Fun with Bolt and Penny 7: Tying the Knot

Story by tempo321 on SoFurry

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#7 of Fun with Bolt and Penny

After years of dressing up for her TV role, Penny isn't that entertained by just sitting around just looking pretty. She goes out looking for excitement and gets it in the end. ;) Have fun!

Fun with Bolt & Penny 7: Tying the Knot

By Tempo

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Bolt's ears perked up, even as the rest of him still slept. The grind of gravel in the driveway and the soft rumble of a motor.

The Mom Transport!

The white canine leapt up, wagging his way to the door. He wanted to bounce against it, but knew he'd only be in the way. Instead, he positioned himself a few feet to the side and sat diligently, only his tail not standing at attention.

The door rattled then opened to admit Penny and her mother. Both walked carefully, laden down with boxes.

Mittens ambled up, flopping onto her back beside him.

Bolt watched her. Cats were strange, but Mittens was alright. I wonder what they got this time?

Eh; who cares? I don't hear any cans bouncing around inside those boxes, so it's nothing that great.

The canine cocked his head, smirking a bit. Who says they didn't get you a new ball of yarn?

Oh, Bolt... She pressed a paw to her chest. Don't toy with my heart like that.

The dog rolled his eyes and watched as the people unloaded the results of their supply mission. After making another trip to the Mom Transport, Penny crouched down to pet the pair. "Hey, guys." She smiled and Bolt felt a little like he was flying. "Did ya miss us?"

The dog yapped in agreement; Mittens generously permitted a tummy scratch from Penny. The teen smiled down at her. Bolt wagged. I'm glad they get along.

Penny flipped idly though Tiger Beat with her other hand. "I'm so glad I don't have to dress like a weirdo anymore."

The older human called back to her from the living room. "What was that, sweetie?"

"Nothing, Mom." The girl rolled her eyes. "Talking to the dog again."

Mom poked her head around the corner, bits of wrapping tape stuck to her fingers. "Well, you let me know if he starts talking back." She shook her finger playfully at Bolt, then noticed her watch. "Oh drat! It's almost noon. We'd better get you changed."

Penny gave the pair a final scratch; it seemed his person was on a mission of her own today. She turned and gave an exasperated look. "Yes, Mom..." Bolt's person trudged up the stairs, one of the mystery boxes in hand. Her mother followed, carrying another one with some smaller objects stacked on top of it.

Bolt watched her go, deep in thought. I wonder what's in those.

Listen Wishbone, imagine all ya want. It doesn't really matter. Mittens examined a declawed digit. We're already livin' the good life.

He wagged. Yeah. His ears once again perked up. What's that hissing noise?

Mittens, who had been trying to dislodge the toy mouse from under the sofa, looked up with such in enthusiasm that her collar-bell jingled. Oh oh! I know! I bet it's a trained cobra, ready to strike!

Bolt felt a spike of panic. Really?

No. With an look of feline amusement, she returned to batting under the couch.

The dog thought for a moment. You stay down here if you want, cat. I am going up to check on the situation. He trotted up the stairs.

Knock yourself out. Oooh! Aw! Almost had it.

Cresting the stairs, he saw light spilling out from Penny's bathroom. The covert canine peered inside. Her mother was putting some little plastic clamps in Penny's hair to hold it up in some complex configuration.

"Okay, dear, I need the spray again."

Looking ambivalent about the whole ordeal, the teen handed her mom a small metal can. The woman spritzed her hair a few times, then reached for another clip. Hmm. They seem to be trying to get her to stay hair up. They might be trying to keep it out of her face. She's also wearing makeup, which she hasn't since the show. But what does all this mean?

Bolt considered inspecting further. Then he sneezed. Then he wondered what had made him sneeze and sneezed again. Mom didn't seem to notice, but Penny turned and giggled.

"See? Bolt's not a fan of hair spray either."

"I need you to keep your head still, sweetheart."

