The Adventures of Rex the Husky - Stand Still

Story by furlosopher on SoFurry

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#7 of Adventures of Rex

The Adventures of Rex the Husky-Stand Still

Outside as the sun slowly rises; the cool night air is sluggishly warmed as the windows on a house begin to grow cloudy with condensation. Inside, curled up underneath their cover, a canine is peacefully asleep. On the nightstand beside his bed, an alarm clock is eerily approaching the 6:30 mark, with a silent flick the numbers change and a deafening sound rings throughout the room. With a discontented moan the husky pulls the cover from over his head as he stares at the clock with half closed eyes.

"Time to get up Terrence!" the canine's mother said from outside the dog's room.

With a zombie like moan, Rex unplugged his clock and slowly sat up. Sliding his legs over the edge of his bed, Rex stared at the floor as his feet dangled just a few inches from the floor. Late into the night Rex stayed up debating whether or not he should've called Dominique, he knew he wasn't going to get any answer from anyone but the bull, but he had no idea what the bovine was up to. The one thing that confused Rex though was why all of a sudden the bull was showing unrivaled attention towards him. It took a while but after a few minutes of gathering his own clues, Rex just assumed the bovine was playing mind games with him. Besides, Rex had Romell and all his other friends, there was no way the bossy bull would have any pull on Rex without confrontation from anyone of them.

"Terrence it's 6:50, you're going to be late for school if you don't start washing up!" Rex could hear his mother shouting from the kitchen.

It took a few minutes but Rex was out the shower, dressed and heading to the car when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Opening the phone Rex quickly realized it was a message from Brooker. "Hry up n gt 2 skl, we r hvng a metng on where 2 go 4 Sr. skip day." If it wasn't for the fact that Rex and Brooker texted constantly to one another over the weekends Rex would've never been able to decipher Brooker's unique codes. If they had to send him a message telling him to hurry up to school then it must've been important; at least to them that is.

It was now getting close to 7:40 which meant they had 20minutes left until the late bell rang. Romell, Brooker and the rest of Rex's friends stood in the parking lot looking at the highway waiting to see a sign of Rex, and not a moment later did Rex pulled through the gate and drove into the parking lot.

"You keep this up they're going to make you repeat the 12th grade for constantly being late." Rika smiled at Rex.

"What can they do to me, all I'll do is smile, say I'm sorry, and they'll let me go just like they always do. It's just one of the benefits of being the guy who doesn't get into a lot of trouble." Rex smiled as he left and locked his car. The sudden quip from Rex was a lot different than the attitude he had the previous days, Romell grew a soft smile as he felt relaxed knowing his mate was back to normal.

"Ok now that you're here we can get back to what we were talking about. Tomorrow's Senior Skip Day and we don't have a place to go skipping at. Ray wants to go to the beach, I say we go to some of the colleges in the state's capital, Rika wants to go to the mall, Kendra says we should go down to the islands and go shopping, and like any other typical male your friends Brooker and Romell agreed with Ray." Dana told Rex the choices they had came up with.

"I say the beach because I don't want to go walking around on some scrub campus full of scrubs." Ray laughed to himself.

"He has a point, we spent 18years getting ready for college. We should at least have some time that doesn't involve education." Rika agreed.

"That's why I say we should go shopping, there's this sell at Nike I want to go check out." Kendra smiled with joy.

"The last thing I need is some random women knocking me over for a pair of shoes that's only 10% off." Brooker scuffed.

"What about the mall, we girls can go shopping while you guys play in the arcade." Rika applied.

"I know I'm a gamer, hell I would trade breathing air if I could play every game I wanted to, but even I need a break from the electronic hypnosis machine once in awhile." Rex said.

"Let's just go to the beach, we'll have a fun time driving there, you girls can impress the guys on the beach, we boys can do our thing, and everyone will be happy. Then after that we can go eat, and come home." Ray stated his option again.

"I think we should go with Ray's choice. Besides, it's supposed to be scorching at 100 degrees tomorrow, at least this way we'll be by a nice cold body of water when the need arise." Romell spoke as he sat against his car door.

"See, at least Romell knows what I'm getting at." Ray said as he went to go stand by the orca.

"The beach it is then." Brooker said as if he was concluding the debate. Just then the school bell rang signaling the beginning of class. Rex and all his friends cursed as they took off running towards the school building.

The next day arrived and once again the sound of Rex's alarm bounced off the walls in the room. However, Rex was already awoke and digging in the closet for his board shorts. As clothes flew through the air Rex's mother opened the door just in time to get slapped in the face by a renegade sock.

"Terrence what are you looking for?" Rex's mother asked as she threw the sock off her face.

"I can't find my board shorts. Did you see them in the dirty clothes basket, the washer or dryer?" Rex asked as he continued digging through his closet.

"No I haven't, but why are you looking for them anyway, is today some kind of dress-down day at school?" The female canine asked.

"The crew and I are going to the beach, that's why I need them." Rex said from inside the closet.

"How are you going to the beach when you have school today?" Rex's mother asked a little confused.

"I'm not going to school. Today's Senior Skip Day, therefore we're going to the beach. AH HA! I found them!" Rex shouted as he jumped out of the closet with a pair of black and blue shorts. Before long Rex was throwing his towel, and his bag full of changing clothes into the back seat. The night before everyone was told to meet up at Brooker's house. As Rex pulled into the yard he noticed that Romell and Ray were the only two standing in the yard. Turning the engine off Rex walked over to the two males.

"Where's everyone else?" Rex asked as he took his spot beside Romell.

"Brooker's in the house getting dressed, apparently he forgot we were meeting at his house. As for the girls they just texted me, they're stopping by the store to get some shades." Ray said as he sat on the front steps of the house.

"Ok I'm ready." Brooker shouted as he came outside.

"Doesn't really matter the girls aren't here yet." Romell huffed. Just as the orca said that, a black Mustang came speeding into the driveway.

"Woohoo, Senior Skip Day! Yeah!" Rika shouted as she came out the car.

"Rika you're forgetting your shades!" Kendra shouted from behind the steering wheel.

As the girls gathered their stuffed the boys began wondering if everyone was going to ride in their own car or whether they would just take two cars. It really didn't matter which car they took as long as they took the blue Envoy that Romell drove. At first the whale was skeptical about driving the SUV, but after heavy persuasion, and pressuring from the girls the giant whale broke and gave into their demands. It didn't take long for them to decide that they would take Ray's car along with Romell's so with a giant smile Brooker and Ray began hurling everyone's bags in the back of the blue SUV. With Dana, Kendra, and Brooker riding with Ray, that left Rex and Rika with Romell. As the whale drove on the interstate he could barely hold his laughter as he listened to Rika and Rex told stories of their childhood.

"You remember when we went to Disney with our principal Mr. Martin in elementary school?" Rex smiled as he thought about the fun they had.

