Wererabbit & Werefox TF Story

Story by Pawsclawz189 on SoFurry


**In the night of august, a jeep rolls by a long dirt path. inside, were two teenaged boys. Ryan and Tony. together, they were planning to go camping together in the nearby woods. however, many people have rumored that the area was supposedly "Cursed" and that strange things have occurred there. but Ryan and Tony don't believe in any of that nonsense! Ryan was the one driving, focusing his attention on the dirt path to make sure he didn't hit any rocks or bumps.

"This Canada trip is surely going to be awesome, I can't believe you invited me to the wild woods" said Tony as he was happy to be with his best friend for the camping trip, he held a handheld console which was an old school pad with two buttons and a analog stick.

"Man this game is bringing me back memories, got to kill those monsters on screen!" he then said as he was button mashing.

Ryan chuckled lightly. "Uh...fun fact. I just beat that game last week. I'm wayyy ahead of ya." He bragged, suddenly stopping the jeep. "...Whoa..wait a minute..look.." he points ahead. there was something planted ahead of them in the dirt. It was a sign that read, "CURSED AREA. DO NOT ENTER."

"Oh it's probably just a stupid hand made sign placed there to scare away tourists, since when is this place ever cursed!?!" replied Tony.

"Huh...it is a little weird...but, whatever." Ryan says, driving the jeep around the sign to avoid it. he goes straight down further until there was a big open clearing in the woods. he comes to a stop and smiles. "Wow...how convenient!" Ryan stops the jeep. "A big open area..just for us."

"Perfect, time to get the snacks, radio, marshmellows, camping equipment and so many stuff!" said Tony excitedly as he slammed the jeep's door and opened up the back of the vehicle to carry some luggage.

Ryan jumped out the jeep and stretched his body. he scratches his side and takes a gander at all the trees surrounding us. strangely, the area seemed to be quite clean with the grass. as if it's been shaven and cut. he titled his head at that, but didn't pay too much mind to it. he goes to the back to help Tony with the luggage as well. "Still having trouble with that game? I could beat it for ya, if you want."

"Oh shut up Ryan, your saying that because you beat it, well I can beat it too you know" he replied with a chuckle as he placed the luggage onto the grass. He then began to take out the equipment for the tent and started to hammer down the metal frame onto the grass.

Ryan took out the wooden logs he axed back at home and placed them in the middle of the area. he lit out a match and threw it on top of them to start a camp fire. he watches Tony build the tent while he looks up at the night sky. "You know Tony, I'm glad I'm doing this with you...I always wanted to go camping with a good buddy of mine. my parents, all they wanted to do was look after the rabbits back at the farm." He chuckles. "Those darn little critters."

"Shucks, we even had to take down foxes from trying to steal our farm food, those creatures sure are sneaky and cunning" Tony replied as he laughed and finished the tent.

"They sure are.." Ryan says, rubbing his hands together and waving them over the fire to warm up. "...Hey listen..did you ever..like those foxes by any chance?"

"To be quite honest, I had a osft spot for them, If I had it as a pet it would be strange, but they're very smart" Tony replied as he thought about it.

Ryan looks back and forth, making sure nobody was around to hear. he clears his throat. "...Hey. don't tell anybody about this. at all...when I was a little kid..during easter, I...kept my dad's easter bunny costume..and...well.." he scratches his head, slightly blushing. "Sometimes I'd like to dress up in it. B-BUT not now. don't get any ideas. I was only 10 at the time."

"That sounds really cute in a nice fursuit of a bunny." replied Tony as he sat on the log.

"Oh..uh..thanks." Ryan says. he sighs softly and looks back at the night sky. he tugs at his shirt a bit. "..Hey..what did you bring to eat again?"

"Well strangely enough, I do have some carrots for us to keep healthy, some sliced carrot packs" Tony brings them out as he unzipped his bag.

Ryan's heart began to beat fast. he slowly stands up and walks over to you. "...Can I have the whole bag?...I'm really craving that." His nose wrinkled.

"Er...O-Ok.. I guess if you really want that stuff then I guess you can have some" replied Tony as he didn't mind it.

Ryan gently takes it and quickly sits back down. he opens up the bag and quickly begins chewing. for some reason, the campfire began to brighten up, and more smoke started to rise from it. "Wow..mmf..this...is...really tasty...where are these from?.."

"From a cheap supermarket, they can't be that tasty, can they?" replied Tony puzzled by the response off Ryan.

"Yes! yes they ar-....ooo..ow.." Ryan says, grunting in pain for a brief moment. he gently sits the bag down and rubs his mouth. "What the? are you poisoning me?" He makes a joke. but then suddenly, his front row teeth began to sharpen. he opens his mouth as Tony sees buck teeth grow in out of nowhere!

"Holy heck! since when do carrots make your teeth become buck teeth!?!" exclaimed Tony, startled by the sudden happening to Ryan's front teeth.

