It Runs in the Blood (Commision)

Story by Otteronymous on SoFurry

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#6 of Fat Furs/Weight Gain

Cocky and ready to conquer the world, Tammy is poised to be a rising star at Global Kinetics, one of the worlds most prestigious software companies, that is until she learns, and foolishly disregards, the knowledge that the family curse is destined to strike on her 21st birthday.

A commission for Anonymous, as they do not wish to be identified

It Runs in The Blood

By Otteronymous

"It affects a firstborn of every generation when they turn 21, Tammy. You gotta believe us! If you come home now we can get you help before it starts to manifest!"

At the time, I thought my parents were fucking with me. My mother and father were old-fashioned, blue-collar foxes from the bible belt who were never quite comfortable with their eldest daughter going to one of those "Liberal Brainwash Machines" that the rest of us call an ivy league college.

I didn't spend 4 years working my fluffy red ass off getting an engineering degree just to have them spoil it with their games, and I told them so in the worst way.

"It's not that we aren't proud of you, sugar lump," my mother pleaded. "Papa and I couldn't be happier"

Bullshit. They never said anything disparaging about my college or career choice, but I knew they hated it, and I knew they were envious of my intelligence and success. Who wouldn't be?

"It's just that your cousin Trisha has been 21 for 2 months now, and she hasn't had any changes. That means the curse is gonna fall on you!"

I'd had enough of their bullshit. I graduated at the top of my class, had a new job lined up, and it was my 21st birthday. I didn't need them; my life was set.

My mother cried as I told them off before hanging up. It was my life now, and nothing was going to stop me on my way to the top.

8 hours later, the free-flowing booze at Danner's pub was working hard on my five-foot, 120lb frame. I blamed my loud, selfish behavior that evening on the alcohol, ignorant to the subtle workings of the families' curse in my veins.

"To tammy!" Shouted Janus, the Adonis-like stag said, raising his glass in celebration. "The second-best intern at Global Kinetics!" The dozen or so co-workers crammed into the pub with me laughed and jeered, the tall, handsome buck giving me a playful jab in the shoulder as he saddled up to me. "Lighten up, foxy. Just think, in one week, they'll be paying me to program their company's future, and they'll be paying you to simply bask in my glory and pretend like you're making a difference."

I gave him a hard push back, my heart racing as I failed to move his muscular frame even an inch. Word in the office had it that Janus was gay, and given the failure of so many beautiful, svelte interns (myself included) to coax anything out of him via flirtation only cemented the rumor in my mind. As far as I was concerned, he safe to shamelessly crush on.

"You know I'm just joking with you, Tammy," he said with a smile. "I couldn't have climbed to the top of the intern hiring selection without your help on that database code."

I gave him another push, not wanting to waste any chance to brush against his masculine frame. "Yah, I couldn't have done it without you either, Janus," I assured him.

"Well then," he said, clearing his throat to brush off our fleeting moment of sincerity. "Since you're fated to forever play second fiddle, I'm gonna show you how magnanimous I am in my success. Your meal for the night is on me. Whatever you want, foxy, it's all yours."

The moment the words slipped his beautiful muzzle my stomach cramped and growled harder than it ever has in my life.

The curse was surging to life.

"Pleased to see you know how to treat your superiors," I teased, clutching lightly at my stomach, desperately to place my order.

Without a second thought I ordered 3 double hamburgers, 20 chicken tenders, and 40 mozzarella sticks; and even with the shocked looked on everyone's faces, I didn't care. Something was gnawing in my stomach, drawing the pit of my belly into an insatiable abyss of hunger and wanting.

"Geeze, Tammy," Janus scoffed. "I said I'd cover your meal, not the whole party."

I ignored him as I clutched at my belly. The stupid stag didn't understand the hunger, he didn't understand my needs. The food was mine, and no one was going to stand in my way.

10 minutes of eternity later, my sustenance arrived, the waitress yelping as I nearly ripped the plate of hamburgers from her paws. As the juicy, grease-laden scent of the burgers wafted into my nostrils I fell into a haze, completely blocking out anything that dared to distract from the meal before me.

I crammed half a burger into my salivating maw without thinking twice, messily chewing and gulping like a hog to get the delicious meat down my bulging throat. As I sucked down the second half of the burger I gripped the remaining two and double-fisted them down my throat in thick, slobbering chunks as they crammed and squeezed into my quickly bloating belly.