"You bet, I remember every student was trying to stay out of trouble just so they could be chosen to go." Rika laughed.

"You guys were trying, but staying out of trouble comes naturally to me." Rex smiled.

"Duh, your mother used to be the secretary, if you ever got in trouble she would be the first to know." Rika laughed.

"You're right, but we were having fun before we even got within the Florida state limit. John got smacked with a bug that flew in as soon as you rolled down the widow, and then you thought an old bear was trying to kidnap you." Rex laughed as he retold the memories of the trip.

"He was following me around the store, what was I supposed to think?" Rika smiled.

"He was trying to knock that giant spider off your back." Rex laughed.

"I would've been just fine. Someone would've spotted it out once we were back in the van." Rika continued smiling.

"Oh hell no, then that would mean I would've been stuck in a small van with a possibly poisonous spider crawling around." Rex shouted with joy.

"My god Rex you were scared of spiders even when you were little?" Romell laughed as he kept his eyes on the road ahead.

"What! Spiders creeps me out, their eight hairy legs, soulless eyes, hideous fangs, and atrocious body shape. If you asked me I think they should be put at the top of the extinction list." Rex said as hugged himself due to his crawling skin.

"I'm just having a hard time understanding why a 6ft dog is afraid of an arachnid that's no bigger than his wallet." Romell continued laughing.

"You just answered your question without knowing it, since they're little and I'm big they can easily crawl on me without me knowing it, plus they like to just come out of nowhere at the most inappropriate of times." Rex shouted his disgust.

The rest of the ride was full of more stories as Rex and Rika traded the feelings they felt, the people they knew, the teachers they liked and disliked, and their favorite cafeteria meal. Like any other time if they wanted to go the beach they would have to drive through town first, and as they drove the smell of salt water became pungent in the air as it cloaked the inside with its soothing aroma. As they drove the streets they could see little pups and cubs walking in hands with their parents. This made Rex feel a little sorry about leaving his mother to start college in a few months, but he knew, just like his mother, that the day would soon come. In his reminisce about all the fun he and his mother had when he was little, Rex didn't notice that they had arrived at the beach.

"Talk about hot!" Romell said as he pointed to the outside temperature on the rearview mirror. "At 103 the beach is definitely the best place to go right now." Romell chuckled to himself.

As soon as Romell opened the door a sudden wave of heat evacuated any cold air that had been set by the A/C during the drive. With the warm air crawling through his fur Rex loathed the thought of having to step into the sun, especially as long as he had a coat of fur on him. Romell on the other hand was cooled off by the thought of cold waves rushing over his body. Before Rex could ask if it was too late to go to the mall instead, he was greeted by the searing metal coat of the car before he snatched his hand from the scolding metal.

"Kind of empty for a beach, especially with this kind of weather don't you think?" Romell said as he scanned the white, sandy beach.

"Yeah." Rika replied as she noticed probably one or two people in the area.

"Where's Ray and them?" Rex asked as he shook his hand in pain.

"They're coming, they got held up at a light in town." Romell answered the canine.

Deciding it was better to do something more constructive than standing under the boiling sun, Rex began unloading the stuff Ray and Brooker had unceremoniously dumped in the back. After removing everyone's bag Rex came across a large board that he didn't notice the entire time they were riding in the car. Slowly rubbing his hand over the board Rex felt like the board was smooth enough to skim across water even if a baby breathed on it.

"You never saw a surf board before?" Romell smiled as he snapped his mate out of his trance.

"I didn't know you knew how to surf." Rex replied as he continued looking at the waxy surface of the board.

"You do now." Romell laughed as he pulled the board out and held it over his head. "Get the bags bellhop." Romell laughed as he ran over to a picnic table where their tom boy friend Rika was already sitting at. With a dismissive grunt Rex just picked up the bags and began scuffling in the direction of the fox and whale. It was barely five minutes before Romell spotted out the white car that everyone else was in. Since they didn't have any bags in the car, Ray and Brooker, and Kendra and Dana wasted little time walking to the picnic table.

"Talk about crazy, these three been arguing ever since we left Brooker's yard." Ray pointed to Brooker, Dana, and Kendra.

"Well if Brooker wasn't such a jerk then we wouldn't have been arguing.' Dana stared at the liger.

"What do you mean if I wasn't such a jerk? Just because I said a girl should feel pitiful because she asked a stupid question doesn't qualify me for being a jerk." Brooker defended himself.

"Your girlfriend called you and asked you why you didn't invite her? You didn't have to call her stupid." Kendra stated.

"First of all she knew she had work, second she works all the way in Aiken which is the complete opposite way we were heading, and third I didn't plan for her to go." Brooker said nonchalantly.

"If you guys are done can we go get dressed?" Rex interrupted only to receive a harsh cold stare from Dana. Luckily a warm agreement from his whale lover was enough to get Dana to avert her attention on the beach behind everyone. With the girls on the other side of the building getting dressed in the ladies room, the boys waited for them to come back and watch the bags, once they girls came back even Rex was amazed at how a simple bikini made the girls' body stand out. Kendra's body was slim and tone from all the track running she did, Rika no longer had her tom boy presence but instead a look that even made Rex doubt his homosexuality, and although Dana wasn't slim enough to carry a bikini, her one piece made her breast and backside more pronounce.

"You know Rex I never realized how sexy you look when you're staring at me." Kendra said seductively as she caressed the bottom portion of Rex's muzzle. Rex's cheeks quickly grew red as he felt the feline's hand slide under his muzzle.

"Enough fooling around Kendra." Rika laughed as she bent over to pick up her bag causing a random passerby to walk into their own car. Dana just laughed as all three girls took a seat at the table and waited for the guys to get back.

"Damn I didn't know Rika was that hot in a bikini." Ray said in shock as they walked into the building.

"I could say the same about Kendra." Brooker responded.

As everyone began to undress Rex couldn't help but catch a look, Ray's upper body was the perfect balance of muscle and weight, that mixed with his black fur made him look stronger and even more fierce, then there was Romell, although he'd seen the orca naked plenty of times Rex still felt excited seeing his muscular body, last was Brooker, his last memory of Brooker was when he was slightly bigger. The liger had more belly and fat than muscle and definition, but now he had toned up, and his muscles were more defined than Rex's own. Walking out into the hot air the boys were expecting the girls to be wooed just like they were, but all they had received from them was a smile and a wave. a little dismissed by the girls ignoring natures, the group began walking towards the grainy beach surface. As soon as Rex's foot touched the ground of white sand he quickly jumped back from the intense heat.

"Oh quit over exaggerating Terrence it's not that hot now." Brooker laughed before placing his foot on the scolding, white, grainy surface. With a loud yelp Brooker too jumped back onto the cooler shaded area of the beach.

