Come out a Winner

Story by Keelin on SoFurry

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Phew! Had this short little one-shot on the back burner for a hot minute. Like I said in my journal, I'm back (even though for a brief moment I began to feel self conscious and almost deleted my account) but I swear I'm here to stay!!

I'll be working on another EF here sometime soon I think, but I just wanted to do this quick little spinoff to get it out of my head ;V

In other news, for the first time ever I wanted to see about taking commissions!! After I upload this I plan on putting up a journal going into detail about it, but something's come up that's made it necessary to try taking them. Wish me luck!

That had to have been one of the most exhausting contests I had done to date. With the introduction of a newcomer to the 'game', I had originally thought it would mean an easy win with my Lucario, Rhys, by my side. Maybe hit up a local ice cream parlor afterwards. Get back on the road right away. You know, all-in-all a nice, easygoing day. I was sorely mistaken. Despite being a name no one in the Pokemon Contest world, the girl had managed to give all of the veterans a run for their money; myself included, much to my annoyance. Once the contest was over, it was all I could do to politely shake her hand and leave with my head held high. We didn't even end up getting ice cream in our haste to leave town, hoping that at least the next contest would be more favorable for us. Honestly, after this performance we were just both mortified.

Once across the lake from the little island in the middle where the contest was held, Rhys and I made our way towards one of the more secluded, wooded beaches along the lake's edge that provided us quite a bit of cover to the prying eye. Now, I wasn't sure if swimming along the huge Lake Valor was illegal; the problem was I wasn't sure if it was entirely legal, either. It was that little pseudo thrill I wanted after that embarrassing act to cheer us up a little bit. Not to mention the other plans we had in mind that would guarantee a genuine thrill.

While swimming in the lake had a chance to be legal, what Rhys and I wanted to do was... technically. It was more than a little frowned upon. Once I felt our little spot was far enough away from the ferry port and the island itself, I set my pack down against a little outcropping of rocks before pulling my bathing suit and a towel out of it. Looking to Rhys I raised an eyebrow, "What do you think? Sense anyone around for a little while?" The Lucario tilted his head, ears flicking as he closed his eyes. The appendages on his head rose as he mentally reached out, "looking" for any auras nearby, before finally shaking his head and giving a wolfish grin. He gestured that there were Pokemon nearby, but no humans.

That was perfectly fine with me. Pokemon weren't the ones concerned with the moralities of humans, after all. Setting the bathing suit on top of my bag for later, I carefully laid out the towel. I started taking off my contest outfit, beginning with my gloves, socks, and shoes. Before I could do more than hook my thumbs around the waistband of my underwear underneath my dress however, my Lucario was suddenly there. His paws were on my hands, taking over the job of pulling my panties down over my thighs. I moved my hands to his soft shoulders, eyes fluttering shut as his tongue carefully ran over my slit. Like the rest of me, as a Coordinator, I was of course well groomed there as well. A fact few others than Rhys knew or cared about, but one he certainly seemed to appreciate.

Moving my hands up from his shoulders to his face, I ran my fingers through his soft fur as his tongue continued to work over me, a gentle moan escaping my throat before I could manage to stop it. Not that I had any plans to, we did isolate ourselves out here for a reason after all. I couldn't help but hunch over him slightly, one hand rubbing around his neck and the other stroking the sensitive aura-reading appendages on his head as I felt him sigh into me at the feeling of it. His tongue did not let up, as one of his paws wrapped around my thigh and the other crept up from under my dress, reaching to squeeze my breast as his teeth ground against my clit for a moment. I gasped loudly in surprise, the hand that was on the aura-reader tightening.

I could feel him groan against me again, his tongue deciding playing along my outside was no longer enough. The thick muscle pushed into me, stroking along my inner walls before slurping up the juices that ran as a result and swallowing them eagerly. Each time he did this his nose ground harder against my clit, and I could feel my entire body shiver. If he continued to keep up like this... "Rhys, I-I'm not sure... how much I can take before I..." I was cut off by another loud moan escaping my own throat as his rough tongue scraped against that sensitive spot inside of me, and my knees buckled.

