Nixx's New Diet

Story by iconmaster on SoFurry

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Nixx, a hungry dragon, signs up for a study where he gets to eat free food. But he ends up getting much more than he signed up for...

This was a story commission for FA: Nixx ! I was glad to do business with you, Nixx. For everyone else: Stay alert for my next batch of commission slots!

Today was another day of bumming around town for Nixx. The chubby dragon, red-furred with a peach belly, had another day of nothing much. The dragon was well-known for being as lazy as dragons come, not really taking any jobs in the city. Why work when you could be eating or sleeping instead? So today was the usual day for Nixx- looking for something to eat.

His stomach growled loudly as he walked downtown to his favourite place for lunch, this nice little pizzeria that gave him a discount for being such a frequent customer. He rubbed his pudgy stomach and whined. The only disadvantage to his lunch plans was that he had to pay for it... His hoard was more on his body then in the form of money. Nixx sighed as he passed the bus stop next to the pizzeria.

Nixx noticed that something had changed about the place. He stopped and took a closer look. Looks like there were new flyers taped up to the bus stop... Nixx always enjoyed taking a look at them. Sometimes they would be advertising discounts on food, or giving him coupons, or even giving him stuff for free!

Nixx scanned the flyers. "Apartment For Rent" one said. "Eat at Joe's!" another advertisement said. "Yard Sale" was another. Nixx yawned and was about to walk away, when one of them caught his interest.

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Enduring Enterprises is testing out a new series of dietary supplements, and we need your help! This study will have you eating several of our new, delicious products, and seeing their long-term effect on your health. All expenses will be paid!


* * *

Below the flyer were a bunch of paper ribbons with the building's address on it. Nixx recognized it as the local branch of Enduring Enterprises; he'd passed the large, sterile-looking building many times. He looked back up at the details of the study, and his mouth watered. Eating food? All expenses paid? This study was made for him! He ripped a ribbon off of the flyer and turned around. He was going to be doing something better for lunch.

It was a bit of a walk, but Nixx thought it would be worth it. There was sure to be lots to help "test out" for these guys... And by "test out", he meant "eat". After a hungry walk, he stopped in front of where he had to be. He looked up, seeing the many floors of the local lab, the building a nice dark grey. "ENDURING ENTERPRISES", a small sign in the front read. This was it.

Nixx walked up and rang the doorbell, stomach groaning in anticipation. After a second, he heard an intercom flick on. "Hello and welcome. What can I do for you?" a female voice said.

"Hello. I'm, uhh, here for a diet study? I'd like to volunteer."

"Oh, yes! Come right in. We've been waiting for good volunteers." With a click, the doors unlocked, allowing Nixx to open them and walk in.

Inside, the walls were a light grey, with a carpeted lobby. The secretary he just talked to was there, a fox lady. "You'll be looking for David. He's on the third floor, the second office from your right, if you take the elevator."

"Thanks!" Nixx made his way into the elevator, and up to his destination. He was salivating with excitement by now. Free food just got to him like this... He counted the second room on his right, and knocked on the door eagerly.

The door opened quickly, revealing a grey-scaled dragon in a lab coat. He had curly horns and dark grey belly plates peeked through his coat.

Nixx cleared this throat. "David, is this?"

"Ah, please, call me Dave!" He smiled. "Are you here for our new study?"

"Yes!!" Nixx blurted out. "Uhh, I mean, yes."

Dave chuckled. "I'm glad to see we have an enthusiastic volunteer. Please, come into my office. We can get this paperwork done, then we can begin."

Nixx huffed. Paperwork? Ah well, as long as it got him food... He was ushered into Dave's small office, picking a seat next to his desk to sit down. He watched Dave rummage through a pile of paper on his desk, before extracting a thick stack of paper and handing to Nixx... Along with a pen.

"If you could read that and sign at the end..."