Feeling another sneeze creeping into his nose, Bolt trotted downstairs. The air smelled fine down here. They must be getting ready for a special mission of some sort. He considered discussing it with Rhino, but the hamster seemed totally engaged in a police drama on the magic box. The cat seemed likewise uninteresting in conversation. The canine curled up on his favorite spot in the hall, eagerly waiting, watching; wondering what these new developments were on the person front. It was, however, a while before his ears perked up once again.

Penny descended the stairs in a yellow dress, covered in lacy frills, her face dark with a scowl. Bolt hadn't seen that look since they were facing down the Green-Eyed Man. Being on this side of it was scary.

The feline stared. Then a single whisker twitched. She burst out laughing, her scrawny legs clutched to her body.


It's just so stupid! Her tail swirled and curled.

Wait for it. Bolt set his brow. They put a lot of work into it. I'm sure it must transform or something.

Keep dreamin', wags; I know better. That's just how people dress once in a while. They get this crazy desire to look even more ridiculous than they already do. Ooh! Watch, they're about to do the preening and complaining thing!

Bolt turned to see Penny glower down at the garment. Perhaps it wasn't going to transform after all.

"Oh!" Penny's mother clasped her hands, smiling at the sunny outfit. "I think it's a simply wonderful dress."

The girl groaned heavily. "I think it makes me look like a Marshmallow Peep."

Mom ignored her and proceeded to straighten the dress in a motherly fashion.

Her daughter crossed her arms. "I could have just worn my old one."

"I really don't think so, honey. You've shot up like a weed over the summer." The grown-up tugged a seam straight. "And you're starting to fill out in the bosom."

"Moooooom!" The girl leaned back and rolled her eyes. "Don't say 'bosom.' It'll turn you into Grandma."

Mittens rolled to her feet and stretched languidly. Aha! See what I mean? People get ridiculous about those "clothes" of theirs. She winked. Ridonkulous!

Bolt nodded, not really paying attention, instead hefting a wistful sigh. Yeah. They do look so much better without them. A far-away look crept over his muzzle, followed by a soft smile.

The cat stared quietly. Okay, wags. Gettin' concerned on a number of levels here.

He glanced back at her, cocking an ear. Huh?

Mittens waved a paw dismissively. Never mind.

The people raced around the house as if possessed, an elaborate dance that could only end in one thing. It was all the cat and dog could do to keep track: turning left, right, left, right, as the humans rushed from room to room. Finally, in a flurry of clothes and bags and jangly objects, the people made their exit. Bolt watched them leave, ears perked, until suddenly he wagged furiously; they were calling him.

Alright! He wagged and gave Mittens the "I get to go with them!" look. As she built up to her best 'Yeah, that's great, pooch" look, Bolt ignored her and ran through the door, slamming it with a skillful shove right in the cat's face once he was out. She fumed for a moment, then hopped up to the window sill to glower at him, miffed.

Trotting across dry leaves, he hopped inside the green Mom Transport and Penny shut the door. Mom pulled out of the driveway, onto the main road, and they were on their way. Penny gazed out of the window after a few minutes, watching the gentle roll of farmland drift past like cloudscape. Everything felt so peaceful here, despite his initial reservations. Once again, they were the only vehicle on the road and a few months ago that would have worried him. Now, though, even crazy farmers making crazy cakes weren't anything to lose sleep over. Bolt made himself comfortable on the springy rear seat. The transport was a strange place of movement and smells and possibilities; a place where missions began. He put his head on her lap, excited and nuzzling, but her familiar scent soon lulled him to a sense of ease with the world. Everything felt secure when he was with Penny. Nothing very bad could happen; nothing they couldn't handle, anyway. He drifted in and out of consciousness, occasionally catching snippets of music from Penny's pink iPod as she tousled his soft ears.

He became aware of Mom's voice from the front seat, next to more boxes, colorfully wrapped this time. "You haven't seen Aunt Julia in years. We'll be lucky if she recognizes you!"