The audible gurgle of my gut and the maddening desire to consume had drowned out the gasps and disgusted murmurings of my co-workers as I shoveled the mozzarella sticks into my grease-stained muzzle. The copious, oily fat from the cheese soaked into my button-down shirt as I drooled and slobbered on myself. Looking down, I noticed my belly bulging like a melon, straining the buttons on my nearly skintight dress shirt.

My stomach gurgled and protested as it ballooned from the 6lbs of grease-soaked food I had just crammed into it. Groaning, I ran a hand across my drum-tight gut, the pressure nearly unbearable, even as my hunger pangs grew deeper and wider at the smell of the chicken tenders.

I needed that chicken inside me, even if I was going to burst.

Through the haze, I heard Janus speak, his words muddy and distorted as I focused on unbuttoning my shirt.

"T...Tammy, you uhhh, you doing OK there? You might wanna stop--"


I belched long and hard as my gut squeezed through the open buttons of my shirt, my spittle soaking the table as my belch blew across the tablecloth. I let out a moan and bit my lip as the relieved pressure caused my belly to shift and resettle, the huge wads of food sinking like cement in my belly. The relief was orgasmic, and my panties grew wet as I realized I had an extra inch of space for more food.

With heaving gulps, the tenders slogged down my gullet like a sloppy conveyor belt, the table cloth sopping up my drool faster than my panties were drenched with my excitement. I kneaded and rolled my swollen belly in my free paw, forcing up errant pockets of gas after each handful of tenders was crammed in, ensuring that no space was wasted in my rapacious food sack.

Searing pain burned in my swollen, food-pregnant belly as I tried to gulp down the last 3 tenders, my head cocked back like a pelican, desperately gulping them down like wriggling fish. Tears streamed down my cheeks as my body refused to take the last, precious load of meat into my crammed gut. As I bucked up and down to force them in, a thick fart split the seat of my panties, wafting the scent of my meat-swollen guts into the restaurant.


The final plume of gas allowed my belly to sink half an inch, freeing up a pocket for my gullet to deposit the last of my meal.

As soon as my esophagus closed over the last tenders, the starving hole in my soul closed, and reality, along with the 10 lb slab of food in my gut, came back to my senses.

The pub was nearly silent, save for the quiet sobbing of an intern in the corner. Janus and the rest of my co-workers stared gob smacked at me, disgusted and amazed at what they had just witnessed.

With tears filling my eyes and nary a word beyond my pained grunting, I stumbled out of the pub and into the street. Waddling like a mother about to give birth, I flagged down a taxi and ambled towards my salvation. As I sobbed out my address to the driver, Janus came into view, the concerned stag vying for my attention as the taxi sped off. I averted my gaze, too disgusted to look him in the eyes after what had just happened.

More tears were shed as I cradled my bloated gut into my apartment and I collapsed onto the bed. I could feel my belly stretching as I rubbed the pulsing mound, the feeling of fresh stretch marks beginning to form as my skin struggled to accommodate my grotesquely swollen midsection.

The pain was beyond anything I had ever felt, but as I mewled in agony, something warmed inside me. The aching in my belly sent shivers down my spine and blood to my loins, a feeling of satisfaction and satiation washed over me.

I had made a pig of myself in front of everyone....and I loved it.

I reached into my still damp panties and fingered myself as I relished in my ability to put away 30,000 calories in a single sitting, my body a gluttonous monument to greed and insatiable desires.

I soaked the sheets with orgasm after orgasm as my mind dimmed, the curse clouding my thoughts with pleasure, rewarding me for my inability to resist. I was a good little pig fox, it told me, and good little pigs deserve to be rewarded.

Exhaustion set in as my belly burbled and squelched with a torrent of thickly churning digestive juices, the faint timber of a feeling chiming in the back of my mind as I dozed off.

Hunger...I was still fucking hungry.

I licked the cotton from my muzzle as I awoke, my eyes burning from lord knows how much dehydrated sleep. A gross, sticky squelch filled the room as I ripped myself free from the filth-encrusted mattress, leaving part of my fur stuck to what was now a lightly yellowing mattress.

A wet belch blew from my maw as I sat up and scrunched my gut, the huge globs of spittle and half-chewed chicken smattering the already filthy footboard of my bed. As I reached down to massage my aching belly, I froze.

