The Breeder

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!


By William W. Kelso

I ran as fast as I could through the hot humid jungle, but at the same time did my best to look for; and avoid, the numerous dangers. It was almost impossible to believe I was on a huge alien spacecraft, and I was being hunted in a jungle that looked 100% real, because it was. It was an exact recreation of the Slishish home world.

The Slishish had added Earth to their "Empire" about two years ago. The fact we weren't interested in joining made no difference to them, as far as they were concerned we were merely animals, nothing but a "natural resource". They didn't try to negotiate or even contact us before they attacked. We had known they were coming as we had detected their fleet long before they arrived. They had made no attempt at stealth; they didn't care if we knew. We weren't sure what to expect, so were more or less prepared when it turned out they weren't friendly. I think we gave them more of a fight they expected, but we never had a chance. I joined a slapped-together last-line-of-defense unit made up of some badly mauled Texas National Guard units, police, a few Army Reserve armored vehicles, and anyone who could carry a weapon. We made our last stand in downtown Houston fighting from house to house and it took the lizard bastards four days to root us all out. Our only Bradley used its last missile to take out one of their assault transports before it disappeared in a flash of light and was replaced by a huge crater.

Most of those who fought back died; lizards aren't big on prisoners, but having shit for luck I survived after a near miss knocked me out cold. I woke up onboard a Slishish habitat ship. It's huge, I have no idea how many miles across it is, but the center has a twenty mile wide circle of Slishish home world in it, right down to the predators and carnivorous plants. It's pure Hell, which probably explains why the lizards are so anti-social and cruel. They're cold-blooded reptiles, and like their earthly cousins are not known for being cuddly and fun to play with. And since I had resisted I was "assigned" to serve my new Masters by being a prey animal, to be hunted for sport until eventually killed, either by them or the jungle. In a way it was an honor as most humans just ended up as basically cattle. Some were allowed to perform useful menial jobs; most were just fattened up and eaten.

Seeing a clearing up ahead I avoided it like the plague as most clearings in the jungle were either quicksand or slime pits. If you fell into one no one would pull you out. A lizard might sit and watch you being pulled under, or in the case of a slime pit being eaten alive by the acidic slime, but they wouldn't help you. Their point of view was the jungle had to eat too. And it was the same with the damn carnivorous plants, if they got a hold of you no one would help. The two main ones to watch out for are what we called bulbs and orchids. The bulb looked just like a great big bulb, it put out roots/tentacles that cover a very large area of ground, and if it can grab you you're dragged to the bulb which opens, it pulls you inside, and the bulb closes. Next time it opens you're gone, bones and everything. The Orchid is the worst though. It's a mobile plant that slowly moves through the high jungle canopy. When it finds a spot it likes it lowers dozens of tendrils to the ground, and if you trip one by brushing against it; it and the others, grab you and hoists you up to the plant. Its mouth or head looks like a huge orchid, and it opens and extrudes feeding tentacles that wrap around you and insert themselves in your ass and/or vagina and swell up so you can't pull them out. Then it swallows you feet first and you slide down its stem into a stomach pod, still alive as its mouth is slick and smooth, no teeth. They say it takes you days to die as you're digested alive. Of course there are other predators as well, mostly various kinds of carnivorous lizards, both large ones and smaller ones that run in packs. I know all this because our Slishish Masters taught it to us in "Jungle Survival" courses. They didn't do it out of kindness, but just so we'd last longer and be more fun to hunt. They preferred to be the ones who caught and/or killed us. Of course they were as susceptible to the perils of the jungle as we were, but they were much better prepared to avoid them as they were the top of the food chain in that world.

The rules of a hunt were very simple. They would release us at one side of the jungle, and if we got through the twenty miles of Hell to the other side we got to live a little longer. They gave us about an hour's head start, and then they'd start hunting us. Men and women, it made no difference to them. And when they caught us; as they usually did, their "reward" was one of two things. They would fuck us, eat us, or both. It really wasn't that much of a "hunt" as far as I was concerned, naked humans without weapons are pretty much helpless. Not that we didn't try to fight back. I brained a lizard with a heavy branch that made a good club once, and to my surprise the others didn't think it was that big of a deal. I won the hunt, fair and square. It actually gave me some prestige in their eyes, and I became a "favorite" prey animal. To run down a "dangerous" prey animal that fought back was much more exciting.

I avoided the clearing and getting to the other side I took cover, then held my breath and listened, straining my hearing. For a jungle it was fairly quiet as in this jungle if you made noise you attracted hungry things. I heard the soft sounds of a fairly large body moving through the ground cover and saw a Slishish pause on the other side of the clearing and look around. He looked like some sort of bipedal lizard. This one had a crest, so was male. He was nude, but since his sex was internal the only way I could tell was the crest. He had dark green dorsal scales with dark brown belly bands. He looked around, tongue flicking out, and then turned and disappeared back into the jungle with a swish of his long tail. I didn't move or bat an eyelid. They often pretend to leave an area, but instead would wait to see if anything moved after they "left". And sure enough, a few minutes later I heard him moving off in a different direction. I heard a sudden loud scream in the near distance and knew someone had been caught by something, but there was nothing I could do. Most of us got caught within the first mile or two, so since I'd made it this far I started moving more slowly and carefully. Now stealth was more important than speed. I was about half way across the jungle, and was starting to hope I might make it.

If I did get caught I hoped it was by a female, at least they're more "enjoyable" to "mate" with. The damn lizards have "modified" us so we respond to their sexual pheromones by becoming aroused, that way even the females can force us to couple with them. But if a male lizard catches a male human it's even worse, and I'm sure you know what I mean. It's sick and wrong, but we have no choice. So that was a major incentive not to get caught. I don't know what happens when a female lizard catches a human female, I've heard they usually just eat them. And sure enough I literally stumbled across a female lizard that had killed; and was eating, a woman. The woman stared up with dead eyes, her throat torn out. The female lizard was crouched over her stomach which she had ripped open and was feeding on the woman's entrails. It was hissing and slobbering in pleasure, and I don't think it ever even noticed me. The woman had never even had a chance against the lizard's leg and hand talons, not to mention its two inch fangs. I still find it hard to believe that an advanced intelligent race like the lizards can treat another intelligent race like prey animals, or even much worse as I would come to find out. They just don't consider us to be anything other than animals; the level of intelligence in an animal makes no difference to them. They'd look at a cow the same way.

I almost made it too, but I never saw the lizard until he dropped on my back from the low branch he had been hiding on. With his dark coloring he had blended in perfectly as he was in his natural habitat. He knocked me to the ground, and before I could recover had his teeth around my throat. The hunt was over; I had been "fairly" caught. He snapped a collar with a leash attached to it around my neck and led me away for his "reward", which meant he could do anything he wanted with me for up to a ships "day", which as near as I could tell was about twenty hours. And I mean anything, up to; and including, eating me. I had no say in the matter. When was the last time you asked a cow if it was OK to eat it? And of course it was a male, so I was not looking forward to what was coming.

Usually a lizard was quick to claim their "reward" for a successful hunt, so I was a little surprised when he led me out of the jungle and into the ship proper. We exited the jungle habitat area through a hatch, and he led me to a small room with the usual sleeping mat, and little else. I went docilely because the punishments for "misbehaving" were painful beyond endurance, and to be avoided at all costs.

They implanted a chip (or something) in our brains, and they can activate what they call "disciplinary programs". The way it works is you go to sleep and "wake up" somewhere else where all sorts of horrible tortures are inflicted on you. You're in other bodies though, sometime male, sometimes female. And you feel what's happening to those bodies as if they were your own. You can feel yourself being raped, skinned alive, eaten alive by a plant, dying in a slime pit, being tortured to death, etc. The damned chips record every second of your life, and when you die the chips are retrieved for any useful information that might be on them, including the "death experience". Then they can literally plug you into the dead persons chip and you relive their last moments, and it is very, very real. You literally feel yourself die, the pain and terror, everything. It's horrible beyond description, and I will do anything to avoid having to undergo that again. I will even give the lizards what they want, as I have more times than I can remember. I am a well seasoned: broken in, trained slave. I keep my Masters happy in order to stay alive a little longer. It is amazing what degradations and horrors you can come to accept in order to live just a little longer, it's that damn built in survival instinct. It's the brave ones who kill themselves, so I guess that makes me a coward.

The lizard, my Master for a day, hooked the leash to a ring on the wall and he was the only one who could remove it, or my collar. I didn't dare do it myself, any animal that removed a collar; or undid a leash, themselves was instantly punished. To leave a Master (or Mistress) without permission was a punishable offense as well, and I've already mentioned what happens then. I have been punished two times, and the last time "I" spent four days in the belly of an Orchid being digested alive. I "became" a young woman, was snared by the plant, raped by its feeding tentacles, swallowed slowly over a period of several hours, then digested alive. I will do ANYthing to avoid having to experience that again. To this day I still wake up screaming from horrible nightmares about that experience. So when the lizard lay down on the mat and opened his legs I knew what he wanted, and what I had to do. And I would give him what he wanted, and do my best to make him enjoy it. Yes, I was a good slave, obedient and anxious to please.

