Captured Again

Story by Ciriaxis Draconis on SoFurry

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#2 of Ciriansis: Ta'hrekk's Story

Disclaimer: read my other stories for it...too lazy to copy paste it =D I couldn't leave this one undone, so I finished it in one night. It ended up much longer than expected 0_o but I hope you enjoy! * * * A lightning bolt flashed brightly over the Sa'hienk Forest, striking forcefully on the dirt ground, leaving trails of smoke and dust from its impact. A maroon and cream furred coyote swiftly evaded the bolt, and pointed his ornamented staff towards the hostile. The coyote was dressed lightly in a black wolf-furred loincloth tightly enclosing his sheath and balls, bandage dressing around his joints and paws, and ceremonial necklaces and bracelets around his neck and wrists. Ta'hrekk never enjoyed wearing loin garbs hanging loosely over his genitals, as it often slowed down his quick and agile, yet well-toned muscular body during fast movement. Unlike others in his coyote pack back in his home in the Sas'bed Canyons, Ta'hrekk only wore thong loincloths which greatly aided his agility. Tightly grasping his mage staff with his left paw and an onyx short sword with his right, Ta'hrekk pounced left and right with his head low, charging at his target. The nimble coyote managed to dodge squalls of magic spells aiming for him. His target: a snow furred wolf with black markings along his face, chest, arms and legs, also holding an oak staff massively decorated with fox-tail charms, eagle feathers, and dream catchers. The wolf's white fur formed a small mane around his serene face and to the back of his head, with a flamboyant headdress of feathers and ornaments resting upon it. White wolf tail also hung from his ears and along the sides of his legs, attached to his snow-furred loincloth wrapped firmly around his pelvis. Holding his staff up in a defense stance, Rjeyk parried the Ta'hrekk's striking blow, flipping Ta'hrekk over his head. The coyote skillfully landed on both feet with a paw on the ground, the other high in the air for balance. "You'll need to be faster than that, young one!" Rjeyk smiled. However while turning around to face his adversary, the wolf was struck by a sudden impediment spell, totally freezing his muscular body and then fell backward onto the forest ground. Rjeyk helplessly stared up into the sunlit sky of vermillion and orange as his attacker walked over to him, knelt down and smiled. "I have improved, have I master?" Ta'hrekk said, wagging his tail excitedly. " seems you have become too fast for this old wolf here." Rjeyk replied. Ta'hrekk chuckled. "You're only a few winters older than me! Don't you pull that old wolf excuse on me." Rjeyk gazed curiously at the attractive site above him. "Well you might have gotten better, but I'm just having a bad day!" With and evil grin, Ta'hrekk placed a foot on top of Rjeyk's furry chest in victory. "No excuses Jakey!" "You should not taunt your master by calling him nicknames," Rjeyk smiled, "now if you may, unfreeze me and we'll resume our training." Ta'hrekk almost reversed his impediment spell on the helpless wolf, until a devious thought shrilled in his mind. Ta'hrekk grinned mischievously and growled seductively. "I recall that I vowed to revenge my tale hole the other night. It is now my turn to return the favor." Rjeyk's smile seeped away from his face, staring the coyote slightly in curious fear. "Now hold on just a minute, young one!" "I said already, call me Ta'hrekk! I'm sure after I'm done with you, you'll never call me that again." Ta'hrekk winked. Rjeyk could read every thought running through his apprentice's mind. He knew his current helplessness drove the horny young coyote over the edge, and waited for his fate to arrive. Ta'hrekk picked up Rjeyk and lay him on a soft patch of grass near the small waterfall. Smirking, Ta'hrekk wrapped his paw around Rjeyk's bulging loincloth, slowly rubbing the bulge up and down. The wolf whimpered as Ta'hrekk enjoyed the feeling of his mate's sheath and balls through his loincloth, as he felt his own tightening in arousal. Finally, Ta'hrekk lifted his mate's pelvis up and unbuckled his loincloth from the back, slowly exposing Rjeyk's swelling sheath and balls. Ta'hrekk stuck his nose in the white cock fur of his companion, lapping his balls tauntingly as he stiffed Rjeyk's strong musk. The sweet musk hit Ta'hrekk right between the eyes as his vision blurred, his breath