"She has a TV, mom."

"What does--? Oh! I suppose you're right, dear."

After riding on the edge of sunny dreams for what must have been hours, Bolt looked up from the yellow fabric of her lap. Outside, the countryside slid past like a streaked painting. The car droned around them. The dry smell of the air conditioner tickled his sensitive nose. I'd forgotten how long missions can take.

Penny fiddled with her phone, encoding secret transmissions. She smiled down at him and stroked along his furred body with a grin that said she needed nothing else in the world.

* * * * *

"Hold still, buddy... Good boy." Penny fiddled with something around his neck. "There. Perfect."

Seated on the sidewalk, Bolt looked down. In place of his collar, she had fastened some sort of black bow tie. It felt weird, too light, out of place against his fur. But Penny giggled and Mom pretended not to notice, so he figured this had to be part of the plan. The building they had stopped at was tall and had wide doors. Aircraft hangers are real, right? They have to be. Where else would they fuel up attack helicopters?

He trotted through the heavy doors at Penny's heel. They entered a lobby packed with people. The crowd milled about: chatting, mingling, waiting for something. Bolt felt curious but excited. Everyone was talking and milling around and all of them were dressed funny. Some of them cooed at him as he walked by. A few of the smaller humans even patted his head. Hey, this isn't so bad. He allowed the petting, but kept at his person's side.

Eventually a man in a black suit stopped them. "I'm sorry, ladies. I'm afraid you can't bring him into the church."

Penny looked up at her mom, concerned.

Bolt considered karate-chopping the man into unconsciousness so they could hide him in a closet, but Penny's mom spoke first. "Really, Pastor, it's fine. We talked to Julia ahead of time."

The black-suited man squirmed like a lackey of the Green-Eyed Man.

Penny tousled her dog's ears. "You wouldn't banish him to the car, would you?" Eyes wide with a look of concern and slight fear: she wasn't bad at the dog face herself.

The man relented, rubbing at his funny white collar and smiling in a tired way. "Weddings..."

Victorious, they were led into a larger room with strange multi-colored windows. That's just silly. With windows that big, ninjas could rappel into the building in five seconds flat.

As a group, the family was seated on long benches near the back. At the front, a man in a bathrobe talked as if mildly less bored than everyone else. There was a lot of talking. The building seemed fairly new, the scent of construction hung in the air, but he was having trouble discerning its purpose. Clearly the humans gathered here to listen, but if this was a university why weren't they demonstrating supercomputers or Moon lasers or deadly parasites?

The funny collar they'd put on him still felt weird, but he didn't try to adjust it. Penny must have had a good reason to want it on him. It must be important.

Bolt looked around. He was the only dog in the room, but that was nothing new. Everybody else seemed to be sitting in silence and looking ahead, so he decided he'd best blend in. A soft buzzing sound whizzed past his ear.

Penny's mother touched her arm, her voice reverent. "Honey, put the yo-yo away."

"I can't." The girl sounded dejected. "This *wonderful* dress doesn't even have pockets."

Mom sighed. "Here." She held open her purse and the teen reluctantly dropped the yo-yo in it. Once Mom had eyes front and center again, Penny pulled out her cell and flipped it open her to check for transmissions. Her mother's hand touched her arm. Penny gave the older human a sidelong glower, but surrendered her phone as well with only a mild grumble.

The event stretched on. Very little happened, aside from the man's talking at the front. The girl slumped back against the long bench. "How long's this wedding gonna go?"

"Maybe four hours."

"Four hours?! Jeez! How many times is Aunt Julie getting married?"

Her mother laughed softly. "Just once."

After what felt like hours, Penny started to get squirrelly. She felt for the pocket where she kept her phone, then sighed when she realized what she was wearing. Finally, she whispered: "Mom, I've gotta take Bolt outside."

"How come?"

She tilted her head at him. "Unless you want him peeing on the seats..."

Mom sighed and gave an acquiescent nod.