"Now who's over exaggerating?" Rex stared at the liger.

"Both of you are over exaggerating." Kendra laughed as she stood on the hot sandy beach. Rex and Brooker just stared at Kendra's feet as her claws and toes wiggled in the loose surface of hot rocks.

"That's a shame, you let a girl out man you." Ray laughed as he stood next to Kendra. Rex and Brooker however, weren't impressed as they stared at the black wolf's squinted face, a clear sign that he was fighting the pain that was screaming from his feet like an erupting volcano.

"Ray is you ok?" Dana grinned as she looked at the now sweating wolf.

"I couldn't be any better Dana." Ray answered with a high squeaky voice.

"Sure you are." Rika laughed.

Step after step the heat of the sand felt less worst as their feet began to grow accustomed to it. It was until they reached the darkened sand wet by the crashing waves that they were able to feel the difference between the hot, scolding sand, and the wet, dark sand. As they stood there the cold, salty water washed over their toes pulling the heat with it as it receded back to the ocean only to come back just as cold as the first time. As Rex stood there as he stared out into the vastness of the ocean, its horizon forever going, the blue surface appearing calm and placid, the sky above it escorting it in every direction, little birds hovering over its surface looking for unfortunate fish that dare make their presence known. A place to calm you, to sponge you of all worries and doubts, to Rex that's what a beach was, and right now he was at the beach. It was then a sudden feeling of ice running down his back that forced Rex back to reality. As the husky stood there shoulders high, his back arched inward, and his mouth wide, Romell and Brooker laughed as they stood there pointing at the shocked canine.

"You're face is going to end up getting stuck like that Rex." Kendra laughed as she stared at the surprised dog.

With the water and the initial shock gone, Rex was now staring at the liger and orca with a less than pleased looked. "Brooker, Romell, I'm going to kill you!" Rex shouted as he tried running through the water with little success. As Ray stood there laughing at the two fleeing from Rex, he didn't notice the two felines quietly approaching from behind.

"Oh Ray." The cheetah and cat said with a singsong voice.

"What?" As if it were the signal both Kendra and Dana shoved Ray backwards forcing his entire body into the bone chilling water. It didn't take long for the black wolf to quickly jump back up with the same expression that Rex had when he was splashed with water.

"You scrubs are done for!" Ray growled at the two girls that were pointing and laughing at him. "Yeah keep laughing. We'll see how long you'll be laughing." Ray grinned as he began to slowly approach the girls.

"We're not laughing at what happened, we're laughing at what's about to happen." Dana and Kendra continued as they pointed behind Ray.

"What's going to happen?" Ray said a little confused. Taking a quick look back Ray only spotted Rex, Romell, Brooker, and Rika standing behind him with their arms crossed. It didn't register until after Ray turned back around to face Dana and Kendra, then performing a double-take Ray tried to run but was quickly caught by the husky and held and in the air by the liger and orca.

"Take him over this way." Rika ordered like some royal shaman to the gods as she pointed to the spot where she wanted them to toss Ray.

"What are you scrubs thinking? you're supposed to be on my side!" Ray yelled in panic as he tried to wiggle his way out of Brooker and Romell's grip.

"Sorry but she paid us to do this." Brooker laughed.

"Paid you?! Paid you with what?!" Ray continued yelling as he tried to escape.

"With seaweed and seashells of course." Romell laughed as they approached the designated area.

"Don't take it personal Ray, but the ocean needs a sacrifice." Rex laughed as he patted Ray on the head.

"1...2...3!" Rex, Romell, Brooker and Rika shouted in unison before hurling the black wolf into the air.

"You scrubs!" Ray shouted before his body splashed into the water creating a wide spray of water sparkling in the air from the sunlight.

The minutes passed as they continued fooling around in the water. Rex watched Romell slip and slide through the water on his surf board like an aquatic bullet, Ray and Brooker chased after the girls trying to get revenge from having wet sand stuffed into their shorts. All in all the day was going smoothly, as they walked out onto the drier part of the sand they began walking along the wave line laughing as they talked about what they would do once they started living on campus. Ray's plan was to continue what he did best, wooing girls then sleeping with them. As for Rika, Dana, and Kendra, their plans were to not become the traditional college whore that some females easily fell into to. Brooker's plan was similar to Ray's plan except he planned on keeping the girls after sleeping with them, that way he could build up a team of women. Romell's plan was no different than what any other person wanted; to succeed and graduate on time. As for Rex his plan was still unknown, he knew what college he wanted to go to, he knew what it would be like, he knew the people he would be surrounded by, but he never came up with a plan to accomplish once he got there. As the group of friends continued walking on the beach Dana spotted out a small baby shark that had been carried in by a wave and was now stuck on land unable to get back in the water. As they rushed over to the little aquatic being Rex felt amazed at how close he was to a feral shark, he had seen them plenty of times on television, but never this close before. It was then that Romell shouted out that he saw two dorsal fins poking from the surface out in the ocean.

"Hey let's keep it, I'll go get a bucket." Brooker said full of energy and excitement.

"What?!" Everyone said in unison as they stared at the smiling liger.

"It was just a suggestion." Brooker's smile quickly dropped.

Holding the shark by its side Rika carried the baby until she was waist deep in the water, holding the shark lightly she waited until it swam out her grip and she was sure it wouldn't be brought back in by another wave. Once Rika was back with the group they all stared at the ocean as they watched the two fins slowly disappear out of their sights. With the seagulls gone, and the beach lightly populated, the sounds of the crashing waves were the only thing breaking the silence that was until the sound of Rex's stomach growling caught everyone's attention.

"What's the matter boy? Is Billy trapped in the well again?" Ray laughed as he placed one of his ears next to Rex's stomach.

"You know Ray, while you're down there would you mind blowing me off, I didn't get the chance to masturbate this morning and I'm beginning to regret it." Rex said as he watched Ray quickly snatched his head back up.

"I bet you'll now better next time Ray." Dana laughed as everyone began walking back to the dressing rooms. After changing clothes everyone stood in between the two cars and began tossing up options on where they could go to for lunch. "How about that diner we saw right down the road? It looked pretty decent to me." Dana suggested.

"I don't know. I'm scared some random trucker is going to try to sodomize me when my back is turn." Ray joked.

"What about some burgers? The damn street over here was full of them corporate franchises." Brooker asked.

"Why not just find a place where we can sit down and enjoy a nice meal?" Romell stated.

"Yeah, it's not like we're in a rush to get back to school or anything." Kendra agreed.

"I don't mind sitting down. I think it will do us some good to relax and enjoy our day." Rex smiled.

It wasn't long before they found a nice restaurant not too far from the interstate, and since it was still a school day the building wasn't too crowded. After being escorted to their table and giving the waitress their order, everyone just sat there laughing about what might happen to one another when they graduate. As they continued laughing it would soon be the sound of a vibrating phone that would silence them.