shortened, and his mouth agape, drooling all over Rjeyk's sheath. Ta'hrekk unfastened his own loincloth, fully exposing his fully erect member, with pre drizzling down his shaft. All Rjeyk could do was to stare at the exceedingly aroused coyote at watch him take advantage at his immobilization. Ta'hrekk nipped the sheath of his mate, teasing him and taunting him, trying to degrade his master's dignity. Rjeyk moaned softly as his sheath was violated by the muzzle of his mate, it being lapped mockingly. Rjyek smelt Ta'hrekk's striking musk filling his nostrils and also sending him into a bliss of arousal. The newly risen sunlight shone on the couple as Ta'hrekk flipped Rjyek over to his front, his rump high and level with the coyote's dripping malehood. With his chest and front paws flat on the ground, Rjeyk managed to smile and said, "Do your worst, young one. This will be the last time you will have control over me. I shall give you a taste of your own medicine once you are done." Ta'hrekk knew Rjeyk had already planned his escape, but his hunger for the wolf's pink tailhole blocked his danger instincts and slowly circled the wolf's ass with his cock tip, leaving a lubricant of pre. Holding Rjeyk's hips firmly with his paws, Ta'hrekk slowly thrusted forward, only inserting his tip into his lover's hole. Readjusting his straddling position on his knees over Rjeyk's rump, Ta'hrekk continued to insert his thick red meat deeper and deeper into Rjeyk's body, enjoying every second of pleasure as his shaft was tightly wrapped by his mate's rectal walls. Rjeyk whimpered softly when Ta'hrekk penis was fully inside him, and felt his mate's cock fur with his tail and hanging balls behind his own pair, sticking slightly to each other as both of them sweated. Ta'hrekk pulled back slowly as his red meat slowly reappeared out of Rjeyk's hole. As Ta'hrekk pushed forcefully back into the wolf's anus, their collision echoed a loud slapping sound as both of their balls swung under their erect cocks. Ta'hrekk began to rhythmically thrust in and out of Rjeyk's hole, both of the moaning in pleasure. Accompanied by slurping noises from Ta'hrekk's pre and slapping noises, the coyote gripped his lover's hips and pulled back towards his cock as he thrust forward. Ta'hrekk's meat continuously beat back and forth, in and out of his mate. The coyote continued pumping his cock, pulling it almost all the way out, then quickly all the way back in as he stroked Rjeyk's wolfhood with his right paw. Rjeyk groaned loudly as he felt a warm skilled paw expertly rubbing his own shaft, dribbling a puddle of pre on the soft grass. Ta'hrekk quicked his thrusting, slamming harder and faster into Rjeyk while he furiously stroked his mate's raging cock. After minutes of continuous humping, Ta'hrekk felt a massive surge of pleasure as he orgasmed cups and cups of warm seed deep within his lover. Throwing his head back and howling in pleasure, thick cum lightly spurted out of Rjeyk's ass onto Ta'hrekk's cock fur as Ta'hrekk had already completely filled his mate with semen. Ta'hrekk then felt Rjeyk's cock twitch under him, he ejaculated streams of hot, sweet cum onto the grass ground, covering a substantial area with sticky white wolf cream. Rjeyk breathed heavily as Ta'hrekk fell heavily on top him, his cock still deep within his ass. "Done... s-so soon, young one?" Rjeyk panted. Ta'hrekk only merely nodded his head as he slowly pulled out of Rjeyk's hole. Loud slurping noises filled the air as Ta'hrekk also pulled out a mass of thick white liquid along with his seed-coated coyote meat. Little did the Ta'hrekk know that his spell had worn off, and Ryjek could freely move again. With surprise, Ryjek quickly turned around and kicked Ta'hrekk square in the chest. Ta'hrekk wheezed in surprised as he fell on his back onto the ground. Before he knew it, Rjeyk had straddled the coyote over his head, his nutsack dangerously close to Ta'hrekk's mouth. "I believe you haven't had your daily dose of fluids today, young one." Rjeyk chuckled. "Well, you haven't either; but you decided you'd rather have a nice ass cleansing instead!" Ta'hrekk winked. Rjeyk growled. "Grrrrrr. You will pay for disrespecting your master." Ta'hrekk laughed. "It seems you've lost some dignity back there. Judging by the pool of cum you made, you lov..." Ta'hrekk was quickly muffled silent when the white wolf jammed his furry testicles into the coyote's mouth. His wolfhood still erect, Rjeyk smeared his