Bolt had been sitting quietly, eyes front and center, the entire time and felt no particular need to pee, but followed his person.

The pair slipped outside, his person telling their cover story to the guards. Temporarily free from her prison of boredom, Penny looked around at the unfamiliar buildings. Bolt had long since learned that one might as well pee when your person wanted you to, so he set about finding a suitable target for this purpose. Though the canine didn't fully understand, Mittens had made it clear that peeing on vertical objects was an important part of being a dog. In particular, her insistence on dousing fire hydrants seemed silly. They were meant for villains' cars to crash into so you could escape in the ensuing spray. Bolt instead found a tree and did his business there, taking care to be on the opposite side of it from Penny. She giggled at him. "Aww. So polite."

You don't have to watch me. He looked away, his fur feeling hot. It's weird enough when you look at it normally.

His objective completed, she sat down on a bench to pet him. He looked up at her. It would be nice if I knew what this exercise was about.

Penny glanced at her silver, somewhat boyish watch. "Okay, two more hours. We've got to do some recon on this place."

He yipped. Recon. Now you're making sense.

The church grounds were small and, aside from a cache of Happy Meal toys at the base of a tree, held no surprises. The parking lot, too, offered up nothing special, save a faded bumper sticker asking where the beef was. While this qualified as peculiar, it ultimately proved too obscure to be much fun. Leaving the meat mystery for another day, they resigned themselves to exploring the church.

Upon re-entering the structure, Bolt's fine-tuned ears pinpointed what sounded like a herd of dying moose, but turned out to be a hundred bored people singing. He caught movement in the corner of his vision and duck back around the corner. Two guards had been stationed inside the lobby. No doubt they they'd been dispatched to return the pair to the large, boring gathering. Penny made eye contact with Bolt. She had mission eyes, closing the door without a sound. The lobby was roughly a circle with coat racks in the middle. If they could distract the guards, they would be able to infiltrate further into this strange base through the far door. The church was basically a circular receiving area with a congregational hall to one side and offices and stairs to the other.

Ducking behind a corner, she swept her fingers to the left. Bolt dashed around the looped hallway, stopping just before the gap leading to the coat racks. If he ran now, the guards would probably see him, but if he knew his person...

The next second a coin rolled across the thin carpet. The guards spotted it. Every time.

The pimply guard got to it first, raising it in triumph. The lumpy-looking guard called him a dork. Bolt trotted silently to the cover of the coat rack.

Lumpy Guard might have been slower, but he was smarter. "Where the heck did this penny roll from?" They walked closer to Penny's hiding place.

Wasting no time, Bolt seized a jacket in his teeth. He tugged it, the hanger scraping along.

Pimply Guard's head whipped around. "What was that?" His voice squeaked and cracked, no doubt from fear.

Bolt froze.

Footsteps, then Lumpy Guard spoke: "Dude, you already got the dumb coin. You don't need to mess with my head."

Bolt moved the coat just a little.

Pimply Guard squeaked again: "See? Something's moving in the coats!"

The canine's eyes darted to the far door. From under the hanging clothes, he could see his person's yellow dress shoes slink quietly toward it. His heartbeat skipped. Come on, Penny...

Lumpy grumbled. "What would be in the coats?"

Pimply's voice deepened slightly. "Dunno. Go look."

"Look yourself, fart-breath."

Knowing his moment was at hand, Bolt slipped quietly out the opposite side of the great circle of coats. He reached the doorway while the guards were insulting each other. Either I'm getting better at this or the guard quality is really slipping around here.

Having defeated the guards, they started a sweep of the installation. Small dining hall, an office or two, a rec room with table soccer. They crept downstairs. Study rooms and kitchen: dark, quiet, private. Some parts of the building were all textured plaster and scuffless paint, as if they had only been built a few years ago, while of others were made of aging brick.

Penny sighed, disappointed. "We could go back outside, but Mom probably wouldn't like me wandering around some weird city." She gave him an amused little look. "Even with you around."