No long was my stomach the size of a watermelon, it was nearly a beach ball! The thick, melon sized patch had grown into an expansive apron of sagging, jiggling fat. Beyond my newfound bulk, I could see my thighs had ballooned into mini stumps, and as I ran my paw over them, I saw the thick patch of armfat that draped from my triceps. Horrified, I rolled out of bed, only to have my now substantial bulk bring me crashing to the ground onto my belly, eliciting another meaty belch from my thick, blubbery neck.


As I blew another wad of spittle onto my dingy, carpeted floor I could feel my ass reverberate from the force, my once pert bubble butt having ballooned into thick spheres of jiggling, jouncing jello.

I groaned and wheezed as I struggled to my paws, the room coming into focus as I heaved for air through my suety, voluminous chest.

The place had been ransacked. Every drawer, cabinet, and pantry door was thrown open, the entire contents within wholly barren, including the dozens of empty, shredded pizza boxes. When did I do this!? There's no way I could have eaten all that food in one night, let alone in my sleep!

"This isn't happening, it isn't real!" I told myself as I scrambled for my phone. "Just a bad dream from eating too much last night."

As I repositioned the phone into view around my bloated, sagging tits, my blood ran cold.

It was the 17th of March. My birthday was on the 10th. I had been unconscious for a whole week!

My belly grumbled as I thumbed through the lock screen, shocked to see I had 30 missed calls and 7 voice messages. I doubled over in pain as I hit the playback button, my stomach turning in on itself, demanding to be filled as the messages rolled out, one by one.

"Hey Tammy, Its Celia," my voicemail quipped as I scurried to the fridge, desperate for food. "I hope you're doing alright after last night."

There was nothing, the fridge was empty! Another kick to the gut as I fell to my overloaded knees. I needed to eat, I needed sustenance!

"Yo, this is Marcus! I saw what you did last night at the pub, that shit was insane!"

I plunged into the fridge headfirst, desperately lapping at the crumbs I had left behind.

"Hey, Tammy, this is Jamie. I think you should know that what you did last night was fucking gross."

Nothing! There was nothing left! I dove to the floor, lapping up the globs of belched up spittle I had heaved onto the floor during my feeding frenzy, savoring what little chunks of unchewed foodstuff were encased within.

"Hey, Tammy, Its Janus. I'm sure you're not feeling well and want to be alone right now, but I just wanted to say it's not that big a deal what you did. I..uhhh, actually think what you did was pretty cool. Not a lot of woman know how to just let go like that, you know? Either way, call me, please. Let's talk before our first day tomorrow."

The sound of Janus' voice gave me pause, bringing into sharp focus the taste of days old spit on my tongue. I wretched and pawed at my muzzle to wash away the taste, only to be greeted by the flavor of sugar and spice from the cookie crumbs lodged in my matted fur.

"OK, Tammy, seriously. You don't want to talk to us, I get that, but It's NEW FUCKING HIRE DAY and you're not here. Come on, girl, don't throw this opportunity away. How can I shine without the second-best employee here to make me look good?"

I couldn't hear half of Janus' second message as I licked and slobbered over my arms and paws, desperately sucking at the grease and food encrusted filth in my fur.

"This message is for Tammy Mcpherson. This is Wanda with HR. we regret to inform you that due to your prolonged absence from Global Kinetics, we are forced to terminate your employment contract. We are saddened to lose such a bright candidate, but we need reliable employees at Global Kinetics, not slackers. We hope the future finds you well."

My heart would have sunk at the sound of my layoff, had I not been more interested in hefting my massive gut up to my muzzle and lapping the massive ketchup stain off it.

"Tammy! Tammy! This is momma!"

The sound of my mother's panicked voicemail caused me to freeze, the drool dripping from my muzzle as I listened.

"Papa and I haven't heard from you in nearly a week and we're worried! We can still help, baby girl. We can help break the curse before the last day! Please call us!"

The reality of my situation dawned on me. My mother warned me about the curse, and here I was, belching onto my own distended gut and licking up the slop, my loins burning as I strived to stuff myself until I could never walk again.

I crawled across the floor to my phone, my double belly dragging across the filthy carpet, grumbling and protesting for food as I held on to this moment of lucidity.