"Hold on guys." Ray said as he took his phone from his pocket.

"Who is it?" Dana questioned.

"It's the scrub, Dominique." Ray sighed. Suddenly the happy expression on Rex's face changed instantly.

"Well answer it." Kendra smiled.

"Fine." Ray said before turning on the speaker phone. "Hello." Ray answered the phone as if he had nothing better to do.

"Where the hell are you all?!" Dominique shouted.

"We just left the beach." Rika said into the phone.

"The beach!" the bovine shouted. "How come you all didn't invite me?" Dominique huffed.

"You didn't come to class." Ray smiled.

"Ray he did come to class." Dana whispered to the black wolf to correct him.

"I know that." Ray whispered back with a smile to the feline. Dana could only laugh softly at what the wolf had done.

"You know you guys are in trouble right?" Dominique stated.

"In trouble for what?!" Brooker shouted.

"The principal said any seniors caught skipping today will not be allowed to walk across the stage and receive their diplomas." Dominique answered.

"You're lying." Rika scuffed at the bull on the other side of the phone.

"You think that if you want to Sherrika, but I'm being serious." Dominique assured. "Anyway who all went to the beach?" the bull asked.

"It's me, Ray, Rika, Kendra, Romell, Brooker, and Rex." Dana answered.

Though nobody else could probably hear, Rex's canine ears were able to pick up the soft growl the bull held back, even though Ray had ears just as sensitive as Rex's he was too busy looking at random girls in the restaurant. "Well I guess I'm not missing anything." Dominique scuffed. "I know you guys will come back and tell me everything that happened, then the next time you will beg me to come, and I'm going to make sure you guys know better than to pull a stunt like this ever again." Dominique said with a dominant tone. Although no one else cared what the bull had said, Rex had completely understood what the bull was saying and who he was saying it to. Rex had done so much to get the bovine out of his head and now just like that the bull had managed to break in once again. Once again Rex found himself questioning why he felt the way he did around the bull and why now of all times. "Anyway I'll call you guys later." The bull said before hanging up.

"I'm back. I hope you guys are ready to eat." The female waitress said as she placed everyone's food onto the table. All through the meal everything appeared normal. The smiles were authentic, and the laughter and happiness that seemed to be the atmosphere around them was grand. Except underneath the table Rex's legs shook with power, and if the table was low enough everyone would've lost there food to the sky before it would hit the floor, luckily it never happened.

It wasn't long before everyone was laid back with their chins in the air from being so stuffed. The food they ordered for themselves hit every taste bud in just the right way and the only side effect was they became too full to move. Although it was uncomfortable everyone had managed to make it to their rides in the parking lot.

"I think I'll ride with Romell and Rex this time." Dana sluggishly said as she laid down in the back seat of the Envoy.

"Me too." Kendra said as well. "Scoot over Dana." The cheetah groaned as she lifted her body into the SUV.

Thanks to the food the ride home was less energetic as the ride they had to the beach, but even though they had less energy the stories of old times past were still nice for Romell to listen to and laugh at.

"Wow Rex I didn't know you were so violent when you were little." Romell tried not to laugh too hard thanks to his occupied stomach.

"I wasn't violent, I was just defensive." Rex defended himself.

"Then explain why you chipped one of Freddie's front teeth?" Dana stared at Rex with a smile.

"He spat on me. What else was I supposed to do? Tell him he needs to aim for my face, or that should I thank him for trying to wash my clothes?" Rex replied.

"I've always wondered how Freddie chipped his tooth. He always told me he chipped it playing baseball." Romell softly chuckled.

"What about the time you got in a fight with Dwayne and Joseph? First you tombstone Joseph on the head then you turned around and started waling on Dwayne's face. If it wasn't for Coach Smith, Dwayne would've had a concussion." Dana kept piling the evidence against Rex.

"Wait a minute. You didn't go to the same elementary school as me. Matter of fact I didn't meet you until middle school. How in the hell do you know all this?" Now Rex had begun to interrogate Dana.

"That's simple. Ray, Brooker, and Rika told me." The feline sat back as she smiled at Rex.

"With all that violence you should've focused it into football. You probably would've made a decent Wide-Receiver." Romell smiled as he patted Rex on the head.

"Yeah right, I prefer keeping my record of not breaking any bones thank you very much." Rex teased as he poked his tongue at the orca.

It wasn't long before their bodies got the better of them and everyone except the driving whale fell asleep. As they slept, the feeling of the random road bumps, and the slow breaking and accelerating of the car smoothed out. Trying his best to keep his eyes on the road Romell found himself sneaking small peaks at his lover sitting in the passenger seat beside him. To Romell, Rex was the most important thing he had come across. The way the husky had his own unique attitude towards life, how he smiled when he was happy, and the way he showed he loved someone. Romell found himself attracted to every last detail about the canine. However, in the orca's mind something was bothering him, something he knew he had to tell Rex at all costs, but the idea of doing such a thing felt painful just thinking about it. As Romell stared out onto the road he began to have flashbacks about all the times he spent with Rex the past couple of months. How Rex smiled each time Romell picked up something new about Chemistry he taught him, or how he could almost feel Rex's voice caresses his smooth skin every time he made the canine moan from pleasure, and how prideful and loved he felt every time he looked into the husky's hypnotizing blue eyes. Then there was the time he was granted a room with him to themselves with no chaperone, and now here they were enjoying their last couple of days as high school seniors. It was then the sound of Rex's voice telling him to slow down before he missed the exit that snapped Romell back to reality.

"You ok over there blubber boy?" Rex smiled as he continued to lay back against the chair with his eyes half closed.

"Yeah I'm ok, I was just thinking about something that's all." Romell answered his mate.

20 minutes later everyone had pulled back into Brooker's yard and got out the cars to give their body a stretch from the long ride. As they stretched they continued talking about how much fun they had at the beach and how they should schedule another day sometime in the near future. Soon the girls had packed their things back into Kendra's Mustang and drove off. Ray, Rex, and Romell watched Brooker go inside his house after waving goodbye for the day. Then with a wave and one last "scrub" insult, Ray got into his car and drove home leaving Rex and Romell the only two outside in Brooker's yard.

"Well I guess I'll see you at school Monday." Rex said as he walked to his car.

"Hey Rex, we don't have to end the fun just yet you know." Romell smiled as he stood by his car.

"What are you talking about now Romell?" Rex grinned.

"Come stay the weekend at my place, we can watch some movies, play some games, have some fun, if you know what I mean, and we can work out a little." Romell gave a toothy grin as he eyed the canine.

"I guess I can do that, but first let me drop the car off. Oh and I'll do everything you mentioned except for that last part." Rex laughed as he got in his car and turned on the engine.

