Casual Affairs

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#15 of Simply Sexual

Ever get the feeling you just want to try something else, or you don't feel beautiful enough? Well, Abigail started to feel like that too. With her husband working nights and a libido that just needs to be fixed, Abigail takes things into her own hands, having quite an adventure at a local night club.

I hope you all enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this little tale for myself, and I hope you guys love it just as much. Feedback is always appreciated!

Standing in her closet, Abigail turned back and forth like a pendulum, scanning her eyes over every piece of fabric she owned. She was trying to find the perfect outfit, because for once in a long time, she was going out on the town.

"Abby, are you seriously going out to a bar?" Came a soft voice from the bedroom, and Abby shook her head in disbelief. The voice came from her friend Tammy. She was a domesticated feline with silky onyx fur and dark brown eyes to match. She was beautiful and could easily go out for a good time, but for lack of better words, she was a "scaredy cat".

"Yes, I am." Abby replied, still impatiently scanning.

"But, what if something happens? What if you get drugged or kidnapped. Oh my god, what would I do?" Tammy babbled on, continuing her conversation with herself, but Abigail simply poked her head out of the closet to ease her friend's mind.

Tammy was sitting on the very edge of the bed with her knees tightly placed together and her hands nervously clutching and unclutching her thighs.

"I will be fine. Are you going to be fine babysitting?" Abigail asked, wondering if Tammy could handle the relatively simply task. "I've already fed them. So, they should be fast asleep for the next few hours. You shouldn't have any trouble."

"Why can't your husband watch them? Where is he?" Tammy whimpered, trying not to raise her voice.

"He's working late tonight for the fifth time this week. Last night was supposed to be our date night. He had to cancel. So, I'm taking my own night." Abigail sighed. She knew her husband worked hard, but she desperately wanted him to spend more time with her, especially when it came to romance.

Just six months before, Abigail gave birth to twin boys. They were the cutest little cubs that ever lived, but Abigail knew that she needed to get out of the house at least for one night. Her sanity depended on it, because she hadn't had a night to herself in all of those six months, and she desperately wanted to feel sexy and irresistible again.

"Is he really working, or is he having an affair with his secretary? That's a thing you know." Tammy squawked mischievously, as if she was a school girl trying to start a rumor about the popular couple in class.

Abigail snickered. "He's not cheating."

With those words, Abby returned to the closet, scanning until her eyes stopped on a short, black halter top. Looking down, she gently rubbed her hand over her stomach. It was so nice to touch her tummy and feel it flat again. She hadn't minded being pregnant, but she did love her curvy figure. Quickly, she slid the halter top onto her busty frame and bit her bottom lip as she stared into the full-body sized mirror on the back wall of the closet. It fit her perfectly, hugging to her milk filled breasts and letting them pop from the v neck top. She gently tied the halter behind her neck and began to purr as she could see her cute belly button and supple cleavage displayed for everyone to see.

"How do you know he's not? I think my husband is cheating all the time." Tammy whimpered, and Abigail could practically hear the way Tammy was twisting her fists together in a sweaty knot.

"I know he's not, because we keep our marriage spiced up. We keep things interesting." Abigail responded from the closet, turning around to admire her body in the halter once more before she began to ponder on what to wear for the bottoms.

"Even after two kids? That seems impossible. He still wants to touch you?" Tammy asked quietly, biting her bottom lip in anticipation for the answer. For anyone watching, she appeared jealous of her friend's seemingly perfect marriage.

Abigail's ears stood straight before folding back to her head in a bit of agitation. Had Tammy really just suggested that?

"As soon as I healed up he was pouncing me again, and when I was pregnant, he practically had me bedridden for sex. You and your husband really need to work on adding some spice to your marriage. We have been married for five years now, and we're still strong. I mean, we've hit a bit of a rut now, but that's nothing. It will blow over after he finally gets his promotion." Abby said, grabbing a pair of tight, black yoga pants and studded, black leather boots.

All the black in her outfit really brought out the snow white brightness of her fur and accented the black stripes that ran horizontally over her body. She was a curvaceous Bengal tiger with lively blue eyes that were as bright as glacier ice. She slid the yoga pants over her red thong and bit her bottom lip as she turned slightly to observe her ass in the tights. Her ass was plump for sure. It could take a good, hard smack and bounce back for more.

"Yeah, well, I don't like lingerie and all those sexy outfits like you wear. I just get naked. Spice just seems unnecessary." Tammy responded, picking threads off of the comforter that she was perched on as she waited for Abby to leave the closet.

"That's your problem then. You have to get his attention. You have to excite him!" Abby cheered in excitement, slipping into her studded leather boots. They stopped just under her knees, and she reached down, giving a hard pull on the laces to secure herself, switching from one boot to the next.

"I can give you some clothes."

Abby walked out of the closet with a mischievous grin, and Tammy gasped, slapping her palm to her chest in surprise, keeping it right over her heart.

"I don't want the clothes, but Oh my god! Someone is going to steal you!" Tammy screeched with a smile.

Abby bit her bottom lip. "You really think so?" She felt sexy. Actually, she felt more attractive than she had in months, and she was looking forward to going out more and more with each passing second.

"What if someone hits on you? Don't drink out of drinks from others. They could be drugged!" Tammy screeched again--this time in horror. She was starting to worry herself and play over every possible scenario that could happen to Abigail.