The kitchen was dark and cool. Metal mesh strainers and enameled pots lined the wide shelves. Stacks of folding tables and chairs leaned up against the wall. Bolt sat down beside her and rolled tummy-up, wagging, the cool of the tile working through his fur. Hi, Penny.

"Still bored, but at least I'm bored and not being watched by mom." She crouched down and scratched his tummy idly. "She's not that bad. I guess. For a mom." The girl hunkered down against the counter. Loosen by age and use, the entire cabinet jiggled, glass containers clattering together. Without warning, a tall plastic bottle tipped over the edge and rebounded against the tile. It bounced end to end like a see-saw and blasted Bolt right in the stomach with brown and sticky goo.

A stray glob of it hit his person as well. "Ugh!" Penny held up the hand it had splattered onto. "What is this stuff? Maple syrup?"

He sniffed at it. That's a weird thing to set as a booby trap.

She snatched up the bottle before it could spill any more and set it back on the counter top. Penny's slick fingers snapped the cap shut; she rose and washed her hands in the nearby sink. "One second, Bolt. I'll get you cleaned off too."

I think I've got it under control. After a tentative sniff, Bolt licked at the goop on his stomach. The sweet syrup clung to his fur and he had to lick aggressively to remove it. Can't... quite... reach... He edged back, bracing against the counter like he'd done once in their trailer. Curling up a little more, he could reach lower down his tummy, but now the blobs of sugary goo had oozed lower too. Some of it as low as the tip of his sheath. He wiggled his hips closer, licking eagerly. Every stroke of his tongue caught a little more flavor, a little more sheath, things started to feel quite pleasant as the loose skin rubbed against his soft penis within. Mmmm...

"Okay, Bolt, now I can help..." Penny stood, watching him. Water dripped from her hands to the tiled floor, making little pools in the dim light.

The canine looked up. His pink tongue tip peeked from his muzzle, his red penis peeked too. Muzzle to sheath, he gave himself another lick.

A blush crossed Penny's face. "Wow..." She crouched down next to him. "That's pretty cool."

It's a little weird to do this in front of you, but you *are* my person, so... He licked a few more times. Her eyes widened. She liked what she was seeing. He liked how it was feeling. The smooth texture of his tongue wrapped around his emerging shaft. It was still pretty small, but he could roll his tongue around it, sliding it across his lips. Uuummm!

Bolt missed the first try at getting it into his mouth. He checked the alignment and tried again. Uuuhg... He locked eyes with Penny, twitched his hips and then thrust his penis right into his muzzle. Her mouth hung open. His erection wedged between his lips and began to swell.

Something else swelled too: his knot began making itself felt, stretching his sheath, unable to slip free on its own. Okay. This much I remember from last time. Ooh! Ahh! His paws pressed tenderly onto his already stretched sheath, easing it down until suddenly his knot sprung free. The dog's tail shot out straight for a second, then relaxed, wagging just a little. Woo! Oh yeah. That's a lot better. Ears folding down in determination, he began to hunch his hips up, hindpaws slipping against the tile. His knot surged and swelled; he could feel it against his tongue: hot, heavy, and hardening. It hung just outside his lips. With every awkward thrust, he pushed it against his muzzle, bumping his own black nosepad.

Penny sat down hard. Her hands minded her yellow dress, but her eyes stayed on his slurping, straining performance. Guess I'm quite the little actor after all...

Bolt's cheeks blushed a little deeper. His person sat transfixed as the canine bucked his hips deeper still. His slurps echoed in the silent room, their breathing the only counterpoint to the wet sounds.

Mmmm... mmmm... mMMM! Pre oozed warmly into his mouth, coaxed forth with every pleasure-filled lick. It collected in the back of his mouth; instinctively, he swallowed it out of the way. Slippery, warm, and slightly bitter: the fluid dribbled on. Not quite like he remembered, but last time he'd had Penny rubbing against it. Even without the taste of her on his member, it was more than yummy enough to keep him going.