drizzling shaft all over Ta'hrekk's face, leaving trails of pre. Ta'hrekk let out a muffled whimper as he swirled the wolf's sac around in his mouth, feeling its constrained contents brewing warmly inside. Rjeyk slapped Ta'hrekk's face with his semi-erect cock, snickering at his success at degrading his apprentice's pride. Ta'hrekk continued to warm his partner's seed, occasionally opening his mouth to lick his throbbing shaft that began to harden. "You must be thirsty, young one." Rjeyk said, pulling his balls out, ready to shove his cock deep into his lover's mouth. "I'd prefer water, old one." Ta'hrekk breathed heavily, taking in as much air as possible as he soon will be suffocated with wolf meat in his mouth. "I'm only a few years older." "Ha! Got you to admit it! No more old wolf excuses for you!" Ta'hrekk laughed in victory. Rjeyk grumbled, and shoved his throbbing cock deep into the coyote's mouth to punish his apprentice. Using his paw to hold up Ta'hrekk's head, the wolf pushed it closer to his body, as the last inches of his long, thick shaft disappeared within Ta'hrekk's mouth. Ta'hrekk gagged a bit, trying to gasp for air while trying to squirm free. However, the muscular wolf tightly straddled his partner, rocking back and forth as he felt his cock being wrapped tightly by Ta'hrekk's mouth. As degrading as it may seem, Ta'hrekk loved the feeling of his master's wolf meat constantly inserted and ejected from his salivating mouth. "Mmmm...more master!" Ta'hrekk groaned. Rjeyk listened as he began to take deeper thrusts into Ta'hrekk's mouth, moaning loudly as his wolf meat traveled down they coyote's throat. Ta'hrekk managed to wrap is tongue around the invading shaft, feeling the smooth texture of wolf cock constantly pumping in and out of his mouth. After minutes of skull fucking, Rjeyk felt pleasure erupting in his loins, his warmed wolf cum traveling quickly to his wolfhood. He howled in pleasure as a stream of hot semen exploded into Ta'hrekk's mouth. Ta'hrekk greedily gargled as much wolf cum as possible, the excess dripping from the sides of his mouth and out of his nostrils. Rjeyk panted heavily as he felt his cock swimming in his own seed in the coyote's mouth. Finally, Ta'hrekk swallowed, holding Rjeyk's cock with his paw and licking the rest of the organ clean. " loved that, didn't you?" Rjeyk gasped heavily. Ta'hrekk sheepishly nodded his head, cum still leaking from his nostrils and his maw coated with white liquid. Rjeyk adored the sight, then got off Ta'hrekk and picked him up. "I'll finish your tailhole later, young one. For now, you must report back to your pack. I believe they are starting to worry about you." Ta'hrekk wiped his face clean of wolf juice. "Mhm. I'll have to travel through the bog to get back to the canyons?" Rjeyk nodded as he bucked his loincloth around his waist, tightening it around his sheath. "I'll have to perform a ceremonial dance for a wedding anniversary in my pack soon. You'll be ok traveling by yourself?" Ta'hrekk put on his loincloth as well, enjoying the feeling as he sheepishly pawed the bulge up and down, the black fur coursing through his paw digits. "Yes, I know my way back. After all, I am a scout. I'll visit again sometime, hopefully to see with more markings all over your sexy body." Ta'hrekk knew that for every ceremonial dance Rjeyk performed, he would be awarded with blessed markings which distinguished him further down the path as a wolf shaman. "You won't be disappointed," Rjeyk smiled. He then pulled out an unusual instrument from his bag. "Use this if you're in danger, and I'll come to aid you as fast as I can. It's a Marcantian Flute, used to communicate with other members of our pack as well as our friends. It can only be heard by the ones we know as well." Ta'hrekk looked surprised at such a sophisticated type of instrument. "So no one else can hear this but you?" Rjeyk nodded. "Yes. Have a safe trip young one. Keep alert at all times. I believe the blue lycan werewolves have secretly inhabited some area in this forest. It may just be a rumor, but I would like to see you in one piece again so I can tear that fine rump of yours." Ta'hrekk grunted. "I'll be fine, and don't be too sure about that!" The two waved each other goodbye, as the afternoon sun gleamed vividly above them. * * * Night has fallen on the Sa'ihenk woods, the full moon illuminating the azure glow of the trees. Ta'hrekk strolled through the shrubs, perking his ears to hear the owls hooting, and the howling of coyotes. 