"Tammy, Jesus Christ. Would you calm down? I hope someone hits on me, because I want to feel sexy, and my husband has been ignoring me for weeks. I know he works hard, and I respect that, but I need to feel like I'm... I need to feel like I'm not a mother of two..." Abby whispered, feeling a bit ashamed as she said it. It was true though. She felt unattractive after having the twins. She felt as if her body was already ruined with no way for repair, and even though she would never admit it to Tammy, Abigail really was worried that her husband had lost interest.

Tammy bit her bottom lip, but she didn't reply. Abby wasn't going to take no for an answer. She needed it; she wanted it. She was dressed to turn heads, and by God, she was going to get what she wanted.

"Have fun, and if you run into any trouble, call me." Tammy was now tapping her feet on the floor nervously, and honestly, Abby was becoming quite annoyed with her friend's nervous nature. It was definitely a turn off.

"I will be fine. If my babies need me, call me." She said softly in return before checking herself out one last time in the full length mirror. Her image was now far away, but even from afar, she could tell that she was gorgeous. The boots hugged to her calves, giving her a fierce step. Her tights clung to every curve of her thighs and to the luscious plump ass that bounced behind her. They broke off around her waist to lead up to her tight stomach and adorable belly button, and her halter top began a few inches under her breasts, fanning out with her every move and tightening around her milk filled breasts. They were large, even after feeding two, and peeking from the top of her halter, but she didn't care. She wanted them that way. Her hair was down, reaching to the middle of her back. It was black just like her stripes and her outfit, but she had curled it several hours before. Now, with each step her hair gave a lively sway and a gentle bounce just like her hips and rump. She gently bit her bottom lip and cocked her hip to the side with a sway of confidence.

"I'm going out." She said seductively, smirking as Tammy began to pat her feet faster in a nervous gesture.

Before Tammy could object anymore, Abigail pranced down the stairs and grabbed her keys off of the rack near the door. She paused and looked at her keys, knowing that if she walked outside with them, she would slide into a tiny, white HHR that her husband referred to as "a pregnant roller skate." It wasn't a fancy car, and she wanted to ride in style. Luckily, her husband was driving the office car, a cute little chevy impala, leaving his fancy sports car in the driveway. Abby bit her bottom lip and slapped her keys back onto the rack before snatching the other set of keys that dangled and cried out to her. It was meant to be.

Before she walked out the door, she looked back upstairs, thinking about her little ones fast asleep. She would have said goodbye to them once more, but she didn't want to chance waking them. That also meant that cranking the car was going to be a problem.

Abby slowly shut the door and walked out to the driveway, seeing the silver Pontiac G8 parked right in front of her. She got into the car and sat in the seat, thinking for a moment. She then turned the battery on to the car and shifted it into neutral. The car gradually began to roll down their slanted driveway, and when she had maneuvered the car onto the road, she shifted back into park before cranking the car. It came to life with a loud, vibrant roar that shook her neighbor's windows, and Abby could hear a soft moan leave her lips. She didn't know much about how a car worked or the parts of the engine, but there was something about the roar of exhaust that sent her heart into a frenzy. She shifted into drive and bit her bottom lip as she mashed the gas, hearing the car spring to life with the slight screech of the tires and the exhaust blaring behind her.


As she rolled up to the bar, she made sure to rev the engine, causing several heads turn as she passed the entry line. Of course, all the women were staring. They were expecting a handsome male to step out, straighten his coat, and send a wink in their direction at any moment, but Abby stopped at the front valet and opened the door, elegantly lifting herself out and leaving the door open with the engine in idle. She held her left paw out with the key and watched as a male in a red jacket ran around the hood of the car to eagerly take the keys. He wanted his chance to drive too, and she didn't blame him.

The women had stopped looking, turning their attention to their phones as they impatiently clicked their fingers across the screens and waited to get in. However, the males were no longer looking at the car that began to roll away, they were looking at the tall, curvy beauty that had just stepped out. Abby returned their gazes with a seductive wink before walking toward the entrance. She made sure to put an extra swing in her step for every male watching, and her hair kept in rhythm with the sway of her body, ticking back and forth with her hips like a pendulum.

She walked to the front door, winking at the bouncer who stood with his arms crossed. He was the keeper of those who entered, almost as if he was guarding the gates of hell. Abby could hear the loud base music gyrating from inside, but she didn't have to stop. She didn't miss a beat in her step. The male Pitbull reached over, moving the thick chain that prohibited people from entering and held his paw out, signaling for her to go forward. She started to purr, keeping her steps even and graceful as she passed him, and as she passed, she let her long, thin and striped tail brush his chest. If the females in line weren't talking about her before, Abby knew their fingers were pecking to the bone complaining about her now. They had probably been outside waiting for almost half an hour.

She walked directly to the bar, craving a drink. She hadn't been able to drink alcohol in over a year, and she wanted some desperately. She had already pumped bottles full of milk for her cubs, and now, she wasn't going to hold back. It was her night to enjoy. The bartender lifted one eyebrow in question, waiting for her order, and she smirked, sitting at one of the bar stools.

"I'd like some crown royal apple and coke please. Start with something simple my grandmother used to say." She smirked, and the bartender nodded, giving her a bit of a grin in return.

The base was so loud that Abby could feel it vibrating slightly out of beat with her heart, and she bit her bottom lip. She loved the way the music drowned out most of her other senses. It was like she was immersed in nothing but the beat, and as she got her drink, she downed it as fast as possible and made her way to the dancefloor.

She danced for what seemed like days, letting herself be engulfed in the crowd of swaying bodies. She raised her hands in the air with everyone else and screamed at the DJ when he commanded it. She rocked her hips to the rise and fall of the base, and she felt like she was in a dream, forgetting all of her worries and responsibilities for a time, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It was as if someone was boring holes into her with their eyes, and she could almost feel as their eyes roamed over her body, because the holes would move and slither from spot to spot like snakes. She figured it was just paranoia that Tammy had sparked in her mind, and she slowly stopped dancing, catching her breath for a moment. She hadn't realized that she had already been dancing for over an hour, and she was overdue for another drink.

