The Dreadnought Pt. 2

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#16 of Writings

Here is the second installment of our first Sci-fi story! Pyra Halstark is stuck in the shower room with a gargantuan beast knocking at their door! Even if they are to defeat the beast, they're stuck in a hell hole of a ship with no signs of escaping with their lives.

Part 1:

Part 3:

The Dreadnought Trilogy Pt. 2

Inside a Dreadnought barreling through space, the pirates that had taken over were dying at a horrible rate, as well as the mercenaries hired to take it back. Everything was already chaotic as it was, but somehow the creatures held within had escaped. Beings from all over the galaxy were now running rampant throughout the ridiculously sized craft. Through it all, Pyra, the blue, red-haired, wolf-like being decided to take her new companion and have a nice shower to relieve not only her tension, but also wash the grime of battle off of her. However, the locks on the door gave way, and a whole barrage of rampaging beasts burst through the barrier into the huge group shower room they were currently occupying.

Neither of them even had time to get their clothes on, they merely geared up with whatever weaponry they had on hand. Pyra with her giant shotgun, and Riggs, her red bear-like creature with his beautiful B-99 assault rifle. Both of them butt naked with their weapons wielded toward the gigantic creature. It was bipedal, standing tall on its hooved feet, and muscular enough to where it needed to almost squeeze through the decimated threshold. It was red, with a wolf-like maw, and horns giving it the visage of a demon. It was ravaged, already having fought off a number of creatures itself. Bare tendons and bones visible throughout its upper body, as well as its lower legs and ankles. It snarled toward them, its muscles still flexed and hardened throughout.

Riggs was a big Ursana male, he was the former head of security for the Dreadnought known as the Jabbawock, and his muscles were something to behold, but he was nothing compared to this creature known as a Korlass. They were mostly found in the depths of the Messec deserts, it lived off of the bare minimum amount of food, and was at the top of the food chain anywhere it went. It stood two whole feet above him, and emitted a horrific roar, one that scared the smaller creatures around it, who did not have any interest in the pair. Their only concern was their own survival.

The muscled Ursana let loose with two three round bursts, backing up as the Korlass approached him, taking a good bit of damage in its midsection. With one sweep of its arm, it destroyed two bathroom stalls.

"Aim for its head!" Pyra shouted, getting a good bead on it, but not wanting to waste her shells on a midrange shot.

"I am aiming for its head!" He shouted, moving to the side as it grabbed hold of a stall door and throwing it toward him. The edge of it hit his shoulder, causing him to grimace. He still got off a burst of bullets before it got too close. He felt a sense of pride as two of the bullets pegged against its cheek, causing it to daze a little. However, it was still coming on strong after a few short seconds.

Then came a huge burst of blood from its shoulder as the first shotgun blast collided with it. Its face was now showing a great deal of bone. It was not, however, done quite yet. It slowly turned toward Pyra, gazing at her with a great deal of disdain, and terrifying rage. Her ample breasts bounced as she reeled backward from its charge. With one shell left in her shotgun, she had to act fast. Bullets plugged blood spurts in its back as Riggs unleashed one burst after another, but it barely seemed to take notice.

Just twenty feet away. Her bare feet still in the puddles of water from their shower. She began to sweat as it approached, and she let fly. The spread of heated metal shredded through its neck, and sprayed its razor sharp teeth every which way, but its charge was not halting. She gritted her teeth, and jumped straight to the side. Still, its shoulder caught her full abdomen and she was tossed into the middle of the shower room, hitting the middle pillar with three shower heads mounted on it. The gigantic beast smashed into the wall, causing the single shower to burst a pipe, water spewing from the newly formed hole.

She almost thought her shoulder was dislocated, but as she looked at it, she figured it was just her collarbone. Either way, it hurt like hell.

They both heard choking sounds coming from the beast whose head was now lodged in the metal wall. It slowly pulled itself from the wreckage, blood pouring from its maw as it let out labored, strained gurgles. It looked toward her with its bloodshot, sky blue eyes. It still held a horrid scowl, but it looked downward as the Korlass could no longer hold onto its breath. The beast smashed into the ground, kicking up water and tiles. When its spasms finally ended, both Riggs and Pyra finally drew in a sigh of relief.

"Riggs, I need your help." She said as she stood up slowly from the wet ground. Her collarbone had already grown a large, black bruise that could be seen through her fur. She held up her left arm, grunting in pain as it triggered the shoulder to pop. He knew what he had to do, and wasn't sure how far her pain tolerance went. He went with his first instinct to get it over with, grabbing her hand, and thrusting his fist into the back of her shoulder. The snapping sound echoed through the chamber, and the deafening yelp she gave was instantaneous, but she was left with only a horrible grimace. Still, she nodded to him, knowing that her collarbone was now back in its proper place.

