prodigious amounts of cum at an amazing distance, putting out half of the fire on the fireplace. Djimak then held his own cock and pointed toward Ariph's shocked face, shooting gobs of cum onto his face. Ariph chuckled as the unexpected semen fired in his mouth choked him a little, his face now almost completely covered in his lover's seed. Snapping back to the feeling of another cock yearning for its release, Djimak leaded back slightly, and began making his slow, but steady hard slams down onto Ariph's throbbing member. After feeling his dragonhood being enwrapped with his mate's anal walls, then suddenly out then back in again and again, a wave of pleasure struck Ariph hard, as his balls moved closer to his body, ready for a release. As expected, Djimak slammed down one final time only to feel a fountain of thick hot dragon cum spew out within his ass. Ariph roared with his deep voice as Djimak fell forward in exhaustion. His burrowed cock still sent waves of the black dragon's seed deep within his new mate, as the thick liquid began to trickle out of Djimak's ass, and onto the bulbous balls beneath him and the carpet. Djimak panted heavily and fell foward as he licked his own semen off of Ariph's face, showing the black scales again.

"Tastes good huh?" Ariph chuckled.

"Not as good as yours!" Djimak laughed as both of the dragons kissed once more, sharing the tastes of their own cum as their tongues interlocked. As Djimak released the long kiss, he noticed Ariph's emerald eyes almost burned with a fiery passion. He had remembered Ariph telling him about his heartbreaking separation with Aryia, and had never found a new dragoness since.

"If I may ask, how long ago did you break up with Aryia?" Djimak asked.

Below the blue dragon with his cock still deep within Djimak's ass, Ariph thought for a moment, then grinned deviously. "It was quite a long time ago and it haunted me until I met you" he liked the blue scales of his new mate teasingly, "but now I have you for my emotional support. I have never experienced this much pleasure before, and I never thought I'd share it with another male. Thank you."

Djimak smiled. "I should thank you for taking me in to your home. Now, as you said before, shall we eat?"

A wide, devious grin spread across Ariph's face. "I haven't had my meal yet. And I'm curious to how you taste!"

Suddenly, the large black dragon wrapped his wings around the shocked Djimak. The blue dragon struggled with all his might to release from the bigger dragon's imprisonment, but his resistance only resulted in Ariph slightly losing balance and knocking a table stand over, crushing it with his huge black foot. Ariph knelt down beside the couch, laying Djimak on top of it. Ariph forcefully spread Djimak's legs wide open, fully exposing the blue dragon's semi-erect black cock and tailhole, which now leaked out a flood of Ariph's cum, dripping onto the carpet.

"Please..." Djimak begged, "f...finish me off!"

Ariph followed his orders and greedily dug his tongue deep into his lover's ass, tasting his own seed which poured out of Djimak's ass. The blue dragon yelped as he felt a flickering tongue licking the semen-coated walls of his ass. Ariph occasionally repositioned his paws to further spread Djimak's legs apart, which were now high in the air. Djimak managed to use his tail to find Ariph's ass, and began sliding it in and out of Ariph's ass. Ariph continued to rim job his target. From time to time, he switched from lapping his tailhole, to tongue fucking, as well as finger fucking in and out of Djimak's hole. Djimak's penis began to harden, as Ariph continued to eat away at his ass. Using his paw digits to massage the inner and outer muscles of Djimak's tailhole, Ariph gave one final lick, as he moved up towards Djimak's swollen ballsack. Ariph felt its warm contents brewing within his mate as he swirled the blue scaled testicles around in his cum coated mouth. Finally, Ariph licked up and enclosed his maw around Djimak's cock. Too horny for gentle teasing, Djimak seized both of the black dragon's horns and began thrusting his whole wad into Ariph's mouth. Surprised, Ariph gagged and slobbered as his head was forcefully jammed up and down his partner's thick shaft. While slightly choking, pre drizzled out of Ariph's nostrils and Djimak snickered silently at this sight and continued to skull fuck the black dragon. While bobbing up and down Djimak's dragon meat abruptly, Ariph attempted to suck the throbbing member with all his might and tickling the spewing tip with his tongue. It didn't take long for Djimak to groan wildly, as another surge of ecstasy dominated his loins. The blue dragon pumped as much of his warm cum as possible deep into Ariph's mouth. The black dragon sloppily slurped all of his mate's dragon juice licking his lips in delight as his lover's ejaculation slowed to a trickle.

"I haven't had such a great meal like that ever!" Ariph laughed.