As she made her way to the bar, her body began to burn once more, and she could feel someone getting closer. She was just about to order her drink when the soft hint of mint tickled her nose. It was soothing, relaxing her muscles as she breathed it in, and she let out a soft sigh as she took a second inhale to capture it. Was this the culprit who kept staring at her?

"Can I get a Sex on the Beach for the lady please?" Asked a deep, melodic voice.

Abby turned her head, seeing a very tall, handsome male. He leaned on the counter, only inches from her, and he smirked, showing his pearly white teeth that were sharper than razors. He was an orange tiger with fur that was so bright it almost blended in with the flashing lights that covered the room, but the bright patches of orange were abruptly severed by streaks of black running horizontally over his entire frame except for the white patch on his chest and under his chin.

Abby cocked her head to the side, looking at him with a sly smile. "Did you take a lucky guess at my favorite drink, or do you buy that for all the ladies you meet at a bar?" She asked, slowly sitting down on one of the bar stools.

The male was wearing a tight button up shirt that hugged to his chest, and with each movement of his body, the shirt flexed around his tense muscles. So badly she wanted to remove the shirt and let him move freely. Not only did his shirt seem constricting, but his jeans did as well. They hugged perfectly to his thighs, but the real area of constriction rested between his legs where a large bulge strained to be released. After eyeing his body, Abby looked up to see his emerald green eyes staring into hers. They seemed calm, but she could already see a storm of predatory lust beginning to grow inside them. He was definitely a sight for sore eyes, and no one could argue with that, not even Abby.

"Lucky guess." He said with a smirk, looking back at the bartender. "I'll have a Corona with lime please." He added and slapped a twenty onto the bar before sliding it forward. He was paying for the drinks, and Abby smirked.

"Just having one tonight? Don't want to start a tab?" She asked with a grin, staring at the male.

She could stare at him all day. There was something comforting about his presence, and his emerald green eyes were making her head dizzy.

"I want to keep a level head for whatever I do after." He smirked, giving her a playful wink.

"Nice car you have. I saw you come in. It was like you owned the place." He said with a sly smile. He emphasized the word "you" when he mentioned the car, hinting that he knew it wasn't hers. Abby simply gave a slight shrug.

"It's my husband's car." She said in response, starting to purr.

"A husband huh? I should have figured as much. Where is the guy? He's not going to beat me up for buying you a drink is he?" The male asked with a deep purr that blended with the loud music.

"He's not here." She replied, glancing over at his left hand. "And from the looks of it, I should be asking if a woman is going to walk up and slap me for this drink." Abby replied.

She was referring to the silver band perched on his ring finger, and the male smirked, not denying anything. The bartender walked over, placing both drinks on the bar and taking the money before stepping away. Abigail picked up her drink and immediately took a sip, blushing as the liquid exploded over her taste buds. She absolutely loved the flavors. The tiger took his corona and pushed the lime into the head of the bottle, letting it fall into the yellow liquid below before he causally lifted the bottle to his lips.

"She's not here." He replied in the same tone of voice that Abby had delivered her line. "But I must say that your husband is an idiot to not be here. You look absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn't let you out of my sight." He said with a purr and a large swig of his drink.

Abby twirled her straw, blushing as the male complimented her. His words made her heart pound, and she looked up at him once more with a sweet and yet seductive gaze. She wanted to tease.

"Yeah? You wouldn't let me out of your sight? Well, why is your wife out of your sight then handsome?"

"She's a little upset with me right now. So, she went out to be with her friends instead of me."

"What a bitch." Abby smirked, and the male snickered. "I'm Abigail by the way, but you can call me Abby."

His ears seemed to perk, and he turned to look directly at her on the bar stool. "I'm Christopher, but you can call me Chris."

Abby picked up her drink and began sipping it quickly, wanting to finish it before she left the bar. Before she knew it, the drink was gone, and Chris sat his empty bottle onto the counter with a loud clink. He had finished his drink just as quickly as she finished hers, and Abby wondered for a moment what his rush was.

"Well, Abby. Would you like to dance with me? I watched you earlier, and you are quite the natural."

"You were watching me?" She asked mischievously, biting her bottom lip.

"Can you blame me?" He asked, slowly standing to his feet.

Abby shook her head no. She wanted to be looked at. She wanted to be admired more than anything. It was a sensation to feel as if she was the center of attention, and she definitely knew that several men were looking at her. Chris just happened to be the first one to come up to her.

"Come dance with me." He said with a smirk, holding out his paw for her. His claws were long, and the way they sparkled in the light made her see they were razor sharp.

She agreed by taking his paw, which engulfed hers due to sheer size. She felt small in his grasp, but she didn't mind. There was something predatory in the way he led her to the dance floor, but she followed anyway, stepping with the beat that vibrated through her body and up into the rafters. As they reached the middle of the dancefloor, Chris spun Abby around and pressed his muscled frame to her back. She let out a soft gasp, feeling her heart begin to pound. She wasn't sure if the base was vibrating inside of her chest or her heart was pounding against her rib cage. Maybe it was a combination of both, but she didn't care. She just wanted to be touched.