It didn't take long for Rex to drop his car off at home and gather some stuff to take to Romell's place. The entire way to the orca's home Rex was questioned about all the things his friends talked about when they were in the car. Unfortunately Rex was at a disadvantage and easily told Romell that everything they said was the truth. It was all Romell needed to know before he started laughing all the way to his house. As they pulled into the drive-way, Rex was the first one to hop out the SUV with an annoyed look on his face.

"Aw come on Terrence you can't blame me. You would laugh too if it wasn't about you." Romell tried to stop laughing as he wiped the tears from his face.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Rex." The husky said as he stood at the front door of the orca's home.

Before Romell could slide the key into the key hole, the front door swung open revealing a muscular male orca. It took Rex a while to realize that the whale he was looking at wasn't Romell, but his father. The only difference between the younger and older orca were the looks of maturity, well since he never seen his father nude that was all Rex could manage to sum up.

"Rommy my boy, you finally made it home." Romell's father said as he stood at the entrance with the door still in hand. "Well don't just stand there, your mother will complain about the cold air coming in because I'm leaving the door open." The older whale said as he easily shoved Rex in with little energy.

"Where is mom anyway?" Romell asked as he sat his bag by the door sniffing the air at the same time.

"She's in the kitchen cooking dinner." Romell's father replied. "Hey Terrence you don't know how to say hello anymore?" the whale asked as he gave a hard and painful hand shake to the husky.

"Hey Mr. Phillips" Rex said as he tried to hide the pain he was feeling. To him it felt like the whale's grip was going to shrink his bones into little twigs in any second.

"So you're staying the night huh, that's great, maybe you two can help me in the garage after you put your things up." Mr. Phillips smiled as he looked at the canine and his son.

"I don't know. I'm not too good when it comes to auto mechanics." Rex tried to worm his way out.

"Non-sense, you can just stand there and hand me the tools." The older whale cheered.

"Just do it Rex, he won't stop trying to persuade you until you say yes." Romell whispered into his lover's ear.

"I guess it won't hurt if I helped a little." Rex said softly. Naturally he tried to avoid certain situations that would somehow embarrass him, but since he was staying in their house for the night the husky didn't want to seem rude or offensive.

"Great!" Mr. Phillips clapped his hands before he escorted Rex and Romell to the garage located at the back of the house near their porch. Before they could step through the door, Rex began to inhale the scent of oil, rubber, metal, and other shop like scents already outside the garage door. "Excuse me." Mr. Phillips said before he slid through a gap between Rex and Romell. The door slowly creaked opened as the metal hinges gave way to the whale pushing the door. The aroma Rex had inhaled before had now grown more pungent and enveloping due to the opened door. At first the smell was gagging, like the smell of farmland that had just been fertilized, but the smell soon calmed and Rex found himself being pulled into the garage by his lover. "Ok first thing first!" Romell's father shouted from inside a chest he was digging through. From left to right the older whale shifted cloth like materials in the chest until he found what he was looking for and shouted ah ha. "I knew I still had this in here. Here put this on Rex." The father orca threw Rex a faded denim jumpsuit. A ring of dirt adorned the inside of the collar with its light brown hue. Spots of oil on the knees and elbows stood out for all to see. A badly stitched name tag with the name "Whackster" was nearly gone due to the vast amount of oil that was trying to conceal it, and a giant hole next to the crotch area. Rex held the suit in the air as he continued looking over it until the sound of Mr. Phillips voice broke his concentration. "That used to belong to Romell when he was just fourteen years old. Back then me and his ma called him Whackster because every time we came home we found him asleep on the couch in a rather funny position." The older whale laughed as he handed Romell his jumpsuit and watched the two get dressed.

"Dad!" Romell shouted as his face turned completely red from the giant blush he had on his face. What ever the secret was it had the orca red like the stripes on a Christmas candy cane.

"Calm down Romell, we're all men in here. I'm pretty sure Terrence does it himself. Am I Right Terrence?" Mr. Phillips said with a chuckle.

"It depends on what you're talking about?" Rex smiled at Romell's father. The husky couldn't deny the fact that he wanted to know what it was exactly Romell's parents caught him doing, but at the same time he easily could tell how badly Romell wanted to keep that part of his past a secret from him.

"I'm talking about masturbation. You know, the old one handed polisher, Palmela, 5-knuckle shuffle, the five fingered rubber, wax on â€" wax off.." the older whale laughed.

Romell stood there, his hand scratching the back of his head as he stared at his lover and father laughing at his expense. It wasn't his fault. Back then his hormones were insane, and he had just found out about masturbation. So what if it seemed like a little addiction that his parents caught him in after he crashed out. It was the only thing that seemed to relieve some of the tension he felt as a teenager.

"Don't feel embarrassed son, for a fourteen year old kid I'll admit you had a more than average sized pecker for a kid your age, then again it runs on my side of the family so it's only natural." Mr. Phillips said as he tried to ease some of his son's feelings. "And every time his ma and I found him sprawled out on the couch we couldn't help but be amazed at how much he could ejaculate. I mean I can't even release that much. I'm telling you Terrence, the kid always had every inch of his body from his neck down to his belly button covered in spooge. You would have to see it for yourself to believe me." The older whale smiled.

"Oh trust me I believe ya." Rex smiled to Romell's father. Rex was no alien to the orgasms his lover had. If the whale was unloading his creamy aftermath into the husky it felt like a balloon in his body that was expanding. If the husky was face to balls with the whale, it felt like a sporadic water hose firing large shots of warm, gooey globs of liquid pleasure onto his fur, and if Rex still had the pole in his mouth, it was like a never ending fountain releasing a constant stream of sweet and salty, gooey, and warm refreshment for the soul down his throat.

"Well enough teasing my son let's get to work." The older whale clapped his hands as he turned on his heels to head towards the car.

