Summer Heat – Chapter 14: October Heat

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#14 of Summer Heat

I managed to get back from my vacation in time. :)

I was able to rest good during my vacation and now have to start working again.

I hope you like the chapter of this week.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 14: October Heat

The reports turned out to be a lot of work. The ministry of education asked for more details on different class topics for the girls and some tests they sent to test the knowledge of the girls. He also sent them his first scratch of the dorm system for schools and suggested to work with the existing schools. The new system was a more open system. In the dorms no parents would be allowed but the children would have time scheduled to visit the city and meet up with friends. The responses of the ministry to the tests and his suggestions were very positive and when he checked the bank account that he opened just for that he saw that they transferred a lot of money. The real work started now and he had to phone and talk to a lot of schools to ask if they would like to participate in the new dorm system the next year. He got a few positive responses and got someone at the schools who would take the responsibilities to supervise the construction of the new buildings to the school ground to hold the children. All this extra activity made him so busy that he had very little time for classes. He showed up at least once a day still but he left most of the classes to Mara who was not complaining but supported him with his work. In addition to the reports for the ministry he also added new chapters to the reports of his sex education file. Mostly pictures or videos of the girls and a few shots of himself. He did not get into action with the girls personally because his was cramped with work.

The first week of October passed and Zen felt nervous. He knew that Nina Minx, the older lynx girl, would get into heat this year most likely but she did not show any signs yet. The time for him drew closer because if he calculated right and the information he dug up the internet were correct there were only a few days that they had left if she were to bear the child before the end of school. He sneaked into the room of the lynx girls and lifted the cover of Nina to sniff and notice any beginning scent early with growing tension. Sometimes he also stopped by the bed of his sister, who slept in the same room, to caress her bulging belly and kiss her on the cheek. He did not wake any of the girls but snuck out of the room after confirming that Nina was not in heat. With another week nearly being at the end he got more nervous every day but at the night of Sunday to Monday the 10. October he could smell a faint scent under the cover of Nina. His member began to crouch out of his sheath excited and he took a deep sniff of her still mild scent and felt the relieve rush through his body. She had been just in time. Zen pulled the cover off and started to lick her pussy, savoring the mild scent. Her heat was just beginning and only his fine nose and taste buds picked up the faint flavor and odor. While Nina moaned softly in her sleep her snatch started to juice up and the taste and scent got a bit stronger. Zen did not care if the girl or any of her roommates would wake up. He had waited and anticipated this day, or better night, for a few weeks already and now he did not plan to stop before he sealed her fate. Nina's moans got a bit louder and the girl slowly started to wake up. Her juices now flew strongly into his open muzzle while his tongue was stuck between her folds and caressed her hymen softly. Zen moaned as well from the taste of her innocent heat. She opened her eyes for a moment but Zen did not stop and she seemed to be too occupied by the feeling to do anything else than moan and close her eyes in pleasure again. The effect of the heat that was multiplying her pleasure and sensibility already had her in its grasp and her moans turned into mewls and then she came down with a strong orgasm with a small roar that was muffled a bit by her pillow that she pulled over her own muzzle to scream into it.

Zen felt her labia grip around his tongue hard and the spasms running through her body. Her liquid filled his muzzle and splashed around his nose on the bed and he felt his member painfully hard against his fur. The room was dark but the little light the moon outside spent he could see her drenched pussy clearly after he pulled out. He softly caressed her belly and felt her erect dugs and the purr that she emitted between the fainting moans. He turned her around on her belly and pulled up her hind. She was totally lost in the pleasure of her climax and just complied to everything like a doll. Zen disregarded the eyes of the other girls that woke up. All the girls in the room were awake: his sister, Ida and Emily. They followed his movements when he put Nina into position. They saw his member swinging hard between his own legs and then pointing towards her pussy when he mounted her. They heard his moan and her scream, muffled by the pillow that she still hugged and had in front of her muzzle, when his member engulfed in her hot tunnel and broke through her hymen while he held her scruff in his teeth. He did not notice them. His mind was focused on his mating instinct and he moaned with every push he did into the tight kitten in heat. She was tighter than any cat he had before. Tighter than Mara, Mimi or Bea. But her lubrication filled in for her tightness. His member slipped up to the cervix with his first push and while he felt her tunnel contract in the last spasms of her climax and the pain he pulled back and pushed in again establishing a slow pace. His knot pushed against her wet folds whenever he hit her cervix with his tip. His pumping motion increased and the slurping sound of her wet folds that welcomed his hard member and kissed his knot were all that accompanied the moan of them. The girl stopped to groan and only muffled moans, mewls and chirps could be heard from the pillow. Zen did not regard anything around him. Even when the girls started to sit up in their bed and play with their own pussy or when the door opened silently and Angela slipped in to join Sierah on the bed and watch the show he did not notice it. He was totally focused on Nina at this moment and he drew closer to a new climax for her and his first in this night. He pushed harder and with each hard push of his knot against her folds she emitted a groan and he slipped a bit deeper. Then he breached her cervix and his knot pushed into her up to the middle and slowly with small pushes he made it sink deeper into her and her lips closed behind the knot sealing it inside her. He was at the end of his control and felt the dam break loose. She roared again in her pillow from her sudden second climax when his spurts entered her womb and he let loose of her scruff and had to put a paw into his muzzle and bite down to prevent himself from howling. He tasted small drops of his own blood when he moaned into his fist and felt the warm shivering body under him that contracted around his member and milked him of more and more spurts.