I sat down next to him and started to gently stroke the protective bands over his cloaca. When they started to soften and open I leaned over and started to lick the soft inner lips, and soon the tip of his penis began to emerge. As it slowly slid out I licked and sucked it while he hissed in pleasure. Fully extended it was about a foot long and dark red colored. It didn't have a head like a human one; it just came to a point. But it did have raised ridges down its length, and a "joining" ring at the base. Kind of like a knot, but all the way around. Once the joining ring comes out the lizard is ready to mate. Once he mounts a female the female's cloaca closed around the ring and they're locked together until she releases him. One big difference is that in a lizard the joining ring is like a large cock ring, and the penis can slide back and forth inside of it like a piston. So even if a male lizard looks like he's not thrusting he's actually humping the hell out of his partner. As I well knew as he was going to be mounting me soon. And the damn lizards have also "modified" all the human males assholes so they can accommodate such a large phallus and also so they will; like a female lizards cloaca, clamp down around the joining ring to keep the male inside them until a certain amount of time has passed so he can drain his balls without worrying about his "partner" getting loose. And it takes a long time. And damn it, I was getting hard too as I responded to the males pheromones, but my only relief would be to jack off, or more likely come several times while my "lover" was fucking me. I was there to pleasure them; they didn't give a shit about me.

Now that the lizard was fully aroused and slick he stood up, and it was my turn to get down on the mat. I got down on all fours, and gave a groan of pain and unwanted pleasure as he mounted me. I braced myself as he thrust into me several times until achieving full penetration, and as his joining ring slid into me my sphincter muscles clamped down hard to keep him inside of me, and I had no control over it. He gave a hiss of pleasure as he felt me clamp him, and grabbing me around the waist he held me as he fucked me, and I could feel his cool harness sliding in and out of me. And damn it, it felt good as it rubbed against my prostate and modified asshole. One reason lizards like to fuck us is we're warm blooded, and they love the feeling of coupling with a partner whose body temperature is higher than theirs, it really turns them on. And as they fuck us; or we fuck them, their own body temperatures goes up and evidently that's a major sexual pleasure for them. I know their hisses get louder, and they even start to shudder and snap their jaws together towards the end when they approach whatever kind of orgasm lizards have. The only problem is it can take hours, and being butt fucked for hours is not that enjoyable for most people, but at least the modifications included increasing the sensitivity to our anuses and last foot or two of our lower intestines so at least it doesn't really hurt, and actually feels pretty good. And damn it, I knew I'd probably come myself two or three times while he fucked me. They did that not because they were concerned for us, but because a sexual partner who "enjoys" what's happening gives more pleasure in response. So the bastards make us "enjoy" being fucked, and fucking them. We just can't avoid the pleasure. Being raped is bad enough, but being forced to enjoy it makes it even worse a far as I was concerned.

I clawed at the mat with my eyes squeezed shut as the lizard took his pleasure with me, and it went on and on. But it wasn't from pain, but pleasure. Damn them for making us enjoy it so much, I thought for the thousandth time. And with a moan I orgasmed again as my cum sprayed all over the mat. Finally; after over an hour, I felt my muscles loosen and release the lizard. He dismounted with a slurping sound as he pulled out of me, and I felt a flood of his cum trickling down my rear and thighs. My next job was to clean him, then myself, in that order. Fortunately it meant with cleaning rags and cleanser, not our tongues. After that we laid down and he pulled me to his cool slick belly bands, but not out of tenderness, but for my body warmth. And I knew that fairly soon he'd be servicing me again as the damn lizards are prolific when it comes to mating. He'd probably do me up to ten times before his period of ownership was over and I'd be put in the pens waiting for the next hunt. He wrapped his arms and legs around me for maximum warmth, and fell asleep. I could only lie there and stare at the featureless walls of the room and hate. But when he awoke later and wanted my services again I was a good slave and pleasured him greatly, and damn him I enjoyed it too, I had no choice. After he was finished for the last time he actually talked to me, which is fairly rare as they consider talking to animals to be a waste of time, so far he hadn't said a single thing.

"Slave, you have pleasured your master well. I shall have the handlers give you extra rations. Would you like this?"

"Yes Master, thank you Master." I hissed back. Like all intelligent animals I had been taught their speech, they sure weren't going to learn mine. I also had a kind of universal translation thing installed with the chip in my brain, so I understood my Masters perfectly even though my own use of their speech was limited. Human throats aren't made for the hissing, rasping, clicking sounds that pass for speech with lizards. I guess English wasn't considered worth including in the translators programming.

"Yesss. I may ask to have you made my personal slave, so you can pleasure me all the time. You are so soft and warm. I would be a kind Master. Would you like that slave?"

God, what a horrible thought. But I said the only thing I could, "Yes Master, it would be an honor." If I'd told him to fuck off and die I knew what would happen. Most likely he would have been having me for lunch a few minutes later.

He finally finished with me, and took me back to the stable. And as he promised I did receive extra rations; which were welcome as we are not well fed. I had very mixed feelings about his possibly having me given to him as a personal slave. On one hand I wouldn't be "hunted" anymore, but on the other hand I'd be his sex toy. That's all they used us for, we weren't allowed to perform any other functions then prey or pleasure beast and maybe a few basic chores. But for whatever reason I didn't hear anything more about it. More than likely the other lizards told him to get stuffed. They were starting to run low on "prey" animals as over half of us had died; or been eaten, either by the lizards, or native plant and wildlife. Plus I was considered an exceptionally good "prey" as I always made my Masters work for the pleasure of claiming me for a day. Between hunts we were allowed three days to "recover", and then put in the pens to wait to be hunted again.

The pens were divided according to the sex of the animals. I share a pen with five other men. We had an "exercise" area where we were required to work out on a regular basis on provided machines (so we could offer more sport by being in good condition) and a sleeping & eating area. We had one large communal sleeping pad. We were also nude as animals don't wear clothes, and neither do our Masters. But as the ship's temperature was very warm we didn't suffer from cold or anything. There was some homosexual activity, but not much as we all got plenty of anal sex whether we wanted it or not. But when there was they did it in public as we had no privacy, so we just ignored it as best we could to give them an illusion of privacy. As long as it was consensual, try and force yourself on someone and the rest would put a stop to it.

Then there was a new development, another group of "animals" were added to the stables. But they weren't human, or lizard. I saw my first new alien the next time I was released to be hunted. Some just stood by the exits and waited for a Master to claim them, but I made them work for it. If you didn't run they usually just had you for dinner right there. There was also the small chance I could kill another of the bastards. I saw one of the other aliens as we were released for the hunt; was a little taller, but more slender then a human. And it obvious it had evolved from some sort of deer like race as it was covered in fur or hair, had short horns, a muzzle, three toed hooves on its legs, and four digit fingers on its hands. And it was also female as I could see large pink nipples on its lower belly where the fur was the thinnest. And boy could they run, they left us plodding humans behind in no time. As I ran through the jungle a short time later I heard a strange bleating cry of terror, and even though it wasn't human I knew fear when I heard it. Since the cries were coming from nearby I couldn't help myself, and went to take a look. It was one of the deer aliens, and she was stuck in a quicksand bog. She was up to her armpits and was struggling desperately, and gave another cry of terror. It was so plaintive and had such fear and terror in it I just couldn't walk away like I would normally have done. The lizards don't like it if we help save another animal from their "natural fate". I crawled out onto a large overhanging branch and reached out to the alien, and despite our differences she knew what I was doing and reached out to me. I grabbed her arms and pulled her from the thick gurgling bog and dragged her up to the branch with me, and we both made our way back to solid ground. She just looked at me for a few seconds with big soft brown eyes, then taking one of my hands she licked it, then turned and bounded off into the jungle. Shorty thereafter I was the victim of a successful "hunt" again, and the female lizard that caught me had me service her right then and there. The fact that we were both in danger from a passing Orchid or another predator just made the sex more intense; and a lizard likes that. I've heard stories of a coupling lizard and human being swallowed still joined together by an Orchid as they couldn't stop mating even while being eaten alive. What a way to go. I wonder if they kept fucking while they were being digested alive?