'Must be my pack' Ta'hrekk thought, continuing his path to the Sas'bed canyons. His mind wandered, thinking of his new friend. Ta'hrekk didn't know he found other males attractive, especially those from another species. He had reached second base with a female back home, but he found it much more exhilarating with another male. Ta'hrekk imagined Rjeyk's snow-furred body glowing in the moonlight. His deep blue eyes stared mysteriously at Ta'hrekk as his white mane blew freely in the night wind. The wolf's ceremonial markings and decorative ornaments hanging from his head and waist made him unbelievably sexy, Ta'hrekk thought. He then thought of his white-furred loincloth, bulging observably with its precious goods. Ta'hrekk's mouth began to water at the thought, until he noticed he had reached the bog. He remembered Rjeyk telling him to slowly cross the bog to prevent stepping in the wrong places, which would lead to him being sucked in like quicksand. "I can dash through this, no problem!" Ta'hrekk told himself. Strapping his staff over his back, Ta'hrekk went on all fours and began sprinting across the bog. The wind flowed across his soft, maroon fur, passing through his body aerodynamically. Murky water splashed across his paws and loincloth, his sleek but muscular body almost completely soaked. Ta'hrekk almost reached the other side, until suddenly the waterbed beneath him collapsed. The coyote fell down through the ground, and landed hard onto the ground with some water pouring over him. The ceiling above Ta'hrekk closed mysteriously. 'This definitively is not a natural trap' he thought. Ta'hrekk drew is sword and staff out with both paws in a ready stance and scanned his surroundings. The cave was pitch-black except for the light his staff generated. Suddenly, a pair of evil yellow eyes appeared in front of the coyote. Without seeing a thing, Ta'hrekk panicked, and fired spells wildly into the direction of the eyes. The eyes seemed to move left and right, closing in on its target. Ta'hrekk bolted the other direction, mindlessly running away from the predator. Suddenly, Ta'hrekk smacked hard into a wall and fell backward, deeply dazed. Dizzy, the coyote tried getting up, tasting some blood trickling from the side of his head. No sooner was the beast above him, pinning its prey firmly on the ground. Ta'hrekk felt the beast's hot breath before passing out.

  • * * Ta'hrekk woke up to find himself in a dimly lit cave. His paws were chained to the wall next to him, but it was long enough so that he could freely move around at a certain distance. A small bandage covered his fresh cut he had received earlier. To the right of him was a large oak king-sized bed which fit oddly in such a cold, mysterious room. Other than the bed, the only other objects in the room were wall candles and a single dresser on the opposite wall with a desert violet on top of it. "How strange...a beast living in a cave that has 3 objects one would last find in a beast's home" Ta'hrekk muttered to himself. Suddenly, a large shadow appeared to the opening of the top left corner of the room with savage footsteps echoing louder on approach. An enormous blue werewolf stood high opposite of Ta'hrekk, placing a tray of meat and a glass of milk down onto the floor next to the chained coyote. The blue werewolf was excessively built on every part of his body; his toned muscles seem to reflect the candlelight around him. A large black mane was combed backwards, hanging down the back of his head and down his back. The werewolf's chest hair spread all over his pecks and his wrists and ankles had golden bangles around them. Ta'hrekk noticed the werewolf wore a tight, black-furred loincloth like himself, his bulge definitely looked his sheath was about to explode out of its prison. Ta'hrekk bellowed. "What do you want from me?" The werewolf kept silent as he picked up the glass, beckoning him to drink it. Ta'hrekk did fell thirsty, but he couldn't trust the stranger as he turned his head away from the glass. The werewolf roared deafeningly at Ta'hrekk, the cave shook like a hay house in a hurricane. Ta'hrekk recognized the roar and rage boiled his blood through his veins. It was unmistakably the roar of a lycan werewolf, a type of lycan with more distinguished wolf-like features and more hair. This was the roar he heard when he was a cub; his parents fighting heroically to protect his son. A family friend safely escaped with the