Rex had no idea why Romell's father was intent on fixing the car in the garage? To Rex it made no sense. They had three cars in the drive way in mint condition by the looks of them. They kept them up to date with maintenance. Why would Romell's father waste his time on a car that looked completely covered in dust and rust, a missing headlight, a side view mirror that was barely hanging on by the rusted wiring it was attached to, and a wheel that seem to have gone flat almost decades ago. To the husky it made absolutely no sense. The seconds turned into minutes and the minutes into hours as Rex passed every tool to the father and son orca at their request. Although the two orcas were deep into their work, Rex's mind had turned out to be focused on more exotic things in the room. The canine couldn't help but stare at his lover adorned in his jumpsuit that was covered with shop stains. To the husky it was kind of a turn-on. As Rex stood there eyeing his lover, the canine began to fantasize about the whale unzipping the upper half of his suit revealing his muscular torso and arms. Rex began to think how nice it would be to have the whale slowly approach him, wrap him in his strong, black, smooth arms, and pull him into a kiss that would cause his body to turn to mush in the whale's arms. As the fantasy progress Romell would clear the tools from the only table in the garage before he would lift the husky unto its polished, wooden surface. The fantasy in Rex's mind was becoming more and more erotic as his imagination spawned more and more scenarios into the already steamy adventure that was going on in his head. The fantasy must've been compelling because unknown to Rex, the canine had subconsciously found his way underneath the truck helping Romell's father change the oil filter. It was the sudden taste of oily, stank, past ripened, liquid hitting his tongue that forced Rex back to reality and into his current location. Helping his father pull the husky from under the rusty vehicle, Romell could only laugh at the sight of Rex's face covered in oil and grime. The only thing that didn't seem to take a major dousing from the sludgy liquid seemed to be the canine's eyes. Rex was shocked he had no idea what to do, the only thing he was positive he needed to do was to wash the oil off his body before it would settle into his fur and leave a permanent stain. As Rex trudged around the garage looking for a hose, both Romell and his father stood together laughing at the muck covered dog, to them Rex looked like a geisha that had decided to try on a new face paint. The laughing seemed to go on for minutes in Rex's mind, but only thirty seconds had actually passed since the two whales began chuckling like hyenas that had been gassed with laughing gas.

"Ok...ok...I think...we need to...clean your friend off..." Romell's father said before he burst into another round of laughing.

"I think your right....." Romell tried to straighten up but he too found himself unable to contain the laughter within. Rex just stood there, he knew he probably looked hilarious right now, but it was him and not someone else, so he stood there and crossed his arms until one of the whales could manage to control themselves enough to help him.

" come with me." Romell's father said as he tired to control the laughing in his lungs. With Rex behind him, and his son behind Rex still laughing up a storm, Romell's father slowly opened the door but was stopped before he could step one foot on the carpet inside the house.

"Where do you think you're going mister?" Romell's mother said as she stared at her husband with eyes that could pierce concrete walls.

"We were going to go wash this muck off ourselves honey." Romell's father smiled even though he knew his wife had already won the battle before he even spoke.

"And track that stuff onto my carpet, I don't think so. Go outside in the backyard, take the hose, and rinse some of that stuff off before you come back. Then I might let you walk on my carpet to go upstairs and wash, but that's only a maybe." The female orca said sternly as she pointed to the other door in the garage that most likely led to the backyard.

"Yes dear." Romell's father said. His voice was easily comparable to that of a little child that had done something that they knew was wrong from the start.

As they step out into the cooling dusk air, Romell's father quickly told Romell to go get the hose so they could hurry up and get inside before the air got too cold. Like a squirrel that ran from one tree to another, Romell was back with the hose that was already pouring a smooth, constant stream of clear water.

"Alright Terrence you're first, we don't want that oil to stain your coat of fur." The older whale smiled as he took the hose from his son. "Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to strip so we can clean you off doggy boy." Romell's father chuckled as he waited for Rex to make a move.

Rex felt a little hesitant about stripping in front of his lover's father. It wasn't because he was self conscious about his body, but more like he didn't want to expose himself to a cold once they'd sprayed him with the hose. On the other hand, Rex didn't want the fur on his face or his body to have a sore thumb of a stain known to the world. With a deep inhale followed by a heavy sigh, Rex began removing the upper portion of the one piece jumpsuit. It didn't take long for mother nature to assault at Rex's exposed body, with a soft yet harsh breeze of wind, the cold air swept underneath Rex's fur causing the canine to instantly wrap himself in his own arms.

"We better hurry dad. I think it's starting to get colder." Romell said as he stood there watching his companion. Romell could never stand to see his mate in any kind of discomfort that didn't come from them having sex. To him it felt like someone was twisting a fork in his chest as he watched Rex begin to hug himself.

"Yeah you're right." Mr. Phillips said as he aimed the hose for the husky in front of him. "Alright Terrence it looks like time is against us, you're going to have to fully strip so we can clean you off in one fell swoop alright." The older whale implied as he held the hose towards Rex.

"Ok Mr. Phillips." Rex said as he unwrapped himself and pulled the other half of the jumpsuit down his legs. It was kind of hard for Romell not to get aroused from watching his canine lover strip in front of him. Rex's grayish-blue fur, his creamy-white under coat, those blue eyes that dazzled whenever a setting sun crossed upon them, and not to mention Rex's plump backside that Romell was glad to say belonged to him. In Romell's mind, the canine was every bit his perfect lover, but with his father just feet away, Romell would have to show his love for his husky lover later. Pressing his thumb against the opening of the hose, Mr. Phillips created a hard spray of water that caused Rex to yelp at first contact. Starting from the canine feet, the older whale began to slowly ascend further up the canine body. Mr. Phillips was never a guy for the gay scene, it wasn't that he feared or hated it, but he preferred women over men. But looking at the nude husky was odd for him, in a way Mr. Phillips enjoyed looking at the canine. The husky's wet fur that was slowly regaining its sheen, his long legs that weren't too muscular or too riddled with fat, the perfect balance of muscles above the waistline. Mr. Phillips began to think that if he ever got curious about males, then Romell's friend would seem like the very first person he would try, but since he's married and he's not into the gay scene, he'll just compliment instead.

"Nice body Terrence." The older whale said with a smile.

"Th...tha...thank... you." Rex said as his body shivered.

"Dad that's enough he's starting to shake." Romell said as he lowered the hose in his father's hand before running off towards the garage.

"Oh sorry, I guess I forgot where my mind was." Mr. Phillips chuckled. In a full sprint coming back from the garage, Romell came back with a large towel that seemed to seen its fair share of messes.

"Here wrap yourself up in this." Romell said as he draped the hole ridden, dingy, white towel over his friend's shoulder. "Now go sit on the back porch steps while my father and I wash off ok." Romell said as he began pushing Rex in the direction of the stairs.