Nixx flipped through the document. No way he was going to read all of this! All of this was just to cover their bases if something stupid happened, Nixx figured, as he flipped right to the end and began to sign. Not like any of this was going to bet between him and food, anyways!

He signed the paperwork and handed it back to Dave. Dave grinned wide and stood up, setting the papers down on his desk. "Very good. Now follow me to the testing room..."

Nixx licked his lips and followed Dave down the hall and around the corner. Dave opened a thick door, leading into a simple room with a long table, chairs, and some cabinets. Dave motioned for Nixx to sit and unlocked a cabinet, looking through it.

"Where is it... Ah! Here we are." Dave got out two small cups. In one, he filled with water from a water cooler in the corner, and in the other went a handful of pills. "These are the supplements we're testing. Our new food is being prepared as we speak."

Nixx looked at the pills Dave was bringing over. Well, if he had to take them before eating.. He was going to take them! He grabbed the cups from Dave, and threw all of the pills into his mouth, downing them in one swallow.

Nixx's stomach growled as the water and pills hit it, making him want food even more. "Urrpp. Sounds good to me!"

"Oh, I never asked for your name, only your signature. What was it again?"

"It's Nixx. Nice to meet ya. When is the food coming?"

"Well, Nixx, It should be here... Now."

At Dave's words, the doors opened, and in came a cart chock full of food, pushed by a tiger in chef's garb. Nixx saw a bowl of pasta, some bread, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a personal-pan pizza, a few burgers... And more.

Dave chuckled as he watched Nixx's eyes go wide. "I got extra for you, just in case. No need to eat it all. But go ahead, enjoy!" Dave grabbed the cart from the chef, and waved him away.

This is what Nixx had been waiting for. He couldn't help but drool as he grabbed that pizza and tore off a slice. It looked thick and greasy, just like how pizza should be! He began eating with wild abandon, savouring that wonderful, cheesy taste as the pizza was devoured first.

The pizza did not last long. He moved onto the bowl of mac, shoveling it into his mouth. Very creamy... Very good. With a belch, Nixx finished that off, too, licking hips lips clean. He gave his belly a pat. It had food in it now... But Nixx was a well-known glutton.

Next was the burger. Lovely meat and cheese flavors met his mouth as he bit into it, soon taking larger and larger bites. Nice and greasy! His belly strained as he wolfed down the bread and pasta at once, mixing it together as he ate.

Nixx sighed and leaned back, hearing the chair creak, as he grabbed the last burger and began to chew. That was almost a filling meal! He let out a long belch and closed his eyes for a second. He gripped his stomach, now sagging over his hips, packed full, and groaned. Oh, good stuff...

"The appetite enhancers are doing their job, I see."

"This is a pretty normal meal for me... I think..." So those pills made him hungrier? He supposed he did eat a whole bunch. But mostly, he was feeling sleepy right now, after such a meal...

"Haha, well, we'll see just how much is beyond a meal for you." Those words were very concerning to Nixx, but his oncoming food coma made him unwilling to do anything about it. He groaned and flopped over in his seat...

"I think you'll do well on basement floor... I think it's time for a little post-trial experiment." Dave's low chuckle was the last thing Nixx heard before the food coma overtook him, leaving him to sleep with his engorged belly.

* * *

Nixx awoke with the scent of pizza in his nose. Smelled good... He then felt the tip of a slice press against his snout. He reflexively opened up, trying to take a bite, but then the whole slice was pushed into his maw with concerning force!

His eyes flew open. In front of him was a pizza slice, held by a scaled, grey hand... Looming above him was Dave, grinning devilishly. "Good morning, Nixx." he said.

"Mmmrph!" was all Nixx could say, mouth full of food. Chewing it quickly, he swallowed the shoved-in slice, blushing slightly. "H- hey! What are you doing?"

Nixx tried to get up, but he couldn't. His arms and legs were strapped to the table, spread out wide! He struggled and groaned, unable to break his bonds. Looking around him, see saw concrete walls... This wasn't good...