young cub, only to hear the horrifying news of his parent's death. From then on, Ta'hrekk vowed to seek every lycan werewolf he knew and slaughter it with his bare hands. "You...You killed my parents! Your kind slaughtered them in cold blood!" Ta'hrekk cried. The werewolf looked offended. Finally, he spoke is a deep, mature voice; much unexpected from such an intimidating beast. "You were the poor cub whose parents perished nearly 18 winters ago?" Ta'hrekk nodded and in his raged state, dashed forward to jump the werewolf only to be constrained by the chains. "My gracious, I am thrilled to see you again. Did no one tell you? It was us that had allied with your kind to fight off the behemoths that were on a blood thirsty quest" the werewolf spoke articulately. "I was there guarding the shamans of your tribe, but your parents died in the process. They fought courageously. I'm sorry for their loss." Ta'hrekk barked in fury. "Lies all lies! Stop filling me with your filthy LIES!" "You will see that I am telling the truth not to protect myself, but for your own sake." The werewolf unchained Ta'hrekk's wrists and ankles. Despite its size, Ta'hrekk tackled the lycan werewolf onto the ground, ready to maim the beast. Ta'hrekk stopped suddenly to see the blue werewolf marked with the symbol of the Coyote Guardian on his neck. Only those sworn to protect the elders of the coyotian pack were branded with the mark in pride and dignity. Ta'hrekk fell backwards, scuttling back to the wall behind him. The werewolf stood up and knelt down the traumatized coyote. "You see, I am telling you the truth. I have failed to protect your parents...please forgive me. Their last request was for me to raise you to become a valiant warrior, but you were already taken away safely. I was searching for you ever since" the werewolf said, "I am Kreivan. I hear you are the nimble Ta'hrekk." Ta'hrekk nodded, still recovering from the news. "I..I'll destroy the behemoths then! Every last one of them!" Kreivan smiled, admiring Ta'hrekk's drive and determination. He picked up the glass and offered it to the coyote. "Drink this. It will restore your strength. I left towels for you to dry up. You can sleep here in my room. The bathing room is just out the opening there" he pointed. Ta'hrekk smiled at the hospitality, and took a large swig of the white liquid. Ta'hrekk noticed its thickness and sweet texture as it traveled down his throat. It warmed his whole body, his vitality rejuvenated as he swallowed the viscous, warm liquid. However, it definitely wasn't milk. "This...this is wolf cum!" Ta'hrekk looked stupified. Lying down on his back on the bed, Kreivan turned. "Yes it is my seed. Werewolf semen is known to rejuvenate lost energy and calm shocked states. You needed it after that fall." Being indifferent of whether Ta'hrekk preferred water, the coyote hungrily gulped down the whole glass. However, both of them did not know that werewolf semen was an exceedingly strong aphrodisiac. Ta'hrekk slowly became aware of Kreivan's attractive figure on the bed, innocently fiddling with Ta'hrekk's belongings. He then stared at the blue werewolf's large bulge, his muzzle starting to drool in arousal. "Hmm, what does this do?" Kreivan asked, curiously blowing on the flute, "hmm, no sound; must be a defunct." Ta'hrekk heard the note well and clear, but his thoughts were overdriven by his exploding arousal. He had to suppress it. He knew exactly what to do. Leaping onto the bed, the coyote held his head level with Kreivan's groin, nuzzling the huge package. Kreivan gasped in surprise. Looking down, he saw a maroon furred head, determinately rubbing his loincloth. Ta'hrekk murmured in pleasure as he reached one of his paws to explore Kreivan's ass while the other explored his six-pack. "Ta'hrekk, wha...what are you doing?" Ta'hrekk ignored the deep voice and continued nuzzling the huge bulge. His right paw finally untied the loincloth, throwing it aside. The coyote sniffed deeply at the werewolf's enormous sheath, the balls below it almost the size of Ta'hrekk's paw. Kreivan's musk seared through Ta'hrekk's nostrils, sending the coyote into his peak of horniness. Kreivan moaned loudly as the coyote continued to work on his nutsack. One at a time, Ta'hrekk teased the massive jewels, licking them affectionately and suckling gently, warming its contents. "Ughhhh...uhhhh...geez you're skilled at this. I see you practice well." Kreivan grunted. Ta'hrekk paused to look up into the