Withdrawing his tongue in response and running it along the outside of me once again, he stood. He was tall for a Lucario, although still a bit shorter than myself, but that didn't change how strong he was. Easily lifting me up, resulting in an indignant squeak, he backed up to the rock and sat down. Cradling me in his lap so that I was straddling him and could very easily tell how turned on he was, he reached behind me to unzip my dress. I thought for a moment he was going to take it off over my head, so I began to lift my arms to help. Instead, I was surprised to feel him pull it down, so all of the fabric was now bunched around my waist.

As soon as my breasts were free of the constraining dress, his tongue rasped over one. His paw groped at my other, pinching and teasing the nipple as he nibbled on the other, bucking his hips slightly against my groin. I could feel his tapered member was already wet with his own precum, and now only made wetter with the help of my fluids. Leaning forward, I hugged him closer to me, grinding against his sensitive rod that was trapped between us. I felt him whine as his teeth grazed me, before he finally pulled back with a 'pop!' from where he was suckling my flesh.

Apparently finally done with waiting, he lifted me slightly by the hips and adjusted himself, resting the tapered tip of his penis against my opening. I moved my head down to his neck, groaning as I tried to push myself down onto his member. He held me steady though, teasing me rather than finally give me what I wanted, what I needed. "Please, Rhys," I moaned out, nibbling against his neck as I shivered. "I need to have you inside of me. Please." I hugged him against myself as best as I could, his chest spike pushing against me slightly. I bit gently down on his neck, and he growled in pleasure, before finally pushing me down onto him.

I felt almost all of him sink into me and I arched my back, eyes clenching shut as my hands gripped his shoulders. Even though we had done this plenty of times in the past, it never failed to be a surprise at the sheer size of him. The shape of his penis only made it easier to push inside of me, stopping only at the slightly inflated knot at the base. I felt so full, so complete, I almost forgot we weren't even close to being done.

Nestling his own face in my neck and licking along it, he bucked his hips out before pushing back into me as hard as he could manage, stopping only at the beginning of the knot before repeating the process. I tried my hardest to grind against him with every thrust, but his paws around me restricted my movement. Contrasting to our roles in contests, he very much enjoyed being in charge when we made love. A trait I had absolutely no problems with usually, except when that meant he wouldn't let me take all of him when I wanted to.

I whined slightly, wrapping my arms around him and mentally cursing the spike on his chest that prevented me from pulling him any closer to me. Perhaps someday I'd figure out a reason to make it less dangerous during our extracurricular activities, but at the moment all it did was cause frustration. With each deep hump, I gyrated my hips towards him in an attempt to meet his thrusts. He just continued to hold me as still as he could, pumping his hips up and driving his cock further and further inside of me each time.

Just as it began to feel as though he surely couldn't go any deeper, I began to feel his much more inflated knot bumping against me with his thrusts and realized we still had to get through that. Shuddering with anxious anticipation, I squirmed in his paws even more. Just as I began to open my lips to plead once more, however, I felt Rhys hesitate with his furious humping for a brief moment. Whining, I glanced over my shoulder to see what had caught his attention and froze momentarily.

Near us in the clearing sat a huge, gorgeous, Luxray watching our coupling from afar. He sat almost patiently, tail twitching behind him as his red and yellow eyes watched hungrily. Beyond the usually more noticeable indicators of a Luxray's gender it was easy to tell this one was male by the sizable erection that hung between his hind legs.

Once it was apparent that the wild Pokémon had no intentions of attacking either of us, Rhys resumed his thrusts into me, into his coordinator. Surprised momentarily by the frenzied resume of pace, I yelped sharply and wove my fingers through what fur of his I could. The pace continued for a moment before I felt him pull out for a brief moment and I whined with need. His slick member slid against my folds and between my cheeks, a few tight pushes across both entries, before pulling back through and penetrating me once again. I was confused for a brief moment before he pulled me back slightly, laying back onto the rock himself with me lying above him as best I could.