Thankfully, the first aid was one of the things the ship had kept up to date. With a spray the populace affectionately called "the patch", he sprayed it over her collarbone, and it began to work in seconds. After he did this, he turned and gave two quick sprays of his assault rifle into the lizard-like beings that began to approach them. There were around five or six of them, and now that the Korlass was dead, they started to encourage themselves.

"We should make ourselves scarce. You alright now?" He looked over at her, and she had already started unstrapping all of her equipment, pulling her belt down over her bare, round ass cheeks. The two of them exited once she had put on her battle armor. As they did, she walked and buckled on her straps with one hand, her other hand gripped her pistol with her shotgun on her back. Riggs had no trouble finding an armored security uniform in the locker room, and fully clothed.

"We need to make our way toward the front. Once you go out the prison cell wing door, just take a right, and stay on my hind quarters. We need to move fast. Who knows how many of those bastards are left?" He said, zipping up his uniform over his small, metal body armor, complete with shoulderpads. It was black, and clean as hell. He popped his neck and filled the empty magazine slots. He still had a good amount of bullets left in his rifle, but decided to replace it with full ammo, not knowing if he'd get a chance to reload.

Both of them exited the prison wing at the same time. She had to be careful not to be caught in his girth when they went through the threshold. The door was fully open, smashed through even, but he was still big, even for an Ursana. They pointed their guns in both directions.

"Clear." She whispered.

"Clear." He replied, and they went to the right. They scurried down the hall, their weapons pointed forward, and she swept her shotgun from left to right on his six o'clock, making sure nothing was sneaking up behind them. The screams and distant ruckus had calmed down at that point. Dead pirates and animals littered the halls. With such limited light, it was hard to make out what some of the bones were from, and they had to be careful not to slip on the blood. Still, they moved fast, up until he held up his fist, stopping them both.

"What is it?" She asked, crouching and pointing the shotgun behind him as he crouched as well.

"Bad signs." He said, directing her attention to the ceiling, where a gray, silky substance was plastered, with a small bulge in the middle. She knew a giant spider web when she saw it, but this one was far bigger than she had ever seen.

"This is not from a spider." He whispered to her, checking all over the ceiling and the walls. There were traces of the stuff all over, but the hallway ended, and led to a much larger hangar. As they slowly progressed forward, his fears were confirmed, and the silk was almost covering that entire area. In such a short time, it had caught all kinds of smaller creatures, as well as sapient-sized cocoons. "It's an arachopus." He whispered to her, and her eyes widened, gazing up at all of the chaos that had gone on.

Just as they figured the coast was clear, Riggs took one step into the hangar, and was blindsided by a huge tentacle swiping him across the entire side of his body, causing him to tumble to the right. She pointed her gun straight up, but she was overtaken. The octopus-like creature grasped her by the wrist, and leg. Her shotgun went off, but merely grazed the monstrosity as it brought her up into its clutches. Its eight spider eyes gazed at her with its green, dripping fangs. It sat on the wall directly above the entrance, its web laid out over the surface, and several spun up pouches throughout from its unfortunate prey; some of which were still moving.

Many had theorized how intelligent the arachnopus were, but without the ability to speak, and so limited number of them still alive, it only remained a theory. This one, however, seemed to enjoy watching Pyra struggle within its clutches. It hungered for her, the venom drooling from its fangs as it got a very good look at her, bending her over to get a better look at her hind quarters. The kinks in her armor were too small for it to wriggle its large, green tentacles through, but the codpiece protecting her crotch could only protect so much.

She strained to get to her Angel magnum pistol, but she could only do so much with a freshly broken collarbone which was not causing her blinding pain like it normally would, thanks to the healing tonic they had treated it with. Still, it was clenched too tightly onto her, and her shotgun was now on the ground far below the both of them.

Its tentacle slithered over her crotch, between the two dark blue plates protecting her ass, and she yelped as it squeezed her. Her cheeks grew very warm as it began to rock its tentacle back and forth on her. Her resistance began to grow limp as the tentacle nudged against her asshole, shots of pleasure hit her hard. She began to sweat, and cringe as it gazed at her crotch, which was growing ever so wet. Pyra didn't know how much more she could take of this, the thought of cumming at that point seemed absurd, but her body begged to differ.