The teenage girl gasped, her hand slipping around the bottom of her dress... and up... directly between her legs. Her face glowed with a blush, even in the dark room. With her other hand she steadied herself and began to softly rub.

He started panting around his own erection, breath chilling the damp fur of his crotch. His hips hitched absently. He could feel his member sliding across his tongue, leaving little ribbons of precum. His toes splayed. His legs stretched out. Penny stared as canine sperm blasted into Bolt's mouth. His own hot fluid filled his cheeks; spurt after desperate spurt. Without consent, his legs stuck straight out, reaching for nothing. Bolt's penis slipped out of his muzzle and warm ejaculate sprayed his delicate nose. He exhaled and shook it away, catching the next blast right on his tongue.

His mind started to come down from its orgasmic state, paws relaxing. The last of his sperm drizzled onto his midriff. He looked at Penny, his tail wagging weakly.

"Oh. My. Gosh." She stared for a moment, the fingers under her panties forgotten. "I didn't know you could do... *that*."

Yeah. Just barely. He panted. His neck felt a little sore.

She reached out to touch his chin. "Never miss a mark, do ya?" Her soft laugh fluttered through his soul.

He wagged.

The girl pulled at the collar of her dress. "Whew! It warmed up in here. I'd say that's your doing, hotshot." Her fingers reached the sticky dog cum on his chest. She reached up for few napkins, cleaning him off as best she could. "We'll have to tell Mom you got into something outside. That'll be our cover for this op." She slid a fingertip along his sensitive shaft, making him wiggle, catching a dollop of the sticky white goo. After a moment of consideration, she licked it off. Bolt shuddered in surprise. His person winked, then giggled.

He let her wipe at his tummy, staring up with open adoration. Once he could smell again, smell something other than his own fresh semen, he caught a whiff of something familiar. He sniffed, then eyed her. Penny! You really did like my little show.

Wriggling along the tile, he edged his muzzle closer. His nose tingled at the scent. She seemed to be getting better at making that scent lately. His penis swayed, still knotted. He nosed under her dress for an impromptu inspection, still on his back. Under her skirt hid a world of warm colors and smells. He panted happily, his hot breath swirling around under the fabric. Getting to his feet, his rear raised up off the tile, keeping his sensitive length from its cold surface. His breath quickened. Bolt nuzzled deeper, deeper, further under the hem of her dress, till his whole muzzle was hidden and he found his prize. With a look and a sniff, the eager dog began licking his person. Mmmm... She's getting tastier too.

The girl gasped. "Hey, buddy, I'm not sure we're supposed to be doing this down here-- Ohhhh... Heh. Umm... Wow..."

Heartened by her pleased tone of voice, he wiggled his nosepad against her soft panties, brushing into the softer skin beneath. A few more licks and the fabric started to move to one side. The cunning canine pressed in further, spreading her legs as he slid her panties out of the way. She shivered, still crouched, skirt hem just brushing the tile and an eager dog with his head under it. With dogged determination, he managed to sneak his tongue past them and against her naked flesh.

He could no longer see Penny from under her skirt, but he felt her tremble as he executed this maneuver. His tongue explored the soft, tight spaces between fabric and flesh, eliciting the occasional moan from his person. It wasn't the easiest angle of attack, but he made do.

After a few moments of tender tonguing, Penny scooted back, glanced at the closed door. Her slim hand tugged her panties down to her bright yellow shoes, then over them. Bolt dove into her mound with gusto, licking and nuzzling at her folds. The girl brought a hand to her mouth, covering a gasp. "Hhhh! Ohh... Good boy..."

Bolt slithered his tongue further into her passage, seeking out more of her flavor. Those sparse little hairs tickled his nose, shimmering molten red in the dim light. The girl moaned at his ministrations. She backed up against the stove, breathing faster, rolling her hips up just a little for him.