When he got a bit more control back and pulled the fist out of his muzzle he started to lick the head of the moaning girl and whispered moaned words into her ears. In his own love daze he told her that she was cute, beautiful and hot and other compliments that he did not even remember later. While he licked her forehead and ears he felt her purr making her whole body vibrate and pushing him into high stimulation even though he was still spurting inside her. Her purr was even stronger than the purr of Mara that he loved so much. He started to move as much as his knot allowed and his balls swayed back and forth hitting her clit a few times with a wet smack. His paws roamed over her dugs and stimulated the still twitching girl in addition to his dying spurts. Controlling himself for over a week without any actions, the anxiousness when he checked her out every night, the stiffness and tension from the reports that he had to write and his trained libido from hours and hours of mating before turned him into a mating machine. He lost himself in a rut and all his brain thought about was to mate this girl under him again and again. He did not notice the other girls that moaned nearly as loud as the couple now while they licked each other. He even did not notice when his sister licked his balls when he rested a bit on Nina. He felt it but did not notice that it was his sister. He was lost in the scent, the taste, the feeling and heat of Nina as much as the girl was lost in her love daze induced by her increasing heat and his constant stimulations. Zen stayed inside her until he spurted a second load into the lynx girl and then his knot shrank down a bit until it popped out of her. He used the new gained freedom to pump in and out of her again, splashing his own semen and her juices over the bed until his knot grew and he tied her again. Both of them acted on pure instinct. Nina just held the position and even pushed her head up a bit which made her moans louder because the pillow was not silencing her anymore. With losing control of themselves both lovers did not regard the noises they made anymore. At the third unified climax Nina roared and Zen howled and in the following minutes a few more girls came into the room woken up by the sounds including Mara who sat down on the bed of Sierah and watched the show with the other girls.

When Zen finally snapped out of his rut and started to take note of something else than the feeling around his dick the room was filled with light of the morning sun already. Nina under him was shivering and moaning weekly. She was awake and mewled weekly but Zen was not sure if she had been awake the whole time. He noticed that the bed under him was wet from their combined juiced and when he roamed over her belly he felt that it was bulged strongly as if she was deep into pregnancy already. She groaned between her mewled and Zen felt her tunnel hot and wet around his knot. They must have done it countless times and with his returning sense he noticed that the girl must be totally sore from the many mating sessions they had. He felt his own legs wobble a bit in exhaustion. When he looked around in the room he saw that all the girls and Mara were asleep. They must have fallen asleep in each other's arms in the middle of the night. Some of them still showed a wet pussy, for others only dried remains of their liquid was visible in the fur around their snatch. Zen felt the last spurts of his last orgasm seep into the girl and he carefully lay down on the side taking Nina with him to rest. He pulled her close and placed soft kisses on her forehead and cheek. He felt her weak tail brush against his belly fur that was damp from his and hers sweat. "Sleep well my lovely kitten." He mumbled and then he already felt sleep hugging him like he did the lynx girl. He felt the wetness of the bed under him soak into his fur and the beat of Nina's pulse around his knot while his last spurt entered her overfilled womb and sleep knocked him out.

Zen really lost it in the next days. Nina was not able to participate in classes because the furthest they got was the dining room when Mara forced them to eat something. But most of his waking hours Zen pushed into the lynx girl driven by her heat and his rut. After half a day she stopped to groan from her sore tunnel and it most likely went numb. Zen did not regard if the girl was awake or asleep. Sometimes she pushed back and other times she just let him take her as he pleased. In his rut Zen experienced a love daze stronger than ever before and he did not remember hours of mating that he did pure on instinct. The other girls had a hard time to clean up the slimy trails they left on the ground and everywhere and Nina showed a big belly most of the time as Zen had her plunged up day and night. The girl held up alright considering that he mated her nonstop. He did not even regard other girls that licked him or presented for him to get him away and give Nina a break. The only break the girl got were when he dropped down and slept for a few hours. Her heat scent and incredible tightness, that only slowly was stretched into a looser sleeve, drove Zen on and he was nothing more than a mating machine in the days of her heat. "You are awesome." He whispered when her heat had declined and he was tied a last time in her overstretched folds while he pushed a few weak spurts of semen into her already fertilized womb. The girl just smiled exhausted and when he pulled her head up for a kiss she returned it. They lay in her bed and the night was still dark outside. The last night had not been very comfy for her. With her heat declining the stimulations had not been able to please her in a way to cover the pain of her sore tunnel and overstretching. The numbness had declined with her heat and the last hour she just had groaned until his spurts brought her to a small orgasm she did not think was possible in her state. She felt her tail tugged between his belly and her back. She lay with her back on his chest and belly and felt his twitches and the wet fur against her pucker. She was worn out and felt sleep knock at her but at the same time she felt happy. While she kissed him she roamed with her paws over her belly and pinched her nipples lightly. She met his paws in the middle of her belly and placed hers over them. The burning of her snatch and tunnel still was strong and reminded her of the agony he put her through the last hours after her heat ended completely. But she felt good in many ways. She loved the warm feeling of his body, the feeling of being bloated with her womb full of sperm and his soft embrace and kiss. She had never thought about it before her heat but she had fallen in love with the strong and handsome wolf boy that was her lover. She did not process yet that she was pregnant or what this would mean. She did not know that more pain would wait for her at the end of her pregnancy. All she knew was that she loved Zen and no matter how painful it had been she embraced even the last hours where both of them were full at their senses and she felt every push of him strongly. While her tunnel still winced a bit from the burning hot pain she closed her eyes and emitted a strong and happy purr that vibrated through her full body. The kiss broke and she felt him pull the cover of them. "I love you." She whispered softly before sleep pulled her into its embrace just like Zen.