The female lizard won the hunt in the usual way of "subduing" me by taking my throat in her fanged mouth. Believe me when you have two inch fangs at your throat you are most definitely "subdued". I always "surrendered" as soon as a lizard grappled with me, those damn claws of theirs can disembowel you. She snapped the collar on me and I was hers for twenty hours. Without wasting any time she leaned back against a tree and spread her legs. And as with the male I caressed and licked her vent until the protective bands softened and opened for me. And by then I was rock hard too and wanted very much to fuck her because of those damn pheromones. But not yet, I had to use my tongue first. So I lay with my head between her legs and my tongue busy in her vagina until she gave a guttural hiss to let me know it was time to mount her, and mount her I did, and I fucked her most energetically. And that's where another modification came in; I can't come for a minimum of an hour. That's so I won't blow my wad before the lizard is satisfied. So while she grasped me with her legs around my waist I humped her for over an hour before I finally; at long last, had a massive orgasm and she gave a high pitched hiss as she climaxed as well as her own orgasm was triggered by my "hot" sperm spurting into her. When I had pulled out and we were resting until the next of many more couplings she held me like the male lizard had, for my body warmth. She had been very cool inside when I was fucking her, but was warmed up now and very aroused. She turned out to be more demanding than usual and I had to service her fifteen times for full one hour couplings, and I felt dead from exhaustion afterwards. That was another "gift" from our Masters, the ability to have numerous orgasms within a short period of time, but of course it was for their benefit, not ours, but damn it we do enjoy it. Then she spoke to me as I lay next to her, and again I was surprised.

"Slave, you have warmed and pleasured me nicely. It is a shame so few of your kind remain; the hunt and jungle have claimed many. You are a worthy prey; you almost avoided me though I stalked you for hours. If you like I may be able to have you transferred to the breeding facility. It would be a shame to waste your genes as you would sire strong offspring. Would you like this, slave?"

That got my attention. I had heard rumors of the "breeding facility" where you spent the rest of your days mating with females. It would sure beat being raped by lizards once every three days until dying horribly and/or being eaten, and I was sick of being brutally sodomized and having no choice but to enjoy it, it was horribly to enjoy such degradation. With the female lizards I had to admit it wasn't as bad, at least I got to be male. But after the pleasure was over the feeling of degradation and being dirty was nauseating. So I replied,

"Yes Mistress, this slave would like that." Anything would be better then this.

"Then prove it" she said, and spread her legs again.

Oh Jeez, fifteen times! But I had motivation this time, and somehow managed to make her kick and hiss in pleasure as I serviced her again. She was most pleased at my evident enthusiasm. And quite frankly, though I'll never admit it, she was one hell of a lay for a cold-blooded reptile. I much prefer the females over the males, at least it seems more natural to fuck a female then be fucked by a male, even if they are a different alien species.

I pretty much forgot about her offer after the next couple of hunts, once with another female and another with a male claiming me for their "reward". But the next day after the last hunt I was working out in the exercise pen when two lizards came in. What was unusual was that they weren't handlers. Instead one was the female who had mentioned the breeding facility, and another one was a Veterinarian or something, or whatever you called an alien lizard that took care of human and other alien "livestock". They had me stand still while the Vet examined me and they hissed back and forth. They said something about "Yes, he is a healthy specimen", "He has strong hips", "and he has survived two years as a prey animal? Impressive." Etc. Finally the Vet said,

"Yes, I agree. He would make a fine stud for the breeding pens. I will have him transferred immediately. We have a special project he is perfect for." The lizard female replied,

"I am going to the communication hub, the breeding facility is on the way, and if you will allow I can take him now and save having to waste the time of another crewmember."

"Very well, the Vet hissed, a worthy suggestion. Take the male slave with you then, and I will complete the transfer orders. But be sure to keep him on a leash."

And so for the last time I was led from the prey animal pens, but would soon come to wish I was back there. She led me down the corridors of the huge ship, and it must have been five miles to the breeding facility. Along the way we encountered other lizards, and some had personal slaves with them. And the variety was amazing, just how many races had the lizards conquered? Like me all were nude, and while you could tell the sexes on some, with others it was impossible. There were aliens with fur, with scales like our Masters, with smooth rubbery looking skin, with wings, four legged, bipedal, six legged, two-four-six eyes, no legs, insectoid, mammal, avian, and some I had no idea of what they might be. Some of them stared at me as curiously as I stared at them, some ignored me, and I had no idea if others were even looking at me or not. I think I finally realized for the first time just how big the Universe was, and how insignificant Earth was. And I knew I'd never see my home world again. I don't know if it was my relief at being out of the prey pen; or at the unfairness of it all, but I started crying. The lizard heard me, and paused,

"Slave, are you sick? Should I summon a Vet?" She asked, and actually seemed concerned.

"No Mistress, I am just sad. When my kind is sad we pass water from our eyes, it's called crying."

She hissed, and reaching up with her hand wiped a tear off of my face and looked at the wetness on her scales. "How strange, it seems a waste of bodily fluids. But if it is not a life threatening condition then let us continue slave."

I guess I could have tried to tell her why I was sad, that my life and whole world had been taken away from me, that I didn't want to be a slave, but she would have not been able to understand. To the Slishish serving them is a great honor in their eyes, both as slave and/or food.

But before we got to the breeding facility she led me into a room that was unoccupied and had me pleasure her again. I caressed and licked her vent, and then tongue fucked her until she was ready for me to mount her. And I enjoyed myself greatly; because I had no choice, as I looked at her scaly back while I fucked her long and hard. She kept me there for what I know was several days, leaving me with my leash hooked to the wall when she had to leave. And sometimes when we slept it was for quite some time, so I guess it was "night" for her. And for the first time a lizard gave me oral sex, which was new and kind of frightening because of all those fangs. One hiccup and I'd be singing soprano. But she was a Mistress and I was slave, so she did whatever she wanted, but in this case I actually enjoyed it. And for the first time I felt something for a lizard, not love certainly, but at least familiarity as she was the only one I'd ever been intimate with for more than just a few hours. For the first time servicing a lizard almost seemed like actual love making instead of bestial rutting. One day she came back and told me,

"Come slave, I have kept you for myself as long as I can. The orders have come through and I must take you to the breeding facility. You pleasured me well, and I tried to have you reassigned as my personal slave, but I do not have the seniority. Come, we must go."

And again for the first time I felt something for a lizard other then fear and hatred. She seemed genuinely sad she couldn't keep me. I walked up to her and gently ran my hand down her back like I had found she liked, and said,

"This slave will miss his beautiful Mistress. Do we have time for me to pleasure you one more time my Mistress?"

We did, and heaven help me it lasted longer, and was the most pleasurable coupling, I'd had since becoming a slave. And to this day I wish I had become her personal slave as I could have been happy, or at least as happy as a slave can be. I would have been more then content to be her personal slave, anything would have been better then what they did to me.

We arrived at the breeding facility a couple of hours later, and she signed me over to one of the Veterinary assistants. I watched her as she left, with genuine regret and longing. I know she thought she was doing me a favor by getting me out of a sure death in the prey pens, but had I known what would be done to me, and the things I would be forced to do, I would much have preferred to remain in the pens, or would have asked her to rip my throat out and feed on my carcass. I had thought the breeding facility would be the next best thing to heaven in my situation, that I would spend my time leisurely having sex with young good looking women. And so I would, but only in part, and not in the way I had imagined. No, I much would have preferred to have my throat ripped out by my lizard lover or to have been her loyal slave. I'd like to think she didn't know what would happen to me.

The assistant took me to the same Vet that had examined me in the prey pen. He checked me over again, hooked me up to some recognizable medical equipment, and some weird stuff that I had no idea as to its function. He took samples of every fluid in my body, and it hurt like at bitch sometimes, hooked me up to a machine that milked me for my sperm (and that hurt like a bitch too). All he had to do was press a button and I came, no warning, just instant ejaculation. Then I was taken to a small cell that I had all to myself. It had the usual sleeping mat, a "teat" on the wall the dispensed water when you sucked on it; and a trough that filled with "food" every few hours. The food was an almost tasteless biscuit that looked like a pop tart someone had licked all the icing off of. But I ate the stuff because there was never enough and I was hungry all the time. You relieved yourself by going in an empty hole in one corner, but the waste just disappeared after a minute and there was no nasty smells. Very efficient as that way they didn't have to muck out the stalls. Lizards like efficiency, it's almost a religion with them.

I guess I was there for several days as I had time to sleep, eat, and stare at the walls, and so on for quite some time. And I almost went stir crazy, but the entertainment of animals wasn't high on the lizard's priorities. It beat being hunted though. I had no idea what had been going on, but the samples, scans, and other results of my examination and evaluation had been processed and options considered, and finally it was decided how I could best be of "service" to the breeding facility. I had been "modified" once before by the lizards to better serve as a suitable prey animal and sex slave. Now I was to be modified again, but in a way I would never have imagined; or though,t possible in my wildest dreams or nightmares. I still had no idea as to how incredibly advanced lizard technology and science truly was. They had been a civilized space going race for close to half a million years, and for them to "modify" adult living beings was simple. My first modification has been minor, but my second one was much more major. And when it was done I would no longer look like anything human as they made me into a sexual monster that was something out of some perverted nightmare from Hell.

I had no clue, no inkling of what awaited me. I was taken to a "modification" tube where tubes and monitors and other things were hooked up to me. The monitors were thin little wires that just sank into your body with no blood or pain, you couldn't even feel them. I had been in one before for my first modification, and at this point thought they were just going to remove the other modifications and maybe give me larger testicles and increase my sexual capability or something since I was going to be a breeding stud, and that I could learn to live with. So when the lid closed and drugs knocked me out I wasn't terribly worried as I still had no idea of what was going to happen to me. Whether or not they had modified any other poor being in the way they did me I have no idea, but I hope not.