Dave responded by taking another slice and force-feeding it to the helpless dragon. Nixx chewed that slice, too, letting out a little burp when he finished. Nixx, despite his situation, couldn't help but enjoy it! He groaned as another slice was pushed into him. Being tied up and fed was something he liked... Despite the bad situation...

"I thought you'd like to find your limits, Nixx." Dave talked as he fed Nixx the entire pizza, soon moving onto shoving long sub sandwiches in his face. "So we need some high food intake from you... Open wide~"

Nixx was obedient, opening his maw and allowing Dave to feed him endlessly. He felt his stomach, still full from last meal, expand with new contents... He was becoming uncomfortably full, but gosh, did he want more!

The feeding went on for what seemed like hours, Nixx losing himself in the sensation of eating and growth. All sorts of food met his lips, and he ate it all, mostly in a single swallow! He could feel his stomach slowly stretch wide as he ate more, sending pangs of pressure through his body. But when more food was presented, he ate...

Soon, Nixx ate food faster than Dave could provide, making Nixx groan and pant between meals. Dave ran out of the dimly lit room multiple times, just to bring in another food cart! It was obvious Dave couldn't keep up with Nixx's unchecked gluttony.

Then, one such trip, Dave didn't come back for a while. Nixx looked around him as he waited. Was he going to let him go? Was this part of the experiment? He couldn't lie that he enjoyed the immense pressure against his gut, but when would he stop...

Nixx sighed as he heard heavy doors open. It sounded like Dave was hauling something into the room, something very long; Nixx couldn't see over his bloated gut to check. After an excruciatingly long time of just waiting and hearing ave set something up, he could see Dave wheeling another food cart over to him.

"What are you doing?" Nixx blurted out, before Dave could get over to him. "This isn't what I- UUURP- signed up for!"

Dave laughed and grabbed a burger in his hand. "Oh, but you did sign up for this. Always read the fine print, I always say."

"But-" Nixx's words were cut off by another burger getting shoved into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed, feeling it slide down his throat and meet all the other food in his belly. "Mmmmph."

"I don't think I can feed you enough alone. So say hello to the other way we can feed you..." Dave said as he want behind Nixx's gut again. He could feel his stomach's contents shift around as it was pushed aside. What was Dave up to...?

With a gasp, Nixx knew what he was up to. Dave had pushed apart the cheeks of his rump... And then he felt a metal object push against his tailhole! Nixx yelped and tried to struggle anew. Dave was too persuasive, however, and soon he felt that metal thing slip in, spreading out and keeping himself gaped.

Nixx groaned. "No... Stop..." he said, but Dave did not stop. With a whirring noise... Nixx felt a whole lot of warm food get shoved right up there. Within a second, he felt it fill out his colon, making him feel full from all sides now. He couldn't tell what kind of food, but he could tell food was being shoved from his bottom into his gut!

Nixx's cheeks were on fire, and he let out a sharp moan. Being so filled felt good... He still wanted more! His tongue lolled, right before another pizza slice was shoved right in there, without care for his preparedness. So he just kept eating what Dave shoved in there... And then whatever machine was down at his tailhole activated, pushing even more into his colon, making him feel even more stuffed in his guts!

This kept happening this way; where Dave would shove another meal right in his face, forcing him to chew or swallow, and then another load of food would get shoved up his rear. It was very efficient at feeding him, making his stomach rumble as it bloated even further. His gut felt so heavy and taut, the pressure concerning him just slightly. He was filled...

And getting even more filled. Dave fed him burgers, pizza, pasta, and so many other fattening things as the machine relentlessly added more up his rump. Nixx's hips bucked against his belly as more food got shoved up his hips... Over and over again, as it seemed to happen without end.

His belly grew more and more full, soon creaking and expanding over Nixx's whole body. He felt the crushing weight of his own belly against his chest, making him wheeze as he swallowed a large sub Dave had been pushing in there for a while now. He began to regret eating so quickly...