At length, she was moaning, gasping for air, and begging it, quietly, for more. Her shortish red hair hung over her eyes and her tongue hung out the side of her mouth as the very tip of the tentacle found her dripping labia from underneath the thick fabric of her armor. The creature began to apply more and more pressure, threatening to break through. A part of her begged to be let go so she could open her hind plate, but another part of her just wanted all four of her limbs to be freed from the bondage.

Then the spider spasmed, and the tentacles around her wrists and ankles loosened a great deal as she heard her shotgun sprayed. Riggs had picked up her shotty, and gotten a good position to hit the arachopus's upper thorax without the danger of the buckshot hitting Pyra. With the final shot of the second trigger, there came another horrible tremor as the spider-like being turned its attention to the red bear man.

With its attention turned, and its grip weakened, Pyra was able to slip her hand from its horrid grasp. She pulled her Angel .50 from its holster, and with a pained look on her face, began to plug holes in its face, aiming for each of its eyes. She fired her eighth and final shot, and just as she was about to pull out her combat blade, it began to shake uncontrollably. White blood pooled in its bullet wounds and gunshot wounds on its back, and it began to fall from its web.

As Pyra's limbs became free, she was quick to grab the webbing on the wall and stuck to it as the large tentacled beast smashed into the ground, quite dead with a slight bit of twitching as its eight limbs gnarled up.

"You alright?" Riggs asked.

"Gonna need you to catch me." Her cheeks were still flush, her legs squeezed together hard as her aching sex still produced juices. She rushed to get to her combat blade and began to easily cut through the web. "You ready?" Pyra asked but didn't give him anytime to reply as she began to fall a great descent.

Still, Riggs had no problem catching her, even in such limited light as her combat blade glowed green and marked her position quite nicely. She hurried to get her blade into its sheathe and pushed him up against a part of the wall that wasn't covered in webbing.

"Don't take this the wrong way." Pyra said, her breath was labored, and her voice was meek. Still, she pulled down his zipper hard, and opened his security suit. She went through any fold, and any weave that she had to to get into his pants and pull out that beautiful, thick piece of meat. Her eyes seemed to look up at him apologetically as she ran her tongue up the side of his length. It was a look he certainly didn't expect from her, and it did the trick in hardening him in no time. When she was satisfied that he was the proper firmness to her liking, she opened her rear plate toward him and bent over with her knees on the ground and her face down on the floor as well. She lifted her tail, and using her fingers, she spread her asscheeks to the sides.

Riggs needed no prompting at all. He buried his boner deep inside of her, almost causing her to howl, but she bit back the instinct, knowing that the ship was still crawling with God knows what. Her cheek rubbed against the hard metal surface as he did not start slowly. With his hands on her hips, he pulled her ass into his thrusts. Pyra could not stop from taking sharp breaths, but she had to keep her eyes and mouth clenched tight. Fucking in silence was such a damn drag, but there was no choice in the matter.

Then there came a moment of surprise when Riggs reached forward, taking his hand off her asscheek and grabbing her hair. As he pulled her hair back, her eyes widened, and she was forced to put both her hands over her mouth, muffling a scream as she came, and came hard! Her ograsm was followed shortly by his, the large spurt of hot cum in her sex seemed to cool her fiery lust, and left her sweating on the ground as he pulled out.

"You bastard, how in the hell did you know that was my weakness?" She asked him in a whisper, running her fingers through her hair to straighten it out a little.

"Because it was the perfect pulling length." He said with a smile, using a handkerchief to wipe himself off. He handed the cloth to her, and she did the same. Though she was somewhat annoyed, the orgasm she had dampened pretty much any scorn she could ever bare against him. In the long run, he sated the very hungry beast inside of her. She finished cleaning and latched her rear plate, and both of them got their game faces back on.

The Jabberwock seemed to have no end to it. They traveled down hallways, killing small creatures, and even avoided a few of the larger ones when they could. The smells they were forced to endure were horrendous in every facet of the word. There were piles of flesh, waste, bones, and various fluids everywhere. Riggs did his best to make sure that she kept her spirits about her, telling her that they were not too far from the bridge now. However, her tolerance for the situation was very surprising. He'd had many under his command in some very similar situations that did not handle it half as well as Pyra.

They came to yet another open area, this one was a community hall, for events or large commander's call briefings in which needed maximum participation. The two of them surveyed the area diligently, not seeing any sign of either the creatures, nor any of the other various dangers.

Just as they were about to kick up their boots and scurry across the great hall, both of them nearly fell forward when a gigantic tremor hit the ground. They struggled to stay up, and hurried back. The hall had four entrances, and when the next tremor hit, it sounded like the source was coming from the opening to their right. Soon, when the next tremor hit, they saw a very large light shine into the hall.

