Transformation Chapter 1

Story by Foreverwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Transformation

Nick heard cloth rip as they helped each other remove their clothing. Zander reached down to hold his lover's sac when they were undressed. Nick explored Zander's body with his hands as his sac was massaged. Finding his goal erect he wrapped a hand around the throbbing phallus and knelt. He licked the head, bathing it in his saliva before opening his mouth wider to accept the erection. When his lips hit his hand he formed a seal around the penis and began to move his head up and down. He pushed Zander almost over the edge before removing the cock from his mouth and climbing onto the bed. Zander climbed up behind him and rested his hands on Nick's back as he positioned himself to enter him. Nick let out the breath he did not know he had been holding when Zander finally slid himself in, entrance made easier by they thick coating of saliva on his shaft.

Zander began to pump in steadily, causing Nick to push harder against the large erection massaging his insides. He pushed in faster and faster, struggling to stave off the orgasm for a few more seconds. Nick felt something sharp scratch his shoulder as he and his lover were pushed over the edge. He emptied his cock over the sheets as he was filled, warming and caressing his insides. Zander kept on going, pumping deeper into Nick as semen ran down his shaft, collecting on his balls. Nick sent more cum onto his sheets, beginning to pool under him. Zander's seed ran down his leg and onto the bed to join his own seed already covering the sheets.

Just before he was sent into another orgasm, Zander turned him around and wrapped his mouth around his shaft sucking and throwing him into another orgasm. Semen ran down Zander's throat as he pulled more and more from Nick's engorged cock. Finally he was sated, falling into the pool of semen next to Nick.

"That was amazing" Nick said, turning to look at Zander. They had only known each other a few weeks when Zander asked him if he wanted to go out that night. Before that, he had no idea Zander was gay. Zander was a powerfully built guy with brown hair and hazel eyes, except... his eyes weren't hazel anymore, they were brilliant amber. His hair was longer than earlier this evening also, reaching to his shoulders and covering his face. No, his hair wasn't getting longer, it was spreading. His hair was growing down his back and across his chest, "Wha-what is going on?" he asked, confused.

"Shit! Not now, please not now." Zander's voice sounded rough as he got up to look in the mirror by the bed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is not good. I knew I should have waited longer." He stood in front of the mirror silently for a few minutes before the hair began to recede. Then he turned around slowly, "I can explain."

"You should get to that part then, are you one of the furs? I didn't know they could turn human." Nick asked, trying to calm down, he always had wanted to be with a fur, but surprising him like that was not what he had in mind.

"I not really a fur; it's complicated." Zander sat on the side of the bed facing away from Nick before continuing. "I'm a werewolf, the reason I couldn't tell you this before is because it's forbidden."

"A... werewolf? Wait, if telling me is forbidden then why can you tell me this now?" Nick asked.

"Because I can smell the blood on your shoulder, and my hands had changed. You will find this out eventually, best to tell you now. I scratched you, you're infected now." Zander was thinking quickly, why had he not waited to ask Nick out until next week? The full moon was only three days away, control was harder to maintain.

"I'm going to be a werewolf?" The idea excited him; he had wanted to be a fur, but that was supposedly impossible so he settled for wanting to be with a fur. There were too few furs near where he lived through, but now... now he had a chance to be a were. He should be thinking how this will affect his life, but all he could think about was the feel of fur, his fur.

"No, werewolves are hereditary only. We have been around as long as humans, we are almost genetically exactly the same as humans except for that one genetic quirk that allows us to change." Zander explained.

"Then I won't change?" Nick felt his dream slipping away again.

"Yes, you will be changing, just not into a werewolf. The first furs were humans that had been changed by werewolves, but even they do not remember this. When the first furs were created, they hid themselves away. The change became hereditary, passed down among furs for centuries; eventually the origin of their kind was lost. When they revealed themselves again, they had no idea where their race had come from. After the first furs werewolves became more careful, hardly anymore furs were created. The ones that were created left their old lives and joined the other furs, sworn to never tell that they had once been human." Zander turned toward Nick and looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry, that's what you must do; werewolves cannot be exposed. We have a few days before you will start to change, we must get you to the elders; they will know what to do."

"I'm going to be a fur, a wolf fur?" Nick said, trying to keep the excitement from his voice. His excitement was dampened by his next thought. "Wait, how am I going to do this? My brother will be okay without me, but how am I going to move and start my life completely over?"

"A few of the elders are very well connected; they can get you new identification and everything you will need to start over." Zander said quickly. "And I don't know what kind of fur you will be, we don't know exactly how it works. We will find out what type you will be in a few days once the change begins."

"Finals are coming up!" Nick did not know how this was going to work.

"The elders will take care of all that. The hard part is that no one must wonder where you are. We have to make people think you died." Zander was surprised that Nick was taking this so well, he was worried that any second it would be to much for him. "We have to leave, tonight. We should clean up first, what is all over my back? Umm, would it be alright if I took the first shower; I have to get this stuff of before it dries."

"Sure, I have to pa-- I can't pack can I? No one can know I'm leaving... Okay, you say my college and work stuff will be taken care of. I have nothing else really important to do." He sighed loudly. "Well go take your shower, I need a minute to think about this."

"I'll be right back." Zander rushed into the shower, leaving Nick to his thoughts. When Zander got out of the shower, Nick was feeling much better; no one was really that close to him. Zander was confused when he saw the content look on Nick's face, "What's up?"

"What? Nothing." Nick said. "I was just realizing that I get to start my life completely over: new town, new friends, and a new face."

"Even when the face is furry?" Zander asked.

"Especially when that face is furry, I've always wanted to be a furry, now I can be." Nick smiled, "Maybe I can meet a nice fox, I heard foxes have the most fun."

"You are weird. Just go take your shower and lets go." Zander said.

Nick headed into the shower, thinking of all the different furs he might become. 'What am I going to look like?' He asked himself silently.