With his fur matted down by the water, and the night air blowing over his body, Rex shivered as he walked over to the man-made patio before he took a seat on the brick stairs. Mother Nature truly was cruel to the canine, even with his back blocked by the house and his body blanketed by a crusty towel, the winds found another path to assault the soaking wet husky. Like a snake no longer bent on stealth, the cold winds crawled up Rex's legs towards his crotch causing the already cold fur to feel even colder. Rex could only close his legs in an attempt to prevent further cold war assaults on his most sensitive of areas. His eyes now focused on the two whales in the yard, Rex could only fantasy as he watched his lover Romell strip himself of the oil and grime spotted denim jumpsuit. The whale's strong muscular arms, his power house thighs, his bulging chest, his perfectly sculpted abs, it was like a mountain range found on the single form of one living being. The way Romell's smooth, black, rubbery skin sent sparks through his fur every time they made love, and how he felt like he was on a high every time he found himself staring into those blue marbles he called eyes. Rex's fantasy didn't last long though the canine's mind was soon attracted to something else, something older. With his jumpsuit feet away from him, Mr. Phillips stood in the orange glow of the setting sun as he allowed his son to wash over him with the hose. Looking at the older whale you could tell where Romell received most of his physical qualities. Though his body was older, and not as muscular as it probably were when the whale was in his prime, traces of muscles could still be seen bulging against the blubber surface of the whale's skin. His stomach no longer adorned chiseled abs like his son, but now carried a round hefty belly. From a front view the whale closely resembled his genetic son, but his resemblance ended when he revealed his backside to be washed. Like the traffic lines on a road or highway, two white strips flowed on opposite sides to one another on the orca's back from his shoulder blades down to the point where they joint together just above the beginning of the whale's rear end. It was a nice touch in Rex's thoughts, even erotic in some weird way, like a painted arrow that pointed to the fastest entrance. The show didn't last long though, with the hose back in its designated spot and the jumpsuits tossed unceremoniously back into the garage, Rex and the two whales approached the back door where they were once again intercepted by the tidy house wife of an orca.

"Since you're our guest Terrence you can come in first and go shower. As for my two men, they can wait out here on the porch until you're done." The female orca smiled as she waved for Rex to come inside.

"Honey it's cold out here!" Mr. Phillips protested as he tried to maneuver past his wife to get inside.

Even walking up the stairs Rex managed to get a view at the family of whales. It was a heart touching moment to see, a moment that you think disappeared as you grew older. The sight of Romell and his father childishly playing with the wife only reminded Rex of how he once enjoyed those time with his mother and father. Back then the world could implode and Rex wouldn't care as long as he was with his family, but fate has its ups and downs, and just like everybody else Rex has to cope with them.

After getting dress after a nice, hot shower, Rex found his way downstairs where he could see the two men of the family sitting on the couch watching television, while the wife hummed to herself in the kitchen, nothing short of a picture perfect portrait of the southern family. As the husky took his last step off the stairs, he was quickly spotted by Romell who caught him out the corner of his eye.

"Hey Rex come sit over here, we've got plenty of room for ya." Romell waved from the beige couch that was anchored in front of a wide plasma screen.

"Ok." Rex answered. The canine was never one to turn down any humble gesture, especially one that felt so sincere. Rex had his mother to thank for that, she was the one who raised him on the idea of treating people the way he wanted to be treated. Sure there were people who he wished he could shove into the darkest abyss and hear cry as they fell to their fated lives, but his mother told him to kill people like that with kindness. It never made sense to him, but good things come to good people he guessed. Walking up to the couch Rex found himself a spot between the two orcas and their large, muscle laden arms. There's nothing wrong with the situation, Rex just didn't want to get spotted with a raging hard-on from being between two handsome killer whales.

"Dinners ready!" Romell's mother shouted causing Rex's uncomfortable dilemma to end.

The meal was nothing short of great. Though Rex wasn't a huge fan of any kind of fish, the way the female orca prepared it was beginning to make Rex debate whether or not he liked red meat more than fish. The dinner was short lived though, with a loud vibration, both of Romell's parents looked toward the wall unit in the front room. Rex watched as Mr. Phillips slowly got up and made his way to the den, with a deep sigh and a grunt the whale turned around to face his wife.

"It's the hospital honey, it must be something urgent if they paged both of us." The older whale's face took on a look more serious and focused.

To Romell the situation was normal. Ever since he could remember his parents were randomly called away to work whenever they were needed, and whenever they were called they would either phone their neighbors to watch him or take him with them, but those days were long gone. Now he was more than old and responsible enough to watch himself. As for Rex on the other hand, the situation was something he had only seen in movies or soap operas. The air in the room stood still, the temperature seemed to slowly rise, and any muscle movement in either Mr. or Ms. Phillips' face seemed more dramatized. The only thing missing was the dramatic breakdown of Ms. Phillips pronouncing her love for the other doctor.

"Romell we'll see you guys in the morning. Remember to clean up any mess you two make and turn off any lights you're not using." Romell's mother said before she and his father quickly walked out the door before the sounds of the family car faded off into the distance.

Finally alone with nothing more than the silence of the kitchen, and the television softly speaking in the background, Romell smiles as he stares at his lover who sits across the table from him.

"I thought they would never leave." Romell said as he continued smiling at his lover.

"So what should we do now?" Rex asked as he stared back at his mate with a look that showed more lust than the quizzical expression he was aiming for.

"Why don't we hit the hay and call it a night." Romell winked as he slowly stood from the table and began walking to the staircase. "Didn't you hear me lover boy, I assumed when I said ‘WE' that you would join me." Romell laughed as he waited for the husky to leave the table.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Rex grinned as he too got up from the table. "But what about the kitchen, shouldn't we clean up first?" Rex stopped in his tracks to turn back around and take a look at the plates, utensils, and cups that addressed the kitchen table.

"Don't worry I'll get them later on, besides they said they'll see us in the morning, that means we got the whole night to take care of it." Romell assured his lover as he began walking up the carpet covered stairs.

Rex followed suit as he traced his mate's path. It didn't take long before Rex was standing at the opened doorway to his lover's room. No matter how many times he had been there he enjoyed the aroma, the atmosphere, and the feeling each time he walked through the doorway. Though the room was heavy in the orca's musk, it was at the point where the smell was more enjoyable than disgustful. The room was a perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold, just at the point where if a subtle breeze slithered through your fur you wouldn't know it had even touched you. The polished wooden floor that Rex remembered from the first time he was there was still as reflective as he first saw it; unscarred and unscathed like a fresh mirror out the factory. The random article of clothing he saw on the floor reminded him that he was in a boy's room, the pair of socks, shorts, and boxers that lay in random yet obscene places made Rex chuckle a little. All in all the room wasn't too messy. Upon further inspection of the room Rex came across something he remembered from the very first time he stayed the night at the orca's residence. It was the cover they slept in after the very first time they fu....did the beast with two backs. Holding the cover up to his nose Rex took in a big whiff and was still able to smell the small traces of sweat within the stitching of the cover.

"I kinda like the fact that I can't get the smell out, it helps me concentrate when I don't have you here to help me rub one out." Romell smiled at his canine partner. Rex just giggled as he stood there with the cover in hand against the right cheek of his face. "If you don't mind I would like to sleep under the cover you know." Romell smiled as he held a hand out for the cover. Rex was so attached to the cover that he didn't notice that Romell had already stripped down to nothing more than a pair of black and light green boxer-briefs. Rex only smiled as he handed his whale lover the cover before he too stripped himself of the clothes that adorned his body. "You sure do know what to wear to turn me on don't you doggy boy." Romell gave a toothy grin as he growled at his canine lover. Before him Rex stood in a pose as he showed off a black and gold jockstrap he wore on special occasions. "Did you where that all day?" Romell said as he licked his lips in a lustful fashion that would have made anybody's skin crawl with anxiety and passion.