The male seemed to read her mind, because he quickly gripped her hips with his large paws. His claws snaked through her fur to graze on her skin, and she let out a soft moan before she began to move her hips from side to side with the rhythm of the base. Chris moved with her hips and smirked as he could feel her ass grinding against his groin. Bringing his muzzle to her ear, Chris whispered to Abby, letting his hot breath drift over her ear and slide down her neck. "You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

With those words, he pulled her closer, making sure that their bodies were practically melted together. Abby didn't fight. She leaned back, pressing her body against the strong male tiger behind her. She could feel his claws still pricking at her hips, and with a teasing gesture, she tilted her head to the right, exposing her neck as her long hair whisked to the side. It was an invitation. Chris quickly obliged, pressing his cool nose and whiskers to her neck. His whiskers tickled her skin, making Abby moan softly. It didn't take long for the tiger to make his move, knowing he finally had his prey in his grasp. He began kissing her neck, trailing his hot kisses from the base of her jaw all the way down her neckline and shoulders. He was sure to pause over her jugular, giving her neck a playful nip that said "I'm still dangerous."

Abby knew what this male could do. His claws and teeth were sharper than any kitchen knife or razor she had ever handled, but having them on her body didn't cause fear or alarm. It only sent shivers down her spine and coaxed her to beg for more--beg for it all.

She was caught up in the sensation of him: the way his body pressed to hers, the heat that radiated from his groin, the way the music seemed to drown the whole dancefloor, and the intense feeling of sexual tension that was beginning to circulate through her body.

"I can smell it on you." Chris whispered into her ear, teasingly scraping his claws over her sides without breaking any skin.

"W-What?" Abby asked breathless, but it wasn't from the dancing. "What can you smell on me?" She asked, turning around in his arms to face him.

He was towering over her still, glancing down with his mischievous eyes. He took the opportunity to move from Abby's hips and grip her ass, making her blush an even deeper red and let out a sudden moan. Her reaction satisfied him, and he leaned in close to answer her.

"Neglect. I can smell the way your body is reacting to me. You haven't been pleasured in a while, and I can practically hear your body screaming for a good fuck."

Abby's cheeks began to burn like a hot ember resting under a bonfire. He wasn't wrong, but he was being extremely blunt. She hadn't expected those words out of his mouth, but he was right. She was in need, and she desperately wanted this handsome male to please her.

"B-But your wife..." She whispered, biting her bottom lip as Chris snaked his paws up to the waistline of her tights and teasingly hooked his thumbs into both sides.

He slid the pants down a few inches. It was just enough to expose her hips to him and let more of her scent drift out. Abby didn't stop him. She desperately wanted him to go further, because the thought of being touched and fucked by another man sent her head into a tailspin and made her pussy practically throb without ever being touched.

"She's not here, and she's nowhere as beautiful as you are. I'd give anything to be inside you." He responded in a cocky and seductive tone. It fit him well.

"I can't..." Abby whispered, trying to remain faithful to her husband even though it was proving to be quite a challenge.

"But you want to." Chris said, smirking as he gently turned Abby back around to face the crowd and the DJ. Everyone was still bouncing with the music, jumping up and down with the rhythm. Abby let out a soft moan as she felt Chris's paw slither deeper into her tights and under the front of her thong to reach her lower lips. Her back was pressed hard into his chest, and he kept them moving, swaying back and forth so that they wouldn't draw much attention. His fingers grazed the edges of her lips, and she could practically hear the content grin on his face.

"You've already soaked your panties completely. You can't tell me you don't want it." He smirked.

He teasingly slipped his middle finger between her lower lips, rubbing the pad of his finger directly over her clit that was swollen in need. The Bengal tiger went up on her tip toes, gasping as the male tiger continuously rubbed his finger back and forth over her sensitive clit. He was like a child flicking a light switch on and off just to watch the lights flicker.

"F-Fuck..." Abby whispered, shivering in the male's grasp.

Her mind was dizzy, clouded with lust and dirty thoughts. Till that point, she had been trying to control herself, desperately attempting not to give in to the fetching male behind her, but it was too late. She didn't want to stop anymore. She eagerly reached behind her, placing her paw onto the large bulge that she had seen earlier. It felt even bigger now, more aroused than before. She could feel the heat radiating from his groin onto her paw now, and she bit her bottom lip, looking back over her shoulder to meet her icy blue eyes with his emerald ones.

"If you want to fuck me, I need to know if you're good enough first." She said with the same cocky and seductive tone that he had delivered earlier. She was playing along.

"Think I'm not big enough?" He asked with a smirk, taking the paw that was not inside her tights and unbuttoning his tight jeans, letting the top come open for her.

"No woman wants to fuck a bad breeder." She said with a deep purr.

"I could breed your tight pussy in an instant." He replied, baring his teeth to show his dominance.

To put her back into her place, he began flicking her clit once more, this time teasing the sensitive area with his claw. Abby's legs went weak, and she arched her back in bliss, feeling an eruption of pleasure radiate from her clit all the way to her breasts. Her nipples began to harden, and she purred loudly, letting him know she was enjoying every moment. She eagerly reached further behind herself, sliding her paw into his pants and deep into his boxers. It didn't take her long to feel his throbbing cock, and she let out a surprised gasp as she felt the bulge that had been teasing her for so long. It was thicker than she imagined. She could hardly wrap her paw around it, and she bit her bottom lip as she felt the thick shaft throb from her touch. She was imagining herself stretching to fit the tiger, and her lower lips began to throb in sync with him.

"Y-You're bigger than I thought." She said, smirking as a female in front of her turned her head to stare. She could see the tiger with his paw down Abby's pants and her hands snaked down his. The onlooker shook her head in disapproval and moved away, disappearing into the sea of rocking bodies, but Abby just smirked. She hadn't felt that young in years.

