Summer Heat – Chapter 16: Spring

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#16 of Summer Heat

Happy 2nd Advent and I hope you like todays story.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 16: Spring

The winter, mild at the end of the last year, went colder now that the new year started. They were high in the mountains and the snow that refused to fall around Christmas now painted the whole area in white. The habitants of the school did not start to wear clothes but took walks naked in the snow. It was cold at first but their fur grew thicker and they could resist the cold weather longer each day. It was not normal for people to grow a winter pelt like feral animals and with Olga not having any fur she was the one to get cold first. Normally clothes warmed the people and therefore they would not grow a winter pelt but here they adapted to the nature like their ancestors did. Most of the time they spend inside in the warm house also to not have Olga freeze to death. As an elephant, her species was not built for cold weather and without wearing clothes. Zen asked her if she would like to wear clothes to keep herself warm but she did not want to be the only one to wear a coat. The climate of Zen's sexual urge also cooled down with the weather and because none of the girls were in heat. He spent a lot of time to cuddle and snuggle up with the girls, mainly with the girls he impregnated, but caressing their growing bellies or back and kissing was all he did during this time. The classes were all inside now and they made big advances in the material. The class was always all together even though the difficulty of some topics like mathematics were different depending on the age of the girls. They all paid attention and helped each other and when they ran a test at the end of January all girls had a B or better in all subjects. Zen was proud when he finished the report for the ministry and went through all the achievements of the girls. He sent it via mail and then went to his second computer to go through the latest pictures of his other report. Most of the pictures were showing the thick fur that the girls and he grew or the progress of the bellies. Sandy had started to begin to show a bit and every time Zen watched her pictures he was reminded that a very hard task was in front of him and only half a year until he had to find a solution. While the life got a bit calmer in the cold days Zen worked hard on other tasks. He researched the background of Sandy to come up with a way on how to approach her parents and found out that she only had a mother. Her father died when she was very young. Her mother worked for a pharma company as a researcher on top secret scientific researches. Zen wondered what these researches were but even Sandy did not know when he brought the topic up. He had the all the girls share their stories about their family to get more information about Sandy and by doing so he also collected a lot about the other girls as well. Sandy was not the only one who did not have a mother anymore. Nina and Ida also only had a mother because their father died a few years ago on a terminal illness. There were tears when Nina remembered her father and Nina fought with her sadness. Zen and Mara hugged the girls and caressed their heads until they smiled again.

The parents of Mimi were barely at home and remembered Zen about his own parents. The only difference was that they were not rich and traveling around but working hard every day to raise her. Bea told them that she was not on good terms with her parents and fought a lot. They both were unemployed and drank a lot. She had suggested to go to this school after hearing someone talk about it on the streets and then looking up the school with her mother's internet account. For her this school, had been an escape from her constantly drunk parents and she even told them that they hit her a few times. Zen understood why the girl was so tough and bossy. She had to endure a lot before she came to the school. Debra, the goat, had two little brothers with one being 5 and one being 9. Their father was very strict but her mother was caring and spent a lot of time with them. Olga's father was in the ministry of defense and her mother was a journalist for a TV station. All of the girls either had a few siblings or both parents were working and therefore the reason that they were sent here was to either have less work, because they could save money or because of some problems they had at home and either one of their parents suggested this to get them out of the fire, like Emily whose parents stood shortly before a divorce, or they requested it themselves like Bea. The outcome of the very long day listening to all the stories or telling their own experiences was the same for all of them. Even though this school was very different than other schools, or because of that, they all did not regret coming to this school. They felt like a family and those who were carrying the gift of Zen inside them told him that they were happy and that they loved him. The February went by and the weather got warmer, the snow melted and they all lost their thick fur and had to comb and brush each other for hours every morning until they had their silky and soft thin fur again at the Middle of March. The girls could keep their grades up and Zen had them work hard on all the topics. He also did plans for construction between the school years and promised the girls that they would be allowed to come back the next year if they wanted. He planned to build a big pool for swimming lessons, that were very hard to do in the lake nearby and even more because Mara and Zen were not the best trainers for swimming even though both learned how to swim. He also planned to rebuild the small cottage in the forest. He talked a lot with Mara about plans that before the school year finished and the parents would get their children they needed to relocate all the cubs that would be born to this cottage to not raise suspicion with the parents. While Mara did most of the classes he worked hard to isolate the cottage, that had been more like a shack for hunting, and make it ready to guard against all weather. When Zen sat down in his room with Mara at night they talked about the plans and what they would do in the next year. He had decided to do this prototype school one more year at least even though he had concerns about the secrets of the school being exposed. Maybe the mother of Sandy would already seal the deal. He still did not come up with a strategy and even though he had decided to plan how to approach her at the end of the year he was nervous and thought about it a lot of nights.