"Nope, I changed into it when I went home I got some clothes for the weekend." Rex smiled as he continued showing off the jockstrap he wore for his lover.

"How bout you and that jockstrap get in this bed so I can get a closer look." Romell growled as he showed a spot under the covers reserved just for the husky.

With a giggle Rex made his way to the bed and crawled underneath the covers where he positioned himself snuggly against Romell's body. The feeling of his mate's body pressed against his back was securing for Rex, how the warmth he could feel oozed passed his fur and into his body, they way the muscles felt like mounds of hills massaging into his back, and how he felt safe from harm like a kid in their father's embrace. Rex was at peace and loved every minute of it. Romell knew how much the husky was enjoying his time wrapped up in his care; the wagging tail against his body was a major clue to that. The small bristle from the fur individually tickled his smooth skin with each passing stroke, in Romell's mind it was like a tiny million soldiers raking at his body. The sensation grew and Romell began to feel compelled to express his pleasure. Sliding his arm from the canine's chest, Romell began to search for something he wanted to play with. It didn't take long before Romell was granted with a loud gasp from the husky as he cupped at the dog's balls that hid behind the black cottoned walls. Romell could never figure out why the husky preferred being the submissive in the relationship, especially when the canine had a greater than average size pair of balls and sheath, but as long as the husky was happy who was he to change things. Sliding the front end of the strap to the side, Romell was now fully capable of handling the canine's sac without any obstacles.

Rex could only moan as he felt the whale's fingers knead and massage his furry orbs, each squeeze, rub and/or stroke felt like a perfectionist working his balls into...well perfection. Romell laid there behind his boo, one arm underneath the canine's head while the other kept his hand down with the husky's round orbs. As Romell watched the canine rest his head against one of his smooth arms, he couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Rex squirming and gasping each time he gave a squeeze to the dog's balls. It wasn't too long before Romell's hand managed to coerce the canine's dog hood to make an appearance. Romell was still confused at why the canine was so submissive to him, with the dog's pecker in hand Romell began to stroke the fleshy rod as he judge the size of it. Sure the dog's rod wasn't as big as his own, but it was still a large size for someone his stature. Slowly tracing his fingers up to the tapered head, back down to the furry sheath, Romell made each touch a pleasurable sensation that masked his true plight. Nine inches Romell guessed, nine inches with a little more than average width for a cock that size. Taking a full grasp of the cock Romell began to slowly stroke the canine's tool in his hand. Each stroke caused more and more pre to slowly ooze forth from the tapered head. Romell enjoyed the fact that his mate had the sexual anatomy of his species. To him it was a bit of a turn-on, the way he could play with the head between his fingers as he teased it each time he squeezed his fingers together. He knew he liked doing that, and the squirming and moaning Rex was making meant the husky liked it as well. Soon Romell could hear the sound of his husky companion moaning something under his breath. The sound was too drowned underneath the moaning Rex was making so Romell moved closer to hear the almost inaudible words of his lover.

"I want you inside me." The words were high pitched but soft, but the look on Rex's face showed how deep in the ocean of pleasure the canine was.

Romell couldn't deny the request, he was already hard, prepped and ready for action, but tonight would be different. Tonight he would put aside the rough play, the hard thrusting, deep-penetrating, collaborating sounds of loud moans, groans, and the swears that they allowed to rebel pass their lips. Tonight would be sooth, calm, tranquil, a time for him to embrace his lover in a world that had been sealed away by being taunted by something in his mind. So slowly Romell motioned his hips forwards, his hard, raging, pole of flesh prodding at the canine's rear entrance ever so gently. In a fluid motion the whale's cock began to slither unchallenged into the rosebud that hid a world of warm embracing darkness. Rex laid there and began to arch his back as he felt his sleeve of muscle sluggishly widened to hug the intruding cock that slid its way inside. Inch by inch he felt the warm tower of muscle occupy more space inside him, but the pleasure he felt was exponentially greater compared to the amount of space he felt himself lose on the inside. Rex's cock pulsed and jump as more of Romell's cock slither deeper and deeper into the inner confines of the husky until every vein straddled part of it lay nestled inside. Rex was in heaven, no far beyond heaven, his mind was transcending time and space to a universe that no man or beast could reach by technology or spiritually. Rex was in a place where only two people truly in love could become one with the one beside them. Hugging his boo closer to his body, Romell began to slowly pull his hips back before he slowly pushed back in with the same lazily speed he used to pull out with. The scene under the covers were calm and relaxed, each muscle that contributed to the sexual actions of the two moved like a slow playing symphony on a 1/8th count. Every vein, every ridge of muscle Rex felt sliding against his insides felt more electric than the first time. Oh how he wanted to stay like this, to keep the feeling of a fading world within a bottle so that he could call upon it whenever he so wished it. Rex then began to feel Romell nibbling against the side of his neck. The slightly sharp yet dulled teeth tickling and nibbling at the hot spot on his neck was causing his own cock to spew more and more pre from the jolt of pleasure that fired down his spine like timed explosions. Romell felt himself drawing closer to his end, his body was heating up, and his balls began to tuck in tighter against his body, but even if his body reached its limits and stop, the night would always be engraved in his memory. Slowly Romell kept pulling out to thrust his member back into the warm confines that hugged his cock generously. It wouldn't be long, Romell could feel his muscles tightening, and he was doing his best fighting the rapid jolting of his body, but his climax was inevitable as was Rex's. The husky moaned and panted as he felt the hardened pole squeeze into his prostate only to leave and return with the same amount of pleasure. That combined with the whale's blood hot, stroking hands bouncing off his knot that had formed minutes ago, it wouldn't be long before he too found his way jumping off the cliff of mount Orgasmo. With one last jab against his prostate Rex released an airy exhale as his seed began jetting underneath the covers. With the canine's anal muscles contracting against his member Romell found his self unable to hold back any longer before he too was forced to release his white flood deep within the bowels of the grayish-blue husky. No yelling, no swearing, and with little sweating the two lay under the covers, their bodies sexually satisfied for the night.

"Rex?" Romell says as he lifted his head up to look at his boo's face. The whale is only answered by the soft sounds of air escaping the dog's nostrils. The canine was asleep and probably wouldn't be alive to the world until the sight of daylight. With a deep sigh Romell began to carefully roll himself over while keeping the canine still penetrated on his cock as to not wake him up. Reaching into a dresser near his bed Romell pulled out a sheet of paper that had a college name on it with a notary press down at the bottom. "I hope you can forgive me one day Rex." Romell said softly as he stared into the night, his eyes transfixed on the sheet of paper that could barely be read.