Not that he could stop the intake of food now, with the rectal feeding as relentless as it was. He didn't have the willpower to stop accepting the food Dave shoved in his mouth, either... There was nothing Nixx could do but watch his belly get closer to his face, and ever taller! The pressure was amazing now, making every new piece of food feel like an immense struggle to contain... Nixx was very, very full.

Nixx quickly lost track of time, just swallowing food and feeling more get shoved up his rear. Had it been hours? Days? Nixx faded in and out of lucidity as it continued without end. Over time, he could feel the fullness, the pressure, only increase... He was becoming very scared.

His stomach quivered with each new piece of food, making groaning and creaking noises as it expanded. He felt like he had a whole Thanksgiving dinner for a hundred people inside him... He could only respond to this by groaning and whining between bits of food Dave had pushed into him.

All the while, Dave kept bringing in more carts of food. Nixx could tell he was getting tired, panting and feeding him slower, but his resolve to feed made Nixx even more scared. Once in a while, he would grin, slap that taut belly, or give him words of encouragement... Not that Nixx could respond at this point.

"I didn't expect you to hold this much, you know. This is adding up to be very costly..." Dave grinned and gave the belly a hard push. It wobbled furiously, making Nixx gasp and groan. It was getting too full for him to do that...

Nixx did nothing else but open his mouth again, letting Dave push a whole, rolled-up pizza in his maw. He squirmed with a particularly large load getting pushed up into him from behind. He let out a moan, and it all happened again... And again...

After a long while, that belly of his engulfed his body utterly. Only his head was free, sitting next to that wall of gut, receiving endless amounts of food from his captor. He couldn't last much longer... His belly felt so full, so tight. The feeling of pressure drowned out all else as his belly wobbled with the new load, deposited up his tailhole.

With a gasp, Nixx felt the tip of his belly touch the low labroom ceiling. He groaned as pressure began to mount from outside as well as inside... This was getting uncomfortable. Nixx didn't want this any longer... He whimpered and closed his mouth, fearing deeply.

"Come on, don't let the ceiling stop you, you glutton." Dave spoke as he softly grabbed Nixx's head and tried to force those jaws open. "Besides, not like I'm stopping the feeding machine..." He grinned as he forced a burger between pried-open jaws.

His belly let out ominous, load creaks as he reached his limit... He noticed as his stomach stopped stretching when food flooded his lower guts. The pressure only increased, becoming immense... Dave tried to push one more pizza slice in his mouth...

Nixx unwillingly swallowed. Even the stuff going down his throat couldn't make it into his gut any more, pushing back against his swallow... He swallowed harder, trying to get it in. He sighed as his belly remained intact after that last swallow.

"Hmm. I think you've had enough to eat today, so-"

Dave's words were cut short by a low whirring noise. Nixx screamed as he felt one more load of foodstuff get pushed in there... Servos strained as the machine tried to push in more... And, ever so slowly, increased the pressure.

Nixx's belly gave a creak, a quiver, and then exploded violently.

Dave was knocked across the room by the immense blast. In a second, tons of food, all pent up, exploded outwards, covering Dave, and the room, in a layer of the undigested stuff. In a daze, Dave scraped a whole pizza off his face, and looked at the destruction.

The table Nixx was strapped to was crumpled and broken. The feeding machine was emitting sparks and whirring, probably not functional as well. And scraps of red hide floated down from the ceiling, landing softly in the mess below.

Dave shakily got up, groaning. "What a shame. That drug only increases stomach capacity by 1000%." He walked across the room and grabbed a piece of the ex-dragon in his hand. "I was hoping for more." Dave grinned and laughed.

The Dark Path - Ch. 2

Ryan came to slowly, yawning as he shifted around. He felt a large, warm presence near him; he slowly began to wonder what that was as he woke up. He opened his eyes to find himself inside an unknown cave, slight breeze blowing in from the entrance....

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