"Want to try it out?" He asked with a deep purr, seductively tracing his finger in circles around her swollen clit. He knew she wanted him, because his paw was already covered in her juices, but he wanted to hear her say it. He wanted her to beg for him.

"That would be cheating on my husband." She replied, biting her bottom lip as she moaned for him, gently bucking her hips into his paw as she continued to sway with the music. She didn't want to draw any more attention to them. So, she kept moving, trying to blend in with the crowd. "What would your wife say?"

"Can't you smell how pent up I am? She has no right to say anything." He replied with a growl, his green eyes practically glowing like the glow-sticks that bounced above their heads.

"I guess I see your point." Abby smirked, feeling her body drawn to him more with each passing second. She couldn't deny the opportunity. Her body was tingling with a sensation that she could only describe as filth. It was the kind of sensation that attractive, kinky women got when they knew they had captured a man to play with.

"I-I can't go home with you. I don't want to get caught." She whispered, but Chris only returned her worry with a toothy grin.

"Who said anything about leaving? Dirty women like you get fucked in the bathroom." He growled, nipping at her ear at the same time he playfully tugged on her hips.

There was nothing else to say. How could she argue with him? He was giving her everything she had set out to get that night. Why else had she dressed up the way she did? Biting her bottom lip, she nodded, giving him the final "okay" that he was looking for. Her body began to move forward. She was no longer swaying with the music, but her body still felt alive and energized just the same.

Before she knew it, Chris was slamming his paw into the men's bathroom door, swinging it open hard enough to slam into the wall. The explosion of sound echoed over the white walls, but the couple was wasting no time. Despite the large bull standing at the urinal and the stallion washing his hooves at the sink, the couple acted as if they were the only ones present.

Christ eagerly slipped his hands under Abby's halter top, tugging it over her head in one swift motion. It landed in a heap near the first stall, getting soaked with the grime and filth that had built up on the floor from years of neglect.

The stallion at the sink simply finished washing his hands with a smirk on his face, shaking his head in remembrance of his own young romps from time to time. The bull at the urinal grinned as he walked by, admiring the female's breasts as they bounced free of her top. He gave her a wink before exiting the room as if signifying he would gladly take her next, and Abby bit her bottom lip, feeling the dirtiest she had in months.

Leaning forward, Chris latched onto her right breast, making Abby gasp and arch her back. The excitement caused her to blush, and she leaned back against the mirror, purring loudly as her breasts ached. It was one thing to feed cubs as they softly sucked for food, but Chris's lips were demanding and hungry, sucking on her firmly and roughly before flicking his tongue over the little hardened nub in his lips.

"Oh God!" She gasped, feeling her already soaked lower lips give a hard throb for attention, jealous that her breasts were the only things being played with.

Smirking, Chris used his paw to message her other breast, moving it in circles while teasingly pinching the nipple between his index and middle fingers. Although the messaging was very pleasurable, Abby was shivering because she could feel the milk from her breasts starting to seep through her nipple and into Chris's mouth, and to her astonishment, he didn't seem surprised as the warm milk hit his tongue; instead, he began to drink, moaning as he suckled her.

A few sucks later, Chris pulled off with a wet smack and smirked as he licked the last remnants of milk from his lips. "Someone is a new Mama. I wouldn't mind being the cubs that got to suck on these lovely breasts."

Blushing, Abby looked down at him with a sly grin. "How did you know I have more than one cub?"

"Lucky guess." He smirked, latching on to the other breast before she could protest.

Gasping, Abby moaned and wiggled from side to side, trying to pull her sensitive nipple from his mouth, but his lips were tightly sealed. She could feel his large paws moving to grip her hips as his thumbs hooked onto the top of her tights, slowly starting to pull. Abby was feeling more and more filthy with each passing second as her pants inched closer and closer to her knees, and the more the male pulled, the more her body screamed for attention.

"I need this!" Abby moaned, shivering as she could feel Chris smirk around her breast.

The door to the bathroom opened, revealing another male walking through the door. Abby didn't pay him much attention, but she could see from the corner of her eye that it was a Dalmatian. The newcomer acted as if the couple wasn't even there, walking to the urinal and unzipping his pants. Abby could only smirk, biting her bottom lip as Chris continued to suck, eagerly feeling the warm milk flow over his tongue. Biting her bottom lip, Abby slowly slid her paw down the large tiger's chest, slipping her long, soft fingers into his pants once more. He was still rock solid for her, and she smirked as she tweaked the head, trying to tease him just as he was teasing her.

"Fuck..." He whispered, smirking as both of his hands reached down to his pants, pushing them down in an instant to reveal his throbbing cock as it bobbed up and down.

Licking her lips, Abby knew she was going to take every inch, and her pussy lips throbbed from just the thought. Eagerly, Chris pulled her pants down further, letting them rest around the tops of her large boots.

"How are you going to get those boots off champ?" Abby teased, knowing it would take the male a good ten minutes just to remove her shoes due to all the straps and buckles.

The sentence didn't even phase Chris. With his pants around his ankles, he gripped her knees, lifting her legs as he leaned down. Playfully he wiggled in-between her legs until her knees rested against his waist, her legs like a circle around him.

"I know a few tricks." He teased, smirking as he was perfectly aligned with her at that point.

Giggling in happiness, Abby couldn't control her excitement. She had always dreamed of something so daring, and she bit her bottom lip, coaxing him forward with the teasing sway of her index finger.

"Do you want me?" She asked seductively, temporarily noticing the Dalmatian trying to push his hard on back into his pants, which made her feel even more attractive than before.