His paws shifted slightly along my waist until they gripped my asscheeks, spreading them wide to the Luxray behind us. Before I could do much in the way of protesting, the huge cat was on my back and that huge erection I saw before pressing against my other hole. I whimpered slightly, and Rhys pulled out halfway and paused for a moment, watching me and the other Pokémon excitedly. I was already soaked thoroughly down there, and Rhys rubbing his well lubricated member against me more just sealed the deal.

In a matter of seconds the wild Pokémon's cock was pushing inside of me slowly. It seemed careful enough to do so slowly, despite the fact I'm sure it's instincts were telling it to do the opposite. I moaned and squirmed my hips against both cocks inside of me, having already been teased plenty as it was by Rhys. I couldn't much move with the grip Rhys had on my hips, his thumb pads tracing circles along my sides. When the Luxray pulled back though, I froze suddenly anyway. In my haze of lust I had forgotten that the Luxray was a felidae and what exactly that meant for his member. As it pulled back, the spines that ran along its tip spread and tugged back slightly along my rear tunnel, and I couldn't stop from calling out in a mixture of surprise, of pain, and of pleasure in response. To top it off, they tingled as they dragged across me, not unlike licking a battery. Except this battery was inside of my asshole. My eyes clenched shut as color swam across my vision, and even Rhys paused as he watched it unfold.

While my Lucario may not have been thrusting, his rock hard member twitched inside me and his whole body shuddered with anticipation at continuing once more. He may have been in charge during our escapades, just as I liked it, but he knew to respect the limits. Even as rare as those limits were. My hands clenched fistfulls of his fur as I clenched my legs around him, pushing my forehead against his before meeting his muzzle for a messy kiss. The beast on my back gripped me with his large paws locked around my hips, replacing where Rhys's paws had once been. Now they traced my sides and my breasts, pinching and rolling my nipples between his paw pads.

The Luxray continued to thrust behind me, slowly beginning to increase its pace as I quickly grew used to the strange foreignness of the slightly electrified, barbed penis digging into my rear. Sensing that I was ready again, Rhys slowly began his thrusting back into me. I let out a small needy whimper as I felt both rods pierce me simultaneously, filling me in a way I thought I would explode. In one moment I would go from feeling empty to being stuffed absolutely to the brim. In my cunny Rhys pushed in harder each time, fighting to get his nearly completely inflated knot that last tiny bit inside of me. Each thrust hit the knot hard against my entrance, rubbing against my clit and causing another tiny sound to bubble up from the back of my throat. He already felt so deep, I could feel him push against the back of my insides and make my stomach curl in knots with each thrust. My tunnels cramped around him, and looking between us I was sure I could see him slightly moving inside of me every time he pushed back in.

Knotting surely not meant to be, considering it was hard enough when it was this big and it was just the two of us. With my other hole occupied as well, it had to be surely impossible. Every time he thrust inside of me, the Luxray pushed into my rear as well. He was certainly able to give Rhys a run for his money in size, and with the two of them together I almost felt like I would tear somewhere. Honestly, if it wasn't for Rhys it was possible I would have. From his paws at my side I felt a throbbing warmth, and I could feel myself burning with energy. No, with my Rhys here I would be perfectly safe.

The Luxray continued to try and stuff the entirety of his length inside of my ass, determined to fill me completely. In his eagerness he went out of pace with Rhys, but this simply cause me to call out all the louder. I had no rest from being pumped, the second the barbed penis pulled slightly from my rear the knot from Rhys's penis would shove hard against my pussy to try and gain entry. As the large tapered tip withdrew to prepare for another thrust, the barbs in my behind stopped tugging and the huge rod would shove back into my rectum. They showed no signs of stopping, and I thanked Arceus for that. I pushed back against them as hard as I could, spreading my legs as much as I could manage. I wanted nothing more than for them to fill me completely, and the first step for that was that amazing knot.

Whenever it what Rhys's "turn" inside of me, the knot rammed harder against me. It was so close, so damned close, it just taunted me in the worst way. I let out a whimper, Trying to push against it as both it and the other cock pummeled my entrances. Slowly, I could feel the knot start to push slightly inside of me with each thrust, his cock pushing even further inside of me, pushing even more against the back of me. I started to pant slightly, pressing my mouth against his muzzle suddenly and taking his tongue into my mouth. I could still taste myself on it as it pushed into my mouth, teasing the back of my throat as his knot continued to assault my entrance.