He stopped for a moment, letting her sort out her dress, and looked under himself. His softening member swung slightly as he moved, slowly retracting back into his sheath as the knot went down. She carefully stood and led him into a small, spartan room. A bed along one wall, a pair dressers along the other. She made sure to lock the door behind them.

Penny scratched behind his ears. "We've gotta be careful with this dress, buddy. Mom'd have a fit if I ruined it." Careful of the impractical garment, she lowered herself down with one hand braced against the dusty, perfectly made bed. She slunk forward eagerly, slipping to her hands and knees in front of him.

Bolt panted happily. Best plans ever. He trotted behind his person and nuzzled his muzzle back under her skirt.

"One second." Penny carefully pulled the dress up past her waist. She rested her hands on the floor. "There. Go ahead boy."

He sniffed, drawing in the scent that lit his whole being with a fiery ache for her. His soft tongue slid against her tender skin. Her taste ravished his canine brain, igniting instincts from the quiet embers of daily life to searing flames. He set his teeth and carefully hopped up to mount her. With delicate deliberance, he positioned his paws on either side of her hips, jostling to close the distance. His penis, not fully retracted, rubbed against her bare skin. The tip slipped along her upper thigh, having considerable give. Her flesh ran cool and soft against his, stealing his warmth for a second before chilling again. It was like no other sensation in the world. I wonder if other dogs know what they're missing?

Instinct told him to thrust, but he'd spurted not ten minutes ago; his batteries had yet to recharge. He took deep breaths and relaxed atop her, in the quiet embrace that was theirs alone. Soon though, his hips started to grind forward on their own. His furry crotch brushed against her legs; she giggled. "Hey! I'm ticklish down there! Let me help ya." He felt her fingers cup his sac, her thumb angling him up.

Mmmm... His tip slid though her soft warmth, moisture clinging to tender flesh. A soft moan from his person and he pressed forward, claws clattering on tiles. He lifted off the soft, cool skin of her hand, longing to bury himself deep inside her. As he struggled to get higher, his member grazed past her vagina and slid between her cheeks. Hhh. I'm too high. The canine slid back a little, then felt a soft touch on his rump.


"Hey boy, it's okay." She rocked her hips just a bit, not trying to correct his aim. "Mmmm... That feels... interesting."

Uhhh... Whatever you say, Penny. If you're sure. But I'll need to adjust the trajectory. From this position, he could climb no further onto her back. Think, Bolty. A moment of doggy deliberation, then he gave a few hops, reaching just an inch or two short. For an instant at a time, he managed to rub himself up and down that shallow valley. She noticed him trying to reach higher and lowered herself. Warm precum trickled from his erection, making the whole exercise a bit more slippery. It started to dampen into his crotch fur as he thrust, oozing against her soft skin, his testicles swinging forward to bump against her cheeks. Every few thrusts, his tip would catch on something. Something soft; something yielding. Bolt's mind was sinking fast into bliss. He bore down on that spot, grinding his tip against the girl's anus.

"Oh my gosh!" Penny shuddered, but made no sign to stop. He knew she trusted him. She was his person. He'd never hurt her.

The dog pressed up again, firmer. His tip began penetrating her as her tight opening spread. Part of him wondered if he'd fit, but everything lower than his cerebrum didn't much care. He never imagined putting his penis there, and now, somehow, it was slipping in... Leaning forward, he put his weight against that tender spot. Slow humps slid his penis from his sheath and deeper into her, prompting gasps and moans at the unfamiliar intrusion from the girl under him. Her opening squeezed and clenched upon him, before loosening again, tighter than her vagina ever was. He held still for a moment. His erection began returning in earnest. Blood rushed to his penis, bringing heat into the equation. Penny relaxed; he sunk deeper. The tightness was all at the entrance, rather than her along his length; so different from her vagina. With every thrust, his penis slipped a little deeper, bunching his sheath behind his still-small knot. Inside her, his member bumped and slid against unfamiliar surfaces.