"Fuck yes I do. Think you can handle me?" He asked, reaching forward to grip her hips with his claws and pulled her hips closer to the edge.

Letting out a loud gasp of surprise, Abby felt her hips get pulled halfway off of the counter. Her lower lips and tail hole were completely exposed. To keep herself steady, Abby had to grip onto the edge of the counter while leaning her abdomen and shoulders against the large mirror behind her. She widened her legs, giving the male full access to her inner folds, and another grin crossed the tiger's face as a thought crossed his mind. Abby was about to ask what he was thinking when he pulled his left paw from her hip and brought it to her lower lips, instantly pushing two fingers into her tight folds without warning. He curled his fingers upwards, making sure to press against her g-spot. Abby's eyes lit up with excitement and pleasure as his fingers wiggled and danced across her favorite spots, and she arched her back, pointing her breasts to the ceiling as she moaned as loudly as she wanted. The music on the other side of the wall easily drowned her out, and only the males in the room could hear her pleasure.

"Yes! Yes!" She called out, widening her legs as much as she could while her hips bucked against his fingers.

"Look at that soaked, lovely pussy. If it wasn't for the milk in those breasts, I never would have guessed you had cubs. I should try to put another litter in there." He growled seductively.

"I don't think my husband would like that very much." She giggled.

Abby bit her bottom lip, blushing from every word. She felt filthy, and she absolutely loved it. She loved feeling like nothing more than a whore getting ravaged in a dirty bathroom with males staring every time they walked through the door. Her juices were dripping down onto the counter before finding their way down to the floor, and in her arousal, she could feel herself slowly nearing her first climax, but just as she laid her head back onto the mirror, she felt Chris pull his fingers away.

"No! Please don't stop." She whispered.

"I have something better than my fingers for you." Chris whispered, sensing his eager cock beginning to ache.

Honestly, he would have let her finish with his fingers, but his cock had started to throb so much that he couldn't last another second leaving his friend out in the cool air. He needed a warm home.

"Give it to me!"

Looking into the Bengal tiger's eyes, Chris admired her for just a moment. Her breathing was quick, causing her chest to rise and fall with each breath. Her curves were emphasized with her new position on the counter, and as he lined the head of his throbbing cock to her soaked lower lips, he watched as she bit her bottom lip, trailing her eyes down to watch his cock. She wanted to watch as he slid inside of her.

With a hard thrust, he pushed every inch of his thick member into her, stretching her tight walls wide and making the female's back arch as she called out to the ceiling. The penetration of his shaft caused her juices to pour out around him, coating his sac and thighs as well as her own. Abby moaned and watched as the male hilted inside of her, and once she was all the way to the base, she began to grind happily, moving her hips up and down to make his shaft tease every inch of her inner folds.

"God your cock feels amazing!" She called out, extending her claws as she gripped the edge of the counter, feeling them grinding against the granite.

She could sense every throb of his shaft, and as she looked up into his eyes, she could see that Chris was shivering himself, loving the way that her walls gripped him like a vice.

"Better than your husband?" He asked with a sly grin.

"Much better." Abby responded with a smirk, feeling Chris push his hips even harder against her walls.

Leaning forward, Chris began to kiss Abby's collar bone, teasingly nipping with his sharp teeth at her sensitive skin. The sensation made Abby's skin tingle, getting covered in goosebumps as Chris's chest fur brushed against her aching nipples. She could feel him pulling back, leaving her empty only to thrust himself forward to fill her once more, pounding her lower lips with force and without mercy. Abby could feel her lower lips tightening around the thick male as he took her, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her lower lips were tingling, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her body, and Chris shivered, biting down onto Abby's shoulder harder than he intended, sinking his teeth into her. Abby gasped loudly, moaning to the ceiling and extending her claws, pricking them against Chris's back. Growling to himself, Chris began taking her harder, feeling her breasts bouncing against his chest as he held onto her hips with his claws and kept his grip onto her shoulder with his muzzle.

Curling her toes inside of her boots, Abby could feel her own climax building. She began to wiggle, bucking her hips against the male and the counter. It was impossible for her to stay still. Chris seemed to notice, smirking as he trailed one of his paws from her hips to her groin, slipping his thumb into her slit. He eagerly searched, finding her clit in a matter of seconds, and his thumb began to flick back and forth, using her sensitive button as a toggle switch. In response, Abby squealed, arching her back even harder as her lower lips throbbed. Her toes then curled until they popped, and she came hard all over him, coating him with her juices as they splashed onto his groin and onto the floor below.

Despite how hard Abby had just climaxed, Chris never stopped thrusting into her, and Abby began to struggle, feeling her muscles and nerves becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. Patting Chris's shoulders, she blushed and bit her bottom lip, leaning her head back against the glass.

"C-Chris please! Oh god I need a second!" She begged, blushing as her body surged with bliss.

After her climax, she had become extremely sensitive, and with each thrust, her body threatened to have another climax quickly following the first. Chuckling, Chris thrusted himself deep inside Abby, staying still with his wide head pressed to her womb entrance. The white tiger was panting with a smile on her face, and she chuckled with him, looking down at the male tiger.

"My nose went numb." She giggled.

"God you're beautiful." He whispered. "But I know a beautiful woman like you still loves to get filthy. What do you say? You want to get even more dirty sexy mama?" He asked with a deep, mischievous purr.

Shivering, Abby looked down at him, completely confused. They were alone in the bathroom, and Abby realized that she didn't even remember when the Dalmatian had actually slipped out. She wondered then how they could get anymore filthy. He was literally balls deep inside of her tight lower lips on top of a dirty club counter. Males were walking in and out at will, watching her get taken and pounded as her breasts bounced. What was dirtier than that?