Finally, he pushed harder than he had yet. Thrust. The gland began to spread me out but stopped short as he pulled back. Thrust. Halfway this time, I was sure of it, but just barely short of filling me. Thrust. Pop. It was almost audible, but I'm sure it was just my imagination, as I pulled back from our kiss and moaned too loudly to have been able to hear anything else anyway. Just like that it continued to grow the remainder it had to grow, locking his cock inside of me no matter how hard he pulled back. The Luxray had no sympathy for my sudden euphoria, continuing to hammer hard against my ass, his rod spreading my cheeks as his hips were a frenzied blur.

While Rhys no longer had the power he had before locking with me, he made up for it in furied speed. His cock moved like a jackhammer inside of me, and I could see the bulge in my stomach where he pushed inside of me. If it wasn't for his healing aura I was sure I would feel pain from his pushing deeper inside of me than anything was intended, but instead all I felt was complete pleasure as the tip of his tapered cock pushed past my cervix, beginning to fuck my insides while his knot me in place.

My tunnels constricted against their intruders, my toes curling as my breathing quickened. I had never been so full in my entire life. Apparently tired of my pulling on his fur, Rhys held my arms to my sides while his hips furiously pumped into me, his knot managing to put pressure against my clit from the inside. The Luxray growled in rhythm with his thrusts, his huge member pushing into my ass and rubbing against Rhys's knot from inside of me. My head began to spin as my moans grew in octave, bright lights flashing behind my eyelids as I spasmed in Rhys's hands. Even still, the miniature orgasms I reached was nothing compared to what was in store. Rhys pushed even harder into me, his tip fully penetrating my womb. With a few more harsh thrusts inside of me a low rumble came up from Rhys's chest and he threw his head back, a loud howl bubbling out as his cock began to spasm deep inside of me. Rope after rope of thick cum exploded directly into my womb, and the bulge in my stomach grew as he filled me and his knot kept it locked in place.

I screamed out in pleasure to match his howl, hands in fists at my side as he continued to keep my arms pinned next to me. All of this proved too much for our new friend, and he drilled his cock home one more time, the deepest he had managed yet, and let out a loud roar of triumph as his balls released themselves inside of my ass. The barbs flared out inside of me and I could feel slight shocks of electricity discharging and sparking through me, and I inhaled a sharp breath to release another pleasured scream, eyes shut tight but doing nothing to hide the fireworks in my vision. His cock spasmed inside of me, not to be outdone by Rhys as spurts of his seed quickly filled my intestines.

I pushed back against them as much as I could with the little movement I was granted, moaning and twitching with each throb the rods of flesh inside of me gave. Rhys began to slow, my womb absolutely brimming with his seed as could be witnessed by the huge bulge between us. Seed from my rear dribbled down over us as my insides had just about reached their limit from the Luxray's cum, and not having a knot to keep it in place meant gravity started to do it's work. The Luxray gave three more hard thrusts that made me whimper slightly before finally pulling all of the way off and lifting himself from my back, his barbs scraping against my walls one last time as he pulls his cock from me.

The Luxray shook off its fur, sitting to clean off his member as it withdrew back into its sheath. I groaned and leaned onto Rhys as best as I could, feeling his cock slosh around inside of me. There was suddenly a rough tongue against my behind and I yelped in surprise before realizing that it was the Luxray, returned to clean up his mess. My whole body shuddered, still coming down from the high of my orgasms. Rhys, who had looked at me teasingly when I yelped in surprise, let out a yelp of his own as the Luxray's tongue grazed over where we were still locked together.

It took some time, but eventually Rhys and I were able to part, and as he pulled his still softening cock from me and the seed that had been trapped inside of me gushed out. I could see the bulge of my stomach disappear, and I felt a surge of disappointment. Still, it hadn't all been able to escape, as I could still see a slight line of what remained. Nuzzling into Rhys, my eyes fluttered sleepily, spent from our activities. I absently felt the Luxray curl down around us as I drifted off to sleep, our earlier loss a long gone memory.