I woke up in a drugged daze and realized I was lying on a pad; but it was raised like it was a real bed, and I was securely strapped down. I could see what looked like IV's and other things attached to my body, but couldn't see my body. I looked at the ceiling and felt, well, strange. One thing I noticed was my sense of smell was much more acute and sensitive. I flared my nostrils and could tell that there were three male lizards and one female in the immediate vicinity even though I couldn't see them. But I could hear them, and flicked my ears towards the sound of hissing conversation. Then I realized something, since when could I "flick" my ears? I'd never been able to move them around before, let alone control them. I flicked them again, and they felt large and mobile. What the fuck? I thought. I tried to lift up my head, but was too securely strapped down. The conversation got louder, so I flicked my ears back towards the source, and heard them say,

"Doctor, male breeder stud designation Class B, Type 4, No. 4 has finished the modification program. He is still recovering from modification and we have yet to run post modification tests. But it appears the modifications have been successful. We are pleased with the results. It is a new concept and still largely experimental. So far though it has been largely successful, and the costs saved and the increase in efficiency is substantial."

Another voice, male, said "Excellent, we can use him. There are many females which need to be serviced. Assign a vettech to care for and monitor him, and a trainer to instruct him in his duties once he is released from the hospital. Once he has been trained and is ready for the breeding pens we will assign him a personal handler to care for him and arrange his breeding schedule with the animal husbandry department."

Another voice; this one female, said "Esteemed Doctors, monitors indicate he is aware and will soon be fully awake. He is still restrained due to possible initial shock, both mental and physical. But there should be no problems; his brain chemistry has been modified so he will be more prone to be calm and docile. When should his training start?"

"Acceptable senior medtech, you are assigned to care for; and monitor, him for the remaining time he is in the hospital. I know it is not enjoyable, but you will have to explain many things to him. It will help him to understand better; and adapt to and accept what his function is now. He is an intelligent animal and will understand you. If he becomes distressed you are authorized to administer suitable sedatives. As soon as you feel he is ready to be released inform the trainer and he will accept custody."

And then the voices faded out of hearing range and I was left staring at the ceiling. My God, I thought, what have they done to me? Modified my BRAIN chemistry?? What the HELL did that mean?? I tried to move again, but was totally restrained. I gave a kind of wet slobbering whimper and my ears where flicking around like crazy. I felt so very strange and I could tell something was different about my body, horribly different. I didn't feel human anymore, that's the only way I know how to describe it. I gave another whimper, why couldn't I talk, all I could was squeal and make horrible wet gobbling sounds. I had some sort of oxygen mask over my face, but I still should have been able to at least make muffled sounds instead of just slobber! Oh God, oh God, where are you when we need you? But I merely thought that out of habit, I had lost any faith I had long ago as no God would let his children suffer the fate of the human race, at least no God worth worshipping. And when I finally saw what had been done to me I had nothing but hatred and contempt any so-called benevolent beings who would let something like me even exist.

I dozed off again as I was still full of drugs from the modification tube and IV's, but I woke up when I heard someone approaching down the corridor outside the cell, even though the door was closed. I flicked my ears towards the sound, but I still couldn't move much at all, just barely squirm. And I felt so strange. As I watched a female lizard entered the room and walked over to my bed, or whatever it is.

She said, "You are awake and aware, good. Do you understand what I am saying slave?"

I tried to say yes, but only gurgled, so nodded my head "yes" instead which meant the same thing to lizards. Let me go, please, I have to see, I thought. Why do I feel so strange, what's WRONG with me?

"Good, the lizard said, now I will remove your head restraint so you will have free movement of your head and neck. You will also be able to feed as you must be hungry."

And yes, I was ravenous; I was so hungry it hurt. I made eager smacking sounds at the thought of food. But why can't I talk??

The lizard removed the oxygen mask; or whatever it was, and a tube that pulled out of my throat came with it. Maybe that was why I couldn't talk, I thought. It had certainly made my throat sore enough, and I gave a squeal of pain as she pulled it out. Next she undid a strap around my neck, and then one around my head. But as she lifted up the head strap is was weird looking, it looked more like a harness then a strap. I shook my head, and lifting it up looked down at myself, and tired to scream, but only make a wet mewling squealing sound. No, No, NOOO! That can't be me! I screamed in my mind. I threw my head around at the end of its long supple neck, saliva and froth flying from my mouth in sprays. "Urrrrggglllleee, gluurrgglle!" I squealed. That's wrong, that can't be me! What have you dooone? No, No, NOOOOO!

The lizard; startled by the animals violent reaction, quickly instructed the medical unit to administer a calming agent into one of the still attached IV's. The slave quickly calmed down, and she slid the head harness back over its muzzle and secured it, then also secured the neck band. It looked up at her with big wide eyes with fluid leaking from them and kept making soft mewling cries of distress, and she felt as sorry for it as one of her kind could. She petted the side of its muzzle, and said,

"Do not worry slave, you soon grow accustomed to your new form. You will have the honor of serving the Slishish in a very special way. You are unique; one of a kind, a true medical marvel. You will be well cared for and want for nothing." And then she left me alone, alone with the thing I had become.

I shut my eyes as tears squeezed out of them. What I'd seen wasn't possible; it must be a mistake, a hideous mistake. But they'll fix it, won't they? They have to, how can they expect any intelligent being to live like this? I shuddered in horror as I remembered what I'd seen during the brief time my head and neck had been free. I had seen powerful hind legs, legs the wrong shape and ending in four toed paws with an extra toe on the back of them, all with large talons or claws. An abdomen covered in wide tan colored bands like a reptile but my body seemed to covered in some kind of short fur, a long thick tail, and most horrible of all, I appeared to no longer have a penis, but I did have two very large balls that hung in line with one another and were also covered in reptilian bands. I hadn't seen my arms, but as I strained against my restraints I could feel my fingers folding and unfolding and they felt strange, stiff and mechanical with no dexterity. I gave another wet mewling wail and weakly struggled again, but it was useless. And I was even hungrier now, in my anguish and terror I had forgotten my hunger, but it came back much worse than before. I made more mewling sounds, but this time it was a plea to be fed. I was so hungry. Please Mistress, come back, and please feed me. I'm so hungry, I'll be good. I promise, please, I'm so hungry. Please, I don't want to be alone like this, please come back.

The lizard monitored the slave until the readouts indicated he had calmed down and his current agitation was more from hunger than any other reason. So she prepared a large bucket of the special mash he required, and taking it with her went back to the cell.

When the door to the room opened again I realized my ears had automatically flicked towards the sound of the approaching lizard, but I'd been too busy thinking to pay attention. I looked up at the lizard as she approached, and I could smell the food she was carrying in the bucket. "Mmuuurrrggglllle!" I pleaded. I'm so hungry, please feed me. I thought, it hurts, please. I mewled and pleaded to be fed.

She undid the neck band and head harness again, ready to secure them again if the animal panicked, but this time instead of panicking the slave thrust his muzzle into the bucket almost right away after only a slight hesitation and began to feed with sounds of pleasure. She watched as his muzzle sucked up the thick nutritious paste. "Mmuurrggglllleee, um, um, sluurrpp!" he squealed happily.

Oh, oh, I thought, it tastes so good. I gurgled and slobbered happily as I fed by sucking the lovely tasting goo through my muzzle like it was a big straw. When the lizard had loosened my restraints this time my only thought had been the savory smelling food, and plunging my muzzle/trunk into the bucket I started eating greedily. And it was gone way too soon, and with a disappointed mewl I lay back down. And now that the terrible hunger had been satisfied I tried to come to grips with what I had seen before, but I couldn't bring myself to look again. I just couldn't accept it yet. And I still felt so damn strange. There were needs and thoughts running through my mind, feelings and senses being sent to my brain by my body that I couldn't understand or identify for sure, strange disturbing feelings, some of them sexual but unlike any kind of arousal I'd felt before. I shook my head and gave a wet sounding snort, thick slobber drooling from my mouth, and I couldn't stop doing it. The best I could do was licking my muzzle fairly often to keep try and keep it from dripping. It was gross. Finally I raised my head and stared down at my new body.

In a disbelieving daze I found myself staring down the length of a long fleshly snout or muzzle covered in hair or fur that looked like crushed velvet. And as I slobbered a long prehensile tongue emerged to scent the air and lick my large rubbery nose, and then slid back in with a wet slurping sound. Oh my GOD, I thought, what WAS that!?! I tried to stick out my tongue, and that long THING came out of the end of my muzzle again, and to add even more horror another smaller tongue slid out from inside the big one, only it was forked! I squeezed my eyes shut in disbelief. What have they DONE to me?!? I took a closer look at my muzzle, because that's the only thing it could be, and I could see large elongated nostrils running up the sides for several inches and some sort of strange membranes or blisters near my eyes. "Urrggllle" I slobbered. I didn't have any teeth; the inside of my mouth was just slick and wet and felt like a tube. And I couldn't talk because I didn't seem to have any vocal cords anymore, at least not human ones. The muzzle reminded me of an anteater's more than anything. My muzzle; which was partially prehensile it would seem, moving in a circle as my tongues licked it. Why, I thought, WHY?

