Ice Mother Chapter 4: Mia.

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#4 of Ice Mother.

During his stay at the brothel, Navo discovers a shocking secret...

"Come on darling, I know it's sticky, but it won't kill you." The large Goodra said sympathetically to the slime covered Pichu who was whining in the corner. Navo was already having trust issues after the encounter with the Leafeon. The Eeveelution had anally raped the poor cub for almost five hours. It wasn't until it was nearly midnight that Glaze came in to call him off. Navo was too exhausted to do anything but sleep for the next six hours on his cum stained bed, until Glaze woke him, fed him, then brought him to a room that belonged to a Goodra and her daughter, a Goomy. Navo REALLY didn't appreciate the slimy hug the Goodra gave him.

"L-leave me alone." The cub whined. "You'll crush me!"

"Well I know that honey!" She responded. Her tone was motherly, but Navo knew better. "I'm not the one that'll be fucking you darling. My daughter Eve is!" As she said that, Eve slithered up to the scared cub.

"Hi!" The little Goomy, who was only about a year older then Navo, purred. She shoved the Pichu down before slithering on top of him, his cock slipping into her slimy hole.

"There now, doesn't that feel nice honey?" The Goodra asked. Navo didn't want to agree, even as Eve's tight, slimy hole rippled around his tiny cock. Navo whined. Barely a minute and he was already about to explode!

"S-stop. Please!"

"Not till you squirt you white stuff in me!" Eve giggled. Navo let out a little squeal as he erupted inside the Goomy.

"There, wasn't that nice?" The Goodra asked as Navo slowly calmed down and Eve slithered off of him. Navo just whined. "Well, either way, you'd best get on back to your own room. Me and Eve have a client coming in about half an hour."


"Don't worry about the slime honey, the floors can take it. Now run along." She pushed the slime covered cub out the door, leaving him out in the hall. Navo whimpered and started to walk toward his room, is slimy feet causing wet slaps on the floor. He could feel the tears running down his cheeks. He missed his mommy so much...

"The little cub is making quite a mess." Navo squealed as the voice took him by surprise. He turned around. There was a Mawile staring at him curiously, her red eyes sparkling. Navo didn't want to admit it, but she was actually quite pretty...

"I-I didn't mean to... I-I...." The electric type stuttered. The Mawile cocked her head.

"This little one is called Navo? Correct?" His lip quivering, Navo nodded. "Ah, yes, Madam Glaze has told Mia about young Navo."

"Wh-who's Mia?" Navo asked, scared but curious.

"Little Navo, Mia stands in this very hall, right in front of little Navo, and speaking to little Navo right now."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Mia understands. Little Navo is not the first to be confused by the way Mia speaks." She smiled. "Little Navo should not be afraid of Mia. Mia has no intention to hurt Little Navo."

"A-are you gonna try and teach me obedience too?" Navo quivered.

"Oh! Little Navo misunderstands Mia! Mia does not work for the brothel. Mia works as Madam Glaze's assistant." She looked at Navo closely. "Little Navo is quite filtly." Navo's tummy grumbled. "And hungry it seems." She clapped her hands together. "Come! Mia will clean little Navo up!"

"B-but I-"

"Mia insists!" She took his slimy paw and dragged him to a locked off staircase. She pulled out a key and unlocked it, dragging him upstairs. She pulled him onto a landing and led him to one of the doors, pulling him into a cozy looking apartment...


Navo squirmed as Mia dried him off, the Mawile having scrubbed the slime off in record time.

"Little Navo is hungry, no?" She asked, pulling him into the living room then setting him on a chair. She waltzed into the kitchen and came out with a plate of cookies. Navo hesitantly took one, taking a bite out of it. "Little Navo is bothered by something, Mia can tell." Navo swallowed.

"I miss my mommy..." Mia nodded.

"Mia can relate. Mia's mother died when Mia was little Navo's age. Mia was left on the streets to fend. Mia would have died had Madam Mina not found Mia and brought Mia to Madam Glaze. Madam Glaze was so kind to Mia. Mia owes Madam Glaze Mia's life."

"I keep telling you not to worry about it Mia." Navo nearly jumped out of his fur when he heard Glaze's voice, the Froslass was at the door. "Anyway, I've been looking for you Navo."

"Madam Glaze, Mia apologizes for keeping little Navo. Mia insisted on cleaning him."

"That's alright Mia, I appreciate your concern. Come Navo." The Pichu cub followed the Froslass out, waving to Mia as he did so. "Now, before we get you back to your room, I'd like show you something." She led him to a wall full of pictures of different pokemon. "These pokemon were once apart of this brothel. They left to settle down or start a new life, but they were always like my children." Navo didn't like the smile she had. "Take a look." Navo hesitantly looked at the pictures, wondering why Glaze was even showing him this. That's when he saw a certain picture that made him gasp. No... It couldn't be... He took a closer look at the pokemon in the picture. The pokemon who once worked at this brothel...

It was his mommy. His very own mommy was posing for the picture... Navo shook, unable to speak.

"That's right dear. Your mother, Kari, once worked here." Glaze smiled. "She was one of my best workers too. Such a slut. She once took five Pikachu brothers at once. Actually, I think that's how she became pregnant with you."

"No..." Navo whined, tears forming.

"...Well, let's get you off to your room!" Glaze said, chipper as always. She pulled the shocked cub back downstairs and to his room. When she opened the door, Navo was immediately grabbed by a Male Kirlia.

"Finally! I've been waiting for this all day!" The Kirlia said with a smirk.

"Enjoy him Galvo." Glaze said as she floated off, leaving the terrified cub to his fate...

Ice Mother Chapter 5: Break.

"Worry not darling~" The Salazzle murder as Navo was swarmed by Salandit. "We'll take good care of you~" The frightened cub opened his mouth to say something, only to be hit by a pleasant sensation. As if it had a mind of its' own, his tiny cock...

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Ice Mother Chapter 3: The Brothel.

Navo, for once, thought it better to cling to Mina. The Froslass led the Pichu cub down the street of a town he was unfamiliar with. After a two hour trip, they had arrived in what Mina called Even Town. The place had a gloomy atmosphere, and the sun...

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Blue's First Heat.

Blue was not having fun. Not one bit. Normally, her whole life was full of fun, but now, she wasn't having fun. For some reason, she had an unbearable feeling between her rear leg, something she couldn't quite understand. Her nether lips were puffy and...

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