"I think the cottage in the forest needs to be re-build to be bigger and contain rooms for the cubs to play and sleep." Mara explained Zen while she scribbled on a piece of paper. "Do you not want the cubs to live here?" Zen asked surprised? Her belly was showing strongly and Zen caressed it while he considered her eyes to wait for an answer. "On the weekends this is okay but in the week, it will just distract the girls from learning. They can visit them in their free time but they need their sleep." Mara answered. "But who should watch them then?" Mara shook her head and answered Zen's question. "I do not know. I fear we must hire one more person just for that or it would interfere with our studies. If the worst comes and we do not find someone we must change every day with one of the girls and us." Mara sighed. Zen looked with a serious face on the papers with scratches on the table. "And we need a swimming trainer and maybe a nurse. I know you looked up all about giving birth with Sierah and you said it would be find and you know what to do but cubs are even weaker against illnesses. We are lucky we did not have one of the girls get ill yet and for the normal stuff we should know how to handle it but I think a nurse or doctor for the worst case would be the best." "This means we need even more. Three, or two if we find someone who can do two of these tasks." Mara shook her head. "Do you have someone you trust to keep silent about all this and would do the job good?" She asked and Zen shook his head. He was sure some of his former class mates still did not have a job but he could not think about one of them being ready for any of these jobs. In addition, he was not so close to any of them expect Mara that he could say he would trust them to keep this big secret. Most of his other acquaintances were business friends of his parents or normal house wives from across the street. None of them he would trust without watching them none stop and in addition it would be too much of a risk to share their secret with someone who knew his parents and talked with them more frequently. He still was not sure if his parents would support him if they knew what he was doing here.

They planned every other night and tried to find trustworthy people in the list of employment requests in the internet but none of them looked like anyone they could use or trust. Most of them were male and Zen said he would not get another male into the school for various reasons. A male could compete with him to take the girls in heat or just lose control like he did a few times. If they would get out of control and he had to fire them they would surely talk about it to take revenge. Mara agreed with him that the new employees would have to be women who were trustworthy and could keep quiet. March came with a lot of rain but also with warmer weather and when May was right around the corner and Mara and Sierah showed off very big bellies they still did not find any candidates that they thought would fit into the position they had vacant.

Mara, Sierah and Lily looked cute with their big bellies and Zen often hugged them and kissed them on the muzzle to show them how much he loved them. He was nervous about the approaching birth of his first-born cubs and the preparations and his thoughts about this event deleted all other thoughts or plans from his mind. The weather was warm and the summer already knocked at natures door to get in. Zen was not only concerned about the cubs but also about the closing in end of the school terms. It was nearly April and this meant only three and a half months until the parents would come to get their girls. With Mara being due any day now Zen took over most of the classes and he prepared the girls to have the tests at the start of July. They held the classes in the house most of the times so that Sierah could attend them without having to run around a lot. It was a race who would get the child first between Mara and Sierah and Lily still had one month left until she would get her cub.