It's been several days; at least I think so, since I woke up to the horror of my new existence. There is no mistaking me for anything human anymore, there's no mistaking me for anything but a monstrosity. I leaned my large hideous head against the wall in a corner and mewled and slobbered as I cried. A head that was the size of a horses on the end of long supple neck, with a large fleshy boneless snout that was prehensile like a short trunk, the horrible tongues, the large gaping nostrils that looked like open wounds as the insides were red and moist looking, the strange bulges on each side of my muzzle under my large dull blue eyes. My eyes are the only human thing remaining, but they are much larger than before and have a strange dull sheen. They bulge out like frog's eyes and look blank, the color washed out and dull, like a cows eyes. My ears are the size of a mules, but shaped like a bats, hairless and veined and I can not only hear with them, but detect heat sources like an infrared sensor.

In fact my whole body was larger; I was the size of a pony. I have thick powerful hind legs shaped like a horses or goats, but with feet or paws that look like they belong on a reptile, as do my belly bands. But the rest of me; including my long thick tail which counterbalances my permanent forward leaning stance, is covered in fine fur like crushed velvet. It's reddish on my back and fades to brown on my sides. I also have a long tufted mane like growth of thick bristly hair down the middle of my neck and on the back my head, like a big Mohawk. My arms are still the same size, and almost too small looking for my new size. They still basically look like human arms except for the fur, but my hands are another story. I have three fingers with TWO opposable thumbs on each one now, and each digit has an extra joint and is much longer now and has a nasty sharp black talon that is not retractable. My fingers and thumbs are stiff and I have very little dexterity with them, they feel more like some sort of reptilian claws then human hands. I can grip, but not do much more. They are mainly for grasping my sexual partners now to help subdue them. My Masters keep my claws trimmed and filed; on both my hand and paws, so I can't hurt myself, or anyone else, with them. And there are strange little openings in the middle of my palms with little flaps over them, they look kind of like sphincters, but I have NO idea of what they're for.

But even worse is my "sexual" status. I'm still very much male despite the cloaca like vent between my legs right above the two large testicles. I just carry my penises inside now, all three of them. And I have two more of the weird little sphincter like openings with flaps over them on my belly just above my testicles. And again I have NO idea what they're for. I now carry eleven additional testicles inside of myself; alien testicles, for a total of twelve alien and one human. You see, the true horror is that I was created to mate with; service, females from twelve different alien races as well as human females, but even to humans I must look like an alien, there's nothing human left. And I'm equipped with three differently shaped penises so I'll be capable of mounting them no matter what shape their vaginas or mating orifices are. My penises are also capable of taking on different lengths and thicknesses. My super sensitive nostrils immediately identify the pheromones; or other sexual indicators, of the female selected for me to service, and they signal my body to bring the correct sized and shaped penis "on line" along with the appropriate testicle. My strange body is perfectly adapted to perform these numerous kinds of different mating. They created me as it is much cheaper to care for one male breeding stud then thirteen, much more "efficient". The unnatural thing I had become was created in the name of efficiency.

But by far the worst part is my mind is still very much aware. Maybe if they'd given me a lobotomy I wouldn't KNOW what I am now, wouldn't have to face it every day when I woke up. If I had the brain of an animal I'd probably be happy and content with my life. I am a miracle of alien science, and an obscene sexual freak that wishes for death more the anything. Do what it's like to loathe you very own existence, to hate what you are? Even my weird tongues and ears play a part in mating with certain females as some females require oral stimulation before opening to a male for insemination, and my ears determine when a female's body temperature is best to assure impregnation. What the "stud" or his "mates" felt about the arrangement was of no interest to the lizards. As long as I could successfully fuck and get them pregnant, that was all that mattered. It was more efficient, and I was very efficient at what I did as I had no choice. Once I became aroused I had no control over what happened next, none.

They told me what I would be doing, told me what my "modifications" were, and what my function was. They did not tell me what my "mates" would be like since I would soon find out; only that they would be females from twelve different alien races in addition to my own. They told it in typical lizard clinical and detached coldness, having no idea of the horror they were describing when the thing they had created heard what his life would be like from now on. And tomorrow I would start the actual physical "training". I was terrified, God, what would it be like to mate with alien females, some which resembled nothing remotely human? With a moan I crouched down and settled in for the night as that's how I sleep. To my surprise I actually fell asleep for several hours.

I was fully awake and aware when my trainer came to collect me. I was bound and determined to be as uncooperative as possible, but the second I smelled the food he had I could only think of one thing, eating. He scratched my mane as I eagerly sucked the delicious mash out of the bucket and mewled happily. I was so hungry all the time, my strange twisted monstrosity of a body requires a lot of nutrition, a very specialized food to nurture the alien testicles in my body as each needs their own special nutrients. My diet is entirely liquid, the same thing every time I'm fed as my new intestinal tract is very simple and designed only to process that one for of nourishment. Without it I would soon die of starvation. My food would kill any other being that tried to eat it; only my own body can handle the blend of alien toxins, vitamins, enzymes, and other ingredients. When the food was gone I pawed at the bucket and looked up hopefully. "Urrrgllllee??" I slobbered. The trainer said,

"Don't worry; you will be fed after each mating. We will take good care of you; you are very valuable you know."

Yeah, I thought, a zoo or freak show would pay a fortune for me. The trainer hooked a leash on my collar, and much to my surprise; and confusion, I followed him docilely enough. I just couldn't seem to get mad enough to protest. I was upset, but it just didn't seem to matter. I think that must be what it feels like to be a cow, a big, stupid, docile cow with no will of its own, but a human mind. As led me down corridors I could smell females, many different kinds, and I was getting, well, hornier then hell. By the time we reached our destination I was excited and eagerly sniffing the air, I couldn't help it. He led me into the room and left me, and I stared around in; at first confusion, then horror.

There was a human woman in the room, and she had been strapped to a kind of half table and was of course completely nude. She was lying face down on it from the stomach up and cuffs on her wrists held her securely, but she was hanging off the edge from the waist down and her legs were strapped to the legs so she was spread and helpless. But she could raise her head and look around, and when she saw me she screamed. At first I tried to resist, tried to refuse. But I could do nothing, the thing I was had caught her scent and was fully aroused and in rut by now. I had never felt such lust before, such need. I looked down mewling in terror as a penis slid out of my cloaca, human shaped and about ten inches long. Unable to help myself I approached the screaming woman, and attracted by her sexual scent I lowered my head and licked her vagina with my tongue to taste her, then slid my tongue inside of her to lubricate her for what was coming. The "foreplay" over I mounted her with a gurgle of lust and serviced her like an animal, grunting and slobbering in pleasure as I lunged into her. I was much larger then she was, so straddled her with my hands gripping the edge of the table on either side of her head and thrust into her desperately in an attempt to satisfy my need. She was warm and wet and oh so tight and slick, and her female pheromones drove me wild. It only took me a few minutes, and I threw back my head and slobbered mindlessly and my body shuddered as a massively pleasurable orgasm rocked it. And the woman screamed and moaned the whole time. As I dismounted some of my sanity returned and I looked down and saw my penis; still dribbling cum, and as I watched it disappeared back into my cloaca which sealed after it. And I was the one who screamed then, or tried to. Then the door opened and my trainer led me from the room. I was in state of horrified shock, my dream of living a life of relative luxury and having long enjoyable sex with women was gone forever. Instead of lovemaking and foreplay I would instead service them as an animal with no more foreplay or love making then a Billy Goat. No; not even that, what I did was rape, pure and simple. At least animals had willing mates.

As I ate my trainer rubbed my mane and told me I was a good boy. Then when the food was gone he left me alone in my new home, a stall without even a sleeping mat and a trough for my water. A stall like any barnyard animal would have. The fact I was an intelligent being no longer seemed to receive any consideration at all. As far as my Masters were concerned I WAS a stupid, dumb, animal, and so they treated me like one. Left me alone to relive the horrible rape I had committed, and been powerless not to.

The next time I was taken to the breeding pens it was an even worse horror. They left me in a room with half a dozen woman strapped to what they called "mounting racks", but what I call "rape racks". And slobbering in lust I mounted and mated with all six within one hour, without any strain or hesitation. And my human mind could only go along for "the ride" as the beast took over as soon as it caught the scent of a female. It was wrong, and obscene, and unnatural, and the thing I was loved it. After my lust had faded I tried to apologize, tried to let them know I couldn't stop myself. But since I couldn't talk and didn't look human anymore the sheer horror in their faces hurt me to my soul. All they knew was that they had been raped by a monster, and I could see the loathing and hate in their eyes. And my masters were most "pleased" with my performance and I was rewarded with extra mash. With human females and some others I can mate anytime, but with others they had to be in estrus, or whatever passed for estrus with their species. Others had to be stimulated to become receptive to mating. I was "naturally" equipped to handle any mating situation with extreme aggressiveness.

