
Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#28 of One Shots

-bad with titles- Hope you like it <3 comments appreciated. Practicing with 1st person.

I thought it was going to be a boring weekend, boy was I wrong. I travel across country quite a bit doing consulting so I'm not home very often. As you can imagine it doesn't work very well for my marriage and my wife, god bless her, but we just don't get along very well anymore. Our daughter's off to college too even though it seemed like yesterday she was just a striped little kitten. Anyway I was staying in a hotel in Atlanta over the weekend and luckily enough the company that hired me was having its yearly shareholders meeting there at the same time.

I arrived Friday and checked in, the meeting was on Saturday so I had some time to prepare a speech. There was a brief meeting in the conference room to bring me up to speed and do a little planning around six so I made my way down after putting my things away.

"Mr. Wells what do you think about this?" the room stopped and looked at me, expecting some miracle solution no doubt. I looked through my notes for a second to make it seem like I was going to say something impressive.

"It's shit, and here's why." I'll spare you the details, but basically they had a classic case of poor risk management. But that's why they hire my company, for an outside perspective. They don't have to listen to me but they pay me because I know their industry. The meeting ended pretty quickly and most of the others were just as quick to exit. A younger husky stayed though, he got up once everyone had left, looking over to me as I closed my briefcase.

"You catch all that?" I asked him, clearly he wasn't somebody in a high position.

"Uhm... Yeah I think so, not enough inventory turnover right?"

"Something like that." he looked away shyly as he tried to pack away equipment used for the presentation they set up. I normally would have left it at that and left but there was something about this husky. He was somewhat lean, his fur an unusual crimson, his muzzle was white and so were the undersides of his arms. I couldn't help myself from asking one more question.

"What do you do for Lankin and Co?

"Oh me? Nothing really I just started." he seemed relieved to admit it, as if it lifted a burden of assumed knowledge or ability.

"Just started huh? Well you must do something."

"I just finished college but I only got the job because my uncle works here." I was a little surprised by his bluntness but hey, who am I to judge?

"Who's your uncle? Maybe I've worked with him."

"Oh he's the CFO." now that I wasn't expecting.

"You don't say, I have worked with him, bit of a hardass." I smiled and sent the husky a wink, trying to be friendly, he definitely took it another way.

"You're telling me." he was humming quietly as he finished packing up and turned to me. He was ready to go and leaning on the conference table, only stopped by our conversation.

"Well I'm going to head up to my room, have to present this independent review to your shareholders tomorrow." I picked my briefcase from the table and straightened my suit jacket.

"Wait, your heading to bed this early?" he paused to pull his sleeve back, revealing a red heart dyed into his white wrist fur. "It's only 6:45, want to get a drink with me?" I hadn't had a drink on business trip in 15 years but the husky's pleasant smile convinced me to accept. We walked out together and over to the bar, still a tad overdressed and carrying our briefcases.

"I guess we shoulda hiked these up to our rooms first." he set his briefcase down next to his barstool. I shook my head and grabbed his case.

"What's your room number?" he looked a little taken back by my request, was that too personal of a question to ask so soon?

"712." he answered with some curiosity in his tone, he might have thought I was about to suggest we head up but I just grabbed the attention of a hotel employee and slipped them a tip with our room numbers.

"I did not know you could do that." he nodded approvingly, his eyes a little wide from learning something new.

"Why not? They are here for you, you tip high enough and you can get damn near anything." I joined him at the long bar just to the side of the hotel lobby. It wasn't too packed tonight, I guess there weren't any events in town tonight.

"So Mr. Wells, you travel a lot?"

"Call me John at the bar, I'm only Mr. Wells in front of your bosses. What was your name by the way?"

"Xander." he stuck his right paw out across the bar, the heart on his wrist showing as his cuff failed to hide it. I couldn't keep from looking at it as my paw met his and I gave it a firm shake. His shake wasn't at all firm, but gentle and feminine; I almost felt bad for squeezing so hard, like I was going to hurt his paw. He certainly noticed me looking at his wrist though, our eyes met awkwardly for a moment before I turned and placed both arms on the counter.

"Can I get you gentlemen anything?" the bartender was now in front of us.

"Just a glass of your cheapest pinot noir please." I gave him my room number and turned, Xander ordered a beer but was giving me a curious look.

"I didn't think you'd be a wine guy, I was expecting a guy like you to be the whiskey type."

"Sorry, I don't plan on going to any frat parties tonight." he laughed, catching my shot at him. The bartender returned with our drinks quickly and I handed him a bill. We talked for a few hours, sipping on drinks to pass the time. I got him to try some finer wine's and he seemed to enjoy them. Also brushed him up on a lot of things he wasn't aware of in his own industry. I never would have guessed how underqualified he was by looking at him. He seemed to be a good guy though, I envied his youth and enthusiasm. When I next checked the clock above the bar it was almost ten.