"I..I don't know.." Ryan says, gently patting his teeth, and then licks it. "It just..grew in...I..do want more carrots though.." he says, picking the bag back up and chewing more of them. from his cheeks, long grey whiskers sprout out. He finishes the bag quickly and grunts. "..ok...bad move eating all of those...I feel really awful now.." he rubs his tummy.

"R-Ryan your starting to concern me, what in heavens name has gotten into you?" asked Tony as he stood up from the log and watched.

"i..I don't know what's happening to me!.." He suddenly fell onto the ground, on his knees. he grunted again and stretched his body. light grey hairs started to grow all across his body at a very fast rate. he made another grunt and started to pant, watching it happen. "i'm...I'M CHANGING!..Tony, help me!"

"I-I don't know how to help you Ryan! Your changing into a creature or something!" replied Tony as he felt a bit helpless at this point.

Ryan gritted his teeth, as his face started to push forward, his bones crunching and cracking a little bit. his face stretched out into a rabbits muzzle with a twitchy pink nose. he grunts, as the fluffiness of his fur strained against his clothing, and the pressure was building up. Ryan crawled after tony slowly. "Please...do something..with...t-the clothes...It's...so...h-hot..."

"They're looking snug, I can't pull them off you, I'm sorry buddy" replied Tony as he watched the changes.

Ryan grunted as the fur pressure became too much. his shirt started to rip, and he grips onto it, and tears it off his body, some of the clothing in pieces on him. he pants, revealing his furry torso to Tony. the fur had grew in ridiculously fast. some pressure started building up in his feet now, as his boots started to swell. he fell backwards onto his back as the front of his boots bursted open, and his feet started to stretch forward, morphing into fluffy footpaws. his toes merged and grew thicker and much much fluffier. the fur spread downwards his pants and that also started to rip off as well. once his feet finished morphing, he stomps his left rabbit foot down on the grass and slowly goes on all fours, panting. his hands cracked as they morphed into four fingers. the fingers themselves becoming shorter and stubbier. as Ryan watched himself change, he started to smile, as if he was accepting it. the transformation was getting to his mind.

"Oh my gosh, your changing into a somewhat big rabbit!" Tony replied in deep shock as he carried on watching the transformation.

"Yes...yes I am..." Ryan says through soft pants. he arched his butt a little bit, as a fluffy poof ball like tail started to pop out from his spine. he grunts and even makes a soft giggle. "it...actually feels pretty good..." His ears started to stretch and morph to the top of his head, and they kept growing, and growing, and growing, until they were both very long and floppy. so floppy that they fell over his eyes. he giggles and moves them away. he kicks off his ruined torn boots with his new rabbit feet and slowly stands up. the transformation was done.

Tony was speechless and quickly ran inside his tent and zipped it up from the front, he was to scared to see the new creature, he didn't know what would happen.

Ryan twitched his nose and titled his head. he walked, but then ended up hopping a bit to the tent. "Tony?...hey man, it's still me..." He gently tapped the tent with his new rabbit paw, then found the zipper. he sniffs at it with his twitchy nose and gasps. "Whoa!..dude, I can smell what type of marshmellows you ate a couple hours ago!" He bumps his muzzle on the tent. "Come on Tony..let me in, please?..hey, if I'm a bunny rabbit..then..how come your not a fox yet?" He nuzzles the tent deeper, pushing his head a little more in it. "Tony?..."

"Yikes, what are you doing Ryan? I see a bump on top of my tent!" question Tony as he backed away inside his tent.

"It's me, silly!" Ryan says, rubbing his head more into the tent with force. RIP! His head bursted through the tent just a little bit, only his muzzle poking in. Tony could see his nose twitching. "Whoops! my bad, Tony! I didn't mean to mess your tent up!"

"Oh my, your actually going to go inside like that?" replied Tony as he was a little worried he petted the muzzle anyways.

"Sure! gotta try out my new teeth, huh?" Ryan says, starting to chew his way in. he chewed off a big chunk and it showed a part of his eye, then another piece, and his whiskers poked in. he giggled happily. "Being a rabbit is awesome!" However, the more he chewed, the more the tent gave in. he fell right in, and the whole top ripped open. his whole body fell right on top of Tony. "OOF!...OOPS!..S-sorry, buddy!"

Tony was muffling on the furry back of Ryan's new body. He was waving his arms theatrically and wanting air.

"Eep! sorry!" Ryan says, quickly moving back to give him some air. he sat down, and wagged his poofy tail back and forth really fast. Tony now had a chance to see Ryan up close now. he was a dark grey furred anthro rabbit now.

Tony looked at his friend and crawled towards him, slowly stroking the fur in front of his belly, Tony couldn't believe as to how soft it was in the first place and petted him slowly.

"Ooo.." Ryan closes his eyes and folded his long ears behind his head. "that feels really good, Tony.." slowly, he raised a long hindleg of his and started to thump the ground with his footpaw. he curled his front paws up to the top of his chest.