I dialed my parents' phone number, my fat paws shaking as I fought against the desire to hang up and call in for 20 supreme pizza's. The mere thought of having an endless stream of food brought to my doorstep made me wet, and I whimpered at having to reject the desire.

"Tammy, baby, this is momma!" Came her panicked voice. "Are you OK?"

I spoke barely a word before breaking into sobbing tears, my disgusting, bloated body jiggling with my blubbering.

"Momma, I...I don't know what's happening! I...I...Oh God...." I couldn't even fathom where to begin.

"It's okay, baby. Momma and Papa know what you're going through."

"" I sniffled.

"You see, Tammy, Grandma Glade and Aunt Janine went through the same thing decades ago. Fortunately, Grandma was in the middle of a camping trip in the Ozarks when it hit her, Janine wasn't so lucky."

Aunt Janine's name came up in whispers around the holiday dinner table my entire life, but I had never met her, as my mother was quick to explain why.

"The curse breaks if you go 24 hours without eating during the first 7 days, but Janine never got a chance. Her boyfriend-turned-husband, Herbert, wouldn't stop giving her food, even after we told him what would happen."

I could hear my mother crying on the other end of the line as she struggled to continue.

"She...she just kept getting bigger and bigger. All she would do is sit on her ever-widening kiester day and night while that scoundrel stuffed and crammed her fat, bloating face with food, packing on hundreds and hundreds of pounds onto her once delicate frame. Even when she snapped the bed in half and bowed in the floor of her apartment, he still wouldn't stop!"

My pulse quickened as my mother described Janine's situation; if I didn't know any better, I could have sworn I was envious.

"He sold everything, Tammy. His house, her car, EVERYTHING. The last time I saw my sister, she was being craned out of her apartment, her 1000lb body like a Cadillac-sized block of butter melting in the sun. He said he was taking her to a housing complex with a pool so she could float while he indulged her every mewling desire to be stuffed."

My panties dampened as my mother talked, causing me to break down into disgusted sobs.

"Momma, please, help me! I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten anything all day and I'm starving!"

I could hear my mother and father scrambling for their keys, the two of them shouting as they ran out the door.

"Just stay where you are, baby. Papa and I are only an hour away. We'll get to you and make sure this curse is broken! Just stay in the house, baby, and don't eat anything, otherwise you're gonna be like this forever!"

I trembled as my mother hung up, gazing at the phone in my hand, the curse coaxing me to call for food, demanding that I give in and become enthralled by its gluttony forever.

I smashed the phone to the floor and chucked the broken pieces out of the window. I was stronger than this curse, stronger than my desires. There was no food in the house, and with my newfound blubber weighing me down like a prize-winning hog, I wasn't in any shape to make it down 12 flights of stairs and down the streets to get more.

I smiled, my gut trembling and knotting in protest at my resolve. I wasn't going to give in, I was strong, and nothing was going to stand in my--

*Knock Knock*

The sudden knock on the door startled me, breaking my resolved chant.

"Hey, Tammy, it's me, Janus."

My heart nearly leapt from my chest.

"G...go away, Janus!" I shouted, my lungs heaving as my suety body struggled to its feet. "I need to be alone right now!"

Janus shouted through the door, his voice defiant. "Come on, Tammy, you've been gone all week. I...I have something I need to tell you, something I've been needing to get off my chest for a while."

"I said go away Janus!" I shouted, my boy shorts practically a shoelace thong in my deep asscrack as I moved to the door to double-lock it.

"All right, Tammy, fine, you win. I'll leave you alone. Do you at least want the lunch I brought you?"

I froze, my knees shaking as I fought for control over the curse, my will smashing like a china-doll at stag's unwitting betrayal.

Without a word, I hobbled to the door and practically ripped it from the hinges. As the door flew open I saw Janus' eyes go wide, his hand clenching a bag of burgers and fries.

"T..Tammy...I...uhhh, woah" he stuttered, looking me up and down, his lower lip quivering. I barely paid him any mind as I wrestled with the urge to snatch the bag from his hands, but before I could, the dumbfounded stag stepped into my apartment.

"Jesus, Tammy, what happened to this place? Did...did you eat everything?"

My face went red, shame setting in, even as I eyed the bag of food.

"I...I just get really hungry sometimes" I said, fidgeting my fingers together like an idiot schoolgirl. I moved to grab at the food bag, but Janus stepped back, his nose flaring in response.