"Look at the time." I said as I grabbed my wallet to tip the bartender once more as he brought me a glass of water.

"It's not even that late, I've probably learned more from you tonight than I would in a week working."

"Oh stop, most of it was common sense anyway, you would have picked it up." Xander smiled and laughed softly, a little strange since I hadn't said anything funny. Then it made sense though, his paw slowly slid over mine on the bar counter and I looked up from my glass of water. He was sitting there looking invitingly at me, his paw slowly rubbing mine and his body partially turned to face me. I had to ask myself if this was the first time he'd hit on me all night, had I been flirting with him without realizing it too?

"Just one more drink?"

"No, no I really should be going. Need to sober up for tomorrow." he seemed disappointed but his paw remained in place.

"Well alright, I had a good time talking with you this evening." I nodded and raised my glass of water to him before finishing it. But then he continued before releasing my paw. "If you change your mind you know my room number." he then winked and headed off. I dared not follow until he was in the elevator and gone. I have been out of the game for a while so I definitely missed a lot of que's but an invitation to his room was unmissable. He was cute, reminded me of an otter I had a fling with in college but that was a long time ago. I shook my head of the thoughts and made my way up to my room.

I let myself in and took off my blazer only to see a pair of briefcases lying on the closet floor. The employee had brought both to my room instead of splitting them up. I looked in the closet mirror at the tiger standing there, I wanted to take the case up to Xander's room. It was as if this second chance had been dropped into my lap, a reason to take the step out. There's no way he was that into me though, I sucked in my muscle gut and checked myself out in the mirror. My days at the gym were over but I still had some muscle on me.

"Why not." I said aloud and grabbed his briefcase, leaving the room without my jacket. I was a bit nervous as I knocked on his door, it had only been a few minutes since the bar. I hoped I wasn't coming off as desperate, but I had a reason for coming though. I shook my head, no, I wasn't here for anything more than returning a colleagues belongings. Then the door opened.

"Yes handsome?" the husky said shyly from the doorway. He opened it slowly, revealing his lack of clothing. I must have stared for a moment because his shy smile turned into more of a grin.

"I uhh... have your briefcase, they took it to my room." I held it out, and he waited before taking it, forcing me to endure him longer.

"Oh, thanks I didn't even notice. Do you want to come in?" the moment of truth.

"I could use the restroom if you don't mind." I know it was cheeky, but I couldn't think of anything else. He chuckled and let me in, I made my way to the bathroom on the left before my eyes took in too much of the view he was giving me. I closed the door and sat on the seat, the image of the husky's bubble rump tucked into a pair of tight briefs burned into my head. His inner thighs were the same white of his forearms and chest, while his hips, sides and back were that beautiful crimson. I took in a deep breath and flushed the toilet to convince him that I had actually used it. While washing my paws I couldn't help but notice how obvious the bulge in my slacks was. I thought about waiting for it to die down but what was the point, why pretend I came here for any other reason.

I opened the door and turned to see Xander ironing his shirt from before on the other side of the hotel room. He smiled and finished, holding up his shirt and noticing a few wrinkles.

"Damn, always miss a spot."

"It's because you're going too quickly."

"Are you an expert in ironing too? You gonna show me a risk assessment?" he teased.

"Move over pup, let me show you how it's done." God I felt old, teaching him how to iron something. He enjoyed it though, standing next to me as I guided the iron over the shirt. His arm subtly snuck around my side and held me as he leaned into me. I finished and held up the shirt for him.

"See? Just need to take a little more time..." I spoke slower after I noticed he was looking up at me, his lip tucked in ever so slightly. His eyes were practically begging me to invite him in, to do something to let him know I was okay with it. So I did, my muzzle opened and I tilted my head down slightly to meet his lips. His grip on my side tightened as I finally accepted him. I kept my eyes open but he closed his, I could see his bushy tail flicking behind him.

"You're overdressed." he finally spoke.

"I shouldn't be doing this." I said back to him, my conscious attempting to regain control.

"Why? You told me you caught your wife cheating on you twice." shit, I guess I did talk a lot when I got some alcohol in me. I shrugged, acknowledging his point and then his shifted in front of me, pulling me to one of the beds and sitting me down while undoing the buttons on my shirt. His paws moved quickly and I helped him take it off. Then came my belt, my slacks, he didn't waste any time. Once I was down to my boxers he pushed me onto my back and climbed onto the bed, straddling me. He sat on the tent in my boxers and smiled down at me, his paws running up my firm gut.

"Do you tease all your partners like this?"

"When was the last time you got teased at all hun?"

"Wow that's a tough one, by my wife? A few years probably." Might as well be honest, I hadn't gotten laid in a while.