As if Sierah and Mara planned this to make Zen worry they went into labor at the same time. Zen fought hard with himself to keep his calm to the outside but inside he was panicking. Because Sierah and Mara looked up all that needed to be done he did not spend much time on it and now he tried to follow everything they explained him while they groaned in pain. If it would not have been for the other girls he might have fainted just on the spot or lost his head in the panic. They moved two beds together so he could stand in the middle and hold their paws like they requested him to do while Nina and Tanja prepared warm water, towels and What else they got told by Mara. Tanja moved slowly because she was handicapped with a big belly. Nina also was showing strong but not as much as Tanja or the other pregnant girls. The other girls kept quiet and watched Mara and Sierah with big eyes. Then the older girls asked them to get or hold something they directly did it and helped them to prepare while Zen just stood there between the beds and held the clamping paws. He felt helpless and was thankful that the other girls were around. Mara and his sister groaned in the pain of the labor and squeezed his paws until they hurt but Zen did not dare to complain or emit any sound of pain. He just stood there bending down to hold their paws until one of the girls, he did not know who it had been, pushed a chair under him so that he could at least sit down. It went on for hours with the one girl or the other groaning in a sudden increase of the pain and it looked like waves ran through them. Then their water broke and their tails and hind was soaked by the sudden burst of warm liquid running out of them. Both started to give birth at the same time and Zen just watched Nina and Tanja helping them to give birth. The groans and huffs of the girls seemed to go on forever and Zen just looked back and forth between Mara and his sister. And then suddenly the groaned a last time and pushed together and Zen saw the cub exit their birth canal at the same time. The pressure around his paws eased up and the girls helping them picked up the cubs and cut the umbilical cord before placing the cubs on the chest of their mothers. Zen just watched this wonder of life. It had been the first time he had seen a birth or a fresh born cub. The sources in the internet had been correct so far that the cubs were of the species of their mothers. Mara had a cute little lioness cub and softly held a wolf girl in her paws. Both started to lick the wet cubs clean while Nina and Tanja took the warm water and towels to clean the fresh born mothers.

"You are now a father Zen." Whispered Mara when she looked up to him with sparkling eyes. He snapped out of his daze and bent down to Mara and his sister. "Congratulation my peals." He whispered and placed a kiss on the forehead of each girl, mother and cub. "Congratulation daddy." Whispered Sierah and smiled at him. All the pain of the past hours was forgotten. After they cleaned up the cubs they put them at the teats and had them drink their fill. The other girls in the room all came by the beds to congratulate the young mothers and look at the cute cubs. There were a few Ahs and Ohs but after a few minutes Lily helped Tanja and Nina to have all the cubs exit the room to give the mothers and their cubs some rest. Zen stayed behind for a few more minutes and placed more kisses on mothers and cubs alike. He felt a feeling of happiness gush through him that even pushed away the pain in his paws. He stayed by their beds when all four fell asleep from the exhaustion they had been through and he would have loved to just close his eyes and sleep as well but he had to take care of the other girls and with a sigh he stood up, gave Sierah and Mara a last kiss on their sleeping cheeks, pulled the blanket over them to have them be save and warm and then exited the room. He praised Nina and Tanja who helped the mothers to bear their cubs and had all the girls meet up in the dining room. They talked about what just happened and Zen went through the notes of the classes they had in the last weeks to prepare them again. Now all of them could understand better what they only had read before about giving birth. He was especially nice to the other pregnant girls and let them cuddle with him while he still tried to process that he was now a father.

Mothers and cubs were well and in good health and soon all of them got used to have the cubs around. They got a lot of attention. Mara called her girl Dina and Sierah called her girl Zoe and they were the center of attention most of the day so that it was hard for Zen to have the girls focus on the lessons. Mara could not hold classes for two weeks but then took over some of the lessons and she managed it better to get the attention of the girls away from the cubs and towards the school lesson. Zen found the time to fill in his secret report with the video of the birth of the two cubs and pictures of the cubs. Zen was happy that his sister was well taking the fact that she was much younger than it was normal for a girl to bear a child. The time flew by and soon the April came to its end and at the start of May Lily went into labor at the day of Sierah's eleventh birthday. She brought a healthy girl into life that she called Silvia. Zen slowly got used to the girls giving birth. He felt much more in control during Lily's labor and with Mara doing the main job in helping her now he was much calmer. With the end of the terms pulling up with big steps they all were very busy. Not only did they have to take care of the cubs, all of them were adorable and it was more a competition who could care for them because all the girls wanted to hold them or bring them to bed, but tests were coming up as well. Zen totally forgot his worries about the new staff he wanted to hire and in June and July Tanja, Mimi, Bea, Ana and Nina went into labor and brought healthy cubs into the world. Two of them were male and three female.