My next "mate" was one of the deer like aliens I had seen before, whose kind were also hunted by the lizards for "sport". As with my second trip to the breeding pens there were half a dozen of them waiting for me in mounting racks, and as before once I caught their scent I had no choice but to service each one vigorously as I squealed and mewled in pleasure. And God help me it did feel so fantastically pleasurable. And I made no attempt to "apologize" this time, what was the use? And every day I was taken to the pens to find a female from another alien race waiting for my attentions, or sometimes up to six at a time. It would seem I was capable to servicing up to six females an hour from several of the races I had been created to mate with. With others it was different as it took longer or required various kinds of "foreplay". Most were mammals, or at least looked like it, but a few weren't. Two others were reptilian, one was an amphibian, and two were totally alien, and mating with one of those almost drove me insane.

The alien females included a four legged-two armed one that reminded me most of some sort of cow like centaur, and it took my largest and thickest penis to service her. There was a very human like alien with dark brown skin and thick black hair running down their backs like a mane, and a smaller vaguely pig like race. Another was an amphibian of some kind that looked very much like a bright red frog with yellow stripes and spots, they really were pretty. She made little cheeping sounds as I mated with her, and the strange blisters on the sides of my head make similar deeper sounds as evidently she was at least partially stimulated to be sexually receptive by sound, and of all the females I was mated with her kind almost seemed to enjoy it. I know I did, I think my human mind was starting to merge more with the thing I had become, and to my growing horror I was starting to look forward to my trips to the breeding pens. I was slowly coming to see our forced couplings as actual mating, not the rapes they really were. And the warped thing I was began to hear the female's screams; or other sounds of terror, as sounds of sexual joy! Those terrified pleas actually aroused me now, I was becoming the beast whose body I inhabited. The intelligent part of me, the human part, was being destroyed slowly and surely. I had no doubt that in time only the sex crazed monster would remain.

But there was one mating that terrorized me at first. It was so wrong and bizarre that even the sex crazed thing I was thought so. The first time was the worst, but in time I would come to accept it; and even enjoy, it. One day when I was taken by my handler to the breeding pens I was surprised when he led me into a room with no females waiting for me. He head me straddle a mounting rack and strapped ME to it. I didn't complain as I was well "trained" by then, but I did mewl in worry as anything out of the "ordinary" was to be feared. He gave me what was meant to be a reassuring pat, and then brought in my "mate". At the sight of "her" I went crazy. It was not only the sight of "her" but an instinctive reaction to being in the presence of a predator. So far all of my mates had been "submissive" and I was dominant, but not this time. "She" was an insect of some kind, a large beetle or roach like thing with large clicking mandibles, multiple legs, and a body covered in dark blue and black chitin. Master, I screamed in my mind as struggled and thrashed, Master, Please, make it go away! But of course all I could do was make wet squealing and slobbering sounds as the hideous thing approached me. I almost went insane I was so terrified; I was convinced I was going to be eaten.

"She" started gently running her antenna over my body, and they tingled and slowly I calmed down. It was actually a rather pleasant feeling, and I suddenly knew I had nothing to fear from "her". She was "telling" me she was ready to mate, and somehow I knew it. She caressed me with her antenna for a while longer, and suddenly I felt a wet "blooming" feeling on my rump between my balls and rectum. Oh my God, I thought, do I have a vagina too?!? It was the weirdest feeling, but it felt good. The insectoid went around behind me, and because of my long supple neck I was able to turn my head around 180 degrees and watch what happened. She; gently, grasped my rump with her mandibles and I lifted my tail out of the way. Then she opened her mouth (?) and a long clear tube came sliding out, pressed against that strange wetness, and penetrated and slid deep into my body. I threw back my head and gave a guttural gurgling moan of pure pleasure. I felt a sudden pressure and pricking sensation deep inside of me, and a few seconds later a thick yellowish fluid began to flow through the proboscis as she sucked it from my body. It was sperm, and she was "mating" with me. And for all the weirdness it was strangely enjoyable. She was gentle, and after she was through draining me she stayed for awhile and kept caressing me with her antenna and I think she was thanking me, or at least trying to comfort me. It was so odd such a fearsome looking creature could be so caring for her monstrous "mate", and she probably thought I was as weird as I thought she was. I was mated with many more of the insectoid females (I guess they were female) and I could tell they were different ones from their colors and markings, and each one was an attentive and gentle "lover". And after the first few times I was no longer strapped down as it was no longer necessary as I was a willing mate. They had a kind of tube like tongue and often we would "kiss" by wrapping our long prehensile tongues around one another's and I thought their multi-faceted gemlike eyes were beautiful. I came to enjoy mating with them as they were one of my few mates that didn't scream in terror at the sight of me.

The last female I was taken to mate with was the strangest, but it was a very wonderful and strange kind of mating. She looked like a giant purple worm at first glance. A fairly large thick tubular body completely covered in long fine purple hairs. She had two large sapphire like eyes, a wet looking toothless mouth, and large sensitive ears shaped something like ferns or corral. But they were more than just ears as I found out. The second I caught her scent I staggered from the impact, my large sensitive nostrils quivering. And at the same time I felt a stirring in my palms and crotch, and finally found out what the strange openings in my palms and lower belly were for. I held up my hands and watched as long pink tentacles came slithering out of the openings, and I felt the same thing happen to the two on my belly. The pink fleshly tentacles were about two feet long and had heads with clusters of fine hairs or tendrils on the tips and were incredibly sensitive. I could actually taste the worms scent with them. The worm was strapped down with several straps over her body, but she was able to turn her head and look at me. And to my surprise sent me a signal I picked up with my large bat like ears, the signal told me her body temperature was right for mating and I could actually "see" her whole body glowing like it had a red aurora around it. I felt my largest and thickest penis come sliding out, rock hard and dribbling pre, and my "tentacles" were going crazy, and so was I as an intense lust washed over me. With a mewling moan I approached her and she watched me intently with obvious intelligence. At first her rump (?) looked featureless, but as I got nearer her hairs (?) parted to reveal three openings. One was an amazingly human like vagina with large glistening lips and as I watched fluid dripped from it, fluid I could smell. The other two looked like much smaller vaginas, but were round. With a grunt I crouched down and licked that wet drooling vagina and ran my tongue deep inside and the worm shuddered and made a high pitched keening sound and the lips closed against my tongue and tired to pull it inside. With a wet slurp I pulled my tongue out and pulled it back onto my muzzle and savored her sweet tasting sexual fluids. I gave a deep moaning squeal of desire and lust. With another moan I pressed the head of my huge aching penis (at full extension it was a good twenty inches long and almost three inches thick) against those eager lips and started to mount her, and as I did the two waving writhing tentacles on my belly found those other two vagina like openings and penetrated them as well. If I could have screamed in ecstasy I would have, but all I could do was give a deep slobbering moan as I reared up and fell across her back. And then I found two more small vagina like opening on the back of her neck (?) and the two tentacles on my palms quickly found and penetrated those wet slick openings and we joined.

And we not only joined physically, but mentally as well. As the bundles of nerve ganglia's on the tips of my tentacles came into contact with identical bundles at the bottoms of those four small openings our nervous systems and minds joined and we became one. We; literally, became one creature. And I could feel myself thrusting in to her, and at the same could feel my penis thrusting into ME! And she also felt both the male and female acts as we mated. And she knew who I was, and was surprised to find that I was an intelligent being and not just some mindless animal. And I knew who she was, a member of an ancient and very advanced race of peaceful gentle beings. Like me she had been captured by the Slishish and had been their slave for much longer then I had. But this was the first time she had been bred successfully. They had tried with artificial insemination but that had never worked as her kind required the love of a mate to become pregnant, the mere introduction of sperm would not work. And to my amazement she found me to be an acceptable mate, and we both knew that as soon as I spilled my seed into her she would become gravid with eggs. This happened because she saw me as a gentle loving being, not a freak or monster, but as an acceptable mate worthy of love. And I knew I loved her too, as only two who have become one can for we knew everything about one another, nothing was hidden. For once joined like this she would never accept another mate and we would always feel a link to the other even when separated, a kind of empathic telepathy. And so I experienced what I was like to be one with an alien, and felt both the female and male acts of our mating, and it was glorious beyond description. And as a massive orgasm rocked our bodies I felt my seed pour into her, and at the same time felt her own orgasm as my seed fertilized her eggs, and she in turn felt mine. And we grasped each other as we shuddered in mutual ecstasy.

