Chaotic Doomsday Sub Chapter 2/3

Story by Morris the Mutt on SoFurry

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A sub chapter for Chaotic Doomsday.

Morris and Miranda spend some quality time.

It was 6 p.m and it was getting dark. The sun was setting and the sky was getting darker. We see our protagonist Morris sitting on a hill, sulking about what happened today.

'Geez, I sure was made a fool of today. In front of everybody. Especially Penny...' He was about to cry until he heard footsteps approach.

"Morris?" Said a feminine voice.

Morris turned around only to see Miranda. He frozed staring at the red haired squirrel/ cat hybrid. She wore a blue midriff button up vest with white sleeves and gold buttons that exposed her tan belly. A blue skirt and a belt with a gold buckle and blue boots. Her hair was long, red, and poofy. Morris was starting to get nervous.

She sat next to on his left and placed her hand on his', this made Morris blush madly.

"You know Morris... I liked you ever since elementary. I just couldn't stop staring at you. You was... so c-c-- *ahem*" She cleared her throat, blushing madly and quickly stood up. "Aaanyway... DOYOUWANTTOGOTOTHEPOOLWITHME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" She shouted forcibly blushing madly.

Morris blinked twice. "Uhh.. okay..."

"Good!" She quickly grabbed his hand and ran down the hill.

--Ten Minutes Later--

They finally made it to the pool and it was finally dark. The pool was gigantic, it was about the size of a eighteen wheeler trailer and 50 sq feet wide. The water looked so clean and it was glistening.

"So, why are we here? Do need to clean the pool?" Morris asked.

"No silly." She giggled. "We're going to enjoy ourselves." She closed her eyes and smiled.

"But I didn't brought any swimming trunks... and I can't swim..." Morris replied sadly hanging his head low.

"Well, I can teach you. Also I'll dry your clothes for you when we're done. " She said happily.

"Really?" Asked the goofy mutt.

"Mmhmm." She nodded. "Okay. We'll get started right away!" She began to unbutton her vest slowly. Morris just frozed, staring at her as she was undoing her vest he saw her pink polka-dot swimsuit top and was beginning to blush. She was done unbuttoning her vest and Morris stared at her medium sized breasts. He was staring at them jiggling, bouncing, and swaying as she was trying to take off her vest.

She finally took off her vest and slid down her skirt which revealed her matching pink polka-dot swimsuit panties and big butt when she turned around, Morris almost fainted when he saw her big butt.

She looked back and smiled. "Almost done." She proceeded to take off her boots and socks. "Okay," She stood up. "it's your turn."

Morris couldn't stop staring at her hot body. Miranda just smiled and giggled, glad that she was getting the attention she always wanted from Morris. He was looking at her up and down, from head to toe. He started to drool, but then... his nose started to burst out blood like a fire hose, then he collapsed.

To be continued...

Chaotic Doomsday Ch. 2

Chapter: 02 "Tyrek! Get off of him!" She pushed him and went to Morris. "BOOOOOO!!!!" Booed the crowd. "Morris, are you alright?" Asked Penny as she began to support him. Morris' vision was blurry, and he was badly beaten. "P-P-Pen-Pen... is at...

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Chaotic Doomsday

Chaotic Doomsday Chapter 01 "Hi! My name is Morris! And here is my school!" Morris turns his camera towards the school. "And over here is my crush, Penny!" "Morris, why are you recording my butt?" Morris quickly pulled up the...

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