werewolf's amber eyes before sucking on his furry sheath. Kreivan howled in pleasure as he felt his sheath being moistened, the curious maroon paw exploring his stomach and cock fur. Ta'hrekk felt the warm shaft of his new friend erect itself into his mouth as he continued to greedily devour the organ. As his severely aroused state, the coyote quickly sucked the thick length, only managing to go down halfway before the tip was shoved down his throat. Krievan couldn't believe the surge of pleasure coursing through his loins as he watched Ta'hrekk attempting to suck his whole cock, which was definitely too thick and long for the smaller coyote. Ta'hrekk expertly massaged the cockhead with his tongue, rubbing it thoroughly while pressing his lips hard together on the hard, black shaft. Wanting more of his seed, the coyote bobbed his head up and down quickly, taking more and more of Kreivan's wolfhood. Having not ejaculated in a long time, the feeling of Ta'hrekk's suckling lips around his throbbing cock, the sight of his mate furiously bobbing his head up and down, and the tongue massaging his tip was too great for the large werewolf, and felt his balls constrain towards his body. Krievan roared ferociously and held Ta'hrekk's head firmly over his meat. Ta'hrekk then felt waves and waves of the familiar werewolf cum spattering all over his mouth and dripping all over the sides of his mouth. He swallowed almost a gallon of the warm, thick seed before the black cock in his mouth slowed to a drizzle. Krievan panted heavily as he gently pet Ta'hrekk on his head. " do this a lot? You're parents would be quite disappointed to find out that you've been making love to other males." Krievan said. Ta'hrekk remained silent. The gallon of wolf cum in his stomach intensely magnified his arousal, and lay on his back, spreading his legs open. "Take me! As my guardian, I request you to mark me well!" Kreivan couldn't believe his ears. What was once an innocent young cub was now lying naughtily in front of him, his legs spread wide open with his loincloth stretching over his semi-erect penis. Little did Kreivan know that after ejaculation, his hormones in his body changed, wanting to mount anything mountable [funny word ^_^] in his path. Feeling suddenly as aroused as Ta'hrekk himself, the blue werewolf stroked his wolfhood erect again and knelt in front of the horny coyote. Bringing his head down to Ta'hrekk's loincloth, Kreivan sniffed to taste the scent of his mate before using his teeth to violently rip the loincloth off. Ta'hrekk laughed hysterically. "That is the second time someone has done that to me. You'll have to give me a new one after we're done." Kreivan, at his incredibly aroused state, replied in a raspy, grumbling voice. "Well, now I see you're a little coyote slut, waiting for huge cocks slamming into you eh? And listen to me carefully. I ain't gonna be done with you until I fuck you raw and dry!" Ta'hrekk pleaded. "I'm your slut. I'm your bitch. Fill me with your glorious seed! I want you in me now!" Kreivan couldn't wait any longer. Grasping his cream thighs, the werewolf spread Ta'hrekk's legs apart, exposing the hungry tailhole. His massive black cock rimmed the hole teasingly before thrusting quickly forward. Ta'hrekk cried loudly as the oversized tool within him was splitting his insides. "You can take this raw. I know you can, you little furry slut." Kreivan moaned. He slowly inserted his wolfhood inside Ta'hrekk's tailhole inch by inch; his shaft disappearing within the coyote. Ta'hrekk gritted his teeth, trying to loosen up for the invading prick. Kreivan clearly passed his mate's prostate, putting the maximum pressure upon it. Ta'hrekk yelped and instantly orgasmed. Thick coyote cum splattered all over Kreivan's chest and cock, as well as on himself. Smearing the warm cum around his belly, Ta'hrekk seductively purred and looked at Kreivan sweating as he inserted his last inches of his cock in. "Aren't you just a horny bitch wanting more. Lucky you lubed my cock. I guess the last inches won't hurt as much." Kreivan grinned. The werewolf slammed the rest of his shaft all the way in Ta'hrekk, taking no time to pause and pulled completely out. Again, Kreivan slammed his whole cock deep, roaring in pleasure as the pleasurable rectal walls of his mate tightly wrapped his meat. "For a little slut like you, you're tight. I'd think you'd be looser from all that cock you probably had." Kreivan grunted. Ta'hrekk pawed his way