"Geez, Tammy, when was the last time you bathed?"

My joints hurt, it was hard to breath, and all I wanted was his food, but Janus couldn't do anything but marvel at the disgusting creature I had become.

"I...I know I fucking stink, Janus, OK! I know I look like a fucking cow, and I know I smell like a pig. Did you just come here to mock and gawk at me!?"

Janus looked crestfallen, his hoof tapping like a shy child as he spoke.

"A...actually, Tammy, I sort of like it."

I couldn't have heard him right, I thought. Just another trick of the curse.

"I actually came here to tell you hot I thought it was when you ate all that food last week. I know everyone at work thinks I'm gay, but that's better than them knowing how worked up I get by chicks stuffing themselves till they can't move anymore."

I couldn't believe my ears, but I could believe the pain in my gut, the scent of the burgers driving me crazy as he talked. I just wanted the food he was holding, why was he still talking!

"I know it's fucked up," Janus continued, "and I'm sorry if you think I'm a freak, but I just had to tell you."

The curse lit up in my brain, illuminating me with its knowledge as it wormed into my brain. The path to food was as simple as the male standing before me. Janus was, after all, always second best, and now he could serve beneath me like he was always meant to.

"Feed me," I said; shocked as the words came out of my mouth.

"W...what?" Janus said, looking up, his eyes widening at my words.

"I said, if you like watching big girls gorge, then open up that fucking bag and put a burger in my mouth."

Janus immediately plodded over, his eyes wide with lust as he eyed me up.

"Help me down, big boy. Your fox's paws are aching."

Janus jumped at my command, his strong hands squeezing eagerly into my doughy backfat as he laid me down.

"Feed me, Janus, and I'm all yours."

With just a few words and swish of my jiggling hips, I got exactly what I wanted. No convincing, no logic, no hard work. As the food that I yearned for found its way to my maw, I knew the truth. Aunt Janine wasn't fooled by her husband, she was in control of him. Her body and her greed gave her strength, they gave her power. She never had to work another day in her life, and like a queen, she had a thrall to satiate her every desire.

This wasn't a curse, it was a gift.

"Ohhh," I moaned, sucking down the burger Janus had dutifully slid into my muzzle. "That tastes so good. Bring me another, and rub my tummy, it aches soooo much."

The stag nearly ripped the bag in half as he slid me the remaining two burgers, his hands dutifully kneading into my belly as I loudly slurped and sucked on the delicious, juicy burgers.

With grease dripping from my muzzle, I let loose a heavy belch, spraying the stag with the greasy runoff of the burger. I could see his turgid cock pulsing below his khakis, the thick meat nearly ripping the fabric as the stag's dreams were manifest before him.

"Oh Janus, your hands feel sooo good," I cooed, ready to see just how deep the stag's devotion would run. "I'm so wet for you right now. Hand me those fries, I'll let you go down on me."

It took roughly 2 seconds for the fries to find their way into my greasy paws, and another 2 for the stag to push my panties-turned-thong aside, his nose flaring at the stench of my crotch.

He paused, a second of hesitation before plunging into my sopping-wet pussy and sucking like his life depended on it.

Pleasure shook me to my spine, the stag eagerly cramming his muzzle into my fragrant pussy at the same time I crammed a bucketful of fries down my choking gullet. I was a whore for the food, and Janus was a whore for my filthy, bloated body; and with the two combined, I couldn't help but cum.

Gush after powerful gush of ejaculate coated the stag's muzzle, my orgasm well past a squirt and into full blown soaking territory; the boy's fur wouldn't be dry for hours.

"Mmmmm, that was wonderful," I said, rubbing a footpaw across the 12" bulge pulsing down Janus's thigh. "Tell you what, honey. Why don't we get out of here, head to your place, order a dozen pizzas, and see just how much your new pet fox can take hold tonight?"

Janus practically ripped me from the ground, the stag grunting with all his might just to get me to my feet as fast as possible.

As Janus and I hobbled out of my apartment, I looked back. Any minute now, my parents would arrive, only to find a barren apartment, a grease-stained paper bag, and a pond of vaginal fluid soaking into the carpet.

"Such a shame I'll be missing them," I thought to myself with a smirk. "I'll be sure to send them an invitation to our wedding, maybe momma and papa will be willing to help pay for a pool by then..."