And we mated again and again, and then stayed joined long after my loins were empty. I found that my senses had become more acute and I could feel with my own fur now as hers rubbed against and caressed me. I showed her my world and she showed me hers. Her race was called the Trill, and her home was a place of great soaring trees and spires of slender delicate looking buildings, of beautiful flowers on which her kind fed. It was a world that had known peace for untold millennia and had been in peaceful contact with many other races; that is before the Slishish came. And now her world; and many others, battled the lizards across light years of space. Her kind did not fight, but were healers of bodies and minds. They could channel a healing power into even other alien races in order to heal broken bodies and help soothe shattered minds. Her kinds were much valued by the lizards as slaves as they would heal even them, her race could refuse no creature that was suffering. But they were a dying race as their home planet had been devastated by the initial lizard attack. For all she knew she was the last of her kind and I felt her great sadness, but also her joy at finding a mate she could love and who could give her young. And I felt my own joy, that I had also found a mate I could love, that would accept me even like I was. And after I dismounted and withdrew my tentacles I undid the straps binding her and she slid off the rack and I crouched in a corner with her wrapped around me and we kissed and rubbed our fur against one another and twined our long think tongued around one another's, and it was wonderful, and we stayed that way until the handler came to take me back to my stall. But even after we were separated I could feel her in my mind as I was part of her now, and she was part of me. We couldn't really "talk" as we had when joined, but I could feel her emotions in an empathic way. We knew when the other was happy, sad, scared, sleeping, etc.

And so my so-called life as a freak designed as a "stud" to breed various aliens for my masters the Slishish went on for years. Ironically the only thing that made it bearable was the actual sex itself. I finally managed to inure myself to the sounds of the females I "serviced" for my masters as I had no choice but to rape them rather I wanted to or not. It was the only way I could keep from going more insane then I already was. The thing I had become was controlled by its responses to sexual pheromones and other stimulation; I had no control at all. I am kept and bred as an animal, my masters do not care if I am intelligent or not. And when I'm alone I stand in a corner of my stall and pound my claw like hands against the wall and sob at the horror of my own existence. But when my masters come to fetch me and take me to the breeding pens I go docilely because I have no choice, none at all. The thing I am looks forward to it. And so the years pass in a daze of sexual pleasure and self-hating loathing. But my masters are pleased by my performance, and that is all that matters.

The few times I am actually truly happy is when I am bred with the purple worm again, for even the beast I am sees her as a life mate. She does her best to help my slowly diminishing intelligence and awareness as I slowly become the beast. It has grown harder for me to communicate with her via our mind link as well since it requires a higher intelligence level to do so. And I can sense her sadness when we are joined and it worries me because I'm no longer even aware as to what is happening to my mind it is so gradual. But she knows.

Then one day as I was being led to the breeding pens something happened that would change everything. The Slishish; for all their might, were not the sole power in the universe, and in their depredations they had made more than their fair share of enemies. I was docilely following my handler when suddenly the great ship gave a shudder and loud noises that could only be alarms began to go off. I started panicking, more from the noise then anything, and my handler tied my lead rope to a convenient pipe and raced away leaving me alone. There were more shudders and then the sound of explosions and I panicked even more. I was scared and wanted go back to my stall, I had been treated as an animal for so long I had come to think of myself as one, and my reactions were more those of an animal then a reasoning being. Large parties of Slishish were racing by on a regular basis, but they ignored me. Some were obviously damage control or other technicians, but even more were soldiers in battle armor. There was one really large explosion in the distance, and the artificial gravity failed for a few minutes and I really freaked out then as I floated helplessly, kicking and squealing. When it came back on I fell back to the deck, and with a loud slobbering squeal I managed to pull the lead rope loose and loped down the corridor in abject terror.

Whatever was going on it began to look like the Slishish were getting the worst of the deal. As I ran blindly down corridors I began to pass signs of battle damage and dead bodies, both Slishish and others. It was a brutal battle and there were no clear winners yet. Finally I passed through a large door into a warehouse or storage area of some kind, and finding a nice dark hiding place I cowered in fear. I wanted my handler to take me back to my nice safe stall; I didn't like all the loud noises and strange smells. And as I hid the battle raged on for many more hours, the ship was huge and it took the invaders quite some to time eventually capture; or in most cases kill, the crew. Slishish do not readily surrender if they can still resist, so out of the crews complement of thousands only about a hundred were taken prisoner, most badly wounded, and/or unconscious.

The invaders were from a coalition of several planets and small systems that had allied themselves in order to fight the Slishish. All their worlds had suffered from Slishish depredations and raids to gather slaves. And once the battle was over there was still much to be done, including rounding up Slishish survivors and holdouts. But one of the main things was to free the slaves, and there were hundreds; if not thousands, of them. Most from twenty different races, but a few others as well. Most were female as the main function of the ship had been the breeding and training of slaves to prepare them for sale. Some of the races were totally unknown to the "liberators", but all would be freed and attempts made to return them to their native worlds, and by doing so hopefully gain new allies.

Of course I was unaware of that as I continued to hide, too scared to do anything else. My life; such as it was, had been a secure routine of boredom and pleasure, so I welcomed any new development with distrust. Such was my conditioning that I wanted my handler to come for me more than anything else. But my senses were very sensitive, and I was perfectly aware when several aliens entered the area where I was hiding and I tracked them by sound, scent and heat signatures, and I knew they were not Slishish. Three were from races I recognized as belonging to some of my "mates", but the other two scents were unknown. None were Slishish, and I didn't know what that might mean. I had come to be completely dependent on my Masters for everything, and their absence was frightening. To be sure I didn't love my Masters, but they did represent stability and familiarity. Nervously I waited to see what would happen as I really didn't know what else to do. To try and contact the aliens never occurred to me. I couldn't talk any way. And what would they think about a thing like me?

The alien in charge of the search party; a large vaguely cat like creature in full combat armor, carefully scanned the room. And there was one life sign, but according to the scanner it was "unknown". Definitely not a lizard though, but still worthy of being approached cautiously. First they tried to contact the unknown life form with several different languages, including Slishish. But there was no reply, so they spread out and approached it from several different angles to prevent any escape attempts and provide mutual fire support in case of it was hostile. But when they finally cornered the unknown creature they stared at it in confusion. What the hell was the thing? Their scanner contained the life signs of over three hundred sentient life forms, and twenty thousand animals. This thing was not in the data base, but it seemed to give partial combined signals from several intelligent races. They had never seen anything like it. Frankly they thought it's long rubbery snout with the constantly drooling double tongue was revolting.

I looked up as a strange alien in armor stepped into view, and cowered in the corner made by two large storage containers with my twisted arms over my head. Please, I thought, please don't hurt me. I'll be good Masters. I mewled and crouched submissively. Where's my handler? I want to go back to my stall now. I'm hungry.

The feline alien removed his helmet and spoke into his wristcom.

"It's alright gang, whatever it is it's harmless. I think it's an animal of some kind, but a really weird one. It's naked and has a collar and harness, so I guess it must have gotten loose from one of the barns during the fighting. Ruk, take it to the main hanger area, they're loading all the livestock onto transports there."

Ruk replied, "Why do I always get the shit details Crass?"

"Because you always bitch the most." Replied the feline named Crass. "It's docile so it will be easy to handle. Now get your furry butt over here and get this thing out of here."

"Yes sir" said Ruk very reluctantly. He gave the leash a hard yank, and said "Come on beastie. Gods you're an ugly brute."

He hurt my feeling when he called me an ugly brute, but I followed him without question as it was clear he was a Master of some kind. I was just glad to finally be under supervision again. And I was hungry too, so was looking forward to my stall and a good feed.

But instead of taking be back to me stall; which confused and worried me, he led me into a part of the ship I had never been before. The remaining human part of my mind was curious enough to look around. I was disappointed I hadn't been allowed to mate, but my new surrounding where interesting. The corridors were larger and had heavy doors every so often, many now damaged or blown open.

As we passed one junction where the Slishish had defended a barricade after the blast doors had been breached I suddenly caught a familiar scent. The bodies had been pulled to one side, the Slishish in one heap and the strange aliens in another. I pulled away from the soldier, who was too surprised to keep his hold on the leash. Moving over to the pile of dead lizards I gently nudged one of them and gave a moan of concern, it was my handler. He had been the only lizard I'd had much contact with since I began my new life, and in his way he had been good to me. My stall had always been clean, and he had kept me well fed and groomed, and I had come to depend on him and look forward to his visits to my stall to collect or feed me. Giving a wet slobbering wail I nudged at him again, tears running down my muzzle as I gently caressed his snout with my tongue. He'd been the only friend I'd had for years, and both the beast and the human grieved for him. The alien named Ruk took the leash again and gave it a gentle pull, but I didn't want to leave my handler. He petted my neck, and said,

"Come on, we've got to go. I'm sorry about your friend."

So I followed him, but looked back one more time at the still form and gave another wail of grief. At least one lizard had someone who mourned his loss that day.

Finally he led me into a large hall like room, the largest I'd seen since the jungle hub. I was turned over to another surprised looking alien, one of the deer like ones, and he tied me to a railing, left me a pail of water, and seemed to forget about me. I crouched down and kept looking around in confusion, and I was getting really hungry. I started to give wet mewling cries as I called for food. I didn't like it here, where was my handler? Then I remembered he wouldn't be coming for me anymore, and my cries turned to wails of grief and loss.