Djimak, still recovering from his blissful orgasm, looked down at the black dragon and smiled. "I wouldn't have to eat anything if I only had you to share your juice with me."

Ariph chuckled. "Well you look tired. I'll show you my bedroom and you can get some rest."

Djimak frowned. "I'm not tired at all. I think you're the one giving up. Such a big dragon

like you gives up so easily?"

Ariph growled as he heard the taunting words. "Hmmph. I'll make sure you regret those words!"

Djimak snickerd while the black dragon stood up and spread his blue-scaled legs far apart, exposing his tailhole. Ariph lifted Djimak's legs up and rested them on his shoulder as he moved forward, his cock tip right on the surface of his hole.

"Never taunt an ex-Tsutemi" Ariph growled seductively. "I won't be easy on you now!"

Djimak whined quietly as he looked down to see his mate's thick dripping shaft forcefully inserting itself deep into his anus once again. Ariph slammed his entire length into Djimak, as the excess cum in his talehole squirted out onto his black balls. The sound in the air seemed like someone was squeezing their soapy hands together incessantly as Ariph thrusted fully in and out of Djimak. The black dragon gripped his submissive mate's thighs tightly, growling dominantly while dragon seed was slurping out along Ariph's cock, dripping more liquid onto the carpet. Djimak was surprised how fast a big dragon like Ariph could fuck. He felt like his insides were turning into minced meat as his body rocked back from the hard collision when Ariph thrusted forward with his whole dragonhood within him. Ariph held his head high, his penis quickly disappearing and reappearing in Djimak as he furiously fucked his partner. His nuts began to swell again with his remaining seed for the day, while continuing to thrust his cock in and out of Djimak. Djimak clenched his eyes tightly with his claws digging deep in the couch, ripping the fabric apart. Ariph felt his climax increasing, and slowed down to thrust at his maximum force. Both dragons moaned loudly during Ariph's final hard thrusts, slamming his meat all the way inside Djimak, his balls slapping carelessly under him.

Ariph's vision blurred substantially. His orgasmic bliss sent him pounding his dragon meat into Djimak with a substantial force, knocking the couch over sending the blue dragon under him on the other side of the couch. Ariph was ignorant of the situation and now thrust harder than ever before at lightning speed, his arms on both sides of Djimak, barely supporting his thrusting body. The pounding released continuous moans from both dragons, their colliding bodies vibrated the whole room as the wall mounted decoration fell onto the floor, clattering around the mating dragons.

"'re going to feel something unusual but pleasurable. Prepare yourself." Ariph stuttered.

The black dragon slammed one last time deep within Djimak. Roaring ferociously, Ariph orgasmed one final time as his cock exploded with his last reserve of his dragon seed. Djimak felt the dominant dragon's cum find its way all the way up his rectum. To his surprise, Djimak felt the warm feeling searing through his stomach all the way up to his chest, then up his esophagus. The blue dragon stared at the smiling Ariph in surprise as semen leaked out of Djimak's mouth from the back of his throat. Simultaneously, Djimak's dragonhood erupted his own brand of seed up into the air, some landing under Ariph's maw and the rest directly into Djimak's mouth. With cum flowing in and out of Djimak's mouth, the blue dragon sputtered, spilling all of the warm thick liquid forcefully forward, hitting Ariph in the chest and around the room. Ariph collapsed hard beside his mate, both dragons lying sideways facing the fireplace.

"" Djimak stammered as he finally controlled the flow of cum out of his mouth and swallowed all of it.

"When I'm deprived for that long, wondrous things can happen" Ariph breathed heavily. Blanketing his wing over the fatigued blue dragon, Ariph licked Djimak lovingly on the cheek. Both dragons looked around the room and noticed the total mess around them.

"My my, look at what we've done." Ariph laughed.

The previously decorated room was now covered partially in dragon cum, with most of the wall decorations on the floor or tilted out of place. The center table was demolished with pieces of it in every corner of the room, as well as 2 of the 3 couches were overturned, one with deep claw marks, the other coated with dragon cum. The fire was burning only on one end of the log, since the other side had been put out by Djimak's amazing aim. All of the pictures on the fire mantle were shattered on the floor or broken.

Djimak blushed. "It seems I've vandalized your home."

Ariph laughed. "I never knew you and I could have such rough sex like this."

Djimak cuddled under Ariph's caring wing, lightly licking the black dragon's face above him. "Well, I'll help you fix it up tomorrow. For now, we still have 3 other rooms to destroy.

Ariph smiled and wrapped his arm around Djimak's stomach. Giving him one final kiss, both dragons fell into a deep slumber after their long day.