Both of them pressed up against the wall, out of sight of whatever approached. The next tremor, it came into view, and Riggs's eyes widened, pressing his back against the wall once more.

"The sons of bitches, they activated the Juggernaut Drone." Riggs said, looking at her. She furrowed her brow, and rolled her eyes.

"Of course they did. What the hell is that?" She said, knowing that whatever was around could not hear them over the mechanics and the large foot stomps of the twenty foot machine slowly approaching.

"It's a construction suit. It's meant to make large structures easier to build. It's not built for combat, but it's sturdy enough to handle whatever the hell we have on us now. Unless you have some Towneit on you." He asked, a good blast of Towneit-7 would blow a solid boulder into dust.

"I left my bazooka at home." She said, and he honestly could not tell if she was kidding or not. The very next instant, she pulled up her shotgun.

"Hold it right th--" A pirate in power armor held his submachine gun toward both of them, but was blasted point blank by her Super Shotgun, and a huge chunk was blown out his back.

A small part of her hoped that the Juggernaut did not hear that, but it stopped, and she heard its hydraulics start moving as it turned the top half of its body to the side. It had gigantic arms, with five fingers on each hand, and an egg-shaped midsection with three headlights; two in the top, one large one in the middle. The light shined down on both of them, making her stick a piece of gum in her mouth, and turn her shade visor as it extended across her eyes.

Both of them ran to the opposite side of where they were hiding as the huge machine lumbered toward them. It tried to turn along with them, but it couldn't corner worth a damn, and its shoulder smashed into the wall as it tried.

Gunfire began to blaze in the darkness. There seemed to be five pirates in the hall. The pair stayed ahead of the gigantic machine, so its light did not shine on them to give away their exact position. That didn't matter though. Their bullets were hitting very, very close.

In an instant in time, Riggs stopped, holding his hand out to catch her by her shoulders. With his powerful left hand, he hammered the side of his fist into an automatic door, the door bent inward. He grabbed her into his arms, and bashed his shoulder through the door. He rolled out of the way, as the bullets kept whizzing past them.

As soon as Pyra got to a sitting position, she unleashed a spray from her shotgun, blasting a pirate clean from the doorway. She got behind the wall beside the door, and the shots seemed to cease for the moment. She opened her shotgun barrels, letting the two shells pop out. She sighed at the sight of four more shells left. She had brought thirty with her, thinking this would be an open and shut case, she hadn't counted on there being beasts and asshole creatures on the loose.

"Alright, if there's any ideas, I'm listening, Riggs. I've got four shots left on my shotty, and three clips left on the magnum. I can take out a good number of them with the two Flag Grenades I have left, but what we're gonna do about that damn Juggernaut, I haven't the fucking foggiest. Riggs? Riggs?!" She said, looking back to him, expecting him to be dead, but instead saw him ogling a pile of some of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen in his life.

"Come on out! Both of you! If you surrender now, your deaths will be quick and painless! If we gotta come in there, we'll skin you alive! Wulfos and Ursana pelts fetch a hefty price!" A pirate shouted from outside. The Juggernaut's lights were shined at the doorway, obviously waiting for them to step out so they could be sniped.

Pyra walked toward the center of that dark room, and saw tiny little boxes, big boxes, and an absolute amazing amount of bullets. This was probably what the pirates were searching for in the area. Ammunition was strone out and about. She found .45, .38, .22, .44 and .50! She even uncovered something that literally made her sex moisten with absolute joy, and her eyes widen to their fullest extent.

Her shotgun was a very rare breed of shotgun. What made it special was not the amount of damage it could dish out, but the special types of ammunition it could handle. There were only two gunsmiths in the entire known universe that could make her shotguns, Xiro, and Haimaki. Pyra held a Xiro 900 Class A shotgun in her hands, and the special shells it could hold were very rare to find, indeed. However, she stood in front of a full box of special shells the Xiro/Haimaki users dubbed "Ghost Shots." Each of them held very special capabilities. If she was lucky, she could buy them from the Undertown Market, like her special dissolving blue Ghost Shots, but they cost so damn much it almost wasn't worth it. This box she held up in her hands must have been worth 900,000 brass at the very least. With a shaking hand, she picked up a tiger-striped Ghost Shot, a red one with black stripes, and she wanted to see what it could do.

"Riggs... Darling..." She said in a very sweet, girlfriend tone that made him raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" Riggs said, picking up as many 5.56x45mm bullets as he could and load them into his newly found magazines.

"Remind me to swallow your cock when we get out of this." With a grin on her face, she locked and loaded.