Tony smiled and carried on petting the big rabbit, as if it was a huge plushie, he even cuddled him.

Ryan practically purred by this and twitches his nose. "This is awesome..but...how the heck did it happen?...maybe this is why the area was closed off?..because if you somehow mention the name of an animal..you turn into that animal?.."

"If I said I want to be a Were-Fox I'm sure it can happen!" said Tony as he nuzzled his friend on the belly, he was really enjoying petting him.

"Ooo..a Were-Fox...that sounds badass!" Ryan said happily. he suddenly jumped up and hopped out the tent. "Follow me!"

Tony quickly followed Ryan as he stepped out of the huge hole off the tent and jogged.

Ryan hopped over to the campfire and sat down. he rubbed his paws together and continued to twitch his nose. "Okay...now..how do we make this work?..do we make...a wish, or something?"

"We could try that idea" replied Tony as he looked at the full moon.

"Alright..I'll do it for you." Ryan says, taking a breath in and out. he clears his throat. "...I wish for my friend, Tony..to be a WEREFOX!" He says loudly, throwing up his arms. Nothing appeared to happen at first. Ryan thumps his footpaw once. "Darn."

"Awww, I guess we tried" replied Tony as he felt sad about it.

"Aw, hey..don't worry.." Ryan says, hopping to him and nuzzling his shoulder. "We could try again!....hey wait a minute..." He squints his eyes and looks at his shoulder. orange like fur started to sprout from it.

"What is it Ryan? do you see something?" replied Tony.

"Your changing! Oooo, I gotta see this." Ryan says, hopping back and taking a seat. The orange fur spread across his arms, and built up heat within tony. he groans a bit and tugs at his shirt. Ryan giggles. "Hot?..I know, I had the same feeling..you just tear off or..let your fur do it."

Tony began to sweat a little as he could feel something was quite wrong with him as he tried cool himself down.

"You know what?" Ryan says, hopping to him. he bites down on Tony's shirt with his buck teeth and starts to tear it off for him. the fur was still continuing to spread, and caused a rip to appear on the back of his shirt. while that happens, his feet starts to swell in his boots. the bones and muscles in his legs start to shift as well, and they bend backwards just a little bit. this causes his pants to completely tear and his feet to morph into a canine paw. his toenails sharpen into dark colored claws, and five paw pads grow from the skin of the soles of his feet. he kicks off his boots with his strong fox hindlegs, and falls to the ground. Ryan squeaks and hops back. "That was so cool...are you alright, man!?"

"I'm feeling quite strong withought doubt, and furrier!" Tony replied as he felt the changes continue.

Tony's hands cracked and his knuckles extended forward. his nails sharpened into claws and his fingers shrunk a little. he groaned, and his back cracked, his spine arching upwards. a little stub was starting to grow at the end, and soon blossomed into a fully grown fox tail. it was very thick and very fluffy. his ears start to stretch upwards to the top of his head, and they were pointy and triangular. Ryan gently petted his head, watching the changes take place. "It's almost done buddy...you look great by the way!" Ryan says.

Tony closed his eyes and began to enjoy the petting off his head as he let his ears bend down too

And so, with his whole body covered in fur, his arms, legs, hands and feet converted into paws, and his big bushy tail lashing and free, the final change began. his face started to stretch forward, extending into a long fox snout. the bones cracked, and his teeth sharpened. he made soft yips and whines, as ryan hugged him. "Your almost done!" he says outloud, as the final snap comes into place. Tony was finished. he had transformed into a Werefox.

Tony then howled at the full moon joyfully and swaying his tail in the process, he felt like a strong animal.

"Wow..you look awesome.." Ryan says, standing up on his rabbit feet. he offered a paw. "Here...try standing up.."

Tony then stood up and looked at Ryan in the process with a toothy smile. "Wow, I'm a wonderful Were-Fox!"

"Yes you are..and I'm a fluffy Wererabbit! best camping trip ever, am I right?" He chuckles and nudges his shoulder. "Hey..you know what I feel like doing...all of a sudden?" Ryan says, suddenly looking toward the forest.

"Running into the forests?!?" asked Tony as he stood in all fours.

"Ohhhhh yeahhhh." Ryan smirked, dropping to all fours as well. he scraped his footpaws in the dirt and smiled at him. "I'll race ya to the nearest pond...let's see who's faster..rabbit..or fox!....321, GO! HA! HEAD START!" Ryan says, rushing ahead, hopping extremely fast.

"Hey! You cheated!" Shouted Tony wiht a chuckle as he chased Ryan.

And so, the two best friends bursted off into the woods, peacefully enjoying there new animal forms, howling as it echoed across the wilderness and the full moon shined beautifully over everything. soon, the fire eventually died down into withering smoke, and then..there was silence. only for the next victim to come...**

The End.

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