Below him, Penny seemed to collect herself; the girl shivered deeply and softly moaned as she squeezed him with an exquisite pressure. She moaned again and then started pushing back. He rubbed his muzzle on her back, wishing humans spoke some reasonable language or, at least, that she would crouch down so he could mate her harder. Their combined thrusts synced up, and his developing knot ground hard against her, seeking entrance. Moaning, she tightened on him. He whined. She breathed, loosening a bit. "Sorry, boy. It feels... Oh Bolt, I want it..."

Her shoulder pressed to the tile as both hands slipped back between her legs. One clutched at the base of his shaft. The other... A soft wet sound and a happy giggle from Penny gave him a good idea of what that one was up to. Her complex hair configuration fell in her eyes.

Her touch behind his growing knot shot shivers through his body. His hips went wild, jerking at maximum velocity. His panting grew short. The girl tensed. Her whole body shook. That did it.

They thrust together again, and he yapped in surprise as he popped inside her. She squeaked sharply.

"Ah! Oh my gosh! Ohmygosh!" She breathed. "Did you just...?"

Bolt gasped. He was tied to her... in that other hole. It felt fantastic against the back of his knot, tighter than he'd ever known. Ancient urges fired inside him, hijacking his hips. Short, frantic humps. Caught inside her, he tugged back against that exquisite pressure. His testicles rose tight against his body. His knot swelled. A shiver. A twitch. And the spurting started. Once, twice, three times, four. He pressed into her and panted. His chin pressed her ribs. Canine sperm blasted into her, filled her up, so hot around his cock. All four paws stuck out.

Penny groaned, whimpering as his knot filled her, as his seed flooded her. She bit her lip, face bright red as she struggled not to cry out at the dog penis stretching her insides. Her breathe returned, but in ragged gasps. Even in the midst of his orgasm, Bolt felt a pang of concern, licking once behind her ear as they panted together.

The blasts of semen died down to pulses, the pulses to dull throbs. Nothing left. Bolt eased down onto his person, firmly tied. I am really getting to like this.

His head felt heavy, but he kept it up somehow. I will not contaminate the dress! I have orders from my person. With all his canine resolve, he managed not to drool or even loll his tongue. He felt proud. Proud and tingly.

* * * * *

Bolt sat beside Penny's chair. All around them people were talking, eating, laughing. His person had double-checked his fur and her dress before they came back upstairs, but he could still smell his scent on her. This isn't my normal kind of mission, but it beats chasing down attack helicopters.

He watched as Penny's mother leaned in. "Honey, if you need to go to the bathroom--"

She gave the older woman a look. "Mom, don't be weird."

"Well, you've been wiggling around quite a bit."

The girl dropped a chunk of steak off her fork. "I-I'm just not used to sitting down this long, that's all."

"Alright, sweetie, I'm sure we can take a walk to stretch our legs before we head home. You'll have to let me change out of these heels, though."

The white canine contemplated the steak bit on the floor. We're not at home, but it was dropped by my person. Mittens would say I should eat it, but that still seems weird. He ate it. Delicious, though.

Many of the people were standing in the empty space in front of the tables. They cleared a space so a couple could dance alone. The woman wore a white dress. Her copper hair swayed as the man held her close. Something very familiar about her smile, though Bolt couldn't quite put his paw on it.

One of the other people at the table, a thin bald man who Bolt didn't recognize, patted him on the head, but spoke to Penny. "He looks just like the dog from that TV show my kids like! What's it called?" He thought for a moment. "Oh, well, I bet you hear that all the time."

The girl smiled politely. "Once in a while, yeah." Reaching down, she straightened her buddy's bow tie. "My little hero. He's always got my back."

~ ~ ~

Editing by: Vendetta, SillyNeko, & Mittens

Hope you enjoyed watching Penny take it in the rectory.

Let me know what you think! Black ties and evening gowns will not be required.