up Kreivan's blue chest. "Less talk, more fuck." Krievan did exactly that as he bucked back and forth into Ta'hrekk. His pre-coated cock slurped loudly as he continued to fuck Ta'hrekk senseless, the rate of the slapping noise increasing. Krieven gripped Ta'hrekk's legs wide open as he watched his cock pulverize the insides of his mate. Ta'hrekk looked up at his dominator, his mouth agape with his tongue hanging out, still dripping with warm cum. Krievan released a deafening growl as the tight confines around his cock tightened as he continued to slam back and forth into the coyote. In and out, in and out as both of them watched the thick black meat deeply penetrating its target. Krievan tried to hold his release, as he fucked for his life, thrusting harder and deeper more and more. After almost half and hour of continuous humping, Krievan felt the walls around his penis firmly enveloping his entire length tighten greatly that he could barely move his cock in and out. In a final thrust in attempt to do so, Krievan slowly slid his whole shaft into the close-fitting ass of his mate. "Uhhhhh...ohhhhhhh...tighten up for me boy....oooOOHHHHHH!" Kreivan screamed at the top of his lungs as another flood of thick werewolven cum burst deep into Ta'hrekk, shooting massive loads incessantly. Ta'hrekk smiled and moaned with glee as he felt his ass quickly filled to the rim with hot white liquid. Krievan's cum poured out of Ta'hrekk's ass, more of it being displaced onto the sheets as Krievan continued to slow-fuck his mate to finish off. Suddenly, a crashing sound resonated around the cave as a snow white wolf suddenly appeared at the doorway, his staff pointing at the blue werewolf. "Ta'hrekk! I heard you play the flute. Are you alright. I came as fast as I..." Rjeyk stared at the messy scene in front of him. Lying on the bed were a maroon furred coyote, who looked no longer red from all the white liquid that almost covered his fur from head to toe, and a large blue werewolf who had droplets of cum spread across his chest, his mane slightly white with dripping seed. The coyote was laying on his back with his legs spread wide open, his red cock lying semi-erect in a pool of semen on his stomach. His mouth was absolutely drenched in cum, dripping more of it from his maw and onto the sheets. The werewolf's cock was still halfway up the coyote's ass, dripping with its own semen as well. Under it was another large pool of cum that would stain the sheets forever. Both figures stared sheepishly at Rjeyk. "Well, I came as fast as I could" the werewolf snickered. Rjeyk still was quite shocked, smelling the strong scent of musk and after-sex in the air. He became slightly aroused himself, and confirmed that his preference was definitely males. Many females of his pack often hit on Rjeyk, rubbing his loins through his loincloth. However, Rjeyk always tried to quickly glance at the other males' bulging loincloths, unsure of why he was tempted to do so. Now he knew he was gay. "Good to know that you two are having fun" Rjeyk shook his head at the messy scene ahead of him. Kreivan pulled his cock out of Ta'hrekk's ass, pulling out even more of his seed onto the sheets. He then moved to the other side, his cock close to Ta'hrekk's mouth. He leaned over and spread the coyote's leg's wide open, exposing his used ass. The werewolf used his paw digits to spread the hole apart, showing its glory to the stunned white wolf as the hole continued to leak cum onto the sheets. "You know you want it. Have a little taste and you'll really see what boat we're on." Krievan said, both of them giggling softly. Rjeyk nodded, still quite confused, and positioned his muzzle at Ta'hrekk's ass. While doing so, Kreivan grabbed the coyote's head firmly, turning it sideways and jamming his whole werewolf meat into the muzzle. Ta'hrekk choked slightly as the familiar organ pumped deep into his maw, still tasting the cum that leaked out of the tip. Kreivan forced Ta'hrekk's head back and forth along his shaft, feeling the tongue again wrapping itself around the tip. "That's right. Suck me bitch. You know you love it." Ta'hrekk let out a muffled confirmation as he continued to suck on the black cock above him, slurping it greedily. Meanwhile, Rjeyk began licking the abused tailhole, eating away the leaking cum. Suddenly, he felt a warm sensation spread across his body. He immediately knew that the werewolf's cum was a fine aphrodisiac as he hungrily searched for more. Impatiently, Rjeyk