The hall was being used as an assembly point for freed slaves to be categorized and separated by species and sex prior to be shuttled to transports. They had to act fast as the habitat ship had sent out distress calls and already several Slishish battle units had acknowledged and were en route in response. While a habitat ship was huge its defenses were limited, but battle units were a different story. They would load as many former slaves as possible, and then run like hell. Any slaves left behind didn't need to worry about retaliation from the Slishish, they were too valuable, and besides they were just animals.

I was too busy wailing to notice when a large group of mixed female slaves were brought into the hall, many of them obviously pregnant. But they weren't too busy to notice me. I wasn't aware of anything until a blast from an energy rifle slammed into my side, and I went over with a squeal of surprised pain.

It took two soldiers to wrest the energy weapon from the hands of the enraged Bondai female as she prepared to shoot the fallen beast again. As they did she and some other pregnant females were screaming.

"That's the monster that raped me!" "They forced me to mate with that THING!" "Kill it, it's a monster!" "Kill it! Kill it!" "Let me go, I'm going to blast that damn thing again!" And many others had also gotten involved now that they had seen me too, and it almost became a riot. They all had one thing in common despite being from different alien races; they hated me and what I represented the degradation of being bred like animals with no choice in their "mate". The fact I had no more choice in the matter then they did made no difference, but of course they didn't know that. Even if they did they probably wouldn't have cared.

But I wasn't really aware of what was going on by then. I was hurt badly, and was thrashing and squealing in agony, trying to get up, but I couldn't as my leg was shattered along with some ribs and I had a bad burn from the energy bolt. I didn't know what had happened, and didn't understand why I had been hurt. I wanted more than anything to be back in my nice safe stall with my handler giving me a good feed and rubdown.

Finally the soldiers restored order, and the females were told "the matter would be looked into", and then led; still protesting, onboard waiting shuttles. After they left a couple of the officers came over and stared down at the struggling beast that they assumed was merely an animal. It had done nothing to indicate otherwise.

"Its hurt bad, said One. What is it? I've never seen anything like it before."

The other officer replied, "Near as I can figure it's a hybrid of some kind, according to the females it was used to mate with, and impregnate, more than one alien species. It must be a creation of the Slishish genetics lab, made to use in the breeding pens. You know they like stuff like that."

"Well as far as I'm concerned it's a monstrosity, and should be destroyed. If we leave it here they'll just keep using it in the pens on the next batch of slaves they take. Besides, its hurt bad, I vote we destroy it."

"No argument there", said the other officer, as he pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the creatures head. But the large terrified eyes gave him pause, and that pause saved the creature's life.

I had finally stopped thrashing, and lay exhausted moaning from pain. The pain had also shocked what remained of my human mind wide awake from its long doze into oblivion. I was once again perfectly aware; at least for now, and understood what the two aliens were saying as the Slishish had seen no reason to remove the translation programs from my chip. When one of the aliens had pulled what was obviously a weapon from a holster on his hip and pointed it at my head I looked at him and pleaded with my eyes as I lifted up one of my awkward arms and screamed "Nuuuurrrrrgggglllllee!" Even the thing I was valued its life.

The officer hesitated, then aimed his pistol again at the squealing thing on the ground, but then stopped when a soft lilting voice said,

"Hold! Do not do this thing!"

The officer looked up in confusion; and then surprise, when he saw who had addressed him. He looked at the huge purple worm. He knew what it was, but it was the first time he had ever seen one. A Trill! He had heard rumors they were extinct. But this one was definitely alive, and from the cluster of smaller worms on its back it was also a mother. They were almost legendary beings, and he respectfully bowed his head and said,

"Great One, this beast is badly injured; we merely want to put it out of its misery."

The Trill, using the translator attached to its mouth, replied "First, it is not a beast, but an intelligent being. A good and gentle soul who had no say in what was done to him, another horror to add to the Slishish's long list. He had no choice; or control, over what they forced him to do. And though it seems strange even to me he is my mate, father of my children. He carries in him the seed of many races, including my own. I ask that you spare him and put him in my care. I accept full responsibility."

The officers held a brief consultation, and then turning back to the Trill one said,

"Of course Great One, he is remanded into your care. But he is badly injured, and may be beyond help. Our scanner indicates broken bones and internal injuries in addition to 2nd and 3rd degree burns. I doubt he could survive being moved."

By now I was in shock, and my consciousness was fading in and out. I just lay on my side breathing in painful labored breaths as the jagged ends of my broken ribs were pushing against my lungs. But I could sense my mate nearby as my ability to do so had returned with my awareness, and her presence helped calm me as she soothed my mind and blocked the worst of the pain. I wanted to join with her, to hold her so badly. I was so scared.

The Trill replied, "I will stabilize him so he may be moved. But most importantly I need the medical information on him, his file from the ships medical data base. He may require special care about which I know nothing. These poor creations often do."

"Great One, that is not a problem, we have already downloaded the entire ships data base with the exception of a few encrypted military files. I have already found the file for this, um, being. You are right, he is a creation, and does require special food supplements. I have, have never seen such a creation before, it is beyond my understanding, even for the Slishish. To do something like that to an intelligent being is obscene."

"Thank you captain, the Trill said, now leave me with him. He is grievously injured and I must work fast. Let me know when we must leave."

She flowed over to the now silent; now unconscious, beast. Gently she stroked his face and muzzle with her tongue. Stimulated by her contact he extended his tendrils and she positioned herself so they could join. He only extended those in his hands though since they weren't mating. The genital tendrils allowed them to feel what the other felt during mating, the front tendrils were for direct mental and physical joining and communication. As they bonded she was dismayed by the extent of his injuries. Oh my love, she thought, you did not deserve this. And she started to repair the damage as quickly as she could.

Finally she had done all she could, and breaking contact with her mate she saw to his loading onboard a transport. They were one of the last to leave as already allied battle units were engaging the Slishish relief force to fight a rear guard action and buy some time for as many of the slaves to be rescued as possible.

I woke up with a guttural squeal, and groggily lifted up my head and looked around in confusion. I was in a room lying on a sleeping pad, a nice thick soft one, and had an IV in one leg that was immobilized in a heavy cast that looked like plastic. To my surprise I had several small purple furry worms draped across my body like some sort of fur stoles. I heard the door open, and looked up as my mate entered the room. I could feel her joy at seeing me awake, and knew she felt my own joy at seeing her.

"They are your children, she said, as she looked at the peaceful scene. I could not keep them away from you; they are fascinated by your scent and strange short sensing fur. How are you feeling my love?"

I leaned over and gently licked the nearest baby worm, and was rewarded with a purring sound like a kitten would make. I was mesmerized by them, my children? It felt good, felt nice. I looked at her wishing I could talk again for the billionth time, and held out my arms. She knew what I wanted; the only way I could talk with her was by joining. She flowed over to me and soon our bodies joined and we became one. And I knew everything instantly.

I had thought I really wasn't the father of the young Trill, that all I was, was a life support unit for the sexual organs of some poor male worm. He was the father, not I. But it turns out I was at least partially the father as Trill cannot conceive unless both the male and female give a part of their life essence; a spark if you will, to every new life they create. It did not matter that one was from a different species, the mutual love and joining was all that was required. And despite our physical differences we did love one another, with all our souls. And our children; though physically Trill, had souls that were partly human. And they instinctively recognized; and loved, the father that had helped give them life. They did not care what he looked like.

And so I entered into the last stage of my rather long and eventful life, and it was a stage filled with happiness and pleasure. The Trill race had been scattered and decimated when their home world was virtually destroyed by the Slishish. As the great majority of their race were female a virile male was rare. So soon I had many more mates, all of whom I loved as well. My life mate did not mind sharing me with other females, with their kind a male found one life mate but always mated with many other females who were ready to bear young. And so I helped to save an ancient race from extinction. I would always walk with a limp, and the damage to my mind was still extensive, but I retained enough of my human awareness and intelligence to understand; and enjoy, my new life. And my mates did much to repair my shattered mind. And everywhere I went I always had an escort of small furry forms following me and/or riding on my back. When they grew up and left I was sad, but I would always recognize one of my children even if many long years had passed, and had many joyful reunions. And when I finally died of old age I was attended by my mates, and they and hundreds of my children mourned my passing, and I died happy and content.

The End


The Eternal Orgy

This story is copyrighted, so NO takee! The Eternal Orgy By William W. Kelso Man has existed since long before recorded history, and in those primeval times great nations and empires rose and fell to leave no trace, or only the faintest...

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That Others May Live

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is not a Furry or Yiff story I'm afraid, it's just something I felt I had to write. It's dedicated those soldiers who go into combat unarmed, not to kill, but to save lives. That Others May Live By...

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is for my good friend Scaliecrystal. Sacrifice! By William W. Kelso Rachel closed her eyes and sobbed in terror as she listened to the doctor's screams pain and horror, but mercifully they...

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