"Why don't you let me show you what you've been missing?" he leaned forward, nipping roughly at one of my pecs. "Then I can ride you until you pass out." my eyes widened a little, the shy husky from the meeting room was totally different here. He kissed me again and then moved down between my legs, kneeling on the ground. He worked my girth from my boxers and began nuzzling it, his soft cheek fur drove me wild as he brushed against it. Just as I was beginning to enjoy it I felt an unfamiliar sensation, a warmth quickly engulfed my cock. I looked down to see his cute muzzle bobbing eagerly on me.

My wife never gave me head and this was perfect. No teeth, he didn't gag, and when my tip pressed against the back of his throat I almost came on the spot. I was gripping the bedsheets tightly as I tried to control myself. Finally I groaned, something he was waiting for as he pulled his muzzle from my length and then sunk back down on it. I tried to sit up but he put a paw on my chest to keep me down. I grabbed it, and squeezed it as he kept up his work. I could feel my length throbbing in his muzzle without my consent.

"Easy, you don't want to miss your ride do you?" he got my message, his bobbing slowing until he could pull off while looking seductive.

He stood and slowly slid his briefs down, his cock bouncing free against his legs. Before I could sit up he pushed me back down and straddled me again but facing the opposite direction, sitting on my lap reverse cowgirl style.

"You don't waste any time do you?" he looked back at me, his tail brushing across my chest as he used a paw to keep my slick length trapped against his rump.

"I've wanted this since the moment you walked into that meeting." I wasn't going to protest. It wasn't until he started lowering his backside down my shaft that I noticed he had another set of hearts dyed into his lower back fur. He let out a cute yip as my entire length slipped inside him, his firm rump flush with my crotch. He looked back at me again as he raised himself and swirled his hips a bit. I gave his but a gentle slap and he giggled.

I could hardly believe my eyes, 10 minutes ago I was in my room and now here I was buried in the tight husky I'd met only a few hours ago. He was enjoying himself too, his hips raising and lowering in my lap, slapping against me louder and louder. I grabbed his sides to help him though he didn't need it. It had been a while for me though and I could feel my balls pulling up to my body. There was no way I could last long enough to give him the breeding he deserved. So I grunted loudly to grab his attention and lifted my legs to force him back. I squirmed back and bent my knees so my foot paws were on the edge of the bed. His legs spread and he laid against my chest.

I drove my hips into him as hard as I could and didn't stop. I knew I couldn't last but I could give him a good quick pounding. He moaned loudly as I took over, his paw fished around for mine until he was able to pull it over his cock. His body rocked on top of me as I drove into him, my arm wrapped around his toned stomach and my other paw held his shaft as it moved with his body. Normally I would have stopped someone from being so loud but I didn't care, I wanted him to make as much noise as possible. I yearned for his pleasured cries as I neared my climax.

I wish I could have lasted longer but I came into the hot crimson dog harder than anything before. Warm gushes of tiger cum pumped into his rear, hopefully making him feel as great as I did. My hips kept gently pushing upwards with each pulse of my cock until my legs were shaking on their own. His head was laid back on my shoulder and I nibbled on his cheek and ear as he panted. He kept grinding himself against me, as if he wanted more. He replaced my paw on his cock with his own and pawed furiously. His face distorted as he pleasured himself, his muzzle twisting with pleasure as he squeezed on the length still inside him. He finally gasped one last time and his chest rose, he quickly forced my paw back around his cock and he thrust upwards into it. Next came a series of whimpers I'll never forget as he humped my paw weakly, arcs of husky cum shooting across him and up over us onto the bedsheets. It lasted for a few seconds and then he was just trickling into my paw.

I rubbed his belly and kissed his neck tenderly as he came down, neither of us wanted to move. He arched his back and let out a satisfied sigh, turning his head to give me the warm smile which had entranced me before.

"Not so bad for someone who hasn't been laid in years."

"Oh yeah? You're not so bad for someone who can't iron his own shirts."

"Hey, I almost had it." he chuckled. We laid together for who knows how long until my cock finally started to soften inside him. I helped him sit up and I couldn't help feeling a bit dirty as my cock slipped out of him. He went for a towel and returned to clean us. We crawled into the other clean bed together and he nestled up to me, I wrapped my arm around him and the next thing I knew I was out.

The morning was pretty normal after that, he woke me with a kiss and I went to my room to get dressed. I didn't see him again until the shareholder meeting. To my surprise he gave a speech, something about continuing a family legacy within the company. I was sitting next to his uncle during the presentation. As everyone clapped when he finished I turned and spoke.

"You're nephew's quite charismatic."

"Oh yeah, kid's going places. You better be careful though, he's got a thing for older tigers."

"You don't say."