ripped off his loincloth exposing his throbbing red wolfhood and held it with his paw guiding its insertion into Ta'hrekk's hole. It easily slipped in as he felt the familiar anal walls clasp around his shaft as well as the warm cum that was left behind when Kreivan had fucked him before. Rjeyk loved the feeling and started vigorously thrusting in and out, more and more of werewolf seed leaking out. "Tell him to fuck him good." Kreivan demanded. "F...Fuck me good master. I want all of i..." Ta'hrekk was muffled again when the dominating werewolf forced the maroon head over his meat again. Rjeyk plunged all of his wolf meat in and out of Ta'hrekk's abused ass, moaning in pleasure as he continued to wildly hump it with sheer enthusiasm. In the meantime, Ta'hrekk was lying on his back with his legs spread wide open by the white paws of Rjeyk. He began to stroke his own cock with one paw, the other feeling up Kreivan's thigh. The werewolf held Ta'hrekk's head firmly, pushing it back and forth over his dripping meat. It was a spectacular sight. All 3 of them moaned consistently as the bed rocked back and forth, accompanied by the sound of bed frame sqeaking. Rjeyk held Ta'hrekk's cream furred thighs tightly as he slapped hard against his ass, felling the anal walls rub tightly against his cock. He moaned loudly as his collision with Ta'hrekk's ass rocked the coyote himself back and forth on the bed. Kreivan looked down on his submissive coyote, watching his lower body rocking to the rhythm of the slap sounds and thrusts of the white wolf in front of him. In addition, he watched the coyote's head moving also in rhythm with Rjeyk's thrusts over his black cock, as well as Ta'hrekk furiously masturbating with his paw. "That's right bitch, suck me good. Open your legs wider for your wolf friend." Kreivan managed to mutter under substantial pleasure. Ta'hrekk obediently tightened his ass around Rjeyk's cock, awarding him with a loud howl from the snow wolf. He also sucked the meat in his mouth faster than ever, suckling at its tip occasionally before sliding his maw and tongue back up and down the shaft again. He moved is paw on the werewolf's thigh and began squeezing his oversized testicles that were constraining close to its owner's body. Kreivan let out a satisfied moan. He held Ta'hrekk's head sideways over his cock, holding both his tip and Ta'hrekk's head firmly in place. Ta'hrekk held out his tongue under and around the top of Kreivan's length, waiting for cum to flow out as Kreivan stroked his cock through the final stages of his orgasm.. Before he knew it, the werewolf let out a final moan before spraying ropes of the warm, viscous wolf cum; some shooting deep into Ta'hrekk's hungry mouth, some drooping heavily on the coyote's lower jaw and chest, thoroughly covering both with the werewolf juice. Simultaneously, Rjeyk let out a final howl, throwing his head up in pleasure. Before cumming, he pulled out his hard cock and grinded it hard with Ta'hrekk's. Rocking back and forth as the hardened cocks slid over each other, Ta'hrekk and Rjeyk moaned together as both of their malehoods erupted a volcano of sticky hot semen, landing all over the covered coyote as well as his face and onto Kreivan's cock. Ta'hrekk still lapped the Kreivan's cock clean as the werewolf held him tight, tasting a brilliant mixture of all three of their brand of jizz. Ta'hrekk then turned around and went on all fours to clean the semen off of Rjeyk's cock, getting light moans from the white wolf. Kreivan turned Ta'hrekk's front side up and with 5 large licks across his entire body, he managed to almost completely clean the coyote's front, licking his lips in satisfaction. Rjeyk pulled Ta'hrekk's head off his cock only to kiss the coyote deep in the lips and licked the excess cum off his lower jaw. All three of them then thwamped down onto the bed, only to find it already sticky and wet with more cum. "Geez, what a mess we've made" Rjeyk said. Kreivan smiled. "Blame this horny one over here. He can't get enough of this stuff." Ta'hrekk grinned. "I won't have enough until I have both of you in me at the same time!" Both Rjeyk and Kreivan smirked mischievously, figuring out that licking all of the cum up simply drove them more into arousal. "Well, let's clean ourselves up a little in the pool room" Kreivan offered, "then you'll get your wish you slutty coyote!" Ta'hrekk only laughed as all three of them walked out of the room, towards the poolroom.