"H-How can we get any filthier?" She asked with a smirk, feeling the male grind inside of her.

Abby let out a soft moan, enjoying every small movement of Chris's member.

"I'll take that as a yes." He responded.

As if on cue, the bathroom door opened, revealing a burly grizzly bear walking through the door. He was a bit chubby, but anyone with eyes could see that he was still in great shape. He looked over, admiring the female Bengal tiger with a smirk before giving her a snide wink. His shirt was sprinkled with dark spots, and as he made his way to the other sink, several inches from the connected couple, he began to casually wash his paws of spilt alcohol, paying them no mind to let them continue. However, Chris had other ideas. He gripped Abigail's knees, leaning down and letting her legs disconnect from him. Abby was left leaning on the counter as Chris moved a few steps away from her. He tilted his head, and Abby stared at him, completely confused.

Without warning, Chris quickly stepped forward, lashing his hand out to curl behind Abby's head. He playfully gripped a handful of her long, black hair, and a loud gasp escaped her lips as she arched her back, slipping her body off of the counter and back onto her feet. Chris playfully stood her up and moved behind her, keeping her head pulled back and her eyes pointed toward the ceiling. She was topless with her pants around her boots, and as her curvaceous body came into full view, the bear turned his head, smirking as he stood back up, wiping his paws with a paper towel.

"Well, isn't that a sight." He said in a deep voice that seemed to rumble over his tongue.

"Indeed it is." Chris moaned, gazing down as he admired Abby's backside.

Playfully, he used his other paw to lightly slap her rump, watching as it jiggled beautifully under his paw. The bear turned, stepping closer to the couple, and Abby's heart began to race and pound against her ribs. The bear approached her, reaching out with his large, fuzzy paws to brush his fingers over her toned stomach before playfully brushing between her breasts. He trailed his index finger around her breasts, making figure eights with a deep moan.

"I was hoping you could help me with her." Chris said, tightening his grip on her hair to cause Abby to moan loudly in pleasure.

Her lower lips were beginning to drip onto her thighs, and she bit her bottom lip, feeling exposed and filthy, but above everything else, she felt like a sexual goddess, being admired and wanted from the two males.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked softly, feeling Chris step closer to press to her back, teasingly rubbing his cock between her cheeks.

"She's rather loud. Care to muffle her a bit?" Chris asked, growling playfully as he bent Abby forward, bending her right at her hips like an L.

She was now eye level with the bear's groin, and she blushed as Chris bumped her forward with his hips, causing her nose to press into the bear's musky crotch. The scent was wonderful, filling her nose like the finest fragrance, and she took a deep inhale, feeling the bear becoming hard as he eagerly began to unbutton and unzip his pants. He pushed his pants and boxers down just enough to expose his chubby, thick cock, and Abby blushed as she could see how thick it was. He was almost as thick as a horse, but he lacked the length, which was perfect for her short, feline muzzle.

"That's it little kitten. Latch on and suckle while I take you." Chris growled, watching as the beautiful feline gladly opened her mouth to receive her new treat.

Feeling the thick head press to her lips, Abby widened her mouth even more, having to open her jaw to near her limits to fit him. The bear reached forward, placing his paw behind her head and taking the grip on her hair as Chris released. She moaned around the wide shaft that completely muffled her, and Chris felt content, knowing the female below him was practically about to be in heaven.

Lining himself once more, Chris pressed his shaft back inside of the feline, watching her grip the bear's thighs as her pussy was filled. She was very sensitive from all the pleasure, and Chris gripped her hips hard, knowing that if he didn't hold on, her knees would get too weak for her to stand.

Wasting no time, Chris began to thrust inside of her soaked lower lips, smirking as her juices splashed against his groin. His hard thrusts basically pushed her forward, forcing her to take every inch of the bear's chubby member, but she didn't seem to mind. Each time that Chris pulled out of Abby, he pulled her back as well, letting her lips slide all the way to the head of the bear's cock. Once he rammed back inside, she took every inch of the cock back into her mouth, and the cycle continued as everyone was pleasured.

As Abby pulled off of the bear, she tightened her lips, giving his cock a wonderful tugging sensation to combine with the heat of her mouth and the texture of her wiggling tongue. The bear moaned loudly, laying his head back in pleasure as he felt the feline sucking his shaft, and soon after, he felt the feline's hands wander upward, gently teasing his sac with her soft fingers. He wondered if she was getting a feel for how much seed would fill her mouth, and he smirked, grinding inside of her throat just as the tiger did in her lower lips. It had been quite a while since the burly male had received a blowjob, and he honestly loved it. He began to get involved by tightening his grip in her hair, interrupting Chris's rhythm by holding Abby's head in one place. Instead of her body moving, he began to move his hips, moaning loudly as he bucked his hips similar to the way he would fuck any other hole.

Smirking, Chris felt the female under him shivering in bliss, and he could see the pleasure written all over her face. It was a sight that he loved more than anything, and he dug his claws into her, using her wide birthing hips as leverage. He rammed himself inside of her, watching as her eyes seemed to try and roll back inside of her head. Within seconds, he could feel the female's knees weaken and her legs falter. She went limp in his strong hands, but he held on tightly, keeping her at hip level to both of them.

The bear was already throbbing inside of Abby's mouth as his cock dripped pre cum, coating her tongue and Abby drooled, making several sloppy and wet smacks with her lips as the bear pushed in and out of her maw. She could taste his musky pre, and she happily accepted it, shivering as it slightly reminded her of sweet pineapple. The bear began to tremble, and his cock started to thicken to an almost alarming size.

At the same time, Abby could feel the head of Chris's cock flaring as it smacked against her womb entrance. Both males were nearing their climaxes, and Abby could feel the familiar pressure swelling inside of her walls.

"I'm going to fill that womb of yours with so much cum that you won't be able to wash my scent off of you for weeks." Chris moaned, smirking as Abby's cheeks began to flush.

He never faltered, thrusting hard and watching as her body took every forceful motion he gave her. Her breasts were bouncing under her, bobbing back and forth, and he could only imagen the milk sloshing inside her plump breasts as well. Licking his lips, Chris tried to hold his climax, but his cock refused. With one last, hard thrust, he buried every inch of himself inside of her, pressing firm against her cervix as rope after rope began to erupt from his shaft. Laying his head back in bliss, Chris could feel the ring of barbs extending from the head of his cock, locking him into place completely as the ropes continued to spill. Abby squealed around the bear's cock, opening her throat enough to allow the male to push deeper, and her nose pressed hard into the tuff of fur above his sheath. With her mouth full, she gagged loudly, feeling the bear completely closing off her airway.

All of the pleasure and domination sent her over the edge, and as her lower lips were filled, Abby bucked her hips back and forth, squirting all over the male behind her for one of the most intense climaxes she had ever experienced. She writhed, feeling her muscles popping and tingling in the best way possible, every movement completely uncontrollable. After the surge, her body went completely limp, and despite her being unable to breath, she continued to suckle on the bear as if his fat shaft was a pacifier.

"I'm cumming!" The bear announced, and just as the words left his mouth, the thick spurts erupted from his tip.

He held Abby's head to his cock, making sure that she was unable to pull away from him, and Abby moaned, swallowing gulp after gulp of hot seed until her stomach was bloated with cum.

Eventually, the bear loosened his hold, and Abby pulled off of his cock with a loud gasp for air, feeling her burning lungs expanding with cool air once more. She pulled off too quick, and the last bursts of bear cum landed onto her soft lips, allowing her to lick them clean.

"Fuck! That was a good suck." The bear moaned, smirking as he causally pulled his pants back to his hips and buttoned them before pulling the zipper back up.

The bear was gone just as quickly as he had arrived, probably returning to his friends or to the bar, and Abby slowly stood up, feeling her legs still weak as she stumbled forward. Chris's strong hands caught her, steadying her stance.

"Careful there cutie." Chris said with a smirk, slowly pulling his pants back up around his waist and buttoning them, leaving her juices still coating his shaft.

After buttoning his shirt, Chris walked to the corner and picked up Abby's shirt from the ground, returning it to her with a caring smile.

"What a gentleman." She giggled, slipping the fabric back over her breasts before she leaned down to pull her tights and panties back up.

Honestly, she felt full, and she could almost compare it to being pregnant again. Cheerfully, she walked forward and linked arms with Chris, looking toward the mirror one last time to fix her hair before they walked through the bathroom door.

With only a few steps, Abby could feel the hot cum beginning to drip from her lower lips, and she bit her bottom lip, wondering if other people could smell the fresh scent of being fucked on her fur. By the looks she was getting, she could tell that they could, and she bit her bottom lip, swaying her wide hips seductively and keeping her head high. She felt like a sexual icon, completely recharged and revitalized.

As the couple exited the club, Abby turned her head, gazing her beautiful blue eyes up to the tall male at her side. "How did you know how to find me tonight?" She asked playfully, swaying her tail as if she was the happiest woman in the world.

"Well, I knew you were upset with me for working so much lately, and when I got home, I noticed my car was gone. I know you wanted to feel sexy. So, I came here. Luckily, I found you before some other male did." He said with a smirk.

"Oh, Tammy was very worried about that fact. She thought I would get kidnapped or something worse. You know, I tried to tell her how we keep things spicy, but I don't think she believed me."

Chris snickered, raising Abby's hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of her palm. "If she only knew."

Abby giggled, blushing as she looked around the parking lot. "How did you get here anyway?"

"An Uber." Chris smirked, holding out his paw in front of her with a snide smile. "Now give me my keys back."

"Not a chance." Abby smirked, walking ahead of him toward the Pontiac. She swayed her hips from side to side, feeling utterly confident with every step.

As Abby cranked the car with the key fob, Chris crossed his arms over his chest, feeling a content grin cross his face as he stopped for just a moment. He watched his wife open the car door before glancing back at him with her playful and happy gaze.

"Damn I love her." He whispered, continuing his walk forward.

"Come on!" Abby chuckled. "We have two cubs to get home to."

Nodding, Chris made his way to the car, getting inside as Abby punched the gas and caused the engine to roar to life as they headed out of the parking lot, holding hands over the middle console the entire ride home.

Jian's Makeover -Commission-

Kieran slowly pulled into the two-car garage, inching forward until the police cruiser was centered with the house and the entrance. He let out a soft sigh, sitting back in his seat for a moment before deciding to go inside. It had been a long day, and...

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College Exploration -Commission-

"Breath..." Came a soft, calm voice from across the room, skipping over the stained wood floors like a rock over still water. The voice was soothing, offering a peaceful atmosphere, and Rena took a deep breath, feeling the cool air of the room fill...

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Fun Next Door -Commission-

"Good morning Ray City! It's a beautiful day with no chance of rain and a load of traffic on highway 45. So, if you're heading to work today, you might want to leave a few minutes early. Now, on to Lisa for--" Alicia walked by the television, mashing...

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